TIIF. OltEGON STATETIAir.-SALEir, OXYGON TUESDAY MORNING. MAnqij: 10 1935 jf Sk. c i Q!iiiiuGE PROBLEM Alole Urvlons ISew rttase ol HUVLLATIONS OF A VfFE Copyright by Newspaper Feature . . Berries . " CHAPTER 403 THE WAY MRS. BARKER DIS POSED OP ANGRY DR. PET TIT. ..... : V - , . ,. -v-,J".; -. ... . " I felt .like conspirator in a cinema, third reel as I stole down the, hall behind MM..' Barker nd Dr. Pettit. But the conviction was Your Children's Health Builds the Nation-f-.Use Give Them Liglit Swect-Wholesome Food, ; CXLCD SVa TIT-IEO TXIC32 OF ANT CZVZZt EHANI 10 It will still be two months before local vegetables will be available to any marked de gree and still longer until our local fruits make their appearance. . It is therefore very timely to lay in a supply of canned fruits and vegetables to last for the next ninety days. Variety irt the menu is the constant aim fat every home and to make- this- pos sible and still purchase your canned foods at the case price, you make up an assortment of anything we have in stock, taking three or In ore of a kind, we allow a discount of 10 percent in case lots (24 cans to. the case.) , - - . We feature these brands-of fruits- and vegetables-; as- the very-best we cart buy and every single can we sell has with it the guarantee of quality. This guarantee means that if you are not pleased with the goods in the can after you have opened and used it, bring us bjack the label and your money will foe refunded. KEEP THIS LIST, CHECK American :OiilTeTObnSfer:' VAJ U i 1 L 1 V ViaitKiUUU VU1U Early June Peas ..... ..... Little Champion Peas ... .,...;...L......35c Cut Refugee.Beans .-23 Refugee Whole Beans . .M.-..1.:,33c Tiny Refugee Beans ... ,...... ...45c Green Lima. Beans - 35c Small Rosebud-Be)ets'C.:..r.v..vi..t.'c Succotash; ..w.:..:...:.... .LzL-. ..-..:.:......:.....25c Goldn. PuropkuK..t.,.l...lOT.w.....i.2fic Sauer Kraut ........-.....-..-... r.. 20c Prince' Calif ornia Vegetables Solid Pack- Tomatoes ........-20c Premium Tomatoes (Staruliwd) .15c Spanish Tomato Sauce ....... 8c Fancy Cut Beans . .30c Premium Peas . ......25c Little Prince Peas ,--30c :Floral.Peaa;-.............-.. 20c Spinach .....25c Libby's VeclaHes A "-' 5oluLPack .Tomatoes Silverdale Tomatoes (Standard) 15c Hillsdale Asparagus Tips -35c , Large Asparagus .. ..."SOc Asparagus Tips (Square Hn ....50c Sauer Kraut 20c Pumpkin - -...20c II if""y 'Red Salmon, V size'.. Red Salmon Is, tall I Red; Salmon, Is, flat 6 cans Rosedale Pineapple No. 2Vx size, $1.60 strong: a von mi that tlw, chats, tain of tb hostelry, exasfsraie by th physician's demand that she reveal Dleky'ahldfng place,' meant, t o stage g math In g unpleasant for There was no ftecesalty for my accompanying them that 1 rconld see and 1 would have, remained in the hall but for; the peremptory signalling nod. which Mrs. Barker gave. me. Bat ! I could not deny that my curiosity was glad of her, summons, although I meant to keep Dr. Pettit in ignorance of my presence if I possibly could man age it. . j Down, the empty hall, through the dinner room, also empty, Into the kitchen -where the sulky maid gave us a startled, curious stare, .through another door Into a 'dark, short hall, I followed the angry physician and the, Imperturbable Mrs. Barker.'-'. J .";y And. when the lady, stopping be fore a dimly outlined door, said; "Here, you are,;, , In. a low irotce Which was the esaenca of feminine yielding to peremptory masculin ity, I flattened myself against the wall, and held ! my breath hoping the physician would not guess my proximity. ' j "Come out of there, Graham, Dr. Pettit called, nis voice filled with menacing anger. -. . , j i Discount American Club, Libby' and Prince's THE ITEMS YOU WANT AND CALL US ON THE TEL EPHONE OR BRING IT TO THE STORE, . ... AatJV CI'aatI DtviAnnnln Oct ..........-..25c 1 Sliced Pineapple, Is, tall...... ... 25c ncea fineappie, is, uas .....5. -uc iCrushed PinearjDle. 2s 30c ' f Crushed Pineapple, Is,, flat.-.,...-?0: iYellow Cling Sliced Y. C. Peaches - 33c iCaliforriia 'Apricots :35c JYellow Cling Yellow Cling Amricots I Small size can 'Fruit Salad, 2 Vis ......... .:-.-......:.-50 'Muscat Grapes, 2Vs- .:I....i7:.U.-.U.:.35c i OTHER BRANDS OF CANNED ! ! 1 ' FOODS - ? 1 v (All carry ..,...20o Onarga Com Small Belgium Peas -.w..... 30c .French String Beans :j ,.35c .'Mushrooms (Stems and Pieces) .50c Mushrooms ' (-extra choice buttons) .75c P. S. Brussel Sprouts .... .-....-.;..;.-.w30e Gusto Artichokes -5c Dunbar Okra . .. -wi - 10c - Vegetable Salad-.... ; .-.30tr Van Camp Hominy lSc VirginiaSweetrPotatoes .. 25c ! Oregon GoWetfBantam Corn ....t...I..30c 25c r..30c 33c TWO PINEAPPLE SPECIALS 6 cans -: "He can't hear yoa -through, that ! door,",lIra. Barker said a,mpothly rifs too thick. : i . j "Qpen it then, the physician said eurtry. . . ' ? ' ' - : ? She-evidently had the hey ready foe I heard the turn ins of: it, is, the lock, and the door swung open. The physician fairly plungedt into, light, I saw Mrs. Barker bead for the room, , and then, in the dim ward; and pull the door to, heard the click a the key turned, aad the hoarse, suddenly muffled shout' front Dr. Pettit which told his comprehension that he had been tricked. : Mrs. JJarker's Triumph, : , "Tihere!" Mxs. Barker said cora, poeedly as she walked toward me. apparently unheeding the muffled pounding upon the door she had just dosed. "Ke.11 have a, chance to. cool off." - ; 7 : ' : S She reentered the kitchen, clos ing aad locking the door, shutting off the room, from; the little dark hall, and paying, no. attention to the wide-eye4 amazement of her, sulky kitchen, maid, she stood lis tening beside it for lwo; or tb ree .minutes. - 4 ' "You, can't, hear, anything; can yon?'- she asked ma.; , . f i"kot a. sound, l answered;, and. Indeed, the two doors with the hall space between made the room be yond sound-proof. I was sure, that Dr. Pettit had not yet ceased shott ing and. pounding: be was far too persistent .a person to. desJst so soon but' he evidently might be la the "dudgeon, cell" of blessed "Pinafore memory for any chance he might have of being beard. ! "Then we'll go back to the hall, pbe, said,, .imperturbable as ever, and. I .followed lier back to her -desk, with iny respect and admira tion for this mountain woman in jpreaslng with every step I could tisnaJUse'npw the stories of the pio neer women of the eountrys early iilstory.which before always had seemed somewhat apoeryphal to pie. Mrs. Barker, I .was eu re, would have held her own before any savage Indian or panther. Where Did Yon Put Him? ; "How long do you want me to keep iim there?" she asked, as she reached her desk. "It doesn't make any difference to . me, al though he'll find It quite chilly, f "Where did- you put him? I breathed. . and I fancy my face Lots LiEby Firuiti i i 41 .30c Peaches 35c . J?rinces White Label FVuit (Very best grade in heavy syrupy - - Peaches ........... .-...-......40c Peaches,sliced ...... i0e - i 40c ' Peaches, and Apricots..25c . Ihe same Guarantee) I .... 3..........-...0c r Broken Slice, No. 2 size, $1.25 hpeaTiaiiaiaewfcrt miration, which .was mine. . ; , "In the root, cellar." she re turned. AU;the mountain homes ttaT.a tfcem, but ours Is especially large eh account of the house be ing bnflt spang up against the cliff. There's no possible way qf his get ting out except through the doors t just locked, and nobody can hear him no matter how much he yells or swears-the recording angel onght to bo. busy just now -' 3 Her lips' quirked Into a. grim 1U tle smile. ' .v "He won't freexe for the tem perature doesn't' get that low and I noticed he had a fur driving coat with gloves, so he won't get any serious harm. Bat when he comes- oat he'll prebably be ready to be ciTil if he doesn't murder me first.'---'But I dot allow anv hpdy to build om me the way he started ia to do without giving 'em a. lesson of some kind So it's up to you- hew-long-1 keep- him; there. Don't tell me where you're going that Is the town Hf course. I know you're going to the other ros4. I'll send him back, to Cald wl, shan't I, when I finally let him out?" ; . "'-w t Yes, that ; will be best," I agreed, '"And I should think, a half hour would give us a good start." "I'll just double that," she said grimly "and I'll telephone Tim Boyce to Veep his mouth shut as to. which way ypu went. But you'd better not waste ; any more time getting" away trom ihere." (To be continued) MRS. RERCE FUNERAL - TO' B HELD TODAY ' ' ''. (Contlnned from pt.g 1) toqia tfeo wle, pf,Ray iap.o. a. research chemist , In' the employ, of the Western Electric company, Newyork iity Her thrd daugh ter, Edith Pierce, ie now a junior In the ' yniveesity ot Oregon at Eune. . and! her y.oyngest daugh ter JLor raine, la , a, senior la ; Ralem high school. She also reared" Clara Pierce, daughter of her hus band by, a former marriage. . -r There are three grandsons, i There are three older sisters and one brother living; She was the youngest of nine children. She was a devoted mother, giv ia& her whole soul and energy to the rearing of her children, caring little for society. She -was always an- extremely strong woman, until her ttret ' operation, in October, 1919, since which time - she has Buffered much. Since February tot. 1934, she has- had the atten tion, of. a- private nurse, demand ing constant care. All through her suffering and. affliction she has been kind, hopeful, cheerful and helpful to the very last; she had an indomitable will, keeping track of her household affairs even after she could not longer walk or talk aloud, insisting that the bills for the home come to her, even paying her February household accounts with her own check. She was a member of the Meth odist church, -becoming- converted at Walla. Walla in 18&S- Her cir cle of friends was not large, but those who knew her best prized her . Mendshio very highly. Dur ing the sessions when her husband, Walter M. Pierce, was state sena tor, she always came with him from eastern Oregon and .was one ot the well known, ladies of the state senate. She was pres ent the night her husband was in augurated as governor, but was never able to enter the state house afterward. .Mr. Pierce took a deep inter est in her husband's political ca reer, although she seldom appear ed. He -was away from home much, both because of his interest In state affairs and because his larmnd- the- caitie oa- the- range took him. But there was the most Complete h.ajrRony of interest be tween, them. She had not been strong tor some years prior to her severe illness, and. Governor Plerce's splicitqde for her at all times, wa extreme. During his campaign- for the nomination two years ago he went to his home in ila Grande and back to western Oregon many times just because he wished to eee how. she was get ting along and- to have a few hours' with her. While the pub lic did not know this, be took these night rides and put In many extra hours, some of them- valu GRAND THEATRE; Oti Thrilling Night r WEDNESDAX, MARCH Jk iHENRY iDUFFY 0COH-WATCH .OU.TV ITS ,COmT3 TTJ CET rou T6E MOST. CrCtTlfifrPUY CVCR WttlTTEW, u - r ( auo v ! u ,. - At Popular r-i i V Ba) JOHN WU.UUJD VOr . CQverooc,5 Wift? ' ! Called by Death W l . ... 11 11. 1 , . SSm ft :: r , MILS. LAURA M. PIERC1 able for campaign, work, because he could not bear to be away from her any more than was actually necessary, while she suffered as only he knew she did. . When; Mr. Pierce wa elected Governor the newspaper reporters soon found that Mrs. Pierce's ill" neSs was very serious and- ques tioned the Governor about it. To them, he confided, the truth that It was a hopeless case of cancer, but he adked them to say nothing about it and to not mention her illness - except when absolutely necessary. The newspaper men recognised, the fine . sentiment , in the Governor's wish and respect ed iff To 'Mrs. Pierce the; Gover nor spoke hopefully right up to the day of her death. Long after she realized that there was no hophe would not admit it tb her, but talkfd of. the time when she wou-lil be well again and they touhl go ouf togetherv When he was in the hospital lafit summer, for , an operation, he found a nurse he considered - especially competent and he took her from the hospital, at a greatly advanced salary, to care for Mrs. Pierce. The expense of these two years has been tremendous, but that has not counted . for a moment with him. To alleviate her suffering in the slightest degree, at "any cost, was his object. When affairs of state crowded upon him, he would say to. a friend, "all this is nothing, if only tny wife were well again." : - Fishing : is better tfcan swim ming. You don't have to wiggle your arms to stay on top of the ground. . ,-' . .. ; . AGGIES BEAT OREGON QUINT BY ONE POINT Continued -iron a total of 10 points tor his credit, Ridings, OAC forward come sec ond with a' total of 8 points. .Otter- berg, Oregon center and Wester gren, Oregon guard, were next with a total of 7 points. Lineup and' Summary 1 OAC (27) Ridings : . . . Baker '. . . , . Brown ..... V of 0(26) . ; . . Gowans . ... Hobeon . . Okerberg . Westergren ...... Jost P F G G G B Stoddard . . . Steel . . Diwoky v OAC scoring Field goals: Rid ings 3; Baker 2; Stoddard 1; Steel 2.' Free throws: Ridings 3 ; Baker 2; Diwoky 1; Steel 1. . 1 TJ of O scoring Field goals: Gow,ans 5; jHobson. 1; Okerberg 3; Westergren 2;- Jost 1. Free throws: Okerberg 1; Westergren 1. . - Referee Borleske, Vhituan. f tfmpire - Mulligan. ' Each Irurreilent of this dard family Remedy la s recog nized healing- medidm for rnnc-ha arut thrnfe fartitaiienA. CONTAINS NO NARCOTICS 11 PBOOUCTION : I a SOLID V ) CtlCMlMi .... 5 MERRY SHRILLS, Scale of Prices SI II . . l If" 1 fi " L.VL.I1I11U 7 FreshyMean lothes l ' CITRUS GRANULATED SOAP . , , ; A will renew your fine fabrics, !$ilka ' '". h f J ! linens, woolens and bafe t QJ f T ! IMssolvesiristaatiyandcp T j . no particles left to spot the cthingl -' V'JW"' As ! Take3 lef2s br j -2-'S;; A:' titmtnufactarmofihay i (t Vi S VS. famout CITRUS I . - WVO '- ' cngjq.acsa 1 1 ; .... rr civil wives -Hae XTemorial services were held at MrCornack hall Sunday In behalf of members of Sedgwick Post Xo. 10 of the GAR who died during the past year. - - The principal address of the service ' was given by Rqnald Glover, who" stressed the import ant' services these men had given in time- of need and as useful citi zens, following the Woody strife. "Three score years since the close of the Civil war and we have come, again to pay, tribute to the memory of him who shall: have borne the battle and passed away 59 years after the close of the Civil war," he said. "'The citizen soldier, predicted as being unfit to return to private life, has shown his worth. From. their ranks have been drawn presi dents and men to fill other im-r poztant - offices of - the nation Many of them have been in quieter 'places, have been fathers, .home builders,, virtually the backbone of the nation." . :, - - Comrades ot Sedgwick. Post No, 10 . who passed away were; Ben ja mitt Davis, William, Staiger, Jacob Goode, T. M. Champlafn, J. R Moyer, A. B. Huddleston, F. :B. Southwick, Jv B. Simmons, Ferdi hand Knrz, L. D. Porter, Frank Lander and T. B. Eppert. ' . ;j Rev. U. S. Crowder made an ad - dress in behalf of the Women's ! v :Frcm . . 'v By Relief corps, telling of flee and work.wbitjh the! mjembers qf the oraniiatiori did during the Civil warj, combattiu and heir rfforts in gj the ;eiiemy . d; liring the last one Oregon Soldier Dies in HorioIuiulTrainirig lamp HOXOUlTLu. ! March ! : I ! the Associated f Press.) Hatcher qf I Myrtle private in IMOTHERrUlFIcticher's; . - ! it.. 1 t 1 Castoriaj is est y pirepared . to relieye Infants in arm and CSildrea all ages of Cbngtipa- tiori;. FlahilencyJ Winki !G)lic Ihe' snrri ,91 (By J-oseph PomtL Ore., a the 'Ignited Stiitje4 army m p :tt 1 1 i -1 and Diirrheak hllaying! Feverishness arisinff therefrom, and, by regulatiiig thfe Stomath and Foodi giyin ht&ldiy Hqd "natttrjl'; sleep. To avoid'imrtatipn$J always I6ak for AbyluN'tyi HarftiTa-i-Ndf jOiwatfs. j : fi i NBWi IST0DAY-- Some More Fiin by the Star of ':A " M': : . . ..u . v.. , ' MP J) - 1 r - wn . 1 fl' the Story "Husband of EdithM GEC.BABR McCUTCUEON I .. ALSO , ' McDonald here; died suddenly of Heart di sease: at Fort -; Ruger. today. ... He collapsed while skipping rope, part ot his training program for army athletics. -" ' ; ' - Chai-gfHl. MTlth Vagrancy - Pred : Garrett,- who has been loitering around the Southern Pa cific depot during the past three or four days, was- booked at the police station last night on a va grancy charge. Bowels, aids the assimilation of. thesignatarejof; . Fhynaaaa cvyywjicw recommena iU '.t XoJnorrow and Today -t- $1.65 11.10 : ?4rl 50c Comedy (Incladlng Tax) i'vli t t 1 phones 18S5.-6.-7 .No- chsrjre: f ?r-de!i very;