The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    id !
Tim our g on ctatzsiian, saleii, oiiegon
, r
For tfie Rainy Scccon
; ,"' ; . j- 1 ' ' 'i : f -"..- .,-..,
This is tha tlxso of the year when a
good Topcoat pays a man a larce divi
dend on the investment. We are showing
some of the best Topcoats in fine whip-
cords, and they are very reasonably,
priced, as all our garments are. ;
" 1 : ' -: :
A Wonderful Showing at
. $19.85 . -my
--MM ?;;tp; v
Red Cross M,ores '..'.:; v? C
.Th Salem lied. Cross office' is
new. located at 518. Oregon; build
ing, having, been moved "from the
old' frame building ton State , be
tween the new Elkstempler.and
the First' Methodist church. '
Sopfile Draslow Sin,s.d-?U.":: --In
Monmouth Jan. 13. ' Tickets
for sale at Salem, music houses.
$1 .OO l4.11 Q. R. S. Rolls
Of popular and Blue Bird series
now $1. Moore's Music House,
409-4)5 Court. . 311
JTops Sell at 15 Cent- . 1
. Hartley & ; Gregg of Salem
clewed out 178 bales' and Luther
4k Morgan' 252 bales of hops' at a
price 'of 15 cents,", according to re
ports made 'yesterday.. The price
was paid by George Dorcas. This
brings the available supply of hops
down to about 7,500 bales. An
other" order, of '600 bales was pur
chased to j make 'up replacements
to s hops that had been rejected in
London, it was stated. IfJi
Playr Rolls Ql R. g. Roll .';
n Now $1.00; other rolls 05c and
up. Get a new. roll now for' the
player piano. f .Moore's if Music
House, -409-415, Court. pj Phone
983.. 4::C-r - r:Jil
' ' " - , ": t iji''i
Income. Tax Reports if; ? 'P:...;f
For Completion see W.iA. Sip
prelL 345 Chemeketa. Phone 900i
r. J
Prune Buying Better ,: ;
Prune buylhjfTIn the eastern
markets 'begins to1 pick up a little
bit, acc6rdlng tb-a telegram -received
'y-the Kohert C.Paulus
company from New York.? Orders
were .turned '4owjqt by the local
company .:, for,; several, :i thousand
pounds of prunes because . the
prices quoted were beltow the reg
ular market. It Is stated by the
local packers thaflt is only a mat
ter of time before the demand for
dried fruits in the east will pick
up. At the present time the mar
ket is rather quiet. , ' :
See the Qray Belle Men
On the Society page.
1 Buys Furniture
Phcr.3 511
' S -i
N'oime Visits Here' ; - ' '41 , : j
; ' Mr. and ? Mrs. - Edwin Norene
and 'their 'daughter' Barbara vis
ited in Salem and returned to Port
land. yesterday. Both are; former
students of Willamette university.
Mrs. Norene is a niece of President
Doney. Mr. Norene is engaged in
the Insurance business. j
Music During Dinner '. f. , ":j
Tonighf at' the' GrkjrfBeller 5-
plece orciieetra. ? '- ;- tjJll
lavl Of flee Brown Apartment-
15, 148 S. Commercial. Phone
131. ill
.. --
1 atj. iiira
f Dow
O. M. Lekveod
S47 M. Com. St.
. ' ' GI21VICT3 ; "
for hire without drivers
pnoNH 2020 : t:
Day and Klsht Service
, Hen's and . Toons lien's
. SaHarM Suits $23 to t
: . Dr. D. VL White -
Electronic Diagnosla and Treat
ment; (Dr. . Abram'a mathbd)
Offlee Phone 859 or 469-J
C06 U. S. Bank Bids.
Disc Clutch Chevrolet I . r ' s
New car at Newton Chevrolet.
Absent Minded Teacher V
An absent minded school teacher
signed the name of Mrs. Fulkerson
to a check which was sent to the
superintendent Of county schools
and therefore the teacher cannot
receive Credit "for annual 'dues to
the state' teachers association.
Associated Charities to Meet I
The . Associated Charities Will
meet as the Chamber od Commerce
rootas Monday night at 3. o'clock
o consider Important business con
cerned . with administrative mat
ters. An Invitation to those Inter
ested is given, j -
D R E A r.1 L A N D
Open. Evenings .
'-. : , BANKERS- :j i
General Banians Business j
: CZlea JZozor from 1 8 P; ,n
frcn the large fumaca 1 to
the smallest nut size. Tell
as for what purpose the coal
is required and we'll point
, out the proper A1 :
But although we carry au
Szk we handle bnly one
-a.lity. the very best coal
-Son tie Tery best raes.
Our coal service la yocra to
connand, , . - ;., . .
1-13 rar 3 froa CIO tJ Ci3
Also handle th trt
EIxiaojLj Erlinettee CIS
r ' . . i
Disc Clutch Chevrolet
New car at Newton Chevrolet.
. "... . -fju
Every Sunday - ,
Chicken dinner, 12 to 8 p. m.-
75c. Colonial . Dame Tea Shonpe.
' Jll
We have a new Dodge
t Passenger Coupe just run
j a few.mllea. This should
go quick as the price is .
Is now itht 'Arizona representatlre
Of the Gray & White Publishing
company of Salem. He will cover
that state and southern California
for the -Our Baby and Mother
Magaxlne." Don Rowe, who has
been the northern California rep
resentative, has; been transferred
to Utah and Miss Anna "Pettlt, re
cently with the firm,! has charge
of the Idaho territory. i
4 ; l v. i. V 1 r 1 "" r-
AuflUary Holds Feast . y: v
To the victor belongs the spoils,
so reasons the ladies of the Amer
ican T Legion auxiliary. Monday
nightalT8 p. m. as soon aathe
business meeting; is finished the
team captained by Mrs. C. D. Rosa
will enjoy' a feed and entertain
ment at the expense of the: team
captained by Mrs. A. W. Rook
stool 'during, the recent member
ship ' drive. , The entertainment
will take the form of a hard time
party and all members of the aux
iliary are requested to bear this in
mind and come suitably cosmmea
The Legion club rooms In the Mc-
Cornack building has been secured
tor this occasion. .
For Sale
Extra good gray oats.
14F3. - ,;- '.it-A-V-
Dine At the Salem Restaurant-
Daily Merchant's. lunch 45c. Spe
cial Sunday Dlnneij,?5a,159 S.
High.; -j,.,,. J Jll
Liqxtor Owners Jolted .
Carl Harlan was fined $100 and
sentenced to three ; months L in the
county jail when he appeared he
fore . Brazier, C. Small, Justice of
the peace,' yesterday,, on a charge
of unlawful sale of liquor, lie was
also fined 150 and costs-on
charge of transportation of liquor.
Peter Becker, a farmer living near
Gervais was arrested 1 for f selling
wine, and was fined 3125, which he
was unable to pay. He is now In
the county Jail. Approximately ten
gallons Qf liquor was found on his
pf-eraises, and 40 gallons of raisin
mash- in the process of fermenta
tion was confiscated. '
.1 -
Yoa Will Never Get Stung ,
At the Shamrock Garage, 333
Miller St. 4 Phone 1142M. Day or
night service, -f vr-4 '-f-.-v nt
Licenses) tssned-- , ? f .
Marriage licenses were given to
Henry Rasmussen, Salem, Route 9,
and Opal M. Lorin, Gervais, Route
2. and to Sander- Johnson, and
Florence Moser, both of Silverton.
Reward! . .. '. j:';,.
$100.00 reward will be paid for
return of the clothing taken from
the City Cleaning. Works the night
of January 6. .' City Cleaning Wks.
Phone 703. , : Jll
To Appear in Court I ."' -
Roy Turner, - arrested v on a
charge of violating the prohibition
laws, will appear before Judge Bra
aier C.; Small for a, preliminary
hearing arly jn the 'Wfeek f ,
For. Dry Wood, ' s' .' - '
riCall.Cw D. Query,; Phone ;77F2
.i iy'.-i. jig
.'t '' i j' j!)lE0 ; rt,-t-1- -?. ; . . ,f !
DOLE At her home at 387 South
Eighteenth street, ; Jan.: 8, Mrs.
. M. J. Dole, age 78. She was the
pother of Mrs. A. E. Mclntire,
of ' Salem; Mrs.? O. CZ Skinner,
f Jr., of Oakland, Cal.; E. L Dole
of Grants pass; and C. G. Dole,
Of Portland. She was a mem-
, her of the Central Congrega
" tional church. Funeral services
will be held Mondayat 10:30
a. m. from the residence. Rey.
Harry "Johnson will officiate,
with Interment In the City View
cemetery, Rigdon St Son offici
ating. i
RAYMOND At a , local hospital,
January 8, George " Raymond,
age 7- years.'. He was thei son
of Mr. and Jlrs Donald B. Ray-
' mond, of Casper, Wyo.; brother
- of . Riley Raymond J grandson- of
Mrs. R.' Brqnctvsio,;, of - Saicra,
.and Jlrs. Katie '? Roberts, - &t
Boulder, Colo.; Tjephew of May
f elle .and Ci.arUs II.. DroncuEi-
io, of Salem,, J. H.' Broncushid
ciUSacta lli-alca CaW ,R- J,
Broncushio, of Tacoma. Wash.
, Lloyd Roberts, o Casper Wyo.;
Mrs. Albert Bernsten of Boulder
Colo.; and Mrs.'1; Alma Harter,
of Isola Miss. Funeral services
, will he held at 230 p. m., Mon
day, Jan. 12 from; the Rigdon
& Son mortuary. Rev. JL F.
Shanks will officiate, and inter
ment will be at the City View
cemetery. , ; . ? I
Gray. linprovement Shoppe .
Expert marcelling, shampooing,
facials, scalp treatments. Room
413 Oregon Bldg. I Phone 187. Jll
Cavemen Honor Williams r - ' 1
7WhIle attending to buslflesa'lri
Southern Oregon ; last week - Fred
A. Williams, local attoreny, found
time to attend ; a ! meeting of the
Grants Pass Cavemen, booster Qr
ganization, and was received Into
the organisation las an honorary
member. , Mr. Williams lived . in
Grants Pass before locating In Sa
lem. T. A. Raffety,' chief state traf
fic officer, was the principal Speaki
er at the meeting; v ! ; i '
Q. R. S. Rolls . Now tl.OO
All of popular and Blue;. Bird
series, now Sl.OOj Buy at Moore'i
Music: House to save money. ; Jll
Dine At the Salem Restaurants-
Daily Merchant's lunch 45c Spe
cial Sunday Dinner 75c. f 159 S
Salem Teacher 111
Owing to serious . Illness v of
Charles N. Chambers a member of
Salem high school faculty, resid
ing at 712 North Church street.
was : removed on Tuesday to St.
Vincents hospital In Portland tor
treatment under specialists. T7p-
on examination! a suTglcal bper
atlon was decided on, to be per
formed as soon as the' condition
of the patient Will permit. Mr.
Chambers is a member j 1 of h the
Apollo tcluh and other Salem ! or
ganizations and his many friends
will welcome his restoration to
health and return home.
Learn to Play Popular Music.
In 12 lesson. Waterman Piano
School,' McCornack' bldg. 1 Jll
Hunter Kfwanis Sprak
A. If. Kingsbury, who has been
tramping -over. South America for
the last 18 or 20 years,! will ad
dress? the Klwanla club j Tuesday
noon. There : will be no attend-
ance prize offered at the luncheon
In the' future. j , , ;
Knives and Forks , " ,
Set of '; Rogers . i 1847,, new;
square oak ; table, cheap 1455R.
CbL Mercer. ArrtTeaJ-i-j,, r ; j
With a record of neyer having
missed a session of the legislature
for, the last 18 years. Col, W. G.
D. Mercer, chaplain jot the senate
and sergeant at arms, drifted into
the city Saturday afternoon, ready
ta assume - his - duties when the
33rd session , convenes - Monday
morning. CoL! Mercer spent the
afternoon greeting bid friends at
the state, house upon arriving
from his home at Eugene. :
For Income Tar Reports
Bookkeeping and auditing; see
Wr A; Sipperell; ! A.
meketa. Phone 90 0.
B.V 245 Che-
. i ;t.-
1 wish to express! my ; sincere
thanks to the many friends and
neighbors. : To theSona. of Vet
erans, Womens Relief Corps, Sons
of Veterans Auxiliary and Bar
bara F.rltchie Camp No. 2 for their
kindnesses and sympathy upon the
death : of ' my uncle Ferdinand
KuraV Also for the many beauti
ful floral offerings; Louise S.
Bowling. ' ; ; Jll
MWA Meet Monday
Modern- Woodmen of America
Camp Jtrom Coryallis, Albany; Sil
verton, ; Dallas , .Woodburn and
Salem: will bold a joint insulation
meeting and program . In Salem
Monday night; ! Addresses will be
made by State Deputy Johnson H.
Smith1 and District Deputy George
H. Quigley. ; , 1
Chlorine Gas Treatment ,
'For colds. At office or In your
home. Dr. Marshall, 228 Oregon
'1! ' I. : ? ': .-:.'Vi',
Office Personnel ChangeoVr' .
j.!iouglas ; T.; ; Patten, ; formerly
with ! the VIck Bros. Motor com
pany, has assumed relations with
the American Fidelity Investment
The Pacific Expert School
. "- ROOMS; 427-42S
Why Our, Students Finish in Three Months
They are taught Actual business bookkeeping from the start.
They learn Practical and Speedy Shorthand. .-
The Instruction is Individual. j- :r-'-
Each second of every minute spent In the school room la devoted to Practical
. usage 01 the course.
Who Should Attend the Pacific Expert School
Those who' vrish to again enter the business world.
.Those who, for any reason, have hot coniDleted the -nnMift anTinnl.
Those "who have been compelled to give up a former business course.
Those who are discouraged with presqnt surroundings and conditions. ,
Why YOU Should Take This Course
You receive through this training thejkey to Success A Practical Education.
Ton assure yourself of competence and capability should you ever be placed
entirely on your own resources. . - . . .
You are ready at the end of Three Months to accept a position as Stenographer
or Bookkeeper.
To Those Who Enroll
4 ;
-.1. tj. ft,- t
Text Books and Supplies are furnished free. j
Special terms are made in the matter of tuition. I'
Individual Instruction is given throughout the course.
Assistance is given in the securing of positions. !
: i K
To Those Interested
visit our Class Rooms and. talk individually to the present students, or let na
give, you names of graduates on whom you may call. , i .
This "and a trial lesson given free will convince you why this school is able to1
place students in positions of Worth5 and Responsibility. ''' i
The Pacific Expert Scliobl
Salem, and Silverton, Oregon I
company aa cashier. - Charles T.
Elry, formerly cashier of the or
ganization, j has ! been appointed
vice president, - Jn the new change
Miss A. St. Clair will be assistant
cashier. ; , j
TJsel Onr Distributl
Payment! plan If you cannot
spate the cash. Pomeroy &. Keend
Jewelers and opticians. jll
Cadet Classes Besomed
The Cadets of the Salem YMCA
have resumed their meetings fol
lowing the Christmas vacation.
Many of. the classes were discon
tinued ; during that time because
of,.. the ; extensive program which
the 'Y was putting across. About
20 hoys attended the meeting yes
terday. i ,. .. : . .
j 7 : "-
Us Our Distributive .
Payment plan it you cannot
spare the caahv - Pomeroy & Keene
jewelers and opticians. - jll
Terminal Stage Accountant
Cajl Mason has been appointed
chief accountant of the Stage Ter
minal organization with offices in
Salem. iHe has just returned from.
Bend where he and Mrs. Mason
hare been while auditing books
of Deschutes county..
Dr. narold M. Brov
Eye, ear, nose and throat spe
cialist, announces the opening of
his office m rooms 319 and 220
U. S. Bank building. jli
- ' ! '.
Few Obtain Work
, Less j than - one-fourth of thosa
applying for work at. the United
States employment bureau at tht
(Continued on psys 8)
Try Onr New: Dye . ,.i
Marlnello Beauty Parlors, 245
N. High.
Will Keep Children
By the day. f 854 N. Com'l St.
i Jii
Girls "on Special Duty ? .
Final preparations for the handl
ing of 'telephone calls were com
pleted at the capitol Saturday' and
three girls from the locals office
tried out, the equipmeat ' ta give
a final test Saturday. The girls
who will 1 bej on duty ci rl-rj the
legislative session are the Hisses
Edith lICFarland, Beta . -'-ire and
1 ranees BeehnJ , , ,
Cut Vlu irera. Floral Pities
Adams, florist. 453 Court. ' jll
Antlqiie-Fnmftnws, TlxOno 14C"It
- 1S63 N. 4th St. J15
EIra Phillips Injured . ;
v Suffering from an injury, Sim
rbll!ip3; labor - agent for the local
United States employment office,
is confined to his home. The in
jury Is not serious although It Is
necessary that he . remain at his
home for the Iday. , He plans to
return to the office Monday.
Dr. .'John l-yncli 1 "-::;-; iO.?!.
' Osteopathic physician a-1 stir
f on. 403 Orf-ca nr. JH
11 ir:
Te have just purchased several hundred cords of first
class fir wood at a very good price and will pass. this
savings on to our elastomers. We guarantee this wood
to be first quality, seasoned, large second growth fir
and dry. j -;
J" -t-r -- ' rH..--'
: Hauled 'directly'-, from the country to -the customer.
yrrimnh to order, two cords at S7.25 per cord." " ''
Replenish your .wood pile at summer prices
(4 Ar:,
if r
Phone 1855
Hood at Broadway
. The Best, Cheapest and Most Convenient Fuel
to ; Use in a Furnace, Heater or Cookstove,
Equipped with Grates. !
Ask ns about the kind-you ought to
; ' 1VE 1LWE IT '
J?in Short Lengths or 4.Foot
: : Courteous Service
j PHONE 1855 .
Don't let your
; : get the best of you.;
i ' : J . . Use - ,
1 ciM"? fri:.:,.!)' xi- i I '; '. .ir -... -J
!: A -k" . ; f s-- ;- 5 1
; Shaefera Herbal
Coush Cure . .
"i ". . . .j' I-
The best and 'most economical
' cough medicine obtainable -
j a; fgi- I'.-.-f . v..
1CJ ItCXtll Cc ictcjJ
r':::i:7- -
NewWord! NewWords!
! fAoaMHMfa mf I Am mpmUmd,
:' pronowtctd, and dmfittmd in
weostch's ... :
' ' Th "Sapnm Authority"
GsicJWiMt - ' "
Here are a few samples :
agrimotor soviet y abrcaction
hot porsnit ; cypr rotravnr
Air Council -aakari capital ship
mud gun aipplo mystsry ship
Rutban starol irradanta
para van sbonaan Flag Day
nagabar ' Rad Star Esthonia
S. P. boat ovarhaad Blua Cross
aarial cascada
camp-fir girl
. Mm hum
- tonhoam
' Information
Serving Yon?
2709Paaa SOOO Dtf tiaaa . J
407.000 WwJ mmi Pluuw 1
fiTaTf-- aJ Cisavap&tcal Dirtiory
wniTIS for a satnpla rfa of tha !
Made to Measure Right Hera
, Ih Salem by . ',,
- : 1 ' ' :
r... : '
i 171 Vy '
-"aalBa " a.
assures the men of Salem high class clothes st
. very reasonable price.
, . '-: WVAAA W AAA kUVi lWW
( ' ; h - . -
' ( -, ; ; ' ' - - ' 1 ' - " - ;
The reality of tho rjooda from tvlilch onr Soils are r-n
Z.'awr Vordt, epacisian c Rejnlat
and IsdLa. Papers, FRZZ.
. . . ' f - -
va r .
. i. .... . -
! T.