J , .THE OREGON ;STATE& 3 if '1 -ftp- FrinfcS GUI Delight Audience1 at f S rrograrn in waller rlair Last JNight 4 On or Oregon's Leading Women Poets Js Gran4-lauhter tf Isu . Wbo Iiald Out Salem;. Original Pioneer Verse Offered r . " ; '- By AUDRfiD' BUNCH 4 1 r It - war; 5 fitting- Introduction which-Dr. -B.I Steeves gave last , night atiWaller hall; when he pre 8ente,d,MIss Frances jam to her Sa lem audience, . As the granddaugh ter ofthman who : laid j out Sa-lemDrv- Willsonshe ;had the proud ovation -of all and, on - her own merits, as one of the leading women poets in Oregon, ishe won i wide circle of new friends who. frankly ; reveled ; In her ease of , eechand poetic versatility. t: Appropriate. tn the", light of the generations Of - i pioneers : from .which this flower, of -a woman has sprung, ' she": opened her program of original, verse -with pioneer se lections, . 'The Pioneer Woman," "Lor oftheeoll and "West .'Wind, the Jast based on the res- J Today and Saturday Only 3 ( ; W .... - ' - RE mm treats rerj: r.:arch is i . . Order Your Seats Now for 1 . r.L- s.rJ ' : - J SAMCHO Qxnponi 4 AO PkfcShmOonoersL PAN ZA ?3 .- s'tj&aw aagniffcesi.Mr. Skinn-r-plar 'Sanefco Panxa' f.. . There i th rieh nasa of oil. in his spradtd roice and the unction ol fine bij naVure ia. hit action, and tboagb'he hag been ptayinj the 'part ' for, two j-eara now, his I uperionaljon hat all the freahneai and apontaoeity of a first performance. It ia on of the (tenia one mar Pit away to gloat over from' time to time, and amile or even laugh aloud at the memory.'.' -Oeorje "Warren, San Francisco Chronicle. , , V: ' : ' " f t F bf : K J ' . ' vi 4" j 1.' "t-. " , ' Never in. Mr. Skinner's history as a" dramatic star has he had a more delightful play than "SANCHO PANZA." PRICES : Lower Floor, $2.75 ; Balcony, $275 and $2.20. Poxes, lower, $2.20 r upper,-$1.65? Gallery, $1.10 f: ; --'-'. , Including: Tax. ; V i trnant lines,"1 The iwest -winds ' play 'wf,th forests .StaatiaT meeting with an nunsuai bursV-of fator tootf a.ubiTant tlif 1$$, Ttrf "ldtff long iway; rrom Oregon, - out DiraSj songs carry throngh.f And?tth climax was delightful, as ' those who heard 'Will' remember. At the: close of this group ,MJss Eugenia' 'Savage gave two .piano solos, "Memories.! and To the Rising Sun," ; each ,; beautifully played. 5 r ; -V"-- j x'Miss i;Giir second'.graap i was made . up of request , ; numbers, which, smiling :TamJhously, ,she agreed sne wouid group aa lyrics. All, throngh herllftle, 'cdhversai tionar -interludes - adj iatereat t a : program; - already . brimming, "The Meadowlark struck . a 'poig nant note, and so 'did'The Door't Her ' range'.of expressiotf , runs ' all the way- fromthe philosophic to the descriptive and to child's' ,verse for, which-. shells' bes known of ail,- having two published volumes, "Windy Leaf and :The Little Days.- . ' :-' ' ' Vhen Miss Elizabeth Silver sang There Ate Fairies In' the" Bottom of Our GaTden," she. prepared In a delightful way for Miss Gill's group that ,was,to, follow.. .These, the -children's poems.' were ' vivid portrayals; of the naiyef In' the child-mind, i The audience quite do(;ed on . the little: girl- who was able , to id en tit y , the- various pew holders by their-respective smells, which ranged air; the ; waV from thq Shinola" boy "to tbe. Miss i'Lu cille - who melied "Se a.. ''lUac bush when rain is'in. the air. ,- The. bijfgest thing. that Miss Glll divorce.; Not , a preachment,' or an indictmentr " but pictures pretty vivid to- b.ear. 'Miss -Gill . writes sonnets with a master's hand. , Af ter the t program 'was v. oter fshe kIndly.;;.consectejdlI;lro' return j for two request numbers,', . - iMiss QiJUiWidelynpwn ;in Ore gon, and vine . daughter : pl . J, K. Gill , ofv ther', Portland ! bdok store, is a personal friend of -Miss Betty Hyde,- a? whose invitation- she came to' Salem. " ' ". ; Ml it- son kOF SALEM Afe.il--- : I tj Tvf - ..." ;:--! mi muni j , ; -..anii i nmn mm Rev". Charles' S. Poling t. -'- Li -f ' Li,:: CHE.PDLi. SPEAUirJG HERE XAROOTICS' DESTROYED TACOMA,1 Wvashr.,; March. ' 1 2. "The destruction, squad", of the federal narcotic division- burned S10(Tt0OO. ' worth Vof opium ' and other confiscated narcotic drugs in the furnace of the federal building here today. t . ' : x i ' v t JX ; FRIDAY ancT SATOrDAY - : 4. I ' .-.- ' t;- - ( ..- -jiat-v .ar-sa. a' .. mm, .--..'a--wie. -?.. - .-j- FAMILY NIGHTS AND IT'S SOME SHOW ! Just Right for Every Body! :' I 'I ' ": ' . i "t ! : ' I . ! I. ; i ' J '' ' . . mi"'', If r-A'. r ; v L-j fcji. J - t-i - - y; v- j j roMTTT P. STORY DY WILLIAM WALLACE COOK fl ine reason s mosv I'aruuns iComantlc Melodrama i Sonr of ? Salgrfi Pastor Will Lead Pre-Easter ServicB? af Local Cfiurch als" and six hae Vptf . silver ined als. Venadell' dam; is the regW ter of merit cow,' Ventllla Deir. - ISSOE FORCED 01) SEN- ' ATORS BY; PRESIDENT (Contlnoad from jiax 1) ' . . ' to appear before; the committee to reply to the attacks made on him In the senate with, respect to his former connections with' the sugar Interests, but there wasj no official information on the "subject. Chairman Cummins aald hie had "no intention of Inviting: Mr.' War ren before the committee .unless he'" indicated a. desire" ib appear and-that In, any event 'ae matter was" one for the committee itself to deae -r-.- c Those1 leading1 the fOrceVln op position to Mr. Watretfsdmina tlo'ti" -had - not" finally" determined tonight upon' "th'eW'course "of -acJ-tion. ' They were examining jbodks on law and precedent ' to saUsTy themselves whether - they-- would be' on- tenable- ground - if they charged the authority pr. the ex ecutive to resubmit a nomination after, it .had.'been rejected:" ; , " One precedent for the action of Mf.; (Joplidge was founJ today. President , Tyler,'. who. had . mor? difficulty with the senate .over selections for;, his .official family than, any, otet execut ve resubf mitfed ?tthe nomination of .Caleb Cashing of Massachusetts . to be secretary of the treasury, after the ; senate had, rejected, it on March's, IS 4 3 by a vote of19 to 27. v The senate promptly' reafirm- ed Its action, 2 to 29. ., ' . . i PrerEaster serylces will, be held ai me r irsi i'resDyierian cnurcn March 16 to- April 5- with- Rev. Charles S. Poling, pf ;. RIdgway. Pa, as leader and speaker.' He Is one i of America's great young preachers and a brother , of Rev. Dan Poling, or Marble Collegiate Reformed church. New York City. He was: bora in - LaFayette,' Ore and received his. high school . edu cation in Portland, his college ed ucation at Philomath and is a post graduate . from an ' eastern- college, Services will 1je held every'nlght! at 7:30 o clock with the exception of Saturday. ; 'Afternoon , services will be, held T at 3 o'clock on Tues days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The First "Evangelical ahd First Presbyterian : churches are Joining in the serylcea., ; In addition to his. ability ,as ' a minister. Rev, t Poling is .a. '-musi cian and song, writer. .H 'Teads his own chorus and congregation In singing: -v Rev. Poling is the son of Rev. u. rpung, or tsaiem, Rev. Poling is pastor, of the. First Evangelical cnurcn here. . ; . 'Although a young man, Rev. Poling has" seen life from.-many angles. . ; He baa" served . several pastorates and during the -World War- was . a- chaplain, spending several years in evangelical work later. Before entering the minis try he gained quite a reputation as an all-around athlete and for a year and a half was physical dir ector at Philomath college;' . ; At the close, of the. war,. in. con nection with other, work, he serv ed as president' of; one7 of the lar gest Christian Endeavor unions In the east. , Wherever he has appeared , he has won the hearts of those who heard him and 'who have formed his acquaintance. Salvation Army: Pfany Big Service at; tayton " Following a- series of ' meetings in the outlying districts of Salem. the -Salvation Army is to 'travel to siayton - during the week to hold an outdoor service. Immedi ately following big indoor meet ing ts to be held in the Christian church at Stayton, which will be marked by a community church services. ; ' - , i ' About 25 'people' from 'the, Sa lem post are to be5 ra attendance. The trip is to be made by motor truck s" ; ' . . On March 2t-nd 22 the Salva tion Army post of Salem is to send a delegation to Portland" for a big conference td'be held there.: A Promising Youngster.; x Comes From Oregon i Silver Chimes Venadell 534942. a Jersey heifer owned.' and' tested by C. J, Reid-and Lorenien Bros., of(:payton,Or..:has completed all requirements for" the American Jersey Cattle club silver medal in the 365.-day, cJ8S,; with calf, , . ' venaaeu, was.siarieq on tesi ai the age' ot 2ayeara and 1 month and in the ensuing 365" days she yielded 568,06 pounds of fat and 10,494. pounds of milk. She car ried her calfor;lT? days of this time and produced "over 43 pounds of fat la every complete month of the tet. During the 7th and nth month she exceeded 4he U 0-pound mark. fof fat production. , This young producer Is by Silver Chimes of S. B.. the gold and sil ver medal sire that has 41 daugh ters and one son in the register of merit.' Up. to the present six' of Washing A spoonful in. the dishpan is ALL you need.- It instantly makes a generous, last ing Stids. Youll be) delighted When you see your dishes cleansed and shining in almost no time..; Good' for,the hands, too; Remember now, next time, CITRUS GRANULATED SO AP-and every time. SMadeby the manufacturers of the famous CITRUS Z WASHING POWDER O i w - 1 M i am. a a aka as 1 CTXRUS VSQAP COMRANY. SAN DIEGO, CAUF. ' ; rQ&? i v r JOHN POWERFUL STORY - MADE INTO OF THE BIGGEST PHOTOPLAYS IN MOTION PICTURE HISTORY! - w- s - - Friday ; (Evening) Saturday (Evening) Sunday atoii p.m. , ir rNew X fh 11 WMk r y Vm Pi 'i .. HONOR" Adventures of ; . ' VAX BIBBKIt , by RICHARD 4 HARDING DAVIS . An ou&tandirigr stage success for 7 years, 2 years on Broadway; a year In Chicago an unparalleled attraction on tour. v.1 tvVfcv'iV THEATRE Special Orchestra " Accompaniment . br . 'GRAND.. ORCHESTRA Direction '? ;"f'-Mafy r '. Talmadgje-Hcdnck ;j-oxxirvs tOf.IEDY -VttNEWS 1 Falcony 33c i : t - a ill' it ; ? '1-