The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 14, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Planned for 7:30 oclock to
morrow evening at4 thet Centrat
Congregational church, under the
able, direction- of Alvin Meade A
chorus ehoir, with a personnel of
4 0 vpices will take part in the pro
gram, with Leonard Chadwick as
violinist and Cecil Deacon as ac
companist. A special feature will
be a number by a quartet which
at this time will make its initial
appearance before a, Salem audi-,
cnce. ,..: .
- Fallowing is the prognaa iM an
nounced, with all invited to at
tend: '. . ..... -.;
VBrightly Gleam; tor Ipner'
. . .v' . t; A ."Stults
iMMenta solors. Newcent, I
jK : Ronald Crayen. j.":. . J
OvOh, Be Joyful In the Lord" -
Mabel Natty
Choir. .
, .'f5ok .Ye the Lord ,fc . . .
; ..Chorus Choir.
Incidental note, K E. Elliott... A
Solo - . - - ... . , , j, . M ...
i Alis.Myra Gleason. . ,
fCod Calling Yet" .... Ruebush
'(Rejoice In the Lord''. ; .MePhall
Solo ; . . i . .::-..S . . . v
. Airs. Guy ewgent. ..
"The King-of Love". .X,B-. Adams
; ' Choir. : i
JncidehUI 8o1oV,MI pearl Eyje
MaJe quartet Harry Gwyhn.'Dr,
,- "i fJarrick, garlULeacK j
v ',-,?"BonaW;Cyeni;;.'n
Violin solo . . . . r. S r
Leonard Chadwick.
"TheHeavens Are Telling'!. . . .
.V. "... Haydn
!'.-- ' HTnorus Chqir: "
with trforMr. ahd'Mrs.-Bro8g ;
(-; . and Roland Craven.
Included in the personnel of the
w choir are: Soprano Mrs. Guy.
.-Itfe.wgent,- Mra. -B. E. -Edwards,
! ' ' Today (. -! ;
Salem Woman's club. Business
meeting, club house. - ,
' Golden Hour club. Dinner (par
ty. Gray Belle at :45 I o'clock.
Salem Women's Service" society.
Cooked food sale. Southern Pa
cific ticket office.
St. Paul's .guild cooked tood
sale. Neimeyer's drug -store, at
. 10:30 o'clock. ,
I Sunday
; Sacred concert. Central Congre
gational church, 7:30 o'clock. ;
Phi Sigma Kappa Founders'
day banquet. Salem restaurant, 3
I Monday
x '-St.. Patrick's Day program.
Wom&n's Club fcallding. Sponsor
ship of Salem KacDowell club.
Dedication of walnut tree ; for
Children of the American Revolu
; tion. ' Court house - grounds, 4
. , o'clock. Auspices of Chemeketa
chapter of the DAR.
Kensington club St. -Patrick's
day party. . Mr, and Mrs. N. C.
V Kafoury hosts.
: ;.' " Tuesday
Writers' club. Mrs. Merrill D.
kY Ohling. 1840 Soiua .High street,
hostess. ' , x
First Eyangelicai hureh. Chick
en.iue&upper.6ili o'clock.
St. Patrick's tea. East: Division
f the First Proefeyterian Ladies?
Aid society. . Church, parlors.. 8 , jto
5 o'clock. ' "' j .":'!;."
Count-on-me class of the First
e Baptist church. ; Miss Dora Wajk-
tr. 407 North Nineteenth street.: !
St. (Patrick's, chicken dinner.
Central Congregational church, .at
fhurch, 19th (and Ferry streets.
- ill ; Wednesjtlay
Daughters of the Nile. Mrs. V.
E. Kunn. 653 N. Winter street.
v Literature study section of the
American 'Association; of UniTers
liy women.
. Thnrsday V - -iy,
' Royal Dadmun, under auspices
. ef Salem MacDowell.ichib, Grand
heater, 8:15 o'clock. -;
1 i .: Satardjr.:W. ... 1
; American Association of TJnl
yersity -Women. 13:80. .o'clock
lunchoa. Gray Belle. Dr. -Walter
H. Brown.. sneaker. . ' - -.
in 3 minutes
I Rhenlftatic 7 pain,. caching joints,
foreaesaj siiftaess, jameness.
" ' t Th new-day- reHef Is red pep
per. ; Nothing else offers such con
cpntritedvBUCh penetrating heat.
( A,nd ,heat that doesn't hnrt youJ, f
You feel it instantly. In three
; nintes the sore spot is warmed
to th depths. Circulation starts,
congestion is reliered. 'T ore
pessand pain disappear. "
. ' j No old-time t method . compares
with the new. Red Pepper Bu
is the modern way. You'll be de
lighted with it.
' ! keep a jar ever-ready. Get it
, tvow. , i it may save you hours of
' which often starts at
ry ght. It's the quickest relief men
know. .
iO- US foe pains l
uACJLJ Gcfiestloa
y i Hon genuint without tit nam kawuu
Mrs. P. E.
Cross, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs. H. W
Elbert Powell, Mrs
W. C. Pettyjohn, Mrs. George
Stanley, Mrs. Cecil Deacon, Miss
Olive Barnard.; Miss Bonka Ed-
wards, Lenora j Meade, Cordenia
Mclntyre, Margaret Mclntyre.
Altos Mrs. ! Harry Chadwlek
Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs. Bert
Adams, Mrs. Arthur Barnard, Mrs
Edgar Daugherty, Miss Pearl Eyre
Miss Myra Gleason, Miss Grace
Welborne, Miss Vera McCune
Miss Harriet Adams.
, Tenors Alvin Meade, director;
E. E. Elliott, ' Ronald Craven. B
Edwards,' .Leonard Chadwick
Npryai Eiward I1 t-
Bass Dr- F, E,. Brown. J. B.
Ashby, Alex I Borrevik, H. W.
Brosp," Ilarriaon . Meade, George
Stanley, J. JB. : Cummings, E. C.
Harris, H. wJ Johnson, Gordon
Barker, Donald Barnard. Accom
panist, Cecil Deacon. J
The children will not meet for
the tory hour '-this nvorning at
the jpuMIc library, it 4s announced
Next week, however, 'story hour
wlil be resumed. " 1 '
The Phi Sigma Kappa members
In Salem will hold t;heir Founders
day banquet at j3 -o'clock tomorrow
afternoon at the Salem restaurant
A loving cuj will be awarded ' to
the Jreshman having the highest
standing of the jrear. r The fra4
ternUr was lirstrganUed JnJIS 1Z
in Massachusetts. ! -Among -the
honorary members are Sam Kozer,
ex-Governor Olcott, ex-Mayor ' Al
bee of Portlandnd Hopkins Jen-
.kins, principal- of the - Jefferson
high school. All fraternity broth-
ersare nrged to attend. . -
'.y:f:-yhV: yy
Mr. And MrsJ Frank Durbln mo
tored to Portland on Wednesday
for the Frits Kreisler concert.
y :
One of Thursday's delightful
hostesses was 'Mrs. v. A. Johnson
who entertained a group of friends
at: twoiUWes-Df bridge, followed
with tea j at her home, 675 South
Church street. ' Mrs. X- A. Paulsen
won the high score of the after
noon, with low 'going to Mrs. W. J.
Li Hie. Yellow' and wgreen gave a
springtime floral note. j "
. Those invitedf or. bridge Jnclud;
d:: 'Mrs,: Otto 'Hoppes, Mrs. E. A.
Paulsen, Mrs. ,W. J. Lillie. Mrs.
Maurice Butler, Mrs,, E. R. Viesko,
Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs. Tom
Rilea ,and Mrs, I. W. Lewis.
Additional- r8ts-at the tea
hour were .Mrs. James Smith and
Mrs .L. R.'Edwards.
r -
The War KWothers -. will ; hold
"bargain day":as a conclusion of
their rummage sale today in the
United. States bank building. The
sale has been .a .successful, benefit
affair of the closing, week. "
yy ' yyyy i
Jk . delihtf ujly given . musical
program was- "nJoyed ' yesterday
noon at the ' Lions lub , luncheon
when groups from the , Willamette
university Giee clubs put on a
program- Miss Trista Wengerand
Miss Atdcane Smith, in clever cos
tume, depicted a rollicking Dutch
courtship in ' their wooden shoe
and starched ha ta. . Miss JJargaret
Lewis accompanied. t " ; ' " !
A . second xa osical . akit lull of
mirth and colors was Ibe Spanish
flirtation by Miss Margaret Arnold
and Miss Ruth Ross, Miss Arjiold
j,. , . ..... T . ' - ' '
as the senorlta with her tambour
ines and Miss Boss as provocative
a troubadour as one can imagine,
were also . accompanied by ; Miss
Lewis. ;" Numbers were also given
by the Men's Glee cub quartet.
The i new literature study sec
tion of the American 'Association
of University Women met on Wed
nesday at the Jiome of. Professor
and Mrs. E. C. Jtichards.iwith Pro
fessor Willistoh. the leader, giving
a discussion on the development
of jthe- novel. Fifteen were pres
ent for 4.ha evening.J A second
meeting will be held on Wednes
day, March 18, the meeting being
aet arly on aaeount of spring va
cation the following week.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Needham was the scene on Thurs
day evening of a pleasant evening
of 'entertainment when the mem
bers of ibe Thursday bridge lunch
eon' club 'were hostesses lor-their
husbands. Golden daffodils .were
attractive in the rooms where five
tables of bridge' were in play.
High scores were won by Mr. and
LMrs. A. E, ilucbesteln. An ad
ditional guest for the even ins was
Miss Macyle Hunter. ;
1 In the, group t for., the evening
were:; Mr. and Mrs'rL. P.; Aldrich',;
Mr.-aad. Mra. R. C. Hnter; Dr. '
and' Mrs. O.'; L. Fisher,' Jlr. .and;
Mrs. A. : .E. ; Huckestein, Mr. .and
Mrs.. Clair Inman.v Mr. v and Mrs.
Clyde . Johnson,' Mr. and .Mrs.
Ernie - Kapphahn, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Knowland, Mr. and Mrs.
Cal Patton. Dr ".and. Mrs. John R.
Sites and Mr and ; 3Irs. "IV., : L
Needham. " , -j-'-'y
; Mr.; and, Mrs. Robert. C'Tanhia'
left yesterday by motor to' spead
t ha, week-end in .Seattle. - - ; .
Miss Julia .Webster was among
those freru ! Salem baring - the
pleasure, of -hearing Frits Kreisler
in Portland on Wednesday even-
icau .. A jaumber Xroxa Salem-were J
in the audience.
Famous Writer Speculates
; on Originator of Jqzz
i -"" ' k y- 9 t ) -
- ty&iyyy1-:-
. ;.;:t:?::i'--x. 3
- y
TKt t!t 2 Wei , -tfo rle al :Jt
Rose ;Wilder Lane, Win
I ner of Q. Henry Prize,
.Blames Beethoven
Rose Wilder Lane, winner of
n O. Hsr.ry prize and author of
La newjest seller called "He Waa
a jV3 has, ajnew theory ab aut
Jazz. : . ; ..
I '- Sha recently returned from Al
jbania .to find everybody ispusa
ingr ' jazz and ,;its .origin. She
, heard ;a numj?er of pieces, puch as
the -current erase, '-The Pal That
I loved-.Stole the Gal Thst I
UovetT," ind rsw ,nuch inter
ested. : Vt . - t s -
I "They urually are . atrccioasly
BEroed. t"it cruiKW.tin.irTy rhvih:r;J
. L. 4asd .axehesinted,''- chb .declare.
Mx. and Mrs.1 George O. Brown
entertained at one of the most
delightfur club' gatherings' of the
week when the members of - the
Capitol club were tbeir'' guests on
Saturday. ;Mrs.'-W. H. Dancy anl
Dr. R. E. -Lee Steiner .'won the
playing honors of the evening.'
Mrs. H. H. Olinger assisted Mrs,
Brown at the refreshment hour.
The guests . of Mr. and ; Mrs.
Brown included: Mr. and ' Mrs.
E. L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Baumgartner, Mr. and Mrs. Wi H.
Dancy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mere
dith, Mr. and Mrs. -OA C. Locke,
Mr. and Mrs." Milton : Meyers, Dr.
aad Mrs. W. Cartton Smith, Dr.
and . Mrs. R. E. Lee Stelner, and
Dr. ana Mrs. H. 11. OUager.
- - '
). - . ' i:i , '4
The first formal - dance of the
T. N. T. club ef the-high school
for the spring season will be an
event, of March v21,. the first day
of spring, with, many: invitations
having .been -Issued for the occa
sion. ' ; ; .: . ' 1
Patrons and patronesses .will be
Mr., and Mrs. J. C. Kelson,, Mr. and
Mrs. Hoi lis Huntington, Mr. and
Mrs. George II ug, Miss Mabel Rob
ertson,. and Miss Leila Johnson. - ,
Many invitations are being ia-
ued. . This dance is to be one of
the. biggest of the season, 'i. f
The i Salem " Woman's, club will
meet for their regular March Uaai
ness meeting at- the club house
this afternoon.
A number from Salem plan to
attend the banquet of the North
west Poetry society at 7 : 3 0 o'clock
this evening at the . Hazel wood in
oPrtland. New officers will b
installed , at this time,, with .Mrs.
F. G. Franklin eing among those
to take office. : :
mm TIIEATHE, Dpd, Mgrch O
: Order Your. Seats Now ior
Nt4r -LMt"V - - - i , A
How,mrnifirtnt Mr. Skinner plr 'SwtW Piau'l T1im it the rleh- "
of oil in hi cpendid voice pt the nrtion of in-big Mtin ia tie.
action, sad tough he hat been pUyinr 1h par for two jreara new, hia
,Tperonation haa all the reahpeaa. and HpouftwXy of first performace.
It ia one. of the fema one may put atrayle gtdat ovei1 from time to time. Hi
mile or erfti lauh aloud t the menory."-tieWrrev:8 Franeiaeo j
Chronicle. . . - -r .. - , .. . . ,: o i ,., , . .
Never in Mr. Skinner's history as a dramajtlc star has he had a
more delightful play than' SACHpjSA,..;
PRICES: Lower FloorJ $2.75; Balcony, $2.75 and $20.
Boxes, lower, $2.20; upper,: $1.65; dallery;-$1.10 ; -
Includiit": Taxi"
2 tftA TX U mj si, u
"But I don't see why folks wcrry
about their origin. Anybody .who
know3 music unust -realiit that
thsy go back to Beeth,even. 4n
the otKer day, a 'musical fticf-d
pointed out that - the S. dharzo ci
Opus 18, number' S, by Besttio
ven i,?; a perfect piece of jesr,
tltuiighj written originally for a
string quartet. . :
"Stre enough, when I heard a
raciid of th& eebereo, I realized
t!u3 as quite tra. It is all of
ryncopatic;i..hBra'&r end variety
jzz Ly Ustthoven."
Mr3.f Laac 4cclar23 that Aiba
na has inKS, tao. In.fa;t, j,he hi3
tjur.rtit i-i r.ll c;antii;r. ".'Jut
Atrsrlfla .is iii' rzzl timv' six
Thei Willamette university li
brary j Is in receipt of one of An
thony! Euwer's original paintings,
with.. thanks due to certain friends
of the university. The picture is
"Canyon of Dying Day' and rep
resents a canyon pn the east side
of Mount Hpod, colored by .sunset
light." :
Two giant firs .stand. in the fore
ground. They are not aymmetri
cally perfect, but broken and. scar
red by the elements. Fire-whitened.
bushes, were ghost trees, appear
here and there from behind the
green of the growing shrubs. '- In
the middle distance is the canyon
itself, already purpled by ap
proaching twilight. The crest of
the' canyon's opposite wall Is light
ened by the sun'a rays, and the
clouda in the back ground are a
softened reflection t of the sunset.;
; It Is just such a scene as one
often finds In the Oregon moun
tain a scene that is as hard to
paint, as it Is beautiful to observe.'
Mr. Euwer' painting must have'
captured the ibeanty of the ' real
scene, for it was one of the two
most admired .pictures in his re
cent' exhibition. .
; Hs Ardor Cooled
Little. Jim, aged three years,. was
very fond of a baby girl who lived
next door.
This little girl was teething and,
therefore, bad an unusual amount
of saliva. - .' '
AcQordlngly.'wben Jimmie lean
ed over and kissed .her,- his mouth
was filled with saliva. "I asked
you for a.tiss, I , didn't . want a
dink," be. said angrily.
. Mrs. T. H. Marberryi
.The two most .arrogant ; words
and the two most pathetic words
are thjese: "Charge it." ' .
; The Reformer
: : By Fred P. Marion
I, have a cranky neighbor
Who iitrgs a doleful tune;
You should hear him belabor
The women night and boob.
No matter what they're wearing
Or faow'they fix their hair,
he does a let -of swearing
In phrases rich and rare. '
Iwnen skirts were short and nifty.
About the size of kegs,
He ried, "In Eighteen Fifty '
They didn't show their legs!
When with the change in fashion
The skirts went to the ground.
He awore, in yaging passion,
"The hussies should be drowned!."
If such confounded kickers
Could regulate the earth, -Goodbye
to girls n knickers.
And other sights .of worth;
Goodbye to pretty stockings.
Goodbye to daring style.
Goodbye to all the shockings
That makes men's life worth
'.. while! '
Mrs. Fisher: "Mrs. Curtis has
twice as many, clothes as I Jiave."
Fisher; "We'll ,she's had twice
as many husbands."
n.; Room!
Little Bohe; Vlf the word 'fort'
la a masculine nlun, then 'fortress'
is feminine, 'isn't. it. dad?"
His Father: 'Ye8, they call
that because. they have more pow
der. ' ;
k His lafo Work
Farmer Donahue: "Has your son
chosen his field of endeavor, now
that he has graduated from col
lege? Farmer Hart: "J have chosen his
field for him. It's my 80-acre corn
J Mrs. A. T. Wilson.
Dr. Balcpate on Cold Weather
.ClqthJng .
"Our recent severe weather sug
gests the timeliness of a few. words
Burnett Bros. Jewelers Pay
! C
Mail Orders Filled
Same Prices-r ,
'' Same Terms
Write to the. nearest
Store if you cannot
come; " . .
Any vvatc
on the subject of the proper sort
of clothing with which -to combat
intense cold." Dr. George A. Bald
pate recently wrote to Dore Eeich-
enbaum. "I cannot over-emphasize
the necessity of having all out
er garments air-tight. ,
'This was brought home to me
As You Are Paid. Eight Stores, Salem, Portland, Seattle,
" . San Francisco and San Jose
Delivered for $1
Take a Tear, to Pay
'TTTT. HERE'S the Howard Watch sir! Yes sir, it is sixty dol
IHI lars. We do not charge a penny more than you would
JLLJJL pay in any other good store. The price you see is plainly
printed in the box. Yes sir, One Dollar cash will do."
Pay as much as you please weekly tr monthly. No fir,
there is no interest. No extras of any Jdnd. Justxie.
your name and address to the Credit Manager. 1 Gexiaii
ly! you take the Howard along. Thank you sir!"
' ' . v ' ; ' ' ' ' ;v y: . - v;,V. : : : . i '' ;.-
fTT HIS is a fair, sample of the conversations - which pass
J over the Watch Counters at tjie Burnett Jewelry Store
JL not oncebut scores of times a day. T For the Annui.1
: Watch Sale is on and the Annual Watch Sale at Bur-
nett's means that any watch in the show can be had on
- ;.. payment 4)f single dqllar ind the balance , may be .spread
r : ' .' ' over a year. : ' '
f7 HERE 'are watches for Ladies too but, that's, another story, as Kipling
- would say, and a long one! The big fact Is this: The Burnett Jewelry
3tore takes the broad stand that, every man is entitled to Credit UNLESS
. BE HIMSELF HAS SHOWN THAT HE IS NOT. And therefore, anybody
.who reads this announcement, can go to the Burnett Jewelry Store
select any. watch pay a single .dollar take the watch along pay for it
"as you are paid j-a dollar a week will do. -
.'J.1 ' ' "1 ' ' ' . """"" !' ..
by an epidemic of single, double;
and triple pneumonia In Overshoe,
a hjmlel in the Wisconsin veldt,
four days, aledge ; journey from
Milwaukee. -The coldf was aggra
vated by high winds, after a week
of which the epidemic started. Its
persistence puzzled1 me, for the na
tives are a hardy lot. Then, one
day, t discovered the reason.'
"With a husky woodsman, Sven
Borgsdorf; I, had withdrawn into a
shack, the door 7 of which stood
open...- Evenr here there was . a
strong breeze blowing and I sud
denly realised that it came from
the actual person of my compan
ion. In an instant all was clear.
The ' wind, forcing its -way into
Sven's pockets, was flowing
W n. -, i n , . . , . - - i
Gfesgosi Itieatoe
Tomorrow Richard- Barthelmess
9 r
frTT OWARDS are $60 Walthams may be had for 145
- lgins for $19.50 Illinois Watches with seventeen
JLL1L jewels are priced at $39.50 the famous "Gold Medal
' Watch is $42.50 (the "Gold MedaT is ; said to be the
World's Finest Timekeeper). The . Hamilton Wratch is
offered at $39.50 The Howard, as stated, at $60 the
A. Lincoln model (America's thinnest and finest solid geld
watch) is a hundred dollars Railroad Watches, are, offered
at the Nationally Advertised prices and all ,on. the sane
terms a year to pay and any Railroad watch in theshow
delivered for a dollar bilL The "B. W. Raymond is priced
. at $55. .The Bunn Special at $59.50 the Hamilton R. -R.
Model at $570 all have twentyrpne jewels, and all are
guaranteed to pass inspection on any R. R. in the U. S. A.
IhTiULgh ' hia ' ' t uttoa-Lilts, " 1 1 us .
passing through his chest. " Next
day he was down with pneumonia.
"A survey v of the population
showed that wearers pf long trou
sers were the first to succumb. In
some cases blown out oX their
clothing by the terrific .blast which
passed up the trouser legs and out
through the sleeves and neck
bands. I immediately convened all
able-bodied, citizens and sealed
their .outer .garments with pitch
and oakum, thanks to ' which the
town of Overshoe Is still on the
pap." '
As a rule you can recognize a
Progressive politician by his re-
semblance to Cassias.
.. J
Everett, Tacoma, Chehalis,
No Extras
. Ko Interest
No Red Tape
You Just Pay U
. As You Are Ps.! J