The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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"Dante's Inferno'
Girl Mut,t Remain .
Alma Mills and Mary Holbrook,
inmates of the feeble minded
school, will not be released from
the institution, according to the
demurrer of state officials In the
habeas corpus proceedings insti
tuted by Alta Gaffney against J.
N. Smith, superintendent of the
school. It is held that the girls
were examined by Archie Van
Cleave, physician and surgeon,
and Samuel C. Kob3, phuschologlst
and physician.
After Feb. 1st . j
The Vogue will be located at
Balem Art and Beauty shop, S.
High street. 4- , 128
Father, Son Featured
Father and son were featured
in a duet at 'the- First Methodist
church Sunday ' when Rev. Mr.
Hickman and his son, Rer. E. C.
Hickman of the Kimball School I
of Theology, sang before the con
gregation. Some of ' the" songs
were composed by the Rer. Mr.
Hickman, who is here on a short
Buys Furniture
7 Phone 511 .
Can for hire without firfvert
PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service
Meaa mmd Tonus; Men's
Tailored Saita $25 to 4S
Dr. B. II. White
, . Osteopathy Burgerf -Electronic
Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram'a method)
Office Phone 8 5 or 4 6
JBOO U. 8. Bank BIdff.
CstaUished 1969 ' j t
General Banldns Businew ;
Office Iloura from 19 a. m. to P '
:. .. ".X, :Y.',pHON3'fieO-.'-!::- " ' ! 1
Hosiery that Flatter
Pretty Anldec ; ;
All Newest Cotors :
. ; it a? ... f . . . j 1 -
- " i ' ' " ; ' -f '-I' ' - V " r ' ' I
Today, you can see a complete stock of .
the season's loveliest hosiery.
And each pair possesses the famous
Holeproof durability. '
Elastic Top, Pire Silk! ... .$1.50
Full Fashioned, Pure Silk $1.75
FuR Fashioned, Chiffon .$1.95
G. W. Johnson Co,
469 State St.f
visit .with .his son. , Professor
Riddell. accompanied at the piano.
Other musical features .were the
numbers by the regular chpir,
which was conducted by" trofi iE.
Hobson. The outstanding morn
ing address was given by Tr. P.
E. Elliot, in behalf of theIlnfe-f
ter'a Retirement fund, which the
Methodists are-securing ; for aged
and indigent ministers, s i ..
Strikes Foot With Tool '
W. L. Craig of route 4 suffered
a painful but not serious Injury
when he drove a. pickaroott into
the instep of his foot. He was
employed at the endless,; chain of
the Oregon Pulp & Paper company
pulling pulp logs upon the -chain.
In an attempt : to strike: a log he
missed it and the tool struck bis
foot.- ' ' j ' i
Votttnteers at Work-.
Members of j the Leslie Metho
dist church ' have volunteered to
clear away- the debris. In prepara
tion for the extensive repairs that
are to be made there. Special ef
forts are to be made to have the
workers distributed- so f that the
greatest peedtsair-tenada'4he
alteration --. , -J
Gray Improvement Shoppe
For marcels , that please, j Room
41? Oregon Big. ' Phone .187. XI
Charles Keef Injured I
Charles Keef of 2983. Portland
road suffered a broken tiglt arm
when he slipped on the floor of
his home and fell, striking his
arm against a chair. lle?is im
proving rapidly. ; f
-; t
. . . -
1'owfr runerai it-iu s is i
Word has been receivedin Sa
lem that Alex Power of, Lebanon
died In that city Friday afternoon.
He was a f brother off the late
Frank Power; of Salem, land is
Dancing ! Dancing !
j Salem's New Auditorium
: . .. Ladies Freei .: f : ,
Wednesday and Saturday
: Bexaneon's Melody Phienda
Skating, Skating, Skating
i i fi - At Treamland ' 1 1
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
7:30 to 10 p. to.
Hear Our New Calliope .
from the lrg furnace to
the amallost nut Tall
ua for what purpose the coal
! required and we'll point
ouruie proper all tosnMj
But although we earry au
flzes, we handle nlp one
caaUty. -wSJT5
from the Tery beat
Our coal service U your to
command, , . I .
Price raw from f 10 to $15
' Also handle tie bert '
pljumottd Eriguettce C13
Sizes of Coal
' " n 1
-i "
survived, $y hJa iWlfej Mrs. Mary
Power, and a brother,! Leon Power
of rtlaiid. Hvwks la son of Mi,
and Mrs. W. R .Power who for
merfyTeiSlded in Salem. Mr. Pow.
e was born InKason. Minn., and
was"61 years of age. He was in
terested fn. the banking business
In Medford. The body was In-'
terred In Lebanon at 2 o'clock
Monday. i , j.
Speeders Fined
Fines of $5 each were im Dosed
upon Ben Williams. I. K. Willett,
Grace Frank and H. E. Joy at the
Salem police court yesterday for
infraction of the speed law. B.
D. Dotson forfeited $10, Ed Erlck
son, $10, C. A. Plattg $5, F.
Greenwood $10, Pitts Elmor 45,
W. Ruhl $10, and G. H. Morgan
sin .i
Bicycles Ktolen
Richard Strassbaugh of 1476
Nebraska, and William Heseman
Of 1810. North Commercial, lost
their bicycles at the Salem high
school last night during the bas
ketball contest between Salem and
Ashland, according ' to : a1 renort
fJleuL wtthhe city police-, of fleers
last night. . :-; A ;-l 1
Practical Rosines Course
Pacific ExperC school, 428 Ore
gon bldg. - - I J27
Educator Addresses Group - . i.
William F. Woodward, reore-
sentative from Multnomah county.
spoke before members of: the Uni
tarian church at a meeting held
In the Emerson room by the Uni
tarian Laymen's league. Wood
ward contrasted " the educational
system of the United States with
those of Europe. l
.;' 'DIED i ' i .
KAPPHA TIN Henry ; Kapphahn
died four miles north of Salem
January 26, at the age of 76
years. Survived by four sons,
V E. L. and J. A. of Salem, War
ner of Wadena, Minn., and Web
ster of South Dakota. Funeral
services will be i held at the
Webb- funeral parlors Wednea
day, Jan. 28.. at 10 a.' m. Rer.
Mr. : Kantner will have charge
of services, j Interment in City
--View ceiaeteryv r'i
: j iUl.l ' fJ -
IXAIAN At the residence. '1215
South Twelfth street, January
25, Mrs. Franchette E. "fnman,
widow of the late Daniel W.
Inman, mother of the late Mrs.
F. A. Turner and Claire M. In
man, attorney of ithl city; the
grandmother of Miss Joy Turner
of Salem and Rev. A. Turner of
Seattle. Mrs. Inman had been
a resident of Salem and Marion
county for about 30 years. She
had for years been a member
of the Christian Science church
; of Salem. Funeral services will
be held under Christian Science
auspices Tuesday, Jan. 27, at
1:30 p. m. from the RIgdon
: mortuary. Interment la City
'View cemetery, i; H " , ; ;
SHANAFELT -At Sheridan, Yam4
hill county, Jan. 2 4,. Mrs. Mabel
, ,E. Shanafelt, wife of Edward
. A. Shanafelt,. mother, of Marvin
: and,' George Shanafelt of Sheri
dan and Mrs. Emma S. Day of
: ; San Francisco. Funeral serv-
Ices were held s Monday, Jan.
26. from the Rigdoa mortuary.
. Interment was id IOOF ceme
tery. ' tv'; ' i
STIKSON At . San Francisco, oo
January 24 Logan L. Stinson,
a former "resident of Salem.
The remains will arrive today
and will be taked to the RIgdon
mortuary from whence funeral
services will probably be held
Wednesday, under direction of
the Knights of Pythias.; I
M85 gg -
Fords Ford- - , - -
More Fords
j Cheap Fords j '
j Delivery Ford, Touring
' Fords, Sedan Fords
Campaign Reopened
The last week 4' the cleanup
campaign for the buildine fund bf
the new Presbyterian church is
underway and will) be brought to
a close within a few days, it 1 Is
said. The greatest share of, the
$75,000 has been; secured for
building the first unit of the new
church and progress of the cam
paign this week . will bring the
sum up to the required amount.
.... l - ,:v-;
Teachers Defrauded i
School teachers of Oregon are
urged to be careful of the pur
chase of books from book agents,
is. the gist of a warning sent out
by J. A. CburchilU state auper
dents. Because ! of the methods
employed by the book agents,
teachers are oftentimes victimized
and as a consequence many com
plaints have been filed - with the
state superintendent;. The letters
ask that every -effort be made ' to
protect the teachers and the school
boards from the activities of the
unscrupulous agents, v: rf , v f
1 T - . - i ' 1 ...
Trartop Owners i- s"
; And anyone interested In power
farming ' should not ' forget"' the
tractor school to be held at the
Charles R.' Archerd Implement
Co.'s store, Thursday, Jan. 29th.
beginning at'S a.i m.j - J27
- r ' i '
Toung People toLead - i
The young people of the Uni
tarian church are to lead the serv
ices on Sunday, Feb. 15, accord
ing to the plans formed Sunday.
The reading of the text and other
matters will be performed by
students. i
Real Turnout T j :-i
A real turnout of golfers was
had at i the Illlhee -Country ; club
Sunday. -y About 1 20 enthusiasts
worked out, it wa4 reported, in
spite of the fact: that the ground
was soft. -1 i t ,;. -1 '
New Name Assumedr ; t ft
The Santiam garage Is the as
sumed business if name taken by
J. N. Adams and Gedrge C. Adams
fortheir garage at; Mill City, Sac
cording to the certificate filed
with the county clerk yesterday.
Speeder Arreated ' j , . " . ' '
W.. O. Klinger and WHilam
Dick were arrested for speeding
yesterday. , - . !
Buildinjr Permit
The Salem Brick sand Tile com
pany were issued al building pej
mit yesterday to cohstruct a kiln,
which Is to cost $2300. ' A permit
to erect a dwelling at 1805 South
Twelfth was issued to D. O. Mc
Ellrath, and to Peter Zerr to
build a dwelling at 1795 South
Twelfth street, at a cost of $1S00.
Service scauon
Have an excellent sight for ser
vice station and store on highway.
Will lease or operate on shares.
Address P. O. box 353, Salem,; Or.
t -. 329
-. t
Leaves Word Here f
Leon Mark Jones, an old timer.
dropped a greeting card to Hal D.
Patton yesterday bi a friend who
was passing through Salem on his
way to Portlandu, lie is the son of
Mark F. Jones, a resident of this
city many years; ago.,.. While here
he created much attention by his
interest In music. '
Fire Department Called .
The Salem fire department made
a run to the Perry 4rug store Sun
day to put out; a chimney maze.
No damage was reported. .. :
; I ' ; . . ; j ' .v..'
Boys Arrested - !
A. Belsher of 2434 Oak and N.
L( Hirons of 2417 Trade, minors,
were arrested : yesterday on a
charge of smoking cigarettes. -
Wanted Service Station
Equipment in exchange for fruit
ranch, in good: irrigated section.
eastern Oregon Address - P. O.
box 353 Salem, OrJ i )29
Banquets Are Held L
Two father and son banquets
were held last week, the first at
Jefferson Friday night at which
time 11 fathers pind sons were
present and the second Saturday
night, at Turner, with 40 assembl
ed. B. J. Kimber.! Marion countr
Y MCA secretary Was the princi
pal speaker at the Jefferson meet'
Ing. following which the fathers
organized the f?Y's Dads." which
has as its purpose? the sponsoring
of all boys' organizations In Sa
lem, particularly Jthe Hl-Y club
and Pioneer "-programs. '- This Is
the first organization of its kind
In the county. Rev. U." 8. Crowder
was the principal speaker at the
Turner banquet.
Celery Popular v .
Lake Labish celery is popular
In the east, according to the-report
brought back by Mr, and Mrs.
Ronal ,-E.- Jones, swhoyhavje lujt
returned from an. eastern tour.
They report'' a great demand ; for
KP Show Tonight-
Ivanhoe Lodge K; 1. Knights
of Pythias, dramatic tlub of Port
land, are offering "The Lesson of
Friendship. a drama In five acts,
at the high school auditorium at
8:80 o'clock, tonigbt. The; show
is offered free and under the aus
pices of Central Lodge No. 18, of
Oregon Alumni to Meet
f A committee . representing
Salem alnmnl o? the university of
Oregon will meet for a ! 5:30
o'clock dinner in ttbe Chinese rppin
of the Gray I Belle today for- a
"dutch treat" supper. ! The ! pur
pose- of the meeting is to get ac
quainted. The attendance jot the
Lane county delegation and sena
tors, representatives, regents and
newspapermen who have been af
filiated with the university are in
vited to attend. i ' : ;: Ml !
Take Over Albany Shop .
N. L. and S. I. Jennines.
of Sa
lem, have taken over the O. J
Hull auto top and paint shop lo
cated at 202 East Second street.
Leaves for Honolulu '
Dick . Riley, Teteran musician
who has appeared with the Cher
rian band for years, left vesterdav
with his son for Honolulu. Though
Mr. Riley has made his home in
Salem' for years! he left1 with the
avowed intention or spending the
remainder of his life in the sunny
land of the hulu dancers. I
Win Teach in Salem. , 3
The . appointment of Miss Doro
thea C iWoodworta, at present
doing extension work in the Uai
versity'of Chicago, to the nosition
Of instructor in the: riftniflmont
or ioreign .languages at Willam
ette university, ; was announced
yesterday afternoon bv Dean Geo.
H. Alden. Miss Wood worth will
teach Latin. Greek and English,
taking the place of Miss ! Lola
Housely, who has resigned., She
will begin work at the beelnnlnz
of the second semester, which is
next Monday. She is a graduate
of Byrn Mawr, and is the possess
or of a Ph. D. degree. (
Returns Home ! - '
Miss Clare Davis of Independ
ence returned to; her home in Polk
county after graduating from the
Salem hospital. Miss Davis will
assume management of the In
dependence surgical hospital. '
Fuhrer Active on Campus
. Walter Fuhrer of Salem, soph
omore In commerce jat OAC, will
have charge of the ushering com
mittees for the educational ex
position. - 0 - I
Cro Word Puiales-i-'
Cross word puzzles were used
as a means of stating the sermon
text at the First Biptist Church
by- Rev. E. Shanks at the regular
services Sunday ! evening. j "He
Knew Not That! His Lord Had
Left Him" was the j text Worked
out; by the congregation. Much
interest was Bhown, it Is stated.
Epidemic of - ItobberJe
Many' robberies have beef re
ported from Brooke over , Satur
day and Sunday; nights, according
to reports filed' in the sheritff s of-
, - : i
lice, -sacKs oi:onions were vaiten
from the depot "Saturday night and
Sunday 'night the Howard $mp
store was entered. Cigarettes, to
bacco and-$5 fn cash Was taken.
The Southern j Pacific depot! was
also entered, p.
Clan Irove9 lNpiilar
The salesmanship classes at the
YMCAi have been started with a
good attendance. It Is declared
Much enthusiasm is shownj and
one of . the most successful iyears
of the class is predicted. E. T.
MnTrnfikv. thk tparher. has; been
selected as instructor, making his
fourth year. Anyone interested
in 'salesmanship, - whether It jbe of
goods or of service,; Is invited to
be' present. It Is not necessary
that they enroll, but visit he
class to see. what is going on.
Meetings are held each Tuesday
evening. '
Gef. Ford en Duty
Dorri Ellis Arnold, formerly 01
Salem, will be- on a tiny tropical
island In the south Pacific during
the coming weeks, having depart-1
ed from Guam with a detail of
United States Marines. While at
this post he !will probably! visit
the Philippines,' Japan anf the
Hawaiian islands before retrirning
tA th United .States. . He is, the
son of Mrs. Barbara Arnold 1305
Highland avenue, Salem. .,
Cherry Pool OTganiased ...
1 O. E, Brooks has Jteen named as
manager. Max" Gehlhar as . secre
tary, and George Vick as treasurer
Of the; Salem ;Black Cherry asso
ciation. : Plais wcre.made tfor
the formation, of a pool for? the
next season.
Cut This Out-t-lt Is Worth- Money
Send this ad and : ten cents to
Foley & Co$835, Sheffield Ave..
Chicago. HU' writing your name
and address citearly. ; You will re
ceive a sample , bottle of Foley's
I Ion and . TnT ComDOUBd for
cbu2hs. colds and hoarseness also
simple package of-Foley. Pills,
diuretic stimulant for the kidneys,
and Foley's OaibarUc Tablets far
constfnatlon and biliousness. These
dependable remedies ars tree from
OJ-'Iiies alia MD wmfw uiiuiv4
Drager Ships Prunes
Two carloads of prunes have
been shipped by the Drager Fruit
company, one to Canada and the
other to Minneapolis. Since the
report of the Indicated advance
in the price Of prunes several ad
ditional orders have been secured..
Replies to Damage Suit
j Henry IJ. f Blair, defendant to
the $2,000! damage suit of Clara
D. Fee. who Is asking that sum
for a beating alleged to have been
given her during Christmas day.
Blair declares, that the plaintiff,
Mrs. Fee, came to the home of bis
foster father; W. H. Cullen, on
Christmas day in a drunken con
dition, with- moonshine in her
possession. I Blair alleges that the
woman was so drunk that she fell
by the roadside and had 'to be
cared for and other matters came
up that lie thinks the suit is un
fair and wants it dismissed.
Night OouKti Quickly Relieved
This is the substance of a letter
received from H. W. Webb, Quin
cy. 111.; fl coughed a great deal,
especially at night. Tried almost
everything j and have found noth
ing to equal I Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. One dose relieved
my cougu and I rested well all
night." One of the largest selling
medicines' in the world.; Contains
no opiateS.t Safe for children. In
sist uponf Foley's. Refuse substi
tutes. Adv. I j
A warning!5 ". '. " ":j
.i.-.t;v::,-s-;;-l . .
To the flax! grdwing friends of
the Bits for Breakfast man X
The acreage to be taken by the
state, is jroing; fast. If you want
to grow flax for the state, get in
and signi up. I Pronto Pdq.
It Is ifkely that the wall at the
penitentiary will be extended clear
around the flax industry. That is
a very geod Idea.
The Statesman had the news
of, the celebration of the 98th
birthday; of Jj H. Baughman, the
grand ; od (man- of Woodburn, on
Tuesday Jan.; 13. . . , '
How many more men and wom
en in Marion' and Polk counties
are that! old? .How many are old-
r?( ' How j I many are 90? How
many arts over 80? The Statesman
is goinjOo try to find out all
these people.! and tell about them.
Will the reader please help. Let's
start ona those over 90. f
In . the days of Moses ten laws
were considered ample for the reg
ulation of the? people. Since then
we have had more than 1.300.000
enactments! iof various ! kinds In
this , country alone ! and there are
still thousands of citizens clamor
ing for more laws, including many
in . Oregon. And In the mighty
flood; of legislation the; original
ten laws appear to be dangerously
near submerged. ' : 1 i ' : m .;
Once ,9 o'clock found the rural-
ities turning in; now it finds them
tuning n.j : . -t - jlT : ,
Buildings that cost over $6,000,-
I : j V ij 'ir-liMi i.;:
000 at ?! one of . the army; camps
brought only $77,000 when
auctioned off : under the, hammer.
Looks is If some folks would still
make afew shining dollars out of
Uncle Sam. - The nation has al
ready taken a loss of more than
$1,500,000,000 in the disposal of
various fwar accumulations.
Mrs. Helen! Danon former Sa
lem, resident! is visiting with
friends : here, i f!
. George Roger of Mt. Angel was
in Salem .Monday. ; j , i
Harold Ware. Boy Scout exeCfc
tive. is in Salem arranging for the
appearance of a regional scout
next week.' -Ir ' 3-"'
Mrs. I Guy j Smelter of Grande
Ronde was' in Salem Monday.
Carl T. Pope visited in Portland
on business Monday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richardson
of Dallas were Salem visitors, yes
terday. I 'i -: ' i : '
The Income tax blanks are be
ing, mailed out. Utopia is a land
here you can leave the income
tax blanks blank.
The boy of today seems to want
to leave auto tracks on the sands
of time! instead of footprints;
Capita Bruryjala
Tlie noue of a ?IIIHoa tsJX
' . : One Carrins -V
--'- '( r - -' "
Some Protection Offered But
Other Bills Would Give "A
Same Results
The Mills' bill offers some pro-j
tectlon at the primary . election
was the contention of Gus C,
Moser, president of the -senate, in
addressing the Chamber of Com
merce at their regular - meeting
yesterday. : j (
"I am not committed to the
Mills bill, any more than' to any
otherblll that will accomplish the
desired result,' declared the speak
er. 'The primaries must be safe
guarded and a. man must not be
elected to office who is not sup
porting the choice of the people.
Consequently there is no party
responsibility, and the only way to
hold the government responsible
and together is by . a party. There
must be a platform as in former
days." I - - . V .
The Mills bill states that a can
didate must receive at least 40
per cent of the votes at the pri
mary election. . However. Senator
Moser said, that this should be
modified to the extent that 33 1-3
per cent' of the votes must be se
cured. - Unless this Ib done a con
vention is held to nominate a can
didate for office. ) It: is a sensible,
sane proposition, the, speaker said.
, Senator Tooze, j of jthe ways and
means committee, in commenting
upon state expenditures said; ;that
the talk about reducing T taxes
should! be dropped. . The crying
educational needs of the common
wealth needs attention, while the
costly penal institutions have de
mands that must be met squarely.
The senator, -however' contended
that every man, woman and child
confined in the state penal institu
tions must earn his or her own
living. The state's needs must be
remembered, he said.
Road Tax Would Stand
: j Cost of New Building
Money for the construction of
a new office building to house
siaie ; aepariments on toe nortn
half of the city block occupied by I
the supreme court building Would '
be derived from a diversion of the?
quarter-mill state road tax if two
representatives' yesterday become
laws. ! : " T I ., ;
" HS Ko. 133 f Would authorize
"Papa's Cold Compound"
Breaks a Cold Right Up
Take two tan
lets j every three
hours! until three
doses j are taken.
The first dose al
ways ; gives relief.
The second and:
imra looses com
pletely; break up
the cold, Pleasant
and safe to, take.
Contains no qui
nine; or opiates.
Millions use
'Pane's Cold Compound." ; Price.
thirty-five cents. Druggists guar-1
tntee it. Adv. i
....... . 1 . -
- - -I - .f . ' "I I -. :
Wednesday Evening,
Prices, i Adults $1.00
Ferry and Cottage Sts.
Meetings Daily 2:00 and 7:30 p. m.
s ; (except Monday)
Everybody's . meeting The old-tme rdgtrn".
The full Gospel-Salvation, Baptism of the Holy
Spirit, Divine Healing, and the Second Coming
of Christ
- . Sick Prayed f or Brinrj Them
Come and Seje ; 'tit-i' Special Ilusic
6 piece orchestra led by "Louie" the'.Wenatchcc Indian
the construction of the building
by the board of control, plans and
specification's to be decided upon
by the. board j and appropriations
of $410,000 for the purpose U
sought. The, other measure, Hll
No. 136 diverts the quarter-mill
road tax for 1825 and 1926, am
ounting to $264,720.18 each year.
In his message to the legislature.
Governor Pierce asked for the re
peal of this road tax, which is said
to have " been used for nearly
everything except road building.
TodayWed nes day
-It's Just Hell
Starting Today
f Starring
Barbara La Marr
: i and
, Bert Lytell
A Tractor School for
r Power Farmers
" ' n 1 ': -if .. r..-if,i
This is Your Opportunity to
Learn More About
f Tractors
A tractor school is to be held
by Charles R. Archerd lmp'n
ment Co.,! the McCormick-Deer
ing dealer at Salem, Oregon, on
JANUARY 29TH, 1925
i : -
This school is held for the
purpose of being of help to the
users of j tractors and tractor-drawn-
tools, and also to all
who are ! interested in - power
-farming whether they own a
tractor at present or not. The
school is to be practical In every
way and! there will be some
thing of iinterest doing all the
time. Undoubtedly, many have
questions! about the internal
combustion engine which tbey
would like to ask. These will
be answered -at tbls school.
The men In charge of the school
have valuable data available
which may help solve thes
problems;. If they haVS not tht?
Information that you are look
ing for, we are sure that they
will get It for you..
This school is also given for
the benefit of young men and
others who i are. interested in
taking up the study of operat
ing tractors! and tractor-drawn
equipment. jThis is a rare oi
portunity to get a good start in
the knowledge of modern tract
ors, their operations and caro.
We will make the time profit
able to you.; Kindly plan your
work and arrange to be present.
We are confident you will be
amply repaid in knowledge for
the time you give.
Do Not Forget the Date
1 at 9:00 A. M, Sharp
Free lainch will be served at
noon. : Come prepared to'epend
the ay. j j ' '
February 4 at 8:30
Students 50c