r- - THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALE2J, OREGON' " SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH. 1,1925 1? 'V'-iV r : r-- . . . y-Ti KSTHODIST EPISCOPAL FJiST fetal aad Cearca streets. :15 '!. aaeetiaf. Gears lltch(vrld. leader. Pros) 15 to 23 have lur years bee fait ful 10 thM service. Sunday aeaetjl 0:45. IJ. F. Bhaaks, superinteodsat. Are- attendance doricr las tare montka has- k-ra 6t. The morn in trarehip ser- at 11 Vcleck tai Sunday will ba in chart of the Wt'US. Pr. 4iearr McColl sf Israni will firo tba Qiiseiomary ad ares cJ tha morning. Dr. J. li. McPor mi xitl piauda. At "tha eieae i tha wrrKa tue annual xaaa jUeru- wu ba received. Junior eennon at 11 o'clock in the annex. Subject: "What Showa." Tb thra leasee will carat in, their re apeetiva pla at :J0. Kreainf aartiaa at f :3. - - ''----v - v, . ;- 4.KSL.1E--aSawth Commercial and Myers strict.' H. F PessVerJea. paator. Why not change tha usual order and attend rhqrch today. Ton will enjoy the fallow ing services -v Sunday achool at 9:45. . -A. R ho tea. eoperiatendent. A elaee where yu and yoar eaildrea-eiU --e Wall taught in the, greatest of book. Vaang people will find tha Kpworta leegae inet - "V Intttia worth Waile. , Tha 4.iannediate learaa for high eehoel and 1 T jnnior i, atadeata-in Lea Ua hH and v Leslie league in tha chorch. bath at :86. r .v'VrBiBg worahip at-11 a'eloct, Serasea -Jr hJ: "The Uustsrd Hoar the S "Kla?dom Grew." Eveatnir meeMae-'at 7:30. Babjeet: "Stombiwi Black or Sat iorf" You will enjoy tha exeolieat ai ate . by tha ehorna choir, tha fina jCarie- tiaa fellowahip, tha neighborly greeting and tha . plain preatflMaf of the , ward. lotne w(tA vs. Make tut yoar eaafr. Biranrere and visiter , ep tally wet roata. , . . ' JASON LEE tfEaTORlAl-Coraer f North Winter and Jefferson street. Thorn -aa -Arheaon, paator. Ieroy Walker, -aUaant, in charK ol tba Jaaior church. Kei-rieaa of tha comlnc Lore's day wlil be full af .interest and profit to all. The public haa a standing invitation and will bavta personal weleoino to all of the ac tivities af the day. School of oolirioa win eenveu .at 94S a. with claaae for all ages. Barry Carpenter is super iatendent.' The achool ia aggressive, and is growing rapidly. Public worship at 11 a. m. Miss Ava B. . Milam, a returned miaaienary from -China, aaf si present oa the faeuity of OAC at Oorvallis. will ad dress the adults in the auditorinm.' The service will be in rharge-of tha'WJ'it society, and will be all af ibteroat to-all who bate a world vision. J Rev. Walker will preach to the Jaatior church down stairs at the same boar. Touag paaplaa boar at 6:30 p. m. The Wesley and p worth leagues will oopdaet aepsrata de votions I meetings' in their., respective rooms. . Stranger win find a -warm wel come with the young people. Service of praise and worship at 7:30 p. m. This Ja- lonauitr hour. Muajeett "Kemeat her l-ot's Wife. Joea the Injunction Hold for Our Dir." Pastor ia ehare-e. The -rftf ,Vbird U a seriee of sernaana of debated r f.ptures. Good sin-ing, fine fellow ship and straight gospel preaching. In vito your friends to aeeoaapaay 70m to this service, blid-wek service Tku,rsday 7:15 for senior and junior churches. ' ' - MJJTH0PX8T - . ' CTEJt STHEET A. F. Ttilmer, pas tor. ''Oiurek on aoruar STklrteentk and. Center atreets. Panenaga 48 N. Winter street-, Sunday hitriyag at 41 o'alock. the pastor will apeak ea "Tho Capture," in , Genoa, -and in . the oveamg t t45. he will five "Olihlk "r.lk.'p The Ep worth lesgne meets at f 7 o'clock. -All-the evening service wilt in the English- Ungues.. The Sunday school aaeeto at . Jfr o olock- H. H. Oralapp. auperta teadeitt. Classes for all ages in warts end KnglUh. The Ladies aid saeeta on Thursday .March -the StU, t :30 in the porsoaage The eotttge prayer meeting wl be at the home of Mrs. Waldeapel. Tea will' find these interesting meetings, and you are cordially invited. . ,- - x' - ? ' ' " v" ' biAKET STftKET TREE-iComer of Vortk -Winter and Market streets. Rev. Mettinax C. Claxks, pastor. J school at .8:45. Dr.Vjya.nk S. SelitUs Wperinteadetit. ' CUsafts for all sites and aea. Preaching' hours hi 11 end 7:46. A. Uss tneeUnr elf. the oldMetbodtat type in lha aaaia audrtariuai of the church 'at tliiS, Mrs! Ida- Gsrrett la the leader. ToWf people's "meeting 8:80. Mils Ms-rtha Jsouet leadee.- People's .teeeting at -7:30. The pastor wOi fresch Sunday mfrtting . e -the auhjtet; "Wha Was Pooa for and in the Disciples at -Pea to cost.' v In. the eveninir there will be the becaning . o .theo wee' ,revivl services. The paaor will ;codmc the services each, Alght ext week feepting Saturday. Service will begin at 7:30 Lt janb reaehhBa t a VV btihi to attend these setwees. Vcei TT- wlU- anjuy. .the niritual ynoaBhr jot sAsaatMsf Church. . .'SCANDINAVIAN mteearcn nasi vi" afreeu. 1- Padrik Dakot, pastor, Sunday a4ot .lO . PS. Oust.Aaderson. auperta terdeni. ."Morning worship .in Swedish at If a- a. :pwonh league 7:15" p. as. Kve njn -sortie t 8 -Prayer meeting t ,:8 on Tl.arsday - night. Sunday ,vh4ol meeting wiU be held in the chnrch oa -Fnday Wgkt at 'TOO. Y. eor4ialJ iarited to wue meeting. v ' .tatoir - :iv OI-jtD TIDIXU a48V Court street. C. S- Johnson, pastor. Sunday achool at S px -Tnv Hervicea at a aud 7:30 p. tt. Ia 4he afternoon serriee the ordinance wilt be oterveL Meeting on Tuesday. Weinesdsy and Tkursday and i Ratordsy oeeaiag. Toa ato laUA tatheeo meet in. Lively singing, earnest testimonies, f ui gorpel aoeaaacee jto forth in the Spirit. .The: ipwjai -ftf SeSiagt eoalueted byMr. Po tAnee . WalUco. Seattle ev- geiist, in the JUsaeen ,orch,.NiB6-?ii ,B4 isrkm streeU. will close Sunday nlgkt.. Thia k l-n " ; iees on Sunday. 11 a. in., preachiag by taevongeHst; 8 p. us.- Divine healing meeting;-. 7 :30 cloviar evangeUstie serviee by .he evangeliat.- 8ia m..- Sondajc aciaol. 8:30 p. t.,Yrag.t,epu:a -ioeti. ing - C 1L HopkiB. .iaJor. . . ; - . : : ' tmxroAun . I TIVLST Mooting tlrte Sunday , J arch 1. Woodman -hall, fclka BaBdiai fi J ;30 . o'clock. , ') Jfr.yanippe. epakr. ?IBST C C PoUng anlnilter. JRgn: larfaervicea Snada, treh Uf 'a wilt bo homo -ano . premcn . ' . Tn4 eveninr. Church echool ati :4 . lawtX V- Ulrieh in charge. ,JuYor aer- vce at 11 a- i th.r rom. Senior f r at 8:80 p. m. A .full attendance i 3sirea The pwtor gkdd in revival meeUngi an- LaEytU thepast 2 weeka. - ' CATHOUO - " ' JOSEFH rt Rev. J. B. Buck, pas , ' . Massea at 7:30. 8:30 and high mass at ihTch Th i.ioa to nan-Catholic., welfa Catholic, will commence, at 10:80 RvV Father Olsen in charge. 3enedie tiom dbd instruction at 7 :30 P. 0r; in the week instruction will be given at ihermoraing msss st 8:30 and ia the er?uir Everyone i ot eordU invited. Come a4 U.rn wht th Catholic church haa to Bay for Confessions in Oerassn on Thursds y. davlaad if possible. Saturday at 8 p. su. till "ir benediction. English .po.ki oo1e may go to confession at 4 o clock ?ny?Qr and alo after benediction. k fecial revival service will aegin Bt bFree Methodist church at the corner Ir K-Winter and Market streets aost Sunday evening. The pastor. C Clarke, at the earnest reruet el h - - ... , . . urail. 111 eonuuet wrv eink will be held eeh -evening ea eepti Saturday. ' -i , -i v ' BAPTIST' rtft8T-li berty .nd Marion.; Ke v. Ernest H. Shanks. Morning worshin at fl a! Tennon: "If Kot Ct.n. TUrn WT0I" Anthems Kearer." iiy uod. o Thar fPpenee. Solo: Dews from ilia Glory, Di Capera, Mia Gladys Stevenson. Cot '-; a4-eUowsipf-wjneja'- . t IS -lsK I ehh.f eaclf evening : - I wwk Kev. Geo. T. Klein of Spokane.. w,?l II ot to the church for atwo wc'Vt li erting. The church ba. beea holding ivfvVTMU of cottage ,f y"cL7 k. Bxu weQ ttndeL The her. Eveniag worship at 7 :30. 8er mon:"What CkHat Mesa tt Anthem:- With Thee," O Master, Waaler. Duet : Selected, Mrs. Ernest II. Shank and atUa Ruth E. Ross. , The church that welcomes atrager. ? , - ; cajroayBfjATiojrAi, T CESTRAL Sooth 19th Bu Harry W. Jeknaon, minister. -Sunday aehool and morning worship at 10 a. m. Short ad dress, by the. minister,' on "Youth and a New World." Vonng peoples meeting at 8:30 p. m. Pteathing serviee at 7:80 p. m. Solo by A. Borrerik, "fiold Tkou My Qand. Pasr Lord," and. an anthem by the' chotna choir. Sermon - by - ale v. Mra ilandsker, "... i j:;;, j: FIRST Liberty t and Jenter "8W ' W. C. Jusntner, minister. Sunday school at 10 t. a, ii. H. MeOaliUtar,. suueristen dent," classes -aad a welcome for all. Morning worahip it 11 a. --aa 8ecsBoa aabject, "Giving God a Large Place ia Out Life." Christian Eadeavor at 8:30 p. m.Xeelie Morris, leader. Five min ute study of Congregationalism after reg ular topic discussion.- 7:30 p. m. even ing worship. Interesting program of aong, picture and address, pictures. "Bird Life." Brief address. ' od, the Birds and Mast." -Prayer meeting,- Thursday at 4:80 p. aa. ImpoiHaat CoagTecatieaat meeting Monday evening, JVarek 8. Mea'f club meetB Wedaesasy. . J"ine i program. Songa, Mr. Smart; address. Pteij Lander ( Menmonta. ; " . - J '' eWSTSVTlU swi r. uf! tt i 4 FIRST Cornet of Liberty -and Che- meketa .strecU. -Saiaday asoyuing aar uieea at 11 o'clock, Sunday evening at Subject of lesson sermon 'Thrist Jest.' Sunday achool at 8:30 a. eh. Wedaeeday . . ..ktlMMiU m O -Aketna. Reading room 209 Masonic Temple open every aay eseept aouoaya. ana from 11:1S to 8:38 p. m. - All are car dislly iavited to our service and to u reading room. , . CHRIflTlAH 4 . ;:- , FIRST Center and - High s treet. J. J. Evans, aaiaiatae: Misa Vivian Wbialer church assistant; Mia flattie .litcbelL Missionary. Dr. Epley haa charge t tno Bible aehool aeasions iapeaiog at wS. Many thinga of iaterea; overy. session. The musia for the 1V will be under the direction, of Miss Wbisle. ' Special num bers by a large eiiorUs and tha feature in tha music line. At Jthe -eveping aer vice a pantomime ''Separation Scea in Butt M will ha riven. 3" hi a Will be es pecially attractive. The sermons, both morning and evening will oa given by tha minister . ). J. Evans. , At :8 the young people meet ia two groups for th consideration of practical topica. "' CHtJECH OF - tJHWST . w. I7tl streets.' R. X. Patnam Kiniater. b:n. 1 1 A.1S M. rLria J hO- - " -" . : . . ..h.t..J..t ka - Of 2 50 today. Maaio -furaished, by Jf iso Tur ner ore ae sua. junior -iaiiiur ' commnaion aervice. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon Nd.. Htw to 8 c- 1 ' . K.wrT member ought to hear this sermon. Gospel 4eama Will Visit IM.I'IS 1B-Br-iwr; Please .report shut-ins who wonW bo glad . . wa ikA nRv neoula eoma. - -Endeav or eeietie aaoet at 8s30;.Tw- iu teres t- iag mooting lor young peopiev. liatic service ' o--w". . fate .of Chriat are attracting inieresU Come yei are welcome. -Board ineetinr Monday 1:45 S m. Church Da Tkn- . . n . n - a. . VTmniii'i tissiunarT society 2:30.' Spoeial program each timn. StU women of the ; eaarch wrged to b there, xnoay euiug v ,, r.ndeavar busines meeting and soctai Puilie invited to any -and all aervieea. , EPISCOPAL l. - ekta. .RoT. H. P Ciiambera. rector. Hrst Sunday ia LenU raycbariett J :30 In . the chapel. Church eehool at 8:4s. niSnOB BUBlur ! r , dressTthe school. Morning prayer snd eoafirmtion ntlt a. m. . The RjRhtev. W. T. Rumnor. D. Lkiki of the 4coe of Ore go a win ne preseus m the Kite of vwnmnaueu vuv 1r" aermon. The pubUa ia moat cordially in vited to attend this service and bear the bishop; 'The TP will eneet in. the paHh wiU he aaid oUh-VadnoUag, evening the ahDe? durg Lent,- ' . CMmekeU .treat, W.Lan.nen ,tjJ- tor. Sermon t 11 . p.: Protect From Evil. ennoy IO a. mw ouaavai " 1 aclieal lesra a 8:30 u. m. Sermon at Auburn at 3 o'clock, eV.V TT!. U Lovel will preach Tuedy evening, and R-9V. W. Vintm ow r ----7: . ... iti.(m ta nreaea. All ate waicom to tke ecil gervtee. : ' - - aw vnvaT ..1-aaaa af ' ranVm lm Aa tndent. . Worship 11. a. . Serfcon uh Jeet f'Divln Ouidanee. Ch,,,f'w,,rnA' deavor 0:80 p. at. a. m. - EvangeUati measage. yt moetrng Thuraday t 30 p. m. This ia the tt. for our ogtlar monthly ;busn meeting. - . ; CHURCH OF O0D . .Jt. a.,-4. avwanan ' J J ClUlMrilA. pWtor. .Sunday aehaoj U 1 a. ...W tag service 1 1 a. m. o"i"- ,, v la the New Testament, Aceompllsked by Sahiect: "How to Become ;InriuB; the Study nr missione, . iai tMtiaiaav and preaehiag orvice 7 :aO.; he leader for the prayer meeting will he Jrle Pet ers. r Wednesday .evfeng7:80. . Wboo-iNi-Wm'.MarCtnit... , , 1;X1K1J51 x. jv v-"" . Eighteenth .- streets, - G. - Koehlev. pastor. Sunday school at ?:80 a. m. Divlae ser- a.atn. slJf h rirfct Sgnday in Last the psjor wm -tpm s-.nw yf; mAna on 'mie lalon of pur i4rd. ' Subject of -tho aermoat "The Firat Word : iNE2X-ELLLS : POllTriiXiT ; STUDIO; - g. a a ' ! . FOR BETTER , PICTURES Portrait, Cfanmercial . and .Home Photography f pm h.i CToif' t Th Lather leagu mseta at t :8b p. tn. Topic : The Cost of FrlendHne." There will be ae eve ning service. The Peres society meets with Mr. J. Si me a, 1088 f. Wlater sireet oer Wed Bead sy at 2 p. an. Bible st ad y oa Thursday at 7:30 p. m. lt(Ua aehool oa Saturday t ram. 8 to 11 a. an, ' 1 ?': ' rXSTTEfiXAaT ; i ' V. ' rlRST Waed . WiUia Long, aaiaiater. Sunday achool snperiatenndent, if. k' Barrett.. Big Bible cehaol 8:45 a. ' as. Moraiag worahip 11 a. am. Sermon' "The Constitution of the Kingdom VII; It's Sunresso Law af Conduct.' Two live yoang people' meetinga at 8:30 p. -m. The Reverend Hsnry J. McCall of iouth America, wHI preach at 7; 9 4. m. i--,,, CKIT&AIAK :: Cottage and Chemeketa atreet. Rev. Maetia yatoahsaioo. minis ter.-' tThurra aehool at 1 a. Graded instruction. Clas for adult cAndacted by the min ister. 'Mr. Milea McKey, suparintendeat. Emphasis ia this church school is placed oa the development of the '-character of the child rv we have, rather, than the effort to increase numbers at-' the cost of haphasaed-teaching. Co mo -and visit our .achooL Devotional services at 11 a. m. Mr. Feteshetiau will give the ee- tnd part -of kla tevmea en "Immortal ife." -Ia the -J sat sermon he discussed the theories of "immortality in the past. On hia Sunday e sritl preach on the suhjee, giving the mod era conceptions .of the subject. All are cordially invited. O Thuraday aveamg af. Cart WetaoreH I of Booton and 8an Francisco; field secre tary of the Unitarian churches o( the Pacific coast state and- Canada, will give a lecture on "The Historical Iievel opmvnt of Unltarianlam." in the auditor ium of the - church at 8 o'clock in the evening. All are iavited to attend. There is no charge of any kind far admission. Daring the day Mr. Wethcrell will meet with members and of fi cars -of Varies or ganization a. Foe the Sunday morning service Mr. W. -A. Denftoa will be at the organ and f fee a prelude and aa of fertory, while Mr. M Fereshetian, the tolomt of the charch will sing McDer- lmtf trea work. "I Will 14ft Up Mia Eye lfm tb Hill." , , aTXITSO IRXTHRSir -' !, FlRST--orner 15th and Mission Sts. Sunday achool 10 a. m. We have effici ent t sac her and -classes for all age. Walter Wells, superintendent. Preaching 11mm. by Louie Adams. Brother Adams is an Zadian. - He via converted and healed while oa- what waa supposes to be his death hod -God graciously raised him an and ha ia her to tail tha atary. Come and hear - him. . Evening aervice Christian Endeavor 8:30. Topic "The Cost of Friendliness. USonseeru lion meet' ing.) Theodore Klingspaorn. .president t 1, ' ir-w - . a. . . avna iriuri , . wuua. ywifiv - cislly invited to thia aervee. Preabhing 7:30 hy the pastor.' Prayer meet in? Wed aeeday evening - at 7:30. - Mrs. Calvin Ilidey, olas leader. .We era planning fey a revival to begin soon, which will be conducted hy Mrs. 'M. Alice Durham, evangelist, mho haa had irod exper ience, east and west. Watch papers for dates. Don't fail to hear her. You are invited to -attend any or all of these services. Ton will be made to 4eel at home. Cotne and bring your children; ali ar welcome. Come. - C W. Tibbet, pa tor. "v . . t . ; . j ; HTTSX BRXTHRE - CASTLE Re. Si- C ' htowar, paator. Bible (chool 0:45 a. m.. Preaching 11 a. m. Subioet St. Paul's "Thorn in the Flesh." TPCE sennionr, intermediate and iaaior. ;30p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject: "The Savor of Loo k-i a g Glasses." i All are ntado welcome to these service, : - - - '.' t i ADVfUitlST - BOTrwfew T 4 -r- r.--. Viftt, .nil Gaines. J. C. Erntaon, pastor. Mrs. H. R. - Rideoat aanoapees the . opening .song Then for otre hour the church ia busy ttading tnc wonaeriui t pi vnn. iKl divUlon having ithe sgma topic. meeting at 4:80. Prof. Norwood leads. A' good puce ion young mpki. three more Sunday night lectures thia yei. Th interoet 1i atiennaneo w rood. Suhjeet tor thU Snndajr t ''The t Ouna V.-rmr Predicted. MrRBw svw - - - - - Judge, Lawyer and Witnassec; Two Cases (ataresting as welt as Instructive srmOn Sin gin g begins at 7:80. - Come and bring your ifritada. si a.T.T.T ayfrg mm . - . t-.. - V.aimlltt Wail. Yaoernaoe w n . v-v .. -n V. . trie 3. Betta Will preach both Sunday . . r rrv A I m m Am- afternoon ana - , . aire pn tne pars su many UL eoallaue the meetinga the com ing -week. - Full anaouaoement will he made - tsunaay. - iouie t. cu.m inumn, -. wiu ytwu , . itornooa meetings at S o'clock, evening . . aw. MA ril.:fA.a. Vmcv fMlffi 7r . C.tHaJ.w.alaoAoJI nn4af. Mm to irar wjy itwiT-w. school 2 p. m. B-M- Scobie, . . . anil Vrt. I ens. " -aswra x '"ry1- ; y r . well, 173, S.-otUg. Phone 1-434J. - ' J. B. S. 'A.' ' IVTERKATION'AL BIBLE 8TTJDEKT8 lauvt iTiV.MjitiM art held every Sunday in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. uioie iwoj v -IS a. m. Bsekiel'o Temple stady 8 p. m. a lavitatino ia extended to all Bible student to meet with ua. BETH AKT-Srner a? Capitol and' 1S..La . ateaata. - HundaV ahO0l 10 . m.. and Gorman preaching eerviea 11 a- m. no eveni,ng sen tec. ( an. , ' .' - i 1 'i , Christian Endeavors Are Invited to Atteno auy : Christian EndeaTorvrw 'resl4in? in Marlon cotintr hare-been inylt-. ed lo ifte rally to. pe held in tbe FUt Preaoytettttn cQurcn ot Port land next Monday .Bielit. March J,. In honor of & P- Gatep ot Bos ton, general soeretary of the Unit ed Society r Christian Endeavor. Mr. Gates WlU be accompanied by Paul C. Brown of Los Angeles. Pa elfUiOoaat ChrUUan ndea?ar sec retary... 'Invitations announcing thia ral ly harp been fet to. ChrVitUtn En deaTorers residing 1q .Salem, Woodborn, Turner, Staytqn, Sll- Abo Essrcne ERNEST II. SHANKS, Pastor of the First Baptist Church Vlarth lat, 1923 John 1:10-34. The WUnrS?! i-ontiaued. - Th.e witneavi oT John Raptlst. rrr- f 19-28. I The siajn" f ram heaven, ycr&ca 29-.14. Key: The Lamb of f7bd.w Memory Tre: 2S, 2ft, 33. rrHE life and ministry of John . X ' " Bapttat was-clearly Indicat ed by prophecy. He was he new Elijah, he came in the spirit of Elijah. He had a clear call from God to preltch the message of re pentance -and to prepare the way for the Lord's coining. He also had definite instructions regarding the 1 ret elation of the Messiah, whom' h knew to be at hand,' t would be Impossible to deceive such a man as John Baptist. He la not a fanatic, he is a prophet 1 God, a peer of the greatest in that tirt- When he saw Jesus, he knew at once that He was the Messiah, and ealled Hfra tho Iamb of God as prophetic of His mission of redemption. The testimony of John Baptist cannot be lightly set aside. In addition to his witness there was the voice from heaven, f Matthew a 171' to -which h here Slvea testimony. John : Baptist I knew Jetrus. to be God's Eon. .. - . verton. Monitor, Pratum, Gervais, Jefrerson and Scottg Mills and to other cities in the Willamette Val ley: where Christian- Endeavor worK is In progress. f . The Gates rally will be opened with a. banquet at . 6 : 1 5 . oel6ck. which will be followed at 7:30 p. m. : with a mass meeting in the main auditorium of the church. Attention of Woodburn -Christian Endeavorers has been directed es pecially to the evenning mass meet Ing, which will be public. - This will be the final -visit" of Mr. Gates to Oregon prior to the International Christian Endeavor conyeption, which meets in Port land, July 4 to 0, ; 3.925. Mr. Gates is pow maWug :a tra.nsoon tinental tourt and is expected .to tell at thia" rally the amount of interest he has found throughout the nation In the forthcoming Jn-t terBaliona " convention. Special recognition will he ghren Christ ian Endeavor delegates from out side of Portland, attenling .the Gates rally, according to Judge Jacob-Kanjler. general chairmaa of the . Ihteruatlonal convention committee. ... L 1 vi - "aJ ifl 1 .5 ft 1 - W-, SM ' I rf-tw at. IZ 8ja8ileP8iW I a4 MORIN MUSIC AiFTER the swift exhilamtxon of aruh through the. country, one reacts to the beautiofmiisic with a keen enjoyment that is indescribable. Every Motorist Should Possess The Mpst'Magnificent Instrument ofAll Time v. Reproducuig all the music you love best, ex actly as eat' artists play. The 'Ainpico is an " essential patt of every fine home - -Itwill pre us pleasure to hare you hear ; , M THE GOSPEL ACCOllDINC. TO ST JOHN by 23. . V"He said", I am the voice of one crying: in the' wilderness. Make straight the way of 'the Lord." ' - ' , 29. . "Behold, the' Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. 22. "I have" beheld the Spirit de scending as a dove out of heaven; and it abode upon Him." j, 4 .. . .. ... C 3 r , file that eent me, said, Upon whomsoever thou phalt see the Spirit descending, and abiding on him. the same is He that baptizeth in the Holy Spirit," Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne; Ten. thousand thousand are their tongues, - ! -But all their, joys are one. Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine ; m And blessing more than we can ' give, Be, Lord, forever Thine. " - . - ; - i The whole creation join, in one To bless the sacred name Of Him yho, sits upon the. throne. And to adore the Lamb. . Watts. Armory Revival Services Held Regularly By Lecturer "A" thousand prophetic myster ies now In process of fulfillment" are being studied under the illum ination of the. Holy Spirit. One or -raare of these prophetic mys teries are being '"taken up every night, using " stereopticon slide maps, charts and diagrams, thus visualizing the whole WTord of God revealing the entire redemptive work of ' Christ frpm the creation uutn the final restoration of all things." These "prophetic lectures are pot colored by any sectarian bias or personal views. For this reason ' all church members are invited to attend,' criticize, ask questions, and ' offer suggestions, etc. . . ' ' i . - Services . Sunday at 2:30 and 7:30 p. ra. The afternoon service will be followed by the commun ion, after which the sick will 'be prayed for. The Lord greatly blessing in this service and some real miracles of healing hate been wrought In the name of the holy Child,. Jpsus. ,. The Word of God is proving . sufficient tor spirit, f rrrit - I I - .ftWAVWWi -Ja 2 i The AMPICO m the KNABE Uprights from $1900 Grands from 2950 Convenient Terms? -Pianos in Exchange '' " 432 State Street , Talk aLLeslis Church . . Announced for Monday Unique methods of presenting the notice of a coming lecture has been used by the committee in charge of the meeting at the Les lie Methodist Episcopal church. It is as follows: -... -' In the Court of Friendly Itela tions and Good Fellowship. , For the South Salem, Liberty, and Ltyesley Districts. , , Leslie Methodist Epts-) copal Church ) , l 'PlainUff ) ; - ' - vs - -- ) ' Men of the church, Men) Summons of the Congregation.) and Men of the Dis-) trict above named. ) Defendants ) In the name of the Church, of Friendly Relations and ot Good Fellowship, You are hereby re quired to appear at ; the Church Monday evening, 6:30 o'clock, March 2nd, 1925 (next Monday;) to bring a man guest with you; to pay," upon request of the Lad ies of the Aid Society ; ot the Church, 35c a platevfor a meal worth 50c; to listen to a rattling good male quarten and other good music; to give strict attention to the admonitions, " entreaties, re quests and instructions of our new District Superintendent, Rev. D. H. Leach and of our. Pastor, Rev. H. F. Pemberton; and to listen to a Straight from the Shoulder Talk from Mr. Bryant, Sales Manager for the Northwest Knight-Orer-land Pacific Company, and who was for some time Director of the Ford organization Sales Force a man who will stir you to action whether you want to be stirred or not. soul and body to all who will ac cept. Isa. 53:5; Psa. , 107:20. . The subject Sunday afternoon will be: VMillions Now Living That Shall Surely Die for Lack of Knowledge," In the evening Ml". Peterson will speak on "The Mid night Cry" of Matthew 25. ' Services every night at 7:30 this week except Monday and Sat urday. Come and bring your friends and hear and see what the resurrected Christ Is really doing in these last days. God is pour ing out His Bpirlt upon us, saving and filling hungry souls with His Holy Spirit as In the Bible days. Be sure you have a Scriptural foundation! Physical Culture (article by Dr. Frank" Crane) If farmers have learned the importance of a bal anced ration -for their stock, - if they know about proteins, heat ing foods and roughage, surely hu man beings ought to know the same. - ..-', - . aW tr&P5 . i ,nii, ,i a i Firct ( 'SSft Baptist: Churcl;: . -V V y J Liberty and Marion Sts. Rev. ERNEST H. SHANKS ; A. M. 4IF NOT CHRIST. THEN WHO?" P. M. "WHAT CHRIST MEANS TO ME" Splendid Choir. Hearty handshakes. Heart-to-heart meage The Church That Welcomes Strangers ' . .1 Y. ( P7 . I I.I I SLh 571 DEPARTMENT STORES - ' . . 160 N. Liberty. anati ta' Note below wKat "4c . and ; 8c 4 Svill do' Herel The values speak for themselvesi :They ,are the outcome of our large purchasing power. Save the pennies and the dollars will take care of them selves. -;-.-...-" What 4c Will Buy In Reliable, Needed Notions J '' ' ' ... - v - . .What you need when yon need it always ai ex tremely low prices here. yOnr itamense' boyiog power for '5 71 stores tcs xiioney for YOU, " ' Adamantine Steel Pins. 200 count ..... , 4c Guardian Brass Safety Pins. No. 0 to 2 ,.4c Cotton Tape, white or black, bolt .4c Brown , Darning Cotton, ball 4c Tatting Edge Cottont .-Trim- . mlng, yard ........... 4e High Grade Pencil, No. 2 lead, each .......... 4c Flat Merc. Tubular Shoe Laces, Z1 in. "blacker brown, pair . . . .'. . . . ..4c What Sc Will Buy r Notions You Need for Less Little things of great importance that every wot5a and every home needs. Excellent quality-4arge assort ments low prices. Tmpolnt Brer Ready Plus In the handy pack age ,............. 8c Embroidered Edge Trim-. . . xning, colors, 3 yds. pieces, each 8c Collar Bands, all sizes each . . . . . . .......... c Powder :pffs,' pink or white, each . '. .c : Tiite ;Lawn Bias Tape sites 4 and 5 Sc Wire Hair Pin Cabinet, ..100 count, box .......8c M. C. American Idy Brass Pins, paper. . ." . .8c Quixii-Ilelii Buying in large quantities for our 571 stores means we can sell for less, you get the benefit in our low i cash prices. Sanitary Belts, 2 inches'wlde; white and flesh . . . . . . . .25c ., Sanitary Belts, shaped for comfort; white and flesh. . . .45c Sanitary Aprons, of soft rubber . . . ." . . ... . , . . . . '. . . .39c Pure Gum Sanitary Step-ins; natural color. .......... .35c v , Kotex Sanitary Napkins, 12 to box. .... . . . . . ... . . . .45c Sanitary Aprons ot soft rubber . i ..... -r. ........ . . - 49c Buy Toilet- Requisites Here cind Savo Money Palmollre Soap, 2 bars tor ,. ..XSc Mennen's Sharing Cream . . . ....... . . .29 . Palmolive Shaving ' Cream . 1. ......... -S9c Tre Jur . Compacts, pow der, jrouge and lipstick - ' In metal case.' with large mirror ....... .98c . Tre -Jur Compacts, amall slie with refill ...... &8c La May. Compact, single. . compact in metal case -,with large mirror . . . -25c Three Flowers Face Pow der . .....V. 23c .Violet .et.yie.-JJile Talcum . v " T'owder ... . . . ,21c- " V - -i.iiiiir " 1 ..... a - - - Saleni, Oregon ) 11 Flat Men:. -Tabular Sbo Laces, 40-inch, black qrr . . brown, pair,,. . . ..... . .4c Invisible Scolding' Locks Cabinet . .4c Wlro Hair. Pla Cabinet... 90 count V. ... . I Selected Snap Fasteners, ..sizes 000 to 1, black . and white, card , .... .4c Children's Brass Nickel Plated Thimble ...... .c Plat Merc. Tubular Shoo Jft Iiaces 36-inch,, blaek pair x - Colored Triiumlng Buttons many styles, .12 buttons on .card . . . . . . ...... .&c Duplex Brasa Safety Plus, . Jos. 00 to 3, protected eoll, -per card ....... .Sc Gold finch Safety "Pins, Nos, 00 to 2, card, . . . c Tenlo Snap ' rasteners, , White aud Wack, Fo 000 to 1, card ...... .8J Mercerized Colored Bick Rack; Braid, size 29, pc.,8c Staple Pearl Buttons, fish eye, fine grade, 12 .but tons to card, each ... .Be Mary Garden Talcum ..18c Three Flowers Talcum. .21c Three Flowers Cleansing Cream .40c Three Flowers ' Vanishing - Cream .49c Palmolive Vanishing Cream 45c Hinds Honey and Almond V ' Cream ............. 10c Watkins' Glostora, keeps the hair glossy and in ' ' ..place ............. .C?c . Watkins Mulsified pocoa- ' .nut Oil Shampoo .. ..S0e Palmollre Shampoo . . . .ZZz Brilliantine, hair life .C3c Pebecco Tooth Paste .Cs Pepsodent Tooth Paste .CCs . New Mix ,Tooth Pa3te ,'.'i?3 1 . i 5