WiLlMETTE UNIVERSITY GIRLGEEE GEUE WH WILL GO ON SPPJNG TOUH Donald ..Young,: Mrs,; Clifford Farmer and Mrs. W IL. LyUe. - ' " ;-; ' ... f9 f Arrtll T. Ohllner entertain. ATJDRED BUNCH. REST : (This poem was writen Cherry Avenue, the twenty-fourth xiw uii i oow in nee eunuy-einin year.) Lead me, G my ; Heavenly Father. Threughi thiS"Wflderaess of woe, Up to thy abpds hr Heaven That is whete-, t "Wish to go. ? - ... When life's duties, here are over, And I go, 'from hence, away, Bring me to Thy salf in glory, There f ordvermore to stay. t am weak aidt full; of error, But I come to. Thea for rest, And E hops by Thy- good, pleasure vi r To- saxwy reach INTERESTING. IN. EVERY, de tail, was the meeting yesterday af ternoon of. Chemeketa. chapters oX the Daughters o the- Americas Revolution which was held at-the Chemawa Indian school at M"a - Harwood Hall's home. A gnouD- of 40 guestswere conducted through thfit fcuildings and grounds. At the business meeting which took place eartjr In the afternoon the chapter L voted to present two medals, one gold-aJid one- silver, to- the stu dents writing the best Indian le gends. ',' V THie program of .th'eTafternQon was given by students -of the mu sic classes in the tea-room of the senior domestic practice house, which was beautiful? arranged for jost such affairs. Features, on, the prpgram were given -flBy at girls octet and by a hoys'qiiartH-na-peratovich. and Rymendr'Hul dan both gave solos Thie girls of 'the school served delightful re freshments to the guests at the tearoour. f ' At the April meeting of -the chapter Mrs. Homer Goulet will be hostes sat her country home at Hopmere.. - . . The West Side circle of the Ja son! Lee aid society met on Friday atthe home of Mrs. Alfred Vicky 149.5 North. Liberty street, for the regular business meeting. The afternoon was spent in tying quilts, and in the making of plans for a chicken pie on St. Patrick's day. -.iijM. Blanche M. Jones is a guest, fo her daughter; Mrs, Mryl Smith at Garibaldi. V ' : Mrs.-Cheater. MM Cosspent Fri day In WoodburniaS I the guest of her mother, Mrs. EIL" Cowles. Mrs. S. Levy and -Miss Eliza bath Levy wereamonj the Salf m group attending' the concert Wed- COATS in Y For sports, afternoon, and business wear we have assembled a most unique showing of really clever spring coats. Qne would hardly expect to receive such materials so well made up that air of individuality, "built" right, into, thenv f t for, sixteen dollars. Yet, they are hero coats that, would ' 'apparently sell for twice the amount. PHONE 10 f by Mrs. G. S. ElwuIL of 2720 of last August. Mrs, Thy evar-blesfe. Mrs. G. S. Elwuft. nesday evening of the Portland Symphony orchestra. The brilli ant French pianist, Alfred Cortot. was the soloist of the evening, with. Jacq,ue3 Gershovitcb. the guest conductor, j . . Chapter AB of , the PEO sister hood will meet at; 7: 45 o'clock to- morrow evening in the studio of Miss Laaa. Belle-Tartar. Dr". Mary C. Rowland, will, j have charge "ofi the program. The annual election of officers wUl be held at this time. .. ' j ' : : - The Founders' Day program of l the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the First Methodist church, will ,be held on Wednes day, March 11; at the home of Mrs. E. T. Barnes, 325 N. Capitol street. Mrs. J. L. Brad is the program leader of the afternoon. I Mrs. G. W. Hickman will have charge of the devotional. A tea hour will follow,; with Mrs. O.. E. Price the chairman.. ; ( ... ; ;,. '" The Etokta club will meet at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. E. Fisher, 515 Market street. The first chapter of "Know' Your Town", will be studied at this time. - . ; - " --:""':' The Woman's Home Missionary society of the Jason Lee church will meet at the church at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday, March 11' The ladies of the Leslie Methodist church wiU be guests. Mrs,v Frank Davis, field secretary, will give an address at 'this time. Everybody is welcome. i - If .f ' .": 0' i-: I i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lucas were happily surprised by their relatives and friends at their residence, 1345 Fir street,! Wednesday"eve ning, March- 4, the occasion being their! 40tiu wedding 'anniversary. They were married at La For " 111 1 "" 1 '" 7 m "j 'y;J. JV " ul 1 "t ' ft IN TIE above picture are the 2G Willamette university girls, members from each of the four classes, who will leave the latter part of the month for the spring tour; Concerts will be given Jn the following places: Gresham, Sunnyside Methodist church, Port land. Arlington, Stanfield, -Athena, Walla Walla,. Kennewick, Yakima Titon, Wapata and Goldendale. la., 40 years ago. Provoking much merriment was a mock ceremony performed by Mr. Sam Rundlett. Little Miss Lucille Boehringer act ing as flower girl, carried a bou quet of spring blossoms. Assist ing the blushing, bride was Mrs. M. Brandenburg, while Mr. W. J. Hagadorn supported the youthful groom. Folowing congratulations they were presented with a beauti ful silver Inlaid ruby-colored fruit dish, Mr. Sam Rundlett making the presentation speech, after which- Mrs. W. J. Hagadorn gave a reading entitled, "Walking Down the Silvery Paths of Life." Five hundred was playeVl by the younger guests, he older ones ex changing reminiscences. -' During the' evening a telegram of congrat ulation was - received from their son, ; FloydrLncas, at Bellingham, who was unable to be present. t Later a delicious buffet lunch eon was served, and at a late hour the guests departed, wishing them many happy years together. - ' i : Those present were Mr. and Mrs. i 1 - -, 1 1 t The club has. already been, heard in Albany, Falls City, , -Woodburn; and at the ' boys training school.. Included in the singing group are: j First , sopranos. . Miss .Helen May tiockwood,'" Miss Aldeane Smith; Miss Fay Sparks,. MJss. Gladys'Mc Intyre, Miss Elizabeth: Silver, Miss Lena Gilbert and Miss Beulah Fanning; . second sopranos'. Miss W. H. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. . Golden, Mr. and Mrs. S. G... Rund lett, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hagadorn, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bucklin, Colonel and Mrs. Carl Abrams, Dr. - and Mts. Floyd Springer, Mr. and Mrs T. J. Boehringer, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vogt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oldenburg, Mrs. M. Brandenburg, Mrs.--A, Pogue, Mrs. J. Springer, and tbf Misses Letetia Abrams, Anabehe Golden, Dorothy Graham, Lucille and Carlton Boehringer, Mr. and Mrs. Carb Graham1 and ;Mrs. L. Abrams. ' , ' ft & ' , Seventy-five members. af the sophomore ;' class ;' of ' Willamette University., met tor a suppey. partjr last night at the Gray Behe after Freshman. Glee. .. The attractive home of Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, at 495 North Sum mer street, will be the scene of the interesting silver tea which is be ing planned for. Tuesday by the Salem War Mothers. Each War Mother is invited to bring as her guest a war mother who is not af filiated with the club. ' CalHng hours will be from 2:30 to ;5 o'clock. An interesting program has been arranged. ' 7 Miss Catherine Hartley and Miss Margaret Pierce are Oregon Agri- culturia College students home for the week-end. . Mr. and Mrs. E. R. WImer of East Center street returned home : New Books received this week n the Atlas Book & Stationery, Company: ; The Road to En-Dor. ..... ....... .Louis Joseph Vance One Hour and Forever. . . . . : ........... T. Everett Harre To Babylon. . . . Larry Barretto Bill the Conqueror. ..... ......... .P. G. Wodehouso Vivettte "Knit-To.Fit,' Something new in under i wear, ail silk, back stitch - knit. Free from runners; made in union suits, com " binations, r step-ins, Tests j, and bloomers. ' Beautiful sunset shades. , SPECIALTY SHOP 45? Court Street ' 31iss Renskik Jj. Swa "" : t I . ?( 1 W VI' Margaret Arnold, Miss Lucia Card, Miss Beryl Marsters, Miss Zelda Mulkey, Miss 'Virginia Van Horn and -Miss Gladys Morton first al tosi ; Miss Trista Wenger, Miss Ruth Ross, Miss Gilbert, Miss Gilbert, Miss Volena, Jenks and Miss. Elois Heineck;' and. second altos. Miss Frances Hodge, Miss Angelihe Ryan, Miss Elaine Chap- SOCIAIr CAIXNDAIt it Monday Chapter AB of the PEO Sister hood. Miss-' Lena Belle Tartar, hostess, 7:45 o'clock. Organization of classes in vo cational education. McCornack hall. 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. John. E. Brophy's St. Patrick's dinner for members of the Monday Night Dancing club. Gray Belle. Tuesday Salem Arts' league meeting un derauspices of Civic Arts section;: City'iibrary auditorium, 8 o'clock; Stated communication. Chadr wick- cha'pter of the Eastern Star; Silver, tea. Berean. class of the First Presbyterian church- Church parlors, 5 -to -.6 o'clock. Etokta club Mrs. K. E. Flshen 515 Market street, fhostess, 2:30 o'clock. ' ."' War Mothers silvers tea, home of Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, 495 N. Summer street, -r; ' i Wednesday T First Methodist "church Wom an's Foreign Missionary.-society. Mrs. E. T. Barnes,325:N. Capitol street, 2:30 o'clock." ; Literature study Beetion of A. A. U. W. Prof. '. and Mrs. E. C. Richards, 966 Center. street, 7:30 o'clock. '- I ' ' - l Jason Lee Methodist church Woman's Home. Missionary soci ety. Church parlors, 2:30 o'clock. Xnursday Brush College Helpers. Social and business meeting; .Mrs. WiU McCall. hostess. 2 o'clock. Satnrday Salem Woman's club. Business meeting, club house. ; Saturday after spending a three weeks visit ' with their son arid daughter-in-law. Dr. and. Mrs; Ross Wimer,; at Pendleton. f That "most astonishing picture play,';rAbraham Lincoln, is. com ing this week to Salem, bearing with it every element of appeal-. The play will start Thursday, March 12, to continue for three days. .m ,. ' .; ' In synopsis: The picture Is a straightforward portrayal: of the dramatic incidents of the birth, romance, climatic events -; and death of the martyred president. It starts with his birth In the pio neetr cabin during a blinding bliz zard when the .entire family al most perished: from starvation. At the age of seven young; Abe ac companied his family; from. Ken tucky to the new state of Indiaaa. Here Nancy Hanks Lincoln, Abe's mother, died, ; A year later Thom as Lincoln, t the father, married, a childhood! friend Sarah ' Bush Johnson,, whose devotion toyoung, Ab and protection In giving him an education were marked-factors in hls-'-later success.. All' these, scenes are depicted in the picture, with touching realism. - - , ! After- the' family moved again, to Illinois and Sarah, Lincoln died, Abe went to work, building a flat4 boat with which, to carry i cargoes! down- the Mississippi: to. New Or-I ljcans. His first trip-, waa momen-i tons.' At New Salem ha first saw Anne Rutledge, whose1 name has been connected with : Lincoln's, ia one of the prettiest romances ot history. . - . -r Memories j ot Anne brought hini back ' to New Salem.- where he, worked under difficulties, licking, the town bulry who disliked him. because of his studious ways Lincoln- was leader of volunteers, , against the Black Hawk Indians but; on his return he found that his partner had drunk up the as sets, of ; the store, r. leaving them f 1.000 in debt, an obligation Lin coln assumed. ' He' mastered-sur i-v- V v- vUA r-j Jin and Miss Ruth Heineck. The 'assistant director, of. the year is Miss -iCay Sparke, with director. Prof. E W. IoTson. Miss Mild red Grant is accompanist for the club; Miss Helen Selig is violin ist, and Miss Sadie Jo Reed is reader. The officers of tlie club are: President, Miss Ruth Ross; vice president. Miss Mildred Grant; secretary treasurer. Miss veying in six weeks and was ap pointed surveyor for - Sangamon county. At 27 he was studying law in Springfield. The next ten years saw him a circuit rider and fin ally a congressman. He was nom inated for the senate but sacri ficed, himself in order to keep the election from an undesirable can didate. The repeal - of the Mis souri Compromise seemed to- him an. open challenge on the- slavery, question and in his debates with Douglas he stated his position so clearly that although he was defeated- for the senate he removed all; chance that . Douglas would ever be president. In a highly sensational party caucus Lincoln was nominated for president and elected in a heated campaign. In the meantime, he, had married Mary Todd, who bore, him two sons, and the entire fam ily moved to Washington to take, up residence at the White Houss. The trying period of the war, the moments of misery in his own household and the death of one son, the critical days, the. dissen sion in his cabinet and disloyalty, among his friends all played their, part in the great man's life before his final victory. In the yery moment of triumph Lincoln was killed. The picture is replete with little known inci dents of Lincoln's life, and is re markable for . the bigness iof. theme, heart interest and; the fi delity and spectacular grandeur, with which it has been filmed. Rapheterian club members had an especially enjoyable meeting on Thursday wben they were en tertained at the home of Mrs. John Evans. Miss Letetia Abrams of Eugene wa3 a. special guest for the afternoon which, was spent in an Informal manner with sew ing and needlework. Fourteen were present. In April the club will be en- "California Fig Syrup'; HI! - "l " Dependable Laxative for Sick Baby, or Child ""Hurry Mother! A" teaspoonful of "California Fig" Syrup" now will thoroughly clean the UtUe. bowels and .in a. few hours you have a well; playful child again. Even if cross, T feverish bilious, constipated or full of cold, child" ren love its pleasant taate. TeU your druggist ?you want only the genuine. ''California Fag, Syrup" which has directions for babies and" children.', or all ages printed on bottle. ' Mother, you must say- "California." " Refuse a n jr' im i t a ties-;--Adt V 4-1 Elizabeth Silver; manager, Miss Ruth Heineck, and reporter, Elois Heineck. Mrs. E. W. Hobson will accompany the girls on the trip when programs will be given show ing a wide variety ot selections. Among . the soloists . will be- Miss Gladys Mclntyre, Miss Trista Wen ger, Mi&s Fay Sparks and5 Miss Aldeane Smith.. tertained at the home of Mrs, Gro ver C. Bellinger. Mrs. George F. Rodgers is visit ing in. Portland. , . -':. .4t - The rural comedy "Down. In Maine' met with such abounding success that; the Salem Rebekah lodge is to sponsor another, ap pearance of the drama on March 17 at the Grand theater, j , .55" -,: : - -'i Among. Salem "matrons spending, various days of. the past week in Portland were: Mrs.. Henry Mey ers, Mrs. Frank" Snedecor,' Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. ' Breyman Boise, Mrs. E. C. Cross,. Mrs. William Brown. Mrs. R. J.: HendricksMrs. 4. a .... - An Inspirational Showing of ' Fas At the Smart Shop HART SCHAFFNER & MARX TAILORED COATS for Women Representinp; the Latests in Style and Beauty of Spring Models The beauty and value of these offerings cannot be understood un less personally inspected. Our new special plan offers you terms which, will, fit your; conven ience. Let us .explain . . t .y-i . 4. - v ' ed In a charming manner on Thursday; afternoon for the' mem bers of her bridge club. ? Yellow daffodils and blue-candles, gave an un usual j5 ' attractive decorative scheme.; The; afernooq's high score was won by Mrs.. Claude Steusloff, low score going to Mrs. Merle Rosecrans.. " - Playing at tne tames were;; Mrs. ClaudA Steusloff, Mrs. Merle Rose crans, Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mrs. Richard Slaterj ' Mrs. "Earle Dane, Mrs. Frederick Deckcbach, andahe hos tess, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohllng. The Salem War Mothers axe es pecially interesting in contribu tions for their rummage sale which Will open, on Wednesdayj March 11, in. the United States Bank building,, in the- room formerly occupied by the Johnson store. Every variety of saleable clothing' is solicited from furniture,, phon ograph records and clothing to canned goods. and hardware. The committee, is, anxious to have all contributions brought in sometime .tomorrow.. The. proceeds both from the rummage, sale. and. from the silver tea will go toward the hospital" fund. , FUr Li DJ. CI New York Physician Perfects Harmless Method of Re ducing: Weight The loss of as much as a pound of excess fat. a day with, no harm ful results is the record made by many patients of Dr; R. Newman, a licensed practicing physician of 286 Fifth Avenue, New, York, who announces that he-has perfected a treatment which has quickly rid fat people of excess weight. What is more remarkable is the Doctor's statement that be has successfully treated thousands ot patients for fat reduction without change of diet or unnecessary exercise. It. is also .said that fat people who suf fer from ; chronic rheumatism, gout, asthma and high blood pres sure obtain great relief from the reduction o their superfluous flesh.: Realizing that this sounds almost too good to- ba- true,, the Doctor has. offered, to send, with out charge; to anyone- who will write him,, a ' free triaL treatment to prove his claims, as well as his "Pay-when-reduced" plan. If ' you want to rid yourself. of. superfluous fat write him- todav.- addressinir Dr. R. Newman; 2 6 Fifth Ave nue, New York: City, Dept. R-36, Adv. It5 N. Liberty.