4 then quit are desired: If you are SPRING SHIRTS j ; '-'-J' -it; CITY NEWS IN BRIEF . - - I- $ " i printing Brings Debate By decision of the house, the text of bills vetoed at the last session of the legislature, together with objections raised by Govern or Pierce, will not be printed un trl the committee on vetoed bills makes its report. The printing was sought to "famfiarize; new members with the text of the bills. Representative offey 'objected to WGODRY Buys Furniture Phone 511 Typewriters SI ICoataly 0. 1C LoekwMC 347 N. Com. Bfc. FbOM 68 TEKXHHAIi tTAXI SERVICE ; Oars for hire without dlien PHONE 2020 -Day- and Night -BerTica0"1- I 4 a .r7 CRYSTAL GARDENS The Ball Room Beautiful f il " ; Music By ' J BEZANSON'S MELODY PHIENDS PHOLtOW THE PHIEMDS LADD & BUSH BANKERS Estahliihed 1SCS General Banldng Business OtOoe Hosts from ! a. m. to l We Carry all larmerTosfCiGSiorago.Gft, G. i W. Johnson & Co. 469 State St. this, holding that it was a waste of money, for the bills might be handled within the committee and not referred to the house ; for action. j - For Sale, Trade or f f Rent, modern Hotel, furnished Possession at once. Inquire; HQ North Commercial street. J21 New Member Selected t - Dan F. Langenberg, vocal inl structor with offices in the Hauaer building, and song leader, for the Salem Rotary club, joined! the Chamber of Commerce at (heir last meeting, j This membership was brought to; the club by C. F Breithapt Fred "W. Karr, ,raff fic manager of the" Oregon Pulp & Paper company and for: the In- POPULAR PRICEDf Men's and! Young Men Tailored Suite 25 to S4S D. H. MOSHERl Dr. B.H. White . Osteopathy - Surgery Electronic Diagnosis and Treat ment (Dr. Abram'a method)' Office Phone 859 sor.4W ' ' "60ff tt. S: BanlTBldg. Sizes of Goal from the 1 large fmrnacto the smallest nut size. Tell us tor what purpose the eoa Is required and yell poln out the proper alia to uj But 'although we carry sizes, we ' handle only . one quality, the very beat coal trom- thelTery te Our coal service 1 youre W command, . . ' Frlcee raae from $10 to f IS i ai rifTwn the bea$ s diamond Briucttee C13 j The Beot In Come here for your Spring Shirts and you'll be sure to get . -:th;e most perfect shirt satis , faction. Shirts From $1.50 to $6.00, '! ? S '- i ""- - - - -; - " i- tr Every Shirt is liberally cut, wjll ft you perfectly and give you a world of service. : See Them In Our Windows land waters .transportation com pany, which operates the steamer Northwestern, ; and Rev. C. C. Pollng.paster of the Evangelical church were also made members. Rev. E. H. Shanks, pastor of the First Baptist church brought in the membership of Rev. Poling, f Cut Flowers, Floral Pieces ; I Adams, Florist, 453 Court. J21 Hertxog Visits Chicago L Prof. yr. H. Hertzog of the Kimball school of theology is to be present at the life service com mission in Chicago when they con vene next week. This Is part of the work carried on by the home mlsion board. Prof. Hertzog will leave for Chicago Sunday. . ' Fereral Tire Servi Temporary location. Ferry jSt, opposite Marion hotel. J21 Large Family Homea - 6 to 10, rooms. We have three dandies. Heres one 9 rooms with basement on paving for $3000, Reasonable terms. Becke ic Hen dricks, U. S. Bank BIdg. )-18tf . .Liquor Toters Fined . Max Page, local attorney, rep resented C. S. Severson In the po lice court yesterday : and pleaded guljty to; thajpoasessioa. 4u Uauor after the 'later had been arrested by officers during the week-end. , ; v : died KUHNKE At the home this city, . January 19, William Kuhnke, age 71 years, survived by the following (children: Mrs. J. Fandrich, Saiem; Mrs. J. F. Henderson, Fred Kuhnke and William of Canada; John Kuhnke of Portland; Charles of Kelso, Wash. Mrs. Joseph Ham mond, and Mrs. Bertha Carle son of Salem; Mrs. O. Empey of Canada. Funeral services Wed nesday, January 21 a tl0:30 o'clock from the residence. Rev. H. W. Cross officiating. Inter ment Salt Creek. ' RIgdon tc. Son. ELD At Parkland, Alberta, Can.. January 18, Gust Eld, age 68 years, survived by his wife and three sons, Edward Bert Eld, - Arthur George Eld and Henry Eld, all of Salem. Announce ment .ot funeral later from the IUgdon. mortuary. : i j'.- "i . : - ; PRATT--January IS,' at the resli . dence, 615 north 14th. Har ry William Pratt, age 71-years. Husband of Mrs. Rosa f Pratt, of Salem. Also survived by brother and sister in Kansas. Funeral services Wednesday, January 21, at 10:30 o'clock from the RIgdon mortuary. ' Christian Science service, after which the funeral cortege will proceed to the Portland crema- '' ' torium. : j -, ; ' V: 'X ; ! ;i' . 'j' ;i KRENN At his former; home near Llvesley station, John Krenn, age 7 years, died this morning. He Is survived by one con Gregor Krenn, one daugh ter, Mrs. Theresa Karner and two grandchildren. Joseph and William Karner, all of ( Salem, Or. The remains are at .the chapel of the Salem mortuary. Funeral announcement will fol low. ' FUJfERAIi The ,funeral services for Mrs. Kesiah Pickett who died in Ta- coma. Jan. 17. and her eon, Wil liam B. Pickett, who died at san Dieea. CaL. on Sept. 11. will be held at 2 o'clock today at Webb'a Funeral parlors. Rev. Undljey. Wells of Seattle will conduct the services. Interment in the CKy View cemetery. Mra. Pickett was a resident of Salem from 1894 to 1913. ; RIGDON SON'S UOSTUAQZ L ' I ..- TJaecimaXed Carrli v v 1924 Star (Sport - Touring f Taken In on a Willys Knight i . This car :, looks and runs like new. Lota of extras a good buy at $373.00. Our used cars are moving. There's a reason. John Anderson, who - was jointly charged with the same offense was given a tine of $75, f which was the amount assessed Severson. Tom Carlson, who was' driving the car in which the liquor possessors were traveling, paid a fine of $25. after he had been charged with reckless driving. - . - ' ,j Ht -i l-V Visit the Pacific Expert School i Before deciding: : 428 , Oregon BIdg. r.-.( . ! , J21 Steinbock Breaks Wrist i San Steinbock suffered a brok en left wrist when he slipped and fell from a woodpile! when he was splitting wood at his home yesterday. . . J' . :' Sylvestor Shuelke caught the in dex finger of his left hand in a cog and it was so badly injured that the first phlahge was ampu tated. His home is near Ricker- Always the Latest! Hits In sheet music forf records, or player rolls, .at Moore's Music House. ; Moore's mean" Music. 321 Thrift and Jtfnsic--1 f Yi .1' -Are boon - cympanions. Both foster that which is enduring and of permanent good to the individ ual or the community Let music in the form of a! piano, phono graph or radio herald your life time ' membership j in the- Thrift league.' Moore's Music House, 409-415 Court. Phone 983, f J21 Stanley Wins Prize Stanley B. Lainson won a: ,5 prize for a naughty, but nice story, which he submitted to the Fawcett PublicatlOnsJ The story is to be printed in the "Wilis Bang' and other publications of the company. i f s Gray Improvement Shoppe Expert marcelling, I shampooing, facials, scalp treatments. Room 413 Oregon BIdg. Phone 187. J25 To Prove Our Claims As to the quality of our stamp ed goods, we offer 20 cents worth of embroidery thread free with each dollar purchase of stamped goods. The Petite j Shop, (over Busick'a store.) f ; f - n J 2,1 Federal Tire Service Temporary location. Ferry Pt., opposite Marion hotel. J21 . .Building Permits-J i City Recorder Pottlsen issued a building permit Tuesday to H. C Hummel to erecta pne and oue half story dwelling at 1185 Madi son at -an approximate cost of 13000. C. F. Homyer was given a permit to repair a dwelling at 865 North Twenty-first, which Is to cost $600. I " t Two Repossessions j- . On, console type f phonographs, both standard makes. Genuine bargains In phonographs. Moore's Music House, 409-415 Court. Phone 983. -J -4- - j21 Speeder Nailed I R. D. Gilbert was arrested for driving his automobile 27 miles an hour .along South Commercial yesterday. ; .1 1 "::;s Beautiful Colored Night Gowns AfvThevPetite Shop, where you get 20 centsworth bf embroidery thread with each; dollar's .worth of stamped goods. l93 N. Commer cial Upstairs, j i21 Federal Tire Service : Temporary location. Ferry St., opposite Marion hotel. - J21 Speakers Wanted f ; - Speakers for the different com munity clubs of Marion county are in demand, according to the, bulle tin of the Salem -Chamber of Com merce. - Orators' who really - have something to say and who can talk. about, 20 or 30 minutes and Today Only Jack Pickford ' ! Garrison's .Finish LIBERTY 25,000 Pounds of Grape Root WANTED Also Fir Pitch " Capital Bargain ' House The House of a MUlUm aad One Bargain . - 213 CLLVrLl a silver tongned orator J just send in your name and address' to the Chamber of Commerce office and you will be cara for. Fereral Tire Rervire Tempoi orary location Ferry St., Marion hotel j I ! J21 opposite Two Places to Eat Here and at home. Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe. 165 North Lib erty street. J21 Veterans To' Meet . The first meeting of the new year of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars is to be held at the armory tonight at 8 o'clock. ; Col. Carle Abrams, newly elected ! command er will preside. I Entertainment will be. furnished by the Moore's Music House. Every member is urged to attend. I ! Boxing Salem Armory Friday, Jan. 23. Billy Gardeau of Portland vs. Charlie Dawson of Eugene; 10 three-minute rounds. Spike Crosan of Salem vs. W. Hennings of Portland. 6 three minute rounds. Two snappy pre liminaries. j J22 Package Found s i . ! A package containing women's clothing and addressed to Mrs. Ridenour of 7119; Lewan road, Seattle, Washington, was found by Officer Smart in front of the ar mory last night, t ; Salesmanship Class Started The first meeting of ! the TMCA (Continued a pc 6) amnwimmnmiii(iriifiiTOitii)wimi!mitii(iiiii'iim i 1 i i i i i I ! a s i 1 i. i ' t 3 I. 2. 3. 4. I r 1 1 1 by looH His ;rto i i f -3 . i i I i ii ii 1 1 p ' j ; - : ; ' -; :ii i -:' -i '-j : :-: r; " 'H fl ) : ';' 'M r:f": . jj ,-fcf-. i":H: -J' : . l: . - : 1-1 , n , : i :i-..ili-:l':i. ' ! : ' tf" fi i . ' ; ' - ::! .riy'iiAk.r:": -, - i" : . i- . riiznr in w 1 UDEE1HL im I J . I . , J hi 1 WAom Is It For? ' 1 - : TJOR what class of people was our Ixl' j i ; A establishment created ? The j Cr -j ! r :only answer we can make to such a , 1$ W . I question is that it was built for the &i $1 Ml J use of all the people; class distinc-, W R J ; tions are wiped out utterly when lis V vpcvi : . L wrt ' ' Our funeral parlors were de- I - rj , Wr I' ' signed and built 'ani are operated M "U7 POn"?1 ri w . i for the bene'fit of !"ALU wlio call ' J iNZ JWq I 1 Ml WEBB S 1 (Wi&Smj W TJERAL PARLORS l(ivV VJ)I) SW 7 "Superior ttnert Service" WffiW Vr 2SaChureh StxJy0: u THE SIX LETTER WQRLX THAT SOLVES l : THOUSAND PUZZLES ! Systematic Savings of Your Extra Earnings Means: Freedom, from money I o make you a free man Bridging the space between yourself and financial independence. . .:; j i : .f-:'p " To make possible the pleasures and comforts of - y ; ; v T: :: H:. : -v ! : ; 'I'I tiff if i; v Growing Whiskers What are thought to be the longest whiskers in the world are an American in the middle west. They are 77 years to grow them. Recently an eastern professor annual salary never exceeded thought of tomorrow and spend What Are You .Growing? Actually Saving Millions Tliis America of ours is Did you know that pur people save a total of about $30, 000,000 a day? It is true, j :.TTH14 jLtJ JJ" ABoUt 30c a day for every man, woman and child in this country and yet there are plenty of people who! are not saving a centfc and spending money faster , than Be a WISE one and join the savers. Start a savings account in growing a competence. Money in the bank is working ways ready at your instant calL Resolve now to make 1925 a ready for you. r First IMatioiial r Salem, CMaai553 iu' TrxDZRAL aescKvcj ; ''.- :-;.:; 'MllKf ,-l-iV!: -Ui i'.!'r'?.i:-.-- worries.. ' instead of a wage slave. hi; i- ii ..j i.--.. 17 feet long and it ; if. died, leaving an estate of $300,000 $1800 a year. Too many men their time growing whiskers. getting to be a biff countrv. - they 'make it; the First National Bank and H'H for YOU day and night and more successful year. A book is Bank Oregon A rl i 1 life! -,' worn take f begin is al u,. -V , .car-" H-R:i