The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Weather ' Tuesday cloudy
with moderate. temperature becoming unsettled
over west portion by night. Mpnday--Max., 60;
min., 31; riyer, 5.9, falling; rainfall, .03: atmos
phere, cloudy; wind; southwest, - - r
is the Slogan editor's, topic this week. See
Thursday's paper for many suggestions as to how
you may help make' Salem more beautiful.
V ;
7 Ki.
: i
Staff of Officers Maintained
Equal to 1914; French
Declare Conditions Re
quire Action .
Military Experts 'Say Ger
mans Have All Improved
Types of Ordnance
PAIUS, March 2. (By the AP.)
The opinion of Marshal Foch
and ;hia colleagues- of the allied
war committee is that the report
ot the. military control mission
shows that , the Germans , persist
. in their determination to maintain
a complete staff of officers for an
; army such as ; existed prior to 1914.
Also, the committee believes.
1 Germany, is educating not only of-
i fleers and sub-alterns to this end.
but to all sorts of camouflage, is
training enough young men to
mobilise a strong fighting army
whenever it wishes to do so.
. Condition Serious
This, . the committee says In a
written opinion which the am
: bassadors council will consider to
morrow is or iar greater import
than the discovery of unauthor
ized war material, although it is
pointed out that the existence of
Illicitly manufactured rifles, ma
chine guns and parts of cannon,
' emphasizes the seriousness of the
Among the details of the con
trol mission's report to which the
military experts refer is the dis
covery in steel mills of secret
shops walled from the eyes of the
Indiscreet where are 'stored pat
terns and molds for the most Im
proved type of cannon , and eren
unfinished tubes that In a short
time could be completed into guns
ready to fire. Tips given by Ger
man pacifists lead to many finds
of this sort, including more new
rifles than would be required to
arnruhe entire German army on
the basis of the Versailles! treaty.
Information given by workmen
employed in chemical factories led
to the finding of conclusive evi
dence that facilities for the pro
duction of asphyxiating gas hare
been left intact as they existed at
the end of the great war. The
report on this point confirms evi
dence which the allies have had
for some time to the effect that
the Germans has erected new fac
tories that could almost instantly
be devoted' to the production of
vast quantities of the most deadly
weapons which the war developed
and which had ust begun to dem
onstrate how deadly it could be
made when the conflict -ended. .
The discoveries, in the opinion
of the military experts, are ren
dered all the more important toy
proofs of the existence of a mili
tary staff school and the training
of young men of Germany for an
army such as that with which" the
country entered the great war.
Opinion in diplomatic circles
this evening is that the ambassa
dors council will give both re
ports a sort of casual scrutiny and
then the governments will discuss
the Idea of calling an allied con
ference to deal finally with the
matter. This conference probably
will not be called until after the
Belgian elections, as it would be
held in Brussels. V
Telephone Company Lose
Point in Olmstead .Suit
SEATTLE, March 2. The Pa
cific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany lost a point here today when
the federal court overruled its de
murrer to a $21,000 damage suit
brought by Jerry L. Finch, attor
ney for Roy Olmsted, who was in
dicted with Olmsted and 68 others
in connection with a purported
rum running conspiracy.
Finch sued the telephone com
pany for permitting federal pro
hibition agents to tap his tele
phone wires. It developed during
the hearing that there was no fede
ral statute and no law in Wash
ington against wire tapping.
SEATTLE, March 2. An invi
tation of King Alfonso of Spain to
visit Seattle during his contem
plated tour of America within six
months was cabled today by the
Seattle chamber of commerce to
.Alexander Moore, United States
ambassador to Spain. .
Warrant Declared Not
Necessary in Search
by Federal Dry Agents
Federal prohibition- agents may
lawfully stop'' automobiles and
other vehicles and search them for
contraband liquor without a war
rant., the supreme court decided
today in a case from Michigan.
Declaring that "it would be in
tolerable. and . unreasonable if a
prohibition -agent were authorized
to stop every automobile on the
chance of finding liquor and thus
subject all persons lawfully using
the highways to the inconvenience
and indignity of such a search"
Chief Justice Taft asserted that
"those lawfully within the coun
try entitled to se the public high
ways have a right to free pas
sage without interruption or
search unless there la known to a
competent, official authorized to
search, has cause for giving that
C. W. Thompson Arrested on
tmoezzienient Charges;
Released on Bond
Clarence W. Thompson, a for
mer cashier', in the state treasu
rer's office,! was arrested yester
day afternoon on a charge of em
bezzlement of , public money and
was later released after a bond of
$2,000 had been placed to guar
antee his appearance for trial.
In the complaint filed with the
district attorney, Thompson is
specifically charged 'with having
taken $45 on! Oct. 20, 1924. He
is said to have confessed to this
charge. A shortage of about $1.
000 is declared to be traced di
rectly to him. A sum of $5,000
has been missing over a period of
several years, although it is not
charged that Thonlpson took it.
Detectives representing the firm
which " wrote Thompson's bond
while he , was employed' In the
treasurer, office, have been work
ing on the case for some time and
are said to; have obtained a con
fession According to the district
attorney this is the first time a
case of this kind has come up un
der the Oregon statutes. The
maximum penalty attached is 15
years in state prison and a fine
of double the amount of the em
bezzlement. -; Thompson was employed as cal
endar clerk in the house during
the last legislature.
Senate Wrangles Over Many
Problems; Today's Ses
. sion Will Be Long
-- - i
WASHINGTON, March 2 With
all of the t regular appropriation
bills out of the way. neither the
house or the senate was in mood
tonight to remain in session until
midnight in an effort to clear the
legislative jam.
, The house adjourned at 6:30
p. m., after a session of eight and
a half hours, during which It had
passed a dozen measures under
suspension of rules, adopted sen
ate amendments to the rivers and
harbors "bill, and adopted the con
ference report on the interior de
partment supply measure. The
senate quit at 7:20 p. m., after
spending the entire day wrangling
over the conference reports and
the Cramton prohibition bill. By
receding from its amendment for
the elimination of Pullman sur
charge the senate put independ
ent offices appropriation bill on
its way to the president. It also
put the finishing touches on the
interior bill.
Leaders declared it was almost
unprecedented tor either house
not to be i in session the second
night before sine die adjournment
of congress.
; N v;- :
An enormous meteor was seen to
fall north of this city tonight. The
distance , could not be estimated.
There was a flare of light similar
to that of a sky rocket, but many
times larger. Several persons re
ported seeing It.
Tlhey are carrying contraband or
illegal merchandise."
It was the Intent of . congress,
however, to make a distinction be
tween the necessity for-a search
warrant in the searching of pri
vate dwellings and of automobiles,
the chief Justice stated, and that
distinction was constitutional.
There is no provision in the con
stitution which denounces all
searches or seizures without ia
warrant, he said, adding that It
prohibits only "unreasonable"
searches or seizures. The guar
anty' of freedom from unreason
able searches and iteizures has
been .construed practically since
tiie beginning of the government
he explained, "as recognizing a
necessary , cmrerence between a
(Continued a pg 6)
Gilbert Wren, of Willamette
Named Delegate to Na
tional Council ia East
The Fourth Annual Student
Volunteer conference held at Wil
lamette university closed Sunday
morning. The feature of the en
tire conference was fhe " speech
given by Dr. Norman C. Coleman
on "Japan and Her Religions.
Other well received speeches were
made by Dean Ava Milam, head
of the home economics depart
ment at OAC on "The Orient.
Dr. Henry Wmte on "Siam." Dr.
Henry McCall on "Brail" and Rev
Andy Walreman on "Africa." '
At a special meetinsr held Sun
day -morning Gilbert "Wren was
elected as the Oregon representa
tive to the national council which
meets in New York City every
December. Mr. Vren is a Wil
lamette university student and is
well known hers as . Christian
worker. Russel Hendricks, of the
Eugene Bible school, was selected
as alternate, Mr. Wren and Miss
Eva Manus of Llnfield College.
bold-over ; representatives, will
leave for the convention early
next December.
The .principle feature of I the
Sunday morning meeting was the
drawing up of a set of resolutions.
These were a follows:
We, the Fourth Annual Con
vention of the Student Volunteer
Union of Oregon desire to express
our sincere thanks and apprecia
tion for the services of the following:1',:--
. :
1 Willamette' university as act
ing as host.
2 To the People of Salem and
the students who entertained the
guests. ?: -. r . ;
3 To Gilbert Wren, local chair
man, for arranging all the details
of the conference. 1 I j ;
4 To the Phil, literary society
for the use of . their club room.
5 To the press for Its publicity.
6 To Bernice Cofer, state chair-
(ContXnned en page 2)
Property Owners Protest
Against Property of Street
Car Company Here
The routing'of the Salem street
railway busses' win be changed
soon, according to the action tak
en by the city council last night.
Property owners along the pres
ent route declare that the heavy
busses are breaking up the street
pavements and causing the hard
surface to break down. They are
anxious to prevent this and their
supplications . were presented to
the city council.
Manager T. Billingsley signi
fied his willingness to abide by
the new ruling and suggested the
routing of the busses north 1 on
Summer to Union, east on Pnion
to Capitol and north on Capitol to
Market. .- '"-.. -,
"The frequent; changes cause
considerable trouble and discom
fort to our patrons," he said. "In
stances of where women waited
for a long length of time, unaware
of the changes. We hate to make
the -frequent change In the rout
ings for that reason."
States Cannot Deny License
to Companies, Supreme
Court Rules; Interstate
Commerce Upheld
State of Washington Not Al
lowed to Place Heavy
Burden on lines j
WASHINGTON,'' March 2. -Two
decisions of far-reaching Import
ance in the regulation of. inter
state motor vehicular traffic y
the states were handed down
day by the supreme court. ;
In cases brought . from . Wash
ington and Maryland, the court,
i opinions by Justice Brandes,
denied that states may interfere
with interstate commerce moving
over their highways In motor Ve
hicles. ; ' -
In deciding a case brought by A
J. Buck; against the director of
public works of the state of Wash
ington, the court held that the
state could not refuse to author
ize licenses for motor busses over
that section of the pacific high
way lying, within Its borders, i
Supplementing its opinion that
unreasonable burdens must not be
opposed by the states upon inter
state motor vehicular traffic, the
court, in deciding a case brought
by George Wl Bush & Sons com
pany, held that Maryland cannot
decline to permit such motor ve
hicles to use! its highways.
Justice McReynolds dissented
from the latter opinion. ;
Declaring - t h a t "appropriate
state regulations adopted primar
ily to promote safety upon the
highways and conservation in
their use are not obnoxious to the
commerce clause where the indi
rect burden imposed upon inter
state: commerce is not unreason
able," the court asserted that the
provisions of! the Washington law
under attack were of a different
character; The primary purpose
of the Washington law was de
clared to be not one of regulation
with a view to safety or to con
servation of the highways, but the
prohibition of competition.
"It determines not the manner
of use but the persons by whom
the highways may be used," the
court stated, adding that the
Washington statute had the effect
of regulating interstate commerce
and therefore was in violation 'of
the federal! constitution.
Pointing but that the Maryland
case did not involve, as did the
Washington! case, the question of
the use of, a national highway
partly constructed with funds fur
nished by the federal government,
the court answered that such a
difference Could not be brought
in question: for unreasonable bur
dens musU not be imposed 'by
states upon! the right guaranteed
by the constitution of unrestricted
interestate commerce.
It was material. In the construc
tion of the: ; interstate commerce
features I presented in the : two
cases, the court said, whether the
obstructions i were imposed, as In
the Washington case by statute,
or as in the Maryland case through
discretion conferred upon a public
service commission. In no case,
the court emphasized, can a state
invade the federal control oyer
interstate commerce.
E. E. Lefever Drives Car Into
SpanltD Prevent Striking
! j Bicycle
f7: r
PORTLAND. March 2. E. E.
Lefevre, 127, tonight was fatally
injured ' when he deliberately
drove his automobile Into a steel
girder on j the Hawthorne avenue
bridge crossing the.. Willamette
river, in order to avoid striking
John Bunted 14, who was riding
a bike across the bridge. Lefevre
died Jn' a -hospital an hour after
the accident. The Bunte boy re
ceived only- a glancing blow on
the fender of the automobile and
minor bruises. Witnesses said that
the lad's ' bike was not equipped
with a light and that Lefevye did
not see-him antll his machine was
almost upon the boy. " " "...
Fradulent Publication ot
Government Bonds Is
, Charged Against Depart
ment of Engraving
Bonds Declared Duplicated in
V. I Many Instances ; Report
Said Evasive :
prehensive "udit. of the public
debt was recommended today by a
majority of tfc hor -- committee
which investigated cl -e of Irre
gularities In the -reau of engrav
ing and printing in a report which
declared that publication' of gov
ernment bonds, ''some fraudulent.
the proportion of which are not
yet determined." " had been dis
closed. '"" j". -
The report filed late today was
signed by Representatives j King,
republican, Illinois; Stegel, demo
crat, Alabama, and Stevenson, de
mocrat, California. Senator Mc
Faddeh In af minority report said
he could not subscribe to the ma
jority findings which he described
as "incomplete." -
If hearings had been continued
to permit the treasury to present
additional witnesses, he added,
the majorltjf report might have
"stated different conclusions ana
necessarily definite recommenda
tions." j -
The fifth member of the com
mittee. Representative Strong re
publican, Kansas, in a separate
minority , report, , asserted that
while there; had been duplicate
nn inhered bonds.-- issued --by . .the
treasury, he had not found that
these bonds were spurious or
(Continued from page 2)
Parking Ordinance Is Scored
at Meeting of Council
Last Night
The parking ordinance of Sa
lem did not receive immediate ac
tion when a committee from the
Salem Business Men's League ap
peared before the city council last
night and stated - their case, but
the city attorney is to present an
amendment , to the present park
ing ordinance at the next regular
meeting. , - ' -
Some : attempts were made to
rush the matter through and to
have the council declare the ban
removed, from the parking limit.
Thia was blocked by the '.majority
of votes who desired that a "more
conservative action be taken.'
C. S. Hainilton, president of the
business men's organization, stat
ed the case briefly when he gave
examples' of lost business because
the customers had . to hurry away
to see that they were not arreated
tor overparking. ' A' loss of busi
ness was the result, according to
his statement.'"
T. M. Hicks, representing the
Chamber of Commerce, voiced the
sentiment of that organization
when he made a plea for the two-
jour parking limit.;
Alderman Johnson: first .intro
duced a motion to have the amend
ment, brought in, which washow
ever, amended by Hal D. Patton
In an attempt-to get immediate
action. " It Was the desire of .Mr.
Patton to ,et instructions from
the council tar "the chief of police
to Ignore Hhe one-hour; limit and
only check upon v the two-hour
parking limit. This was over
ruled, "hpweve'r, " and the matter
was lost." Attempts Were made to
get the petition of ;the business
men into the committee action,
but Mayor Giesy refused to com
mit it there with instructions.
City Attorney TCowIts stated
that 'the council could not ignore
the law, because it was upon 'the
books of the city. ;
"It would be 'a poor policy to
take such an action, he said.
Following .the dla?u?8fcm of ; the
parking ordinance by the city
council members of the Business
Men's . League fid . visitors stood
oh the front steps of the city hall
and argued the question for soma
time affer its dismissal in .the
council chambers.
Flow of Charges and
End of Investigation
house aircrart investigation came
to and end today with the flow of
charges and contradictions that
have marked the last few weeks
of its existence continuing with
undiminished vigor to the very
close. ' !
" Before voting late in the day to
end its hearing, the commutes
heard several witnesses and went
further into the dispute over
charges that Brigadier General
Mitchell, assistant army air chief,
disobeyed presidential orders in
publishing a series of magazine ar
ticles on air ')ower. '
In a letter to Chairman Lam
pert today, General Mitchell flatly
contradicted recent testimony by
Secretary Weeks that he had dis
obeyed the president's Instruc
tions in publishing the articles
without war department approval
Construction to Begin Im
mediately; Building Per
mit Issued Monday
Contract for the erection of a
linen mill was let Monday by .he
Miles Linen Mill company to A. A.
Siewart, 388 North Winter. A
building permit for (33,000 was
taken out with the city recorder
later in the afternoon. The build
ing will be constructed of concrete
and erected at 2100 fairgrounds
road. ' Bids were received last Fri
day and the formal contract com
pleted, in tie office of J. E. Helt
zel, attorney. " ' .
Mr. Miles is satisfied with the
assurance of the' state fair board
that the ground will be drained at
once and that-'they will have, no
further -overflow to, bring trouble.
Mr. Siewart promises to assem
ble "his force at once and begin
construction of the factory as soon
as possible.. ! .
Machinery Is expected to arrive
in Salem prior to May 1, Mr. Miles
said yesterday. This equipment is
being shipped from Ireland and
(he date of arrival is uncertain.
With the work being rushed,
the building will be ready to re
ceive this as soon as it arrives and
Installation will be made in order
to begin operations by the middle
of the summer.
William A. Clark, Noted Pb'il:
anthropist passes; News
Uomes as bnocK
NEW YORK, T-eb. 2. William
Andrews Clark, " former United
States senator from Montana died
this ' evening" at his ' home " here.
Death was due to pneumonia. Mr.
Clark had been sick a week. -
-sBUTTE, Mont., March 2. News
of the death of the former Senator
Clark announced In messages to
business associates ' here tonight,
came as a shock to the city and
Senator Clark's vast enterprises
hera had made him an outstand
ing figure in the industries of the
community. 1 His philanthropic
"work carried on in an unostenta
tious way1 has left a 'still deeper
Impression upon his 'home city
and state. He was especially in
terested in children. " The Paul
Clark home, a memorial to his son,
is an institution for orphans main
tained wholly by him.
Drunken Drivers Are tQ
Get Stiff Sentence Here
An ordinance prohibiting the
driving of a motor vehicle by an
intoxicated ' person was passed by
the city council last night. A mini
mum fine of $50 Tdth aTenaltyrof
five days in jail and a suspension
of the driver's license for a per
iod ot 90 days la carried with the
ordinance,' 'while K the " maxtmum
penalty is a fine of $ 50 with: a
six months', jail sentence and 'the
suspension of the driver's license
for a period of 90 days.
-The "ordinance "Js due to 'the
great number of drunken automo
bilista who- have ' been menacing
the welfare of the citizens of Sa
lem. A condition of emergency Ia
existing, according to the wording
of-the-hllt '
and declared he had obtained per
mission from his superior officer.
Major General Patrick, army air
chief,, as directed by Mr. Coolidge.
General Mitchell also transmit
ted to the committee a copy of the
president's letter" concerning the
articles which gve assent to their
pitbiicatfon if approved by "your
superior officer."
' "When. inform? i of General
Mitchell's statement. General Pat
rick said such approval had never
been given by hijn. that the maga
zine articles, nrtr the president's
letter; and all that he knew about
the incident was "that General
Mitchell ' told me after he had
been to the White House that he
had been given permission by the
president to publish the articles."
"I saidT"bf course, if the presl-
(Contlnued on page 5)
Drive Brings in Over 800
New Ones; 717 Are En-
"rolled at Present Time
More than 300 new members
were added to Capitol Post No. 3
during the recent drive, bringing
the total membership to 717,; it;
was announced last night by Com
mander Clifford Brown, at the big
ex-service mens' meeting.
Chairs occupied every foot ot
available floor' space at McCor
nack hall last night, with numer
ous members standing around the
wall, into the adjoining room and
perched in the windows. '
With a credit of 79 members,
the team captained by Vic Mc
Kenzie was awarded 50 as first
'prize;. Paul Achtpn's team second,
with 58 memberft and $25 and the
team piloted fcy Raymond Bassett,
third with 47 members, a cash
prize of $10. Team captains turn
ed the prize money back to the
doner. Commander Brown, who in
turn announced that it would go
to the executive committee and
be placed in the mess fund. " -
George Love, past commander
of Lane County Post, Eugene,' and
state chef la gare of the 40-8
made the principal talk of the
meeting. He told of the work of
his post, how and why results
were obtained, and predicted that
Capitol Post would lead the state
in membership. Short talks were
given by Ben Dorris, "of Eugene;
and George Griffith, of Salem.
state commander of the American
Building up of the American
Legion Auxiliary is the next ob
jective of the local post and a big
joint meeting is scheduled for
March iG. ' the next' regular meet
ing "of the two organizations.
Definite decisions to place a
baseball team in the' field this
year was reached and King Bart
lett, chairman of the sport com
mittee, is beginning to get a line
up on nis men.- ----- - -
proximately ' 75-; men will
board a special train here March
14"ahdatterid the district conven
tion to be held at Corvallis that
Following,- the business meet
ing, special entertainment was
provided by imported talent and a
big feed served. -
Quahty of. Product Ser)t
From Penitentiary Opens
Easterners' Eyes
Oregon lax, displayed in New
York city by the Donegal Linen
Mills,- Inc., of Toronto, Canada,
received much praise, according to
a letter received by Warden A. 1M.
Dalrymple, who had the display
made up at the state prison. The
Oregon display was placed In a
prominent place at the Grand Cen
tral Palace, and consisted of fla.
straw and fiber.:- vfrM-
'This straw and fiber was most
favorably commented on by those
acquainted with the linen busi
ness," the letter said. "We.ahui
found a large number, of American
citizens who were much surnrlaed
ta know that such a good quality
of fiber was grown in Oregon.
Our own practical people were
ery much impressed with the
splendid grade "of 'fiber yotr sent.
Indications That $600,000
' Shortage in Revenue Ex
ists; Several Measures
Way Be Cut Down
Raise-Requested in Annual
.--Message; Three . Bills '
' Meet "Disapproval
Appropriation measures are due
for a' paring " today before being
approved by the governor on the
face" of a,S600,00,0 - Shortage in
revenue- which 'became apparent
Monday. While many ; of tlia
measures will meet executive ap
proval. several must be, cut down j
in - order to" ,keep within' the
amount of money authorized.
Salaries of the Justice of the
supreme court were raised yester
day -when Governor Pierce signed
SB No. 26. fixing the salaries at
7500 per year.
' Reasons Are Given
In explalnation of this action.
Governor Pierce said: '
"I have approved Senate Bik
26 fixing the salary 61 the su
preme court judges at $7500 per
annum. I have signed this bill
very reluctantly, because I -believe
at this time "the ""amount shoMld
have been fixed at $6,000 'per an
num. In my message to the 33rd
legislative assembly I suggested
that an increase in salary was due
the supreme judges from the pres
ent salary f $5250 -per annum.
I consider this decidedly too low
a salary to pay Vmen eminent
enough In law to be supreme
judges. The alternative is cremat
ed Tof approvlnr-thfar ill or veto--ing
It. Between the tWo I have
decided to approve the bill.' The
supreme court is the' great main
stay of our civilization. Americas
institutions - are " m a I n ta I n e j
through the stability of our courts.
Men who . sit UDon the tanAfe
should be freed from businesi
cares and given sufficient salarj
so that they may give all of thnff
time and ability to the lgal work
before them. Choosing between
the two" courses' of action open to
me I prefer to give them a little
more than I think they should
have at this time rather than tn
compel them to work for two
years more at a lower salary than
i mink tney, should have'
Increase of the salariew of w&toi
masters from 11800 to $2700 a
year became effective yesterday
wnen me governor signed HB No.
428,-giving this authorltv to hA
state engineering department. The
act .applies to Deschutes. Jackson
and Josephine counties in. partic
ular. . '
Three bills were vetoed Mon-
(OonUamd on p? 6)
- Harlan F. Stone was sworn in
as a supreme court justice. '
The house aircraff committee
voted to close its hearings ; im
mediately. President Coolidge received the
new Italian ambassador, Glacpm
ode Martina.
k-: . ,
House-- and senate conferees
agreed on the interior department
appropriation bill.
; -
The house passed a bill author
izing a. UO, 000,000 appropriatfon
for veterans hospitals. t t
" , . -
Secretray Weeks reached a de
cision on -the Chicago drainage
case but withheld publication.
The house agreed to senate an
mendm'ents and sent the ritern
and harbors bill to the V.'LHa
House! -
. -
The war department laid before
railroad .officials its tentative in
dustrial mobilization plans. !
' Right of the president to par
don Jn, criminal contempt cz m 3
was upheld by the supreme court.
The supreme court held prr'.i
biUon agents can lawfully search,
automobiles without a warrant.
Railroads were held by the s
preme court as not being req'- "
to submit labor disputes ta . ;
railroad labor IwartL