The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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j .e
President CctIIi'iCcirf;j l1S:zzcSZ J- " ci
: Direct ti Hcit'c" Clica-o Dealers
AUdrrss Chamber of Coihiuei'cd IjUiieliedn 'Wlli.le Attending
, International lifestock how at "Windy C2tyw llaa Moral i
(President Coolidge's address at
thi commercial club luncheon, ia
Chicago during his visit to the
IntJeraationat Lire -Stock'.: show
powtsfa moral aswell fes: adorns
a tale. "When the president quot
ed from the" biblical " story of
Joseph and the granaries he car
ried horn to the heart of the big
business -men 'Of Chicago that" the
humanities of farm lifers well
the economics of the 'farm life
should he taken Into consldera-
tioh; that wEhoaf let efhindfance
the two do1 not Necessarily ma
parallel.) ' : ';"'," X V, ' '" ;
Introducing his speech the presi-
detv referred ' to the" thoughtful-
ness of a Chicago friend, saying:
am indebted for the reminder
that n this , day, 250 yearr ago.
Father Marquette ahdV'hU 'com
paaions began to erect the. .first
bats to he used by the. white men
the site rfwaf r now ChS f
cit&r r "ffke"tothink" of ' that as
the founding "of Chicago, I -like
to feel that this great city owes
its beginnings to the master ex
plorer who was first-a devout mis
sionary of religion.. I, am glad to
to torn aside here to add my lit
tle part" to" The tribute' which the
city is today paying to the memor
of Marqtiette. Of the ' men who
laid the foundation of oar oun"
try" he deserve his place 'araii
the foremost: His published ar
tides and letters give.!' belieye,
the earliest prophecies of the" des
tiny that awaited. W ,e,rtl val
ley of ii ast'.lakei -.dtijers
You plot IrtX. thVch'lc'igo Wniplre
hare Jilt into the,sdlLa &UttCi.ire
of accomplishment the " .things
which :beC a Quarter of a mlllen-
W with: tfia 4Tkrn(u(
K fand" faith of .prophecy?'. ,' J
The president continued: r
Whenever! think of our won-
erful Chicago, I th"nTot4t first
as the great market place to which
the world resorts to buyand sell
its food. It is" because the genius
of our commerce' and the. Indus
try of the people who lire In these
central Tsllejra nave erected here
a vast exchange, to which' theFna
tlone t halre vcorae la their - lean
years' te traffic for -the -foodstntf s
which you hare gathered together
for them, that you are first known
to fame. And. thinking of these.
things, my mind has gone back to
that most appealing or. 'all the
romahces which we find la the1
Old Testament; Ao :t'h' tonr!, of
JosephV- "and" the ' famine -of -the
ereoiSean; years5 In '.Egypt wlchH
tollowed the seven fat years.? .You
will git : remember the' story of the
serenyears of plenty.-'and after
themKtb seven, year of famine.
Let me remind your of that period
of agricultural depression In the
words of Moses and the book of
Genesis.: '
"And the seven years of dearth
hc-aV tn Aome' arrcordfnr as" Jo-
-tSfeph had said; ahdl th dearth
"as inr all lands 1 1 bht In . All -the
p'land of Egjfpt 'there-'was' bread."
And when -air the1 land of
y cried ; to Pharaoh' for , bread and
Pharaoh said unto all the'Egyp
tians, 'Go unto Josepn; - wnat ne
sayest to "you, "do. .,-": W
"And 'the famine -was over, all
the face of the earth; and Joseph
onened all - the storehouses arid
sold unto the Egyptiahs;'ahd the
- f ? B 5 v
A bleamy Mass of Hai
35c Darideririe" docs Wbhdefs
. - -.v "' ? -' K
for Any Girl's Hair
Girls! Try this! When co tamng
and dressing yonr hair, Just moist
en your hair-brush with a little
"Daf define" and' trusu it througH
vour nair. The effect Is fitarinns:
You can do your hair up Itioedi
aieiy and it will arnear - twice as
thick and "heavy a raas cf
glearmy hair. 8tarkIin!T with" Ufa
na possessing thit-iacodr araca-
ortness. freshness and luxuriance
while beautifying the hair "Dan-
deriae' is also ton! 2? and etlmu-
laurs-each single Lair to grow
thickloos and fetron. Hlr steps
falling , out . aad da 'ruff ""ap
pears. "Get a lottla of !)'. -icr lis"
at tfsy Cvs tr't.:!cl'c .'. -l
Just fi-s V.z-r ' - r
yot-r I :t r - i -1
-'. r. , :
faming waxed sore, in the land f of
Egypt, and alt eonntries came into
Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn,
because that the famlae 'was Is
sore in all lands;';, f.'l'l" "f
f l'rom Egypt to America j
; ThhV wrote Moses; '! 'describing
the' famine which (droVe the Ra
tions of the ancient Mediterranean
world to "Eiyprin thrfr time lot
need-1 It Ian6t nedesiiary Vn Chi
cago,; or anywhere in agricultural
America, tOK point out the parallel
between that appeal of tW an
cient world to Egypt and' the ap
peal wnlch the;wdfld In oura
made to our country and to the
great market whic"h ; ' centers ilfi.
Chicago, for slnitlar supply . of
grain in"another time of pressing
fceed..aK- u cv-C - X- - '.,:.
The famine brbugnt1 the nations
to Egypt, and Egypt rescued them.
f ?he war brought: the nations.
to your agricultural, markets and
you provided them with food.
S6me of the results were not im
mediately .pleasant for the lie
brew race and some of the results
of the war" have not been pleasant
for the' farmer';- L , '1 ; ('
'" But out of the Egyptian 1 ex
perience of Israel came the op
portunity great: service InH
world leadership. It wa$ In those
years- that -Moses', came into., the
world and, the Hebrew nation Was
prepared .;f or ; the; p'rotoiihd teach
ing and the great message that
it was to bestow upon' all man
kind.1 And my -faith; firm i inr
the conviction tSat. If We wIlT feut
realize' it,' these years of trial aid
distress fOT ;tne Amertcanr farmer
Will represent-only a time of pi
para t ion t , for. his oppbrtuntty , to
secure that recognition of hia im
portance, that heed for economic
equality, which will enable hfm
to' tender a supreme service to
himself and to 'his fellow men J
"Xer Thouglrt, KeV Impulse
Air he ' trials f 'i deiiressloa
which the farmer has suffered will
not have ben In' van' Jf,l as was
the case with Israel, they are able
to contribute to the world a new
thought, . a new .Impulse, a , new
Ideal." I recognize the necessity,
tf' we are to better the lot of men
of large productivity arid material
prosperity. But we can: not: think
14 terms of that alone. We can
not.' suppose that we are'.fo "be
benefited b great production tin
less the; men and women who fnr-
njshv 1: are4hs2avieai.
by it. we can . not neglect tne
huiaanr'eTem'ent In our affairs. All
the' cattle' arid' graln all the cotton
arid woof, all the cloth' and steel,
alf the" shoes and .automobiles wfn
be Of- small -advantage to n'tf. riri-
less they; contribute? a more abun
dant life" to' tbostf who "produce
them. J Prosperity can hot be dl
voreed from 'humanity. -1 : h ;3 :
Fortunately our population has
not suffered from any shortage of
food in this country. But there
ha" been : a great "deal fof ruJsiress
endured by the people .;' on the
farm, 'The commercial and Indus
trial side of our nation has been
giving tod mubh though toirhaf
and hogs' and corn,' to their irans-
jrartatkm and to . their prices, tnd
not - enough"," the men
and women who are engaged. In
agriculture, to their welfare and
to their prosperity, we must Iook
beyond the quotations of the mar
ket place arid see what' price we
are proposing fo pay,' what? re
Wards we" are proposing to confer
in exchange for tbe hard working
lireS of our open cduutry. - Do1 you
wish' toraaintaia"A tystem which,
Win contribute troth to their: wel
fare ahd to . your own. or to per
mit, even unintentionally,, methods
ot doing , businesr; -undetCwllilch
their want and distress will ulti
mately 'resiilfln '"Ue" failure of
your' own Jsuccesg and, prosperity?
people of the city, "are an iritegral
parrot the life of agrlcriltuVf. of
the life or the country.
This: same" principle applies rta
the relaUonship among the: differ
ent nations. We can -not expect,
ia the long course pf event, to
riialntaln our countrymen a .per
manent leVel of general well-being
far above that of other peoples
Even If we could hope to accom
plisB-it, it would bring us little
atlsfaction if our profeperlty must
be gained and held at' the cost
of suffering' of others. 'Itt the
long course of affairs, and In a
world which has become litue
more than a great neighborhood,
oiir 'com'mon sense, must tell u3i
if our self Interest raid; il0t, that
our nrosperity. our aavaneement,
our portion of good- fortune,' must
larrel depend 1 upon the ' share
that1 shall be" alloted to our neigh
bors. At the last, those or us
whrt are uartners'iri the upreme
seryice of building and betterln-
nnr civilization must go up or pj
down, must succeed or fall to
gefher.In bur one common enter;
l rise." '" .' . . ; - - -: - i
. - Vational Independence;
t would- riot have you "mistake
r-.'-mEifaIn.I should nerer ad
vocate the incrUe of- any! part
of our prosperity because of the
rame hose thit . la fSHowl I-.-
... " .t.,af 1 of kininer
Li 40 - -
vrfc are II
.,. cx:T
j 'cur i i
i tf V-ij;
v V- ' s
world through' tlie'' iridi3crimlri'a-:
tlon'a' o"f mere? unorganTzedTJ'uri-
directed generosity. v We'can' only
help those who will help them
eelyes. rIn any. other, rule, I' am
convinced, would lie disaster for
us -arid 'increasing misfortune for
those' whom5" we might ' seek to
serve. ' Oh; the' other hand. I am
profoundly i impressed 1 with the
fact thar the trrict'ure of modern
society is essentially a unity, destined-to
stand-or to fall as such.
It Is'our fortune and our privilege
that in the , pre sen t exigency we
are in. a poaitloa to take a part
of great helpfulness . and leader
ship, and e shall best serve'our
sblves and" help' others If we direct
o)lr 'efforts to raising ltf the" broad
est way -the s'taridards'of hnmanr
welfare eVeryWnere. ? ' We', -muat
seek' td find and; to play" part
thereby,' without destroying- our
skives, we may "help ; others.?- - We
can not hope indefinitely to main
tain bur country- as a' specially
faVored' coiriih'unity, an isle of coh
tehttrient'Ilflld aboYe' the gehieraf
leVel ot tW average of the stari-
dards of imintry.. fknoV' tnere
wis a.vtim when, many ambng us
believed - this was- possibles ' But
who, nbw,- can' continue" dinting
Cat and"::.'!. ".
j ; Gat Ttifri
ft yo are rfat and arere to phyi
exrrtioo, if yon r"fotiit,f eating
nl tUI want to reduce yoaf cxcui I leh,
co: te your drB(rri-ni gel- .bx of
Mrmwlm. Prescription' Tb". 'Thes tab
Ista. com-noanded. i accordance with the
I siuk Mrmol Prescrrption. contain th
exact inffe4Uent!,ec!sry to proance
normal, keahhjr. ;rictfon f Mtn
weight. T on iiblet-aftT each bm!
and at bed" -time and ,-you "will bejin; .to
lose -yonf fat stetfdiiy mn&: easily; :- Con
tihtie the tratBl urrtii your. weight is
what yon desire ontil' yoor' figuro hi
ale n dcr a ad attract aiiiii, ,Ym don't
need to try atarratioa diets or weakening
esore'iseo.--r- Go oa' eotina what rou- like.
tear exerci&in? to tbo athletes. Just take
your little tablet faithfwHy, and- without
a ddub yoarfUWryi flesh will ntekly
disappear. Your figure will beepme. slen
der aad .akapeiy Just a yofc bare always
wanted it to be; JTaousands of tann and
womeo each yesrr regain healthy. sJender
firar thia way. Why:do't yojif sor
nota Prescription Tablets are so pleasant
and easy e take that anyone who : is saf
.'erlnir the embarrasien and diseomfort
of overweigrbt awe1 itttf himself -to try
them, . All 4rr atorea the world orer aell
Marmola Prescription Tablets for oe dol
lar a box. . Or send.- the-nwney dirert to
ttm MtnrHik 1 CdmnaiiTi General Motors
Building. Detroit, Mich., and' a box will
be sent to you Tostpaid.-AdT.
a j
. .
BiiytX i
base floor
. s.
riiai O
S::6 P.r.
g - .-
r- 1
to' such a faith' fri view of 'the
lesson which the war brought to
.... . . ... ... ...... . .- -1
us? If we could not avoid invoU
vement in a far whose . causes
were . foreign, and , whose Issues
were chiefly alien to us becaus
We had settled them for ourselves
long ago, how can we'! hope tf
avoid our full share of response
bilfty In rorinectlon with othe
world; problem's which,5 ft. 'they arfe
ever -to be solved, must' be solved
in an atmosphere of peace ana
good will? We must bv cons tan U
ly ready to help both at home and
abroad where our help 'is desired
arid wlll be' effective.' J.:
i. ; ' . A FaVored People. ' '
. -We have been a particularly'
faSnore'd people".- For thkt'we owe
a dbt lhat is "real an4' concrete,
which- tve tan not repudiate. t
iii bur wish to live l4 a wo'rld
which shall be at peace!.: But
c'ah no more assure permanent arid
stable peace without cooperation
among the. nations that; we coujld,
assure victory in war without a
Ht a'mAniitlirri. "We know that
the' way to assured arid' perinja-
nent peace is slow and difficult;
We know that no natlor? eatf travel
that way alone.' "We irfed, 1 aid,
we failed. It la a wasr that an
drily, be traveled in company wijth
others equally zealous- j for ..tjie
same goal. . Among these . f elioks
of the road there must Ibe mutual
understanding arid ' mutual" fajth'
and' confidence! tt Is 0nly When
these' understandings" 'hive beferir
reached arid the riecessiiry' assiii
ances of that faith and tonflderice
have been given and received tl at
mankind' will be readymqre fef
f ectively io "consider" ttk 4 eterpai
problems; of ."sbclajil anlj econoriilc
ad justmerits. 1 4 r-can ! pee;"in ; he
tranquillity of Europe aV benefit
that wfll 'reach' Anierlcafi ind us"t ry
and'-avgricultue.r r f ' f f- 1 ; f '
v ,t AmteHcW-y Place- in1 NVortd ! t
V:: It Mar such thought1 afe these, -I
am convinced, that 'havef been
Irig inspiration -to . the iAmeritau
people as' they have i lately i pur
veyed, the; state of the frorld fn&
bo ngbt their proper place and. paft
in It. ; ' We' have attempted to per
form" services for Jthe V European
natfons because '.by thalj inearia'tri
a broad way We wer' serving 1 our
selves". We want to see Ithem rais
ed up. so far as possib'ie"'.to'iur
" I' . ; - . I
r-x rx
l . h.
; .... . ' i I . .
carload lots we! are
coyerihg at tremencSousTy low prices.
! I 1
' S i
Tdter "Proof
j - wt i .1..
5 . 5. . .'1 ' j
. -. 5 .
. ....-.!
Nct Lxnolcuxn. r Jet a Substitute, but an Improvcincnt ca
Surfcco Cerr.pcccd cf Special EnaSneiPair.t instead cf the
Girl Who Survives 12 Mil Rids oa CoWcatchsr,
and Baby Hurled 50 Feet Unhurt inf Aufo Smish
. t
Five' member of the Clark fam-
fly were in an automobile tbat Vaa
struck 'ataa -Indianapotia grade-
c&ught on thepHot-of the. engine
and clun (here for t - miles,, to
ero weather-.- When her benumb
ed' Bngers could fcllng'toMhe metal
own economic standards. We
want to see . iri 'their prosperity an
opportunity for - larger f markets
for our own production. !,We wish
to help them,t moreover because
It is only through service" that we
can develop our individual and na
tional lives, Itr s i alongl i- this
course : of v action thaVy os
'lisreiy. iontHbute' those "con1
dltiohg whi'chvwlll ; be" most effec
tive' ' for iriaintainibg : bniversal
peace and. most likely, to "make the
largest contribution
power,; to ithe- adyapcement'.of hu?
rriau welfare.:; lt -. '
''" ": "': : ... -
I: ,4 . ' V CCflBttaacd 'frota aga 11 . ' '
$17.2S; eastern Oregon state hos
pital, 656, $16.39; state pen Iten-
tlary, 420, $33.14; institution for
feeble-minded, 744, $15.65; train-
- r
" -j , '
able to- offer to the
.- ;- :
. .s- f. '- V
mrtOV Jl Iff t X
no longer she fell Into a snow
bank beside -tfc tracks. . Her little
riephey. ' -VBUly? Hartman. ! .was
hurled : 6 ft, feet-hut' eacaped Injury.
Her ' grandmother was killed "and
the 'others of the' family- party
were injured.'- -i "" J ' .-T": '
, i - - - ... i ... i, t . -
ing school for boys," 156, $3(2.07;
tuber:ttlosU' n'oapitaC 130,' $;46.19i
school forrthelblinA,, 139.86;
schotfl for the deal 121; $$1.11;
Industrial' school! foV rgirsV? $1;
$35.88; ,'. jBoldieraVjhome., Ill,
$35.87; , employment . Institution
for blind, 2 2, $7 2,32.; U
. JThc poupulatiou of four Institu
tions is reported as ; exceeding
their capacity, r The state hospital
for the insane with a capacity of
IS 00 patients has 18 64
The state
training school for boys, capacity
I20,!has 181 inmates' The'state
tuberculosis hospital has 153 pa
tients, or three more, than capac
ity. The girl school has a capac
ity 0? 65 witbj 73 inmates.
"Sour tuition in the school of ex-
perience , givesl you intuition.
people of Salem and vicinity Uiis superior wearinjj felt
9x9 Rurt
'1 10 Rug;.
-iS12-Ru2 ':'.'
t . . . . ... . Jr
Printed Linoleum-a Floor Cbycrms AVith Its Vczrinj
Usual Soft Oil Paint.- Our Entire Siqcl: at TI:pc3 Prices
give suGGEsnans
Chamber of . Corrimerce For-
a" " a ' .?." aV
um is txpected to ue
uvelop Helpful. Ideas u
Pertinent suggestions are to he
made Monday noon by members
of: the board of directors of the
Baleav Chamber of -Commerce re
ferring to the, activities of the or
ganfeatlon. with particular atten
tion given to the present year. to I talk two arid.
one-halt minutes, and in order
that enthusiastic speakers do not
go over thq time i limit, a time--
keeper and- a" bell? finger will be
on the job. ' iP -:
L T. J M. Hicks; president of the
Chamber of Commerce wIU be the
presiding officer, and the 10 ad
ditional members ot the board of
directors will present their" sug
gestions for the activities of the
present year. The directors are
as ; follows : . U. G. ' Holt, vice-nres--
Ident; U. S.r Page, secretary; Ross
C Miles, treasurer- H. E.
Morris, socials-department; Otto
A.' . Hartmari4V clvkj department;
George H. Glrabenhorst; agricult-
ural department; Dr. EE. Fisher,
LiypubleNow k Kiiowh
Cause of Premature Old Tlr 1
Medical science knows that poi
sonous waste in our, bodies' would
actually cause death: in a few days
If not eliminated byf Nature's pro
cesses. Because it destroys these
deadly -poisons, the,' liver is our
most important organ the body's
Wonderful purif ien j v
'" The liver prevenis the'formation
of body poisons that cause diseases
of-the heart, kidneys, blood Ves
sels and are chiefly responsible
for premature old age.
When the liver becomes weak,
the poisons are sucked up by the
blood and health is: broken down;
Physicians know that- tier liver
cannot be regulated" by drugs,' but
a safe Nature substance has been
discovered which will at once in
.rJ j . 1--
..." . ' ;"! - . . .. , I
'',') ; ":', j. '-:." : ;v-- v-- : ".- e
Guaranteed Not to Fade
legislativo and taxation; Fi - A.
Erixon, - Industrial depart .;
J. C. Perry. King- Bing c!- e
Cherrians, and C. tS. Ha i n,
president of the : Business ? I. i s
league. '. -;,
. Acomraittee has ben , i; p
pointed to take down the sus sta
tion that the speakers may i ka
arid to" put them In execution as
far as possible. , ; . , : -
t .V
V0m2n Makes Urgent F i
; To Have Historic'", u ue
"Woodman spare hat tree,".' Ia
the plea of Ella M. Flnpey i x a
letter directed to Roadmaster L'ul
Ver land the " county courts The!
tree '1. question la an old liad
mafk which has stood for two ? :'n
erations on the Salem-Chapr eg
t'6&S. ? -:Tr : " ; --
At the present time there are
no Indications of paving tt- 1. ,3,
butf lt is statea that if 'acipnVis
sarted the"" tree" will be a. ce liter
of conflict. . ' ; J v
The letter contains a plea'.tfiat
the majestic tree has stood ; f or
many years, and to' cut it down
would be a sin; 1 " ' . --
Entrance to" heayen would '"be"
denied the county of ficlals,- ir was
declared, if the tree was cut' down..
There Is no other way, but. to
build the hard surface around the
landmark, if the Crisis comes. -'
crease the vital bile supplyl l "he
discovery is purified ox gall. , ,
Get from your druggist a tick-
age of Dioxol. Each tablet t a-
tains ten drops of purified ox ail.
In 24 hours the poison toxins will
be removed. . Your liver will' be
regulated. Blood puritication will
begin. Sallow skin will clear. .You
will feel so much better youwill
know you have found the cause of
ypur ill health. Dlool tablet3 are
harmless, tasteless and cost; less
than two cents each. ! ( ; , r ,
' These genuine ot gall ' tatlcts
are prepared only under tha'nc ne
"Dioxol. If ahy tablet la ofrcrel
your under another name, ref j it.
Accept only Dioxol in the ori;L: aI,
genuine package.-! Adv. .
0 8.75
i if :"ri)r