The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 14, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Deciding Match Will Take
Place Tonight; Play Fast
and Brilliant
COTIVALLLS, Or., March 13.1 J
The University of California bas
ketball team defeated Oregon Ag
ricultural college here tonight by
a score of 32 to 17 and evened up
the series for the championship
of the Pacific coast. The decid
ing game will be played here to
morrow night. ; ?t
California staged a : brilliant
comeback and from the puzzled
team of last night, on an unfamil
iar 'floor, became a fighting, grizz
ly bear, rushing the Aggies all the
way. 'A little bear-hugging on
both sides made many fouls.
California guarded closely, dif
ferent entirely from Its open style
of last night, and showetd a re
markable ability to run through
its play. The game was a Cali
fornia affair from start to finish.
Captain Steele of the Aggies was
knocked out three minutes after
the game started and had to be
carried off. Harold Ridings.: the
Aggie star forward, went without
scoring a single point for the first
time this season. Jorgensdn
played a dashing game for Cali
fornia at forward, making four,
field .goal and five free throws.
, The IJnjpup:
California., 32
' Watson! . . . P .
Jorgensdn . . . . F I , .
Higgins- ,. . .. .C. .
Tielasco ...... G . .
Frechter (J...
Aggies, 17
. . Ridings
.... Baker
. ; Diwoky
... . Graap
. Stoddard
Substitutions AfTRies: Graap for
Steele;. Steele for Graap; Eilertson
lor Stoddard,
California: Carver for Frech
ter Frechter for Watson.".
' Scoring-California: :field goals
jorgensen 4 ; " Watson . 1 ; Higgins
,3; Belasco 3. Free" throws: Jor
genson 5; Higgins 2; Belasco 3.
Aggles-Field goals, Baker 2;
Diowky 1. Free throws: Diwoky
5; Steele 1; Graap 1; Stoddard 4.
Referee: Hollander.
Umpire: R. V. Borleske;'
(Continued from PME 1)
of- snch" depart-
ment. , : 1 "
'The administration of senate
bill 216 will entail considerable
labor in the examination of rec
ords and In : clerical services and
the like, and much printing, sta
tionery, postage, files, etc., vari
ously estimated from $50,000 to
$100,000, without any appreciable
return to the fctate on account of
the service and protection to mo
tor vehicle owners through the
operation of such a law.
"It Is contended, and I am re
liably informed," said 'Mr. Kozer,
"that motor vehicle thefts will be
greatly reduced, and , by reason
thereof the cost of; theft insur
ance to -the motor vehicle owner.
No fee is exacted from the motor
car owner for registering his title
to the car which the law Imposes.
For any subsequent transaction,
however, a transfer fee of $1 Is
exacted. Where duplicates are
desired a charge of 50 cents is im
posed! , These receipts would, un-
tier existing laws, ue convener m
to' the general fund of the state.
They could be made available as
on offset to any administrative
expenses Incurred a
iJ'Tho attorney, general, In view
to f this omission upon the part of
the act, directs my attention to
the law creating the emergency
board and defining its duties and
powers, stating that the instant
fcbfefs 1'
The First and Original
Cold and Grip Tablet
Proven Safe for more than
a Quarter of j Century.
The box bean this signature
Price 30c
For Golds,
Grip, Z
and as a l ;VA y
Preventives iyf-r
case is clearly the, kind which may
be properly authorized by the
emergency board. Inasmuch - as
the duties are required-to b-performed
and no funds provided for
the payment of the expenses to be
Incurred in theirj performance, it
will be my purpose at a later date
to issue a call for the emergency
board for the consideration of the
matter of providing -for the ad
ministrative expenses-of this law,
which has to do with the protec
tion of the titles of motor vehicles
of residents of Oregon. A similar
law exists fn some few of the
other states,, among which are In
diana and Michigan. . It is along
the lines of the laws of those
states that the Oregon motor ve
hicle 'title law has been framed."
' (Coattnnikl from pf 1)
He said he' could not make' a
further statement until he had
seen his attorney, C, E. Rathbun
of Chicago, who j was not in the
courtroom, but was so happy aff
the crowd milled abojuthlm that
he added: , .
"I was a sick man and my doc
tors warned me that it might be
my death if I attended this trial,
but nothing could have ; kept me
away. .
"I iaven't very long to live, yon
know, but I am going to try to do
some good la the time that Is left
me." I ... ! :V
Mrs. Stokes clash with Miss
Brophy was precipitated when
they met In Judge Gemmlll's pri
vate chambers, .which" they en
tered to escape the crowd struggl
ing about the court room door,
when they arrived after the court
had begun instructing the jury,
and could not be admitted while
that step : was -proceeding.; Miss
Brophy said: that Mrs. Stones aaid
she refused to remain in the same
room with the secretary, and de
manded that she be removed.
positively refused to leave," said
Miss Brophy. , After a few angry
exchanges the women went into
separate rooms.
Gresham Legion Trounced
32 to 22; Second Team
Beats High School
SIL.VERTON, Ore., March 13.
(Special to The Statesman). Sil
verton's basketball teams stepped
to the front tonight and won two
games. The Silverton Legion de
feated the Gresham Legion by the
score of 32 to 22 in the main game
of the evening. Schaefer, of
Gresham; was high point man with
12 points with Hunk Latham, of
Silverton; a close second with 11
points. ' . i t -:
" Gresham's team has been going
strong, having j defeated the
Orange B team of Portland twice.
This team Is the champion of the
independent league, in Portland.
Monday night the Silverton Leg
ion will play the City, of Portland
aggregation... : .
In a preliminary game the Sil
verton Legion second team defeat
ed the Silverton high school team
by the score of 27 to 14.
(Continoed from pags 1)
points making the score at tbe
end of the period 32-2.
The jinx was broken in the fi
nal period when Hood River con
verted two free throws and scored
one field goal. Eugene scored 7
points making the final score 39-6.
Milligan, Eugene , guard, was
the high point man of the game
with a total of 14 points to his
credit. Koberg, Hood River, cen
ter, was the star of his team with
a total of 5 points. Wright, sub
stitute guard, converted a free
throw late In the game bringing
the Hood River score up to i to
tal of 6. : V- v '
Salem Wins Another .
In the afternoon Salem defeated
Astoria by the score of 22-12. The
game was fast and closet enough, to
be interesting.-- Jn the first quar
ter the score stood at 4-4. Salem
scoring one field goal and convert
ing two free brows. Astoria shot
two field goals. ,
In the second period the p'ay
jtess, sates rapgrs l-i2F-iJ.ii ffikmm "f
- - 1 It's A Kara J:He Se3 C:r
began in favor of Salem. Astoria
gathered but four points by con
verting two free throws and scor
ing one field goal. On the other
hand Salem was able to run up a
total of eight points, all field
goals. Three men, Ellis, Heenan
and J. Drager scoring for Salem.
In the third quarter Astoria was
able to bold the Salem men to an
even score. Both teams convert
ing two baskets. i i
In the final period Salem began
to un away from the visitors and
were able to hold them scoreless.
Salem converted three baskets in
this period which made the final
score 22-12. j t . , ;
Forwards Arc Tii '
Ellis and J. Drager, Salem for-j
wards, tied for high point men of
the game! with a total of height
points each, j Carlson, Astoria for
starred, for his team with a
total pf four points. . ;
By winning this game Salem is
now entitled -to meet McMinnville
in the semi-finals to be played
this afternoon. The Salem men
have displayed good ball in both
of their games so far and barring
accidents are doped to get into the
finals, if not further. f '
Victory One-Sklrtl
In tbe second game of the af
ternoon McMinnville won a one
sided . victory from ; the i Arago
squad. Miller, McMinnville for
ward., drew the first blood by con
verting two field goals in quick
succession. McMinnville was not
in danger at any time during tbe
game and held a four point lead at
the end of the first quarter. The
score stood at 7-3. j
In the second period the play
was even enough to be interest
ing. Neither team had a decided
advantage in scoring, although the
breaks went to McMinnville con
sistently. The half ended at 17-10.
; Offensive Too Strong
When tbe two, teams, came out
on the floor at -the second half
McMinnville started "an i offensive
that Arago was powerless to stop.
Miller and Green, McMinnville
forwards,; scored almost at will
and ran up a score of 33-14 in
this period. Arago seemed un
able to penetrate the McMinnville
defense when they did gain pos
session of the ball, but tried 1 a
number of shots from the middle
of the floor which they were un
able to convert.
In the final period Arago scored
one field goal while'vcMinnville
scored two. The play was slow : in
this period as both teams were be
coming tired. ; ! -
Miller, McMinnville forward,
was the high point man of the
game with a total of 20 points to
his credit. Cornwall; Arago cen
ter, starred for his team by run
ning up a total of 8 points. Both
men scored only field goal 3.
Lineups of the teams playing
are as follow: 1
Franklin (18) V Pendleton (13)
heal Ion S. ... .F. .... . Landrum
Epps 4 ;
Lawrence 2..
Douglas 1 . .. .
Kretzmeir I. .
Pope 1. .... ,
Cotter . . .
Foster ......
F Sager &
C '. Daie, 3
.G . ..Hawthrort'g 4
. G..... Johnson 1
Referee Coleman, f
Eugene (39) j Hood River (6)
Emmons 6 . ... ,F . .. . . Hawthorn
Roleman 4 .
Schrader . ,
Bally 11...
Milligan 14
Olson 3. ..
Rornest 1 .
..F......:.;, Miller
. ,C. .... Koberg. 5
-G-. .-.... Flin
..G . . . Forman
..S Wrighl 1
:.s 1
Referee Coleman. s
Salem (22) Astoria (12)
Ellis 8. ....... F .. . . . Carlson 4
Heenan 6 . . . . F . . . . . Lukinen 1
J. Drager 8 . . C ..... . Larson 2
R. Drager . . . .G . . . . Anderson 3
Ashby ....... Q Poysky
S '
Referee Coleman.
Clay 2
McMinnville 37 .
Green 9 .... . F ... .
Miller 20 F . . . .
Wakeman 2 . . . C . . . .
Laugblln 2... .G....
Arago 16
... Farrier
. . Hoover 2
Cornwall 6
, , . Doyle 8
. Robinson
TTra wn 2 . . . M ... .
Warren 2 . I . .S. . .
Referee Coleman.
; ' (Continae from ifc 1
vote would mean rejection.
The questiom of the constitu
tional authority of the president
to resubmit the nomination was
raised today In the committee, but
It was not pressed and pending
further examination of tbe author
Itles, opponents were undetermin
ed whether they . would , seek - to
,make th!3 ao Issue la the-senate.
to fe'ajs? f
(Conttnnad from ?ax 1)
of history's great men. Still an
other group illustrates the old
Greecian and Roman architect
ures. :
The exhibit opened Wednesday
evening with a program by the
children of the school and includ
ed: both folk dances and living
pictures. On Thursday night the
Parent-Teacher association had
charge of the program and gave
numerous interesting readings and
musical numbers. Last nirht
marked the closing nfght. Tea
and wafers . have added to the
pleasure of the afternoon open
ings. , -
i One entire class room and the
whole upper hall of the school
were given over to the exhibit,
which acquainted the children
with the masterpieces all time.
The teachers have made it more
interesting by the telling of stor
ies relating to the various pic
tures. ;
! On Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of , next week the exhibit
will be transferred to the Engle
wood school, and on the week fol
lowing to Englewood.
(Contlaatd from psg 1)
had been played on him.
: Some of the business men at the
meeting evidenced surprise at the
talented program which had been
arranged by the Willamette uni
versity students which was a scene
of a "Dutch Courtship," by Ruth
Ross and Margaret Arnold. Miss
Margaret Lewis was accompanist
both scenes.
. The men's quartet of 'Willam
ette furnished two 'members; for
the clubmen.
. Those Northwestern wolf-dogs
are born fighting. The pack used
in "Baree. Son of Kazan," which
DaVid Smith is making for Vita
graph, staged a wild fight the
other day, and a six weeks old
pup was nearly strangled trying
to get his oar in. When the melee
started he let loose a snarl, took
a header at the nearest .malemute.
and hung himself at fhe end of
his leash. Cut loose quickly, he
made a dive for the centre of the
fight, fastening his teeth in the
leg of one of the old timers. It
took three men to pull him off.
I Arthur Bryson. the little colored
Jockey of "Wildfire," that great
race track melodrama now being
made f by.Yitagrapb. la studying
tbe dope sheets these days. 1 He
has rVunearthed- one at Havana,
wbereu the company is going to
film the race track scenes, and
he is. going to play It alt on the
Hose Its first start. The horse Is
"Shingle Shack.". Asked why he1
picked him,- Arthur grinned and
said, "I was bawn in a shingle
shack. Ain't that hunch enough
fo any man?"
' . . - 1 ; :y-
1 Vitagraph announced today that
"In the Garden of Charity," the
Basil King story that J. Stuart
Blackton is making on the West
coast has been changed to "Tides
of Passion." . Mae Marsh is being
starred, r ;
Conway Tearle. who is starred
In "School for Wives," ' Victor
Hugo Halperin's Vitagraph pro
duction, is all for being natural.
Cold In the head means a germ
attack. The membranes become
inflamed, head becomes slurred
And that's misery. v
Quick relief demands direct at
tack on those germs. Apply Ely's
Cream Balm in the nostrils and
breathe it. The head clears In
stantly, inflammation is subdued.
Tbe cold disappears.
. Don't wait for internal effects.
Fight the cold where it Is-In the
air passages. . Ask your druggist
for a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm.
Enjoy this quick relief. Adv..
a' m
Can tor tes pga By fists'
Caktooh Co. . Y,
Conway says that one of the hard
est jobs he has ever had in pictures
was , when he turned down the
leap year proposal of Slgrid Holm
quist because her father's $200.
000.000 was tainted and had to
make it ring true. That was a lot
of dough to turn down just be
ccause it was dirty.
Since the installation of the
new traffic laws in Los Angeles,
deaths through motor vehicle ac
cidents have i decreased almost
one-half in comparison of Janu
ary of this year with the first
month of ' 1924. ;
This decline, reported : by the
public safety department of the
Automobile club, is believed due
in large part to observance of!
the jaywalking ordinance. Auto
accidents, the report shows, caused
twelve fatalities in January -of
1925, while twenty-three are re
corded for the first month of last
White Roads Give Drivers
Variety of Eye Ailments
LONDO.W March 14. The grey
of white surfaced roads of England
at which the increasing number
cruet tOC
r ft- rut
of automobile . drivers are com
pelled to gaze intently in guiding
their speeding cars, are causing a
mass of minor eye troubles, accord
ing to Arthur Upson In a recent
address before the Institute of Op
ticians.; White roads reflect the harmful
actinic rays, and Mr. Upson recom
mends that road builders mix
green coloring matter with their
surfacing material.
Kearns and Kane Meet' to
Arrange Bout During Sum
mer; May Agree
' CHICAGO, Mrcn 13. Jack
Kearns. whose business is collect
ing a fortune for the ring appear
ance of Jack Dempsey, will meet
Eddie Kane, manager of Tommy
Gibbons here tomorrow in regard
to the prospects of a. match be
tween the c-bamp;on and the St.
Paul challenger in Los Angeles or
New York this summer.
Kearns is en route east as a
: -H E ATF7
Did you ever meet a motorist
who is not satisfied with
Shell Motor Oil?
result of several invitations. In
cluding one from the government
to appear as a witness in' connec
tion with transportation of the
Dempsey-Carpentier fight films in
violation of federal laws. "IvaI
New York promoters have Invited
Kearns to consider a select as
sortment of bids for matches be
tween Dempsey aud Gibbons, and
Dempsey and Harry Wills, the
negro challenger. .
Kane said tonight that Gibbons
is anxious to box Dempsey any
place, provided the championship
would be involved in a contest to
A beautiful art exhibit will
open at Highland school, March
11 at 2:30. The pictures, num
bering two hundred, have been ar
ranged on the walls in their
chronological order, beginning
with Ea-vntian art and coming
down to modern American ar
Afterward the pictures will be ex
hibited at Englewood achool for
three days.
The great majority of us will
never have the opportunity to seo
the originals of these pictures as
they are scattered all over . tbe
world. Europe principally, and an
nnnortunitv of this kind. that
enables one to see and study real
art. although reproduced, is
easerlv taken advantage of by
many. The pictures do not have
the crude appearance that is seen
in many reproductions, but show
that the ones who copied the mas
terpieces knew how to do it. They
are beautiful. ;
It is now generally recognized
among educational authorities that
education In culture and refine
ment can easily be aided through
the wholesome influence of pic
tures of the right sort on the
school walls. The larger the at
tendance at the exhibition, the
greater the number of pictures
that can be secured for the
In many places, schools have
secured a large number of pictures
through private gifts "elected at
the exhibit.
Such gifts will b marked free
with a brass tablet naming the
donor or the person in whose
memory the picture may be given.'
w. cannot make much headway
in divorce reform until we begin
to turn out . a better grade of
$5,000,000,000 IXDUSTR
xn authority on electric trans
portation. Mr. Storrs of New Haven
Conn., now occupies the aaroe pos
ition in the- Electric Railway in-,
dustry as that of Hays In ; he
motion picture world and Judge
Landis in baaebalL President of
the Connecticut company for eleven
years, he has been elected head of
the American Electric Railway As
sociation which rpresents mors.
than 80 percent of "the electric
railways In the United States and
Canada. "