The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 04, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Arrangements Made Tues
day in Event Oregon and
Annies Tie This Week
. .. . . ....
saiem HasJcetuaa ians wiiif he
given an opportunity to witness a
real classic next Monday night If
the University of Oregon and Ore-
Break a Cold Right Up with
'Tape's Cold Compound"
Take two tablets
every . three . hoars
antil three doses
are taken. The
first dose always
gives relief. The
second and third
doses completely
break, up -the cold.
Pleasant and safe
to take." Contains
no quinine or opi
ates. Millions use
"Pape's Cold Com
pound." Price,
thirty-fire cents.
Druggists guarantee it. Adv.
gon Agricultural ' College teams
play two tie games this week and
a third meeting necessary to de
cide the championship.
Carl A. Lodellj graduate mana
ger for the Aggies, was in the
city yesterday .and completed ar
rangements for , the use of ; the
Willamette university gymnasium
If each team wins' a ' game this
week. For a time efforts r were
being made to stage the game, In
Mutnomah club; ' gymnasium . in
Portland. Tiekets will f be avail
able from Coach Rathbnn and re
served v seats at f Ilauser Bros. , jf
the game is played here ,
First of the two games will be
played, at Eugene Thursday after
noon at 5 o'clock. The Eugene
Armory; is not available for a
night game this week. The second
contest will be played at Corval
lis at 7:30 o'clock Saturday night.
Should either Oregon or the Ag
gies win both games a third game
will not be necessary, but if each
wins one,, a play-off will be forced.
First of Inter-Class Basket
ball Games Held at
Willamette Tuesday ;
(Continue from pace 1)
. ,. - -
Lalne, who Is. attending General
Pershing, announced at midnight
that.lhe general's condition was
somewhat improved. He added
that the indisposition was due
merely to the rigors of the long
journey from Santiago.
WASHINGTON, March: 3.- The
senate late tonight refused to ac
cent the action5 of the house' at
taching ' a $150,000,000 public
buildings measure to the second
deficiency bill.
The first of the Willamette uni
versity interclass boy's basketball
series was played yesterday after
noon in the Willamette gym. In
the main game the Junior team
defeated the Freshmen by a score
of 20-16. The game was fast and
interesting, as one period of over
time was needed to settle the out
come. The score at the end of
the first half stood 5-2 in favor of
the Juniors, and at the end of the
fourth quarter was tied at 16-all.
In the preliminary game the
Sophomores defeated a team com
posed of one senior and four soph
omores by the score of 19-11, V
Lineups were as follows:
Juniors (20) Freshmen (16)
White, 4, . . . . .F. .... Eweede 2
Carter 7 . . . . .F. . . . . . . Evevold
Pearson 4 . . . . C ..... . Flagel 6
Haines 4 ... . .O. . . . ... Thomas
Nunn 1 . . . . . .G. . . . . Kalahan 6
S Sweening 2
'Referee- Nakano, Sohpomore.
ntlf?tf IttMMHM
IMPLY go to
pairman and say
want the best
terial made-
The kind that outwears best
leather two to one and is flex
ible and waterproof
; Hell put Pan co on your shoes
in a few minutes.
It doesn't cost much either.
There is nothing 14 just as good as
Panco. Don't accept a substitute.
None genuine without the PANCO
Panco Soles and Heels are sold in
Black or Taxr for Men, Wonsn and
Children. .
r I
a re 1
ma- . f
Air . .
V 0
fTm tii MASS.
New Spring Millinery
. Big Showing of Dress Hats ;
Right up to date and the best of materials J Big variety
of trimmings. Straw cloth, silks and hat ornaments.
Flowers, loads of them.- Best selection in the city.
Lowest Prices " j
Let us take care of your millinery troubles.
New Fast Color
Renfrew Suitings
Sun fast and Tubfast
59c yard
New Silk Scarfs
Wide Ones. Pretty Colors
51.25 to 2.50
Kayser Gloves
New Shades :
51.59, 75c, 59c pair
Pretty Crepes
- Big Selection ,
yard 25c
02 Sillc Hosiery
Full Fashioned
f pair 51-25
' New .
Crepe Suitings
Pretty Checks - Sunfast
and Tubfast
65c yard
New Lace
Collar Tabs ' ,
Very Pretty
Only: 10c each
Dress Linen -Only
90c a yard
36 Inch Challie
. Pretty Colors "
yard 19c,
New. Val Laces
Big Assortment
yd. 4c, 5c, 6c; 8c, 10c
240 and 243 North Commercial Street
New Champion Runs Out
With 296; Hoppe Has Had
' Title for 17 Years
' CHICAGO. March 3. (By The
Associated Press.) Young Jake
Schaefer, son of the veteran wiz
ard of the cue. of the same name,
for the second time wrested the
18.2 balkline billiard world's
championship crown from : Willie
Hoppe who has held it for 17
years except for a few months
when he beat the retiring: cham
pion, 400 to 173, in 8 innings in
the closing match of the eleventh
International 18.2 balk line bil
liard - championship ' tournament
here tonight. Schaefer ran jfliut
with 296. " f " .
Eduard Horemans, Belgian cue
artist made sure of atleast sec
ond place in the international 18.2
balkline billiard t championship
tournament here today by defeat
ing Erich Hagenlacher, German
champion, 400 to 254, In eight
innings... ,-. .... i J. ,
Whitman Pioneers Meet
v;. At Presbyterian Church
The Whitman Pioneers met last
night at the First Presbyterian
church with an added attendance
of parents of the members. Four
teen members of the club and 16
parents were present at the ritual
to Europe
When you travel abroad this
-yew. travel the Ctirukiian
.Pacific "Mori oc lass" way.
, Twelve maenincent Mono---.
class Steamships afford rejru-.
lar Canadian Pacific comfort,
service and convenience.
' combined with one class pas- '
sage at pmporti'Hiatrly lower
. rates. For either a btiMnes
or pleiisure trip. Monoclass ,
Cabin Service will appeal to '
you. :
- ' uv t-omflcle unlormatnm ' i '.
. I I ami IttVratarc. t ' i
Canadian Pacific
and program which was presented.
The club is under the. direction
of Arthur Bates, regular ; leader,
and Kenneth Allen, assistant lead
er. The Bible discussion of last
night was led by Clarence Fletcher.'-
.- Vr;
' Over 60 notches were awarded
last night for general work done
by the members. Each notch In
dicates advancement in the fonr
square test of individual develop
ment. ; . , ' ,
.After the ritual and program
the parents and members of the
club played at games. Refresh
ments were served afterwards.
Wednesday evening the Pioneers
of the Central Congregational
church will meet under the di
rection of E. B. Powell, with Don
ald Barnard as assistant leader.
They too will go through their
regular ritual. Afterwards they
will study some phase of manual
Chamber Bulletin Compares
Millage Taxes of Cities
' The Chamber of Commerce Bul
letin compares the millage taxes
of Salem to he paid this year with
the millage taxes of other cities in
Oregon. iThis city has a low rate
compared with some of the cities
of the state, having only SO 5 mills
; Following is the rate of millage
tax to be paid this year by other
cities in (Oregon. With all these
comparisons, the property of Ore
gon, in general, is assessed at
about one-half its value.
City , Mills
Albany ........ 60.5
Ashland .... . . 60.2
Astoria .... ... . 83.6
Baker 41.6
Bend .... 106.0
Corvallis .... 60.55
Dallas .... 67.0
. Eugene . . ; . . . . . 58.1 , ...
Grants Pass .... .Li 72.6
Hood River .... 60.4
f Klamath Falls,.. 58.2
La Grande 52.1
Marshfield ...... 74.2
McMinnville ..... -50.4
Med ford . . ..... . 60.6
Oregon City .... 65.8
Portland..:.- ... 41.0
Pendleton ..... . 34.6
Roseburg ...... 43.2-
SALEM .... ... 50.5
Silverton . . . . . 65.5 -
The Dalles 54.17
Wood burn . .
(Contlnned front yaje IT : ",y
a spirit of enthusiasm which shall
dominate the city.
The campaign of confidence, is
not to be limited to a few members
of the Kiwanis but is to utilize
the entire membership. In order
to do this various committees have
been organized to perform cer
tain duties outlined by the board
of directors. ' ,
The public affairs committee
will have supervision of the gen
eral activities of the entire move
ment, while the program commit
tee will endeavor to secure. repre
sentatTve business men to address
the Kiwanis. club. It is' the pur
pose of this committee to secure
speakers who can describe the
various phases of the local indus
tries and to stimulate the interest
of the members in the work. Oth
er, activities are to be carried on
by this committee.-
" It falls to the publicity commit
tee to keep the people of Salem
Tuformed of the activities of the
organization and to cooperate with
other units of the community.
A special committee is to be ap
pointed which will secure various
letters from the business. men of
Salem and are to be entitled "Sa
lem Kiwanis Club-r-Letters of
Confidence." These letters are to
g've the viewpoints of the various
interests in the community.
Committees to cooperate . with
the Business Men's league, with
city authorities, the public schools
and, with the chamber of com
merce, in attempts to bring about
the greatest accomplishments for
the good of the community. f
Ed Schunke, delegate to the re
cent Kiwanis district convention C
' e ' . o kuiK vn
the results of the meeting."
. Discussion of the project was
held by the members at, an open
forum. Among .'the members
making talks were Byron Wright,
Frank W. Dur bin, John L. Brady,
and Percy Cupper.
The basketball contest between
Salem and Eugene is ; canceled,
according to a statement made by
Dennis Heenan, athletic manager
of the high school. The game was
scheduled for Friday evening on
the Eugene floor, but owing to
the fact that - Eugene is . playing
three games this week, they asked
to be released from the Salem con
tract. It Is Interesting to know
that Eugene Is playing three
games this week for the district
championship, which will allow
them to be present at the state
tournament to be held here.'
Eugene high has defeated Cor
vallis and University high. Hwo
ever, an extra game has to be
played with; the latter, team, be
cause of the defeat handed them
by the University team.
Teams are lining up for the
tournament play and it is expect
ed that some of the strongest com
j petition of the season Is to be
directed at the crack Salem team.
Attempts are being made to se
cure a game with the Mt. Angel
quintent and the Oregon frosh.
However, no definite dates have
been set. i
The annual Freshmen Glee at
Willamette university will be he.d
at the Armory March 7. This is
the one big social event of the
Willamette campus and Is expect
ed to be one of the most success
ful that has been put on thus far
The four classes have all select
?x their songs and practice is well
under way. Each song is com
posed by a member of that class
and In this manner the university
acquires Its great number of
school songs. The authors of the
tour songs this year are as fol-
Idws: Senior, Fay Sparks and
Fay Spaulding; junior. Helen
Johnson; sophomore, Herbert Jas
per, and freshmen, Louise Findley.
. s There is an interesting custom
in regard to these Freshmen Glee
contests which is for the mascu
line members of the four classes
JoJ$t .trip Into the old mill
stream if their class does not win.
It. Is a big event the day after tho
Glee when these bets are paid to
the. amusement of the spectators,
no matter if it is in March and
the water is far from warm.
Paina Stuped
for millions -in
this way v
-' Remember this when you
feel a pain. Millions have
.earned how to stop it at
once. For 65 -years they
have done so by rubbing
with St. Jacobs Oil. ,
All the pains allied with
rheumatism, with soreness,
backache or lameness. And
chest colds: are checked at
the start. ;
Just rub tht sore spot
with St. Jacobs Oil. It
causes counter . irritation.
Or it relieves the conges
tion. by bringing the blood
to the surface. Then the
pain is ended, and you can
wait in comfort while Na
ture cures.
Chmmatltm rtft-srrw Iamesesa
f- Now ? there areK several
ways to do this. But re
member that St.; Jacobs Oil
has for 65 years stood the
test. It has ' proved itself
lb millions. Nobody has
ever found anything better,
and nobody ever will.
Don't wait until the pain
starts. Keep St. Jacobs Oil
on hand. It may save nights
or suffering. Rub the sore
spot as soon as a pain ap
pears, or a chest cold. Get
relief at once. Think what
protection" this means'' to
yon, and the cost is only 35
cents. Adv.. ' ' '
CLest Colli
St. Jacobs OUfr
(Continued from pas 1)
a .small stand has been erected
there for the president, and an
other to accommodate some 4,000
spectators, j On the capitol plaza,
facing the spot where the presi
dent will take the oath of office,
there Is a stand to seat 12,000
more but most of the residents of
Washington and those who have
;ome fro mother cities will have
co find standing room on the side
walks and parkways to see the
passing of; the inaugural show.
Although, perhaps, less than
10,000 persons will be in the par
ade when it makes its pilgrimage
along the historic pathway from
the capitol past the White House.
But they will include the ranking
officials of states of the union in
New" England, the south, and the
west, who have come to Washing
ton to attest once more the united
purpose of the nation, and fight
ing men of the army, navy and
marines, assembled for a " proud
lemonstration of the nation's
faith In its Institutions and respect
for its Chief .
,- There will be another feature
of the ceremonies which will evi
dence American progress. For the
first time, the words of a presi
dent when he intones' the words
of the constitutional oath and del-
;T ' By Using
Schaefer Herbal
Cough Cure "
The .best and most eco
nomical cough remedy
made. .
.1 Thm Penslar Etoro
, . 135 North Ccnmcrcial
r Phone 197
ivers his inaugural address will be
carried out by radio to millions
in far distant corners of the coun
try. The stand on the capitol
steps with which a nation wide
radio net will be connected has
been covered over, and officials
said tonight the broadcasting pro
gram could not be interrupted by
mischievous weather. . . -
Indications tonight pointed to
conclusion of proceedings .before
the arrival of an afternoon rain
storm foreseen by the weather
bureau. -.'
(Coatlnaad from pas 1
sale that starts soon at the store,
funds available. Governor Pierco
Tuesday vetoed a large number of
appropriation measures carrying
various sums. Bills receiving the
official ax were an item In H. B.
No. 466 for $20,000 in connection
with the University of Oregon
medical schools, though $194,161
for salaries and general expenses
were approved.
Armory BH's Vetoed
Three armory bills were vetoed,
the measures asking for $40,000
for a" structure at La Grande;
$30,000 for Forest Grove, and
$30,000 for Cottage Grove.
H. B. No. 274, calling for an
appropriation of $6925 for a sup
plementary code of Oregon laws
was vetoed on the ground that
while the code was handy and use
ful, the saving could be effected
without great inconvenience to
anyone. '
A tot .l 4jf $10,000 of the appro
priation carried by H. B. No. 4l
was disapproved, the section referred-
to having to do with the
payment of bounties; $15,000 for
use of the land settlement com
mission; appropriations of $32,
040 for salaries and $20,020 for
operating expenses in connection
with the Doernbecher Memorial
hospital in Portland as the' hospi
tal is not yet constructed; exten
sion of the work of the Oregon
social hygiene society, forj which
$30,000 was sought, is curbed by
a veto of this portion of II. B. No.
506, the remainder or which was
approved; au appropriation of
$5000 for the use of the state
board of horticulture during 1925-
26 In inspecting, quarantining
against, and combatting the alfal
fa weevel, was disapproved though
other Items' of II. B. No. 478 were
approved by the governor.. The
state board of eugenics will have
to get along without a $5000 ap
propriation, which was cut out of
H. B.. No. 494 by the governor,
who approved the remainder of
the bill.
(Continued from page 1)
more than $100, which included
100 silk dresses, five women's
coats, 22 women's hats, five ap
rons, men's suits and, three suit
cases, the robbers procured a step
ladder from the store and made
their escape through the skylight
by which they had entered.
The robbers showed discrimin
ation by selecting goods from the
piles that had been marked for a
A familiarity with the stock and
store was shown by the theives.
The bulk of the stock was not dis
turbed. Night patrolmen have not re
ported the presence of any high
powered automobiles parked near
the store'at any t'.me of the night,
yet the police officials are certain
that the goods were carted away
in an automobile. No great dis
turbance was made by the gang,
although a woman living on the
second floor of the building said
she had been aroused by some
noise about z three o'clock in the
morning, but that ' she did not
know what kind of a disturbance
it was.
From every bit of evidence con
cerned with the robbery, officers
are not of the opinion that the
job was an inside one, because
the. methods used In the robbery
were similar to the methods used
in the other burglaries of the Wil
lamette valley. It is presumed
that this gang has scouts in the
field who go over everything be
fore the robbery and make the
get away as easy as -possible.
A report from Aurora disclose
a robbery that was committed
there the same night as the Salem
robberyC Goods to the same value
were taken, in addition to a lunch,
to which the robbers helped themselves."
Any year's
most popular
novel now
lives on the
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Fast Through Freight to All
Valley Points Dally
SrHfNt-Kff leiency-Servloe
Corvallis - Eugene - Jefferson
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. Independence - Monroe
Sprlngr ield
A New
Telephone Directory
For ' '
Will Go to Press
N March 5th
Please arrange for any change you may
desire in present listings or advertising as
soon as possible and not later than March 5th
The Pacific Telephone arid
Telegraph Company
Clean Power Full Mileage !
You will appreciate the clean-burning qualities of
GENERAL Gasoline; the wealth of uninterrupted
power; the full mileage it gives.
Right now is a good time to test GENERAL. It3
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Sold Only by Authorized Independent Dealers
'Till Up Your Tank and Let Your ENGINE Decider
Ask Our
, About , .
Scrip Book
AV.R. Speck
, Distributor
Phone 21C2
Salem, Ore.
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., - -
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