The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    For . n 1
AnRm r
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proVed safe
by .millions and prescribed by physicians ( 24 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia' Lumbago
Pain. Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Istltl it
trad mark of Bayer Ma&ufactnxo MopoacetlcacidesUjr tl Selicjllcsrk.
Alkt Garrrtaoar- Jfew PbatM of
Copyright - by Newtppr Feature
For a few minutes after Broth
er Dill JJoyce' taxf had left the
Barker house I relaxed with the
comfortable assurance that I had
fat fely skirted - the" danger of Dr.
Pettlfs encountering Dicky. That
Claire; Foster "shared my relief I
knew ' by the color . which came
hack to her face and the general
tefisening of tension, plainly per
ceptible In her manner. ' '
I p&w, too, that Harry Under
. wood meant to preserve hU In
cognito ctricUy. I had been afraid
that his love of mischief would
lead him, to attempt conrersation
with me, but he eat erect in hi? j
teat bside the, driver, without (
turning, hia head toward us, and
making only an occasional com
ment, upon. Xhe beauty of the val
ley, with its glimpses of ravines
and; brook, through which we
wer driving.
- II glanced at my wrist watch and
made a mental calculation. It
was 10 miles-to Timkinsville. If
Dr. Pettlt should by any chance
stumble pon our route when Mrs.
Barker released him from the root
cellar In the hour she had named,
it would take him only a quarter
of an hour to reach Timkinsville.
And if Dicky were delayed in
starting from Caldwin, either by
accident or. his unwillingness to
obey' my' request to meet us, or
if his taxi should break down on
the road all my fears came rush
ing. baxk'at this possibility.
Mrs.' Barker's assurance that
she ' would set "; the' physician" on
the wrong trail, by making him
believe we had returned to Cald
wla, did' not assuage my fears.
I do not care for Dr. Pettlt's per
ponality, but I never have under
tcfimated the physician's mental
povrers.'4 lie wa having an hour
of enforced solitude in which,
uTica hli baffled rage should have
tTLlft5. U fpend , itself, he would,
without doubt, .take stock of the
situs Hon and tryto visualize , our
probable movements. That his
keen, eyen v.ouUl see through Mrs.
Barker's ruse I was. very sore,
. But even If he should come un
to fas, "the situation was infinitely
better than it had been. The dan
ger of : publicity was practically
nil on -the country road, and Harry
Underwood's strength and agility
were peacemakers not to be de
spised. Nevertheless, I was deeply wor
ried, and did not recover my spir
its, until after a wait at the Tim
kinsville crossroad, which seemed
interminable but which in reality1
was only a.quarter'of an hour,
a taxi drew up near us and Dfcky
alighted briskly, and after paying
and dismissing his driver, came
up to us. . ;
-.That he'wasMn a towering rage
my wifely eyes quickly, discovered,
but that he would conceal it until
he. vas alone with me I also
knew. He swept us all with a
nonchalant took, as, bag in. hand.
he strode up to us. but I saw him
take ! a second , glance at , Harryf
Underwood; and. I .wondered if hej
had. penetrated . his old friend's;
dfegui&e.. :-,:v-. .
$8 RliI
Accept only "Bayer" pacha ge
which contains proven; directions.
Ilandy "IJaTer" Uszje of 12 tablets
Also bottlea'of 24 and IOO Dr-.tjhat.
! - f
he said to me when he had reached
the side of our taxi.
"IUven't I Met You?"
"That we havi to get to Nan
tucket as soon a possible, so climb
into the car." I returned nonchal
antly, but with a look which, in
conjugal code, means: "Can't tell
you now. Stop talking about it."
-Where?" he jretorted with a
significant rudeness in : his tone
and a glance 'toward Harry Under
wood.' i . . '
It is not like Dicky to be dis
courteous, and I wondered if he
had uttered the monosyllable for
the purpose of hearing the voice of
the foreign-looking man in the
front seat. ' "' j ' ;.
"Right here, between Claire and
me," I rejoined promptly, "You're
not very complimentary. Neither
of us is fat. You'll have plenty of
room?' ' ' fij ' : 1
' Mr. . Underwood, turned arpund
and faced Dicky.j ' . ' f
"I am so distressed. I have the
great regret," he said! in the most
elaborate manner of Don Ramon
Almirez, "of my great necessity,
because there was to be had no
conveyance, Madame was so gra
cious as to permit rae to occupy
this seat. But I cannot so incon
venience you. I am sure with this
so careful drivef I can be' of a
comfort on thelwhat you call it
in this country the ' running
board." j
The mental picture of the dis
tinguished looking, elderly for
eigner whom Harry Underwood
was personating, disposing his
great height on the running-board
and clinging there during a 15
mile drive over the curving motnr
tain road, affected my laughter
muscles so that I' had hard work
to repress a chuckie. Dicky's lips
quirked involuntarily into a grin
as he climbed into the tonneau
and disposed himself between
Claire and me. But his voice "was
curt' when his answer came.
- "There's no necessity of that.
I'm sure. " Step on her, old man"
this in a smiling aside to Broths
er Bill, who immediately obeyed
the injunction. "But," turning his
eyes back to Harry Underwood's
face, "hayen't T met you before?"
(To be continued)
Family Needs Household
Effects Because of Fire
A family suffered the loss of all
their possessions by a fire recent
ly and are in need of aid, accord
ing to the report from the Asso
ciated Charities' yesterday. Due
to circumstances the family was
unable to save anything except
the clothes they had on their
backs.' j
This family needs everything in
the way of house furnishings, such
as chairs, bedsteads, tables, dishes.
bed clothing and other articles
that are used around the house.
Stoves., for cooking and heating
purposes can toe used to advant
age. Anyone having arUcles that
can be put to good use should
communicate with the Associated
Charities, or else bring the ar
ticles to the office on State street.
The family in f question will be
notified! and the things : secured
for their use.
! Order Your Scats Now for
"How magnificent Itr." Skinner ?Uy 'Sanrho Pants'! There in the ricli
netta f oil m lin ipfndid voire and the unction of a finn biz nttar in his
art ion. and though be has . been playinj tke part for twa year now, Ui
npersonation haa all the freshness and spontaneity of a first performs nee.
It is one of the penis one may pnt away to gloat over from time to time, ui
kinile or even tangh aloud at the memory." Georfe Warren, San Franrtsro
Chronicle. j -
Never in Mr. Skinner's history as a dramatic star has he had a
owe delightful play than "SANCHO PANZA."
PRICES: Lower Flcor, $2.75; Balcony, $2.75 and $2.20.
' Boxes, lower,' $20; upper, $1.65; Gallery, $1.10
Including. Tax. " .
Headquarters of the Portland
Kennel club's third annual lioenned
show, which will be held in the
municipal auditorium April 2. 3
and 4, will be located in the Skid
more drug store, 262 Washington
street. ,
Premium lists and entry blanks
will be mailed after; March 10.
Those desiring entry blanks or in
formation regarding entering a
dog can obtain same by applying
to headquarters at Skidmore's or
to D. I. Clough. president and
show secretary. Garfield 58-34. or
to J. R. McDonald, club secretary.
Sellwood 3482. Portland, Ore. !
It is not necessary that a dog
be registered with the American
Kennel club or that its full breed
ing be" known in order to enter
for competition, as the open,- and
novice classes have been proTided
for dogs that are not pedigreed or
that have hail very little, if any,
show experience. ; i
From the number of inquiries
received to date everything points
to a very successful show and it is
expected that not less than , six
hundred dogs will be benched. A
large entry Is expected from Cali
fornia and the Puet Sound coun
try.' I ;
A large list of special prizes or
trophies is being published in the
premium list, and all special prizes
will be accompanied by the club's
decorated green ribbon. In addi
tion to the trophies that will; be
awarded in the specials the win
ners in the regular classes will be
awarded the club's decorated blue
ribbon as first prize,; decorated red
ribbon as second prize,, decorated
yellow ribbon bs third prize and
decqrated royal purple and white
ribbons in the reserve 'winners
and a decorated royal purple rib
bon in the winners' class.
The entry list will be closed on
Sunday, March 22; and no entry
will be accepted after this date.
Judging will start at 2:30 p. m.
on April 2, the opening day, and
will continue daily thereafter dur
ing, the hours of 10 a. m. to 12
noon, 2 p. m. to 4 p. m., and S
p. m. to 10:30 p. m. j
Mr. Enno Meyers of Cincinnati.
Ohio, a noted eastern judge and
considered one of the best in the
United States, will judge all
Receivership for Fruit
Unions Is Applied for
Application for receivership over
the Salem Fruit Union has been
made by attorneys for The Thez
company following return of the
mandate by the supreme court in
the litigation between the two
companies ' during the J past few
years. March 13 is the date set
for the hearing.
. The application states that the
value of all the assets of the fruit
union does not exceed $60,000
that the union is insolvent and not
able to pay the judgment against
it, or claims on loganberry con
tracts for. 10 cents a crate dam
ages. I
The application states the col
lection of the income tax "by the
United States "government is I al
lowed to collect on grounds that
are not valid, but does not object
because of this fact. The business
for which the ; organization was
formed is consummated and the
institution kept going just to fight
the litigation, is the expression of
the application. It' is said the
of run
Accept only genuine "Phillips,1
the original Milk of Magnesia
prescribed by physicians for 50
years as an antacid, laxative, cor
rective. ; '
2 5-cent bottles, also 5 0-cent bot
tles, contain directions any drug
store Adv. ; it-
members of the. union are market
ing their crops in other channels.
Walter C. Winslow, one of the
attorneys. visiteoHfa Portland yes
terday with Roy Shields, one of
the attorneys for the grower, and
the question of naming the receiv
er was dUcussed. The recommen
dation to. the court will be made
?oon, it is expected.
(ContlBned from pace 1)
the table they would gather and
discuss the improvements that
could be made in the city- It
was ' through some of the efforts
of these men that the first paved
streets of the city were laid. It
was through their efforts that the
first modern hotel of the city was
Nearly 75 workers, leading citi
zens of the city, signed up to go
out in the field for members ta
the Salem Chamber of Commerce.
It is one of the biggest efforts of
the organization and is meeting
with much success. Much enthusi
asm was shown and from all indi
cations the efforts is to be a mem
orable one. -;
"Don't pay too much income
tax," says the Digest. And don't
chuckle so while "having teeth
pulled. i y -
Ford Runs 43.8 Miles
On Gallon of Gas
In a public test supervised by
city and automobile club officials,
a ; Ford Sedan equipped with
Blancke Thermostatic Carburetor
Control, ran 4 3.8 miles on one
gallon of gasoline. This inexpen
sive control is entirely automatic
and self-regulating. It makes
Fords start instantly, even in zero
weather, eliminates carbon forma
tion, prevents dilution of crank
case oil, avoids sputtering of motor
and cuts repair bills 50. In
stalled in two minutes. Cadillac
now uses as standard equipment
Thermostatic Carburetor Control
under u Blancke license, f The in
ventors, A. C. Blancke & Co., Dept.
3496C, 602 W. Lake St., Chicago,
want agents and are willing to
wnrt a sample at their own risk.
Write today.
Salem's big,, new, daylight store has taken its place among Salem's
Mercantile institutions and by establishing a new level of lower prices
on merchaiidise carefully selected t6 meet the requirements of the masses.
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear
Flannel and silk combinations,
all colors
Flat crepe, satin back arid canton dresses, ! QC
all colors. Special vl 1
Prince of Wales Styles
Powder blue, gray, henna, l A r A CIC ((
and purple tints ..-.. tjHUoDU toJ4XI.UU
Imported English broadcloth, and striped CjO
voiles, Peter Pan styles, and many others ...... v--
Clothing Department
14.85, $19.85 and $24.85
$1.98, $2.98 and $3.98
79c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98 and up
Shoe Department
$1.98, $2.49, $3.49, $3.98
$1.95, $2.98, $3.49, $4.69
Sizes 12 to 2, $2.98; 22 to 6, $3.39
69c, f8c, $1.98, 2.49
Marion County Child Health
Demonstration Started on
Course By New Move
The Marion county child health
demonstration will be located at
the residence owned by William
Brown, 57S State street, according
to announcements made yesterday.
Active work is already under way,
which, means the establishment of
a snrvey in this community.
The demonstration which is to
be held here; under the personal
direction of Dr. Walter H. Brown,
who is recognized as one of the
leading child health specialists in
the United States, will be estab
lished in six ; rooms of the resi
dence. The main double room
will be used as the health center,
properly equipped for the work in
the examination of children. This
work will be in charge of a well
trained physician who will not
practice medicine, but will cooper
ate with local physicians.
The other rooms will be used
by the nurses and physicians, the
statistician, stenographers and
other assistants to Dr. Brown.
The arrival of Dr. Emma Wins
low direct from New York city
marks the first step in the work
of the health demonstration here.
Dr. Winslow "has been formerly
associated with Columbia univers
ity," New York, in child health
work, and holds degrees from the
University of London, Eng.
Dr. Winslow's work will be
more in the nature of a survey of
the children "p to school age,
making the first active steps of the
demonstration. All work will be
in cooperation with the physicians
of Marion county. '
, The Commonwealth fund of
New York city finances a five-year
program of child health work in
four cities in the United States,
$1.49, $1.98
waA.dpjri(tf d. to put thA,Kork on.
in this city after 2S cities in tne
west made application for the
demonstration.; -Marion county
was chosen after Dr. Brown and
his wife paid a personal visit to
this community. ' j
It was mainly through efforts
of the Salem Chamber of Com
merce that the demonstration was
secured. j
At the present time Dr. Brown
has his offices at the Salem Cham
ber of Commerce rooms. ; The
quarters at 57S State street are
being prepared for occupancy and
will be completed soon. .i j
Jogs and Corners in Present
Road to Be Eliminated;
Contracts Let i
The state hignway commission,
at a special meeting held in Salem
March 10, made the "following 'an
houncement:; ' :; ;., 4 i ; ' 1 1; i j
A contract has been jawarded to
Simpnsen & Hefty at $74,212, us
ing crushed rock for surfacing the
Bandon-Sixes river secltion of the
Roosevelt Coast highway,' in Cpoa
and Curry counties, consisting ot
11.3 miles of resurfacing between
Bandon and the Curry jiounty linej
4.S miles of surfacing between
the Curry county line and Den
mark, and 3 miles of resurfacing
between- Denmark and the Sixes
river. : j '. . j j M' j ,j ' j ; j
The contract was also awarded
for the construction of a bridge
over the North Fork of the Co
quille river near Myrtle Point, on
the Coos Bay-Roaeburg highway,
to Pat Hennessey ofjj Marshfield,
the low bidder, at $50,260. Bids
on both of these projects were re
ceived on February 26 at the reg-
Down Stairs Store
We have displayed for
your benefit a table full
of Easter novelties for
the kiddies. ' j
Articles, values up to 10c eachi
while they last, "1
each U.U-L., X t
Meii'sBjhiill S7 7C
j Corduroy Pants ..pC O
Men's Felt Hats, AO
lvalues tb $4.00 ....... yOC
Boys' Knicker Suits dQ A A
j values to $6.00 ;-PJ.t.7
! H- ' J -i 1 1
Men's Dress Shoes d0 ylA
j values to ?4.50 .. L.itV
j Men's Button Shoes t
I and Oxfords
98C and $1.49
L ; i ; I !
Ladies' Strap Slippers,
Oxfords and j AO
Pumps J v X o3rO
ij j c
Children's and Growing Girls'
Shoes, white kid QQ-
tops, values to $4.00 uOC
i i 1 i i I. i i 1 i
Boys' Mule Skin !
Shoes I....
Women's Felt House
Slippers ;
Men's Heavy Blue Chambray
Work 4:;jMhji:j CQ
Shirts' ..j4U:Lal4.:jy"C.
100 Yds. Spool Silk, White and
Black; Friday and Q
Saturday, Spool
Boys' Heavy Flannel
Shirts ..: 1
Crepe Paper, Reg. 10c;
all colors 1
5 c
One Lot Boys'
Men's all Leather
Work Shoes
Watch our Court street
window for Down
Stairs Store Specials.
atll,IM.,. r-Ta. "-.f, 'I,l""ni " jBMM)M)iMMMMMMMMaBWgMMM iisrirfniirriasm-j
A'&03liz&' . gar age'
: :k ege : m. doors
' i V TX
USKY and accurately fittetl made of
kiln dried fir. AH
glued with water-proof
Spauldin? S a r a g e doors are
made ta last. They will not sag,
jam or drag if properly hung.
Standard sizes are 4 ft. by 8 ft. and 4 ft. x 7
6 in. Either vertical or horizontal panels;
azed with six lights.
through our own retail store at the lowest price
nJinoiftonf with C!rto lilrlin rr "irtn ?il 4-v
Special sizes made to
order. Ask for prices.
VougJasTlr Lumber ,
ular meeting held in Portland.
The commission announced the
adoption of the definite location
of the Santiam highway .between
Albany ind Lebanon Cy way of
the north or Santiam route, pror
Vided thit right of way is secured
by the county, to eliminate jogs
and sharp corners in the present
i . ! ; j " " " ' ; " " .
Grocery Department
Guaranteed Hard Wheat Flour
Olympic 49-lb. ...$29
Snow Drift 49-lb. ....$2.39
Albers Minute Oats,
10-lb. bags .... OUC
. ; ... .( . . . ;
Albers Pre-Cooked Oats, CC
10-lb. bag DDC
Mountain View Corn, OKn
No. 2 tins,2 cans DC
Peaberry Coffee, d1 IP
1 lb. 39c ; 3-lb. bag I I D
asssswiBjaa mmm, sasMHMWMSMMMMBSMasMM i a
Puree Tomatoes,; OC
No. 2i2 tins,f2 cans ... - - C
Bulk Black or Japan Tea, OQr
Special, lb. ........ - 0C
Libby's Pork and Beans, ; - A
medium, can ..j . . O L
Armour's or Sinclair's Milk, OCr
3 cans .... ...... LtO
Pure Lard in Bulk, OA
Bring your container, lb. ........... .... - "t
j - ' : : 1 ' t - - -- - - " : - 1 - '
White Wonder or White Flyer Laundry Soap, A A
13 bars ..... ....i......... ..:..:.. SI C
r : - -
Crystal White Laundry Soap, OC-
6 bars ........ .. L. 3C
Vanilla Extract, ' Oyl
a4oz. bottle, Special ......;..........;........... LfiZ
Navy Beans, JA
7 lbs. for .... . 3UC
V. ' i J
Besti Blue Rose Rice, a
6 Jbs. for
i !!
joints are wedged and
road. At a previous meeting num
erous requests had been made to t
adopt a route from Lebanon con
necting with the Pacific highway
at Tangent.
- The commission authorized the
surfacing of the Euchre Creek
Mussel Creek section of the Roose
velt Coast highway in Curry coun-
ty, about five miles in length.
Del Monte 49-lb. -..$2.34
Blue Ribbon 49-lb. ..$2.09
t; i