n 1 - -.2. .JI..II.-Eas3ett, .president an 3 gia rral manager of the Buick Motor Co., who Las just returned from I ' -w York where he attend?! a : ;;etl2 cf the General llotcr.3 Co., t f which ha i3 vice preside::,' re : crts that general conditions. I:: li tzia very, clearly that there are Z rc.-.-erou3 times in store for the c xztrj and that next year will see a' wonderful Improvement la, tmsi- "The coming year will unai,t i !y be a prosperous one' far th a ;:alc&," says Mr. Eassett, "and irly after the first of the year the J ictoriea will hare to Increase pro- U-ctlon Etill farther In -order to f zpply the demand for Buiclc cara Lien la soon to come witl the J :irovement ia business, i "'.Iy deductions are made on the rctlvitles of the stock market a-'1 tf dactloa of Interest rates, a r"n tral . increase la prices of "stock narket securities, and a decrease Si interest rates are always foi ls wed ly an improved condition In 1 ,::seE3, and pa the other hand, a I f serai decrease la prices of secnr i:Ies and an incresae In interest i -tcs always foretells a depression i a .business. For instance, back in t' 3 fall cf 1919 the prices of the t icck narket securities fcesan to fill and Interest rates Increased, vita the result that several months liter la 1920, we suffered a de-irr-ssion of business, with a conse-f.-eat reductf-i r -heck transac tors throe 1 tic. dlcated that thape ir.S, lea men 7. - Tc c re' entirely ? differs: : first of this year 1 - ive bee a on the c . :s which la- 7 t : a iitions '.' C'ice the , rates -j fai I raring this there t3 a .z:-.;zi in crease 'ia' prices -of -s'.ocTc rr-arket t-curltles, and recently' a'dcciJ:.! i ".crease - ia cir-ci trar. tactions through the bar -. ; : Illness Jlen I . . I - '.'i rttxl '"With low In::r;:-t'ratt3 bust teas men .are I :. j-o -I - -, money frith which to- buy oc to re banish their -stocks which. ', hive tscora lew." during th 3 depr.essica. - 'mu'icturers - are borrowing money to buy raw materials which they need to - manufacture the goods the business men are order 'z. The increase la check trans ections la an indication that all this tjlng-la orngon, anct also the people are buying the things they need. With a good crop for I It t.." - r-" I V.-f to-isake s - - the record the i 1 I vi nade ij Tf. 1 it" K . " -1 . ' Cnrrj Ecrrlce. .' m -? :- - - ft . ... V. ' . 1M sw th 9 CD;:t.iry' at goo ! 'irlcr.3 f r most farra products there is noth ing left wanting tobriog about a very prosperous condition of busi ness, "i""--' ' '" " "". ':' ;" v 'As a result cf thesa condltlcni, the auloni&hlla buslnej.3 look Zoodktor tha future.. The sale cf Bulcks during the past year has held up wonderfully well consider in; ca.raIondr..!o753 and as us'i al, Buick' has teea. amoag the very last to feel the effects of a let-up la bayiss- ' - .. ..'-'"; :'..;".-Ur "With the demand the .19 -5 Buick line is meeting and the prcrperoua; conditions- that? , are about, hre, we look;farward to a most satisfactory -busiaes yeaj" FPnn.i,"cpri.T. Building Program Carried Out s nmarkable;.-Better Equipped .Than Ever , DETEQltrJan. 16 The' ex-pansloa- prosraa cflrr!l eut tjr the Ford , Motor, company during the year Just ended,' a ; year in which busines3"conditions have beea Eore or. lesv unsettled,." re jects not only the company's Own. faith ia the f uture of the automo bile industry," but also an optlaia-, tic outlook generally.-' ; It has tullt ; r.zvr , ir.ar.ufacturicS' units, new assemhly pTaats and a maci ricth engineering 'laboratory,; with here and there a ' few flnLshiL ; touches re'raainins. - It ha3, carrie d out extensive development of hy-dro-eltctric power and has put in to service its own fleet of boats. In every respect, the" company eaters- th New Year better-equipped thaa ever for the production and distribution of motor cars. In industrial buildings the com pany has added 6,000,000 square feet Infloor space. This Is an in crease of more than 2S percent during the year and gives a total of more than .20,500,000 square feet ol Clear space- or slightly mere than 470 acres wader roof In which to carry on its program f mass production-. Most of the additional space was. added by new assembly and raanu factoring . building's and ad ditions completed during the year at ten of the company's branch properties. : Chief among these was the Twin Cities manufactur ing and assembly .plant at St. Paul which, like the new Chicago- plant, will have an assembly capacity of 500 cars and trucks a day. New plants were erected at Memrhis Charlette, " Jacksonville, Dallas and Louisville the produc tion capacity o the Kansas City rant was dotitled an additlca made - to the Oklahoma City branch to permit the building cf bodies, a 'new sales and Bervice tuildins, 'was completed in Salt Lake City,, and a new branch was established and assembly plant constructed at Norfolk V. A. Development in; northern Michigan, where the company's Iron ore mines and lumbering ac tivities are carreid on, included erection at Iron Mountain of the largest wood distillation plant for tha production of valuable byproducts.'.;-;' . , - The -expansion program at the Illver Kouge, riant near Detroit has steadily gone forward and" idd3 ; l,:G0,0cr 'Eqnare feet cf floor epace'la cewtnildlnsa and additions, the plant at Hamilton.' unio,; nas Been enlarged, and tm prqvements have been made ia the company's) coal mines in Kentucky and West Virginia by the Install ation of new equipment - Tower' development daring the year also was a big feature. This Included completion ' of the great hydro-electric plsnt at SU Pall V pVITST nan h3 e'erta'a rrf;rc Ve make it easy for't!:a uri I'ryer to know the character of us-el car he is 'looklns at. : cc ..II . K.aLa a rure-coujlsta t repeal. prcT;itr::-t.cf-a.ncrr tLa we give to t-e u.-;d car tLo I T'js result is always 'eatl. tion. ' . :ce3 car ' the . ady and car :?er ..ac- and a similar but smaller unit at Iron Mountain, Mich.;, which to gether added 34,0 00 horse power to the company's hydro-electric generator equipment. Plana also ere competed for a smaller unit A the satae kind at Ypsilantl, .lich.' "- With the launching early ia the I ,ar of the Henry Ford II and the euson Ford, giant motorship freighters, and the. acquisition of the steamers Oneida and Ononda- 'tha company inaugurated It3 own water transportation on the Great Lakes. After utilizing the boats during the summer and fall months in . transporting iron ore 3d lumber from the north to the River Rouge plant, the Onondaga sad the5 Oneida were transferred to ocean service, carrying manu factured automobile parts to South America and domestic branches yong the- Atlantic Coast. The expansion program was not confined 'x to the United States alcmebui 'extended during the year to foreign countries as well, where increasing business de manded better facilities. A new branch was- established at Santi ago, Chile, an addition made to the' plant at Sao . Paulo, Brazil, a r ew branch opened at Rotterdam, Holland, another at Stockholm, Sweden, and a plant recently com pleted at Copenhagen, Denmark, has an assembly capacity of 200 cars and . trucks a day. In all, about 23500 square feet of floor space was added to foreign plants during the last year. All buildings have teen con flicted in accordance with the Ford policy providing the utmost in light and working conditions. Equipment is the latest and most modern, 8 for , the greater part of Ford design so as to effect the greatest manufacturing economies and at the same time insure con stant improvement In' products, i ECU:.! EtO ". WM IDE JohaH. McNary Now Driving Marmon rurchased rrom : R. H McDonald Mr, and Mrs. John H. McNary have accepted delivery of the five passenger (1925 model) Marmon Sedan from Mr. R. M. MacDonald. This" car has created' quite a sen sation by its appearance and fin ish throughout and the easy way it bandies-, which has always been a feature of all Marmon cars.' Mr. MacDonald has Just returned, from trip to Portland where' the Mar mon representative Informed him that .the Marmon. company Intend displaying all their most recent t3odel3 with -all up-to-date im provements at their show rooms cat fWashtngton at 19th 'Street; from-January 31st to February 7th,'-1925". - i This - show will be a spectacle worth seeing and is open to the public, who are "cordially Invited t ! obtain the latest "advice' as to this high class grade of automo bile. rnMnjr LLkn-.LlLJ dispi:. id at siidv: This KsvViCar" Is Meeting .yilir.PuLiiQ-Approva! Generally " More interest wa aroused by the display of the new Chevrolet line at the New York automobile ttovr than has, been accorded anjr tew car introduction for more than a decade, according to. vet eran antomobile "men' who have teea present at the greater ma jority, it not all, of the 25 nation al automotive exhibits held in the eastern, metropolis. 1 Opinions of both experts and the general public followed the same trend first ef ; admiration and ! then . the puzzled question, t'llow can th Chevrolet company do it at the priec." The exhibit was, visited by practically every automotive representative present Triday and Saturday, the two day3 rtservei for the : trade, and 1. proved the mecca for the general public through the eight days fol lowing. - i - , TLe general tci'tty of the line vras.nost connenttJ tzpea.'- The t- sw:sEil-ellIptlc springs and longer- frame vied with. 'the new lines fend I roomier bodies in excitin;: praise. The Daco f Inl3h In colors f:r all nci:!-to.3 another feat ure favorably commented upon. 1 1 fact tha general remarks cf show visitors clsarly showed that tve pl-ia f.acL: enaueled automo 1 :ie will not find mtch favor with tLa tir parei.aser. tf 1325. ; " ., Chevrolet fac'oriJs are wcrljln: t'ay and nl;lt to fall-caracity t . t'-PPly tha dex-nrl for the net. tars.' -. it tt-a-recertioa' tendered t'.a first showing cf the line U a critsrlja." thes Cvrerior node'; '.ill tr'.x tta t!;t reccrJ.3 pre- r.. TI- j first cf t! tew Chevrolet cars was on dl:-p!r la Ealem by .the I.'ewton-Clia vrcl fr:rany Thursday. TL3 r-"- ".n t-'-'-i a r- : dr-i cf f-urc . nOLET a n i n I. in u M , n i n i i n 11 , '" ' ' ...m.. f r -jam r 1 f T f ',. v f " ' t ' ' -' V ' ' ..' ' - V- . Dirxcr AT r run i ti .-1 rr'i u x SSy- .. . . Reckless driving, but not brdinarily , considered as- such. " t f N LY a very sraall ' "perc ej-.s-V-' a-je ot th -street and hicV ay accidents today can b atributed directly to coristruction and; iL-eerii3jf defect 4," f declare. -the-OstTiHiitiee on Engineering and Construction th KationaW Con ference, or Street and Highway, . Safety in a report submitted to Sec retary Iloovcr, - . ' ' ' . . The committee . emphaHzes the need ol providing- right-of-way for- parking' spaces; for clear I view at , intersections and for the future wideni "before the ' costl ot latl becomes prohibitive- i : "Grsda c cossinr . elimbation through cooperation of municipal--tie. states and', railroads jtriiwit t the tsltimate remedy for" the; railroad- v hih Way" grade-crossing peril,', the Cbmnilttee' declares, with jthe' con- ; tiau'Insr recoramendativns fiut th .creatjon of.1 new - grade , crossings . ' should. be v aToided wherevier possi-. bte even to the rxteot of relocating highways to avoid" such, difficulties." '. i i . f . . Standard rules governing the con- " Exit Vcctblo Peddler Vejietablo Mere!ond Slotor Truck- CompanyuNow Manufacturers FkeC ; - of KoUins Stores; In thlse age' of kef n eoiipetitloa when "time- I; money' iand - the words "bygenic" and "sanitary" are the -passwordsi th Vegetable peddler, who uses, an open horse cart - or" an- 14 - fashioned epea motoe truckL for . selling i - wares is ' fast - becoming cbso Jet e ;, the closedi highspeed vending; ; van or "stbr at your door" lathe vogue The Mareland Motor Track com pany ha recently manufactured a fleet t theser "Rolling Stores' for the Motor Stores, Inc. of Los An geles. The Interior has helves to accommodate a number of. regular size vegetable boxes in kdditnion to ! cempartmenta, : 'sufficient to house-a yariety of sixty vegetables and other eatables. A Ice . bets in the rear keeps the, perishable foods, at the desired, temperature. The i vending van; body was built In the body department of the Moreland'Trnck'company and Is' mounted' on" one of . the More? land low frame chasslsl It has a special spring suspension and Is J equipped with pneumatic tires. It is1 comfortable, " powerful I and speedy.' T!y 'means, of "onief of these stores on wheels the vegetable merchant (he haa, evolved from the name of peddler): can see a far greater number jot "customers daily, he caa Increase the radiu3 oP tl3. deliverfesand. consequently he can forge ahead of ht compet itorg who are not sov iequipped. The-eost -of operation" an npkeep- of these tmcks. ia very lpw and it sattsfles the demand of the dis criminating housewife who wants cleanliness, and ' havo' vegetables and other foods protected from flies, du3t, etc. . ' J , .Electrl)? Ilsht 'are provided to enable j tlie- rowing1 'storB 'to "do boslnesRyver; j r r r -as w el? as In II LY PACKAnD CAN L'cir-, rL'VJ3n-jy-LHiy3'-. z ears VcT-&:cM-izzliz of C CZZ.?SZ?i V:..zs.l L-j'Lcia llllz cz icZ tl;2 rt cy.'-JltY fcr l.zt portlca cf tle, puLTilc ti t dezaands the "be it at ; . - ':,;! ; - . Tv 27 t"rcx ths rs-ca. of I Jrslbip tl:tfhi$- beea to C ZTOVLslytccztCzl, Packard ;brate Ita C.'Ivr-? Anni- wcraca cctc ;crczns. it I" :vr, for'tL; rriy buy etr- one -.1 Taclard f : t;1, T. ard T' '. cf a I'aclw ; Lair cut i. r: a l KKCXLESS DUIVIG dact of travelers oa the l.Tchway: uniform spcevl TCguUlLn aiot-d- pri marily at reckless driving; and ex amination and licensing of all motor vehicle operators, with a bai on the mentally or -physically, unfit "as welL 4s persons under 16 years of age oc , -wha cannot real English, are amor g the outstanding recommenda tion made by the Commi'.tt on Traiac Control of the National Con ference cn ' Street and ' Highway Safety to Secretary' Hoover. ' Oilier important recofwmendations. include: ' Th;it speed regulations should be; directed primarily at reckless driv kg and should1 be uniform through-:, out the country. ' That, communities should be empovvered to fix speed limit zones. bu should be required to.' mark , the ' boundaries, of such zones, plainly ;; and should- be pro bitited front establishing, a speed limit lowes than 15 .miles per hour' ' That bvectaking moving vehicles oni sharp curves, approaching- hill crests, at intersections -or at railroad crossings should be" prohibited, t Another fort reckless driving - not-gtHtrallf- st considered. and Enter ... Vcndins Yan and Store Used in Los Angeles the ! day time. , Unquestionably this type of store for vegetables groceries, meats, and otner itnes: will play an important part in th future, hot -only In outlying dis trict where farms and small com rnunities are some distance apart bat even in the thousands of elty streets l which! are . not In close- proximity to the markets and where the peddler now does.-a thriving business.": 1 From Farm to the Consumer "By the aid of these high speed roUinft stores, vegetables can be picked' and brought tt the cities f rdm the country and sold" the same day. i It meanathat "really f resh'f "vegetables."can be had every '1 L - I 1 uiukm: , -- - 1 Greasier and Tvwlnt 1 ' : - t" L.l 'I 1 1 ' ' k i 'I l- y W GIt Yott: Trtir : n ! Mner' Worth, ' ,Tixc3'andji! ; 'i'-y J .0 ; 1 4.. TiiXAS GfiTuiGE Gnrmiite Expert Repairing - Fords and' CheTroleta, ; a Specialty : 1999 N.' Capitol St. nona 52" Sales, Oregon t & . - BUILD A PACKARD tnodili cf biIiett q::;!rty tl actual cpia car prices. t ' - - 1 Revieed'price jnt$ an- rcw-cllca cf $750 ca t.12 crv- clszd codilj of tlift Packard ZL-zZzt cxzxrtrl?, tl:s pries cf t!:s Czxzn Pass-cr r.,r : n is reduced C 34 3. Lczlx err is iimtl lin crcry t-7 r. lilt t -:a Vz z" -'1 1 s - :a- hzz, zi lz z d ; A fc. . . iu.C ,wi i. -4 CIGw.vJ . I; ft - cf i i.- -- 1 ci C". Ci acr rcrry f - 1 Cttsa 'y i.:. I it f t!.n ct of ( xtri iandling,':;pa.clcing ,ana suiipi Hence. U$ aid to tne uousewi who shou'. l be enabled to purchase food stuffs ' fresher, and cheaper than heretofore. . It i the-most-modern and san itary method for" delivering food stuffs direct from the farni to tue consumer.' : ' I . Interested in-Rad.o i .... One o !- the most powerful broadcastiss stations In the coun try is maintained by Earle C. An thony, Pacific . Coast . distributors for the Packard Motor Car com- Danv. Anthony was one of the pioneers-In radio- broadcasting and hi name has become internation ally famous. The station i known as'KFI and located in the Pack ard building In Los Angeles. An thony hasjjust installed a 5,000 watt-statlpn, the first of Its' kind to be installed. KFI, with . the new equipment is one j of the world's four Buper-broadcasting stations. . i . ; - o 1 IT"" ! , " t 4! ( llnXrr.UUUyj " I DuHng thoU days when you ahiver just to thinlc cf c J c :t ycu can make your car warm, comfortable and aafe. , i Jiiit tiep xnto:tbe ''Western Auto' store have t!io salsis: i-icvr 'yr;v the many ?Svu;tef ndce&wla that maUb dHvia2 a pleasure tha cert u nejlule compared wilh the service and, pleasure yoivyriU receive, , j ii II, !",loore,, Car r Warmer Gives solid comfort in winter. Simple, practical, safe. Heats the pure fresh air as it passes through the exhaust manifold. Uas regulating valve. C For; Fords only. UvwW '"Waller" Heater For - comfort1 and satisfaction.: It not only radiates beat, but Circulates and beats all the air lin the car. There Is no e-l-; Very- eamily : installed. Including- dash control. Three tvpes " '"-!'- " '-'-!--' .- r.i 7-1 ivWiLwt I Ws I w . I according to car. t " .VdsIieTd Vipr An! antoaatli -wldjshield cleaner will pay for itself In safety. The vision is just as ' rood as on a clear day. This cleaner works from tha intake -vncuum. Both " toaw r re- '' ths whel at alt 4 . A f ' times. Prices . , . Hand rnrnd CUansrs. toe ; I v- w. 4 -4- T X. rood atrta robe; will prevent "jroose Tiesh and "chattering teeth" tbes'4 winter days. Our stock includes pure: woof and three -quart era wool robes. IMced freta ; i : e3.G3v.oic.co: : T.Iatcrial3" ' Eow . Cbvcrias Felt Dow Pads r- ! Ccxiila Failed ;r .4. ii.. - r - r . cni Every ,!.t ia your i v L-l It i i--d lit. -iff it j v. 3 v;a:t u.:lU y-u t J7 it end tr- vr trr ' t ia .'iTEj?ytir'-i; .-"v tne c wiis' mwricy," eaya UOE VILLIALIS - . ' i.;t:r "Tlie Katterj4 JIanM ATjTOMoniLi: i:Li:CTiiic.vror.ic or ai.t, kinds 531 COUI1T ST. W2 I , i V , T7 iV r Radiator' and Hood Covers These covers - are made . of heavy' water-proof Imitation leather with a ipadded and quilted lialngrof fine felt and asbestos conter. V carry Ilk totk covers for Fords. Chev-rolets,- Iodsre$. Maxwells, Stars. ttudebakerst Jwtts, Xashes, Buicks ; 810.00 ; according-; t- car. RADIATOR COVERS ONLY Wind Wihrjs "Nifty" Wixifjs Crvstal clats glass:' nickel - pUted : ; brackets , ....... 4 . s Utility"! Win Or- 011.5a The wlnsr illustrated, the "Kas-a-jufst is of the finest 11 quality and of beveled French plate glass. ,jTh nickel -plated hracketa are adjustable to any position. ( 4 p mf , Priced at.... i. . " Glovies and g-ua ntlets are very nec- " essary. We carry a complete line, of various styles in black, tan and fray leathers, ; rang ing from . - " -. - It ' ' c Wethfr-rro ft pop- m 4 ln' i - . matcrlala. TT-e- (. it f tr tovpr Rua "K I Willi I 1." for tia f ma. l-'orri. cnevro ! cr r Pr - "1 V i I. i-rio' cn isir.es Ir , : M.xwfil e 1 n! " n car. All Over C.z - , ....... . ' r - z 0 7c -1 C -r- I'OIt AM. ; car as ' 1 ' ' It t .en. the wole 1 .Nil I'.'l i EATTrrJZ3 j j e e", "'- ' I p- ft IK A, Kincr-ton - Heaters This heater Is equally adapt ed for touring cars, roadsters, sedans or coupes. 11 Immedi ately warms the ent. e car wttn pure fre- !i air. t vol ume of which can-e- -lv be refrulatsd. O 7ft Fords .'.. 1 O Dodg-e and Over- Cf C f land models...,:..vWiu J Chevrolet C"7 model. ...... .. . 4)1 iuJ U.S.Ch-ins A set of the we'l-kn ?n Mc Kay IT. S. Chalni f juld be co.rrle I in every . fcJi a r-re-ciuticaary' rrv -re f;-iinst bidding' in sh -ry ther. liiesd chalxxs ..h a tw ofold purpose they can also be -used for towlr.r; also adapta ble for use in pullinj a car out of the mud. set, accordlug- ta size of tire. t., -. : Mcr.::::;. '.; vr -'V' l i , . vvin' .--'-" Give closed car comfort to the folTis who rids In th rear seat. The. Aik-Au,,: ( . price installed f '' ' is s . . Junior ?rodel3 ( ' for ma"r cars" , . Othtr Tonnsau Chie! :Cl!icr Tc;- T.zz3y: Ford Teurin- O--' " (all raodelsj r - ' at s Fcrd r.oa-:' - f 1923-24 no,:us). . H i w . ... D . i, Curuitj ear CurtI'-s wlt'i L ev? 'ed C ' -- u iass ir C ur"t. " 1 - 1 i. il ;;' . V t" f S t - e 1 ' - : ' I:- -4- i ; I I ii T L rJ .... f v ry V