fC) -st ----- TKeWeatKer OREGON Unsettled ; The Statesman carried : 3461 Inches of classified ' advertisements" during the month :.of February! These ads represent the of ferings and wants' of hundreds of people in this district who hare found their nee profitable. probably rain north and west portions; tempera, tare game; southerly winds on the coast. Tues day Max. 6i; Min 42; River 4.5 falling; rain fall none; Atmosphere cloudy; Wind south. SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTS - ' .'' - 77 r SITE10IYS SUFFICIENT S TB IT 'IU Appropriations Exceed Vis- pl ible. , Revenue By More r , I htn viiiii iiiiii f'niiAii nan irtuufuuur uuvu - nor Starts Slashing ALL ARMORY MEASURES , ARE VETOED TUESDAY Medical School and Memorial Hospital in Portland Feel 5 Economy Cot Appropriations in excess of ris ible funds within the six per cent limitation law amount, to" 48f,- 761.27. while an additional appro priation of 150,000 not within the six, per cent limitation was au thorized to pa? Interest on irriga tion f bonds, bringing the actual shortage to $431,761.27. Revenue from! all sources will amonnt to $9,776,648.90 of which .$3,961,480.51 is the total tax levy. This Is divided $1,923,048.79 for the 1$25 tax levy and $2,038,431.- 72 for the 1926 tax levy. Indirect Revenue Large a Total indirect revenue under existing laws will provide $4,294,- 168.29. TheBe sources are mis cellaneous receipts for 1925-26 including inheritance tax but ex cluding the income tax, $2,846,- 446;, income tax revised, $750, 000: unexpended balances of ap propriations, $288,038.10; balance in general fund January 1, $320, 849.2$, and a a additional estimat ed inheritance tax of 188,835. An additional revenue of $1, - 521,000 .Is provided under new laws passed by the 1925 legisla ture: Of these the tobacco v tax brings in the g reatest amount, be ing estimated at. $800,000. The 10 per cent law,' relating to de partments and commissions oper ating on a fee system, will bring in $200,000; the repeal of the quarter-mill road tax in 1926 is estimated at $265,000; the sus pension of state aid to the indus trial accident commission is placed at $176,000, and the tax on gross earnings of public. utilities an ad ditional $80,000. ! Not Enough Money From the $9,776,648.90 must be certain deductions amounting to $2,870,832. These deductions are from the millage taxes within the six per cent limitation amount Ing to $2,287,181, and an addi tional $583,651 for continuing ap propriations required under pres ent laws. There was appropriated by the thirty-third legislature a total of $7,387,578.17 while available funds amount to but $6,905,816. 90, leaving the $48r,761.27 short age." - ; In order to, keep witbin the I (Continued oa ii 2) . ILllMlES RREGULARIT1ES LKMove to Prolong Probe of US Enaravina Bureau Is Stopped in House 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. March. 3. Possibility that a bouse investi gating committee might te auth orized to prolong its inquiry into charges of irregularity at the bur eau of engraving- and printing, was dtssapated today with the an nouncement by Representative Longworth, the republican leader, that-such authority would not bo granted. ' - A 'minority ot the committee in a report submitted yesterday said it was advisable that the investiga tion 'should be extended end that a comprehensive audit should be made of the public .debt. Unless a resolution authorizing prolong ation of the investigation I3 adopt ed by both house and senate and signed by the president before nooit tomorrow, the .committee's work is at an end. ' t Secretary Mellon earlier In the L' day Jiad , written a letter to Pres ident Coolidge reiterating bis de nial I that there had been wide spread fraudulent, application of government "bonds and asserting that? "the -accusers" of the treas ury 1 were still "as far from prov ing their charges as they were In . 1920."- - State Officials Lose Salary Increase When Governor Vetoes Bills Visions of Increased pay for state officials went glimmering Tnesday when Governor Pierce vetoed all bills of this nature. Only two salary J increases have been approved so far, one for the justices of the supreme court and the other for district attorneys. Bills vetoed yesterday were H. B. No, 259, increasing j the salary of the state treasurer and secre tary of state from $4500 to $5400 and for the attorney general from $4000 to $5000 a, year; H. B. No. 239, for the food' and dairy com missioner from. $3000 to $3600 a year, and H. B. No. 445 for the state .engineer- from $3600 to $4600 a year. ! j . In explanation of the vetoes, Governor Pierce made the follow ing statement: ; f : "I have been called upon to ap prove or disapprove a number jot bills increasing the salaries of state officials. I' have taken the position that the judiciary Is a separate department of our. gov ernment and have looked; with favor upon reasonable increases of salaries for judicial positions. .We should hold in high respect and esteem judges of the circuit and supreme court, those who study and determine judicial questions Attorney General Rules ; Against HB No. 413 Be- cause Title Defective Provisions of the state consti- tution are violated In the title and textof If. B. No. 413. providing revenue for the maintenance of the highway system, according to an opinion written Tuesday by Attorney 'General . Van Winkle in response to a request made by Governor Pierce'. ' Whether he would veto or approve the meas ure was not stated by the gover nor. More than "one subject is covered, ; the attorney general's opinion pointed out. . ' ; The bin seeks to ir.c-cr.so the fees of motor busses a.f! trucks and to. apply the same regulation to delivery trucks operating In a radius greater .than five miles from thelplace: of business by which they are employed. v In quoting the constitutional provision, the opinion by Attorney General Van Winkle pointed out the following: "Every act shall embrace but one subject, and matters properly connected therewith,1 which sub ject shall be expressed in the title. But if any subject shall be em braced in an act which shall not be expressed in jlhe title, such act shall be rold only as to so much thereof, as' shall not be expressed in the title. I r 1 "An examination of the title and text of the act j under consideration,- says the i opinion, "reveals clearly that this provision of the state constitution is violated,, by it in that it contains provisions on two or mora subjects, and at least two subjects are expressed in tie title. One is: 'To provide revenue for the use, maintenance, repair and construction of public high ways .f by Imposing a charge upon motor vehicles. The other is: 'Providing for the supervision and regulation of such motor ve hicles, and the operation thereof.- - .' ' f - - "It also Includes, as germane to the foregoIng,suhjects, the raisins of revenue to defray the cost of administering the- act and confer ring, jurisdiction over such mat ters upon the public service com mission, and other objective pro visions. That these are separate and distinct subjects cannot .well be doubted. The first is a revenue measure, while the. latter is an. ex ercise of the police power and not necessarily or properly related to each other, consequently, if either Is taken as the subject of the act the other .cannot be considered germane to It." t . . House Bill No. 21, a companion measure, imposing a 50 per cent increase in, fees on peddlers ve hicles, was signed by the governor yestorday.- , , . . ... 7 FANATICS KILLED MANILA, March .4 (By the AP.) Seven fanatics;- known as Solorums, were killed near San Jose, province of Nueva Eclja, in a fight with "constabulary. ' Three of the constabulary were wound- from their. first Inception to the court of last ; appeal.. Judges should be chosen impartially, from among the ablest trained lawyers, without regard to political affiliar tions. Salaries . paid to judges of the - circuit and supreme , courts should be sufficient to place them above pecuniary want and above the desire to engage in business or even invest their savings In busi ness ventures. For these reasons I have favored the increase of the salaries of judges. I also favor an Increase in the salaries .of the district attorneys of the various counties, as I believe that we will have better law enforcement if the legal representatives of the state are better paid. "I realize the fact that a good state official at the head of a de partment deserves a good salary. I believe it is a general principle, however, that salaries for state of ficials should be increased, not for the benefit of the. one who is in office, but for the future incum bent. When a man has made an active campaign to be elected to a certain office : and is elected, he should be satisfied for the . full term with the salary provided by law at the time he became a can didate." - minis cii Campaign of Confidence for Salem and State Launched d at Tuesday Meeting ! What is undoubtedly the larg est program of any service, club in Salem ' was' undertaken, yester day by the Salem j kiwanls club when they launched their cam paign of confident-enduring the regular meeting at the Marion ho tel. To Sell Salem to 8ale mites and Oregon to Oregonians is the fun damental motive, of the confidence campaign as outlined to the Ki wanis members. "The purpose of this campaign, as outlined by the board of directors and presented to the members yesterday by C. B. McCullough, president, Is as follows: ; ' - To build up a spirit of enthu siastic faith in the possibilities of this community; to conduct a cam paign of education regarding the resources, both agricultural and industrial of the community; to impress upon the residents of the community the necessity for co operation and for the mutual sup port of local industries and local institutions and finally to create (Continued on pf 2) FAVORED BY HOUSE Vote Is Overwhelming for Early Adherence to Hard-ing-Coolidge Policy WASHINGTON, D. C, March 3. rThe house today placed itself overwhelmingly on record in " fa vor of "an early adherence"; by the United States to the world court with the reservations recom mended by President Harding and President Coolidge." . i . f , 4 No opposition was expressed to the resolution which was brought up by,; Representative Burton, Ohio, - republican, and requires neither senate nor. presidential ap proyal '- - V1 - - i' ' ... Embodying pro'poBalsby Rep resentatives .Fish, republican, New York, and Moore, "democrat, Vir ginia, it was adopted . under sus pension of the "rules, requiring a. two thirds majority first by vi va voc3 vote, thenby a rising vote 149 to 10, and finally on a roll call, 301 to 28.; .' 4 J In addition to expressing Its ''earnwt desire" for adherence to the court, the resolution states the readiness of the house "to participate in . the enactment of suck legislation which will neces sarily follow such approval Representative Burton In. bring. Ing up the proposal, alluded to contentions that only the senate had a right under the constitution to participate in foreign- affairs, declaring; the house ;.had certain rights in this respect and citing many Instances in which it had similarly expressed Itself, . .. BACKS OREGON 1 COURT PLftfJ C1GRESS AHK1NE T BEFORE GL Neither House in Session; Finish Declareri Tamest Windup in Recent History; h Measures Few HOUSE IN CONFUSION; SENATE DEBATE IS HOT Farm-Aid Legislation ThVown InttS Discard Along With With Other Bills WASHINGTON, March 3. The 68th congress which came in two years ago like a roaring wind Is passing out with one of the tam est windups In recent history, i Neither house was in session to night something almost .unheard of on the eve of adjournment sine die and except for final action dn the second deficiency bill there is little for either to do jn the hours they will be in session before the Inauguration proceeds at noon to morrow. - While the house faced the end today with an utter lack of fea tures there was much confusion and acrimonious debate in the senate and the day's session closed at 6:45 p. m. with two "lame ducks" locked , in , disagreement over omnihua pension measure and blocking, consideration of any other, matters. . . . ' During the day all farm-aid le gislation went definitely into dis card along with the; Underwood Muscle Shoals leasing bill, the Mc- raaaen Drancn Din; a score, or more of railroad measures of vari ous kinds and a great raft of mis cellaneous proposals running from bridge bills to a $150,000,000 pub lic buildings measure. , t There was an eleventh-hour ef fort in the senate to put through a farm bill the modified McNary- Haugen export , corporation pro posal buH after four hours of de bate which furnished amusing and dramatic, incidents for, the crowds in the galleries and on the floor, for the senate rejected the meas ure 69 to 17. ; Many bills did get through and not a few were offered although there was no hope of their passage and all must die with this congress.-, . . . , , , The house by an overwhelming vote attached the public buildings bills as a rider to the deficiency measure, only to be forced later to cast it aside when the senate sent the appropriation bill back to con ference with instructions to its manager to insist against the In clusion of the rider. . Before the house took the next to the last legislative step on the deficiency bill it was announced that the senate would secede to morrow at . its. session beginning at 10 a. m., from its. original rider proposing an appropriation of $$, 000,000 for public buildings here tofore authorized . In forty, states. Such action would make the meas ure ready for the president's sig nature when, he goes, tor the capi tol before noon to sign last minute enactments of the congress. GEI.WEIISB AH Engagements Are Can celled; Physician Advises' Extended Rest HAVANA, v March 3. (By the Associated Press).-The American embassy in a statement issued to day announced General John J. Pershing is ill In his hotel here. All his engagements for tonight and tomorrow have been cancelled. The embassy statement reads: 'Owing to the indisposition of General Pershing, whose physician has advised him to remain in bed, all engagements . for . tonight and March 4 have been cancelled. Inquiries at the hotel failed to disclose the nature of , General Pershing's illness, although it was stated that he was suffering from the effects of his" long"" trip and that his physician had advised rest. " r tills indisposition was declare! not (to be serious and the, belief was expressed that! he "would be about again shortly., I HAVANA; March.? 3(bV th Associated Press I. . Dr- D. T. IE DSE Mi JEfiGHITSIfJ. truck Delivery Beyond 5 ; Mile Limit of Cities Will :: Cost Additional 50 Per Cent in License Fee SPECIAL ELECTION S ;; FALL IS NOT APPROVED No Money, for Appropriation and Time of Year Poor, Says Veto Message i Merchants will be required to pay an additional 50 per cent in license fees for trucks operating beyond a radius of five miles from the city limits of any incorporated town or .city in the state' as Gov ernor Pierce yesterday signed II B No. 21. '. ' ; This bill was' bitterly opposed In both the house and senatev dur ing the legislative session and ef forts have been made since then to block the sighing of the meas ure that automatically makes it a law. . . Salem Merchants Hit While Portland merchants lead the fight against its passage, the bill hits Salem and other merch ants throughout the state if they come under the classifications of the bill. Under the bill bread trucks, for Instance, which have been delivering as far from Port land as Tillamook, will be includ ed as will any local trucks which are operated by a manufacturing firm delivering products to Jeffer son, Silverton, Stayton, Dallas and other valley towns. . . . . v : , Other Bills Vetoed Jther bill rvetoed.y esterday , by the governor called for an appro priation of $30,000 for continuing the social hygiene society work. This properly' belongs to the state board of health, the governor pointed out, and there are . now too many boards and heads of de partments in tne state. The gov ernor approved the remainder of HB No. 506; elimination of $5000 from HB No. 478 designed to be spent by the board of horticulture during 1925-26, Inspecting for the presence of, quarantining against and combatting the alfalfa weevil In Oregon. The other Items, set forth in thi3 bill were approved. Payment of $5000 for salaries and general expenses In connection with the state board of eugenics was cut off HB No. 494, other items meeting with approval. HB No. 232, relating to water right certificates, was also disapproved. No Special Election there will be no special elec tion in Oregon on the second Tues day In September, HB No. 517 , be ing returned with a veto. "I do not believe there is any necessity for this election," the veto message read." i "lv requires the expenditure of $15,000, which should not be appropriated at this time. The election would also cost the; counties of the state an addi tional $100,000. I regard It en tirely unnecessary. - I also think that the date as fixed in this bill would preclude quite a large per centage of 'our citizens from exer cising their right of franchise." v Director Bros. Lose Around $1000 in Stock; Gang . Also Visits Aurora Wearing ' rubber gloves and using methods in robbing the Dir ector Brothers, department store that defy detection, theives airaln have invaded the Willamette val ley, after a respite of several months. Silk dresses, suits, wo men's coats, women's bats, aprons and suitcases were taken.. ' Investigation: of police authori ties Tuesday morning disclosed that the job has all the markings of, the "silk stocking gang,' which has worked In various cities in this vicinity. Robberies In Eu gene,' Corvallis, Albany, Silverton and other points are charged to the" sanK.i-'...,:..v:. 4;;-; , ; i "r Entrance to the store was gain ed i through a skylight reached through a hallway and a stair en trance from' Commercial street io the second story of the building Sobbed After taking goods vajned at , , - Continue n ps 2 , " COOLIDGE AND DAWES TAKE OATH OF: OFFICE TODAY :-x::.n:::- -y"::; : :r : : .-M-:-::; ' yos ,Sv J Si - t 1 is - .. 1 if :V, f f g 4 v v ,. f 8 tv, t x , ? , id 2ti jyJ- - K- Ttv. l"Tirf-"T""'"-"''' II il ' ..v,n.-it MILESTONES IX LIFE OF CALVIN COOLIDGE , (By The Associated Press) 1872 Born at . Plymouth, Ver mont. 1895 Graduated Amherst college. 1897 Admitted to the bar and began practice at North ampton, Mass. 1899 Elected- to y Northampton f city council, and served subsequently as city so licitor and court clerk. 1905 Married Grace Anna Good hue of Burlington, Ver . mont. . 1906 Elected tlve. 1909 Elected ton. 1911 Elected state state representa- mayor Northa'mp to Massachusetts senate, . and later became president of the senate. 1915 -Elected, lieutenant governor of . Massachusetts. 1918 Elected governor. 9 2 0 -Electei vice president. v , 1923 Became7 president upon the : , death of President Hard- -.'., ing. - 1924 Elected president by larg J est plurality in history. Ashland Gets $175,000 Ap propriation and Independ ence Training School Development of the state nor mal school program, as outlined by the legislature, will continue, bills covering various - appropriations having been signed Tuesday by Governor Pierce. Chief of these is the $175,000 appropriation for the Ashland normal school. " Buildings have been erected for this purpose but the school was discontinued sev eral years ago. In view of the need for more teachers -and the lack of facilities at Monmouth, It was decided to reopen this school. With the exception of $96,000 for; the construction' and eaUIn- ping of a class room building at Monmouth and for paving and -a new sewer, the Oregon normal school appropriations were; ap proved. Because of the shortage of available money it was decided that these improvements could wait until the state is in a better financial condition. Governor Pierce also annroved of a bill authorizing the expendi ture of $125,000 for construction of a teachers', training school at Independence In" connection with the Oregon normal school. 0AC Women Debaters Lose To Vancouver, B. C. Team ! VANCOUVER, B. C , March 3. - 3-ed debaters of the University British Columbia defeated the representatives of the: Oregon State agricultural college in the intercollegiate debate here, tonight when they . took two votes I rom three judges. . - Jean . Toitnie and Vera Mathers were the .local de baters while Dorothy Bush and Emma Berg spoke for the visitors. IXTEHIOR HILL SIGNED WASHINGTON, n. C March 2. i President Coolidge tonight sign- ea . ins interior department and Independent offices . appropriation bills and the $41,000,000 rivers and harbors' anthorization meas ure, . MILESTONES IN LIFE OF CHARLES G. DAWES (By Tho Associated Press) 1865 Born at Marietta, Ohio, f 1884 Graduated from Marietta college. After attending Cincinnati 1886- Law school, was admit ted to the bar. 188 7 Moved to Lincoln, Nebras ka, and began law pra'v tice; became public util ity counselor and" or ganizer. 1889 Married Caro D. Blymer tf Cincinnati. 1896 Attracted notice of Mark Hanna and managed Mc Kinley's Illinois, cam paign. 1897 Appointed comptroller of the currency by Presi dent McKinley. 1902 Founded , Central Trust company of Illinois., 1917 Commissioned lieutenant colonel In the World war and rose to be brigadier general In charge of pur , chases for the American expeditionary forces. 1 921-r--AppoinleL. director oLi tha budget. 1923 Chosen head of reparations expeits. committee, that framed the Dawes plan. "1924 Elected vice president. MISS Fi DANCE Dean of Women Forbids Stu dents to Attend De Molay; Affair Last Night Yesterday Frances M. Richards, dean of women at Willamette uni versity, refused to grant permis sion to a number of Lausanne ball co-eds to attend the . dinner-dance given last night by the Chemeketa chapter of the Order of DeMolay at the banquet room of the Gray Belle, t V " Miss Richards explained that as dancing is not tolerated among Willamette students she could not allow the - girls to attend, 5 even though the affair was properly chaperoned and was held In one of the most respectable places in the city. . Several or the girls carried the matter to Dean Alden, acting pres ident of the university, and he up held Miss Richards decision. " j The dance was given by the or der In honor of a number of their friends who assisted them in the play given recently, one of which was a Willamette co-ed. PROJECT FAVORED House and Senate Sanction Plan for Distribution of River Waters' I WASHINGTON. March 3. House sanction was given today to a senate bill which would per mit a compact between Washing ton, Idaho, Oregon and Montana regaraing tne disposition and ap portionment of waters from the Colombia river and its tributaries npt later than Jan.-l,1 1827. i A member of the department of the Interior and one from the war department, both to be appointed by President Coolidge. would par ticipate In all negotiations as gov ernment representatives.;." '. ' Under, the . bill which lias been drawn np, the legislatures of all the states affected by the compact and congress must aunrova the WH COEDS coiiniii compact, - ' CQQLIDGEL'JILL TAKE DATH OF T Simplicity' Is Keynote; Scene Contrasted With Lamp lighted Vermont Farm House in 1923 CHARLES GL DAWES TO RECEIVE GREAT OVATION Dignity and Solemnity to Be " v Manifested' During the Induction WASHINGTON, D. C. March 3. (By -The Associated Press.)- President Coolidge will renew hia covenant of Bervlce tomorrow in an inaugural ceremony reflecting at once the simple Ideals and the somber might bf a great republic. By his own direction, there will be no extravaganza of rejoicing and no glittering pageant to honor him, ; but when he pledges his faith as chief executive for four yeras, he win have about him many quiet manifestations of tha dignity and solemity of the task. that lies before him. Shortly before noon, in the . presence of several thousand of his citizens, he will take the oath, of office at the. east entrance to the capitol on the bible from which he was instructed at hia grandmother's knee, .will declare his convictions in a brief inaugur al address, and then review an in augural parade shorn of its trim mings, to square. with his policy of radical frugality.- ! After that he will go' back to fcia desk and to work. ? :i- Dawes Tastes Simple Meanwhile,- ; another - man, of simple tastes, Charles G. Dawes of Illinois will have been Inducted' into office by the same over whelming mandate of the people which returned Calvin Coolidge to the White House and for the first time in 19 months, the country, will have a" vice president. Ills' inauguration will precede that of the president, and. will be conduct ed with quiet ceremony in th senate chamber. One of the smallest inaugura tion crowds In a, generation h come to .Washiqgton fortomor- row's ceremonies, and except foi the unwanted bustle about the5 house, and senate chambers in, preparation lor the ending of the session today, saw few signs bt the impending change In adminis tration. Pageantry Not" In "Evidence Only here and there have re viewing stands been erected along Pennsylvania avenue and the el aborate court of honor usually reared about the White House for past Inaugurations has been omit-' ted this year entirely. Instead, (Continued on pag 2) The new incoming cabinet mem bers all reported ready for duty. : President Coolidge remained at work throughout inauguration eve. .; .. ,: nrtroffnT-ZlnnAfal HrV .II will . Auv-wvuii illlivucil Waif, fail of reappointment as assistant army air chief. . - Vice President-elect Dawes snent a busy day visiting and receiving friends. ...-,' Well developed Biens of senata filibuster appeared to trouble tha dying hours of congress. ' ; The senate' rejected the modi fied McNary-Haugen grain export corporation bill. The house expressed its "earn est desire" for American; partici pation in, the world court. Washington Gardner, dean of government bnrean chiefs, resign ed as commissioner of pensions. Secretary Mellon d enlfl Wffcnla- sale irregularities had occurred ia issues of government securities. The senate refuse 4' n ttack rider seat house public buildings bill to second deficiencr hni an It back to conference. A special -honsn I committee . renorted that funds raised ly the til: shied soldiers' lc , m i