The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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OREGON "Manhattan"
UBERTT "Ports of Call1
GRAND "Bread" I,
BLIGH Vaudeville.
i Announcing That-- : j
. Misses Bobby Hendrlckson and
i Lucille Lacy and Mrs. Gladys Ir
win have 'severed .their connection
with the Model Beauty Shop and
will open their . own shop in the
( Bligo hotel lobby off or before
' Feb. 7th, andwill welcome both
old and new customers. I JSOr-fl
Fine All-Wool i I
Union-made overcoats at special
prices. C. J. Brier Co. I J30
HJ-r Entertained
The Salem HI-Y club were roy
ally entertained last night at their
regular meeting by a dinner pre
pared by members of the Girl Re
serves or the Salem high school.
Miss Jean Ship and Miss Lorraine
Pierce prepared the meal which
made the Hi-Y meeting a wonder
ful success. The menu consisted
of creamed chipped beef, mashed
potatoes, creamed corn, chocolate,
and fruit chips. The twoglrls
Buys Furniture i
Phon511 h i
Can for hire without flilreri
I PHONE 2020 L
Day and Night Berries j
Men and Young Men's
Tailored Suits f23 to 4S
Dr. B. H. White
Clectronie Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram'a method)
Office Phone S5 or 46-J
BOO U. 8, Bank Bids.
stafcUahed 186S
General Banking Business
Office Honrs from !
v 1
We Carry all Sizes tf oal
I flrmorTrrT-Sifir ftStOrafiG CO.
Reali comfort
If you've ever suffered from binding stocking
tops, let us recommend this extra-comfort style
the "Holeproof Extra-Stretch." The special
ribbed top never binds. It simply can't Yet
it never gets stretched all out of shape be
cause it has great elasticity. It's good-looking",
too. And has the famous Holeproof durability
which makes it very economical. We have it
. for you ! now, in Pure Silk, Silk-faced and
Lusterized Lisle.
G. W. Johnson
469 State St.
prepared the meal for the 30 boys
and won their full approval. A
vote of thanks was extended them.
Gray Improvement Shoppe
For marcels that please. Room
413 Oregon Big. Phone 187. fl
Artmckle Returns-!
George Arbuckle, of the Buster
Brown shoe store, returned to Sa
lem after a short tour of Southern
California and way points, Thurs
day, -j " ,tY
The Third Concert
Of the MacDowell club series
will be given on this Friday even
ing, January 30, at the First
Christian church, 8:15. Fredrick
Goodrich, ! organist, Frances V.
Melton pianist, j Nellie Schwab
soprano, Leslie Springer, baritone.
Admission 60c. I " J30
Committee Appointed
Members of the Salem organi
sation of the Realtors have been
appointed to act on a legislative
commttee, which is to investigate
certain measures! now before the
state legislature, j Those to serve
on the committee are Geo. H.
Grabenhorst, Mrs. W. Pettyjohn,
and, L.. ,Bechtel. 1
High Grade Piano ;
Near Salem. Will be sold to re
liable party at a big saving. $10
monthly will handle. A bargain.
Write at once to W. C. Taw, 432S
44 St. S. E. Portland. 130
Speeders Fined '
. S. S. Sturt was fined $5 for ex
ceeding the traffic speed law, and
R. E. Chadioick forfeited a $10
bail, which he deposited for his
appearance in court here. E. Conn,
contributed $5 to the city coffers,
because he persisted in driving
more than the specified, number of
miles ner hour.! W. M. BreSsel
Dancing! Dancing!
Salem's New Auditorium
Ladies Free - .
Wednesday and Saturday
Bezanson's Melody Phiends
Skating, Skating, Skating
At Dreamland
.Thursday, Friday, Saturday
7:30 to 10 p. m.
. .Hear Our New Calliope
a. m. to
from tbe lare furnace u
the smallest nut slxe. Tell
ns for what purpose the coal
is required and we'll point
out the proper slae to use.
But although we carry an
sizes; we handle only one
quality, the very best coal
from the rwy best mine.
Our coal servica it youn to
commands ! '
Price range from $10 to 18
Also handle the best
Diamond Briquettes fl
plus real beauty
and real economy!
paid a $10 fine because, he too,
wanted to travel faster than the
law allows. VJ i :;. ;
Try our Marinello Facial
At 245 N. High St. ! ? J30
Dedicate New Hall
The new I OOF hall of Alnine
Lodge No. 197, Alpine. Oregon.
will be dedicated February 14. Ba
zaar and home talent from 2:00
P. m. to 4:00 p. m. Banquet at
6 o'clock. One dollar per elate.
Public dedication ceremonies be
gin at 8 o'clock sharp. Everybody
Eat Whole Grain Wheat
For health. Phone 2141. fl
To Make Address
Elmo S. White, president of the
American Fidelity Investment com
pany, has been secured as the
speaker at the mass meeting of
the Richiond district. Tentative
plans have been made for the es
tablishment of-a community club,
and the actual organizing will take
place tonight at the Central Con
gregational church. Other speak
ers have been provided.
For ale-H!a-
Fine Minorca cockerala from
prize winning stock, 1971 Market.
- V 131
Regains Health
Miss Dollie Dutton, of the
Moores Music House was on the
downtown streets yesterday after
a serious illness of six weeks,' in
which she spent part of the time
In a local hospital. She is not
able to return to work, however,
but will be on duty within three
or four weeks, it is said.
Beet Grade
; 16" Inside Mill wood. 5 loads.
$18.75; 14 loads $35. Prompt de
livery. Spaulding Logging Co.,
Phone 1830. J30
Tree Strikes Line
' The reason for the surging of
the electric power of Salem Wed
nesday was due to a tree that bad
fallen across the power line near
Mllwaukie, causing a short circuit..
It is not know whetrer the tree
was felled by high winds or had
been cut down by a farmer. Usu
ally if the power company is noti
fied when a tree is to be cut down
near one of their high power lines
they will cooperate with the farm
er by sending the power over an
other line, and thus enabling the
patrons to have uninterrupted ser
vice. Of times it is dangerous to
the man cutting the tree when a
high tension line is broken.
Valsets Residents Visit-
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Powell. Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Grout, and Mr. and Mrs. F.
W Peters, all of Valsetz, arrived
in Salem yesterday , on business
and pleasure.
SWANSON At the residence of
his brother N. A. Swanson 1315
North Cottage street, January
29. Andrew Swanson,. age 62
He was the brother of N. A.
Swanson, of Salem, Sam Swan
son of Fox Island. Sulvan,
Wash., Peter Swanson of Kan
sas City, J. R. 8wanson of Ta-
coma. Mrs. Hans Nelson of For
est City. Ia.. and Mrs. Ingar
Olson ot Kansas "City. The re
mains are in charge of Rigdon
Sc. Son mortuary, and the funer
al announcement will be made
PETI In this city. January 29.
Frank N. Pete, age 35. The
remains are at the Rigdon &
"Son mortuary, from whence tne
body will be sent to Astoria lor
burial services. .. .....
Her. Ttejr Am
Overland . S4T0
Ofckl.nd 730
Star Sport , 575
Ford 193
Willys Knight tr 1215
WiUjr Knight trg. 1300
Oakland 350
Alao 3 new Willy Knights
See Our Overcoats
Special ads elsewhere in this is
sue. C. J.Brier & Co. ; J30
Secures New Name 1
O. P. Driggs has filed with the
county clerk the assumed name of
the River Road Grocery for the
business he Is conducting.
Free Lecture, Sunday, Feb. 1
8 p. m.. Derby hall bldg. "Was
Jesus God?" J31
Seeks Rack Money-
Mabel Cook desires that her for
mer husband, Ira Cook, show
cause why he should not pay her
8600, which she alleges is due for
back alimony, according to the
order issued in the county court
yesterday. She states that Cook
was supposed to pay her alimony
and support money.
Free Lecture, Sunday, Feb. 1 !
8 p. m., Derby hall bldg. "Was
Jesus God?" J31
A Play About Sale:
The Popcorn Parent-Teacher asr
sociation is to present "Always in
Trouble," as their annual play at
several of the surrounding towns
t Is reclared. Perry Reigelman,
who - has had considerable exper
ience as a coach in dramatic is in
charge. A portable stage is used
by the Popcorn school and they
are enabled to put on a regular
little play. The production will
be shown sometime in February.
Card of Thanks
We wishyto render our heart
iest thanks to the friends ' and
Moose lodge No. 91, Portland, for
the many beautiful floral offerings
at the burial of our brother Joseph
J. Lynch. Mrs. J. R. Chapman
and Mr. J. T. Lynch. J30
Parks Family Scared ,
A prowler,' tall, slender? and
middle- aged, wearing gray clothes
but no overcoat, tried to force an
entrance into the home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Park of 1145088
street Wednesday .evening: By
turning on the. porch light .Parks
was able to scare the man away.
Parks states that he Was scared a
bit, at the time. f
Something of Especial Interest '
To contractors and property
owners. Ready for spring busi
ness. Painting, paper hanging.
tinting O'Neil, 653 N. Front St.
Ryder,: 805 N. Church St. . Call
or phone. J31
Birth Certificates Filed "
Two birth reports were filed
with the city health officer yes
terday. A daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Brown,
Route 3, Salem, January 26, Mar-
Jorie May Brown is the name giv
en to the new arrival. Maxlne
Margaret Stoops is the name given
to the daughter born to Mr. and
Mrs. Stoops of Route 9, January
25th. ; , ,; !
i Strictlv modern 7 -room home.
close in on N. Summer St. ' 86500
if sold Immediately. Becke A
Hendrieks, U. S. Bk. Bldg'. ' j30
Trindle Leaves
W. H. Trindle, local attorney.
left for Washington, D..C and
other eastern points for a three
weeks tour. Trindle is to appear
before the Internal Revenue com
mission of the federal government
in the interests of the West Coast
Pulp & Paper company and other
Farm or Orchard Wanted
In exchange for brick and con
crete building in Salem. Income
$2100 annually. : Becke & Hen
dricks, U. S. Bk. Bldg. ; ; J30
Adam Warm Objects ;.
The high cost of getting mar
ried bothered Adam Wurm of
West Salem when he appeared at
the license counter of the Marion
county court house yesterday. He
said the first time he got married.
was back in '84 when things were
cheap. At that time a license cost
$1 and the services of a preacher
yust $2. Now, states Wurm the
license costs $3.25, and the sky
is the limit for the preacher and
an additional fee must be paid for
a medical certificate. Adam sigh
ed for: the good old days. The
license was made out to Adam
Capital Baryjain
( House
The Boose of m Mfflkm amd
, One Bargains 1 :
sis CT:;aT:,::t .-
Wurm- of -Route 2 and Maggie
Waterhouse, Salem.
Modern Salem iome in ex
change for strictly modern Port
land home. Becke & Hendricks.
U. S. Bk. Bldg. J30
Hl-Y Elects
Cecil Edwards is to head the
Hi-T club for the ensuring year as
a result of an election held at the
Y. last night; Dwight Adams is to
be vice president and Jack Harbi
son sargeant-at-arms;' Charles R.
Archerd, local implement dealer,
addressed the boys on phases of
character building.' J '
To Organize Club
T People living in the Richmond
school district are holding a meet
ing tonight for the purpose of or
ganizing a community club. The
meeting will be held In the Central
Congregational church on South
Nineteenth street. A program has
been prepared and a large number
of people are expected to attend.
Large Cargo Arrives
! The steamer Northwestern . ar
rived In Salem yesterday with a
cargo of 145 tons, consisting of
cement, sugar, groceries and pa
per. She will depart for Portland
this morning at 6 o'clock with
about 100 tons of paper. A re
markable feature of the service is
that in the 12 trips so? far made
the boat . has never varied more
than 15 minutes from schedule.
. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Brown of
Dallas .were visitors here yester
day. Mr. Brown la an attorney of
that city.
Dock Hamilton and Charles
Greyman were in the city from
Dallas yesterday. -
Mrs. Joe Kemper of Silrerton
visited in Salem Thursday.
J. W: Ebner of Mt. Angel spent
Thursday in Salem. '
Mr. T: Holman of Eola visited
in the city yesterday.
Mr. J. Berchtold of Mt. Angel
was in the city Thursday.
W. J. Stockholm visited in Sa
lem from Independence yesterday.
Kindergarten Measure Read
By Woodward and Collier
Establishments ' of kindergart
ens in school districts of the first
clabs is urged by Representatives
Woodward and Co'llier upon peti
tion of 25 parents or guardians of
children . between four and six
years of age. The measure is
known as HB No. 204.
The proposed law provides that
districts -having; 10,000 or more
than two additional kindergartens
a year for the next three years and
that districts -having less than
10,000 ;mpre than one kindergart
en in ahyone year; ;
The pibtol, however, isn't a
cause. It is a symptom. ,
A Good Thing DON'T MISS IT
Send your name and address plainly
written, tojrthcr with 5. cents (and this
flip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dea
Hoines, Iowa, and receive in return a trial
package containing CHAMBERLAIN'S
COCGH REMEDY : for cough, eelda.
croup, bronchial "fin" and whooping
cough, and tickling; throat; CHAMBKB
UAIN'8 TABLETS Cor stomach troubles,
indigestion, rsssy pains that crowd the
heart, biliousness and constipation; also
ery" family for barns, ' scalds, wounda,
pile and. akin affection; these -rained
family medicines for only 5 cents. Don't
titaa it. Ad. ; :
fen iTn rf
Mathis ( Nursery
Office and Sales Yard Opposite
the O. E. Depot
140 South High Street
We sell Coats Prune Trees
at Prices People Can Afford
to Plant. ;
Will Trade iTrees for Hay
. Real Good
Aiiciion Sale
.. TODAY, 1 :30 P. M.
: ! Take Highland Jitney"
6 hole range; 2 heaters; mahogany and oak dressers; oak
rockers; good beds; oak extension table and chairs; good
rugs; Congoleum 9x12; linoleum 12x12; library table;,
commode; oak stand; , fire place screen;- window shades;
smoker's stand; kitchen table; fruit Jars; kitchen utensils;,
garden toolswood; electric light globes. . Don't miss this
aale if you want furniture, rugs, rasges, heaters.
' ' Terms- Cash
VT;g. StaUing, Owner.
YVoodry bays furniture far
. , .
' The prison show
The Bits for Breakfast man saw
it last night.
m S
The entire show was prepared
by the prisoners in the Oregon
penitentiary; scenery made and
arranged by. them; every actor
and participant in any way is a
prisoner. And it is a good show.
There are traveling aggregations
charging three times the price
that do not give as genuine a
treat to their audiences.
i v s
The theater at the penitentiary
accommodates about 700 people;
seats about that many. It has
been filled every single night; and
people have been, turned away. It
will be filled again tonight, and
tomorrow night.
V m
This prison show will net away
above. $1000 to the entertainment
fund ot the prison; to be expend
ed for better music and musical
instruments and in other ways to
add to the facilities for giving the
men entertainment.
One newspaper reporter says
this show has putrid jokes and
indecent Illusions. Forget that.
There is nothing to It. The jokes
conform very well to the require
ment of Abraham Lincoln, who
said "a story should be neither
too long nor too broad." There
is nothng "broad" enough to of
fend in vthe jokes of th. peniten
tiary players.
: V v
One of the star performers is
Fred-Taylor (colored)r-who used
to work in the home of Supreme
Judge Frank A. Moore in Salem,
and who was well known as a boy
to most old Salemite8.
Break a Cold Right Up with
"Pape's Cold Compound"
Take two tablets
every three hours
until three doses
are taken. The
first dose always
gives relief. - The
second and third
doses completely
break up the cold.
Pleasant and 'safe
to take. Contains
no Quinine or opi
ates. Millions use
Tape's Cold Com
pound." Price,
thirty-five c e n t a
Druggists guarantee it. Adv.
Today and Saturday
A Paramount Picture
Last Times Today
Charles O. Norris f
With AH Star Cast
F. N. Woodry Auctioneer.
, " ' Phone 511
cash or sells on commission
There Is' nor a single thing
about the penitentiary show that
is not commendable and, decent.
It is given for a worthy cause in
a worthy way, and it shows some
remarkable talent by the men
serving time there. They them
selves give tbe best that is in them
for the benefit of the fund that
goes otwards tbe. betterment of
conditions there for all now serv
ing time or to serve tjme in the
future. V
Automobile Thief Said
I To Be Notorious Forger
Chief of Police Mlnto's stroll
netted more than an automobile
thief, according to communica
tions received from Federal auth
orities here. George Miller, who
was arrested after police officers
had shadowed, him and another
companion, L. Sullivan, In order
to see whether they would depart
in an automobile claimed by them,
appears to be a criminal extra-ordinary.
- .
According to the reports re
ceived here. George Miller is a
notorious forger, and has been
wanted by Pacific coast cities on
several charges of forgery, j The
department of justice requested
him and he was claimed yester
day by Tom Word, former sheriff
of Multnomah county.
j The exact charges holding over
Miller are not known here, but It
is surmised that "he will be tried
on charges at Tacoma or Seattle,
and possibly in Spokane. j
Normal School Locations
j. Are Still Being Submitted
Competition in normal school
locations is becoming keen with
the introduction -of another bill
yesterday by Representative Bates
asking that a school of this na
ture be located at Seaside and be
known as the Western OJregon
Normal school and College.'" The
question will be settled at. the
next general or special state elec
tion, according to the measure.
I Claims to the propriety of a
school at Seaside are set forth at
length. Including the fact that
during- the winter months there
are large numbers - of vacant
homes that could be had-by stu
dents at a low rental or for the
care of the property.
Wednesday Evening:, February 4 at 8:30
Prices Aults $1.00 Students 60c
i n w w a 1 1
Rye, White and Whole Wheat
A delicious cake just full of golden
brown daes and nuts. Something
new in the pastel line. "Yes, it's
our own formula."
Your choice
t T ilt'L.
Fever.hadache orrippe
, Colds break in a day for the millions who
use Hill's. Headache and fever stop. La
Grippe is checked. AH ia a way so reliable
that druggists guarantee results. Colds are
too important to treat in ksser ways.
AaJre1i 4U,V PrtcaJOa
A Pump
that Supports
the Arch
This attractive four-strap em
bodies innovations ia pump
construction that make it
desirable from a corrective
as well as a tyle standpoint
Built over a "combination
" last it clings securely to nar
row heels. .
The shank comes op nicely
to the arch of the foot and
is held therti pcr:nanently by
the snug fitting straps and in
visible steel support. -:
foLENDER rocrr 1
Arch Fitter J I
John J. Rotlle
I. 4
1 ,
at ;