THe Weather : Partly cloudy east and Bduth; "unsettled ; Vain northwest; mod erate temperature; southerly winds. Friday- Max. 54; Min. 38; Hirer 2.6 falling; Rainfall -none; Atmosphere clear; Wind west. , ADVERTISING brings prices down. It helps 4o -stabilize busi ness and Insures a superior product to consumer at a lower price. v . SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1925 PRICE ITVE CENTS BilPIDIHIP DFlEifJIS GOAL TONIGHT Choice, How Lies Between Salem, Franklin, McMinn ville and , Eugene High School Basketball Teams FRIDAY ELIMINATES 'FOUR MORE QUINTETS Astoria, flood River, Pendle ton and '' Arago Follow Medford and Wallowa vJ FRIDAY SCORES, . Salem 22, Astoria 12. Kugene 3,T Hood River O. Franklin 18, Pendleton 13. MeMinnvllle 37, Arago 16. damea Today: attfu enuem s. aicaiinnTiue. 3 tSOi-iPranklln'TS.' Eugene, ? " vitals; 7J0 P.M. Winner of Salem rs. McSUnn. ville plays -winner of Franklin vs. Eugene for, state champion ship. ' - 'i - The basketball championship of the $tate now lies between four teams, Salem, Franklin, Eugene and McMinnvIlle as a result of Friday playing. In the opening game yesterday Salem defeated Astoria by the score of 22-12 ;Ic MinnVille defeated Arago to the tune of 3 7-1 6,. while the evening games went to Eugene and Frank lin; Eugene taking Hood River in by the decisive score of 39-6, and Franklin nosing out Pendleton by the score of 18-13. The final game played last night was the feature game of the tournament up to the present time. In the first quarter neither team was able to get the ball in ttriking distance of the opposing basket. The play was rough, how . tver, and both teams scored by jonverting fouls.: The score at the end of the quarter stood 5-2 in favor of Pendleton. Pendleton Shows Fight j .j In the second period both teams made desperate attempts to score on long shots, but neither were able to convert. Franklin finally broke the ice by converting a free throw. Pendleton came back .with a terrif ice offensive that en abled Sagger, forward, to get within striking distance and score a basket. Pendleton converted an other free throw. Franklin got possession of the ball near the end of the period and Scallon fi nally worked in and scored the second basket of the game, beat ing the timer's gun by a split sec ond. The half ended 8-5 in fa vor of Pendleton. s toth 'leanis wcore In the third quarter both teams were able to score, Pendleton gathering 5 points to Franklin's 3. Scallon tried several long shots but' was unable, to "hit the basket, although Sager, Pendleton for ward, gathered one. The 'period ended 13-8 in favor of Pendleton-. Franklin started their winning offense in the "'final period that kept Pendleton on the 'defensive most of the; time." After several desperate Attempts Scallon, Frank lin fdrwfcrd, broke through and shot 'the basket that gave Frank lin a 14-13 lead. Scallon follow ed wi(h Another basket. Lawrence converted a third field goal and the score stood 18-13 in favor of Franktfh. Pendleton made sev era'l desperate attempts to score, but - were unable to keep posses sion ilm ball. A foul was call-J ed on Pendleton late in the final period -that Scallon failed to con vert afteY the final gun, leaving the score at 18-13. Scallbn, Franklin forward, was the nigh point man of the game with a total of 9 points, to his cred it. Sager starred for Pendleton by gathering in 5 points. Eugene Easy Winner In the opening game of the night series Eugene had an easy win over Hood River with a one sided score of 39-6. i The first quarter was fast, al though Hood River was oa the de fensive most : of the time. The score at the end of me period stood 7-2 in favor of Eugene. In the next period Hood River was unable to score or to stop the Eu gene offense. The score at the end of the half stood 19-2 la fa vor of Eugene. Hood River was still unable to score in the third quarter, al though the Eugene offensive ran wild and gathered a total of 13 Willamette Debate Team j Leaving Next Week Upon i 3500 Mile Speaking Tour .t. ; Willamette University's debate squad will i leave1 "here -Tuesday night for a tour of the south and middle' west' where they . will meet a number of the leading debate colleges of the country."" two inen will make the trip for Willamette, Charles Redding and Joel Berre man. These two men were the team that defeated the West Vir ginia squad here recently,1 Charles Redding is a first year man at Willamette. He comes from! Ft. Dodge, la., where he has had four years of high school der bate experience Including the leadership of an Iowa State cham pionship squad. Mr. Berreman is a sophomore and 'has had no previous exper ience in debating, although he has had "considerable training in pub lic speaking in other lines. The men! will travel from here to Stockton,! Calif., where they will GET CLElEIIICIf Governor Pierce Forced to Official Action Delay During Legislature Executive clemency in nine cases were filed with the secretary of state Friday: by Governor Pierce. The i number was exceptionally heavy due to the fact that addi tional duties during the legislative session prevented action being taken. The list included two con ditional pardons, three commuta tion of sentences and four restora tions to ; citizenship. Executive clemency, did not Include action taken upon 'various paroles. Conditions pardons were issued as follows: ! . - Robert Bruce - Convicted in Linn county for attempted burg lary not in a dwelling and 'sen tenced to serve from one to two years.'; j ';!,- "1 - : j ' -: - ' ! . Mike Gomez -Convicted In Lane county for larceny and sentenced to serve three years. Conditional ly pardoned to be turned over to federal authorities for deportation to Mexico. ; ' ; : " The commuted sentences were: Ed Canning Convicted in Clackamas i county for obtaining money and goods under false pre tenses and ; received ' at the peni tentiary June 28, 1922, to serve four years.) ; ; Commuted to three years. f j 4-' j ' William Brinkley Convicted in Columbia county for larceny and received at the penitentiary June 13, 1921, to serve 10 years. ; Com muted to six years. " ; : Fred Williams Convicted in Benton cdunty for assault while armed with a dangerous weapon, and received at the ! penitentiary May 24, 1920, to serve 10 ystru. Commuted -to seven years'. !' , The four whose citizenship was restored had all been paroled and since 'had lived law-abiding lives were: " ' - ; ' j : y' , Fred Shields "Convicted In Multnomah " county for assuult with intent to rob, and received 'at Continued oa ptga 8) THREEtDAV ART Highland! School Has First Opportunity to See Pic- tures; Others Soon A three-day art exhibit, equival ent to a splendid short course in appreciadoh, as 'far as jthe Child ren were concerned, closed last night at Highland school The exhibit, with it rdrtgdmefita i tffngi made through thTeEh?On' coliipaiiy, consisted of more than. 200 car bon photographs, phot-gravnres and sepia and hand-colored prfhts. These average in size 24 by 36 inches; and all in all afforded a distinct educational treat 'for the children. J Such "masterpieces of standing as Sir'Galahad. The Sdng d.fithe Lark, and all the others are faithfully reproduced. Of particular fiiteret ras rthe group of' historical r pictures'; showing, for instance, I'Vashingtdn Crossing the Delaware, The' Signing of tSe DoclaratidiTof Independence," and many; others. A third Inter esting group are portrait studies EXHIBIT EflDED meet the College of the Pacific on March 20. ' From Stockton they will go to Los Angeles to meet the University of Southern California on March 24. From Los Angeles they will travel to Redlands to meet the University of Redlands on March 25. ; - " ? : The first break In 'the schedule comes after the Redlands debate when the team will travel over the Southern Pacific to El Paso, Tex., and then north over the Santa Fe route to Denver where they "will meet the University of "Denver in an open forum debate. ! The team fill then meet the Uni versity of Wyoming the following Monday, March 30, at Laramie, Wyo. From here the men go to Caldwell, Idaho, to meet the Col lege of Idaho. ; j : : E M From Caldwell the traveling team will go to Portland and then (Continued oa pag 4) STOKES FREED Jury Returns Not Guilty Ver dict After Two Ballots; Court Applauds CHICAGO, March 13.W. ' E. D. Stokes, millionaire Xew York hotel owner,! and Robert F. Lee, Chicago negro, were acquitted late today ot conspiracy to ; defame Mrs. Helen El wood Stokes. The jury returned a verdict for the 73-year-old defendant after deliberating one hour and five minutes. Two ballots showing 11 to 1 for acquittal were taken be fore agreement ,was reached on the third. Only jone ballot was necesary to free the negro. " m A6ide from the verdict, the last day of the ! trial had an added thrill in an angry encounter be tween Mrs. Stokes and Miss Mar ion L. Brophy, the private' secre tary who had been in close at tendance on ! the aged millionaire throughout the five weeks he had been before the bar. ; f Mrs. Stokes was not In court when "the verdict was rendered. A small demonstration or hand clapping greeted the verdict, de spite the "warning of Judge W. N. Gemmill that' he would -countenance no outburst. 1 v f Mr. Stokes was highly elated. His face was wreathed in smiles as he thanked the jury and posed with them for photographers. "I am surprised; I have nothing else to say," was the comment of Milton D. Smith, "assistant state's attorney, who "led the long fight to send the aged millionaire to the penitentiary for, the state al leged, illegally trying 'to prove that his young wife once was a member of the notorious Ever leigh club which flourished in Chi cago 15 years ago. ' ; Mr. Stokes told the Jury; ,'Tou have given me justice and I am thankful to "you all." (CoAtinned n pg 2) Payment of Administrative Expenses Not Included in Recent Measure Senate bill 216 of 'the 3rd leg islative -assembly -to -protect -4be title to motor vehicles within Ore gon, a.nd which becomes effective May 28. 1925. makes no provision 'for 'the fpaynmt 'of he ddminis- iraiive expenses in conneciion witii its operation, and rhc attor ney general Hbas a'dviSett Sam 'A. Ktzer,-secfetdry dflBtale. that the moneys received from motor ve biele 'licenses tare not 'available for -te payment Of aoy1 dtheV ex penses than such as may be in curred incident to the issuing of such licenses. V. : .' . t! When the "budget estimates of the requirements of the'secretarjy of state .were 'prepared! for -the years 1925 and 1926 no other ex penses than what Vere then auth; ofize'd by'laWwere taken'Into cdn siderationu .Cpnsequentiy, theleg- islatitB uppropriatldn for the -ex- OEfflPW SERATE BILL HAS : , NO REVENUE AID . j ' 3 penses of the department of state for 19,25 ruxd 9'257 Includes pro vision for only the ordinary then Co9Uase4 oa ajs '"2) - GDOLIDGEII PROPOSE S PROJECT Developments of League of Nations Disarmament Protocol Pave Way for Calling of Conference 5 KELLOGG WILL BE ASKED TO SUBMIT STATEMENTS Proposal May Be Simultane ously Placed Before Vari ous Powers WASHINGTON, March 13. Recent developments affecting the league of "nations disarmament and security protocol are believed by President Coolidge to have opened the way for further consideration here of the announced project for the calling of a new arms limita tion conference by the United States. ' ' i As soon as the fate of the league protocol 1s made known " definitely it is the purpose of the president to take up the question In a serl- ous way with Secretary Kellogg. Information emanating from Gen-; eva so far has reached the Wash-I ington government only through! unofficial channels. . For that reason officials will await authentic advices before. taking any step approaching a for- mal presentation of the conference! idea to the 'nations Interested. None of the powers thus far have been actually approached on the subject. At present Mr. Coolidge favors submitting his project simultane ously to the various powers. 5 This step would Involve, action by the American ambassadors in London, Paris, Rome and Tokio under in gtructions given them by Secretary Kellogg. The procedure at that stage would be for the diplomatic representatives In the four coun tries to ascertain and report to Washington the reactions of the various governments. It is the hope of President Cool idge that the react Wire -of. each of the governments will be favorable to participation in the armaments conference.. If it should develop, however, that the ambassadors en counter opposition tojtbe confer ence proposal or are informed that any one of the goverhtnents de cline to participate, ittfs the pres ent intention of President Coolidge to have the 'Washington govern ment go forward with the project with such othets as are agreeable. Austin Chamberlain, the British secretary for foreign affairs, al ready bas been quoted here as stating Great Britain's willingness to participate in an armaments limitation conference called under the auspices of the United States. The president is anxious that the conference- whenever called, should discuss both land and naval armaments. He realizes that the United States' Jland forces have been 'reduced to a minimum and that -the Washington government has little or nothing to offer oth ers to Induce them to follow its example. ' . . On th .subject of naval arma ments 'as well as land armaments the American;pplicy will be one of moral - appeal, not in any way marked by coercion. The policy In the main is 'designed to be one of helpfulness 4 to those powers which are desirous of ridding themselves of urdensome arma ment budgets and to promote har monious accord between nations in achieving that goal. in PASADENA: CAL She Was Once One of the Best Known Teachers of , . the Salem Schools Word has been received In Sa lem of the death at Pasadena, Cal., on Thursday morning. March 12, of Miss Onrflle Ballon, sister of Mrs. A. F. Hofer. , . Ii?s Ballou'was at one time one of the best known and most jopu lar teachers of the Salem public schools." he, Jived at the A. F. Hofer home. . i fter thelJeath of A. F. Hofer the family removed to Pasadena, Cl1., and Miss Ballou baa since re sided wifh Mrs j Hofer In that city. ilTgs BaMou ''suffered from an attack of the flu during the holi day season. Further than that, no particulars are so far known her?. " - ----- - 1 MISS BAyLOU DIES l-SLi PITY PLEASED Willamette Valley Similiar to Old Home in Bohemia De clares Charles Zerzan, Portland Representative FLAX INDUSTRY AT PRISON SURPRISING Visitors Have Eyes Opened With Magnitude of Work Being Carried on Here "The climate of Bohemia, which is. the old home of the Czecho-Slo-vaka, is, like tbe -Willamette val ley, which has impressed our party very much," declared Charles Zerzan. president of the American Czecho-Slovak Chamber of Com merce in Portland, In commenting about his impressions of the Wil lamette valley. i "The 5 introduction to the flax industry here is a marvel and no where else in the world are the operations carried on in such a scale. Everything has reminded the people of "this party of their old home and they are pleased." Such was the comment made by various members of the delegation which was entertained at the Lions Friday in co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce and later were taken for a visit to the Ore gon prison flax industry. I Oregon Is liked "We have been considering the land of Oregon for our people who are centered in Chicago and other eastern parts of the east. De scriptive literature has been sent them, but that is dry and uninter Jing The only way to get them Interested was to have them visit this state," declared Mr. Zerzan. "There are 400,000 Ozecho-Slo-vaks around Chicago who are ready to return to the soil. They have found that the industrial conditions of the great cities do not agree with them. They are ready to return to the farm and attempts are now being made to get them here. At first they did not have enough money to buy the high-priced lands of -the middle west, but now they are ready to make purchases. They, have ac cumulated funds and are looking around to settle. Willamette val ley will appeal to the majority of the settlers because of the type of land of this section. It is adap ted to diversified farming and that is ot a great appeal to our people." Appeal Is Answered The appeal of the went was an swered by a party of Czecho-Slo-vaks who organized themselves at Chicago and hare -spent the 'past three weeks touring Oregon. Frank J. Parisil of Chicago -was interested and he and J. M. Koteh with Joseph Simon of Cicero, 111., formed a party to come to Oregon. Prasil and Koteh are secretaries of the Chicago Chamber of Com merce of the American Czecho slovak r association. This party was joined by Dr. . Norris of Springfield, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Palecek. The party 'has toured various (Continued n pif 7) FLAX EXPEBT WILL Robert Crawford Will Talk to Salem Chamber of Commerce on Flax. Max, the vital question of in terest in the Willamette 'valley; will be carefully explained by Rcbert Crawford, superintendent of the state flax Industry at the regular meeting of the Salem Chamber of Commerce Monday noon. "Flax Our Coming In dustry is the topic announces by the . flax expert,' and members of the Salem -organization are to get the latest things on the flax industry In this community. Mr. Crawford had made an en viable reputation by his work in flax while in this community -and has been under the .regime ot three different governors or Ore gon, and is still on the Job at the present time. B. C. Miles, president of the Miles Linen company, has been se lected as chairman of the day -and will introduce -the speaker. iT IT DISCUSS PROBLEMS Friday the Thirteenth Proves Unlucky Day in Life of Salem People Friday the Thirteenth left a string of hard luck stories In the city before taking its leave at mid night. ' While driving to the Southern Pacific station with a truckload of mail about 9:30 o'clock last night. Driver Viesco lost control of his machine at Twelfth and Oak and the truck landed In the bot tom of ditch full of water. More than a ton of mail was on board. Efforts to raise the machine met with failure at a late hour. The driver escaped . without injury but the truck was badly wrecked. Loss of control -was given as the cause of the accident. Henry Davis, 30, a. laborer, was taken to the Salem hospital by the Golden Ambulance service Friday morning after he had received "a compound fracture of the left leg while employed as stevedoring on the river 'steamer "Northwestern" at the Court street dock. He -was Hawaiian - Islands Will Used as Base of Mili . tary Strategy Be SAN DIEGO, Cal., March 13. (By Associated Press.) Naval strategists as well -as military strategists and marine corps lead ers, are looking forward to the joint army-navy maneuvers next month which will provide for the first time an actual test of the dual attack and defense of the Hawaiian Islands. Officers of bigh commands say that no practical maneuver of this magnitude has yet "been undertak en by military science In time of peace. The three great depart ments of national defense, army, navy and marine corps, -will per form major tasks. All arms of the military servlee will be actively represented, land defenses of big gun batteries and all component parts of the army, including air craft, .maritime striking arms, in cluding capital ships and all arms of sea power. Including naval air craft and the auxiliary to naval defense and offense, marine corps with landing forces of all branches, including marine corps artillery. LICENSE IS LOST Cannot Drive Machine for Year and Also Pays $100 ? ; Fine; Seeks Sympathy , Governor Pierce has been asked by P. Shellenburg of Portland for executive clemency. Shellenburg is the first victim ot the new law providing heavy penalties for driv ing while intoxicated. He was ar rested near -Hood . River, plead guilty and was fined 100. In ad dition be lost his driver's license for a year, which is causing him, considerable w orry. Unless he gets this back his wife will have to act as his personal chauffeur. According to Shellenburg, he and his wife were on the way to a friend's home in the country and intended to partake of an egg nogg for his health. The eggs were in the country and Shellen burg was bringing the liquid por tion, about a pint with him. On the Way he had a sllgnt automo bile accident with another, ma chine. A state traffic officer In vestigated,'' found the liquor and placed him under arrest. Shellen burg insisted that he- was not drunk, but admitted having taken a drink. Under the law. Senate Bill No. 75 by Senator Eddy of 'Roseburg, a first offender is subject to a fine of not less 'than '$100 nor "more than '$500; 60 days in jail,. but not to 'exceed six months; revoca tion of the driver's license and the automobile confiscated for a per iod not less than 30 days nor more than' six months. The judge was kind and banded out the minimum fine and re voked the license 'for a year. The vehicle was not confiscated. KKVTKXCU IMPOKKU SEATTLE, March 13. Gus Marta, 56, convicted here In Janu ary of Jcillin John Tonna 72, In a brawl in October, 'was sentenced today to 15 years In the state peni tentiary. , ' ARI-IWTO TEST DEFENSE MflTLl Ml resting easier last night. H. R. Peetz did not want to ride in an automobile while it "was headed for a ditch, so 'jumped from the moving machine between Salem and Turner. After turning some sommer-sautts be got to bis feet, but -found that his left arm was hanging limp fractured; at the wrist. : "I do not want to Jump any more." Mr. Peetz said '. yesterday, as be carried his arm in a sling. The jinx al30 followed the Job hunting game and proved to be very persistent, according to one job hunter. Three different times he was sent out to work from the federal employment Tmreau but each time his quest met with no success. ' .' V , , f The first trip outside waB to a place where the job had already been given to another worker. .The (Oontinaed on g 8) PlfJES TREATY Of RATIFIED Senate Favors Turning Over Sovereignty of Isle of Pines to Cuba WASHINGTON, March 13 The senate ratified the Isle of Pines treaty today with minor reserva tions. Sent the Lausanne treaty to reestablish relations with Turkey back to committee and voted 76 to 2 to make the world court ques tion a special order for next De cember 17. The vote of the senate, '6 3 to 14, to ratify the pact by -which the United States relinquishes in favor of Cuba all claims to sovereignty over the Isle of Pines was describ ed as highly gratifying to Presi dent Coolidge, but not so the ac tion In putting over until the next session consideration of the Laus anne treaty. With early adjournment of the senate in prospect, President Cool idge communicated to Chairman Borah of the foreign relations committee, his desire for early ratification of the. Turkish treaty, but a canvass of the situation in the senate convinced Mr. JBorah that the two thirds majority ne cessary for ratification could not be had. Consequently he moved to send the convention back to his committee. Even after this action had been taken. Secretary Kellogg conferred at lengthwith Senator Borah on the subject but there was no indi cation that the senator had chang ed his -views that to press the treaty at this time would result onlr in its rejection since practi cally all of the democrats are op-. posed to it. With action by the senate deferred until, the regular session In December this country would be without diplomatic and commercial relations with Turkey and advices have reached the White House that the situation may prove embara6sing both to Americans la Turkey and to those having trade with that country. Entertainment and Business Intermixed atlvleetlng of Service Club Entertainment for the Lions' Den was 'furnished by students 6t Willamette university yesterday at the regular meeting of the organi zation at the Hotel Marion. A'f nil house was the result of Tthe extra guests and every available bit of space was used. In addition to entertaining -the visiting coaches and captains of the various teams competing in the Oregon state basketball tour nament, the Lions had - as their guests -a -delegation of American Czecho-Slovak Chamber of Com merce, which was stopping in Sa lem while on -an nextensive tour of the Willamette valley and other sections of Oregon. ? Ray Fulker and C. F. Giese fur nished -amusoment 'for the 'Lions' Dea by holding a piece of ice for a few momenta, each.' 5The laugh came -'when the bandage -was' re moved from the eyes of Mr. Giese and ' be discovered 1 the trick that tiistra SEIT151E URGED TQ AID HBATI0I1 President Coolidge Requests Administration Leaders to Fight Hard for Charles B. Warren CONFERENCE IS CALLED TO PRESENT APPROVAL Full Weight of His Personal Influence Ts Thrown in By President WASHINGTON, March 1 3 President Coolidge passed along the word today to administration leaders in the senate to fight hard for confirmation -Charles B. Warren to be attorneygeneral. Undismayed by the action of the judiciary committee earlier in the day in ordering an adverse report on the nomination, 9 to 7, after having approved it twice be fore, the executive called in seve ral senate leaders tonight to im-. press upon them his earnest de sire that Mr. Warren's quallilca tlons be vigorously presented In the senate when the nomination Is called up again tomorrow in open session. Senators Rejected The president threw the -full weight of his personal influence behind the nomination bis con ferees -including Senators Borah of Idaho and McMaster of Soutb Da kota, two of the republicans "who refused to follow -the party organi zation when the appointment was rejected by "the senate last Tues day on tL tie -vote. Republican leaders were hope ful that there might be a change in the result, but their latest can vasses in the senate still indica ted that they would be worse off than they were on the first vote. Attention was called that several opponents absent then will be present tomorrow. They' are mak ing last efforts, however, to pair up some of their absentees and to dissipate some of this potential strength - for the other side. Advantage Is Held With the adverse reoort from the committee, opponents -will hold a parliamentary advantage on the floor since they will have charge of the report. They still -were un decided 'tonight as to the exact course they would follow in mak ing the fight, but Senator 'Walsh, democrat, Montana,' said he might demand a straight out vote on confirmation in which event a tie Coatiaatd on rpaga 2) EiEllEll Shepherd Severely Grilled By State Attorney; Doctor Is Questioned ' CHICAGO, March 13. William 1 Shepherd, foster father of the late William Nelson McClintock, "millionaire orphan" 'who died last December of typhoid fever, was called out ot bed at 'midnight tonight and escorted to the state's attorney's office by half a dozen detectives after Dr. Charles Cai man, head of 'the'National Univer sity of Sciences, had declared that Shepherd had questioned bim about 'how to- administer typhoid germs to a person -without 'leaving a trace. " As soon as Shepherd - reached the state's attorney's office he was hustled before Robert E. Crowe, state's attorney, and several t ants. who .started a rapid fire t questioning that appeared likely to last for hours. Dr. Falman was held In custody after losg'hours of questioning with the probability that ne will be brought Icfora oucyuctu w repeat nis siory. Liven,: before Shepherd, principal heir to the estate of the young millionaire orphan, had -reached the state's attorney's office, bis attorney put in his appearance there, tavi-; gained word of the latest er: -tional development in the thr months' investigation of McCIia tock's death. Shortly after 1 o'clock detectives left "the r'at:1; attorney's office for the I -.',-worth home of the Shepherd it;; orders to bring Mrs. Shepherd t JJjeoficee.$-pf5 f :r'P-"" - - - lIlilG