The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 28, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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lira ef ii
Member Regards 33rd" Ses-
sion or-uregon Legisla
ture as Conservative
Representative James W. Mott
Astoria, former Salem man.
and Mayor J, B. Glesy were speak
ers at the Lions luncheon yester
day during their regular meeting
at I the ilarion hotel.. Both men
considered problem of the day,
one from the state Tiewpoint and
the other of local problems.
hepresentatire Mott, a brother
to j Dr. J7illiam Mott, city health
officer, presented the high lights
of the Oregon legislature which
closed Thursday evening after 46
days of session. -
f'lt is too early to give or dis
cus the results of the last legis
lature. In general it can be said
that they were no better or no
worse than the assemblies of pre
vious years. There were no out
standing figures, however, during
thig session, compared with some
of, the past. Nevertheless there
were a few characters that could
make a claim to this distinction.
1 "During - the last legislature
there were men who came to the
capitol on business, and there
were some who sold their souls
for a mess of pottage.
j "Legislation was not outstand
ing during this session. . The tax
ation measures were made a fiz
zle, and " the legislators had 5 to
stoop to the ". lowly ' cigarette to
secure funds, to .run the govern
ment. v yiifc faidg tax; however;
was an exception' to this, and some
good '..results are expected from
the legislation. ' . ;
"There. was pa real constructive
legislation enacted," except: the re
forestation bill, which was passed
after many repeated f ialures at
previous ' sessions. Interest was
aroused during this , session, and
the " bill was passed. With this
legislation Oregon will ..soon he
able to reforest the logged-qff
lands and to secure the , return
of six billion board feet per year,
and thus enable the state to re
tain Its dominant industry. 'jX
The fishing industry Is worth
$12,000,000 a year, to. the; state,
declared, the speaker.,.'" In ; theory
tke fish taken from the waters be
long to the state. In reality the
possession is tied up by a handful
of men. They have secured the
fixed positions upon the Columbia
river, have control 'of the gill
netterg of the state and thus are
r i
f. i
mn' W w W m m w ir'-r
The First and Original
Cold and Grip Tablet
Proven Safe ifor more than
a tfciarter of ?. Century.
Ths box bears this signature
Price 30c
able to i control all of the fishing
Industry of the state. They have
gone so far as to introduce legis
lation; which would allow aliens
to fish In the Oregon streams, tak
ing the possessions of citizens, and
bestowing it upon those, often
time denied the privilege of being
a citizen; v:;' X a )'.,' : .!.
In commenting upon the situa
tion that existed between the gov
ernor and the organizations in the
house and , senate. Representative
Mott stated no hope existed at
first for Pierce. It appeared that
every appointive power was to be
shorn from him. However, he
came out of the fracas entirely
victorious. The organizations were
entirely licked. ;
Miss Gladys Mclntyre, '. Willam
ette university senior, favored the
Lions with a vocal solo and an en
core. Miss Mclntyre was well re
ceived by the members, as shown
by the applause received." .
The limerick contest was won by
Leslie Springer, in a somewhat
shady rhyme of his offering. The
prize was offered by Bob Aiken,
of Burnett Bros., jewelers. v
(Continued noai pg 4)
to the peas a slice of onion, two
cupfuls of boiling water, a small
bay leaf, a little parsley, a tea
spoonful sugar and - pepper and
Salt, Simmer for 20 minutes,, put
into an enameled ware colander
and mash through as much of the
pulp as possible. Then bring a
pint of milk to scalding point in
an enameled ware double, boiler.
Thicken with a , tablespoonful of
butter blended with one and one
half tablespoonfuls flour,: When'
creamy add .the pureed mixture
and stir well. ... : '
The economical housewife who
wishes, to have her oven "full up"
when it is going will find thi3 sug
gestion very adaptable: i . .
Wipe a six-pound roast of beef
with a damp cloth, sprinkle with
salt, pepper and flour. Put in an
enameled ware self-basting roast
er and cook in a hot oven for 20
minutes. Then reduce j the heat
and cook 20 minutes-longer. At
the end of that timo put around
the meat six or eight peeled pota
toes and the same number of me
dium sized onions, and two sliced
green peppers. Season the onions,
potatoes and peppers, cover again
and cook at the same temperature
for one. hour longer. j ;; - j -
Tomato jelly salad . aa a side
dish, goes very, well with this bak
ed dinner. , Drain the juice from
a can of tomatoes. Put "one cup
ful of juice in an enameled ware
saucepan which is Impervious to
this vegetable acid. Add "one
eighth cup of mild vinegar, one
tablespoonful: granulated gelatine;
one-half tablespoonful sugar, one
tablespoonful lemon juice, leaves
from one, stalk, of , celery, and a
bay leaf. Cook until boiling point
is reached and the gelatine is dissolved.-
Strain through an enam
eled ware colander or, sieve and
pour Into a mold. When cold turn
It out on a plate, slice and place
on individual plates of lettuce.' '
A Delightful Apple Dessert
Apple-raisin cobbler Is best ser
ved hot and can be baked while
the j meat is roasting because the
dripping cannot splatter as it does
when open roasting pans are used.
This cobbler also requires a mod
erate oven and can occupy the
same rack as the self-basting
roaster. ::;;; ;
Peel, core and slice four tart ap
ples. .Put into a well-buttered en
ameled ware baking dish, which is
unaffected by citrus iruit acids
and will insure their flavor and
color. Add one-half cupful seed
ed raisins, one-third cupful sugar.
Pour over this a batter made of
one lightly beaten egg, one-half
cupful sugar, one cupful sifted
flour, one teaspoonful baking
rowderk tyeo tablespoonfuls melted
butter, one-half teaspoonful vanil
la? and one-quarter . cupful milk.
Bake in a moderate oven about 35
minutes and serve with a 5mall
square of American cheese-
Pureed Pea Soup Roast Beef ,
Baked Potatoes Baked Onions '
Tomato Jelly Salad
Apple-Raisin Cobbler
. American Cheese
; Coffee .
t V
I ' -
or.Cari a Rich Man Enter the Kingdom
of H eaven?" will be the subject of the
lesson at. the j .
mm- DiDLE etas:
mmmmmmmmmmmm " j
Bligh Theatre ;
' i. .9:)5 Sunday A.M. i
Silverton Making Plans With
Program March IT Fea
tures Good Deeds
SILVERTON, Ore.. - Feb. 2 7.
'(Special.) Boy Scout week, be
ginning March 1. will be observed
at Silverton. Rev. Si Hall iwill
give a special sermon at the Meth
odist church at which : the Boy
Scouts and the members of Com
pany I of the Oregon ; National
Guard will , be guests. ? Monday
night a banquet will be given at
church. ' Business i men ; have been
asked to bring a Scout as a guest.
Every man interested in .Scout
work has been -asked. to come and
bring a boy of Scout age. ? The
troop committee i composed of
Charles Reynolds,' E. : R. Adams
and S. E. Richardson has charge
of the banquet tickets. 'Thursday
the Scouts will participate in tho
Parent-Teachers' , circls program.
Friday will be reserved as educa
tional day at wich time Scout
work will j be . featured In the
grades. On one Iay of the week,
the day to .be selected at; a later
time, the boys will be asked to do
some especially kind deed.
Ambitious tourists should i wait
until the, world . fliers announce
their gas, mileage! t vy ' ? . -
The communist theory! Is per
fectly simple. All there Is of it
is that the incompetent, assumed
to be the majority, ; shall seize
Whatever there is and live on it
as ' long as it lasts. .
Mayor Giesy Explains Pro
posed Bridge Program for
: Salem Before -Lions
Mayor J. B. Glesy, in speaking
before the Lions club at their reg
ular meeting f Friday, sketched
briefly the "proposed "bridge pro
gram for: the city of Salem. 'c
, "At present the - city -has 27
bridges In operation with several
smaller ones," he said." ' "Five of
them are concrete and eight are
constructed with" concrete ; abut
ments. Slowly the wooden bridges
are crumbling away and the city
is at an expense to keep them In
condition for use During the past
few years tho total sum of 17.
163 has been spent on repairs ex
clusively for ; the wooden struct
ures and. the city , has nothing to
snow for It. During ; the recent
Btorm .the city suffered a loss of
$3,000 when the wooden struc
tures were damaged. The cement
bridges, however, ' were unharm
ed.".. . . ' -i 4.
"I am in favor of a special tax
levy, which will be used to uild
the structures, as we go. The old
bridges will be replaced as soon
as they are unfit. In this way the
city can be 'saved the interest on
a bond issue, which would aiu.
to more than the cost of two or
three bridges. The . special . tax,
howver. is . to be separate from
the six rer cent limitation which
the city Is' using at the present
time. . j-',;
"The expenses , of the city are
lower here than elsewhere, and
preparations Jnust be made to face
the : problems ,, arising ,from our
rapid growth.' Salem must build
for the ; future. . The permanent
bridge program is one of the wise
steps towards that goal.
The .Lions voted a resolution
favoring the bridge program out
lined by the speaker. ' ' ,
SJlr' .IS.
The confidence our customers
have in our prescription service
has been built-up by years of
painstaking -effort to, use onlr
the very best of pure, fresh po
tent drugs, and dispense them'
with a system of checking that
prevents mistakes. And the
charges are moderate.-
Perry Drucr Stcro .
tT'v C" w '""rv
- " ss
. r l I r I I II I ill lit I
Moral: Buy Your Flowers.
Ajoet went out in the (1)
To gather some flowers, and ( 2 )
As. he stooped o'er to- (3)
A wasp cried ; "What !- v 4 )
I tee a.fir?t-lass place to (5) ,
1. The time of year a young
: man's fancy lightly turns to
thoughts of love. ; . X
2.. "What some men have found
; they cannot do, since Prohi
bition has come.
3. To' pick, as leathers from a
: chicken.
4. The" most popular lady in the
? world. .
5. To pierce, with a sharp pain.
Servetl Her Right
Said a "fellow, a handsome
young (1)
"Let us. kiss 'neath the. maple
, tree's (2)
Said the girl: "Don't you (3)
Or you'll get a black--!" (4)
And that's' why she died an
, old (5)
1. Part of a knife. 2. What
you hint in the summer time. 3.
To make an effort. 4. What girls
use to wink with. 5. What fel
lows spend money on. t. "
Boss: "Whatl Another raise.
Not six, months ago I 'gave' you a
raise.' to get married on." v A .
Employee: "Yes sir, but;I want
this one for a divorce." -"
" Cliarlty r
Hammond: "I thought : Boggs
was going to distribute clothing to
the -poor.V . ; " L , -V
Pringle: "He was, but not a sin
gle - newspaper reporter showed
up.' ' , Morris Rose.
I Do ot liike People Who iive
I dp, not like people who give
imitations imitations of a train
leaving a station., of an elusive
mosquito, of someone sawing
wood, of a rooster- crowing, of a
compressed-air drill, of a skyrock
et in - action, of a croaking Tull
f rog rlmitations of L man ripping
his trousers,. of a waiter opening
a bottle of champagne, of a saxo
phone band of a bumble-bee, of an
altercation between two . cats, of
an inebriate on his way home, of
a ferocious lion ,of ; an excited
spectator watching a, horse race,
of a dialect conTersation, - of a
hand-organ of someone else giv
ing an imitation. : ' "l
No, .1 do not - like . people who
give imitations. '
-Ixan never guess what they're
; Martin A. Blumenfeld.
. ; Jf o : Dream
: Mrs. Oswald : "Last - night : I
dreamt that you had opened a new
business and that your, office was
surrounded with ' flowers and
Oswald: "Those palms were the
collectors." - ' ',
Rebeccah Miller.
. By Kid Boots
The smallest amount of time Is
a second," being so short we don't
even notice "it but enuff seconds
put together are libel to be raono
toniss if we havent enything spe
cial to do at the time.
: There are 60 compleet mlnnits
In every, hour, especially wile you
are in skool.
100 years makes a century, on
ly ; most people ' dont live long
enuff to prove it..
If everybody slept 24 hours one
day they would all wake up the
day after tomorrow '.and be that
much older without having- enny
fun out of it unless they had a lot
of funny dreems.
There are 12 months in every
yeer,' being, the only reason Criss
mas comes as often as It does.
- He'll Answer Your Questions,
? L..:, : Somehow -
The girl- who would , become a
,yr bride' ; ; I ' "
May talk with Wally on the side;
And disillusioned brides will get
Sound, safe advice from him, you
For Brainy Girls Without Beauty
Dear Wally; ; f "
Tell me what to do ;
. I'm brilliant, but my charms are
-4VQh. how can I corral a man?
They seem afraid, of ;
- ; MARY ANN. .
Dear Mary Ann? ' ,
Occult vision you possess,
And so this secret will you
.'V please unfold; '
Why Is it bare-backed dames In
. . evening dress " j
JBTill-'always catch the eye. bat
Grov Greater Gardens
Order Garden Seeds Direct
From Gill Bros. Seed Co.
Pedigree, acclimation, hardiness, trueness to
name! These qualities will insure you a greater
"Seeds which are grown in the Northwest,"
says Prof. A. G. B. Bouquet, department vegetable
' gardening O. A. "are usually more vigorous
. and better acclimated for growing crops of vege
tables than those purchased elsewhere. '
Gill Bros. Northwest-grown seeds are famed
far and wide for their superior qualities. Market
gardeners everywhere ' are using them in prefer
ence to any other kind. Over S0O market gar
deners in the Northwest are now customers; and '
the list is steadily growing. Thousands of home
gardeners also are so thoroughly satisfied that
they order year after year C One trial of seed
usually creates a permanent customer. - " '
Gill Bros, were market gardeners themselves '
twenty years ago. Their farm, six miles east of
Portland, won a reputation for highest ' quality '
: vegetables. They .developed special strains and
in 1910 -decided to grow acclimated seed, not only
lor their own use put for sale. -Thus was born
: their ' seed "business which today . is growing by
leaps' and bounds. . '
If yon have never tried these seeds, order the
special collection, listed below. You will be well
repaid in fine vegetables for yourself and your
: family.'; ' ; ..: ' -,
s,..i.ix.rth.M fl ocnd tor
TaJu t Om fuli
mtmmd ncM ch ot
lam loiiAwiosi
i ikv-? 'K r"' (wr
" I 1 -1r T 7 I. Corn GUI'
I T V' prnt. Muk Mm
" .fi,0 fi ': ). !' World
I 4 JrT-' '7i '- 1," fl Record). SoJaacI
i jF -I'll I V ' - BdJb. Turnin.
.,. Dept. Of
My Dear Catch Cold:
They catch the eye, I -think,
"i Because we like to see what we
should not; '
They don't catch cold because,
from every gink,
Warm glances keep the temper
ature hot.
. . . Beauty and thl
- Miss Craven (his stenographer)
"Did you buy your wife a new
Fullerton "Yes."
Miss Craven "Trimmed beau
tifully, I suppose."
. .Fullerton "I'll say I was!"
' L. V. Longhway.
Not Prepared
'A small newsy had his foot
caught by a hurrying truck. The
physician accompanying the am
bulance that was called proceeded
immediately to discard shoe and
stocking., ': X ' X,
. An unbelievably dirty foot hove
in sight. .
. "Why, you little pirate," he
half wrathfully exclaimed, "why
didn't you wash your feet?"
- The youngster regarded the foot
for a moment, then answered non
chalantly enough: "Aw, how'd'I
know I was goin' ter git runned
Into!" C. C. Curtis.
Solution to Yesterday's Cross .
, Word Ximcricks
1. Toe; 2. eBau; 3. Trot; 4.
Hot;, 5. Oh!
, l..Little; 2.' Rushed; 3. Sap;
4. Girl; 5. Brittle.
Professor I forgot my umbrel
la this morning, dear.
Wife How did you come to re
member you had forgotten it?
.Professor Well, : I., shouldn't
have missed it, dear, only I raised
my hand to shut it when it stop
ped' raining.
kwong fooic & ca : ' -
We - have a new line of Ladies' and Gents'. Furnishing
Goods, also a complete .line of Baskets, Hosiery, Blouses,
Silks, Lunch Cloths, House Dresses, etc. -
: 264 N. Commercial St.
I iATffill
Arsenate of Lead
Blues tone
Dry Bordo Spray
Dry Lime-Sulphur Spray,
Liquid . Lime-Sulphur Spray c
Also Paris Green, Spreader, Oil Spray,
Tobacco Spray, Sulphur, etc.
We handle the Famous Sherwin-Williams line of
Sprays which have proven by far the best in every test.
Do not allow some dealer to sell you some other brand
with the statement that it is "just asgood." "
Be safe and , buy this well known brand. . Accept
no substitute.
You will find bur prices are as," low as good spray
can be sold for. ; ,
D. A. White & Sons
Phone 160. , 261,Statc St.
Salem, Portland, Seattle, Everett, Chehalis, Tacoma, San Francisco; and San Jose
For "Men of Affairs"
The Diamond, sketched is one that will
command attention in any1 community.
Everybody who sees it unconsciously pays
tribute to it and to the man who wears it.
. ; ' -
The banker rises from his seat to talk
to the man whose finger displays this gem.
The waiters on the Pullman vie with
each other. to render a service.
The Salesmen in the stores jump to wait
on the important customer.
Heretofore it has been impossible for anybody save the very rich to wear
such a gem. But the Burnett Jewelry Stores have made it as easy to own a Diamond
as to buy a Ford Coupe.
The Diamond sketched is priced at
. It will be delivered to you for a pay
ment of say, an even hundred dol
lars. The balance may be paid in :"
twelve equal monthly ' payments - r r " v :
" without' interest. y ...m ..-v ,x ,'-X- x V- .-.
And if after thirty days you find (or just THINK that you've found)
that, you can get a bigger, j finer diamond for less money--all you have to do is to
bring it back to us and your hundred "berries" will .be returned to you and that
without a whimper! - . i . .
Do you wonder that the Burnett Jewelry Stores have won the largest Jewel
ry Business on the Pacific Coast? - 1
"B. W. Raymond"
The Finest R. R. Watch Elgin
Has Ever Produced.' $1 Down.
The Elgin sketched is the last word in Railway
watches. As you will note from the picture it is
equipped with a new stem. The stem will not pull
out; it is dust and waterproof and it gives the
watch a new dignity. The, Nationally advertised
.price of the Elgin H. R. watch is 55..But here at
the Burnett Jewelry Store you may buy it at the .
cash price yet-rtake a year to pay the bill. Deliv
ered on payment of a single dollar. Paid for SI
Weekly.', : - ' ; . 'x :, '
German Blades f&r uour GiUt69 '3po
. Tomorrow we shall have ready another ship- i -i r-l "
ment of .these German .made 'Blades ;for the Gil- j ".-j i-'-Lis-'.
lette Razor. One dozen to each buyer onlv--as f n ' ZTs h r
long as they last, the dozen ... . 1 - tOs
i 4
Solo by JJ4ES P. SMART