"the c-:zgon stats:ian, saleli. Oregon THURSDAY MOnNIKGf I.IAECH 12r- - ' i ' - - l mm Daily Except Monday by THE rtTBUSBXYO- COnfPAJTg ' S15 South Commercial St Mm, Oxegea . K. J. ' Hendricks J oil a L. Brady frank Jaskoeki The Aeeoeiated PrM is exclusively eaUtled to the im for puellesUoB of ell news distiches eradited to it or mot etherwist crdited i this psper and also tte local ewe pgguwca aerata. -- m. - . BUSINESS) OFFICE Thomas F. Clark Cac. New York. 141-145 West 38th St. Chicago,. Merqaette Baild- , . k lu. W. S. Grethwabl. Mr. , Portland Office, 336 Worcester Bide, P bone 6Q37BRoadway.! Albert Brers, Mgr. . TELEPHONES; t . . ' . . SJ or- 58$ Circulation Office . . ... 33-10 Society Editor . . Job Department . . . . -v -j . 58$ Business Office Nawa Department Entered at tho Postoffica la Salem, , ' ' ' ' " BIBLE THOUGHT AND PBAYEB V ' :.!' ' Preoered hv B1 -RTRtlT KIEtrVTfiK Itirreair ' fHnefanatfl ffliln Ii p areata will have their children memorise ' r , , pwceiess aeritage to tneni n altar years, m -, , - r .... -March 12, '1025 - - ; J f " '. ? -r PROCLAMATION OF PEACE: Glory be to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good trill toward- men. Luke 2:14. PRAYER;- Our loving .Father, we thank Thee for: '"Peace, per fect peace, our future all unknown. Jesus we know, and He is on the throne." i - , STRINGLESS BEANS Salem is to; have practically a new cannery this year; the department of the Oregon Packing company, (the Twelfth street cannery), which will squashes - : :;-",: p -;r v' This new department to be in the mammoth building east of the passenger depot of that company that was former ly.the Southern Pacific hop warehouse. , j Our growers can- produce here a superior, canning bean, and in "unlimited" quantities using that term as commonly employed.. They can grow it at a profit, selling the product at a price that will allow of a margin for canning and marketi ing - - ' - ' . ' ' i V'.' ' And, as the writer has- said before, here is an opportunity for a "man 'or group of men thinking in empires; for a man or men with vision j' And it is the chance to- build up here a salad bean fac tory that might for its market belt the globe, j . .This district grows a superior green bean, and it can be produced in large quantities on amparativelysmall acreage. The strain could be imprwed upon by selection and experi mentation. Irrigation could be employed, especially in the Santiam district. . ""' ; . - The wide world wants a superior salad bean, or what por tion of the world does riot feel the want can, by advertising and "exploitation, be made to demand such an article of dietary and gustatory excellence. 1 -' ' Well, we are "on bur way" again, with one of the world's greatest canning concerns putting in a bean canning equip ment, and contracting a large acreage, j This is great news for our growers. Beans are a good succession" crop. They come on as a suitable crop in our cpntinuous harvesting program. ' They make for a well balanced and prosperous farming community, j . V' i s A PICKLE FACTORY FOR SALEM Salem is to have another manufacturing plant at once; . combined cucumber salting and pickle factory .i To be installedin the big building that was the Southern Pacific hop warehouse. I .. JSalting will be done this: year, also the packing of dill pickles, and perhaps of sweet pickles. . In due course, this will be sni immense plant, putting up pickles and salting cucumbers for shipment to other plants, to be further processed.'- . ; ' "? This is the kind of a manufacturing plant that is the most beneficial of all; caring for the increasing products of our soil; meaning new money every year, coniing from. long distances. ' - ; ' A. GREAT MAX GOXB We remember him first a the homeliest youns .men who erer comer to Baker university to school awkward, with flaming her 'hair, stopped shouldered; a shuffling walk, "as ungainly a youth as one would ever see; yet there was la that young man the elements of . greatness! " He not only, led In hia , classes in school but-he .came- to be president of the university.. Then- a -great preach er, then a great bishop, and 'he died 'one of the greatest bishops Methodism ever produced. 1 Bishop William A. Quayle was a Manxman, motherless from his infancy, his father unable to take care- of him, an uncle gave him just money enough to go through . lr o o (r t . 0 ir 0 i o v (- (T 0 a i: caaraa, ywa, want to ret 8 your fall money 'a warth K . b ... )in - - you. aatisfied that yoa do.t It you are ia doubt try an order ) ffur "high rrada "eoaf" that eoata leaa ia the ead. It ia the II perfect coal for bona nta. ; Also Best Grade of Sawed Any Lenth 0 n o o HllLMAN FUEL CO. ' Broadway at Bae4 K SHOJTS 1855 it rT'.;? - ii i m ' " -0 II . yt ' i Mansgwr . . aito Manager Jab Dept. ... .. . , . sra . 10 Oregon second-class matter the Aaily Bible aeleetioaa, r will prove ARE COMING BACK pack strihgless beans and school. He batched two years at' one time with the writer of this article. We came to know him then, and hare loved him since. As the years- went by. fame came to him. but he was the same un assuming: wonderful character. We have met many men but never met "greater than William A. Quayle; lovable always, sweet al ways bat witbi ; win that knew bo bounds. He simply forced his way by sheer1 power of Jhla deter mination and' ability. In ' his youth he never had an inflnential friend, nobody ever handed him a dollar. He arrived because -there was in him. the; material out of which great men are made. The death of this great bishop is a national loss, and all over America today tributes are being paitf to his' memory 'When ho became a broken reed after years of service he went back to the jit tle town of Baldwin, Kansas, and lived there, waiting for the end, which came Monday. . LOOKS THAT WAY : It may show narrow-mindedness, and all that, but when a per son puts the "Rnbalyat? of Omar Khayyam tn the listof hooka that have ' influenced- .him most our regard for that person at t opce begjns to wane. Spokane Spokas-man-Review; -. We confess- it:is hard-;ta under stand the type of mind of tho thinking man who does not ad mire the- "Rubaiyat." Omar Khay yam may have been a drunkard but had the finest poetic genius of any man who has ever lived. This may sound extravagant trttt a somewhat long lifetime interest la the little book'- of poems has convinced. u"tliat he Jbaa. rio equaL" Every UnVbf it i poetry, every Una i a" song, every m has beautiful Imagery. There lav Bothiaf like It any where elte He j.neTer Jeta ; owjt,-, JThe- BQ8t coxnmoaplace - things i -hechme ex acted Drf the wealth- of hla poetic Clearly the writer of the abore haV not read Omar Khajyam care- fully. '.lt fscom'mon practice now adays to refer to him as a drunk en sot and pass over . his poems llf htly but those who hare stop. ped to take a drink at the well of his . knowledge, find an ' Inex haustlble r supply of sparkling genius that brightens up the dull est situation and makes it shine respienaeniiy. PEMOCRATIC HARMONY After the election of Harding the democrats continued to fight each other and encourage faction alism.- The' result was that the party did not know it was in. the last' campaign. It simply played aroynd the fringes without Jts presidential candidate ever getting his feet on the ground. Now the. democrats are learning something. They are trying to get together. They are learning that only in nnity and harmony is there strength. Factionalism is being submerged. The democratic party wflf be strong in the next election because there will be an inevitable reaction 'against the ' tremendous republican majority and the "dem ocrats will again present a solid front. ) , $ This is a two-party country. It Is not good for one party to be strong and the other weak. They need"" to : be "fairly well balanced in order to keep each other In the straight and narrow way so that the harmony of the democratic party lav not unwelcome as a na tional asset. It ought to be strong enough to exert a negative influ ence to be reckoned with.: NOT RECEIVED . The movie star who married the scion of a bygone nobility in Prance is not being received be cause they pay her husband is un known.' There Is no such thing as nobility in " France, anyway, and any title claimed is pseud o. The man she married was said to be a former bartender in New York. That Is at least as honorable an occupation, dishonorable as It is, as the alleged nobility of France follows. It is getting very nau seating to hear of France's nobil ity when that country hasJ been a republic for halt a century. , A QUEER CASE ; Dr. H. C. Parker, the great geologist and scientist,9 Is living quietly at" a small hotel in Port land. Back of him is a wonder ful career. Ahead of him are great possibilities, but .today he stands on middle ground leading nowhere. " i ;: "; It is a strange case. No one will ever know why he left his home, his reputation and all the lnxuties of life to lose himself 5 in the world. There are conflicting stories told. There is no way of finding the truth. All that is known is that this , great .- man threw away, his greatness and be came as the --commonest of men. Here is hoping that he can come back. ' The world needs that sort of men. He is doubtless erratic, but we are accustomed to the ec certr icities of genius, and over-' look much. . . , i , NOT MUCH The little tempest, hardly big enough to be called a tempest in the teapot, over the aneged secret societies in the; high school", has been blown up. There never was anything to it. It was just simply that some people have to be ever lastingly nagging the high school pupils. ' ' ' ' ; I The Salem high school1 is com posed of af fine young people1 as yon will find anywhere. They have their societies, they have their organisations, but they are not violating the law in any sense. They are simply upstanding young Americans, full of the joy of life, and they are going to take their ottcAxzzxnocr specialists OMTIAM AM CATTUt OfTiat THB unparalleled succeaa of the-Dr. a pa j. uan Donuretcai aetnoa of treating Pilea and other recral and colon ailments haa built an organiza tion of highly trained apedaliata to care foe the patients- who come from all parts of the Wert. f The skill of these specialists Is ptwed by the unonalified GUARANTEE that each Pile sufferer is cored or hia fee REFUNDED n matter how King lODQaii or now eVert his case may be. Seaal for my FREF book. a Paaaj Maw -wLP ' i -JkW9t t "aaaaaaeaej vbaiAl4rH.LUnt xs' rATTLe cmcrs," Alf f TH AN O Pl.1t r ... . r" ' - V- . 1 . . . t .. j. Or De 9 TH .. hy Rev. ERNEST.IL SIIANKS, Faster of the First Baptist Church - 'MARCH '12, 10ft John 6: 1-40". "The Bread f Life." Miracle' of loavea'and flsbes. 1-14. Walking on the water. - 15-21.' Discourse ' on bread of life. 22-40. , Key: "Bad of Ttife.''' Memory verses: 26, 32, 35 40. FEEDING the five thousand appeals to the Imagination:: Jesus took , what they had, blessed it, gave it back and they all had all they wanted and enough to spare. . The little lad got back more than he gave, and we "fancy it was better than he gave. It were well to remember this and allow what we: have '''to receive His sanctifying touch. Then they" would' take Him by force to make Him king: But He is not to be crowned that way. ; Love must find th way. How responsive He ever was to human need. " . "Walking on the sea," tell- lnar them about the , true bread that came down from heaven. He was teaching fhem about the real spiritual bread. As the natural man must feed upon bread, so our spiritual natures must have "the true bread." ' " ' " ... pi-,'"- . : 26. . I . ' - - - - "Ye seek me not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye "did eat the loaves, and were filled." i I .i - . . .i -. . i "My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven." 1 - - - 35. '1 am the Bread of Life: he that cometh nnjo Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth oh Me shall never thirst." "- ' . ' ' " 40. "This is the will of My Father. That every one that belioldeth the Son, and believeth on Him, should have "eternal life." " ' Bread of the world in ;mercy broken, - Wine of. the. soul in mercy shed. By whom the words of life are spoken. And in whose death, our sins are dead. Look on the heart by sorrow broken. Look on the tears' by sinners shed, And be Thy feas to us the token That by Thy grace' our souls are fed. HEBER. place in . the world without a smirch on their characters in any way. It is time to step this back biting and finding fault with high school students. They do not de serve it. They are entitled to the best, and the public wants them to' have the best. ' OH, PSHAW! It is really pitiful for a man to go into a smaller town and try to ape metropolitan journalism. The Eugene Guard Is a case in point. Eugene is a mighty fine town and is entitled to have its separate identity, but the Guard writes editorials entirely for the consumption of the Portland news paper men. It doesn't function for Eugene at all." '. It is a bad practice, but probably the editor is i too old to learn better. The Guard is always trying to make a point, thinking it will bring a smile from Portland. It misrep resents The Statesman on every possible occasion, ibut we regard that as a high compliment because if we won the commendation of the Guard we would think we were a palavering, time-serving synco-phant..- r.;V' JS THERE DANGER? r A gathering in Chicago , seri ously discussed the question of the scarcity of family doctors. : The No. Cross Moid Puzzle J m 9 b 1 "' y 7J 1 ' Wmmm "TT - - ! T" ffT "pfi nT" .- .. --: vfa ip' '-: ipr jr rrr T" tt - - - - vMta v'1 ym h ;jvr Ip TT ' w m 1 i : wmW 'M. ; i l l 1 I r mm 111 t Ml (Answer ACROSS 1 Artist's mixing, board' ! 5 A barchante (pi) ' 10 - Exclamation 11 Near 12 Note in diatonic scale 13. Idiot 15 In old times 16 Pronoun IS An oared galley 21 catches- -Z4 Illtreat - 26 Veracity 27 Consumed 28 Nativity 29 Accomplish 32 Above- . 33- Act of keeping 35 Egyptian god 3 Either ' 39 Idol - 41 Strike 42 Chemical compound II A fish . 4.7 12 months 48 Supplicating 52 Printer's measure 53 Rights' ; 64 Break ; ' 55 Pronoun 57 Referring to 58 Aloft ' : I 60 Through, the nose ..-. ' . - . ' - ' . . 61 Praises situation is declared-to be reaUy alarmhg. So many of the doctors are becoming; specialists, and the tendency is- growing. : Ther is a reason'. for this, of courBe. The medical profession is so big, there is so much to it, "that one general purpose man does not stand much show". Of course there is danger in this to the public because the specialists have to have higher feesvbut we are coming to be a race of specialists In everything, and the medical profession leads 0UGHS ' Apply Over throat and caesc aalTow wnaU piacea of ' V VAPORUO' Otmr IT Million Jart UJ Yrarbr !, 317 . 'tomorrow) VERTICAL . Maize porridge -Behold ? To sound Spine (Bot) . Boa - X circuit of justices (Old Eng - lish law) Article . To place in a scabbard Long Island Pronoun Collectiott of horses Sphericity Water fowl Affix, meaning one who 1 . 2 ,4 . 8 9 14 15 19 20 22" 23 54" 25 SO 31 34 35 V C 8 40 43 45 46 48' 4Z 50 Warehousing ' , "Science of living -functions In that place " Pig pen -Smalt island ' ? Bird (Old Spell) ' Contest ' . Robbery (obs) t i Sen- of Zeus Mother Davyum (ab) . Fisherman's basket To make void . i Knitting sUtch : . . Like - Part, of "to be?! ; Yawn - Pronoun . - ' , ,1. ei 59 ; Answer ta JCnaaday'a Pnizla h c 1 1 pi It. "i ow j o: Zw p t-fIqN IwQeT a f? 5 rm m i "Tsr! 1 Z.S.m.A1- c- ft. tOs aE p 2.2. TL", SZ T . Hjyp tJa rie! Hy, w p M fl p ?pi gift t-2 . fL 1 e 5. r,3c Ma i ZZLj g w n ji h. mTOTJ iv. I p e ffTl P. u 1-jcy io7 qo Rjgi E D O Pifrj A pckCj g (Ml O S.1 If n o s pnloj tfrTlcvT iki-l t IfiiK l rtwLlBjg fti:ilvil Part pto beM . . 'r 1 i - .' , .U ? , , 1 1 FOR SALE miscellaneous 8 Phone 23 Advevtlstng uept. - OIaAM&ITITD APVERTISgartNTg j - Sata per word: ; . 4 ' j . Par ineertioa " ta Thraar iBsartioM ,. . - So Money to Loan On. Real Ette T. K.. FORD ' (OrarXadd r Busa Bank) axroaa totj lzavb tous eohx - OK CAB HAVX IT Insured Properly Fiona 161. Back k HeadrleW IT. 8. . Saak Bldf. s-SStf Tfiie Lutheran Settle ment Bureau will help both HO STE SEEKER. AJfD HOSTEBELtiER .-... Itll ' " '"'"' Oregon Incorporated Realtors Insurance, Phone 1013 Victor Schneider, See'y. Rooms 4-5-6 ? -. ; - O'Arer Bldf. - A-i AUTOMOBILES Storage Vlra proof baildiac 4T and aifht aei flue, f 4 per month. 1909 K, Cap itot.- Teaaa caraca. j 149tf BOHEELAR AtJTO WRECKIICO CO. "VTI11 - bar-roar oH- ear; Higheet .eaah pHea paid. .1085 N. Commercial. St. Vil3tf NOTICK SALEM AUTO ' W&ECKIXO Co aow open for bnsinasa. Get oar prices before selling or baying. 402 S. Church St. - Phoaa. S159.. Kaa. -Phrna 1S0S-R. 1-iRltf In . this. ' However, it is sad , to think of the-old general purpose doctor passing, but even now! when the doctors come to difficult Cases they call In - specialists. They have to do it in order to keep up with the times. I BACK YONDER j ..... , j A body has been dug up which was baried 170fr years before King Tut. These explorations ought "to: throw considerable; light upon the early history of the world. Some people may think thejrare not important. We think they. are. It is' mighty interesting to know who went before us, what they did, what they thought, and these excavations show it. ! A guilty conscience makes liars of us all.. . ; Nurses can be trained; why not stenographers? o ' '" "Justice" generally favors the side with the trickiest lawyer. '.';.'".', O Fortunately, Lady Godiva lived at a time when ibobbed hair was taboo. ' : "'.'. - o The main idea oT a big title is to conceal' the ignorance of the man who bears it. o , When beans are spilled, don't bother about picking them up. Go back to the garden and get some more. .... . ..:' . . ' ; . . ? Hez Heck says: "Plumbers Is gougers all right. ' but ' the real honors belongs to the butchers." Oregon. Jerseys Lead: One a World Winner The American- Jersey - Cattle club testing report fbr the month of December shows that 58 1 Jer sey cows' produced over 50 pounds of fat on official test in that month. . . : Of thia number 39 cows are in 10 Oregon herds. These Oregon herds and the number of 50- pound cows in each in December are as follows: C. F. Biersdorf, Cornelius,, f , average .6? pounds- of fat;: E. L. Bush. Hoskina, 4, average 62 pounde of fat ; J. C. Brown : A Sons, Shedd, 4, average 5$ pounds of fat; J. Kopplin. Gaeton, 3, av erage: 58 pounds of fat; S. Miller, Woodburn, 3, average 65 pounds of fat;. J. V. Johnson, Monmouth. 3, average 55 pounds of fat; C. 3. 3 SALEM MARKETS Prices quoted' sra wholesale and arc pricea received by farmers. 1 Na retail prices, .are., sirea? . . - OKAXH AKD JBUkJ 5 No. r soft white wheat "' ' ,, . tt.r8 No. 1 soft red wheat SI 54 Oats .:...' ," - ,.-,.. -kHf Cheat hay . fi4 OaS.aa.3F -SIO UloTer har. baled Oat and vetcH bay -$18.50 POSS, UXJTtOV ASWVEEF Hogs, 100-200 rwt. - - tl7.?t Hogs, 200-259 rwt Bors. 250-300 tfwt. : Sis'on Light wer'-C. . M S10.50 Top ri-al : ., , r-., ia. ,, , , - -iqc Dressed veal Cows -2 g 3 Vie ..14c Lanba - ,.-. - t ronusT Heery bens' ;..- . Light hens .--.. .14(cf lfc i EOC3i BTJTTEJt,. BXJTTEBTAT Creamery; b niter .4849c .40 -RI.30 !2Q8t Bntterfat."- delivered Milk, per ewt. , Kffeifc atandarils - Oae wee laU loaertiOBa 4t . nn.th 1 - Sttx siootha? contrmet, par month 16a 2 noathil contract, par month lie Viaiaaam. 4pr aay adartiaament2 AVEO REPAIRING 2 CALIj AT JHE SHAMKOvK UAKAbii d fee estimates on your aute repair rk.- Wb" will sare au money. AH Iwork gnafsntead. Xight and day ser-rice-.i &3 j Miller A Commercial. Phone h 1 42-M. I g12 ACra TOPff FOB WISTiK " ENCLOSURES Certain jwork. atc sea O. J. Hull, 2178sf FfR.REST4 GROUXD FLOOR-OBTICK Dapaea. Jodern. call' as io - k St. ! J . FfaBi BEST! 5 ACRES BEAYERPAM Inrden lid. Honse. etc. Phone ere- n trigs, t. atuer, sou bhiou irrci, Salem, Otgon. 'm12 wording fFor Raat," priea 10 enU teach. Slateamaa Business OfDea, an lOroond ilpor. - - -. ------ APAKTKESTB PHOSK -Bl5tf FOR REXT 50 scra tiver bottom' land.' fine for a craw barrier and track farming. One mile tfCannery. Good honsa and bsra. fr7ant -experienced tmckr farm er. Cash or share of - crop. - Ad dress P. W. Seech, Lebanon. Ore-gam-.- j tari NT Apartments .5- tNTSHESp HEATED APART 3TEXT T 1335 Stata Street. ' . ; - Sml2 aPABTMEJSTS 268 N. OOTTAOjI. Sntf 2i 3, OB 4 ROOM APARTMENTS, "tt'ith place to rfgarden at 412 N. 21st street. Kent chep. 5-ml4 23 ROOM AjfARTMENT PHONE 1633-X SICELT TRXTSHEW THREE-RXKM aparttnenf with bath. 372 N. Winter, M. S-ml2tf i'nano 4fl NICELY F1TRJIISHEI 3 ROOM APART I meat, 1433 . Court St. - - 5-f26tf LARGE ISOOMS. FCRNISHEC APART- meot, heat, 1 lignt. water,-' taiepttone. Close ii No children over 3 years. -425 N. ioerty- Pkoat 05. 5-ml4 IP YOU AANT BETTBB FURNISHED, nicer - arranged - and 1 cleaner spare meat a, lea the Patton Apartments; down twn district. - Call Patton's Book tare. 5-mltf QHEAP ESTT FOR CLEAN TWO ROOM furnished- apartment- 692 -Jiorth Bum mer. - - . 4 . 5-f27t 4- rOR i K&HT APARTM2fTS 81 . j CommergjaL- j FIR RENT Room ' e VERS DESIRABLE- SLEEPING BOOMS. 250 S. pottage. . a-niti SLEEPrKG BOOM PHONE " 1B33-J. r " . ' . 6-ml2 PRINTED ajARDS. BTZE 14" BY 7hi"" - wordlng.l "Rooms to Rent," price 10 aen.ta eaa., Btsteimsn juastnaaa oinaa. Ground -loor. iml R RENTV-House FOR. KENS' 5 ROOM STRICTLY MOD- ern flat,i6644 Ferry street $35. Ktriet ly modern 7 room house 640 Mi If street $45: 5i room house, modern except basement 2180 Lee St,, partly furnish ed! 425.1 Becke - Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bgg. V-mBtt FOR JmE Sllacellaneona & FOR. SAIA: HORSE, HARNESS. AND ham, Rofite 9, Box 124. ' Phone 44F31 - i i..:..j..H. -ui4 QUEEN If CUBATOR. 275-EGG SIZE. One 14 incb ; alao Emerson riding plow. Phone C7P2. 8-ml7 a ALPALFA3 GRAIN. HAY, TIMOTHY and atranr, guaranteed quality prompt shipmeifjf. Prlcer tipow application. Richard) Nyman, Walla j Walla, Wash ington. Is. : I' 1. j 1 ....' 8-ml2 DRAG SAWS CHEAP NEW THOMAS portablef 4 h.p.. au metal eonat ruction. Mounted with two wheels. Wheels like a wheelporrow. Haa pulley for aannao tiea. to acroascut saw. ehurn, separator, ate. Priced complete with blade al $80 eaci f.o.b Portland. ALASKA JUNK CO. 203 UFrout, Portland, Oragoa. WU1 UkUow credit aa, u if ad ie-aMldVed- with ardasw- - S-aaX2 HONEY fi EES AND QUEENS PHONE oS a. 4 RECEIPTS BOOKS SIZH 'r by 8", 50 receipt forma ia book 15 coots- pea book er two book a for 25 aanta. 8 ta tea man ogtiee, 215 South Commercial, Sasean-J ..- - r. "- . 8-f25tl OR- BASbS OLD NEWSPAPERS;- 14 oenta a baadia. Oiremlatia dayanmaat Oragoa iStateaiaaa.- i Trespass Notices I For Sale" Tresa.aas NoUees. slsa 14 laches bj . 9 inches, printed 00 good 10 a anal eattTsss. bearing the words, "Notice Ii Hereby 3 Given That Traaapaaaing 1 Btrietlyl Porbiddwar On Theee Pratniset Cader taaalty Of Proeetutien." Prist 16a aa ar two far 25e. Stateaasaa Publiahtag Company, Salem, Oregan ! ft-att Reid & Lorenson, Dayton, 2, av erage 6y pounds of fat; H. Hollen beck, Hod River, 2, average 65 pounds t fat;W. H. McKee, Per ry dale, 32, average 55 pounds of fat; H. p, Iliff, Independence, 1, with 8 5 1 pounds of fat; K. Biers dorf Cotnelius. 1. with 62 pounds of fat; p., Biersdorf, Cornelius, 1, with 60s pounds of fat; Deal A Riches,. Turner 1, with 58 pounds of --fat; iW... 11 Gibson, Gresham, 1. with 157 pounds of fat: Vw I & M. KJBaker, Canary, l,wlth 68 pounds ff fat; C P. Bates, Salem, 1. Mill 155 pounds qt faU TX O. Woodwtth, Albany, 1, with. 54 pounds r fat: 3!f N. Tlrihtcw- fn. dependence,. l,t with 52 jpounds of fat; W. ST. Riches, Trner 1, with a o pounds of fat. . -: ? Amonk the- above ona .of Cv J. Biersdoar yearlings led all Jer seys in the United States with 6 1 pounds Jot ,f at. Another yearling took thBr" place while a senior 2- year-oldl ;in his herd stopped the list for! that age class with- 77 pounds tof fat. One ot lliff's pro- dncer peadett the -eehlor a-year-oldi'wiih 85 pounds- oi fat. T). uiersaori got second place for I FOR fin OCLBBAXSOS PLATER PINuff A pargj. " gal5 Beautiful Oregon gcsi Aa alevaa ether Oraoa Macs t geder with a fine aollaction ot pa-rlotl Vflga, Mr4 MXA A snaaity-r koma aingia. Sand lor . Western Songster TO pages now la Its third wditioa PabUshod By , S iaU Comarnit St-Balera. Or. f - KUKSERY STOCK 8 ' -- - ' MARSHALL STRAWBERRY PLAJTTS -- $1 per $1000. dig them yourself. Rt. . &Tx 95. Phana 89F22. 8a-ml3 GOOSEBERRY, ETTERBERG 6TEAW berry plants, phone S7F13. 8aml2 CUTHBERT XBASPBERST Pts-. Eaeellent qaaiy. Phoaa- 8FS. Sa-mlS" FOR SAL A GOOD BEARING PraiB of Wilson strawberry plants.. Phone 51F15. . 8a.ml2 2 YEAR OLD PLAC1C WALNTTT SEED Hnga. 14sV.aaAlv.you..dia them. -Also 2- Buckeye coal-bnrning brooder stores. C. A. Dawd Aubura. road, Saiam, JU. . 8s-ml3 FOR -SALE 50.000 STBAWBEBBY plant 1, 121 of the beat kind 25 cents per hundred you- dig them or 40 cents -.- per hundred dug. Home Realty C-. 189 South High. Phone 1718. 8a idIj INSPECTED SEED POTATOES FOIi early planting- Netted Oflur for tabla use. Mast" be satisfactory of- money will be refunded. Yew-Park Groeery lTarket.V705 S: 12th' St. Phone- 9. Cherries-and. Prunes ,- . - REDUCED) Prunes, 8c y Royal , Annas 20e op. General nursery stock eve- attractive -prices. Werrea Nursery, 851 Perry. Phoaa 104F34. 8aml4 Prune Trees ; Costs ImproVed French, 3" to 4 ft. 8! to-6 t,: 10c 6 to. e ft., lc. Italians aa me price. Fruit and Walnut tree. Phoaa 11 40M High and. Perry. Fmitlaad Nureery. 8a-f25tf .Willamette Valley - Has a Salesyard at 281 Court street, at Kennedy's paiat ahop, opposite Be sick's stora.- Allkindref fruit and auf trees. ' Dr. Bean's Big iTenca prune a aoeeialta-. ornea wama- ttiot - tvee. 105F5. Jl MdbU, Prep. . 8a-dl4tf FOB SJLL&JlTetodc 0 FRESH COW WITH SECOND CALF 170 Boath 13th 6U - ' - 9-mi 2200 POITND TEAM. HARNESS AND wagon. Phone 411. P. E. Shsfer. ' :' -ml4 WE HAVE 5 NO. 1 JERSEY COWS FOR SALE: Wm. F.-Eder, Horseahoa Lake, St. Paul, Oregon. . 9ml2 THOROUGHBRED YOUNA JERSEY Cow 1119 Fifth street. West Salem. 9-a5 VETERINARIAN SB." PATTERS OS Pkoao 028-W.' , 9-d30tt FRED W. " liANGH VETERITVAKIAN-r Office 480 S. Commercial. Phone 111 Res, Phono- !.- ' - 9-r33tf WOOD. TOR SAIJ3 11 . i DRY SLAB WOOD AND SECOND growth for sale. Phoaa . . , lA-a5 16-INCH OLD PIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Phone 19F3. M. D. May field. - --- lltiatf LENAKER SAWS WOOD Phone 2097X i , ;. - ll-ml2 GOOD COAL DRY WOOD ' " PROMPT DELIVERIESi HILLMAN FUEL CO. -- PH0NB X855 DRY WOOD, POUR FOOT AND 18 Iaeh ' I Dry mill wood. $4,76 per load. Poor' ! 187W. - - llmlj, WOODSAWTNQ JUDD AND SCHMIDT, i Phoaa 142. ' . ll-ilsi BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft, and 18 ineh. Dry mill wood. - Green mill wood. Dry- second growth fir. Dry and aid t ir. Dry 4 ft. ash, mspla and eak, FRED E. WELLS Prompt delivery and reasonable price 280 South Church. Phone 1542 lla6tf BE8T SECOND" GROWTH FTBr fTr OA1 89. Call tlCl. lf-d2Tt I WANTinJEmpIoj-ment ";i2- TRACTOR PLOWTNG OR ANY TRAC- tor work. One 14 ineh; striker plow to trade lor good cow. Phone C7'2.- ; 12mt7 V ANTED hPscellaneona lg WANTED 'TO TRADE A HUDSON I speedster in good condition for a good building lot. WiU pajr caahi differ. ehce. Phone 1762J. 13-t12 WANTED A 5 OR 9 ROOM MODERN home from . $5000 to $6000 cash. Kot too far our. Can at oar office and jve aa. particular. Wa hare two cash cus tomers. Homo Realty Co, 169 South High. Phono 1728. 13-ml5 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB Isrns loans. Wa bar seTeral applica tion on hand. " Hawkins . Boberta. Ine 205 Oregon BniUiagv - lS-d4tf CASH PAID FOB FALSE TEETH dental gold, platinum and discarded I Jewelry. Hake Smelting and Refining Co, Otsego, , Xfohigaac l$-j27d WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER ased iuraitura lor eaah. Phone ill IS-aitrtf Answer U Testerdayg Pozzls 1 iSlHjulT ' HoQdL1 TjV'jo p a r -. r?" t. n lL V P W O ft . T 0 EtTr 7 T T 5 AiR r fl R' ii. A w g 2 , a k T h c v 5 ? J j A P 1 r f e n . t o" T' in A Rj T Z ft AT R A T"C qUIp I A S Ajfe ; A C I ir- IP TjOj v '!