The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 14, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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4" 1
li "
I i;
! i
V i
: I.
of the
The fabrics are entirely new. The tailoring is the best
that good makers could do. Come in and try them oh.
l "Oregon- "Abraham Lincoln
V liberty Buck Jones In 'The
' .Maa Who Played Square."
' Grand "The Man Who Came
f s Back," by John Fleming
Wilson.- .
" Bllgh' theaierFive acts of
v ? vaudeville, and - pictures.
JfJm V
Txi-BerTice Changed v
The-: Yellow-Cab company will
not e under tne airectorship of
Frank D. Bllgh and Troy D.
Woods, according to changes in
assumed, business names ; oh file
with the county- clerk yesterday.
The new management is under R.
R. Keyes., The offices are at the
i Bllgh. hotel. The Silver Creek
Creamery, J.W.' Kubberness and
t rtCerPa BKabbernessproprietors;
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
Popular Priced
Men's and Young Men'
Tailored Salts $25 to $45
r f: D. H. MOSHER
Dr. B.H. White
... ; Ort pthy-Surgty
Xlactroaie Diagnosis sad TrMtmaat
(Dr. Abram'a method).
Offiea Phatt ASO r 469-J V
- SOS V. S. Bulk Bldf.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 m. m. to 3 p. m. ' '
Carry all Sizes of Coal
from the large furnace to the smallest nut ftlze. Tell
us for what purpose the coal is required and we'll point
out the proper size to use. ; But although we carry all ( ' -sizes,
we handle only one Quality, the Tery best coal
from the Tery best mines. ; Our coal service is yours "
to command. -
Price rane from $10 to tl" Vs
Also handle the best Diamond Briquette f 15
PHONE 930,
The New
The new two button coats will
most popular numbers
Spring Suit Program.
the1 Salem Art and Beauty-Shop,
153 South High, with Ruth Branti
and'Sfgne Branti, proprietors, are
the other assumed business names
filed during the day. l' .
Reserved Seats for the !
.. Championship .basketball game
tonight.', $1.00 at Hauser Bros.,
Anderson's or -the gym. ml4
Takes ChOd to Court
Mrs. Ida Oakley of the Sahtiam
country! held a sleeping child In
her ; arms yesterday while she
heard read an indictment charg
ing, herf with assault with a j dan
gerous .weapon. She is charged
with having attacked a neighbor,
Mary Martin, in an assault said to
have been staged at the Oakley
home on December 9. It is al
leged Mary Martin resented cer
tain : tales ; that Iwere alleged - to
have been told about her in the
community by Mrs. Oakley's son
and wanted revenge and redress.
Mrs. Oakley, attacked her with a
knife and inflicted Injuries, which
may f cause Mrs. Oakley to be
placed in the felon's cell. It is ex-
Dancing! Dancing!
j 1 1 IPO i
Thomas Bros. Jaza Band Or
chestra, ! full of life and pep
Skating, Skating, Skating
;;I ;j 'at dreamxand
Tnursday, Friday, Saturday
Masquerade Skate Saturday,
; -j i March 14 .
1 ' : i : i
i I
Ay E
;MIB J w
M' E
I il K f A
be one
of our
pected that the whole case will be
cleared up during this trial, be
cause of the trouble necessary in
getting into and out of the San
tiam country.- '- 4-; ' -1 ,
legion Meets Monday
There will be a big joint meet
ing of Capitol Post No. 9, and the
American Legion auxiliary "at the
Armory Monday ' night.' "Because of
the large .tuinbut that is antici
pated, it was deemed advisable to
transfer the meeting place from 1
McCornack ; hall.. The American
Legion is getting behind the auxil
iary and are assistaing them in
staging an intensive : membership
campaign that is expected to bring
in all eligible members. -
Royal Dadmun, Baritone
Grand, Thursday. March 19th.
Seats on sale Wills' and Moore's
Music houses, 75c; 1; f 1.50. ml8
Saturday Night Special
The ; American ' Legion is run
ning a special train to Corvallis
tonight for the district convention
to be staged there, f The Salem
delegation will board the train at
Trade and High streets at 6:10
o'clock. The special train will
start at Woodburn and will carry
contigents of Legloneers from Sll
verton, Woodburn, Albany and Sa
lem to Corvallis One feature of
the train will be the field kitch
en which will $e Installed in the
baggage' car. ' Army feeds are to
be served the veterans in style
they were formerly used to.
You Will Knjoy
Our Sunday Chicken Dinner at
75c. Dally Merchant's Lunch 45c.
Salem Restaurant. ml5
Medical Society Meets T
The Polk- Yamhill-Marion Medi
cal society will meet at the Gray
Belle for dinner at 7 o'clock Tues
day .night, j Dr. Ernest F. Tucker
or Portland will lead.a paper on
The Cancer Problem." with Dr.
W, B. Morse opening the discus
sion. . i ;
Franklint Sedan
In wonderful condition for only
1695. Own a Franklin once and
you'll never be satisfied with any
other car. Ask any Franklia own
er. v See this at the Certifiel ; Pub
lic Motor Car Market, one-half
block north of postoffice. : ? ; ml 4
Applies for State Job '? ! "
Dr. G. F. Korinek of Stay ton Is
the applicant for tne new place of
county herd inspector, as created
by the bill providing for herd in
spectors in the various counties of
Oregon. The bill allows the coun
ty court to fix the salary of the in
spector at an amount not! to ex
ceed $10 per day, which will in
clude all traveling expenses as
well as the salary. J. The inspec
tors are to care for: stock. Under
the law beef Cattle 'are exempted
from tubercular tests, unless they
are in close contact with dairy
reduckd Summer rates
to california 4
San JFrancfsw, one way, 915.50
Romid Trip, 930.00 ; :
hoa Angeles, one way, $27.35
Round Trip, $50.00
' Special Rates to Parties of
Eight or Mere I
For Information and Reserva
tions phone 696, or call at
i , -. ftafera, Oregw
and .. .
The House of m Billlion and
One Bargains -
E at ft 1924 Orerlaad fosrhf ,
. equipped with the Urge motor ; '
i also maay sccessoriea ad 1925
Thie car rant exentioaally -well
and ia a Tery roed bay at
S450. '
See it today at j. . !
herds. Under this condition the
beef cattle will bo inspected for
tuberculosis. ' v ' "
Expect 50 Teachers-
; .Miss Grace Snook .superintend
ent of physical education in the
Salem public schools, has charge
of the program which will enter
tain the convention of the Oregon
State Physical Education associ
ation, which is to meet In Salem.
A report by Miss Thayer, chairman
of the basketball committee of the
association, will be read. She is
professor of physical education at
OAC. Charles Botsford of Reed
college will give a review of a new
book by Bowen Sc Mitchell on
"Theory of Play." Others who will
be there are Miss Balance of OAC.
Professor Stupp and 'Professor
Scott of the University of Oregon.
Girt Reserves Meet .
The local organization . of the
Girl Reserves will , meet tonight
under the direction of . Rosaline
Buren. Miss Mary Eyre will en
tertain with . a short account of
her trip to Europe, which she re
cently finished. j- " - "
Reserved Seats for the .
Championship basketball game
tonight. $1.00 at Hauser Bros.,
Anderson's or the gym. ml4
Has Big Cat
Arthur W. Stein, who Is with
the Moore's Music House, claims
to have the largest black Persian
cat In Salem. The name of the
cat is "Foxy," and Stein claims
to have the animal well trained.
Stein is a former resident of Port
land and moved here 'recently.
Birth Announced ' 1
A girl was born on' Friday, the
13th, tty Mr. and Airs.. William
Reeds at the Salem hospital. No
name has been selected for, the
new arrival. -
Merchandise Shoot
At Turner, Sunday March 15.
. m!4
Mr. Condit Very HI j ..
A. O. Condit, the attorney, is
in St. Vincent's hospital . at pott
land and his. condition has gfown
worse and is "serious. .. '
Escapes Reform School
Bert McClaine, . an inmate of
the boys' training school, escaped
yesterday, according to the report
filed with the police. He has
black hair and eyes and was clad
in khaki uniform.! . V .
1 Ml Clatl
j Tonight. m!4
Are Pinched for Conduct
Disorderly conduct is the charge
lodged against Howard Lane of
Salem and Earnest McKinney, who
were driving around the Salem
streets honking their motor horn
at girls they would see on the
walks. Officer Edwards observed
their tactics and they were taken
to the police station. Bail was
fixed at $5 each.
Fines Imposed - ...
H. L. Reynolds and S. Wilkins
paid a fine of $7.50 each when
they appeared in the police court
I to answer charges of speeding.
Girl Is Born : a
To Mr. and Mrs. Alen Brown of
icade View Orchards, a daugh-
er. who has been named Patricia
June, at the Salem hospital, yes-
erday. . - '
Goes Before Grand Jury .
. ? Clarance W. Thompson, iormer
cashier in the state treasurer's 01-
fice durine the terms of Treasur
ers Hoff and Myers, who was
charged with misappropriation of
state funds, will anpear before the
grand jury within a week, accord
ing to the announcement made
vesterdav. The court will be ask
ed to continue the grand jury .ses
sion from time to time, but will
take a recess for a few days. -
Students Arrested
In his teal to get to the basket
ball games, Ted; Pope, Franklin
high school student of Portland,
broke the Salem speed laws, l ac-
Portland's newest Studio School
; . is preparing to film -
All ages needed,, also an op4
portunity for camera men. For
tuition and - class hours phone
"r Aladdin Studio
MAIN 3309, or Call at Studio,
SOU Madison SU, off Vista Ave.
Council Crest Car 3 H
cording to the report of the Salem
police. Pope was. drirlng a . car
which carried a number- of stu
dents. He 'was deprived of $5 by
the line imposed. '
Paolns fo Travel
Robert C. Paulus Is to leave
soon - for : a trip to Seattle and
other northern points, according
to announced plans. He will be
gone for several days.
Falrmonnt Hill Home
Brand beauty, with, the
things you want. . Everything
built-in, , full cement .basement,
furnace, fireplace garage, hard
wood floors, etc. paving and view
Price cut to $6500 to sell right
now. Built by owner for home;
double construction and Union Job
Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank
Bldg. ,.. . ; ml3tf
Colors -Monntaln Plrtare
. O. A. Mallgard.. official kodak
finisher at the Patton book store,
has just finished a mountain scene
which ; is a credit' to his abtllty.
It is a picture of a snow-covered
peak and is to be admired for , the
details which the picture brings
out. ' .. . -'.
To. Sing Inet
Mrs. Martin FereshetIan and
Mrs.' Charles Hughes are to sing
a duet Sunday morning at the
services of' the Unitarian church,
which will be, featured by the at
tendance of the Knight Templars.
Teacher Returns Home.
After a major; operation, Miss
Grace' Hendrlckson, a Brush col
lege teacher. Is ready to return to'
her home, according to the reports
issued yesterday. - '
Hike Arranged .
. Pioneers of the' First Presby
terian church. will join the Cadets
and the Juniors of the Salem Y.
M. C A. today for a hike to some
outlying point near Salem. - The
group is to be under the direction
of Guy Lang, Willamette' univers
ity i student. The boys are to
bring their own lunch. ;
Reserved Seata for the
Championship bask etball game
tonight. $1.00 at Hauser Bros..
Anderson's or the: gym. ; ml4
Coach Vlslt - -
E. E. Holdeman. physical di
rector of the Eugene YMCA, ar
rived in Salem yesterday with two
teams of Leaders and Is to meet
the Junior and Senior leaders of
Bob Iloardman in ; a basketball
contest. . . v -
Makes Trip From - Eugene
Roy Jeffries and Harry Me Don
aid drove to Salem 'on . a motor
Cycle' to take in the Oregoa state
basketball tournament 'yesterday
afternoon. 'Jefferies was one of
the players on Eugene's last year
team. - ' ' ' - .
For Rent 5 Housro
'And flat. One daady'at $30
All are vacant. Becke & Hen
dricks.iUl S.' Bank Bldg. m-13tf
Local Cwclio-Slovak Visits
Frank Rhubets.v a prominent
farmer, was-among those present
from the Liberty district to meet
his fellowmen at the tMarion ho
tel ; yesterday. . Rhubetz met the
party when . they first . arrived.' in
Portland nearly three weeks ago.
but was unable to go withthem
on ' the' tour - of the state. , He
Joined them, however, when they
came to Baiem.
POAGE At his late home, 1420
Chemeketa street. March 13.
' 1925, James A.' Poage.'aged $0
. : years. He is survived by his
wife and ' three children, . Mrs.
Irene Scott of Salem; Mrs. Ora
Isabel of Pasadena, Calif., and
G. P. Poage of Scotts Mills,
f Ore.; by? two sisters, Mrs
! Amanda ' Wright ' of Minater.
; Neb., and Mrs. ' Connrardy of
Exira, la;, and by two brothers.
Bert Poage of Gordon, Neb,
and Dell v Poage- of Alia bore
Ore. Funeral services will be
held' from the Terwilliger home.
770 Chemeketa street, Sunday,
at "2 p.- m.. Rev. Mr. Putnam
. officiating. Committal services
will be at the lOOF cemetery.
DOWNING In this city, March
. 12,; Harry C. Downing, age 55
. years, a native of Marion county
.-'and father of Eugene Downing
of vSan Francisco: brother of
Mrs! Alice I. Patton of Salem,
. Herbert Downing of Wendllng.
Or,, Everett Downing of Stay
ton and the late. Albert Down
ing of this city. Funeral serv
ices will be held Saturday,
March 14. at '1:30 p. m. from
the Rigdon mortuary, interment
in, the Waldo h ills, the ! Rev. J.
J. Evans officiating.
WELLS At Chemawa, March; 12,
Charles Wells, age 18 years.
' 'Funeral - services at Chemawa
Friday, March 13k at 1 :30 p. m.
under the 1 direction - of Rigdon
YOUNG- Mrs. Ann Young died at
a local hospital - March ' 12,- at
the. age; of 80 years. : Her. rei
mains went forward today from
the Webb. Faneral parlors- td
' Portland where funeral services
will be held. : :
. - .-.'.
SCHllOLLrIn this city.rMMrch 13,
George F. SchroJU-age 7$., vFu
beral services will be held Sat
urday, Jdarch'147 at 1:30' p: m.
V at Forest Grove under the dlroc
Uoa of mgdon & Sou.
Annual Spring
Clearance of
" Choice .
Inspecting Party Coming
The bureau of valuation of the
ICC is sending an inspection party
over the entire Southern Pacific
system, according to word , receiv
ed . by the public . service commis
sion; The party will be in charge
of .C. H. Spencer. Classifications
and materials will be checked
while little or no attention will be
paid to the road bed and right of
way. , ' . ' " ;
Phone 2142 for an Appointment-v-
In regard to our Three Months
Business Course. 428 Oregon
Building. ml 4
Three Accidents Fatal
Three of the 516 accidents re
ported to the state industrial ac
cident commission for the week
ending March 12 resulted in fat
alities. - These were Wesley :Car
lyle, timber taller; Bridge; Robert
Crumley, donkey engineman, Flor
ence and N. C. .Nichols, chief elec
trician .Oregon , City. Of the to
tal number 450 were subject to
the provisions of the compensa
tion'act; 64 from firms and: cor
porations which have rejected the
act and ,. two-from. public utility
corporations not subject to the
provisions of the compensation
act. '
Berges Ford Memorial
M. E. church West Salem. F. L
Cqnnel, pastor, Sunday school at
9:45. Classes for. all ages. Mrs.
11. J. Mofriss. superintendent.
Morning 'worship at 11 o'clock.
Sermon by the pastor. Subject:
'The Cure for a Troubled Heart."
Junior League 3 p. m. Epworth
League- 6:15. Preaching service
7:30, sermon by Rev. W. Weath-
Preachina at Brush College
Rev. U." S.' Crowder will preach
at Brush college Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock, t Everybody invited.
See "Down In Maine"
Rebekah benefit play. Grand
March 17. ml4
Lease for "Barreling Operations
;Uaker,V Kelly & McLaughlin,
Inc., have leased from the North
west Fruit. Products company,
space in the Pbe building on
Trade street near Commercial
street for their barreling oper
ations . the coming . season. The
firm is still in the market for, all
the; Marshall and New Oregon
strawberies available at their
Lebanon, Albany, Salem- and
Woodburn plants. ml 4
Open New Quarters April 1 ,
Space has been leased from lhe
Northwest i Fruit Products com
pany by Baker, Kelley & . Mac
Laughlln,' Inc., for their barreling
operations this season. The com
pany will open the new quarters
April 1. Marshall and New Ore
gon strawberry contracts are still
being written by the firm for their
Albany, Lebanon. Woodburn. and
Salem - plants . Contracted crops
will be dillvered in the Phez build
ing on Trade street near Commer
cial street. ml 4
You Will Enjoy
Our Sunday Chicken Dinner at
75c. . Daily Merchant's Lunch 45c
Salem Restaurant. : , mlS
Teachers Re-Elected '
The Middle Grove school has re
elected their teachers for the third
successive year, according to Mrs.
Mary Fulkerson, county superin
tendent of schools, following her
visit ,.to that - district yesterday.
Lloyd Miller is principal, Mrs.
Adelalne Erskine, Instructor of the
intermediates; and Augusta Den
ham of the primary. .- This is an
unusual record and .one that is
hard to beat la . the country.
A fc
Uniforms Are Sought
The' American 1 Legion drum
corps, wh6. are making the trip
to the' convention -in Corvallis to
night.' have secured permission of
the Elks', lodge: to wear the con-
vkt uuiforas which were worn by
Here's an opportuhity to buy a good deal more for your
shoe dollars Honest-to-goodness real leather Shoes and
Oxfords that represent broken sizes, etc.
You'll find it profitable to attend this event.
Salem's Leading Department
At the Seventh Day
Adventist church.
Corner of Fifth -
and Gaines. You are invited.
last lecture this winter. 7:30
the Elks at a recent convention.
Although there is approximately a
hundred of the uniforms in- Salem,
it has only been possible to find
about a dozen of them. It is very
much " desired that anyone having
a suit in his possession will tele
phone Clifford Brown at 115, or
Alvln Rookstool at 583, as early as
possible today so that they may
send for them.
Trim Little Home -
South. $2900, terms. Immediate
possession. Near car and schools.
Puf. front nn navtne. etc. Becke
rfc;.Hendrlcks; TJS. Bank Bldg.
Twins Reported
Lloyd Delbert and Floyd Elbert
Ambrose are the additional twins
reported to" the cub reporter a the
Statesman office, who has- been
making a record of all e twins
in' Marion county. The Ambrose
twins are in the Rosedale district
and are much alike. Difficulty is
experienced by strangers in tell
ing, them apart. Sometime resi
dents in the neighborhood have
difficulty in telling which one is
Lloyd and which one is Floyd and
vice versa. The greatest delight
of the two boys at the present
time is to get on a pair of boxing
gloves and wade into each other.
They are beginning to show some
class, too They are 13 years of
age and have several eugenic rec
ords to their credit.
Sacred Concert
Central Congregational church.
Sunday 7:30 p. m. ml5
Stanfield Coining Home
' United States Senator Robert N.
Stanfield will return to Portland
in. about a week after congress ad
journs' its" session, according to
word received here. He expects
to remain in Oregon during the
summer with a possibility that ses
sions of the public lands commit
tee of the senate will be held dur
ing the recess to call him away for
a time.
Returns to Salem ,
Rev. Harry W. Johnson went to
Eugene yesterday where; he took
part in the evening services of
dedicating the educational wing of
the building erected there. ' Rev.
Johnson, has charge of the Young
People's work of the Congrega
tional church of this district, and
in Oregon.
Daughter Is Born
Word was' received in the city
of the birth of a baby daughter to
Mr, and Mrs. M. R. Coats of Kelso,
Wash. Mrs. Coates Is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Elliot of
Fairview avenue of this city. Mr.
Coates is an electrician. - Dorothy
Irene is the name of the new ar
rival. .
To satisfy that' week end candy
craving,' , V
Slice It !
.4 '.
Sunday Night
When 1 and where
will it be fought?
What doea the
Bible say about it?
This is the
p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Tyler of Uuena
Vista were Salem business visitors
. Guy Funk, resident of -Scio, wa3
in Salem Friday.
I. D. Merchant, a Corvallis res
ident, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rex were
Salem visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor of
Monmouth was in the city for a
while yesterday. -
Mrs, II. BCammTsIT visited
here from Forest Grove Friday.
D. A. Elkins . industrial acci
dent "commissioner, was a Eugene
business visitor.-
., J. A. Churchill state superin
tendent of public instruction, was
in Eugene yesterday looking after
some school matters.
John M. Mann and Leon Ilask
ins, Medford merchants, are tak
ing in the state basketball tourna
ment. ... . . . ,
Mrs. Clay Taylor of Monmouth
was in the city yesterday. -
Last Times Telay..
. Tomorrow
inn urn en:
Last Times Today -
buck ;
Larry Semon
u u u
Today Tomorrow
J Li Li ki u
I !
j L 1
r i