WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 41925 alem's Great Market Place assifieol i ' TOE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OBEGON ,..T " C Seetioe ft J , i V " WANTED Miscellaneous 13 HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID WE bay everything. Csed furniture, tools, rags, sacks, old metal sad ased ears. I tlet onr price befora you. soli Phono 398, 215 Ofiln St. 13-I4tf , WANTED TO, BUT GOOD USED Piano or player cheap. Bsi 2315 Ststesmaa. - - 3-n CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH ' dental sold, platinum aad discarded )wery. Hoke Smelting aad Refining Co., Otsego. r afhigaa. : 13 til it 1 f. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loss. Wo bars several applies- ions oa baad. Hawkins A Roberts. lac. 804 Oregoa Ballding. : IS 44tf WOODRT THE aaed furnitura AUCTIONEER BUYS for cash. Phone 511. ; 13 aprtf MISCELLANEOUS 14 LEAVE TOUR RITOS AT 1590 N. CAPT tol to bo cleaned. 14-f4 HIGHLAND CATTERT CATS BOARD , ed. males at service. 285 N. 14th St. L. - - 14-18- , I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO MY Friends ! tV and patrons that I am back in the barber shop sad have also employed A. MtiK C. Meyers of Minnesota, a first class L'f- - ' Tho Capital Barber Shop. 264 Square Deal. Welding Works ; $49 Ferry Street Phone 1364 Wa testa electric sod acetylene weld Ing. Welder of 12 years experience as HELP WANTED 15 ,11 EN TO CUT SECOND GROWTH FIR for half at Pratam. 1 Pbons 23F11. - !S-f , HELP WANTED MaJ 18 WANTED MEN TO CUT SECOND - growth ; Fir for bslf. St Pratam. Phone W2Sm I 18-15' TWO YOUNO MEN NEAT I APPEAR- - ance betweea 18 and 25 who wish to , travel and learn profitable business. See Mr. Reed, Wednesday 1 to 5. New Salem hotel. ' 18-f4 POULTRY AND EGGS 21 BABY CHICKS 100 BARRED ROCK , chicka for sale reasonable. Salem. Chick eriea. 264 N. Cottage. - 21-14 RHODE" ISLAND RED HATCHING eggs. Also Bsbr Chicks. Feb. 18th. March 11th and April 1st. Price right. We! think we have one of the best flocks of Reds ia the valley. Call and see them. 805 North 16th street. I hone 1877 W. 21 flO LOST AND FOUND 22 LOST DARK BROWN LAMBSWOOL lined golve for-right band. - Finder please leave at Statesman office or call 1212-M evenings or 970 during the dsy. 22-f4 L08T FOUNTAIN PEN. MILLICEST King on pea- Phono 1378. 22-j27tf PERSONAL 23 MADAM VIRGINIA GIVES READINGS. Few mora days oa all matters of im portance. From 9 to 9. 633 Ferry. Phone 1S08-J. 23-f8 LOANS 2-4 WE ARE IN A POSITION TO HANDLE dairy cattle loans, twenty months time. Interest 7 per cent, repaid 5 per cent monthly. Oregon-Idaho Dairy Loan. E. Sutherland. Canby, Oregon. 24-m4 i ! -.-!.- MONEY AVAILABLE FOJt LOANS ON City property oa terms like paying reat. I A. C. BOHRNSTEDT t Reslter and Insurance 147 No. Com'l St.. , ' Salem, Oregoa . i 24Febtf MONEY TO1 LOAN ON " FARM PROP erty. Lowast rates obtainabls. See Mr. McCurdy U Homer Smith's of fir. . Hteeves-Moor Bdr. 4-t0tf KRL ESTATE City 25 Own Your Home S LARGE LOTS $750. : HIGH AND dry; aouth. Terms. Treee and riew.i ! j . BECKE ft HENDRICKS j I U, S. Bank BWg. 2Sj-30tf CHEAP LOTS NEAR CAR. ! $350 :OS termf. - ' " "' !-1 : ii : I N: ! TtFCKE ft HENDRICKS I ' i i V. 8. Bank Bldg. j25 f4tf: . "A GOOD INVESTMENT IS WORTH A LIFETIME 'Or- MAV IXt" HERE IT IS-Seven room house and v sleeping prch." bsement jtbr aac. Big. lot. close T la t i paly t ' $4500; very easy terms, I i j-N I A BARGAN Seven room 1 house,; lot . 75x150: all kinds !f froit. jav! - ed street. For qqlck sale . j3,- ' 750- - " H 1 i" : U U ;" f, NONE BETTER 36 aero farm,! Rsxel Green- district, runaing water. Owner is making money; on this place. Hss to go esst, will sac rifice. Com and see; . i ' i FOR RENT 7 room house sad. gsrsge. Only $25 "per month.! m I ! ; ( We Writs Iasm-ance-- I I RICH L. REIMANN ; j . . Realtor - 1 j 4-5-8 D'Arey Bldg. Phono MIS 25-f3tf i l ' i " 9800 BUYS i I I i j ' A completely modern bobto Iocs r ed on Stato St. Terms. ' j i W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. f : I 275 State 8t. i i I 25-f4 . GOOD VALUES Mi i East front lot on Norh Winter be tweea D and E streets.: Pries $950. 5 room boose 14 blocks sonjh of Flats street. Price $1600. , Wouia can aider offer for quick sale, i I I i.i '' j GmuI lot nesr Lincoln school, : .Price :- 700. terms. ' ii-. : :-i ,: . j . - - KRUE0ER ;1 !1 ! ,' j ; " Resltor i i : ! 1 -j i 147 North Commercial Phone 2.17 ..... ,"-..J- , i ;: :' ij ; 25-fttf WE HAVE A NICE LITTLE 5 ROOM fcAtita and a connle of lots ont pretty well snd worth 93000. the owner has 'fsmily cramps" and will swspifoe s Isrger house with seme one: Who h marinMitii"! The 1 owner iof a new - S room strictly country Stylo t bouse with cow shed snd chicken bouse, has ritie" and has let town ! and iJ ;! h furniture :fer;l 1700 and get 9300 down: Another man ha "Oregon Damptr" snd wsnts to trade mom house in Salem tor a home ia California; Another man has j prune ea1l" and will trade tha fiaest; prune ' ranch in tho Willsmetta vsUer for city 1-. . . ah mi ska is iust plain : era 1 y offers a well improved 60 acre farm with a fine 10 acre prune orchard for .n traet near Salem: Another msa "! with marble top f hwtji good jintentiop iU trade a perfectly good 10 arr bare fruit land tract tor a lot ;or a oo" 1VcOILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON m ara s a VAaa & M tw 209" U. 8. Banc snog; - p, 8. Still a a anayj Cspitsl to reat. , oi' jlv '!! - j ; ;3S-'f For Sale at One-Half :.. . : Price. !-: for llmta tiwaj 5 arr Irijetg em Rose, v dale pared road,; soatb Salem. ery rloaa to earlino. i Prices art going p. . If Uteres tea SCI m oocj. t j i Socolofsky REAIi ESTATE CITY 25 A COZY LITTLE HOME AT A BAR gain. i Better look at it. 267 Brooks - AOi :.i ;,, : . : I j. j , j. . . .-tit: j , u 25-15 HOUSE FOR SALE TO MAKE ROOM for BJW lines mill. ; Sealed bids will be received until Feb. 10 for house No. 2278. Fairgrounds road. Mast j he re moved by Feb. 25. : Address; Miles Linen Company, 993 Court St. j 25-16 MOST ATTRACTIVE 5 ACRE TRACT -- with modern homo. treei bulbs and shrubbery, everything ia Wood! order. 7500. ! 14 acres all ia fruit, modern hum. this wilt interest yon when; you se it. Money 'to bo j mads here, j j Exchange I k2,30o i mortgage for (rwia( boihs property, i Exchange bonne in Salem for small acreage.; I , nearby Lscnange garage service blacksmith shop, everything modern and ready to work with, and 6 room house, two iota ia a good community for Apt. bouse or business or other; turome j property in oaten. - i v . l GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage St.- : m I : - 25-f3tf SMALL STRICTLY MODERN f 13750 rumace, oasemeat, garage ana, paving. vtose so new junior nign. BROKE HENDRICKS i i - U. : S. Bank Lldg. j 25-f4tf ' BEST BUNGALOW BUYS v S3600, new modern and well built of beat material and workmanship. . 5 large rooms, bath, lights, full basement. furnace, front and back porch. I bearing rruit trees, i Owner leaving the city must sacrifice, 3600, half cash. The Best 6 Room Bungalow $5000; strictly i modern, only 6 blocks to center of . business district. .'oiy 4 Room Bungalow- -$1200, half! cash, lights and water . South' Salem. , " ' i i Beautiful Lots only 925 down, balance 910 per month. Price $500 to 9700 oa paved street. cement wsuts, snaae ireet4 xaesi toes tioni I 1 i i : i ! " For A Home- i See CHILDS A BF.CIITEL 540 State St.j j 25 f3tf 7 ACRE RANCH 4 MILES OCT ON paved highway. 5 room bouse and neces ssry out-buildings for only; $2100. East era Washington f farm, improved and part Will art in crop, clear, for -valley farm. assume. ; Canada land' and cash for vslley fsnn. Far bargains land ex changes. Barber. 200 Gray; Bid. 25-f4tf FOR SALE MODERN! HOME SEVEN large rooms. Fine location. Lot 65 by 1C5. Address owner. il051i "Cheme beta street. 25fl6 We have extended our Itime; to Feb. 10th for listing in our new real estate supplement. . Call and give us your listings. We will publish same free f charge. : We are j continually re ceiving inquiries ' from! Cialifornis and eastern states.! Remember our sdver tie ing is free! to you. -Call anytime dsy or evening. i ; J I Home , Realty Comasny 169 ! S, High.! i : ? 23F5 I $100 DOWN;. $10 PER! MONTH $800 price, 4 room bouse, city wster, electric lights, j! i - j . 1 1 6 room modern house, 1 except bsse ment. Bsth and,, toileti downstairs, toilet, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; all ia good order. Very low price $3750. : Not far from the Cap itol. I $500 down. bal. payments. . i A good lot 50x83 feet jon pavement, close i in, $625. I ! i See J. A. MILLS 33 1H Stato St. s j v i 25F4 " i r 1 1 ' : j : 1 9300 DOWN i - j balance $25 per month will buy a '' good five room bouse on corner of :j Saginaw aad Wilson streets. Price !i $2250. Let us show this bsrgain. W, H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ! r lljfjj.l j , 275 State St. -i . 25-f4 THE i BEST WAY' TO STOP PAYING i rent ia to buy "one. of onr bouses at bsrratns . like these: ' . I - i A 5 room aew bungalow In South ! Salem, all furnished, new Universal ! range- Price $1700; $300: cash, balance monthly payments. , - j, i t A fine 113 acre grain ranch in Wal- do hills, 8.V acre ia fall grain, running Water, good timber and pasture, to , trade for eity property or small acre age. Let us tell you about this one. ' j A ! good lot in Richmond district st I i 0300, psved street. . I room plsstered boose, lot 100x120. ' good fruit trees,' price $2100, or will j trade for" small acreage. - .j 1 ii A good four f room new house in li North Salem at 9t400.- ! f M :A' a-ood 5 room bungalow, plastered j j basement, ' two good lots, at $3000; ' j500 cash, balance monthly. :i i i . i i J.,F. ULRICH ! " ii 122 No. Com'l. Phone J354 I H M.i - i - i i 25 J28f 9150 DOWN i 1 ; . i Will buy s new three room house , I located in 1 West Salem. Price I i $1000, balance 15 per month. I .W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. ! i : j 275 State Ht. S5-f4 r-RINTED CARDS SIZE 14" ' BY wording '.'For Sale. Enquire At." rTice .Office. Ground floor. . - -i I TWO FINE LOTS IOa N. Commercial 1. a corner,1 east front snd paved., at 91100. 3. on S. High, paved, walnuts and fruit, choice for $1000. - This. price is limited to a few days. Price goes bsck to $1200. A bar rain at $1000. Terms on all. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State. - - - i - 25-f.ltf i ROOM COTTAGE ALL. ON ONE floor, 1 modern conveniences, large lot. oa pav ed street, fruit. j double garage,; f'JOOO 7 room old stylo house, modern con venience, very closs ia on High- street, $4730., ,,.': i '" i '! 9 room modern bouse. Cottage street, oirmr mt. a-arsce. 85O00. i Beautiful 5 room new bungalow, very close ia, a bargain st $550. WINNIE PETTYJOHN ! ' . ... 'i i ... Rnaltor 1 .- - 216 Oregoa Bldg. 25-31tf n SALE STORE BUILDING! AND i residence, good location, paved street. ianimii and a home st $4200. essy terms. ' 40 acre ; river bottom: farm. i e-nnn iioa acre stock ranch well lo e.teH close' to I good town, all! under fence, with new seven room bungalow barns' and sheds, and ran inc water, and the price is oajy T (A nv arts. - A few sua PS i V I. Wood. 341 State Su !"-.. i 5-127tf HEAD THK ClASSIEDApS. MINUTE MOVIES ?INAL! EPISODE OF CD VsHEEl-ANsy piur 0? THE UluTTrAT t AllaWT,THC UMOOVJTM . It' TOfcNS To - KJDCtsOiT 1stancia REAL ESTATE City 25 $3000 CASH Will bay a aew four room mod ern homo with basement and fire place oa psved street and car lino. W. H. GRAB EN HOKST CO. ! 275 Slate St. 25 f 4 LOOK $2100 ronly $800 down) buya fully furnished 4 room bungalow with full bssement, furnace nad hath, fine graded lot with cement walks and east front, 5 blocks from Parrisb school. See mo quick. HARRIS Mason Temple, phones 75. 1942-J. 25-J22tf FOR SAUC TWO NEW BUNGALOWS oa North Capital street. A payment of 910O will handle, balance like rent. Lone Star Service Station. Phone 520. - i: 25 f 5 $4200 BARGAIN , ' . New modern op to date bun galow on psved street with gsrsge cement bssement and furnace. This is a real home and will bo com pleted ebortly. 4 : W. H, ORABKNHORST ft CO. i 275 State St. 25 f4 BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITIES 26 i INCOME A good income re-renting ; (part) prop erty leaving family quarters and 10 percent on price, $2800. Cloe 1 seo Wm. Fleming. 341 Ststs. 26fltf SECOND MORTGAGE $4300 to trade for equity in income property or would consider good city lots. BFX'KE A HENDRICKS . j U. S. Bsnk Bldg 20-fttf $2100 BUYS i - V " 5 acre tract with nearly new five room bungalow. Terms cash. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. 26 ft 3oOO SNAP One acre with 6 room plastered borne with basement and garage, located' at 410 Rural Ave.. Iocs ted high snd dry, fine view. $750 down, balance terms. Ve. H. ORABEXHOK3T ft CO. '. 275 State St. C6-f4 REAL ESTATE Trade 27 QUARTER SECTION , OF ALBERTA land in good farming district to trade for Willamette Valley property. 1065 N. Commercial St. 27 j!3tf LOTS WANTED IN GARFIELD school district ; in exchange for equity in strictly modern 8 room home in Oaks addition. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 1 C. S. Bank Bldg. 27-f4tf REAL ESTATE Farms 28 I SPECIAL 150 acresj over 100 acres of river bot torn land. 35 acres cultivated, house and barn. A snap for $4200, rash 10 acres well improved nesr Salem will trade for vacant lots. A nice east front lo on S. Church street for $3 CM) with $50 down, we hsve some good income property to trade for small farm A good house in Salem for pool hall. & roum new bouae. $150 cash ; will handle. ! 4 room new house $200. Will handle. Nice lot to trade for 2 or 3 room bouse. I THOMASON 331 M State Street 29Fitf I LOOK THESE OVER , 1 160 acre Canada farm, good improve ments, for screage; will assume. Well ' improved 160 sere farm in Dakota,1 tor Marion Co. farm. 640 acre Montana farm, good im provements. for valley farm. 20(H) acre stock or sheep ranch in southern Oregon, good improvements, exchange for farm in middle west. 25 acre suburban home for farm. Nice modern home on Court street. eaav terms. Snap in cozy little bungalow, terms. Wsnted by responsible parties, lease on good business location. If von want to buy, sell -or exchange - see us. ' PERRTNE ft MARSTERS. Commercial Club Bldg. 28Fltf 18 ACRES CHEAP BLDG 8 AND Ex cellent road to Salem. 3250, terms. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 17. S. Bsnk Bldg. 28 f4tf FOR SAI.E ing site. Close to (state. -3 ACRE HILLSIDE BuPd Running water. Fir trees, car line. : Socolofsky. 341 - 28-f3tf HIGH CLASS FRUIT TRACT. 10 Acres close in on psving. Rldgs. $8000. , RF.PK K A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. z-l4tT FOR ATTRACTIVE BL'.iS IS .'. small improved acreage, nomes, grain. stock and dairy fsnr.s. locsted nesr . i. ,:,..u. I u A ' modeTn s7. "hous'e."? safe st fair prices snd good terms. See Wells Taliman m bob. wcguu Salem. Orea-oa. 28F4 lft AHiFS TO LKAKE t'K. sr.l.L. terms. Right ia town, uioxs. RVCKR HENDRICKS C. 8. Bank Bldg. CS-f4tf USKD CARS FOR SALE 31 KORO TOUiRING OLD MOHEL. GOOD shape. "26 license $60. 613 A. capi tal. ,- ... , 31-"" ford truck equipped with good body cab. Universal transmission. Rockr Mountain brake. Excellent me chanical condition and good rubber. A road hnv. Came in and look it over. i.Qf, Kerrv atreet. Ask for Good fellow " - i 31-f5 k'ORl) DELIVERY 1S23 CHASSIS. Dinrl bodv. 5 cord tires. Perfect con dition. Must see to appreciate. $355. EIKER AUTO CO. I ihertv atreet at Ferrv l'ilone 121 " ' ' 7 . ' 31-14 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX Look These Over I Dodge touring 1 ...$650 Maxwell touring 500 Hupmobile touring 650 Buick 6 touring 300 Ford sedsn 300 Cadillac touring 1800 Packard touring -1600 Packard 8 touring 3500 Hudson roach .... i 1585 , Eases coach ... . - .-1070 - FRED M. POWELL ' Motor Csrs Corner Ferry snd Cottsga : Pscksrd Hudson Esse 81-f5 IA11 (D)ON, FELIPE, HANINCs- EbANDfTtT, GALLOPS MAOty Off CeOLORES VDU DOM FEUPE. USED CARS FOR SALE 31 SAVE $160 ON ALMOST NEW FORD 1 touring. .Newi-ou I'bevroiet ai jjiii i ! Dodge roadster ..$275 Dodge touring, ineiosure . 4(t5 : OUismobile touring ineiosure Sod Overland touring Ike new 4jO i -Overland touring excellent con dition . 275 Stude-aker sedn - 700 Studebaker touring like new 85t (iardner sport toaring - 750 We also have Fords and Chevrolet J50.00 and np. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 219 and 279 N. Commercial Su 31 j31tf R. N. Mae DONALD THE MAKMON DEALER ALL KINDS OF USED CARS . COME AND SEE THEM BEST BARGAINS AND BEST TERMS GUARANTEED SERVICE TEL. 793 258 STATE ST. 31 jJOtf Used Ford Specials 1923 roadster $285 1'J4 touring 375 1923 touring 290 1923 coupe 395 1922 coupe; , 315 1924 roadster 365 1920 touring with stsrter 145 1924 Tudor sedan 535 1925 license included ' (EASY TERMS) Valley Motor Co. 260 N. Hirb Phons 1995 31-j28tf A FEW USED CARS 1919 Dodge touring $3O0 1923 Dodge touring 675 1922 Dodge touring 550 1922 Overland touring .. 375 1921 Dodge sedan 650 1923 Dodge delivery - 750 1923 Studebaker apecial ' touring 875 1924 Ford touring with lots of extrss 400 1920 Dodge touring 350 1917 Dodge touring 100 All csrs with 1925 license 'TERMS BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. ; 31-15 GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OK less. Why pay more! Money rncic guarantee. Scheelar Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Da phone 819. Night phone 503. 108.' U. Commercial St. "Built to save motiev." 31-11 3tf Celery Growers Will Hold All-Day Session Thursday! The Labish Celery union is to meet at the Chamber of Commerce Thursday for their annual meet ing and election or officers. Mem-j bers of this organization are, de veloping the celery industry in the Labish district and have won fame for their product. . Besides electing officers the ! members will consider the general conditions of the celery industry. About . 40 Japanese belong to jthe! union. i ; Tho Labish celery Is featured on the Gf eat Northern railway i dining cars and ranks as the best celery in the United States. PRISON POLICY GIVEN BY GOVERNOR HARTLEY (Contlnaed from page 1) ual to get out ot jail is to keep j out by observance of law. "It will be my policy to refrain from interviews with paid attor neys or other individuals, receiv ing pay from any inmate of a pen al institution to seek or secure ex ecutive clemency in their behalf. The liberty of an individual is too I sacred a thing to be trafficked by those who seek to capitalize the misfortunes of others. Likewise, signed petitions will be given but little consideration in dealing with clemency matters. But, at all times, due consideration will be given to the pleas of those whose requests come to this office through the regular channels of J the parole boards." SALEM MARKETS ; i Prices Quoted srv wholessle and ari prices received by farmers. No retai oiices are given. GRAIN AND HAT No. 1 soft white wheat $1.83 No. 1 soft red wheot $1.81 Oats 654 Cheat hav '. $14 Oat bar ; $16 Clover hay. baled ; $15 Oat and Vetch hay $16.50 POS&. MUTTUH AJI0 xtfi&r Hogs, 100-20O cwt . ..$10.50 Hogs. 200-ZSO cwt ; n.i.i Hogs. 250-300 cwt $10.00 Light sows - 8c Ton veal . I C Uressed veal ... ' Cows : 2S4c Lambs 1' POULTRT Tearr hens 1CTtar 1618e Springers Ligat nens... rnni btttter. BUTTERFAT Creamery butter .'. 4o40e Botterfst, delivered , -- Milk, per est.... . $2.oo rrrs. stsndards ...ob Pwlleta rtlhU protected by Th George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark CL DIABLO WILL MAVB A LITTLE UPpRisa LATER ODMlNa- TO HlfM Or . a sa At! Ta r"V Kv I HI O K& WrXrg. lODH. FELIPE. A LETTER FCOrATHE srELCKiriC j UP IS SCSrJ OF CAVALfty ATONCE. OOP CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business I AMBTTLANCS A11BI LASCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. Phone CGtS. 173 Honth Liberty. AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOOUHI F. N. Expert Livestock, furniture, real eatate AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Sumuie -Pbon 511 for sales dates. L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer i Phone 470 202 U. 8- Bsnk Bldg. j-15 O. SATTERLEE Auctioneering Rooms 25-26. Breymaa Block Phone 4:iO or 121 1-J. jne 12tf AUTO PAINTING 1 HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH Our New Permanent r imsu , JZ&ffi&J$& Iwuii Cass High and Trade BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. 1. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES starter and' generator work; HI feouiu Commercial. j Phone 198 COURT 8T. JUK WILLIAMS BEAUTY PARLORS BUNGALOW BEAUTY SHOPPK- -640 Chenieketa street. ' Phone 358-W. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- cles and repsiring. 387 Court. BEAKS RELINING 1 RAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 275 Smith Commercial St. Phone 102. j8tf CHIMNEY SWEEP LET "PRESTO" CHIMNEY CLEANER da your dirty work. Satisfaction guar anteed Your aealer has lt d-24tt CHINESE REMEDY , L. L. DiCK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420 426 State. s-30tf CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT GRADUATE National University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. fhone 67. Res. S28-R. CLEANERS ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS, 121 H. Commercial. " phone 18b8. V) spe cialize on one day service. .DRESSMAKING 'ORSETS MADE TO YOUR MEASURE l : i r rt. "VfM. .jCoraack building., J-lltf PKISTED CARDS SIXE 14" BY 7" j wording, " ; price iu " 'Vents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. '"- DRUGGISTS ELECTRICIANS 5ALEM ELECTRIC CO.- -MASONIC buildins. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.. Phone 1921, 222 r. Liberty. f L E E N E R ELECTRIC C-O. - House wiring by hour or contract, r. timates famished. Phone 980 471 Court St. EYE EAR NOSE THROAT Dr. Harold M. Brown EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. 320 V. S. Bank Uldr. fhone 2 1.14. j-i4ti FARM PAPER ;F YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15c to the Pacific Houiesteed. Salem. Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this sd. 4 i'OULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial for the best and eldest journsl in the west. : The srticles and ndvertise- ' meats are of special intereat to the nouttrv breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercisl street, Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trust Deeds, Contracts on nouses Will net 6 to 3U BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Nst'l Bsnk Jl tf FARM LOANS PLENTY" OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro dential Inaurance Company money on eity residences snd business property, at 5V4. plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberta. Inc 205 Oregon Building d-14tf FARM LOANS LESS INTE RE8T, longer time, no commission. Protects asainat adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly installments, pre-pay meat privileges. J. C. Siegmund. room 2. over LsdJ A Bush bsnk. DOJ RODRlGO.I UKLL AJOUJ DISAPPEAR rt? A FEU) HOUfeS 4; happv aD THEN ONE To SENt A rCONLtT MK341 DON FELJFt SAID VJILLVDU 7 AND i DOLORES SMD "VeS AND THE PUUISJDEfcl-fcS Or TV4E. PAMPAS VfiERE SOON fORGoTTEAO. BUSINESS and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FTNANCIAL LOANS MADE ON GOOL CITY PROP- erty at a low rato ou the easy payment plan, ao at eud of year you are ail spaiJ up. Farm loans oa large or small iracui; priwaiv nuarjj oe i irsi u you will go do further, U. W.'nr, 410 Oregoa Bldg. : Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQX'ETS. i fnneral w r e a t h a,, decorations. C.'F, - Breithaupt. florist, 123 N. Liberty. Ph. MHO. ' I . ; . FRUIT BUYER WARD K. RICHARDSON. Salem. Oregon. mrhl FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC i tors. 2iO Center. Phone 1656. ' FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for less money. 372 Court, : ' Phone 464. ; -' i PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NlfW and second hand furniture; 271 . N. Commercial. 1 HXMSTITCHlko MRS. C. E. MILLER. HEMSTITCHING, stsmping. buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT- ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Buaicks. i n29tf SALEM F.LITE II EMSTITCHINO pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon BlJg. Phone 379. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS i Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile i 219 V. S. Nat l Bank : Bldg. Phone 607 Insure Tour home or car now Phone 161 BECKE & HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165, Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. j i i Htf TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Phone 171, 1356 B street. j l"tf SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 315 S. Libertv street. Phone 25. oldest, lsrg et and he t. "-Established 1 8H9. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. - MUSIC 8TORES SHERMAN CLAY A CO., PIANOS Steinways. Duo-Art and others. Moore s Music House, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, i PHONO- grspbs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. ; Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW , Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co.. Music Iept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases. 415 Oregon Building. Phone 110.. NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES; Fenrry Hrns.. 237 State PACKING AND SHIPPING for expert furniture packing ana snipping, call atui s rurnuure Store. Phone 941. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave ordeis Will's Music Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 141 Liberty Phone 5.10. f lutf RADIO RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. BARTON, Prop. Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Eery Purpose Erery Purse All Standard Sises of Radio Tubes HALIK A EOFK ELETRIC SHOP 337 Court St.-Phone 488 REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 347 Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowers, raior-blsdes, scissors, kniTC snd tools sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAB bsge snd refuse ot sll kinds removed by the month. Ressonsble rates. Cess pools elesned and dead animsls ra trored. Phones: Office 85: Res. 20SV Registered U. S. Patent Office) AND HE LETT ADlOS" Of2 orrMsVBE He. I Oi- ro - . M 1 I s - 5 mi -rJTZ DIRECTORY j SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED " EVERYTHING-. IN CLOTH- ing and shoes. . Bet prices paid. Cap ital Exchange. 342 North Commercial. Phone l3o W. I STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES OF ALL KLND8 REBUILT. RE- paired, coils made. The atove ahop, 5.5 Marion. Phone 1524. ( i 9tf STOVES, REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence,- ahtea 26 to 5t ia.' high.. Paints. olU and varnishes, etc.. lorauberry and hop 1 hooks. - cialem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. -j 226 St. Phone 933. Distributing,; for warding and storage our specialty. I Got our rates. I " WE MOVEj STORE AND SHIP HQUSE hold goods... Our specislty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best "coal. and wood. Call on ua for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phono 980 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3; ' I TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES I J. W." Parker, General Manager, i Central Stage Terminal i." I SALEM, OREGON I' Principle One-Way' and " liound-Trip Fares oa marker tstage ubm: One Round Trip $1.70 Station McMiunvillo . Monmouth Dallas Falls City Way -.$1.00 .75, . .50' 1.00 .75 .65 - .75 4.60 8.55 1.85 1.60 1.25 i.xa .o 1.80 1.25 l.t' 1.40 Independence Amity . Tillamook 7.40 6.70 He ho Wil lamina Sheridan . -Dayton 8:00 8.60 S.00 2.40 1.50 - - Parker Ktaee lines makes btg redue tion in Express Rates, from 20 to 50 rents on the hundred pounds. Reason abl .rates on C.O.D. cCeeting. !- Send your express by Stsgs and get quicker service. I - i T tqw for TnformsHoo " i . WATER -. ' ) ! - 9-.... M WATER," LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic fist rattts .paid in advance. No dednction for 'absence or any. cause unless wster is shut off -voi'r premises. ' . -I GJEDSTED CHARGES I HELD MUTTERINGS (Continued from page II parttnent of the state of Oregon: under your- direction, reached a point where I find it impossible to continue in the service of the de partment and at the same t'me re tain f the slightest se'.f-respect." "For over four years I have en deavored to render and I believe I IF H EST i SWEETS Says Class of Salt Help to Over- iCoiiio Khpumatism Arid.. . . . Rheumatism is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well known authority.". We are advised to dress warmly, keep the: feet dryj all. and avoid exposure, and above d rink plenty ot. good water ' t j r n vti Rheumatism is caused by ibody waste and acids resulting ;from food fermentation. It is the jfunc t ion; of the kidneys to filter this poison from the blood and j cast It out in the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of free ing the blood of this impurity.' In damp and chilly .cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus (forc ing the Sidneys to " do double work; they .become .weakl and sluggish and fail to eliminate this waste and acids, which tkeeps ac4 cumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in the joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain, called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheuma tism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoonful in a glass of v.'ater and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This is help ful ;to neutralize acidity, remove waste matter; also to stimulate1 the kidneys, thus often ridding the j blood of rheumatic "poisin. ; Jad Salts is inexpensive, and U made from the acid of grapes .and lemon juice, combined with lithia. and lis used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Adv. By ED WHEEL AN VJlTKOUT EVEM 3MHGr . LETTiaJ ME "THAMK. MiM rr- JUST AS VLL -IOOULO HTC SJE.VEF2 fSEALiy CE TOfe DOM FELIPE Tf 1 V a HWJ Wl V U I 1 - zwyr - i . have rendered good serrice but. when subservience Is required in preference to service and, when the spoken word of the head of a department becomes, to put it very mildly, unreliable, then It is time for any self-respecting indi vidual to separate himself from -such conditions. This I now do without any regrets whatsoever. Wheh cn July 26 last, after a heated session during which I ten dered my resignation, you request ed that I withdraw my resignation and asked me to 'forget' the cir cumstances in connection there with, and I. in good faith, gave you my promise, a promise I have kept to this day, to do so. and when you proffered your hand to bind the compact. I did not believe that you would so far demean yourself as to break that, faith. However, just as soon as you deemed it expedient to do so, you not only broke faith and repudi ated other promises you had made besides but went to further ex tremes in an endeavor to justify your actions. "In view of the circumstances I must ask you to release me from any promises I have made with re gard to yourself and, in the event of your failure to advise me to the contrary; I will, of course, consider myself released and free to act as I may deem expedient." 1 GENERAL MARKETS ! . . , . ... PORTLANn, Feb. 3. Grain futures:' Wheat, hard white, blue stem and Baart, February, March 12.18; sort white, February $1.3": March $1.99; western white Feb ruary . $1.94; March $1.97; hard vinter, February $2; March $2.03; northern spring, February, March $2.05; western red February- $1.94; March $1.96; BBR hard: white, February $2. SI; March $2.31. Oats. No. 2 white feed, Febru ary $M.50; March $44.50; ditto gray, February March $44. XOTICK TO IJOXDIIOLDERS To United States National Rank, Salem, Oregon, and To the Holders and Owners of Bonds of School District No. 11, -Hood River County. Oregon: Notice is hereby given. that serial bonds Nos. 5 and 6. of the bond issue of School District No. 1 1 of Hood River County, OreRon, Issued under date March 1. 1912. together with-the interest due thereon, will be redeemed and oaid by me, at the fiscal agency ot the State of Oregon, viz.. National Park Bank, New York City, with in thirty days from the date of this notice. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 31st day of January. 1925. JESSIE M. BISHOP. County Treasurer, Hood River County, Oregon. f4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12J13 14 15 17 . . NOTICK So. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. The State of Oregron, ' . ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) One Overland Automobile, ) Defendant. ) State of Oregon. County of Marion. ss. To Rov Miller, O. C. Kerr, Leota Henderson. Homer Ross and Vick Brother", and to Whom ever it may Concern: - In the name of the State of Or egon: Yon. and each of you. are hereby notified, and will take no tice, that the following described nersonal property, wit: Babr Overland Sedan automobile, bear 'ne Oregon licence for the year 1914 number 183573 and motor number 60736. was seized on the twenty-seventh day of September. 1924, by Louie Olson, police offi cer of the City of Salem, Oregon; 'hat ?aid personal property above described ever since has been, and now ii, in the possession of the . 'heriff of Marion county, Oregon, tnd la being proceeded against In he above-entitled court for the forfeiture of the same for a viola- Mon of Chapter 29 of the General laws of Oregon for 1923, the , iame being an act relating to tbei forfeiture and aale of boats, ve hicles and other conveyances used 'n the unlawful transportation or, Mssess!on of intoxicating liquort within, the State of Oregon, andf hat all persons having or claiming -tny Interest In said personal propi- rty are hereby required to appeatr before the above entitled court ijn the county courthouse of Mariffn rounty, Oregon, at Salem. Oregon, by Wednesday, the 25th day ,of February, 1925, which said day ; has heretofore been duly set by the above entitled courts as an thswer day herein, and to defend against said proceedings, and that upon their failure so to do a Judg ment of forfeiture of said personal property will be entered. This notice is Issued and given: o you; and each of you. pursuant . to an order duly made by Honor-' able L! II. McMaban, judge of the. above entitled court, on the 3rd day of February, 1925! Witness my band and seal -ot said court affixed at Salem. Mar ion county, Oregon, this 3rd day of February, A. D. 1 25. . (Seal) U. G. B0 YE It, County Clerk. By C. P, Eaciwls. Deputy.' C4-11 I S5-JS1U1 III -hi-iW