The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Weather Partly-cloudy
without change in - temperature, freezing "east
portion tn morning; moderate northwest winds.
Thursday Max.-48; Min.-38; River 3.1; Rain
fall n6he; Atmosphere pt. cloudy;-. Wind west
brings prices down. It helps to stabilize busi
ness and insures a superior product to consumer
at a lower price.
i i
4 !
Visiting Basketball Players
From Wallowa Are Enmi
ty nated By Score of 25 to
T 10 Last Night -
Southern Oregon Champs
Lose 32 to 16; Salem Plays
Salem 2.1; Wallow 10
Franklin il2; Medford 10
j Today's Game
2:. TO Salem vs. Astoria
3:30 McMinnville vs. Arago
7:IIO Eugene vs. HoddTRlver
BrflO Franklin vs. Pendleton.
I In the opening game of the
I A state basketball tournament last
i night the Salem high basketball
I squad defeated Wallowa , high
by the decisive score of 25-10 be-
j fore a crowd that packed the Wil
f lamette gymnasium to capacity.
In the second game Franklin high
defeated Bedford by the score of
i32-16. These games "eliminate
tJrVa teams as possible contenders
ror tne state cnampionsnip.
The Salem-Wallowa game be
longed to Salem from the first per
iod when the score stood 10-2.
Elite,' Salem forward, scored first
by dropping in a field goal In the
first minute of play. Ellis was
the high point man of the game
with a total of 11 points to his
credit. Four field goals and three
converted free throws.
Wallowa Takes Brace
In, the second quarter Wallowa
was able to hold the local men to
an even score of 4 points for each
team which made the score at the
end of the halM4-S. : Two substi
tutes were sent into the game for
this period by Coach Hollis Hunt
ington as he wished - to savehis
"first string for the harder games
which will come later in the se
ries. ,
During the third quarter the
Salem men ran up a total of 3
points to their opponents' 2; end
ing that period with a lead of 9
points, the score standing at 17-8
In favor of Salem. ' : - '
T - Plav Fine Game
In the final period Ihe Salem
rfirst string 'went into the game
?nd they completely played the
(Continued on sage 2)
Senator Copeland, Democrat
Speaks Continuously for
- Eight Hours
j , WASHINGTON, March 12.
j Breaking the one-man filibuster
I conducted by Senator Copeland,
democrat. New York; the senate
I tonight entered a unanimous con-
sent agreement to vote by 3 p. m.
tomorrow on the 20-year-old
1 treaty recognizing the sovereignty
I of Cuba over the Isle of Pines,
j I Senator Copeland began his fill
' "buster yesterday, demanding that
'S'he treaty be put aside until De
r rember. and he snoke for eight
viours today almost continuously.
I Kie senate being held in session
from noon until late tonight with
out a recess to prevent him from
resting. He abandoned the fili
buster suddenly at 8 p. m., yield
ing the floor to Senator Shipstead;
farmer-labor, Minnesota, another
opponent of the treaty, who spoke
only an hour.
When Senator Copeland stopped
speaking, proponents" attempted to
force a vote tonight, but several
other members Insisted upon an
opportunity, be heard. Senator
Tepper, republican, Pennsylvania,
In charge of the treaty, then pro
posed the unanimous consent
agreement which was , adopted,
limiting each member to one
speech of not more than 15 min
utes'on the subject.
The New York senator conduct
ed his flsht from behind a stead
ily augmented bulkark of refer
ence books, documents, maps and
blueprints, estimated by others to
contain sufficient oratorical am
munition to last a month. He also
had some crackers and raisins In
his pocket and occasionally sipped
broth or milk brought to 'him by
his secretary while poring over
ine record.
Geneva Peace Plan Is
Rejected by England;
Setback Is Sustained
GENEVA, March 12. (By The
Assoc iated Press. ) The Impress
ion ', that international disarma
ment has received a setback was
shining forth like some sinister
beacbn at Geneva tdnight as a
sequence of tb'day's memorable
meeting of the (council of the
league of natldris, at Which Eng
land and air her donminiohs, ex
cept Ireland, rejected the Genera
peace protocol. ' This protocol was
erected to aehTeve disarmament by
establishing in Ihe world the reign
of compulsory arbitration and se
curity. 'l 1 - 5 -V
Dr. Eduard Benes,' the Czecho
Slovakian foreign minister.'who Is
the official reporter of the council
on the protocol,! Informed the As
sociated Press tdnlght that "he will
introduce 'a resolution tomorrow
that the entire problem of inter
national peace and disarmament
be referred to the next essembly
of the league, j This examination
by the assembly, he said, should
naturally include a 'study of Mr.
Chamberlain's j recommendation
made today that the, league coven
Republican Plans Are Upset
By Pine Treaty and War
ren Nomination
WASHINGTON,. March 12.
Developments today with respect
to the world tourt issue, the Isle
of Pines treaty: and the Warren
nomination were : believed gener
ally at the capltol to have upset
plans of republican leaders to end
the special session of the senate
Saturday night, j U ". : -
. The world court .question was
discussed at conferences both of
senate democrats and republicans
with the latter deferring decision
as to their course and tfief former
agreeing to insist that the senate
make this matter a special order
early In the first session of the
new "congress, i
' The democrats: decided "also to
join forces with the republican
leaders in pressing for an early
vote on the Isle of Pines treaty,
but' despite this,' one of their num
ber. Senator Copeland,. New York,
went ahead with his almost single
handed filibuster against the convention.-
! - ': ; -
The re-submission of ihe nom
ination of Charles B. Warren to
be attorney general was not dis
cussed at either conference it was
stated but leaders on both sides
were agreed that, with this fight
reopened, the senate would "be un
able to conclude the -business
which' Would force it to be called
in special session wlfhln fhenext
two days.
Washington Drivers May Be
Held for Manslaughter;
Three Are Killed
SEATTLE, March 12. Coron
er's juries investigating two deaths
resulting from automobile colli
sions held the two drivers of ma
chines responsible for the acci
dents and recommended they be
prosecuted on manslangbter cnargv
es. Another motorist was exon
erated. ' .
Victor Swanson, 30, of Tacoma,
was blamed for the death of Jean
Smith, 7, killed by an automobile
Saturday. - j
- John Natoli, ! 24, for hire auto
mobile driver, was ' held respons
ible for an accident Saturday re
sulting in the death of Charles G.
Burns, manager for a collection
firm here.-;
Frank M. Skinner of Tacoma
was exonerated for the death of
Captain' Thomas H. Cann, retired
mariner of Des Mohres, Wash.,
who was killed Sunday in front
of his home when struck by an
automobile while aiding- another
motorist push his stalled machine
off the highway. 1
flu Hits Chicago
CHICAGO, March 12. Seventy
eight new cases of influenza were
reported here today as compared
to "84 yesterday and ; sevenf-new
deaths brought tbe total for 3 6
hours up to 30.
ant be supplemented by special de
fensive treaties between nations
whose differences might lead to a
renewal of war, treaties whose
Bole object would be the mainte
nance of unbroken peace.
Great Britain today not only
threw the protocol overboard, but
declared it was hopeless to try to
rescue it with the Idea of success
ful revision. Austin Chamberlain,
the British secretary for foreign
affairs," stood rigidly against com
pulsory arbitration of all disputes
which is one of the main features
of the protocol. Alluding to the
immigration Issue, which wa3 in
directly raised by Japan In con
nection with the protocol he as
serted that the British objections
to compulsory arbitration had
been increased because the proto
col had I weakened . those league
covenant stipulations which were
designed to prevent Interference
by the league in matters of domes
tic jurisdiction.:
i. He condemned th protocol be-,
cause it destroyed the balance and
(Coo tinned en pg 2)
Three Children of One Fam
ily Bring Germs Here;
Garfield on Vacation:
A threatened smallpox epidemic
closed the Garfield school yester
day, sending nearly 400 children
to their homes. Three weeks ago
three children of TJ. G. Walker,
who moved to this city from
Sedro-Wooley, Wash., and have
exposed the school children to the
disease, the school authorities al
lege. It is stated that a smallpox
epidemic 'was raging in tbe city
they left. At present the family
is quarantined with the sickness.
-Children' of the Garfield school
have been given the option of do
ing one of three things.' If they
have been vaccinated at a recent
date they may bring their certifi
cates to school; if the parents ob
ject to the vaccination the child
ren can remain at ihome for 21
days, or they may be vaccinated
free of charge by the school doc
tor. "Else they may take the vac
cination at their own expense by
a doctor of their own choosing.
Many of the parents consented
to the vaccination, according to
the innoculations being made there
yesterday.' -I v ;.: .:; H
The school children will get a
vacation until Monday morning,
according to announcement made
y George W. Hng, superintendent
of city schools.
It Is said Ir. Walker has an
other: child renrolled at the J. I.
Parrish junior high school Who
has 'been vaccinated, according to
the report made yesterday Con
sequently he has toot exposed the
children of that school to the dis
ease. . ' . f i . : - ; S -.
YAKIMA, Wash., March 12.
Fifty-two students who are board
ers in a church, school at Granger;
near "here, were quarantined in
the building today by county
health' officials who said they
found "two 'cases of scarlet fever
fn the School. - More han 50 aay
students will be quarantined in
their homes it was stated. , '
' HTIiflll
- . .. li fl. , V s i
Whitman College "Boys Eat
Uncooked Sausage; Sev
eral in Hospitals
YAKIMA, Wash., March 12.
Eating of raw pork sausage dur
ing a fraternity initiation at Whit
man college In Walla Walla made
10 boys ill and put several of them
in the hospital, according to Ken
dall Chase 7 of Yakima, who said
tonight he had spent several days
In a hospital in Walla Walla be
fore returning home to recuperate.
William Heers, -another Yakima
boy, is said to be in the Walla
Walla hospital t now. Another
young man, touringwith the Whit
man Glee club, was removed to a
hospital In Portland, according to
Chase., i According to the story
told to Chase, a Walla Walla doc
tor ! diagnosed the trouble as
trichinosis,) which would not be
serious unless complications de
veloped. -' ,,-..! li . '.
Maze of Objections, Tech
nicalities and Contentions
Cause Trial Judge to Bring
Pivotal Point of Testimony
Arrived at; Bank Account
Records Probed
,) CHEYENNE, Wyo., March 12.
(By the AP.) Hitting the high
spots for the first time since the
trial began, attorneys in the Tea
pot Dome lease annulment case to
day brought out "the "pivotal
point" in the litigation and then
wound up the case in such a tan
gle of objections, technicalities
and contentions, that Judge Ken
nedy abruptly adjourned court in
the middle of the afternoon in or
der to give government lawyers
time to get a fresh start.
The principal developments were
these: The question of admitting
bank account records of Albert B.
Fall, former secretary of the- in
terior, who leased Teapot Dome
to i Harry F. Sinclair's Mammoth
Oil company; to show an exchange
of liberty bonds between Sinclair
and Fall was taken under advise
ment by Federal Judge T. Blake
; J. W. Lacey of defense counsel
objected to the testimony of E. J.
Conway, cashier of the federal
reserve branch bank of Denver,
on the ground that it was "double
hearsay" because Conway himself
did not actually make the records
to which he was testifying. :The
objection took government counsel
by surprise- when Mr. Lacey declared-
h -iould" quote - sufficient
legal authority to show Conway's
testimony was incompetent. When
Owen Jt Roberts of government
counsel told the court he was not
yet prepared to cite his authority
for so conducting the examination
of Conway, Judge Kennedy order
ed an adjournment until tomor
row to allow the , government to
prepare Its argument sustaining
the calling of the Denver witness.
Mr. ; Lacey declared government
counsel was asking Conway to
answer questions he did not know
about and that such testimony was
"double hearsay.". He originally
had objected to the introduction
of bank records of Fall's deposits
as inadmissible on the ground they
had no connection with the de-
( Continued en page 2)
1 J
New York Millionaire Termed
'.'Dollar Marked Octo
pus" By State
( CC1CAGO. March 12. The; trial
of W. "E. H, Stokes, 7 3 -year-old
New, York millionaire, and Robert
F. Lee, ; Chicago negro, charged
with, conspiracy to defame Mrs.
Helen El wood Stokes, will end to
morrow afternoon shortly after 2
o'clock. " :, ..
i At the end of a full day of ar
guments to the Jury today, the
attorneys agreed with Judge W.
N. Gemmill on procedure which
will place the case in the jury's
hands shortly after the opening
of tomorrow afternoon's session.
C. F. Rathbun, counsel for Mrs.
Stokes, addressed the jury three
and ' one half hours today after
Milton D. Smith, assistant state's
attorney had ended a conviction
plea of the same length. .
After M. D. Smith had conclud
ed h is arraignment, of Mr. Stokes
as a "dollar i marked octopus,"
with long tentacles which reached
into- the old underworld of Chi
cago and elsewhere to "dirty up"
his wife in an effort to bolster up
a divorce suit, Rathbun painted
his client as an "old man obsessed
by one ilea that his wife had
done something wrong," and who
legally and without malicious In
tent sought to get the straight of
the matter.
"There may be a lot of evidence
in this case that will make you
say Stokes was a darned old fool,
but you can't say there was evi-
( Continued en page S)
' .-. -4 .,-4 j
Most Powerful Concentration
Ever Assembled Steams
r Into Harbor After Brilliant
; Display , j j j
Fourteen Admirals and 25,000
Enlisted Men View Gath- j
ering of Ships '
SAN DIEGO. Cal., March 12.-U,
(By the Associated Press). -The
United States fleet, the most pow
erful concentration of American
sea power W - the Pacific
coast, steamea into Kan Diego anj
Coronado roads today. One hun
dred and fourteen battle craft
went into anchorage after a spec
tacular war game off ! the lower
California coast ' testing defense
against Invasion. There were 14
admirals in the -quarter deck re
ceptions and 25,000 men were
brought here by the war craft."
Admiral Robert E. Coontz, com
mander in chief, from the signal
bridge of his flagship, the USS
SeEattle, proudly watched the ma
jestic cruising formation stand by
and . each unit move off through
the channel. to anchorage.
Squadrons , of welcoming airf
planes came from, shore stations
and from the decks of the aircraft
carrier Langley, and boat decks of
the light scout cruisers fleet air
planes catapulted. Several hours
were taken in the bringing of the
great fleet to anchorage. . ; .:
Among spectacular demonstra
tions was a flight of li airplanes
in one minute and - 15 seconds
from the deck of ; the Langley;
which looks like a great ship with
a d?nce floor built on top of 4t In
place-of deck gear, masts or lUnf
nels. ' ; - ' A i
Having completed the battle
maneuvers, which, after , twc
weeks ' resulted in a nine hour
night battle, the outcome of which
will be officially determined Sat
urday morning and afternoon in a
conference of 400 officers and
men under leadership of 14 ad
mirals : ; " ;' -i" 1 ! : J
Observers and unit commanders
will make their reports, i In this
conference the theoretical - losses
will be known, for the estimates
cannot be made until the reports
of official observers are in and
records compared. - Indications
were that two - battleships 1 were
sunk by the submarines, j but this
will have to be confirmed. ' 'Air
planes played an uniiriportant part
in the actual battle, owing to the
coming of "the fleets together at
night, by the approach and pene
tration of the defending blue fleet
submarines.' 1
Growth Is Constant During
Last Year and Prospects
for Future Bright
The 5000th telephone was re
cently installed in Salem, accord
ing to W. H. Dancy, manager of
the Pacific Telegraph & Telephone
company. ;
During the last year the growth
of telephone installations has been
constant and connections during
this period showed a gain of 29.5
Present indications are that the
growth in the next few years will
be even greater fn proportion than
In the past.' -
Patrolman Too Human'f or
. Job; Hands fn fiesigination
' TACOMA. Wash;, March ? 12-r
Declaring that he was too much of
a friend of 'the "common people"
to be patrolman and enforce the
many laws of which he "did not
approve entirely," Patrolman Wal
ter Ristvit resigned -from 'the po
lice department last, night. Cap
tain Fred W. Gardner announced
today.-, Ristvit joined "the ; police
department - tbout f four 3 months
ago but found that his Ideas of
law enforcement and attitude to
the "down and outers", made, it
Impossible for him to Hve 'tfp'Io
the oath which he had' taken -upon
his Induction into the department,
he told Gardner.
Murder Charge-Filed
: in Poison Case; Man
D e l i vers Statement
! KANSAS CJTY, Mo., March 12.
r-fA first degree murder charge
was filed here today against Roy
M, Turner of Wichita. Kan., for
mer University of Kansas football
playerj following issuance of a
deputy coroner's report that pois
on had been found in the stom
ach of Mrs. Dora Gage. Atchison,
who died here yesterday,
i j The report stated enough poison
had been found to cause death and
described j three large bruises on
the woman's right thigh. Turner
was arraigned and held without
bond. J : I'' 1
! He was arrtsted yesterday in a
hotel: room with Mrs. Gage when
her screams attracted attendants.
Before death Mrs Gage said that
Turner had given her a drink of
poison from a bottle and had
thrown thp bottle out of the wtn
dow Sha declared Turner pois
oned her: Bo he could collect her
insurance.: !
J , Turner 1 told friends today
"things look bad, but I know I
can clear myself." r
i i He said he met Mrs.' Gage last
Colonel Creed C. Hammond
i of State National Guard
Is Recommended
Colonel Creed C. Hammond of the
Oregon National guard has been
recommenced by Secretary Weeks
for appointment as chief of the
war department's militia bureau
with the rank of major general
for a four: year term, succeeding
Major General George C. Rich
ards. of Pennsylvania whose term
expires! June 28, J;;
j ! jjjn :announcIns-the recommen-
aation, Mr. weeks explained tnat
Colonel Hammond would be given
a ! recess appointment .when " he
takes office it having been de
cided : that : the department would
not request President Coolidge to
send any more nominations to the
special session of the - senate.
Colonel Hammond has been on
active duty in the army since Aug
ust 1920, and has served with the
militia bureau since October,
1922. He is a graduate of the
war college and eligible for gen
eral staff assignment, v "
l. Colonel Hammond's record
shows he began military service
in Company C, Second Oregon In
fantry In ! 1892, and has served
either In ' the national guard tL'a
volunteer forces or the regular
army I 'almost continuously since
that time.
former Minister of Foreign
Affairs Succeeds Ebert
as President
BERLIN, March 12. (By the
Associated : Press). -j-The oath of
president of the German 'republic
today;: was administered to Dr.
Walter Simons, former minister of
foreign affairs, as successor" to the
late president Freiderich Ebert.
Shortly afterwards. Dr. Wil
helm Marx, premier of Prussia,
was unanimously nominated as the
coalition presidential candidate of
the clerical and middle parties in
the forthcoming elections. Previ
ously the clerical nomination com
mittee of which former Chancellor
Fenrenbach is chairman, bad vot
ed 18 to 6 in favor of the demo
crat, Dr. Otto Gessler, minister of
defense, as the clerical ' party's
candidate. , i , .
When the parties of the right
the natrdnalists, the Bavarian peo
ple's party and the economic party
demanded to know the name of
the clerical nominee, the clericals
asked for an hour's respite. This
was refused them by the parties of
the right with the threat that un
less the name fwere , given they
would Immediately .put Hop their
own candidate. 'Thereupon, the
clericals convened on the spot and
nominated Dr. Marx.
The' outlook is considered poor
for the' coalition candidate" as the
fCerirfan nationalists expect to put
hp' 'Dr. Karl -Jarres, former min
ister of the Interior, as their party
candidate ; in opposition to Dr.
S 1H
t November in . Atchison." He sold
ner an equity uecemoer t. in a
160 aere farm near Nevada. Mo.,
for $11,200, he related, taking
Mrs. Gage's note for $8000 and
retaining a " collateral r life ' insur
ance policy she had obtained.
Later he said he sold the 'tiote
and with, it went the insurance
policies. ; 7 Yesterday afternoon,
Turner said he wet Mrs. Gage
near a Kansas City hotel where
she wanted to talk to him about
her note.
On going to Mrs. Gage's room
Turner said he found her drink
ing frojn a bottle.' "I tasted the
stuff," Turner said. "I found it
tasted rotten "and she asked me
to tlirow it out of the.window, so
I did."
"Then," Turner continued, he
noted that Mrs. Gage was becom
ing 111 and called a hotel clerk.
Mrs. Gage began to scream and he
tried to summon a physician by
telephone. "I believed the wom
an was dangerously ill from over
drinking," he added, "and I stay
ed by to summon assistance."
Total Road Improvement
Program for Summer
Amounts to 64 Miles
Bids for the improvement of 64
miles of highway in the state will
be opened in Portland Thursday
afternoon, March 26 and Friday
morning, March 27, according to
notices sent to contractors : in "the
state by. the state highway com
mission. 'Of this mileage, 24.1
miles will be hardsurfaced and
39.94 miles graded, and surfaced
One bridge will be constructed
over the Southern Pacific tracks
on a couiiTyikt6"S3r"nearJ Jefferson,
requiring approximately 250 cubic
yards of, excavation, 265 cubic
yards of concrete, 45,000 "pounds
of metal re-enforcement and 265
lineal feet of concrete handrail.
Hardsurfacing will include the
Astoria-Svenson section of the
Columbia River highway for 8;9
miles of pavement widening -and
resurfacing, involving : both con
crete and bituminous types. of con
struction. The Harrisburg-Junc-
tion City section of the Pacific
highway, 4.2 miles, will be paved
as will -11 miles in Yamhill coun
ty. This includes .1.2 miles of
concrete ' paving and .8 miles of
pavement widening and resurfac
ing on the St. Joseph-Tillamook
junction: section of. the West Side
Pacific highway and tbe patching
and repairing of 9 miles of bitum
inous pavement between Tilla
mook Junction and Sheridan.
Grading and surfacing of 12.4
miles of the Unity-Beam Creek
section of the John Day highway,
involving approximately 230,000
(Continnad on pas 2)
Chamber of Commerce and
Lions Club Will Be Host
Today to Delegation
"i 'A delegation of the American
Czehco-Slovak Chamber of Com
merce are to be guests of the
Chamber of Commerce and the
Lions tlub today noon,. The del
egation is composed of ten mem
bers of the organization who are
making a tour of the Oregon coun
try in the interests of their couh
trym'en. A 'site' is to be selected
here to .send their countrymen
when they express ti desire to set
tle in the west,. :
i The party has already visited
in several parts of the state. Dar
ing the fore part of the wek they
visited, in Corvallls, Roseburg,
Grants Pass. "Molin, Klamath Falls
Medford, Eugene and Albany.
They plan to finish their j&urn'ey
at Portland. 1 '
I While in Salem the jfarty wlll
be taken to the Oregon prison flax
machinery, in drder tlfaVthey W
cure an -Idea of flax handling ?in
this country. The Czeheo-Slovaks
are expert flax growers and have
created a big market In tbe old
world by their product. V f ,
- There Is already a settlement
of tne people at Scio, and at Mer
rill and Malin, which is near the
Klamath Falls country .
Nomination of Charles B.
Warren Is Resubmitted By
1 Coolidge Despite Protests
- of Leaders
Flurry of Surprise Comes
Over Republicans at
President Coolidge forced the is
sue with the senate today on the
question of his selection of Char
les B. Warren of Michigan to be
his attorney general. ',
Disregarding the advice of ad
ministration leaders in the senate.
he resubmitted the nomination af
ter he had conferred with Mr.
Warren, who arrived early in the
day from his home In "Detroit and
Is now a White House guest.
Action Causes Surprise
? The decision of the executive
came as a surprise to republican
leaders and Caused a flurry in
their ranks as well as in those of
the opposition who had assumed
that the question had been settled
with the rejection of the nomina
tion Tuesday by a tie vote and the
laying on the table a motion for
, As the nomination was referred
again to the judiciary committee
which is to meet tomorrow to con
sider it, field marshals on both,
sides began lining up their forces
anew.. Republican leaders gener
ally were hopeful, but not over
sanguine, while . opponents . pre
dicted they would be able to mus
ter a clear majority against con
9 M Consulted ; V
After Mr. Coolidge had return
ed the nomination to the senate
without comment When it conven
ed at noon, he summonded Sena
tor Curtis of Kansas, the republi
can floor leader, to the Whlt
House for a conference with him
self and Mr. Warren. The meet
ing lasted an hour and the Whola
Situation in the senate was care
fuUy canvassed.
1 Upon leaying the White House.
Senator Curtis said he believed
the nomination could be confirm
ed, other republican leaders did
riot share his optinilsm, however.
Senator Reed ; of Pennsylvania,
who made the motion Tuesday for
reconsideration, saying that he
was afraid the appointment would
be rejected again by three or four
votes. Some of the other sena
tors who had advised the nresi-
dent against resubmitting th
nomination expressed a like ap-
preuension. j
t i - Will Not Rar Vot
-There were indication -that-'
neither side would be disposed to
aeiay a senate vote and the con
census seemed to h that tinn
could be had within two or three
A-third favorable reDort on tha
nomination by the judiciary committee-
tomorrow is the plan but
me situation as to Immediate sen
ate consideration Is comolirntArf
somewhat by the filibuster on the
Isle of Pines treaty.
Tnere were sneareattnna
that Mr. Warren might be invited
(Continued a pact S)
-President Coolidge re-submitted
the name of c?i a ria r nr.
. ii rea 10
be attorney general.
- w m m
The treasurv
trary tax -assessment ' for Senator
ouzens, Michigan,
I k.
: Baron :von Maltzan. new Ger
man amoassador, "presented his
Credentials to President Coolidse
Senatdr C6pelahd;a filibuster on
the Isle of Pines treaty threw the
senate into a night session.
- Vice President Dawes came In
for "a liazltfg in the senate, based
on his failure to vote on the War
ren confirmation.
' -
' ""Senate democrats
voted to- insist on consideration of
me world court question early in
me next session.
Senate republicans dec- : ,l
against reduction 'of the patron
age of the four Insiirc-pnfa
out of the party councils