The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 27, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE ' OPJ2G07r STATZ31XAN, "SALEM, eitZqOI?
'5 -o
1 Win f" - j
,' a N UNUSUALLY attractive pro-.
X"L gram is that announced for
'this -evening at the Grand theater
when the 'MacDowell TclBb chorns,
assisted by Madame Frida Stjerna,
soprano, will give seven groups of
song, with every number a high
light among beautiful and char
acteristic compositions. Eminent
among the conductors on the coast
iaW. H. Boyer, who has been di
recting the club in an inspiring
manner throughout a culminating
season. - ' ' v
Miss Stperna, the assisting ar
tist engaged for the concert, has
an extended repertoire of, Swed
ish, Norwegian, Danish .French,
German and Italian songs in the
original. Authentic and convinc
ing, and full of , charm, will be
the. Swedish Folk, songs scheduled
as the second group on the pro
gram. Four numbers comprise
thia offering which will be sung
in costume. ' . 1
Margaret Nots will accompany
the guest artist; and' Mildred .Jae
ger, the chorus. '.' '
, . The complete ' program Is an
nounced as follows:
i' I
(a) Woodland Sprites. .... .page
( b ) Lullaby . . . . : . . . . . . Scott
! Chorus
(a) A Alalden One Day
(b) -What I Have Promised. ..
(c) The Bird Song." . . . . . . . . .
d) The Maiden and'l. . . . ....
Madame Stjerna
-U. 1 m : '
(a) Waters Ripple and Flow..
(Czecho - Slovak) 'arr. by .
..... . . ; . . . . . . Deems Taylor
(b) Wake Thee, Now, Dearest
I czecho Slovak) arr. bv
Deems Taylor!
(a) -Rain! Rain! Rain!......,
....... .... . . 1 . Very L Gay
(b) Do Not Go My Love. . i
I . . . . v". . Hageman
(c) The Sleep That Flits Cer
Baby's Eyes. ... . . . .Carpenter
(d) At Last!.... Fay Foster
' Madame Stjerna . - I
(a) At Parting.. MacDowell
(b) Thy Beaming Eyes MacDowell
j Chorus
(a) The First Meeting. .Sjogren
( b) ' Synnoves . Song.' KJerulf
(c) Norwegian Echo Song Thrane
Madame Stjerna ;
.:- VII : -IK;;
The 'Water Fay. . '.. . . . .Parker
Madame Stjerna and Chorus
'- ; ' ,--r - ;
The'many Salem friends of Mrs.
lEarl Flegel of Honolulu j are an
ticipating; her arrival here on Wed
nesday, March 4, in company with
Mr. and Mr3. Milton Veyers 'who
have been visiting on the Jslanda
since the first of the year. Mrs.
Flegel will be accompanied by her
little son. Earl, Jr. Captain Fle
gel expects to Join Mrs. Flegel in
the early spring.' Mr. and Mrs.
Myers and Mrs. ! Flegel, having
taken passage for the states on
Wednesday, February 25, are sail
ing for San Francisco on the Wil
amena. . ' '4- l
The Mothers' class of the. First
Methollst church will meet at 7:30
o'clock this evening with : Mrs'F,
C. DeLong, 1108 Cnemeketa street
for the February social meeting.'
Mrs. B. Blatchford will have
charge of the devotions. . , r
Late last evening the many
friends of Dr. and Mrs. Blaine E.
Kirkpatrick bade them "godspeed"
when, accompanied by their three
children, Truman, Mary Esther,
and Virginia Lois, they left by the
southern route for Chicago to taXg
up a new work.' During Drt Kirk
patrick's four-year pastorate -here
he has endeared himself to hun
dreds of friends. I i i ,
ld m
, We have never shown o many new and pretty styles
as we are now. showing.'
.We are going into the style and pattern ganie" and we
are going to show the most up to date line of style shoes
that has ever been shown on the coast. '
We receive new express shipments practically every
day. Every order is sent to the factory by wire, made
on ii rush ticket, and sent to us by fast express; so we can
show you the new ones as quick as thpyiare made.
Come in and see these shoes. We will not ask you
to buy them but we will warn you that you cannot . '
resist them, for to see them is to buy them.
$7, $8, $9, $1 , aed 12
Patent iLeather,Kid,atin, Tan Calf
Watch Our: Windows for the
-- ; New Ones ;
l-i Rubber Jleel lay :Every Wednesday
1 1 All 50c Heeli utU)n Half -Price 25c
Corns and- cillouses re
moved without pain or' sore
ness. Ingrown nails removed
and treated, r Pains in feet,
weak-foot, flat i foot, foot
strains and fallen arches ad
justed. Do not suffer. I will
-give -you- the , best that
science can produce is scien
tific chirpody. Consult
About Tour Feet
Honrs 9 to 5r30 "Phone 16
Raut Seats
i .... .
Our shop Is equipped with
all mew machinery'. We use '
nothing but ?the 2 very best ;
grade of leather thai money!
will buy. ' ; ' 1 . !
llr. Jacobson, in charge of
this department, Is an ex
pert In his line ha's spfent
years in factories and repair.
shops "and -wCl -tfo -rnothtns
but -high -grade work. - -
Minnesota society, Jason Lee
chnrch, 7:30 o'clock. ,
Ladies Aid Society, First Pres
byterian church, 3 o'clock.
Mothers -class of the First
Methodist church. Social evening,
Mrs. F., C DeLong. .1108 Cheme
keta street, 7:30 o'clock.
Ilaeel Gieen Parent-Teachers'
Association, -business meeting and
radio .program,
MacDowell club concert. Frida
Sfjernaf soprano. tJmna 'theater.
8: IS' o'clock.
-Inter-denominational dy -o f
prayer. First Baptist church.
Professor and Mrs. T. S. Rob
erts hosts for MacDowell club re
ception following concert.
Salem Woman's club. Club
Mr. and Mrs. James Linn's and
Major and Mrs. F. O. Andreae's
formal dinner dance. -Marion ho
tel. i;:-r, , ,-.-
Cooked food sale. General Aid
society of the Jason Lee church.
SP ticket office. - ;
Cooked food sale. St. Paul's
Guild. Neimeyer's' Drug store. '
Next week's outstanding affair
without doubt will be the annual
banquet which the Business -and
Professional Women are planning
for Wednesday. March 4. at 7
o'clock, at which time the national
president, Miss Adelia "Prlchard,
will be present. On the committee
of arrangements, of which Miss
Nellie Williams is chairman, are
Miss Louise Kezar and -Miss Colla
West. ' A i large attendance is ex
pected with reservations Available
at the state house with Miss Ke
zar or at "the Capital drug store
from Miss Sylvia Woods.
The members of the -Minnesota
society will have their winter
meet infer at 7:30 o'clock this eve
ning at the Jason Lee church.
Refreshments will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. -Kijchtlinger
entertained on Wednesday evening
for the members of the 13. E. ciuo,
with 500 the diversion of the eve
ning. The JCightlinger home was
attractive with ferns and daffodils.
Mrs. Esther Taylor of (Portland,
daughter 1 of Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Davies, was a special guest of 'the
club. High scores of the evening
went to Mrs. C. B. fihaW and Mr.
Claude Townsend, and the low
scores to Mr. and. Mrs. T. B. Dav
ies. -The hostess was assisted In
serving by Mrs. O. L. Scott. At
the -next meeting of the club Dr.
and Mrs. Scott will entertain.
Club members are Mr. and-Mrs.
C. B.. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs Claude
Townsend, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Fan-
drich. Jr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Olmsted, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Keene, Mr. andMv.
8. C. Kightlinger, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Turner, Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Davies and Mr. and Mrs. John
Spong. 1 i - I
IITW. and "Mrs. Blaine E. Kirk-
natrick were delightfully honorejd
with a 6 o'clock dinner on Wed
nesday when the members of the
Kimball faculty and their wives
entertained for their pleasure.
Daffodils and violets were spring
flowers -used in the decorating.
Dr. -Kirkpatrick, ;who left lait
night for his new work, has conT
ducted a number of classes $t
Covers at the Wednesday night
dinner were placed for Dr. arid
Mrs. 'Blaine 'E. iKlrlfpatrlck. Presi
dent and"Mrs. E. C.Hickman, Dr.
and Mrs. J. D. McCormick, Rev.
and Mrs. H. F. Pemberton, Prof.
and Mrs. W. HI. Hertzog, Mrs. E.
S. Hammond. "Mrs. George W.
Emory. ltev. and Mrs. G.' W." Hick
irian, Pr6( and Mrs. Donald W.
Riddle, andMiss Leone Halt.
An eniovable farewell oartyrOf
Wednesday evening was that held
in pavilion C ot the Oregon state
tuberculosis -hospital. The party
was givten by theirl of pavilion
C assisted by the doctors and
nurses of the staff,' in honor of
Miss Tnna"Fredericksen,Who "has"
recovered from her illness. The
affair was delightful as a jcostume
party -with ' various social games
making the evening a happy one
Refreshments of doughnuts and
cocoa were served. Miss Johnson
and'HIiss -Bandle chaperoned' the
party.. ? : -" V, - ' 3-
The Hazel Green Parent-Teach
er association, will hold their tnisl"
hess meeting at, 7: 30 "-o'clock this
evening. After the business meet
ing -radio .program 4KiUJe .given
by the courtesy of Vick Brothers'
radio department.
Mrs. Clifton Ross and Mrs. Fred
Prince pleasantly surprised Mrs.
Jesse Prince at her home on North
Liberty street "Wednesday after
noon In honor of the "faet that the
birthdays of all three fall within
the week. In addition, the day
was Mrs. Fred -Prince's wedding
anniversary. Dainty refreshihents
were served ind tall enjoyed .
pleasant alternoon wishing 'each
other many happy returns of the,
day. ' ; . -
I .
The Ladies' Aid society of the
First Presbyterian church- will
meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon In
the church parlors following the
funeral at 2 o'clock, for the regu
lar February -meeting"
The committee In i charge In
cludes Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs.
P. Kimball, Mrs. Ida Niles. Mrs.
M. DoiJghton, Mrs. A. R. Baird,
Mrs. Jleed Chambers, Mrs. Marle
Rosecrans and Mrs. Frank. Power.'
On 'the eve of Ash Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bckerttn, Sr., en
tertained the meBabeTa? of ' the U.
D. clab, th4ir husbairds ad
ditional gnests with aevening of
bridge. ; The prizes were won by
Mrs. J. G. Nadon and T. M. Barr.
Special guests ,were Jler.' J. R.
Buck, Mr. and . Mrs. 'Otto Hart-
man. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Wat
ers, Mri and Mrs. E. A.vSkelley,
Mr. and Mrs. George Schuneman,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mickel, Mr.
and. Mrs. M. J. Petzel and Law
reaee Bach.
Club members and their hus
bands 'who were included are "Mr.
and Mrs. T. M. Barr,' Mr.- and Mrs,
C. D. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Eckerlln. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Nadon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weis,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hintzen, Mr.
and'Mrs. John JCathman,-Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Pruitt.-iMrs. . -J.'Healy,
Miss Rosalia Bach, and the hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Eckerlln, Br.
; A group of ?14 signed up Wed
nesday evening for the' section in
Your Rexall Store provides
three things in every prescrip
tion -quality., accuracy and
iervice. These combined with
the lowest possible charges, give
rou absolute safety at a saving.
You can have confidence ' in
your Rexall druggist' the .same
as you Jiave In your doctor. -;
Perry Druj Store
literature study -sponsored .by the
American Association, of ZJJnivers
Ity - Women. The -roup .plans to
meet "every aher"Wednesday at
the home of Prof, and Mrs. E. C.
Richards. , British modern litera
ture will open the coarse 'with
Professor Williston ifor 5 the next
meeting, planning a survey of the
development of the novel fin Eng
land. Wells will 'be "the novelist
studied.. , " L .'
Of primary -interest to Salem's
many church-going women is the
observance "today ot. the 'annual
Day of Prayer for Missions at
the -First -Baptist --church -where
a large throng of women will as
semble at 10:30 o'clock. At this
time the program, the subject' or
which ; is "Even As Thou Wilt,"
will open with , a morning 'devo
tional led by Mrs. C- C. Poling.
" Following is the program:ioi30
a. m., devotions, Mrs. C. C. Pol
ing; business session; hymn of 'in
tercession; Bible lesson and com
mentary, led by Mrs. E. H. Shanks
and J4rs. !F. M. Jasper; prayer of
thanksgiving, 'Mrs. W. C. Kant
ner; address, ".Foreign Speaking
People," Mrs. Herbert Low, Port
land; a God-giveri , measure, Mrs.
John Humphries; music. ' !
12 o'clock Luncheon in base
ment of church.
1:30 p. m., devotions, Mrs. Z.
C. Mower; business session; "Let
Us Pray," Mrs. Charles Park; solo
"In the Secret of His Presence,"
Miss Naomi Phelps; address. Miss
Eugenia Phillips, "Central Ameri
ca"; group of directed prayers,
Mrs. R. Peterson, Mrs. George
Alden, -Mrs. W. H. Hertzog, and
Mrs. . J. L. Brady: offering: Ob
jects, ork among 'farmland can
nery migrants; Christian litera
ture ' for 'women and children in
mission fields. Women's UTJnlon
Christian colleges of the Orient.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Denton of
Portland were guests on: Wednes
day of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Den
ton. "
;--v ...
- Judge and Mrs. L. II. McMahon
are home from a month's trip into
The Ait offiixteiining
that may be
wheeled to your
-guestV chair, an : end-table 'for
convenience, a mellow-lighted
lamp, a 'footstool will make
your entertaining easier. We
have priced ithem low-so low
that every modest income xan
" Credit Without Interest
By "inSUidnstidd
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tern. Ue nothing less reliable. Colds and
'Grippe call foe prompt, efficient help.' Be
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Universal Electric J
Range Dempnsfcr atiei
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"All from (regular stock, priced so that you just can't resist them; marked way
down jri price! Remember, every item just as advertised.' !
in Good Condition
.. Everyone
in Good Style
Lowest Prices. We Have Ever
Seen on Such Good Umbrellas
Colors are Black, Navy, Grey, Brown, Green, Purple, Red
Some formerly sold at $4.95,
Some formerly sold at $5.95 J95
3 ;
Some formerly sold at (4 QC
$6.48, $6.95, now,.. ..r
- Some -formerly sold at -CCQ
6.50, $6.95, ,$7:50.O? j
Some formerly sold at $7.98,
$8.50, now ...:..:.
Some formerly sold at $8.95
$9.95, now ....
Some formerly sbld atfr7QQ
See Them Displayed In Our
f .
Show Windows
. I
9.95, ,$11.48, 4110
Some formerly sold at nQC
$12.50, $13.50, r$15-!
It's a Quick Cleanup pi All Winter Umbrellas
Best quality silk materials used, stylish, good look ing, strong ribsteel frames, leather wrist strap; Shep
i erd's crook and ring handles. Ivory tips on many of them.
receire careful attention. We pay post-
age -or express within a radius ot; a
bandred miles.
on erery. purchase orour money cljeer
fully refunded. ' . ' .
.Salem Store
465 State,
"Can and Do" Portland Sir.; Chcp
. . . C33 A!fr ft.