ii ? 6 THE OREGQ STAfTESIAN. SALEM. .OREGON, ' SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY i5, 1025 II" STOP W4TOEIU3C - "IniMd Daily -Except Mendsyy ZZT8 STATZSMAJr JFTBLISHTTil COJfPAST SIS South. Comasareiai -at., btlwn, Omm R. J. Hendrieka J aha L. Brady frank Jaekoskl KSKSSX Of TBS ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press ia exclusively entitled to the use for publication at all aawa dispatches eraditad to it or a at otherwise- erdiied ia this paper and also the leeal ewe published hereia. . , ,,, ... ,, ,;: ,-. , t - BUSINESS OFFICE: - " T -Thomas T. Clark Oo, New York. 141-145 West 36th 8t Chicago. Msrquette Build " - Inf. W. 8. Grothwehl, Mgr. j " (Portias 4 Office. 838 Worcester. BIdg., Phone 6631 BRoedwny, C. P. Wiliiama, Mgr. TELEPHONESt " S3 or 583 Circulation Offiea Business Office . Kewe Department . 23-100 Jok Department Zatarad at tha Paste (iea ja. Salem, BIBLE THOUGHT Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERYICB Baxsan. Cincinnati, Ohio. If pareata will .base. their children memoriae a priceless hemaga r-eoruary joy; FOR WEEPJNG:- -His bis favour is lifer weeping jna.y ensure for a night, but joy cqmeth in the morninp. Psalm'30;5.. v . --. i,, ' ( -nnivcn. if- v. T 1 t 0at,& n 4,.. r.nM that makes all things work together for 0NENEV A lot of offices ought to be, abolished by the Legislature ; but one new office ought to be created. - Oregon should have a state etthtjeian. The staie statistician might be also theibudget copmssioner pr ejerje In his office Qughf.to be Kept a record -of what the state of Pregon as a gqing ..CDpcrn oy?ns and ,tvhat ;in its various departments it does ;flnd .whom i it , employs . to - do i the. things ihatre done by the state-and ihat they are:paid:for their f . - - . , I services r . . . ! And there should be place! where statistics nay be readily had concerning the annual crops of the state and the hundred and one other things anpqjnrer.may want.to.kpow n order to be informed concerning Pregon and her resources and possibilities. z . : :- ; 1 Here is a man's job. t Jt would be noinecure. j He would be busy.; - His work would never be through, for tiveije would be some change and something new every . minute.' .;, , ; And he would more than earn Jris pay. He would more han earn it.in the first place, by watching ;tie possible jeais, in his capacity as .budget cqmmissioner or i clerk . 1 And he woqld .more than earn it again by making avail able, the information about what iwe produce and what we .may produce in this state. ; ; , i Is there another state in the .Unipn ;which has no state statistician? I V LINCOLN ' AND CHRIST .. ,.. ...-!': ., ......-.. i - '. . - . , - ' ., ' S 1 , i , , (Los Angele3 Times.) . j One of the effjejept modern liberals of the pulpit avers that the dwellers in America are developing. a religion of their own; "lie gays that .as a welfare worker he- received a readier apd wAtmer response at the mention. of Lincoln than that of any othr nanie, human or divine. To a won derful extent Abraham Lincoln s rVmeriea'3 social .Christ. ; He is placed without hesitation: among the martyrs He is Classed with the "Messiah as one .who . died to save Mothers. This pulpiteer avers -that the Americans are interpreting a Bible of their ow They are likely to make another David of Roosevelt and Jane Addams is their Deborah. But the likeness of Lincoln to the Master towers above all. -The purity and simplicity the masses assist in the interpretation. As a result of this very human understanding there is today more religion and less theology in the church. The barriers of creed are yield ing, to the intimate contacts of daily life. I Religious denominations are against one another. They a united front against the forces of evil. And the name and example of Lincoln are helping to that end. They furnish inspiration to a lot of humble is stiii a oaroea-wire entanglement. THE PJSTOL HApiT, Within the .past year -nearly 500)00 cheap pistols have come to this country from 3painand Jiave Jbeep stamped and marked as American wares, against plain provisions of the tariff law, according to a .repqrt. They have been offered for sale at .very, low prices. They are poorly made, but they "still have a 60-perrcerit killing capacity and are found con venient and handy for neophytes in murder. They are ad vertised in certain magazines and mail order journals and may be sent by post to anyone having a dollar or two to spare. It is a pleasure to .note that some of the biggest mail-order houses in the world are cutting out Jheir artillery trade. ri: "". ,"' f '.'" Ano.ther good move would be for the government to close the United States mais against the transportation of pistols in the indiscriminate way : pqw practiced. AVhen any .school boy can get an automatic revolver by sending a couple of 4ollars to a great Concern in Chica slaughter going on. ! Wholesome and practical i cooperation between national and state governments, would witbin a year reduce Jhe opportunities fqr murder in ,Amenca' 5 per cent. The Pistol 13 the natural choice of ilne VnnAv.rrinroA and if tf were hard to obtain the death iauy. "XOW tI ZAX ME DOWN TO . - SLI5EP ' By Tlrtne of its age, and value, and prer?prt3JU?0$iattoM; this lit tle 'prayer has .become a classic. It tnust be very ancient, for who can tell when or by whom it was written? Thousands from the EllTer-halred pilgrim to the. lisping Infant sink nightly -la ' flumtoer murmuring Uhe simple petition. It has trembled on the If?? of the trying. One instance --aa.thal of an old saint1 of -S 6" years,- whose nind iad so failed that he could riot recognize his own daughter, vVery touching," says the relat or, "rs f "9 .rrit. af "-'' Manage T Editor Manager Jok Dept. . 583 .106 Society Editor 683 Oregon, aa second-class matter AND P RATE ft the daijr Bible aejecsiaaa, it win roTe totnem in after years. iofuvzo sneer endureta -hat A .moment: in goed-to them that lev thee. OFFICE of his own life and his love for not warring so bitterly now are seeking rathers to present Americans to whom theology rate would be lowered mater- ter retiring, when he called his daughter as. If . she . bad been his motber saying like a ; little child, "Mother, come, here by, my. bed and hear me say any prayers be fore I go to sleep. She came near. He clasped his white, with ered hands and reverently said: 'or Hit ate dowa to aleeo. I pray Theo. Lord, any al to keep; 11 i snooia aie oeioro l wake. . 1 pray Thee, Lord, mr sod I to take:" he then 'quitely 'fell asleep, and woke in heaven. ; .., A dltinguish.ed .cjudge,. yh many yers o t?3.La FSJZypJJ in extreme old age, said that his mother .r-i Jar M t s e.stania to him in Infancy, and that EV never csitted it At iitt. Jolin.Q. -Ad- 1 h it (l CI O o S 0 0 IJ i) i) t conrte, yon. want to get rV yanr full money's worth whea ' yon boy coal but ara you satisfied that you dot If you. , ara ia daubt try an. order of our hih trade coal that costs Jess in the end. Jt is tha perfect coal for home use. ?- .... .,- Also Best Grade of DRY -WOOD t Saaed Any length HILLMAN FUEL CO. Broadway at Hood -TS03TE 1855 ' ' a ams made " a fimllar assertion; and. the .old sea captain declared that even before he became a de cided Christian, he fneier. forgot it , on ... turning in at night. 4n eminept bishop, , In addressing a -Sunday school, said that every night Uce his mother .taught it to -him when a -babe at her knee, he was accustomed to repeat it on retiring. - - ; 1- 4 ' SAUOI VERSUS -SALKM It was with a ood deal of satis faction that the people of 8alem read Jn The statesman -yesterday morning that . tha high school at Salem, Mass., wanted to debate with the Salem, Or., high school. Salem, Massachusetts, is in a sense our mother city. ,It.ls closer to the Atlantic than we are to . the Pacific. There is a romantic in terest in this matter which will appeal to our people. In addition to that it will attract nation-wide attention because of the similarly of names and because of the meet ing of the teams from across the continent. Salem will be right glad to con tribute -Its share to this debate. and will see that the .money is raised to care for the expenses, When this Learn i comes - here it will receive a royal welcome. It: has been a long time since there has been more . pleasant news in the paper than this item, and all the people of the city will be of pne mind in desiring to have this meet, to have it pleasant,, and to have the visitors have . a good time while they are here. It Is expected that the eastern team will be here some time in May. .THE AXTI-SALOOX -LEAGUE It Is to be regretted that oc casionally there slips into friendly newspapers statements calculated to Injure the anti-saloon league. That is all because of a misunder standing. . The league is doing one of the greatest works in America. The liquor interests know this. They also know that-If the 18th amendment is kept on the books, the anti-saloon league wiU keep it there. It has a real -work to per form, and -it Is performing that work -with courage and ability. So far as it is doing nothing in Oregon, it Is simply working with the established instruments and working well. There is no dispo sition to criticise it among tem perance people. The critics are among those who are not friendly to tho law and do not want it strengthened In any oaaaaaaaaaaasaaasaaaaaaaaajsaaaaapeaaaasaaasajM , t r A WAY OUT i The stale of Massachusetts has a law by which any member of the legislature can ask the supreme court to pass la advance upon the constitutionality of any proposed measure. Of course this does not go Jntp the rnerits of . the fcill ex cept on the one point whether or not it conforms with constitution al requirements. Such law .In Oregon would help 'amazingly in getting good legislation. The Ore gon .legislature is an unusually high grade body, but like all other lawmaking bodies It needs , a guiding hand as to constitution ality. ' Members can -not always know this, fcut ,it is the business of the supreme court to' know It.' FEES IX TltEASUra' All the fees collected In Ore gon should ,be converted into the state treasury and the, state treas urer should pay ont all the ex penses of these boards and com mittees. t Is wrong to have any commission, or anv state office for - that matter, collect ; fees and retain them, even although every dollar is properly accounted 4 for. It is a wastefnl'wayr if all money fould", tumed into -the slate tresury jo.tfee p?l9 1 could knqw exactly what ;is -comng In and what is g9ing out, theywoaldget a good deal better idea of govern - r s. ... ( P - Tha nw king of the xypsies has Issued an order that they must settle down - and become voters. The romance would all be gone because a gypsy at close range Is uninviting and " nearly always re pulsive. Another thing, they have to quit telling fortunes. Fortune telling and stealing .bare been looked upon as the principal oc cupations of the gypsy. ' V If the gypsies settle down they , can 'not tunes they have lost one arm of steal, and If they cannot! tell for their HeYlihood, as well as all the romance of their lives." Abandoned Touring Car Towed to Salem Saturday There is a possibility that, the abandoned Chevrolet touring:. car left; beside the Pacific highway half a mile north f the .Valley Packing plant, was used 4jy (tha Parkrose bank robbers, according to the theory advanced toy county police officers. Deputy Sheriffs Burkhart .and Smith are Investi gating the machine after: thy towed it in from the outskirts.. Nothing definite to .create this impression was found, except some walnut shells and gum wrappers. They base their theory upon the Washington license plates. Nos. 8 3 S3 7, because they are unable to trace ?the car through them. , - A front tire and a. spotlight had been stripped from the . car .and an unsuccessful attempt? made to remove the ammeters. It Is -presumed that this was the work of highway -vandals." rather ' than those who stole the auto.' The bank robbers replaced the license on the machine they took near the scene of the robbery and substituted ones' from another state. Funeral Services Today For Silyertori Resident SJLVERTON, . Ore., Fe v ;14.- (SpeOiaL)Mrs. L. It. ,XLti .died at her home on the Silvrton-Sa- lom'road Tia:irt-j mgruing Feb- l uary ,1. Irs .inn, .who.-was , Z yt i rs old . 2i. hr death, has been a. resident of Siverton j for five ytets. B;:d33 her husban.i she leaves a s-jit, Tillman, j nineteen mnnlhs old. . J . - .Funeral set' "tea .will h held Su:jLay, February 15, 2:30 p. m. at the ,JQk and Iickman mortuary, inu-rment will b$ made' in the pothany cemetfiy. Te. Colonial rjame Tea $hoppe was, the scene at 4 o'clock yester day afternoon ot a charming small party when little Joan Newcoonh, daughter of Mr?. Beatrice Craw- f ord-Newcomb, was hostess j for "a. group . of her - friends at the tea hour. A lovely -bowl of Hennigg- ton roses centered the table, while lighted red tapers in .mahogany holders were used. i .. . UUle Joan's guests included: Janet Anderson, Catherine Ander son, Mary Lee Given, Thelma Stout and Patsy Manning. SNAPPY THIMvLVG NO. B90 Cross Word Puzzle ' A 1 3 y P W' " TpT rfr m.- j" . IP Tf: ifelP ' M pfc "T! "T? rd. W, - j ' - ill -hi ' 'i i I h J I MimiM ' r i -r i ; ; (Answer ApROSS 1 Abscond ' ' 5 Long-necked birds i S A sum of 'money - ll' A -petty dispute 12 LJke ? 1 4 Used ip soup - 16 Father IT To .preserve IS, Indifferent to pain 20. SUtionery M ' ;, 21 It was' (cotr.) I 23 A' terminal point ' 24 Fuzzy 'coverings' 23 Crosspfece in 9- link 27 Liquid measure 28 A single thing M 29 Part of -a camera 30 Yopng eagles .' j ... 32 Attached . ! 34 To mind - - i 35 Contest between nations 37, Bow of a vessel ': ' v , 38 To out off. as woo t from; : sheep's tails T " v ' 40 Zeal . ' "--r : 42 Body of water 43 Within . : 44 Parts of-a: coat' " - 46 Mister : 7 47 Medium . ; 48 Of ebony . j 50 "Silent people' "'.''"'f Tt f" 51 Heavenly -bodies .--.' People who are consistent; re seldom FAUCh f anything , else.'' r : ' i . 1 1 i'i !!!! 'I I - .The man .who, can irun,. fasti need not fear hard. ' the man iwho team! hit Sometimes a boy's parents! are the greatest handicap he has t,o overcome. Some women re -better than men, while others are simply impre cirenmspect.! - J.i-i-,-!:', j: Uj fij,i J :T v- . ; " PTl'H!!Ml ' A woman's love for her: husband takes . a . decided drop when -she difjepvers she lpoks lerhffn h Qs. . ; j ;-J: -j,!. -O- -Common sense. can be acquired only, by removing enough fcjoUsh- nesa from the upper story t? give it a place to locate Hes Heck says: .Ato wn is n bad shape .when i ltd ; big 1 men j are all in the cemetery.! - IHi ' WM a. aa w . e ' !aar:w m ine r irsx, dppucauon Jiaites oitln ' rvnl anrl Cnmfnrt oilf il ; If you are suffering 'from,:. ee; zema or some otner torturing, emr barrassing skin trouble you; may q.uickly be rid of it jby using! Men-tho-Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist.-:. J-r;j 4 jj iThis"r sulphur preparation 1! be cause of Its germ destroyingtpropr erties, seldom fails to qikipkly ubi due itching, even of fiery eczemal The -first applicatie!n mkes ''t!th skin cool and -coinfOrtabl0. 1 1 Rasli and blotches are healed figit lupl Rowles Mentho-Snlphur -is applied like any pleasant co!ld' rean anid is perfectly ' harmless, j You iean obtain a small Jar from any 'good druggist. -Adv. f i j 'f'i j : , ; , ; J 'i ...I'M yjjp ii ij o ! i ITCH i SH! , (Answer fo yesterday's poa3e); 1 I ;--iii4jj 1.2. 2 e LS.ZL fi l x Z x id . J2.fi. H A G o -iT o m T G, A.P. N 2 l e! f t. Bio H $ . N t f SOL flR0 0E p A, 1 w Jb it k. T St o o Rp c ef is i .L- u a t h 4 c e sIja G e IcJe uJa a SO UT HN TTt Do ft k T 5 u E N I CjERpft htT n !j p aTT r si., s n s s Jpjcicji.ksiH3lThlc)si3 ' 1 1 ... . I ' I I . .11'!! I I. 1:1! ;:i I Tuesday) 1 1 : DOWX! I) .1 Perform. j 2 A preposition ,3 5 6 ?;. Witty saying Son of Seth i I ! ll Special (ab.) ' Form of "to be Toward ; i ; i S , 8 Locations 10 To be-fond of 11 Moved along smoothly 13 Carpenter's toq Is ;15 P'inished 1.6 Saucy 1 IS: Pertaininjr to nature 20 Fadings of the sun li 22 Filled with sunlight 1 j ,24 The end,:: il 26 Prefix". denoting- ontr - 27, Td pamper i , sou very piaca - v-i. ,vaia taruusu water j r n . trr.lL. At I. l - Consider ' i i S4 Feeling of-dliSt- Z7j A,, small bird 1 Raarn.azQot U Markets; ..' ... i t -S8. : 40 Exclamation.' of -Sorrow ...Rebels ,(ab.) 4.4 Perceive ' " it . : 4-5 Habitual -drunkard v: ft; : 4.7 MountaiiT5 : 43 - North America 1 M f Tlh I f r : j Phone 23 Advertising Dept. flSSUlED ADVEET1SEMEKT3 ! '. ; i Kata ear word : Per Insertion , , Se Se Three area imertiona !M6ney to Loan !!..::: rOa! Raid Eststa - " T. K. FORD fOrer Iadd Bush Bank) p.: ' ::- - jBroax Tocn luvb TOtja home i t wit fia.va.xi.- Ipsured Properly Phone 1161. Beeka Hsndrlcka, XT. 8. j'j Bank Bldg. . j j , - s-28tf AUTOMOBILES NOTICE SALlBH auto wrecking : Co., pow open -for business. Get oar ' prices before selling or baying. 402 S. Cborch St. Phone 2159. Res. I'hone 1106-B. !' MSltf 8CHEEJL1R ADTO WRECKINO CO. Will kuy yoar old. car, Jiest.cs .yrioa i paid. X0S5 K. Conunereial St. I jl3tf Storage Fire proof batldiac. day aad alglit aarrico, 4 par month. 1999 K. Cap ltoL Texsa, carat;. - : : - 1-JBtf .j. .:!.. .stjoraqe.. . . Open day -aad nigh u VTsshinx.and. -EIKER kuTOCO. . Corner Liberty and Perry Phono 121 l-6tt AUTO TOPS STATION ABY TOPS Tk very latest in aato tops Seasonable Price O. J, HULL S19 State -St. t - - S-dlTt( POI, RENT 66 ACRES U88 &.C0Jtri 4-fl8 PRINTED CARDS. ! SI 14" BT-7", -wording 'for - Boat, 'J price 10 , cents 'each. Statesmen Basinets Office, on Oronad floor. '. HOUSE AND APARTMENTS PHONE 80S6-J. ' ' 4-atStt PQB ItEOTApartniente .5 APARTMENT PARTJfY FURN I SUED; hardwood floors, i 210 North 14th. $122 4 AND 6 ROOM UNFURNISHED Apart ments close in, 465 Center. . 5-fl7 TOR RENT APARTMENTS t- S91 K. Commercial. ; APARTMENTS) 26S N. COTTAGE. 5ntf 2 THREE-ROOM APARTMENTS Partly furnished. $20 each. 626 S. Capitol. - 5 fl8 JXR RENT TWO ROOM MODERN furnished apartments. - Marion apart ments. ! 5-fl5tf IFOR KEOT Kocrns : BOARD, i HEATED ROOMS, Rcsspnsble. 891 N. Cottsge. Phope 1950-J. 6-115 OFFICE ROOMS LNQUJRE ROOM 22 ". Breyman Block. . 6febl3tf ONE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM iDowustsirs, 212 S- Cottsge. 6-117 BOARD AND ROOM FOR TVO, PHONE : 1547-M. , ' " 6f20. NEAT,! CLEAN ROOMS SPECIAL weekly rates. Hotel Oregon, 381 State St. : ! T 6-fl5 ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE fam- ily for one or two business women.- 960 "Marion. ! ; , 6-flS BOOM FOR BENT MODERN HOME, -tkroa block from tte .kouae, fir gaa tlamsn. Must giro references. Pleasf address A. B, caro BUtoaman. S-elftl PRINTED CARDS, SIZE. 14' 'BY wording, "Rooms to Rent," price 10 L osnu esck. - Suteamaa Business office, OrooTid floor. -. v fiPOB KEJiTr-Hoasee n -7 ' SMALL HOUSE. TWO GOOD LOTS, SIX months lease 949. See W. A. Liston. -...r , ! . t -, , , 7-fiSi 6 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE Medra) .-or apt. - Also room and board. .473 i 8. Commercial. ' 7:flt FOR- SALE-w-lMtscgUaneons S CLOVEft HAT, SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. 910 per ton. J.; H. Engeman, -Urer ton, Oreg. i ... 8fl5 75 GLADIOLA BULBS. BLOOMING aisa ' postpaid, (1. , E. -A. Bennett -Nursery Co.. Salem. i - 8-flS FOX TERRIER PUPPIES 960 BROAD way. Otrs, Halliwill. , Ph.one 1076-W. ' j " ' " i ' '' ' : ' 8fl5f ALFALFA. , GRAIN', HAY, TIMOTHY And straw, guaranteed quality; prompt shipment. Prices ,tipon .application. Richard Nyman ; Wall WaUa,. - Wash ington. : I . '8115 PLANT GRAFTED WALNCTS-rONE. OF, the best Vroomani Franquettes in state, . well-grown and selected. A. full . Uoe Of aursery stock t right prices. Send -in -your list. 35 .years in .business, Carlton Nuraery iCo., ' Carlton. Ore gon. I t 8115 DRAG S-WS CHEAP NEy7 THOMAS Sortakle 4 h.p., all metal construction, lounted with two wheels. . Wheels like a. wkeolboriow. Has pulley for connec tion to crosscut saw, -charn,' separator, , etc ;- Priced complete . with . V'ade ,at 986, each f.o.b Portland. ,' , ALASKA JUNK CO. r 203 Froat, Portland, , Oregon. Will allow $5 credit on saw if ad Is enclosed wHh order. 8-mia Fruit Trees ' Walaati and sk rubbery." HI gk aa -Tarry, fmitlaa Nursery. A. J. Ifafch, . lav. Prop Pom, 1 140-M. f yenings. I . s-j ltd . 'i' ' i 1 .WiHamejtte Valley .Nursery .1 Has a Salesyard at 561 Court street. - at -Kea.aedya paiat shop, oppoaito- So .aickVftora. All kinds at fruit aad nut tress. Dr. Bean's Big Frenek prune a apeeialty. Offies phone ISIS. Raa. 105F5. Mthii Pmn. . S-dl4f WM I 1 1 III a LOXTkOJf DI8PllY8 liYKOX 1ISS LONDON, -Feb. 1 4 Following tbe ' . example set 'In' the ' United States, tbe'-Firstj Edition C;iub has opened an unique exhibition .of Byron; manuetripts, -proof -sheets aitd' firs"tedlU6hsTTlie "dlsplajris made .up .of exhibits roaa rprlyate Eources and several of the books shown are tne only -ories -In ex istence. Many of the books are accompanied vby 1 the manuscripts and-proof copies.; S i" a t" e s a s '3B A.- One week (tlx Insertions) - 8e -20e- una monta lx months contract. er-iaonth15e IS months' -ooatracty sar Baoathus.lSot Minimuaa for any adTertiaement i$o ForSale--Mlscellaneuo8 ' ;8 rOR SALE OU XW8PAPERS, 1 cents a bundle. Circ elation departmen Oregon Btatasman. Beautiful Oregon Rose And elerea otner Oregon songa t Other with a fine collection of patriot aoafa. sacred sonxs and Jnany.old. timi faToritaa. ... "v,j; , j ;.'.. ALL FOB 85a :- ' (Special prices la quantity lota. Especially adaptable for school. osa snaauty or Soma singing, - Send. tor- Western Songster 3? JtlS rj"y-la Jje,ihtrd e fitjoa . OBJEGOW TEACHERS JIONTH. VI -SIS 8. Commercial St. Salem. Or. . DRAG -RAW. POR jaALiA NEW.ONA , man power drag saw, aU metal con atruction ; . two wheels nader .- framf permits machine to "be moved like wheelbarrow. Sevsrsl special feature Tkia aa aerer been ased.. "Will sal at a substantial reduction . and gir .taoaa .la raspaasfbla arty. . JSflm -AC. -,Keier, fialam. .pr, R Box Stl Wn Trespass Notices For Sale .Tresspsss Notices, aisa 14 Inckes b) 9 'inches, printed on good -10 onnet canrass bearing ta words, ."Notice II Hereby Giren That Tresspassing It Strictly Forbidden" On -Thaso Premlsel Under Penalty Qf Prosecution." Priot 15e each or two for 25c. tatesma Pukliahing Caanpany, Salem, Oregon. ' , : a-atf READ THIS OVER Electric toasters .. 9 5.00 Thermos bottle... ..." . .50 Silver plated cornet aad ' , - case complete-. 10.00 Mandolin with, case. 3.0O Real leather run case 4.00 Ouitar with case . 6.00 10.00 and np . .SO. and 4i p 1.75 Chandaliers Used suit cases . New axes ...;.... . 6 genuine China cups and - saooers w Vrooma . ..... 1.00 .60 CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE The house' of a Million . IB( . oae Bargains ?15 Center St. " Phone 398 FOR SAIiE-Idvestock 9 WORK HORSE -CHEAP?HONE 18F22. VETEBLN ARIAS ,pm PATTERSOK .Phone 202 8-W. r . S-dSOtl FRED W. LANGE, - VETERINARIAN Offiea 430 S. Commercial. Phone 1191 Res. Phone -1666. - 9-m8t WOOD FOR SALE 11 LENAKER SAWS WOOD Phano 209 7 J. . :-; s ... - ll-al2 DRY-WOOD, FOUR FOOT AND 16 Inch. Dry mill .wood, 94.75 per load. Phone 1879-W. - ' - - .. . limlS 16 INCH BLOCK WOOD 93.75 PER load; 4 load 414-Fkona 1879-W. - ,-. ' ,11-mS GOOD COAL DRY WOOD : f PROMPT DELIVERIES HJLLMAN FUEL QO. .'. PHONE 1855 J - DRY WQOD.rQR SALE Phono 254 ot 622. . - - " li-f2l WOODSAWING JUTD AND SCHMIDT i Phone 142, v . . ll-jlSti DRY SLAB WOOD - FOR SALE Also - Seeoad .grewtk. --.Phone 1756. 11F22 BEST GRAPE OP .WOOD-r- , 4 ft. and 16 inch. " : 'Dry mHrwood.": " Dry and green mill wood. -Dry-aoeoad -growtk.fi.- Dry and old fir. . lry ,4 ft. ash. - ' . FRED. E. WELLS Prompt delivery and 'reaeeaable price 28aJ5oatk Church. Phna,lS42. 1164 BEST SECOND . GROWTH FIR, f 7 ; OAI ; 99. Call, 113 L. . . . . .11278 14 INCH AND 4 -FOOT-WOOD -09 -ALI . - kiadav - Prices raasoaabla -and . prompt delivery. .Phoae-19SWW., -ll-alatf 16-INCH OLD FIR, 4, FOOT OJ4 FIR. aeeona growu mk tit ask. .raoae 19F8. M. D. KTsrfield.T - ll-jntf ii WANTED-i-Employment "12 PLAIN SEWING AND REMODKLING - Coats relined. 1165 N. 4th St. Phone 1872-J. : 12-fl5 REFINED WOMAN WANTS HOUSE' j i work - part time. 682 care- Statesman. 't: .- - -.... .- . 12-115 WORK WANTED STENOGRAPHER. 1 - Much experience. Rapid, accurate typ- . ist. All or part time.: 269, care Aitatea ' man. " 12-fl5 WANTED Miscellaneous -13 , , rr.,-, -- . ... DASH -PAID -JCOR-UfALalE ZKTB 1 dental gold, , platinum - and discarded i jewelry: Hoke Smelting aad Refining , Co, Otsego. . Mhigaa. . lS-j2Ttf SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR AGE 5 1 t to 40. . Permanent position. - Salary and commission. ' Write 212 C. 8. Bank Bldg.iV-'--- ' 13-U7 WANTED 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE , on terms,' North Ssleia ; also S room . modern, house for all i cash, south Sa ; l?m. , See - me bow. Socolofsky, 3 1 -8tatav ,:.. 13fl5 WANTED PRIVATE -MONEY FOB farm) loaaa. .Wo have , several applica tions on hand. Hawkins a Roberta, ' Inc. 205" -Oregon Bsildiog. lS-d4tt WOODRY -,THI (AUCTION EER BUYS 5 ased furniture for caau.- Phone : 51 1 ...... - f : -18-srrtf SnSCZXLANEOUS " 14 SPinEf.I.A OOliSETS SOLD BY ALICE i A. Miles, lit X 21st.. Phono- loaJ. fSaleta. Ore. 's Y f 14115 i Square- Deal ; Welding Wezka -.149-Ferry Street . j "Phone 864 . -. IWe teach oleetrie aad acetrlena weld' lag. Welder at 12 years experience as teacher. . , - - - 4f28 WE STORE-YOUlSrJ!0UKllOLD Coads :tor art tiling - jm tiave, t by vaa aeek. I moatkf or- year-.- F.A i-iker,- corner Liberty and Ferry. - Pkona 121. SECTION AGENTS WANTED jlp 4300 Jt. MONTH TO DISTRIBUTE , everyday 'nougehoia neea. rural ana and small town -district. No snoney neaded. Million dollar firm behind it., ' Writofor parttcalitrs, stste territory, de sired. - V. M. Joha&Qn, 161 North Union Ato. -Portland. Ore. - 615 MARTHA FOCB FOOT MILANESE; SILK stoekiags lor refootiair, operation jpat ented, also glor silk underwear to sell-to consumer. SU pirect Hosiery Mills. Bangor. Pa. - 6flS HEIiP-WANTEI-eniaJe iir EARN 5-ia WEEKLY mailing circulars.. -Send stamped enve lope for particulars. Palaea Mail Co Toledo. Ohio, i - .' l7fl LADIES TO REPRESENT FULL LINE California Msdo Hosiery, unaerwesr, Dresses and Noyelies. .Write for eat atog. Organisers wantod. Cunning's 788 So. HiU. . Los Angeles, Calif. .: i 17ft WOMAN-r-IN EACH TOWN TO i SELL Pulpet Bead Necklaces, exeeptionai -op-"portttUity. No competition. Send fl for sample. Pacific - Jewelry, 424 urosaway. Los Anreies. vai. ii-iib- HELP AVANTED3IaJe 18 ' WANTED rEXPERIENCED WOODrChop- pers. 805 Oregon. Bldg. 18 f IS MAN WANTED CITY OR (COUNTRY) 14 estsblished company will .aupply - capital and start you in your own per manent business Belling .necessities peo ple must buy every day. Experience unnecessary, r Write- MeConnoa Co.; f aatery Wiaona, Miaou -ISflS BIO DEMAND FOR ELECTRICAL Ex perU, make -412 to 930- every day. Learn at borne. Position secured. Write for Free Book of opportunities, and proof.' Chief Engineer Cooke, 8144 Lawreaea.'-Caieege. -18US - BOY WANTD Young i'maa, aesantaea .td tweaty .years of age to work and Karn good trade. Must start right at bottom apd ' accept small wages -at start. !- WU et close snperviaioa. and iaiUrsotipn- under capable . foreman. " Fill out aad mail to Box 42," caro. SUtesman. - - ; - . . Cigarette smokers, pool sharks, sheiks ' and mental giants save your stamps. Name ' Address . ... . Height ,,,., Weight. Schoaliaj wkat rde. Live with parents Are - you . employed no w lPflS SALESMEN 20 A BUSINESS OF .YOUR. OWN. AMAZ ing money maker. Stylish quality shoes at 93.95 and 94.95. - Outfit that makes -sales. 1 Style-Arch, Dept. B3, .Cincin nati. I " ' 20U5 SOMETHING -NEW SALARY OR COM. ..jnission. .We want men and .women, who are-not satisfied with 840 per week to represent a California .Hosiery -concern. 1 Selling outfit FREE. Write at once. Universal Hosiery Co., 60S GoWen Gate Bldg, San Francisco. Cat. -20-117 SALESMEN SIDELINE. ' ONE OF THE ; largest mauafacturers and - distributors of Hand Knitting Yarns and DM0 Cot tons desires representation, Salem and .vicinities. ..Man now calling on dry ' goods- and art embroidery stores pre-. ferred. Woot Novelty Co. Inc., 584 Broadway. New York. 20flS POTJLTRT 4WD EGOS 51 RHODE -ISLAND .RED," BLACK 'Minorca' 'hatching elf gs. . D. A- Harris, Salem. -fhone-a6F2. , . . t . -Sl-fl9 ANCONDA COCKERELS i.r- CU8TOM . batching. Phone 972-R. 21-ml2 Salem Chickeries Headquarters for Baby Chicks -: 7 VARIETIES - 264 N. Cottage Salem Phone 400 ' ' . 21-fl4tl EGGS FOR SETTING Bnff Rocks, Bull i Orpingtons. A -few cockerels. White i Pekia -ducks. . Stock aad eggs. Squab breeding pigeons. R. K. Poultry aod Squab Ranch. 2101 Sooaevelt St4 Aberdeen. .Wash. ,2lf25- BABY CHICKS BLACK MINORCAS. BP. Rocks. RI Reds. Leghorns and Jer sey Giants. Flake s Petland, 273 State i - - 21-115 CUSTOM HATCHING Hatching eggs, pullets, ooekerela. Pkone 82F21. - LEES HATCHERY .;2i-f6tr" . JLQ8JZ AND. FOUND 22 LOST - DARK BROWN pLOVE. With white fur lininr, sise 8. Soco lofsky. 341 Stste. Phone 970.' 22M3 I 4 PERSONAIj 23 THOUSANDS. WEALTHY. WILLING TO marry. 1 hotos tree. Martin, I lob B-1022, Wichita, Kansas. 23112 CATHOLTC WANTJNG - CORRESPON--dents, booklet -free: Homo Club B-23. Grand Rapids. -Mich. 23fl5 MADAME VIRGINIA GIVES READINGS oa love aad -business .tkia - weak - only. 33 Ferry. - Phone 1908-J. ' 23-117 LEADING CLUB, LARGEST. MOST RE Jisble for lonely ' people, confidential descriptions rf reo In plain aealed nve lope. Thousands wealthy members. If sincere, write. Established 20 yesrs, Mrs. MsUhews, Box 26, Oakland. Calif ornia. 23fl5 - E - MARRY IF LONELY JOIN THE SUC ceasful Correspondence Club. Reliable descriptions free. Box 556, Oakland. . CalU. - 23115 MARRY-FOR WEALTH, HAPPINESS linndreda rich, attractive,- congenial, wi liiag , to wed. Photos free. Estab lished 25 years. V Katherine Warn, 507 Laaksrshun Jildg' Los Angelas, Calif - ornia. 2fl5 ' .ILOANS ." 2t WE ARE IN A POSITION TO HANDLE - dairy cattle loans, twenty months time. . Interest f per cent, repaid 5 per cent , monthly. -Oregon-Idaho Dairy Lean. E. Sutherland. Canby, Oregon. 24-m4 MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROP- erty, either building and loan plan or private money. . Farm loana with in sursnce eompsay money at hVi with ' -commission-added. Ralph II. McCurdy, . Nos. & and 6, Steeves-Meore Bldg Sa lem. ; 24fl4tf i Own Your Hems .. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! - For real choice lots on paved street. 9tOO 95f 9675 $1151 aud-ufHe thilds i liechtel. 50 State St. 25-fl5tf FOR SALE MODERN HOME SEVEN lsrg rooms. Fiao location. Lot 65 y 165. - Address owner, 1051 Cheme keta street. 25116 f0 i - A T r.-rO Lfj 5. rn . A T1 i M of -ye- store luji.j ni. i . og oil aad-ltiim station. iwcs'wi.. -o at oace. Home Realty Co.. lf-9 8. High. 25-flS" 11 .1