The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1925, Page 17, Image 17

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.sBVENTY-rcur. vii-Yi:.r.;
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Kfany Improvements Interest
Many Satera. People in '
Popular. Car ......
' The annoancement of the artiTal
of the new Chevrolet la Salem has
created much Interest; ; in ' Salem,
The new car arrived during the
week and has teen on di?;
the show rooms of the '
Chevrolet company, local tl .
Perhaps two of the most
porUnt . Improvements on
: i
. i i-i-the
Chevrofet' are the new springs and
the new' disc clutch. Other fea
turea of the car are: ' r
.New double ventilating wind
shield has a very low bottom glass
panel affording uninterrupted vis
Ion. All open models have rubber
i H f f
1 1
, t
f .
i I i
joe v.'ili.ia:,. ;
: The r.rstf'r-
cjrkat n:sTi:i;.v gailigi:
Service I)t
12 ycu
(4 t
i 11 t
1 i ii
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4 .
Hare's The Neiv ilzzpmcbilb Eiht-Iii-Line
- - . ; : - :
-- . --- . - 1 : ' ' - 7 ,;
- L t . ... . . "
. . .. . - f .
r-lTZ widely bcjral'e'Iaptno-
ibile Eight,- given its premiere
at the New York AutomobJe
f rr, I $ the,' n west - addition to the
liapraobile line of taecessf al . four
-cylinder cars. It Is built in four
body styles roadster, touring ear,
frar-passen jer coupe .and five-pas--
BCXlSJt 'traa. vr-"j-tr--i ' -
: Smoothness of performance, at all
eeidsv all-around rellaVIUy and an
i economy of operation heretofore a
known to the eight-erlinder field ere
iU. chiovemenis' ci-meJ by ' Hupp
' engineers ia HAt new eight-in-liae.
; ' Acer C score ot incxe cf tn
idamental and revolutionary features
jbuHt into the new Eight aret
1. The shortest, most cbmpact,
zz.. L-CTl.if!cr engine ever built.
2. llsre Txnrer rer cubic Inch of.
p.. ten ' displacetne&t than any ' pre-
Iviciu nmlti-cvliiJer aatomobile'en-
weather stHppiag between the
glass panel3.' r Cowl lights are
standard equipment.: 4
- All models are equipped -with
fully protective curtains- door
curtains opening with the! doors.
This affords complete weather pro
tection and at the name time pro
vides the utmost convenience.
An instrument' board of beauti
ful appearance. Panel type instru
ments .Include speedometer, ; oil
gauge and ammeter. Choke and
dash lamp, are included in the
equipment. Instrument board is
designed for xaaxUanin leg-room.
The gasoline tank is placed at
the-rear. The tank is- fully pro
tected by the steer rear cross-mem
ber of the frame., . The rear semi
elliptic springs are underslung for
greater ease of riding and roada
bility. -. ,.;---t V j I
All raodel3 have the new air
plane metal radiator Bbeni-adding
greatly to the flee arpearanee of
the car. This metal will not rust
and possesses all the beauty of
nickel. -Drum-type .head lamps
with diin rOKtl' legal reflectors
are standard equipment. -
The rearcornpartment' on the
roadster provides abundant storage
space for luggage, packages, suit
... v ......
arc havln z -7 IrwuLIarwxlli tho
' ' ' " '
J'' - -; : i "
- 3 1 . - !
is ou:
mmm. m w JO"'
ST No 'troxiLnrstn- at 1 any -point
-in the speed, range.
4. Compactness for handling and
parking. .. . .s .
5. J Vnnsual roominess and riding
cecafort. - -- v :.
6. Balanced combination of speedy
hipinf? power and Tapid accelera
tioa- witk tremendous flexibility
I' T. Unusual gasoline ecoooay. at
ail speeds. ,
8. Outstanding- ease- of starting,
Arutpatiaw anil ctnrminff
a ..... . r
8. " A combustion chamber par
1 ticularly designed to produce the ;
J highest degree of power eCkiency;
combined with ' utmost .smoothness.'
! v 10. Design ' af cranksliaft, coiw
i necting rods, and piston& new t ,
American enjlneenag, resulthiff in
inherent smootlmess and eliroinat
f Ing crankshaft whip and distortion.
f Engine, of the Iv-hcad tvpe. in
neine or the i-rxucl tvpe. in
common with advanced enffineerins
Joe Williams, -ocal Willard
Battery Man, Gives Bat--tery
Whea; storage batteries" are
mentioned, the average " person
used to think of .the automobile
through association of ideas. Re-;
cently radio has been added to the
association. But storage batter
ies play a far greater part In the
nation's li'a than furnishing the
electrical energy for the operation
of automobiles and radio Bets. -
Away from metropolitan centers
where the population is not dense
enough' to support an organization
to furnish electric light and pow-
cases, sample cases, etc. . Full wea
ther protection is provided by the
specially designed rear cover.
1 f
V .
practice has small' bore" and stroke..
Pore is 2 inches and" stroke 4 ,
giving a "244-4nek.'Bgla- displace-'
' mcnV freak whicb. more than 69 brake;
borse power is r obtained at ,2709
. revolntions per minute. . ..Taxable,
horse power la 26,45.; The firing
order varies decidedly from other."
eigbt-in-line engines, - being l-S-2-3-'."
Tbis rotation -distriiwtes
the firing aaofo uniformly over the
crankshaft ' thairf the t -conventional'
system,. gitnjni.Ing vibration ' and
breaking the sequence. -
Brakes are IxfckheedbydraaSc of
a ll wheels. The emergency brake W
of the external? contracting type,"
operating on' the transmission.
' BaUoon tireSfc specially constroctedi
for' the car,; are of "six-ply cords,
33 x 6. Balloon- tire snabbers botb'
front and rear are standard, as are
natural wood wheels. PiC wheels
are available small eitra cost,
Wbeelbase is 113 inches. ;
er, the storage battery plays a ma
jor role". . When the farmer rings
up his neighbor; to ask . for -the
loan of a hay rake, the chances
re that storage batteries furnished
the electrical impulse that carried
his voice over the wire. ; ' . . ..
' When- your Pullman- j berth - is
made up and yon retire, to read
before falling asleep, as your fast
express goes tearing across the
landscape, storage; batteries furn
lsh the light for f your ! . reading.
Every car in the train has its plant
of batteries for lighting. ; These
are subject to charge j and dis
charge Just as an automobile bat
tery is. Chargtag takes place
When the car is moving.1 !
CARS crowded to
the gunwales never
make a- hit with a
regiila)f fellow for
he-prefers the bi
cycle ivay of getting
to arid fxoid. work
the , clean, whole-
some; oyf-Uvin2
wa' that promotes
health and strength
Our showing cf the
latest' models j is
;.A j ready 'for.:
A?", ( yoii r Save ;
: r " ' money i. fee :
in and sea
. C vS4i .
Ml ; " j
llalance ,C. :i 12 I ...A on
Easy -Teh... :
1 it . c : : 1.
il hi i u-t
Local Cycle- Mart Demon
strating New Device to ,
Take Place of Stand
Harry W. ScotC, "The Cycle
Man," has jut . rceived a i new
type quick- acting (stand- to.'attaeh
to llarley-Pavidsoii motorcycles.'
, It differs from the regular stand
in that it attache to the front of
the -frame iuid wtr a, light: kick
with the foot will awing, the stand
o-nt to on ,stdy on! wbich the mo
torcycle rests.' " Tblst does i away
sita the necessity, of ' lifting the
machine on the other type regu
lar stand which is somewhat dif
ficult for a short or amalprider
td do. . . f . ' . '
The progress, ia the, use of mo
tor hquses. 1$ amazing. . Jn -1922
there, were . Q 0 railway companies
operating" : 340 buses, and today
there are -moxe than 1 6 9 compan
ies operating over, 250a .vehicles
qf. this, typeJjiThese ; figujfeai do
not, include the great number of
independent.bnsj; lines,- soma .of
them very sikeabJe. : la, New York
City, 4for Instance theije are ap
proximately a thousand , motor
buses. .
'7 jg eueral expenditures " fo? " high
ways have amounted to only- 45
of the total received from special
federal moXor vehicle excise tax
es. , - - , --.!
.;i:..'rV :::
I zv7
:, I
.-1- j ...
F. VI. Bliss Moves
I'ToWest' State St.
i !.- t ,
Among 1 the ; business , changes
slarting .with ktt new' year in Sa-
lent i$ the removal; of- the;R V.
Bliss auto top shop, to new 'quafJ
ters at 229 vVeat State street.; fr.'
Bliss is orie of the old time estabJ
lishftd business' institutions of, Sa!
lein; having located: hre la 191,1 j
His businfsa!' has expanded.' so' as
to demand larger 'and better g,uarf
ters; which is the motive of the re
moval, lie is now located In,larg4
airy- and ell lighted quarters in
a fire proof build ing well' adapted
to hfs buslnfas. . The front of the
building has been re-painted and
new sign.i ! installed and tjie place
has the air of stability and pror
gress whlbh" appears to' the public,
i Mr. Bliss confine his business
strictly to the' auto' top and uphol
stering lmes, repairing and re
building; fi installtn g; J glass .enclps-
ures, making seat covers and such
work as pertains7 to that phase of
the automobile, business. His long
years-of experience make him an
expert in- his line. i : -' . f
pat Rate Charge; Qh Re 'pairs
Flt, rateA charges; for labor , on
most ,motorcicle. repair ? Jobs; has
been put intq' effect , by Harry W.
cptt of, the local Harley-David-
son agency. ... .-.4.,. ;:; ,j
Tb4i. system enables.' the- rider
to know.; in advance .Just jwhajtthe
charge. wUi be 'o . the . particular
job he wants, done. ' , .. , . . s i ..
: ,,The. standardized .U.arley-Daxld
son,1 . roatorcycIet with , sytematic
work, factory tools, and, .factory
trained mechanics makes it possi
tie' to. put this plka into effect.
.. Fortyi tfl 68 of a well built
road isj a permanent investment
which does not wear-out. 4
Yoii 13. Invited to Indict lt
.At Qur'SIiov Itccni
. " , 1
- 1 , ., . . , L j.. ...
! Gpcn Sundays and Evenings
- J 1 . i . ' : . -
' ;"-'"'-''-"!''.:'.- - ; . : . :. . - ! '! 1 ", -
Mtcic ccv tias manu new Teaxuvas
:;:.;.'; ;'r.;.;-';: ;'A;. i : -f V, A- j - '-r: . ."
"! : ;B3et". -Renr' End .
f . ' . , . . ' 1 i "
Chassis vitli larrjcr and stronger frame.
Body cf greater Iscauly and ecrnfert- Duco f
S cmi-cli p ti c S p r in 3 . ! "
Dry Phio disc Clutch'. - !
Yoil ZIzzgZ C23 Tzd 'Czv
r;-iV :'f : -:-'y;-.Vy :; y r 'y':-" ,-r: '.si
v I H- 'All. Tl:a Ii:z vovbuzaiito- ; ' -
0;::i nvcr.ir3 ar.J Sua
1 4
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m to? po
The Popular ! "California"
Tops Made Irt Salem How
On Exhibition
.(The closed. car' makfa n strong
appeal ta auto. users but many, of
its 'comforts and conveniences ar
counterbalanced by disagreeable
and undesirable features, It- is
top-heavy; it makes a rumbling
disagreeable sound; it develops
"fatties," is awkward and
inconvenient tcj adjust to; varying
cqnditions. These undesirable fea
tures are. all overcome; and. none
of the ' desirable, features are lost
in the ceIebratd"CaHfornia' top.
This top is w called fromits Jilr
most universal adoption in - Cali
fornia, where it--originated..'- It is
light and low;: it does not "ram
ble;" its, plate; grass, panels, above
each door slide.,back instead of
(31' . (3
Jay's Du:ir..7 J.::..:
' '
r '
down, and are held firmly in any
position desired by a patent lock
ing device . which, absolutely pre
vents any rattle. These sllJia
panels make it possible to instaatly
change the car at win of tho occu
pants from an open to a blo?"-il
type or reverse. Tlie cost is rei
sonable and any touring car may
be Titted with the 'California" top.
the p. j; Hull Auto Top Shop,
located on. 217 West State street,
is-now making these "California"
lops here in Salem. Their fir.t
lob is completed and is now on ex
hibition, at their show rooms. It ii
ar piece nT; work of which Salem
may well be proud. It is the equal
in appearance of the finest work
manship of any auto factory and it
ia a '.'Made in Oregon" product.
Even the gTdSs was cut and bevelei
iri Oregon shops. . J
t :
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