- TTTH OTrC0JT.STATn3!.IAN.SALtatOnJ!G0:T.. . FRIDAY MORNING; MARCH 13, 1025 y 7 ' M 1 Sr ; AUDRED Bt;CH iNE OP THE MOST : Interest V in dedications of the year be tlial on Monday' attending ...tie givlngo the Children of.the . , Acaerlcah Revolution - in a formal "way of a walnut' tree, - grown by Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson from a walnut taken : from the'.brancfces cf awalnut tree , at Mt.";-Vernon ' itti, ', Jtla ovnCiiands.' ,;l$'etoSjjg' , Ar eewhlcn Jias beeiH ciref ully v' - tched' over .y) MrsjPatterson, ,vt ho" brought Jbe seed planted, , it, i idtcajedfprhev growing shoot, no wSe wt-years . old., 'ills the Tr a of Chemeketa' chapter; of, the 1 1 iughtera" Pl the JLinerican Revo- 1 .tronunder whose direction? the ,! t ree .is tb!.bep1anted,itorp)arc"eT It i'i; (tae "northeast "corner,; of .the cises, which will be of a patriotic . nature, will be at 4 o'clock Mon day, March l with a large nm ber of.the Children of the. Ameri can' Revolution as : well' ag the ; Daughters jo( leUmerican Revp Iutloni present' for" the dedication of a gift go distinctive of the chap ter. : :h ; It ig a beautiful tribute to the children on Mrs. Patterson's part, c , ' r 'for it' is she who founded the or Conization of Children of the Am erican Revolution a number 'pt years, ago in the state of Oregon. -rST. ' PATRICK'S supper jtnat rVwas' .unusually ; enjoyable to every' one ! present wa that of the B. B. G., Young Married People's class of the First V Baptist church on Wednesday evening, - when a group of forty gathered for an outstanding good time. A del icious. pofUuck supper was held in tbe church dininz . rooms where -IMlbe guests were assembled. The room9J Vere attractively decorated "Y'Tvn the, shamrock motifs with green ". and yellow the predominating coi ' ! ore. JAf ter ' a delightf ul" and api propriate series of games, a short business meeiing was .held, with plans being made for some defin ite missionary work. The class, with interested i If 4. ' 1 ' A TIMELY , window! v . 1 PHONtl 1M friends,.; meets' every month" for these delightful, affairs. - f The - Xount-on-me class of the First Baptist church will meet next Tuesday; ; with : Miss Dora Walker, 407, North Nineteenth.' v. :"' -;. J The grand; officers of the Neigh bors of Woodcraft wH be. enter tained this evening ; Friday) at tje Silver Bell circle ' ceremonies in' the large room, at the WOW hall. Initiation will, take Iplace, .witha drill team; from-Siiverton putting .on a: special ,. exhibition. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Russell Catlin is in charge of.the cooked food sale' which. St. Paul's Guild of r the - Episcopal church is sponsoring tomorrow, beglnning.at 10:30 o'clock, at Nei meyer'sl drag: store. ' ' ; ' : - '': -' '" : ' j ' s The Woma'n's , Missionary, soci ety; of the First" Presbyterian church will meet at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the church par lors. All women of the church and the congregation are invited. "Friday, the J3ihwill' b'ethe occasion for an entertaining St. Patrick's Day party at 7:30 o'clock this" evening'" at" the First Presbyterian ' church. Miss Maxlne isuren is cnairman oi tne oc.iai committee In charge. r. All young people above the high,, school age are Cordially invited to be present for the fun and fellowship. ! , n -. . . - ' Mrs. Monroe. Gilbert, in: the in terest of an extension course in design tin Salem, is' asking all those interested : in such a course of study under Professor N. - B. Kane to call at the studio above Weller's store on North Commer cial street, and leave their names. - r Professor Kane is interested' in securing a class pf 40 M f pr. this ork which will meet for a two hour period, once each week, the first hour to be . given to lecture work, and the : second to practi cal design and Individual work on DlfeEGT FROM THE LOOMS Of! THE SLOVAKS A MoSsf " WonietM Sliowmg of StrisE- Sies Oh' Sale hi Bargain Square Friday aihd Saturday Orily i AT 3 FOR or $gsa Today arid tomorrow we direct your attention to this sale of rugs at the extreme low price of $1 .19. It is only another triumph of bargain hunting registered by oiiir New YoVk buying cphnec tiohs' iri supplying notable events for 6ur ' 'Basement Bargain oquare. -: i . MONEY - S A VIM'G Now that spring house cleaning is at hand a score of new house furnishings will be listed for immediate purchase. Among them . should be a few of these. You 11 find use for them ih every room. For utilitv thev save the wear and -tear on expensive rugs.--See Today, and Tomorrow! ! - ! - "Only a Evs, the part of the students. In the lecture course, Professor Kane will 'develop the following - sum mary . of' purposes: "The purpose of.the course .4s -to' show that dfr sign springs directly from life It self and rejates In turn to the life of the Individualthat the In divid ual" may. form deeper judg ments involving art principles." s rjThef practical work will Involve the : actual solution of problems. If a sufficient number desire" the work," classes,. ,to continue' for 1 2 weeks, will probably start either Tuesday, March 31. or Thursday, April . Z. ; Credit -will bp given, at tae innlrerslty,: for - this ' work if those taking It so arrange. ' j Thp Junior Standard Bearers of the :First Alefhodist ch urch ''.will meet from 7 to 9:30 o'clock-this evening at the home of MrsA'A. Lee, 1515 State street. Misr Nera Stoliheise and vMJtss .Xucille MUes will - be the hostesses. Assisting with V the, entertainment will be: Miss ?lelen; Breitbaupt and: Miss Chrystalee -Maxwell. The group will enjoy games and continue the work in preparing wash-cloths and bandages for a box to, send to Tien-Sin, Chinai. Officers will be elected "at this time. J the St. Pat rJck color scaeme will, be used in the decorating. , Entertaining for her, son, Jack Elliott, Mrs. F. A. Elliott was hostess. Wednesday, evening! at dinner, with covers placed for 11 Spring flowers and foliage' were used in a decorative way, giving a hint of the approaching St. Pat rick season. ; '. Covers at the dinner were plac ed for: Mr., and Mrs.. Hufch -M(t Cammon, Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Hen dricks, Mr. .and Mrs. -'-Orris ' Fry, Mr. and, Mrs. - Karl Becke, Mr, Jack Elliott, ; and' the hosts Mr. and Mrs J F.'Ar Elliott,; ; r ; I -!i;s"l; ' , :' The Woman's society of the First. Baptist church will meet at 2:30 o'clock' this afternoon' in' the' church -parlors, l ? - f ; - U...-.'t-i;- . i '.-V f ' Letters -are at hand this week from Franklin B. Launer who is' spending- a year of intense music study in Fontaineblean and Paris. In a letter received by Mrs.C. A. Kelis he 'writes'enihusiasUcally as follows: "I am having a wonder ful study in Paris this winter. Is Step 3 Down OIF --w-. i - . ? -cm ;;V ' - Today . . . ' ' ; First" Presbyterian - church Wo man'jf Missionary; society. Church parlors. 2:30 o'clock. ' i Concert ' by Cherry - Bud band. West v Salem church. Benefit of building fund. 8 o'clock. ' Woman's society. FJrst Baptist church- ; Church parlors, 2:30 .o'clock. ' , . Junior Standard, bearers. ! Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street,' 7 to 9:30 o'clock. C , i s St. Patrick party. Senior Young Peoplei. First Presbyterian church. 7s 30 O'clock. .'Willing -Worker's class of the Tint Christian church. St. Pat rick's party.j 7:30 o'clock. v , Interior Decoration section. Sa lem 'Arts' League. City library. 7:30 o'clock. , . . Saturday alem Woman's club. Business meeting, .'clob house. , - f. Golden Hour club. Dinner par ty. ';. XJray, Belle at 6:45 o'clock. '..tSalem Women's Service society. Coekedfood sale. Southern Pa cific ticket office. St. Paul's guild cooked-food sale. i. Neime'yeV's drug store, at 10:30 o'clock. 'MondajrV j . " ...St. ,Patrick Day -program. Woman's Club building. Sponsor-' ship of Salem MacDowell club.. Dedication of . walnut tree for ' Children of the American Revolu tion. . Court .hqu.se grounds. s 4 'oclock. - Auspices of Chemeketa j chapter of the trARr Tuesday r ' j 1; Writers club:, Mrs: Merrliro: Ohling, 1840" South High street,! hostess. -,- - t, -. t ' -First Evangelical hurch. Chick-: en pie supper. 6: 1& o'clock. ' St.; Patrick's tea.'; East Division of" the First Presbyterian Ladies' Aid-society. Church" parlors. 2 to 5 o'clock., , VJ ,.v u .. . -Cdunt-on-me, class of the First Baptist church. Miss Dora. Walk er, 407 Norths Nineteenth street. it that the teachers are more won derful than in America? . , No, .1 don't think iso--Ifs the atmos phere, the environment-rthe arl that it is, with' the Louvre, Lux emburg gardens,' Ivalide, and all. Of couree, I 'know that you have seen tnem an m your .visiis 10 Paris. Before coming oyer here, one year looked' like a long time. LLLAJ 1? '. OPPORTUNITY hut now the one year. It seems has - squeezed ; itself into about three months. . .... , "I feel ; in my return to Salem, and to Willamette university, that I : am coming w back with ) better ideas, larger vision, and more en thusiasm for my work than I have ever had' before. - I am' thankful i a hundred times over for my many friends who have helped and en couraged my stay" in Paris? ! "Next Sunday afternoon I have been Invited to play at the studio of Leonlde de pachmann, son of the virtuoso, De Pachmann, who has been touring, the States play ing Chopin programmes. , ."I am stndying piano; with Mon sieur Philipp and Monsieur De creus. They are both great' mas ters and furthermore are patient to a degree, an Important quality that a good teacher must have. My coming home and the exact arrival is still very indefinite. Either in June or September. 'As ' you told me last spring. Fontainebleau is one of the most beautiful of places. The forest is wonderful I really like it bet ter than Versailles. J . ; j "I am studying French bard, but it Is 'tres difficile. I under-j santd much better than I can speak." "'. V;- ( Mr. Launer closes his letter with an expression of. pleasure at the news of the success of the re cent YMCA drive in Salem. J j Governor Walter M. Pierce has moved from his home on South Twelfth street to the Keyes Apart ments. Miss Lorraine Pierce will i make her home -with her sister, Mrs. Harold Hall. j A St. Patrick's tea is announced by the East Division of the First Presbyterian Ladies aid society for Tuesday,: March 17, from 2 to 5 o'clock' 'in the church parlors, for the benefit of the church build ing fund.! Cake land home-made bread will also be on sale during the tea-hour. All are invited to join' in the hospitality. , , , '.-.. .' ;".'.;,-' ; Miss Gussie Niles, Miss Eva Fe ree, and Mrs. Sylvia Woods had the; pleasure of hearing Frits Kreisler in concert on Wednesday at the Portland auditorium. j .-I ; ' .iv. ' The Willing Workers or the irst Christian churh will give a Patrick's Day party; this evening, Friday the 13th, at the church, be ginning at 7:30 o'clock. A fine program has been arranged, with all members of the class and their families invited. a I. On -Wednesday evening Mrsj F. M. Haberman entertained in hon or- of the Rebekahs of Stayton ,w-hile ,the husbands attended the initiation ceremonies of the ioof. Five hundred 'was the diversion of the evening, four tables being in play., , '( Those enjoying the evening to 10)', ft - - r Avail yoursellf of this opporWxiity o get one of these wetf known, time, tested, Brid-c-Beach Ranges al terms that make it airime for any man to expect fis wife to 'fonry along" oh what she has. Combinations and Wood Ranges, all models ate includcd in this special offer. , 'the least expensive fuHy guaranteed by "Good Housekeeping Institute and lacks the ordinary, "electric range price Use Tour Credit : gether were: Mrs. A. Murphy, Mrs. W. Mayo, Mrs. R. Woods, Mrs. E. Crabtree, Mrs.' W.E. Ry an, Mrs. V. Dare Sloper, Mrs. Henry Tate, Miss T, Mahoney, of Stayton;. Mrs. J. Madison, , Mrs. M. Bishop,. Mrs.1 E. Pearcy, Mrs. R. Crawford, Mrs. C. Elgin. Mrs. L. Stiffler, Mrs. Daisy' Mclntyre, Miss Anna Mclntyre, Miss Ange line Ryan, and the hostess, Mrs. F. MI Haberman"' - "I . Wednesday evening for the pleasure of Mrs. Kenneth Camp bell, who is' leaving soon to make her (bome In The Dalles, Miss Ruby Drager and Mis3 Audra Win ship entertained at a 6 - o'clock dinner in the Rose room of the Spa. An attractive color scheme of yellow and green was" carried out in the flowers and the place cards. The guests were Mrs. Ken neth Campbell, Miss' Retha Nash, Mis3 Lortna Geer, Hiss Alda Nash, Miss Audra Winship and Miss Ruby Drager. Mabel Marcus of Salem, senior in vocational education, has a leading ; part in "Riders to the Sea," one of the three one-act Ir ish plays to be presented by the community drama c!as3es at the OAC. These plays are prepared as class work by the students and presented to the students of the college .in the , workshop .theater. Miss Marcus 13 a member of Sig ma Kappa, social fraternity on the OAC campus. -x- . Miss Elma Weller attended the Kreisler concert in Portland Wed nesday evening. Miss Weller was enthusiastic over the artist's skill and the ovation given him by the Portland. audience. - - - - t SILVERTON SOCIETY - .i . ; Mrs. Harrison -.Cosho and her father, J. Largent, were visitors at Silverton a short time this ifoijgMffisai Delivers No Interest on the oo Deliveris YbiirHoosier 1 1 .g' g week. Mrs.4Cosho, who -was' for merly Miss Made Largent, and Mr. Largent were former Sllver ton residents. At one time Mr. Largent was manager of the Sil verton hotel, ) which burned dpwn three years ago.; Later he man aged the Largent apartments, first on North First street and later on North Water street. After the death of Mrs.' Largent - Mr. Larg ent went to Boise, Idaho, to mane hla hnma vitK hisi rtauehter. Mrs. Cosho is a graduate of theSilyer- TFhe Busiest1 Shopping Period of Spring Is Here New Coats, Suits, Dresses, Millinery . Price, too, is anbther feature that will interest you Coats $12.50 up tft $55 Dresses $12.50 up to $65 Trimmed Millinery V $2.95 to $8.95 SATISFACTION on every purchase or your money cheerfully refunded YOURMAIL ORDERS receive careful' attention., We pay express or postage within a radius of a hundred miles , -,W;v's:.fl:...::,:, "CAN SALEM STORE 16 State Street BaEmhce 1 ' m s ww ii electric range on the market. Endorsed is a really good electric range, but it FI:lo Buy if as" yovfA pay Laundry ... v - - .3St TO t 377 COURT ST m m - " toahigh...schooj.and of tte uni versity of Oregon. . ;... . . . - -' Edwin Tihglesiad, principal of the Oregon City S.igV school, an! Mr. Kirk, superintendent of tl.3 Oregon city schools, were gues:3 of Mr, rTlnglestad's parents. Mr. and . Mrs. B. Tinglestad of Silver- ion, at ainner luesaav cream-. Mr. Tinglestad .is coach for tts Oregon City high school basketball team which, was defeated by the Every garment, has been selected ,'with discrimina tion and is in thorough attune with the desires' find requirements of an exacting clientele. GUARANT EED ASD'DO"; - v PORTLAND SILK SIIOP 883 Alder Street V i .r. l ;iv ilj : . t - - FI::.3 your Wc Chra ITo w .