The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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"WEDNESDAY iiOiiili, "i'.taiiiU'Ali-O,
7pUaaagf .jrg :
If it turns cold tonight you'll
need it. i i
The cut shows one of the season's
new models.
Overcoat Special I
$19.85 and $26.50
G. W. Johnson Go.
469 State St.
OREGON Florence Vidor and
i Lewis Stone in "Husbands and
LIBERTY :Helene Chadwick in
"The Masked Dancer."
Car Recovered---"d..
A Dodge touring automobile
belonging to - Sirley Barhirpe was
recovered at Eugene, according to
reports received at the Salem po
lice station.
Baby Chicks .
100 . Barred Rock chicks for
sale reasonably. Salem Chickerles,
264 N. Cottage. . 14
Police N
M. The case against J. Peatross
' was dismissed yesterday after he
' had been arrested for speeding.
R. C. MoreinBon and Lloyd Hoover
were fined J 5 each, and II. S.
Howell forfeited the $10 bail
which he had placed for his ap
pearance in court.
New Radio Alignment
Radio fans all over the north
west will be Interested in an ar
rangement which has been made
between KQW, the Oregbnlan
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
Can for hire without dilteca
PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service
Men's and Toon g Men
Tailored Salts $25 to 94
Dr. R H. White
Osteopathy - Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat,
ment (Dr. Abram'a method)
Office Phone 839 or 469-J
606 C. S. Bank Bldg. '
broadcasting station, and KLX,
the Oakland Tribune broadcasting
station, which takes effect next
week. The Oregonian will not
broadcast on Monday nigh t,s thus
allowing Oregonians the privilege
of hearing the excellent program
broadcasted by KLX The Oak
land Tribune will be silent on Fri
day evening during the Hoot Owl
session to allow the Callfornians
the privilege of hearing the Hoot
Owls. i
Home Wanted
A three or four room furnished
house near business district of the
city is desired by young business
man and wife. References furn
ished. Statesman XYZ. 1-4
Bikes Are Stolen
Louis Briggs and O. H. Arnold
reported the loss ; of bicycles to
the police station yesterday. This
made the seventh report that had
been filed with the officers for
the loss of wheels.
i .
Be Sure to Hear
The Northwestern U Glee club
First ME church, Thursday, Feb.
12, 8:15. ) f4
Officials Visi
Irvine ,E. Vinlng, of Ashland,
and nresident of the Oregon state
Chamber bl Commerce ' and' A S.
Dudley, manager, were visitors, In
Salem yesterday, i '
Gray Improvement Shoppe
For marcels that please. Room
413 Oregon Bldg. Phone 87. f8
U - ' : "
Constable Surprised
A mild land charming woman
confronted Constable De Long at
Sublimity when he arrived to place
Miss Vera iTrask under arrest on
charges of assault , and battery
filed by V. Green, a large and
husky man. Assurance was given
the constable by members of the
Dancing! Dancing!
Salem's New Auditorium
j Ladies Free
Wednesday and Saturday
Bezanson's Melody Phiends
Skating, Skating, Skating
At Dreamland
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
7:30 to 10 p. m.
: Hear .Our New Calliope
Estatllihed 1863 I
General Banking Business
Off ice Honrs from It m. m. to S p. m.
We Carry allizes of Coal
from tbe large fbnae to
the smallest nut sis. Tell
us for what purpose the coal
Is required and well point
out the proper size to us.
But although we carry all
sixes, we handle only one
quality, the very best coal
from the Try best mines.
Onr coal terrice ,1s jouri to
commas d
Frices rang from f lO to SIS
Also handle the fees
ClaznoBd Brhroetiea SIS
Larmer Transfer a Storage Co.
Griffith Travels i
George P. Griffith, state com
mander of the American legion.
left for eastern Oregon on a busi
ness tour yesterday. He will be
gone until Friday, f i , '
school board of Union Hill school,
where the young woman is em
ployed, that she would appear In
Salem Saturday to answer to the
Property Exchanged " j
James Wolf trades his 5 acre
home at Aumsville for the George
Hayes property on North Front
street and Annie Martin exchanges
her home at McMinnville for the
A. E. Meyer property on Liberty
street. George Thomason. local
realtor, handled both deals, f-4
Fellowship Meets
The Fellowship of Reconcilia
tion meets each week at the YMCA
to discuss various phases. of the
international peace. The fellow
ship is part of the National associ
ation for peace.; J
GRAC Meets Tuesday
The business girls organization
known as the GRAC met i last
night at the Jason Lee Methodist
church for their regular, meeting,
under the direction of Miss Mary
Erickson, ; Willamette university
Leave Your Rugs At
1590 N, Capitol to be cleaned.
Partnership Dissolved "
Final action in the dissolution
of partnership between Paul and
Lloyd Hauser was completed yes
terday when R. Crawford filed
records in the county court. The
receiver is dismissed and the bus
iness is to be conducted by Paul
Hauser, who has assumed out
standing obligations.
Always in Trouble"
Play by Popcorn Parent-Teach
er association. Friday and Satur
day nights; Popcorn schoolhouse,
admission 35c. f-6
Public Hearing Set )'.
There will be a public hearing
before the joint committee! on
banking at the state house Thurs
day night on the revision of tfie
state banking code.
Directors to Meet
The regular monthly meeting of
the board of directors of the Sa
lem YMCA will be held Thursday
noon at the YMCA building. Reg
ular routine business matters will
be considered.
Salesmanship Cla
The YMCA salesmanship class
is growing in popularity, as shown
by the attendance at the meeting
last night. Over 25 persons were
present. The class for this yeap
is one of the most popular that B.
T. MeCroskey has given during
the past four years
For Rent ,? !
Business, space one-half block
oft State street, phone 2118. 1-4
New Entrance Planned
The new entrance to the Salem
YMCA has been placed some few
feet further north, necessitated by
the alterations that are being made
' D1KD
CHASE At the residence. 1309
Waller street, Feb. 3, Mrs. Be
. linda G. Chase, age 78. She was
the mother of J. B. Hileman,
Mrs. C. D. Purvfne and V, M.
Chase, all of Salem. She is al
so survived by foot grandchild
ren. Funeral services will be
held Thursday. Feb. 5. at 10 a.
m. from the ' Rigdon mortuary,
Interment will be In Lee Mls-
, elon cemetery. , ; , .
Uawrualed Cervioa , .
1921 Tori irdaa. mew paint
and lot of extras -$330
1924 Ford touring, just like
aew . $37S
1922 Ford ttydrinff in fine
eonditioa - f 235
Ford delirery, jaat risht tor
a farmer SI00
. And Mmny Others .
Newspapermen to Dine ,
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superin
tendent of the state hospital, is
giving his annual banquet to news
papermen attending the legisla
tive session at 6 o'clock Thursday
night. Approximately 25 repre
sentatives Of the press will attend
the dinner,! which will be'conclud
ed in time to permit those attend
ing to return in time for night
meetings at the state house.
to the lower floor by contractors.
The new entrance is winding and
at first confusing because it leads
on into the main auditorium of the
"Y" from an unexpected angle.
Vets Meet Tonight
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
are to hold a joint meeting with
the auxiliary at the Armory ' to
night at 8 o'clock, according to
announcements mailed to mem
bers. Entertainment is to be fur
nished by the Moore's Music
House entertainers. Each veteran
is urged to be present and to
bring a new member.
Monday, Dr. Stone
- By the use of medicine removed
a large CANCER from the lower
lip of Arthur Clemens of Route 4.
Box 1C, Salem. f-4
Some Large Family
We have a wonder buy in a
large home. It's worth $4,000,
and for sale for 83,000 terms.'
Here's description: 9 rooms, plas
tered, bath, hot water, basement,
on paving, close to schools, ce
ment walks, extra large lot with
flowers and lots of bearing fruit.
This Is the best large home buy
we have seen. Come in now.
Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank
Bldg. f4tf
Fairmount Hill Corner
The view you want. Paved,
$1500, terms. Becke & Hendricks.
U. S. Bk. Bldg. f 4tt
Listen to This
Especially if you like room; 5
large lots on terms for $750; trees
and view; south, near schools.
Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bk.
Bldg. f4tf
Hemstitching, Stamping
Salem Art and Beauty Shop 153
S. High. f5
Last Rehearsal Set-
Final rehearsals for the play.
Always in! Trouble, by the Pop
corn Parent-Teacher association,
will be held this evening and on
Thursday night. The cast has
worked hard on the production
and is trying to make this the best
of the three plays staged in the
past years. The comedy is under
the direction of Perry 'prescott
Reigelman of this city.
Visit Kiwanis Club
Anthony Euwer, Portland artist
and newspaper man, was a guest
at the Kiwanis clnb meeting yes
terday at the Marion hotel. Dur
ing this evening . and continuing
until Sunday he will have a num
ber of his pastel paintings on dis
play at the 'Marion hotel, under
the auspices of the Salem Arts
league. The public is invited to
inspect the display. No admission
charge is made.
Yonth Accused
Leo Killian has been charged
by the parents of Caryl Klezer,
Parrish junior high student, of in
ducing him to run away. Caryl
left a note at home stating tha
he was going away and when he
failed to return the mother be
came alarmed. Killian entered a
plea of not guilty.
Police Matron Returns
After visiting over the week
end with Mrs. Myra Shanks, the
police matron of Eugene, Mrs. M.
S. Ady, has returned home. Com
parisons of problems of the two
cities were discussed. -
Class to Meet
The Judge Bendson's Sunday
school class is to meet tonight at
the home of Rev.; and Mrs. TJ. S.
Crowder,"116 Marion, for the pur
pose o? getting acquainted. t All
members and their wives are In
vited to be present, according to
the invitation Issued by the com
mittee in charge.
Fat That Shows
Soon Disappears
Prominent fat which comes and stars
where it i not needed is a burden to
parry. hindrance to activity, a rnrb nvea
pleasnre. You can remove the fat where
It shows hr taking after each meal and at
bedtime, one Usrraela Prescription Tablet.
These little tablets are as pleasant and
effective as the famous prescription frost
which they take their name. Boy and
try a box today. All druggists she world
over sell them, at one dollar for a box, or
yon can order them direct from the Mar
mola Co., General Motors Bldg, Detroit,
Mich. You can thvs isy good bye to diet
ins, exercise and fat. Adv.
Capital Bargain
' The noose of a Blinioa aad
One Bargains :
, ... . 215 com . . .1
Store Snacc
High class business would con
sider renting small space to jewel
er or other acceptable line. Box
23, Statesman. f-4
Miller Seeks Art ion
The city of Woodburn must set
tie the controversy between N
Miller in retard to the ritv dumtv.
ingj sewage In Ferrier creek, ac
cording to the complaint filed by
Mr.lillerj. Either the cltyvmust
go' ahead twith its condemnation
proceedings on Ferrier creek or be
restrained from ever using it as
a place to dump its sewage. At
one time Mr. Miller filed action
against the city of Woodburn for
150,000, damages. - Once before
the city started condemnation pro
ceedings against the nroDcrtv. but
failed to carry the case to a fin
ish. .;: -
Proceedings Start r
Starting today at 10 o'clock the
naturalisation , hearings will be
held before County Judge Mc-
Mahan, the first of a number to
be heard during the year. :
.r m r - t i i"yis
Desires to Collect .
H. Gearhart desires to collect
$3632 and $200 attorney's fees
alleged to be due him on a prom
issory . note, and for foreclosure
of mortgage, according to articles
Hied in circuit court' against Chas.
E. Hall ahd others. - Assignment
ef the note was made to the plain
tiff by George and Marie Smith.
Receive Offers to Build-
Two different firms have offers
to build a new fire-proof, building
for the Great Western garage,
when It became known that the
present location was to be used
by the H. L. Stiff Furniture com
pany for the erection of -a new
building, according to the mana
ger and senior partner, George A.
Coffey.; Some arrangements may
De made With the Stiff interests
to allow the company to continue
to operate in the building, it is
declaredalthough it is felt that
temporary; quartern must be se
cured to care for the needs of the
business. I
Redding Sccel Mero
Charles-Redding has been elect
ed president of the freshman class
of Willamette university. Harold
Mero, who was elected to this of
fice a short time ajro. will not be
In school' this semester. Mr; Red
ding comes to Willamette from
fort Dodge, Iowa, where he at
tended high school, and attained
distinction as a. debater and ex
temporaneous speaker. He has al
ready proved his merit by securing
a position on the Willamette de
bate team, which is to make an
extensive I tour of the western
states in the near -future.'
SUM TXrUl Honored-
Rita Reid of Salem has been
chosen treasurer of the Madrigal
club of OAC to take the place of
Lucille Moore of Salem, who was
forced j to resign because of ill
ness. Miss Reid is a sophomore
in home economics.
Ifd!ator Kntertalned
Entertainment of a sufficient
and varied nature was offered
members of the legislature last
night. At 7:30 o'clock members
of both the senate and house,
their wives, clerks and stenograph
ers were special guests at the pen
itentiary show, ' "The Follies of
1924." which was presented In
honor of the visitors. - Following
this the Cherrians were hosts at
a grand ball down town. Practi
cally alii; committee work was
halted last night.
Mrs. Chato Passes On
Mrs. Malina Chase, 79, died yes
terday afternoon at the home of
her son, Z. M. Chase, 1309 Wal
ler street. The funeral will be
held at Rigdon's mortuary at 10
a. m. Thursday. ; Mrs. Chase left
two sons,. Z. M. Chase and A. B
Hielam. and one daughter, Mrs
C. D. Purvine. - -
IV s Just, Like Home
OURf establishment isn't just an
"institution" or an ' "under
taking parlor;" if s just a great big
home for those who call upon us,
especially arranged to meet the
particular requirements of our
profession. ; " ' .
Our funeral parlors will be found
to be beautiful, comfortable, home
like and convenient, a real tempor
ary home in every way.
Jersey Club to Meet
Ivan Loughary, field man of the
American! Jersey Cattle club, will
meet with the Marion County Jer
sey club Monday, February 9, at
the Salem Commercial elub rooms
at 1:30 p. m. ' S. A. Riches, secre
tary.- f' . ; ,: '
fCmhargo Raie1-- f :
- Washington "maintained . a two-
day embargo on day-old chicks
coming from Oregon, but upon be
ing assured there wasino disease
among Oregon' chickens, the em
bargo was promptly lifted.
" A wise f bachelor, muses R. D
Lamb never takes a girl riding on
a 'moonlight night . or pokes his
linger In an electric fan. v
Yom won't have much luck with
anythlngfyou don't enjoy doing.-
A a-r I
Mm a m?-m W m. JT
"Superior uunerai service-
2Q5 5a Church btrcct
Phone lu
1 ! '
State Organization! Man
j Speaks Here Against
' Mail Order Business
One of the largest and most
enthusiastic meetings of the Mer
chants' league of Salem was held
yesterday at the Gray Belle, with
C. S. 1 Hamilton as the presiding
officer. I
A. W. Tate, representing the
state retail merchants' j associa
tion, called attention to! the im
mense amount of merchandise
that was being shipped jannually
by parcel post. He also stated
that the mail order companies had
to pay 32 cents to get their cata
logues delivered, and later this
was reduced to eight cents. The
mail order merchants have one of
the strongest lobbies at Washing
ton and they are trying to have
the cost reduced still farther for
the delivery of their catalogues.
In discussing some oft the bills
before the state legislature, Mr.
Tate said that if the bills were
passed many of the merchants
would not be able to deliver goods
outside city limits. f
finished an engagement of two
weeks at the public auditorium In
Portland and are returning tfiere
for another week, starting next
Sunday. .
Opera Company Scheduled
To Appear Here Next Week
i p
Starting Sunday, Feb! 13. for
an engagement of three nights,
the Grand theater will bouse the
Brandon Opera company,- an or
ganization of 50 gifted voices that
made such a deep impression here
two years ago as the American
Light Opera company. The reper
toire includes "The Bohemian
Girl." "The Spring Maid," and
"Robin Hood." f !
"The Spring Maid" was the first
starring: vehicle for Mitl, and Is
the opera that made her famous.
It has not been seen here since
she did it about 12 years ago.
Local music lovers" need not be
reminded of the youthful vigor
and singing ability of the; princi
pals, among whom are Theo Pen
nington,; prima donna j soprano;
Harry Pfeil, tenor: Carl Bundschu
baritone; Ed Andrews, comedian;
Irma Tice, contralto; George Ol
son, tenor, and Chester Bright,
basso. . j
' The Brandon Opera company Is
billed as "the best light opera
organization in .America.", More
than 1,000,000 music; lovers have
so acclaimed in the past three
years. The chorus under the able
direction of Charles D. Hazelrigg,
has been winning special plaudits
and is rated "the best singing
chorus on tour." Those are ex
travagant phrases, but the com
pany has "made good":; on them
and hundreds of music lovers are
looking forward to the engage
ment with a feeling of keen de
light.. . -. ' ' - -Th1a-excellent
organization just
! Roy Shield, -attorney for the
Union Pacific system, was a visi
tor at the Kiwanis yesterday.
G. C Gillespie, executive of the
Standard Oil company of Portland,
visited in' Salem yesterday.
E. N. Regean, editor of the Al
bany Herald, was in Salem yester
day Sam H. Moore, proprietor of
the Oregofi-Corvallia Hatchery
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Walter L. Hembree was a visi
tor in the city from McMinnville
Mrs. Charles E. Duncan has
joined her huband in Salem,
where they are to establish their
home. Mr. Duncan ' is manager
of the Square Deal Welding com
pany. ' -
. N. M. Dickey of Sheridan was
in Salem yesterday..
R. E. Willis in this city from
Silverton. Tuesday.
Miss Doris Bottembery of Mc
Minnville was in the city Tuesday.
' C M. Rynerson, managing edi
tor of the Oregon Labor Press, of
Portland, was la the city on busi
ness yesterday.
Prof. I. E. Vinlng. of Ashland,
president of the state Chant ber ot
Commerce was in the city for a
few hours yesterday. He has
just returned from a trip to
Seattle. t
All the bemutu cream on fttrtA
canH git you an active liver.
, Keep your stomach sweet an0
' your liver active. You will
be repaid with " sparkling
" eves clear, smooth, healthy
skin and a breath with the
odor of Spring. ,
Chamberlain's Tablets
will do it. Get 60 of these pink
tablets for 2S eta. Take two to-night,
;. Sold tottywhtn
" Balm. Yard Opposite
O. E. Depot !
Will Trade Trees for Hay
- PHONE 10F4; -.
Now IMaying
"Husbands and Lovers"
f I
Xew Today
In . "' -
"The Masked Dancer"
come in & thanlc
us ourselves, per
sonalj for intro
ducing them to
and then, like as not, they
turn right 'round and go foi
us, lively, for not spread'
ing the good news . mora
abroad, that, in one place
in town, are die most com
fortable shoes ever! t
Thats what we bought
this newspaper space for
m . mi a
and to picture these tuca
State at liberty "
Council Brand Hill's Bros.
J5H oz. jars Vo better bulk coffee to be had
3 for 43c at these prices
- - i Lb. 48c; 3 Lbs. $1.40
r 25 Bars $1.00 . '
V . 6 Fluid Oz. 43c "
6 Large Rolls 39c FINE TABLE SALT
' . . ' 8 Lb. Bag 19c
SORGHUM Skinners Macaroni
No. 2j Can 37c 10 oz. Pkff.
v No. 5 Can 69c 3 for 23c
Per Box $1.15 14 Lbs. $1.00
3 Boxes $35 ' Limit Sl.OO per customer
A trial order will convince you that our merchandise
is unsurpassed and that the prices are right. Fresh,
clean stock. Free delivery.! - -
Yours for Business. .
River Roaid
2395 N. Front.