The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    the orjftoif srXTt&aAn; -sALtrj, totG&V
uLii.ill IllS
Liens Club Directors Give. All
f.Iem&ere of Orgsniza- -
tionSome Wofk
Erery member of the Lions club
has: been plated" on a' commute'
for -some specific duty, according
to the announcement made - Fri
day at the regular meeting of The
organization at Hotel Marion! Ap
pointments' were, made by the
board of;directors of the Salem
Lions club consisting of the. offi
cials and M. D.Ohling,. Harry tV.
Scott, Lloyd T. Reynolds', and' C
P. Giese. " '.. - .
The of fleers elected are W,; W.
Rofeebrangh, . president; W. T.
Hickey, Guy .L. "Jtathbun," and L:
Luhsford, first, Mcond; and .tbi-rd
vice, presidents respectively: H. R.
White, secretary,, and Rich- .ner
mann, treasurer. ! Dr. SVV "ft. &btt
and F. E. Neer are past presidents
of the organization and they are
-members of the board of directors.'
The standing committees, with
tb0 ( first man tamed acting . as
chairman have been named. They
are as follows: ' r .' '
Constitution ' and ; by-laws M.
D. Ohllrig. Robin Day, Dr R. L.'
Edwards, Lee Abbe, Q. Adams.
.Attendance committee: L.
Lunsford. J. E. Fitzgerald,' Al
Krause. R, C. . Aiken. E. A.. Klein.
Publicity: Allea Kafoury, Dr.
, W.i B. Mott. R. N. Mcponaid, J.
A. Button, Florence Pope.. "
Finance: W. T. Hickey,' L. T.
Reynolds, Mark McAllister, Frank
CdplLaT Hardware cz
'J' Pumituro Cor
rest rrleje "
J B, Com' ,t t iione S
EEiOUH; vindav display of late mqflcjs
LoduSIiccr, tho very nevesi! ihmrro" t lit
the eadlbmfa6for:lVi prcdch:
; also the 4 :
and Ksfcem. Leather
two very new creations:. Get d pnir before the rizca are
ii another
Bligh, Geo. Ely, Lester Schlosberg.
Rich L. Reimann, E. L. Welder.
Memberships: C. i P. Giese, L.
Luhsford, Ralph Kletzing, 0. F.
fates, Jfr, Wj. ROsebraugh, 0. A.
Johnson. . " ' :" . .
Program and entertainment:
W. W. Rosebraugh. M. D. "Shling,
Al Krauze, .Carl Wohn'er." Betty
Bedford. -
Stunt committee: Rufe White,
Carl Woqnet, 1. Springer, ' John
KottTe" JU rsiratisbau gh.
' Inter-club committee: Dr.; W.
B. --Sto't'tV 1; T.' Reynolds, Geo.- Ely,
F. II. Struble, It. Budlong, R. Jtei
man." -;iIL.:!
.Transportation: J. E.,- Barber,
. H. Flournoy,. L. Springer, ; Bill
Watkins, Glenn Gregg, Dr. C. I
George. -! - f- s , . i .
U8W "work: Harry 6c0tt C. F
Giese,. Dr. R. L. Edwards, O- IX
Olson, Otto HlUman.
- Educational: Guy Rathban,;Roy
C. Harding, C. B.. Grabentofst, CV
Strjcklin, F. A. Williams, Archie"
Fleeher. '.' J' i t- ' ; ; -Recention
: J. : E. . Fitzgerald.
Harry. W, SEOtt, C. F. Ddaner W.
S. Dustin. 1" I tf
i Field? Serviced Lt jlLunsfOrdj
W. ROsebraugh. C. F.; Gieae Df.
W. B.'.Mott, M. D. Ohllog, F.
Neer.'; ': ' ' - VJVj -r "
- Civic welfare: Ross Miles, C. B.
Grabenhorst,, Roy BohannonJ G.
W. Nvlson, Fl H. StrublevlL jIhn
son, C. E. Wilson, j ''-IH -'
.Grievance committee: W. J P.
Wafklns'.-iRoy. cWassam, C. D.
When your back' fa sore and
lame or lumbago, sciatica' or rheu
matism has yon stif
fened up, don't suf
fer! Get a 3$ tent
bottle of old, honest
St. Jacobs OU' at any
drug store, pour a
little In- your hand
and rub it right on
your achinr . back.
and lameness' -1 s
I In i use' for' -;5
V I-years, this soothing;'
. LI penetrating oil takes
tjoe pain right out, nd;en.da ne
misery. It IS absolutely hatmress
and doe'sa't turn the skin. jid.Y.
See the N6v
new thins we ere cfterxncr
Ccncfdorinjj Siyle '
f ....... j ' i - ti ' I . M '
FIElDSEfflf "
..... - " ... . , . ' - - ...
Dr. Tufts Finds Popularity of
! Willamette Growing in f
- L. ..-.Wide Territory 2
i'i'he field" secretar of Willam
ette' uMve. pf . ,G. L. TufU Is
liow in the city ibokfng atter the
interests 'of the institution.: He
has headqtiarers at both' Portland
and Salem. . The work of Rev. J.
E. Purd'ylias teen turned over to
DK.TuRsV wfib'is now in charge
of the fiehi work for the entire
ste,,. m
,;iT6e popularity of Willamette is
gtbwlngpthVdughout , Oregon and
the" surrOUndihg 's'tatts; says the
field secretary. The school has
laV'hlghys enrollment of Its his
tory. The' urgent need is for more
buUdfnss and a' larger - Tacnlty.
Th.- million-.' dolla.rv endowment
fttnd will yield opt $60,000 an
nual income,: This., money. i and
much' more yrii be spent Jere at
Salem. DTV Tufts "will call on
those who are in arrears on their
pledges to the Forward Movement
"With united effort." says .he,
"the' anTversity and the city should
make a forward stride. Let air
ptitheir shoulders to the wheel
ad their ha&ds in their pockets
and resolve, on success'. ? ' !'
Adams,-Al Krause 'Dr.; C.
George. '
et. Carn
eit, Carl Woaaerr Rufe White, Bet-
ty Bedford.
Clr Bv WAHREil- - ' ; - t -
; (Contlaaed from f 1)
rrifcommended by Senator Couzens,
(epHblicatt-iPf that state, and tne
Michigan delegation in the house.
The appointment was referred to
the Judiciary committee In the us
ual course. ' ; ':
iPendins senate action on his
nominatioii to succeed- Associate
Justice ' McKenna, resigned, - Mr.-
Stone will- ronthrue- to hold- his
place4 in the. cabinet. Action on
hbi nomination has been-held u
temporarily .while- examination Is
; :'ZA
4 . '
lliis wctk
Jt ' :;:
&afe of cotirlf rrec6rd3 Jriste J
l?d a judiciary . sub" btomittee yes
terday byt James LOwabey.-of
Bbuldert Colorado; j i $ f
1 1 In- &e s'e'lect'io'tt of MV. Warrtn,
the president Drugs' to htsr advis
ory cdu'nclt a man 'i who . ha!s had
long' erperience In the public, serr
vice" and who for years has efen
one of the leaders of tils' party. '
State Kefh Board D6ctor
' Visits in Salgrn VVedncsy
; Dr. Estella For Warner mem
ber of the state health; board, was
in the ity yesterday: otr busiaess
pertaining; to' the i child - nealt'h
eemOnstrat'Ioti, Which? - is be
brought-to 8alem iWUBIn- a few
ekSi- . '" ,.:t' i;-."v: : j .
1. Dr. TO. H. Brown, who Is to be
In charge of the entire demonstra
tion of child health welfare, iTMeh
js (& be staged in Markm county
0'uring- the- next' five; years,- Will
be fnt the city January 16. ! " ;;
. ShorUy after Dr. Brown's arrtv
fi here a complete -surrey' of the
county will be made! by sereral
Workers, Ths work will require
from; fotir to; slx-wefeksi but- alter
Hi completion Dr Bfowh's corps
Pf workers will be brought to: Salem;-f
' - -'r M :'' " "
UiAfter the final surrey is made
thfe chiidren of Marion county will
bia giren btteV adrantages from
a', healtn Tiewpblnt-than' any other
county in the west?. - M
.. - - "I -- '
' ' - .. . i
Pledges 4 Also Initiated - By
ji : ' Last Night
' 1 The' Jhllddorfen literary society
Of Wlllajhette uniVeAlty held a
tdrmal , initiation . service for-a
sumbeT" of pledges last night at1
ne society halls, after" Which re
frtshments were' partaken of at
the Grey BelW. r ;f; .r "i : "l1
Offlcersl tdt the comihg semest
er Installed were RaWson Chapin,
president; rancisEJllK yice'-res-ident;
-:f.ucien ; Cobb, Secretary;
Harly Alleri1, treasrtr; ;Claire
Geddes, cirttlc and Karl Lawton,
reporter. A tribute was paid to
Dwight Findley, retiring president
of, the organization, wh6' has ef
ficiently conducted ttip affairs! 6t
the cociefr during the past sem
ester "t:"ivt" :-?rJ' l?r,
., New members formally received
into the society last night were as
follows; Victor Htek; AllyiL Mo
ede, Harry Oberson, : Harold Mam
ford, .ft -Gilbert! Wrenn, Patrick
Dahjin, Llafleld Sehlndler, Frank
Alfred, ilson F. Lau'ner, Wilfred
Thomas, : Dougiad V. . j Wllkensun.
Royal .Keefer, Antonio F. Rowan,
Louls Oberson; Eldbni Scott,- Kern
neth Van Nice, Meredith . Wood
worth, Kenneth Litchfield, Joel V.
Berreman,' Russell Cox, Bruce
Spkulding and . Paul Foote. i i
A. Mile, 4Sl2t. 21t. fbone 1902-J.
-tem, Ongotr. - ",14-jJl
home. 4 to 9 room. . Balance like rent.
Kigiif 'mow we hare' exteiteat berraraise
- in larce medium priced home S8000
:tv $i606. All TTeloti of feroand,
.besrteir frwit.' rtr. ?Cotne iv' tovn. -
2 Strictly modern with furnace, garage,
j large: rooms,, port he a d iIls. . Cor
ner view Idt riglit" -whee' ywi want it.
-lecided Kareain riebt ztrrw. ' " .
BKCfcTK ft' liEXDaiCETSr " ' '
U. 8. Bank Bldg. - 25-Jlltf
have all beautie with.' tree
- :iew. pared, aewer, ga,Setc. Priced to
11 below market. 950 to- 91400,
I?. ' 8.T Bank Bldg. . 25-jlltf
Strictly, noderm with (uraace, $4200.
' Another shad amaller at $4050,- aa
. other at $3600. Alt iirae-t garages.
' . Terma nr lrafteflSle 'pdm'mwob. t
V. B: Bank BMg. - " S5-jlUI
on paVinr. S2850. Vacant. $300 down.
tf. S. Bank Bldg. 25-jlltt
-m- rtoyana- twirle ranyg. xu
- f front "lot, fmati walka, nrrtng-
paid.- Cle -aekMl aa4-eax,-. laa
diat poursKtoa. Price cut S3250 to
f2700 to mere, - -.1 ,
; beckk a HEXDRIcrS . " r
it. S. Baak Bids. ; f 23-jHtt
. VachiD ahop, esrage.aad residence in
'connection. Good TaiWy toWjt. Weald
ell reasonable terma or trade for rod
farm Bear Salem. S ;
TJ. S. Baak Bldg-. ; . 25-J15U
'close to atate house. -CniTerity and
T!t acnoola. New- with hardwood, tire
place, furnare, laandi-y tnba, coaerete
, frai rwm, tarre earaeL cement drire
. and waHcs, . paring paidJ On' car l:q.
Home terms. - P "
'IT! S. Bank,Bld-. ; x , -Jlltf
:for ahert time.- Call atate house rea
'tauraat. :. -. 7a-illtf
blocks from state oue, 250 8.
'Coitare. Phone 16B5-J.
r (Continued from" pa'ge" 5.)'
YMCA. last week were! placed. ' A
tot&l of 119, men registered,. with
demands for' 35, Of which 30 were
referred and only 27 placed. iCorrf
mon; labor topped the. ist, with 67
applying for work and demands
for ,18. Twenty-one ; Woods laDbr
ers called, with seren placed, and
61 thW .1 1 .fm nmm onTf -Ihrea
louna woravv uwerf. cccpaiions
reptsested. tpc fKril
no demand, were agTicnVral lab
orers, I f bakery wotker,: 1 r cooks
anil ; chefs, j 3 y salespeople, -31
chauffeurs or truck: drirers ;2J
millwrlh'ts and pulp 'and paper
mill workers', one each. r Ot-th
22 women': registering1 fDrworlr,
seven s were viAv demand,- referred,
and, five placed. . r v .
Wiweksf fawea: Dire
: It E.' Weekspdultrymani ; Was
nominated a dlrect'or of ' the Mar
ion County Patiflc . Cobperative
POiiitry Producers association, to
succeed A. L Lindbck; last nigh6
The oft-ahlzaAon also "went 6n
refcOrd as . favoring' the 'proper leg
islation 'for the establishmentr of
a poultry veterinarian, because thv
business- has becdme to be' on- a
par ri with dairytner, fHit rrowingr
and - other-interests of the state.
A committee of three wayappolnt
ed to carry out the resolution' so'
that proper' leitislatlfon1 Could' . be 1
made. L.- E. Weeksj Lloyd A.
L4e and P. F.'SloIzhelse "
lectfiT. i TW ponltrymen did! not
approve of the't reduction1 ;ln the
number" of dTecto'rsTbn' 13 to 9
as aug gested at a previous meet-
Inff. 1 . ....
BiHJi Kepotts FJted-
. The brth. .certificates for twd
girls 'and one boy were filed with
the city health officer; yesterday.
They were for the birth of a baby
sob to Mrand Mrs. Clifford Mel
vin Shrocfc of JLiOT Nortlt iWint'er.
The ! reporCwas dated ' pecember
12. A. baby daughter Was born to
Mr. and Mrs.. Almont C. Keen of
180 Sauth Church, .on December
12, ; and : a baby . daughter t was
born : to ; Mr. and Mrsl Pernandb
C. 8nts; of !.496, Sforth .Thirteentlu
on' "December, 19. In ' all, thre.
cases names had , not been given
the. new-arrivals. j
t -
Mission Stildy -Class
Revw George W. Hinman, D. D.,
Of San, i Francisco, long time- mis-
: . -j ' . . 5 " n
::Vf'W;-; Aimouhcing tike ArtKfaJ 6$ : . ".H
r, i, . . ; .V . ., - - -. - . ' - - ILi
' -O A1TE1IPT to o;ive a description of these new fabrics fs to attempt the impossible,"
. dhlythe eye ca?n conv6y an" idea of thefir beauty of idesiffn and coloriri?. So weT:
J r invite- you to drop in and see this exposition ' of new1 and lexquisite f abrics in-' an ad- "
vance spring showing-,- and ; see .their stories for yourself 1 ! Sport materials. srTrmtr and '
their priced
. t. t.i ;!: '
.JJ til ) ,
J ( f '
' Ki'y I 1 :
l 1 -
i . 1' Ift ' M
i " if e-r
centfy district! secretary 'of the
American Missionary r association.
Will begin a Missionary class in
tiie Jtndy of "Race Relations" tn
Hohday evening, Jan. 12,. in the
FJr$V 'Congregational church - at
i'.Zp p. Everybody is most
dordlall . Jkylted .td..attlehd : this
first' meeting and all : subsequent
mee'tingst Every effort Is made to
cause these" st tidies to be Interest',
Ing : and j attractive, V including the
use of negro folk,sbngs anl. read
ings; from' neffo- poets; and other
features pt Interest. 't Dr. Hinman
la aft able-and' ma'gnitte' speaker.
At Seattle over 200 attended these
class4 etu'dies, and" -in ' the First
Chutch of San Franciisco they will
occupy the hour of the famous
Judge Wilbur's Bible class, the
Wlbar wh"o Ia' nowT secretaVy '
the" inavy." : Tour", wiff want tp - be
there 'by all
everybody. -
Free vtd
'ebke Visits California
f v. T. J-ettks" of' file WlRhmetfe'
Ci4)4ery -Company, is spending, a
few days in Oakland and. San Fran
cisco on aVbirying- trtp .i.:. .;
f-- . ; :
. . A. M.OolIier. Klamath county
representative arrived in- the- city
jrekterdajr.-.'!. ---
George Mansfield,' of Marshfleld
was a caller at the i office of the
governor,Saturday. . .-' .. .
Willis and Beulah Balderee of
Dallas were In" Salem yesterday.
J. De iLong.maa'e' a 'short.yisit'
heV'6 from Sheridan yesterday":
Mr.' an'd Mrs J. JI. Brpught of
Scb'ita. MUlk were f&tsilem bn bhsl
ness Saturday, i I'. - s i
Mrtf. Browning of Tforthl Six
teenth shows slight Improvement
after" being 111 for t several - weeks'.
, Drl S. B.'Laughlin addressed' the
Salem Women's club" yesterday on
"Budgeting'.": ! . v . . .
V Mi's. Fre'd Flatman and her .son
William are visiting here from Mill
en- r-v ;,;-; i -:v ... .
. .1. M. Hosteller of Woodburn was
In Salem yesterdayV -
. i Dave Peters,' Polk county fruit
grower, was in Salem yesterday on
business.' ; " "j:
' Miss Louise Townsend, Instruc
tor in the Salem high . school, . and
Mrs. K.' A. Dema'rals' were visitoVs
td - Portland Saturday '.where they
witnessed the installation of offi
cers In the Victory chapter of the
s'ummer'fdbHcs1; 'listening satins, and crepes novelties too many to mention, in col-"
brs that beguile one's imagination, and designs that templ: one's pUrSe. Youf will find '
waiflalf flrw" MoonnoMo f . n J ' i - - , '
Very reasonable.'
f-Jiist arrived and ready for laspecton.; the new Flannels leare nothing
. to be desired lnway of sport wear materials The. new blaser stripes,
.i the. new shadow stripes, checks,- and Jplaidtf of new and'-Interesting''
designs The colors -for Spring border upon the' bizarre,, for nerer in
our i history- hare we' seem so many bright ones, - Come to our store
tomorrow and dhoose while the selection are at their -best;- Very
' moderately priced.-
-The challis this season are patterned tor sports wear; Bright stripes,
checks and floral designs. Wool challis seem to fill the season's demand
f of. fabrics ot Just the proper weight,,
S .
i - ,
i . ,
4 -y, JJLlNiNril xl fiUULiJ
:.J-? iT
f't&fX ?'
i . 1 " " f
'V .i"KriT4v:"By:Rb;r-0i.G
.The . beglning pf- the new sem
ester will increase the enrollment
of' our school. Of the eight hun
dred' eighty-three' students now at
tending, about sitty will graduate,
and one hundred" Beventh grade
students" are expected to CnrollJ
'4 Frits - Lelbefs ( performance' of
'Macbeth" was shown? great in
terest by :the ' nglish ' classes.
While "MacMthHls not studied in
Junior high school, several ot
Shakespeare's plays' are : Included
In the course r and a number Of
Btudeifts were able to attend the
lodal performance . ? :,-S--; '
Book . reports . are occupying
time and attention of many Eng
lish students as the close of the
sbmester I approaches. -At least
one- book rt trst be read . by each'
slUdeht during tte semester. ' In'
some claskes two tare required. Ai
'-.! ;
A raried collection of printed silk crepes are
: here for the coining season. Faacilal pat
terns In, I lack and. white as well a j 'large'
. range of new jspriag shades wilt make their
debut tomorrow. Visit this section for Ideas,
acquaint yourself with the new fabrics as they
come to our store. - r t -
:' ..'. -...'. f.-...f.;v" ..f; ..J .-..,.",., A. .
Dotted' rolles a Suisse in 23 new shades and'
patterns "will be shown" beginning tomorrow
This should be interesting news to wocsa -fffco
make their summer 'dresses early be fere the
.spring ilrtssniaklag- nuTi is &h. Tl.cca are
guaranteed to stand the laundry tc.t. Zio
- the tew colors at your earliest c:;crtun!ty."
) Portrait, Commer'
cial and Home, '.'
Portrait Pho-,
I tography; ;
Portrait Studio
';'4M Oregon Bldg. ? v
; Telephone P31 :
the library dl the' school ; is en
laged'. . more ; reading' -' can, be' re
quired'. At present. .thereadlng
lists have", had" to be lengthened
in order, -to . accommodate' the
large number, of students in each
grade., : The . Interest , shown - in
reading ; juslifies a much larger
Hhrary, which Is the ' object and
aim of the English department.'
Oar basketball t team -defeated
the'-McKinley '-"team Wednesday
evehing. But the losers did tHeif
best to keep us" from It. ' Lee
Ecker was the hlgh man and made1
about one-half of our points'.
Dean Zfiefle, of the department
of pharmacy' or OAC, . wasMn Ba
lem yesterday tfr attend -a meeting
Of the peppermint growers of this
district.- -,-.;:. i
25,C0O Pounds cf,
Grape Root
vaiithd . ;r;
Cavr'-! D ' '
I Zt-;Sodbi -4:
Tie II on a i f n
C-3 .
4 "
M . -
' t . - - '-
V v. j -. : V
Vfe-ri;. '..v