THE OHEGON STATE31IAIO SALE1I, OHEGON TUESDAY jrORNING, MARCH 10, 1925 . - , : . . : : li ti AUDItED BUNCH ?VxNEL OF THE LARGEST AND Eyes Are Shining. V- most brilliant of the season's PHONE lOf affairs wag the Monday Night Dancing club formal last evening at Derby hall followed by an elab orately appointed St. Patrick's supper at the Gray Belle at which Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brophy pre sided as hosts. From the green harp in the window to the decor ated pastry the St. Patrick motif was most effectively used. Green j and yellow daffodils and green candles in crystal holders gare a charming table scheme. The most ; unique feature of all, and the one which brought forth the admiring exclamations of the guests, was that employed by the hostess in the novel, indiridual nut-baskets which consisted of a frilled green paper cup set on a shamrock base, with a paper daffodil on a wired, green stem bending above it. The Oriole orchestra added de lightfully to the pleasure of the occasion.' Irish airs such as River Shannon Flows," and "Peg gy O'Neil" added! gaily to the pleasure of an occasion that will be long remembered; ; Clever shamrock-decked Invita lions,, written in green ink, were isHuei to the following bidden guests: ; ' . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Anderson. Dr. and Mrs. C. E.j Bates, Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Bellinger, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Brock, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. W. ?J, Busick. Mr and Mrs. ; E. A. Colony, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Compton. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Creech; Dr. and Mrs. W. H Darby,' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dane, Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter KIrkvMrvand Mrc V. E. Kuhn, Mr.- and Mrs. J. C. Law, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Luper, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGilchrist, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Myers, Dr. and Mrs Phil L. Newmyer, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Page. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Page, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Poor man, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Z. j: Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, Mr .and Mrs. C. Smith, Mr. , and ; Mrs. Rex Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mr.: and Mrs. H. L. Stiff. Dr .and Mrs. F. H.' Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Valiton, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Wiedmer, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.Cornoyer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Graye, Mr. and. Mrs. A. F. Ser- anous (Eliza Nolan) of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McElroy of Portland, Mr.- and Mrs. Geo. Hubbs of Silverton, Miss ,Edna Simonton, Miss Sylvia Woods, Miss Edna . . .. . . - i a . - I 4 occasion or tne iawer s oinnaay, y nrrr A T. f! A T.ttnti ATI I in which guise the announcement party was given. A small' hope- Mr. and Mrs. B. L4 Darby. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Tate of Portland, Miss Nell Thiel- Sl E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Eiker, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gallo way. Mr. and Mrs.' L, S. Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grier, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding, I Mr. and Mrs. "Mother Machree," ."When Irish W. M. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Mil ler's Will Be Closed TODAY, MARCH 10 From 1:15 to 2:15 P.M. During Funeral Services ' of I Miss Lenah Brunger r sen. Mr. Budd Welch, Mr. Bert Ford. Mr. Jake Tuker, and Mr. O. K. DeWitte. . The silver tea announced for this afternoon at the home of Mrs R. J. Hendricks has been post poned on account of the death of Mrs. Walter M. Pierce, whose fu neral will be held today. The Delta Alpha class of the First. Methodist church will meet this evening at the home of Ruth and Phoebe McAdams, 756 South Twelfth street. . ' As a social compliment' to his office staff,- W.'' E. Burns enter tained at 6:30 o'clock dinner last Friday evening at the " Colonial Dame Tea Shopper ' Covers were placed, for nine, r1 i K-ti. "'-'! ...... . .. ' .)(. !-... ; Willamette Shrine tCo. t of the White Shrine of Jerusalem will hold ceremonial ' at 8 o'clock in McCornack hall. . ; The engagement of Miss Martha Leavenworth to Mr. Victor Hicks was announced last' night in a clever and attractive manner at the Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe when Miss Margaret Leavenworth Invited friends of hersister on the chest centered the table, with min iature hope chests marking each place. Ivory candles in mahogony holders were used, with Colonial floral bouquets; each in dainty paper , frill. A small cross-word puzzle, i with ' pencil attached. awaited at each place. The solu tion, which was not found . until toward the end of the dinner, re vealed the news of the betrothal. I Love You Truly" was sung by a close friend of the honor guest preceding the dessert course. Both Miss Leavenworth and Mr. Hicks are students of Willamette uni versity, l- . tr ;; Dr. and Mrs. R- A. Burge, , of Seattle ,are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Powell. , Dr. Burge is in Salem to give a series of lec tures on psychology and psycho analysis. '. The Social Afternoon club of the Eastern Star will meet at 2 o'clock today for cards. 0 t Mrs. Frits Slade will entertain the members of the Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at her home, 866 Oak street. ' ' An impressive event of Sunday afternoon was the GAR annual memorial service held in the Ai- mory In tribute of the thirteen of the group. who have passed away during the year. A semicircle of Today- Junior Guild. St. Paul's Episco pal churhc. Mrs. FriU Slade, 866 ' Oak 'street, ' hostess. 2:30 o'clock. V--. ; j : -.; ' Salem Arts league meeting un der auspices of Civic Arts section. City library auditorium. 8 o'clock. Stated communication. Chad wick chapter of the Eastern Star. Etokta club. ; MrsJ E. E. Fisher. 515 Market street, hostess. 2:30 Sons of Veterans Auxiliary. Ar mory. 8 o'clock. DelU Alpha class of the First Methodist church. Ruth and Phoe be McAdanms, 756 South 12th street, hostesses.- ; Willamette Shrine No.; 2. "White Shrine of Jerusalem. Ceremonial. 8 o'clock. McCornack hall. ' Eastern Star social afternoon club. Masonic temple. 2 o'clock Cards. Wednesday First Methodist church Wom an's Foreign Missionary society. Mrs. E. T. Barnes. 325 N. Capitol street. 2:30 o'clock. "Cascarets" 10c if Gonstii Dizzy; -4 '-JZ. 1 Feel fine! Let "Cascar eu" clean y o u r bowels stimulate FtpiZ'fe -a and i stimulat 0-7 g r i p I n jo or overac tiig. :"-- is MilUonsjof -. men. women and children take this harnlss laxative-cathartic' It doesn't sick en you like pills, oils, calpmet and salts. Tastes' nice acts; woiider ful. 10c, 25C and 50c boxes-t-any drugstore. Adv. f ' ' Woman's; Relief Corps leld ser vice following, r The booms were decorated with beautiful! masses Of flowers j and greenery by the Daughters cjf Vpterini ssted j)y a committee from i thef Sons of Veterans. Rev. U, S( CfOwder gave the j talk for the Woman's Relief Corps memorial ! i t Ml ! Miss Josephine ;JBrops, Hof the state highway department, spent the week-end visiting! iji Portland. She, is expected to return to Salen today1. : ! i f ii.jrS " j The j Young i Married1 People's club ot the"First (Bapilstchnfeh will meet at 6: SO o'clock Wednes day evening at the church for the regular monthly pot-liick supper and program. ! i ; "qii 1 t ' ; I ,h II ).i-;; ' J"' !;:-'" ; Entertaining'; for! her! bridge club, Mrs.' David Eyre was host ess oh Friday at j a; delightful brdge; tea with Mrs prince Byrd and 1 jflrsj : Joseph i Baumgartner guests of jthe club for the after- nqon. 1 1 Spring: flowers were j at tractive in r the room where the rnltriwine- nlavAHr Mra T. A. Livea- concert will include the following: March and chorus, "Aid a" (Ver di) ; fPur Dicestl- (Lottl) ; "Valse Trlste" from "Kuoloma" (Sibel ius) excerpts from "Sylvia" (De libes); 'Berceuse from Jocelyn" (Godard): "Love's Old Sweet Song" (MeHoy-Lemare); ; three dances from "Henry, VIII" (Ed ward German)." ; i " -"""; c:-. The Etoka club will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. E. fisher, 515 Market street, for the! regular March meeting. The firsi chapter of "Know Your Town" will be studied at this time. - ; - ; The' Woman's Benefit associa tion of Maccabees will hold a ben efit card party in the WOW halls tomorrow afternoon. Outstandingly attractive among the diner parties'of the past week was the-: one on Friday at which Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding entertained. St. Patrick day fa vors were effectively used with the chosen decorative scheme bowls of golden datfodis and green tapers. . Woodland foliage o a Literature study section of AJ ley, j Mrs. j Dan Fry, Mrs. T. C. was used with yellow shrubbery A. U. W. Prof, and Mrs. E. C Richards, 966 Center street. 7:30 o'clock. : . ' A r A.: M '1;j Jason Lee Methodist; church Woman's Home Missionary socir ety. Church parlors, 2:30 o'clock. Young Married Peoples clup dinner and social, j First Presby terian church parlors, j j j I ;' Woman's Benefit Association of Maccabees. Benefit1 ca?d ipartv WOW halls.1: i j , i r .',).. ' First Baptist j ChUrchJ ( Young Married Pebble's c jub, 6:30 .Ladies -Aid of Christ Lutheran church. Mrs. J. Siihn. 1080 Nortb Wintef street, hostess, p ; i ; Barbara Frieteii' tent, ' Daugh ters of Veterans. Armory;' ; i o'clock.-- ; ft;--; : 1 ' Brush College I Helpers. Social and business meeting. " Mrs. Will McCall, hostess! s o'clock. f ; :(:.! r ;N i Frlilay i r ' j ; First Presbyterian church Wo man's Mission jihj society. Church parlors.; 2? 30 o'clock. ( A-Vi f h! H ! Siotirdiiv ! : ! " Salem Womlns club. Business meeting, club ! house vacant' chairs! symbolized the pur pose of the meeting. On the back of each chair! a wreath was hunir. These 'were maije by the Woman's Relief Corps.' j In the seat of each chair a bouquet of white flowers were placed this the tribute of Barbara Frietchie tent. Daughters of Veterans. Commander J. J. J Jfeimeyer presided, with the trib ute of the afternoon being ex pressed by Ronald Glover. Mrs F. L. Waters, Mrs. C. A. Huston, and Mrs. C. A. Arpke all gave ap propriate musical numbers. Other appreciated numbers .were given by Mrs. Mary Entress and by the Sons of Veterans' quartet. The dio and "500" made the evening a decidedly enjoyable one. Mrs. Carl Webb won the playing honor. Dinner covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Max Page. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Busick, Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Webb and Mrs. Elliott A.- Colony, Smithl Mrs. ; J, Shelley Saurman, sprays about the living room. Ra- Mrs, IP. 0. Locke, 1 Mrs. William ! Walton. Mrs. John McNary, Mrs. Frederick ' Lamport, Mrs. Prince Byrdi ; Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner, .1. . . . . rs. jtienry Meyers ana me nosi- ess; Mrs. David Eyre. : " Oh March 20, Mrs. Henry Mey ers will entertain the club. !-!:, . . ;. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy left Sunday to spend a number of days In Portland. Salem friends of Frederick W. Goodrich, who heard him In Sa lem under the direction of the MacDowell club, were again in terested last night when he broad casted from the Portland auditor ium. The Oregonian gives the following anouncement "At 6 o'clock tonight Frederick W. Goodrich will play the third of the series of Monday pipe organ concerts which are broadcast by wire telephony from the public auditorium. Mr. Goodrich and William Robinson Boone are al ternating in these concerts and they, although a comparatively re cent innovation in local broad casting, rate high in the prefer ences of the radio audience. The concerts come at a time when peo ple are sitting down to dinner, and those who have loud speakers are thus able to listen to one of th. finest kinds of radio music with out Interference or reception trouble of any kind ; Mr. Goodrich, who successfully broadcast his first program or gan recital many months ago, has devoted much time to the study of radio pipe organ music, and con sequently is a master In selecting just the right kind of numbers" to broadcast, and ; his magnificent repertoire affords variety, no mat ter how often he broadcasts. His 0 0 0 OF course, yoa wnt to rt tout full money' worth o a 0 0 o o 0 8 you utiafieS that you dot If U yon r la doubt try an ordar () ot oar hUh grid coal that t rmli ! in th. end. It ia Lha ! perfect coal for fcoma uaa. Also Best Grade of DRY WOOD - Sawed Any Length 0 0 0 0 Q mi i mam PiiPi nn. d Broadway at Hood L w j a sis w KM and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter L. Spaulding. " The Sons of eVterans auxiliary will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the' Armory. The members are asked to bring recipes. (Contlnnad on paa SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN' and INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for hache yt Neuritis Headache, 3 1 Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer?f package which contaUiS; proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 DrupgisU. Aaolrta la th trad amark of Bayar Uaaafactsro of Uonoaectlcacideater of Salicylieacid Z7 m li AMOTHEE EEG SHIPMI EMTrolf'PAl i in HOE HI . I: We are only showing the new ones selected from the styles, see best lines in the East, our windows If you want new up-to-the-minute 1WV J Hanan Pumps ' jast arrived, express shipment patent leather, tan calf, and a variety of patterns to pick from; all widths and styles. Get a pair now before the sizes " 'are broken. j ,:. All Pumps $12.50 Florsheim Shoes for Men We have our complete line of Florsheim Oxfords 1 now in for your inspection. They include that new -shade of tan calf, also brown kid and the patent leathers for full dress wear. All Styles $10.00 lit .in Apricot Kid The new feather; two or three; styles to pick from, combinations of apricot, kid and patent leather and all apricot kid. See these new Ishoes: before you buy ' as they are the latest things on- the market. All Styles $12.00 --- ' ' ; ' " 1 " - ' ;;"t 'M H J -: ' " :- Archpreseryer Oxfords I and Pumps Do not forget; to get a pair of Archpreserver Shoes when you want a pair for long wear and solid com fort. They' can not. be equaled if you have to be on your feet. J- ; i" f : ': 0 : :; ' - ' All Styles $9 to $12 Tan Calf Pumps This leather is one of the leading things in Shoes this year. We have a number of new things in buckles and goring effects that are strictly new You must at least have one pair tan shoes for spring wear. MostStyles$10.00 Hanan Oxfords for Men Just received a new shipment of men's Hanan Ox fords and Shoes both in black kid and tan calf. You can get your size now; better come in before the sizes are broken. Oxfords All Styles $12.50 Patent Leather Pumps Seem to lead In style over most other styles. We have some of the newest things ever produced that came in this week.' You must see these styles before they are sold out. Patent Pumps, $7 to $12 New Strap Sandals We have just received Saturday a large shipment of the latest sandals, the new pretty champagne and patent leathers in all sizes and widths. These are something different, all made with low heels for gen eral wear . ; Closely Marked at $6.00 Very f.- i- WEDNESDAY IS RUBBER-HEEL DAY. jwjejPut on All Makes of Rubber Heels Wednesday Only, air Half Price Bring Them Any Day and Leave Them for Wednesday. ... : ; j ;.. DO YOUR FEET HURT?; i1 Corns and callouses removed without pain or soreness. Ingrown nails removed land treated. Pains in feet, weak-foot, flat foot, fool strains and fallen arches adjusted. Do not suffer.' I will give you the best; that science can produce in scientific chiropody. Consult ; ; DR. WILLIAMS About Your Feet.- Hours 9 to 5:20., Phone 616 r lili ' - ! fofaRM - . V ffruaBacLs Vi(rBootr blSjaiSoetr REPAIR-. DEPARTMENT ; . Our shop is equipped with ail new machinery. We-use nothing but the very best grade of leather that money will buy. " Mr. Jacobson, in charge of this department, is an expert in his line-has spent years in factories and repair shops and will do nothing but high grade work. j ! ! ' i; i . i .