Institution Isv flov . Fillip j tfucti r;t':cd Pte'ccriflV Life of-CcpitarCity"-: ' ? I In the furor of excitement accom' panying the late 1 campaign' for funds' with which-to build a new rYUCA building. in Salem, people j seem' to luve forgotten that sister organization without which- the I work of any YMCA would proTe t quite futile. ;It I impossible-to establish ;a high moral -standard I among members of one sex.- and pave that,, standard maintained J without at the same time raising ko ah eqoal standard the mora! : f character of the ' opposite sex?; . ' ., The SaJera ' YWCA- under the fable leadership of Miss .Marion IWymau, has completed a very sue icessful year, and. Miss Wy man Is j hopeful of what maybe accom- . piisnea aunng me year Just com .mencing. j . Despite the handicap of cramped, quarters and the lack ;of workers, the association has taken an active part Jn managing the recreational and spiritual life of Salem's girls and young' worn ; " '": " -i f i ....... The YWdA has the use of the YMCA swimming tank and baskeb ; ball floor, on Wednesdays, v Regn-i lar classes under Ithe supervision of able ' Instructors in gymnastics and swimming are conducted; A schedule of the classes '. and the . time of meeting follows: Matrons, : gytanasiuiri, 10; o'clock to 10:30 o'clock; swimming tank. 10:30 to ; ,11 o'clock; business girls, gym i nasium 7 to T:30 p. m., swim ming tank,. 7:15- to 8tl5 p..m.; Junior girls? (10 to Z years), twimming, tanki .4,, to .i'.30,p. jnt; i ienlor girls, flwlmming tank, 4:30 o: Pja,; , "epUl ,girr-reserre ; class, basketbaU J, 4?'A9i$p.; i swimming tank 5 to 5:20 p. m.; teachers,, high school and college girls," swimming" tank',; 6:30 utq' j 6: SO p. m. A small charge is tnaje for tuition in these classes, j An employment bureau Is .main tained by the ;organizatiqn;van4 during the past year many1 needy women and! girls have received po sitions through this bureau. Miss Wyman states that the supply of Jobs has been jquite satisfactory, and thai in- the 'last few weeks especially Job ' .havet be tomiPless scarce.. ' The YMCA also , iantainVan employment service i la connection- .with' lbe ' govern ment,' and n'ecanse'it' is:.a gpVe-rnr , fmeat bureiur places women' and! I girls as well as men,. ' j j The 'association thas, 10 rooms which are rented' to girls--Wh are working In the city. An effort Is made to select girls o live in these rooms wno havef. aft. friends' In the city- andwho seed asslst i ance. . The rooms are ..rented o thelsame girl for only a yean A house mQtheE..hav.charge,,.ptk.the rooms, and supervises the social r - t. . , i . - . i i - VIS . THE OREGON. STAT!:s:iA!7rSALC:i,C?wEG0N MaVBMHRBBBBSKamVw life of the girlj whenever it'seema necessary. Membership is not required for participation In all of -the prlvife ge of .the association. Unlike the YMCA, - there ' Is no membership fee,' Upon application for mem bership, the, applicant ;lgns' the YWCA .pledge which reads as fol lows: f To associate young women In persbnel loyalty to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lorfc; to promote growth, n Cbristiarf endeavor and service tbfrough physical, social, mental, and , spiritual ' training; and to become a social force for the extension or the Kingdom "of God." f -', ' - t.'v . . . f . r i A cafeteria Is maintained by the association, at 'its; rooms at .J83 -Nofth Liberty. . Lunch' is served between 1 the' hours of llf3fr; and 1:15 o'clock The" cafeteria- is operated for the" - convenience 'Jof girls and men who - are? employed In down; town offices and are- de sirous of securing a .hot .lanch quickly and . t a. moderate cost. Any onewho has his or ber own lunch is welcome to come to the cafeteria. to eat it, and' they may it they wish secure: hot coffee or chocolate, there. . Home cooking only is served, and faS specialty is made of salads and desserts, i AUBURM f w , ii i w ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cady were New Year's day dinner: guests at the William Hardey ; home In alem. -j. ; . J- ' ; Will Walling is able to be about again after being confined to his home" several days with flu. . Charles Cady had the misfor tune to Joosq ,-bfae ofr his work horses last week. ' . The recent cold weather caused a 'shortage in hatching eggs and Lloyd Lee 'of .the Lee' ; Hatchery did not. surt- bis incubatora .this week as- -be planned. - ;i On account of sickness the Hayesrille Sunday school conven- j tion which- was to be ' held t Brooks., was. held at Clear Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Cady attend ed- ; from f. the. Auburn.; . Sunday school,-; The next convention will be held at Brooks. In March. ; . i The Auburn Community club will .hold: the nffxt meeting Jarf- uarr iSat the school house The Ford office of Portland will show six reels; four wUi-be -educational end-two of-the Ford factorlsr .-i This comes highly recommend ed as an, educational feature as. it will show the irotf, from the timp Itleaves the ground until it' leaves the Ford factories as a' ford ma chine. 1 No admission will vbe chargedf. and the public Is Invited. ; -m . : ; if L'oridoridariSell'Fitr 1 1 WitHout Stfeam Heat ,; " .... t .: LONDON. " Jfan, i(L"l-DesDti the .rapid modernization of Loni )don, the . great , metropolis Is not to have the advantage, most de4 sir able ,In a T climate '.as, uncertain; as that of London- of central steam heating In Its hew houses now be ing erected by the London County Council for1 middle-Class vtenants. The housing committee of the council ' recently, reported that. In View' of the present legal restrlc- tlpns, .the .cost, of such-heating, in stallation would be prohibitive. i; . - i. ., :f ' - 'l '" " " ' j ''li!" (J- -l , JX if;l ' . In j; li m r"i7T-. ,-.-! X " J .f ,i ii ; , i -.a-. ..; urouac us a ncvr cusmccs uiroucn cut' ,lC2s,-dhid" 1C25- clicald laS cur banner , ycr it ve conistcnUy kccri cur nrno and our. UlL L;rcre puIic ich iuany a snrewa aavcriismx ana incrc::ar.-is:n7 ' executive is ttljy mL-s'the alaVrt..:r:ieriJi . tioa to1 the "chief." ; ' . There's jest" one . reason:--', 1 .. "' , .. ... '..'.- . ... m ...v. . AdycrUiin z ixx . " , j ' ciwofficehs n t cc Uulluu liUUuutC Siiverto6Merii.faTce'6ath al Silvertbfi; Police .'.Chief i .;'......: n! i -t.-.: i SILVERTOX. nr.- Jkn. 9, (Spefcial.) City ' officials .. took' their oath,. of ;. office at: the first meeting-' of - the' clty council held hls-- yeari -Gi I;3arrl - whowas elected' May6r7 Lawrence-Larsou ind! E : Banks,.- wh , were both-re elected', councflmen, " werethose" who were sworn" in." Carl-R Mos- eT,; notr of PortIahd,- was. present to lender his' - resignation,. -Mr.- Moser v stated that as ;. be hadre ceivedi the appointment", of state adjutant of the American- Legion prior o his election" as councilman he bad asked that his name be re moved from the. ticket as -a candi date for office. He further, said that xey.was surprised when he was! notified that be had been elected. As yet no one has been chosen to fill the vacancy, left by Mr. Moser's -resignation. -; Captain Archie Thomas, chief of police at Silverton, handed in his resignation. W. W.- Gaines, who for four yearr served on ' the po lice force at Salem, was sworn in as chief of police at Sllverton. ; The city, engineer submitted a rough draft for plan's; for a city hall,; at Sllverton ' not to exceed $20,000. , The plan was submitted to .a committee which will later report- to the-council. ' i The fire -department reported thai! departmental expenses dur ing the recent cold spell came to $155. It is understood that these expenses occurred because he de partment does not have a proper place to house its equipment. 'A M-W .MrgCC Gretiietvlsl teat the Charles iPugb home at ClfeAr; Lake .New : Year's'. ;- -: ; Claud Stevenson- held another turkeyshddr iast' Su'ndaJr'. ;Thie W. JI NetieisEs f ahfily receivV ed a telegram'; stating that .Miss Smith and ber Invalid sister are to arrive' from-1 California - next Tuesday. Miss Smith took-, her sister to a milder climate, hoping that' she would be benefited, hut reports state that she ''Is much worse. ' ' Thej Croison Canyon club will meet next Thursday: at the home of. Mrs. 'Fred. Kufcbler. lt ? TbeFrosf family .-have, returned to' their.-' Portland home' after spending a week-witb;Mrs. Math eson, and children J i ' I Mrs. Albert Dougherty and spat, Donald; who; have" been- visiting Mrs;1 Dougherty's parehts, Mr. and Mrs; 'Vf. J. Neuens ' for several weeks', have . returned to'' their home" , In Oregon ' City. '. ' ', "'.'. Mtss: Elizabeth Harfis of Rose dale? was guest; In .the' W."J: Neuens home' -this" week'.'" v Mrs. E. P. Scully is'sertduily' ill with a bad atUck of tonsflltls.. Mr. it ..';;! ' .' TUo States- Frank Mohney ia unable to be "a round .on account of a severe cold In the muscles of his back. Willie Berndt is confined to his' bed with a bullous attack. Harjan juaa, woo- i convalescing- frotlr Kttt illness, is back In bed j suffering irtth a ;bad." caidr Doiiir Evetjn; end. itbb'efri Anderson, grandchild ren oT Mir. altd JMrs. Pj O. Judd. are ill with th roattrooble. J. J - MfJ. Harold- Zoselj- 'Miss Ida MathesoH; and.' Miss Cedella Mntr hammer, are- the:latest-$chooI- vis ttorv: r i ---i-.;-v.'-- i-vfr:- ;-?"? I I ;'Mrs, James' Wolfe and baby of Portland were ' New Year's guests at the'Mathesorc: home. ' MrV and Mrs: Fred: KuebleT' andUVo bobs w'ere"al30 there.- -'; f'-T i'- Theodo're . Ilrubetz,., who ' is at tending school" iriCorvallls, has t turaed after spending his vacation t- home-here: ";H. f"Uv . - Many from Liberty at tetided the watch patty at the: Leslie church. All had-an enjoyable time.- .. - .' . !" ; ' Mr. J: J..JKlasson left Sunday forr Swet llome where-' he rlH work -in-aMog'gtogcamjpL-v " Mrrf and Mrs? Hi1 Gilbertl have; been visiting relatives near Port-' land for- the past two. weeks.? t Ed "Westenhouse 1 has - been ill' with' la grlppebut is nr better. Mattias Schmidt i speht "&w Year's wtta telatives" here. Het is a former Liberty boy. Ibut aow lives in Marion;S ..'..; t J R: V. Ohmart is now 'employed at thej sUte house.;, ;': f ' ' ',7 l' i Mr. "and Mrs. Mar Jonientz ot Portland- spent New Year's day with : Mrs. Jonientz's parents, Mr. and Mrs Schotthoefer. j v " i Theresa Sshotthotf eri vi attending Willaajetlfe; lifafy rsity,j has been home oiT iaitlliroeeks vacation. :' r3,., . ... Z; . , 5 E. L. Cotfey y and on t Alva, were Lebanon -visitors ";last weekj ; Miss Louise Schmidt has return ed from ' Marion-' wbef 6 ehe '-has been visiting relatives;, . V ; i Earl Hedges; of i Monmouth was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Judd. : : . .. ' . V ' The pupils or the upper, grades want to thank thel editor'. of the Capitol Journal, and. . ihe SUtes tnan for setidingf( daily paper! to the '- school as a t reward lof these news notes'"' from Liberty.. .Good tfse? is made aC thehi.t -And, they are 'mUclr appreciate"; 1 1 The champion Item gatherers for tbdpasrffi6tfurarea fetiowsrl Sixth- grader Venlta Rains, with Lee .Qhmart': as" a' vcloge! eecond; seventh grade', a tie' between Mag- dalenia' Schmidt", and: Edlltfathe ppn, each with fifty publishable Items; followed by Ellenf Neuens with forty-eight. In the eight grade. wSabina Schmidt - led with Lela F"ox. second, ".'!.' 1 Next Friday" night is the regular meeting of the Parent-Teachers association Come; and ,.enlaslitJftad' by him.- wblfch might he these 'meetings- that aref proving J eif h occas!6n ttnder:tbe aplejmaa- bgemeirt- of. -the president, .Mrs: Claud Stevenson. V- 1 i J " " : 3 Mr and Mrs. Hlckey and'daugh- ter of 1 Portland were Ner : Year's guests of: itK ! ahd " Wtrs Ai B:. Browning. ; -;; 5 -l '-' Mrand Mrs. J. Ersklhef of Jef- ferson'V parents' of Miss Ddrothy 'SNAPP THINKING NO. 266V ; foss iWord JBvaaM 2 I? ,19 I ,V . 4 V 1 I 16 Kf -fc t i . r-. ;:.i g-- ' '9 i ft . X' " - , -'" ' ' m i h r j T. ': ' X- . i mm , mJm . mmm " 111 In ii hm t i -r - .. - -Jr '6 - i ' ' ' ' tri-i : . I g fjyr; ii - ' '7 - -t t4r 20 . 3f ,i ; j . ijpx i r. ' ' J ' 7 "-. ; "fMCjf if . I- MMiM mi i,i gi MMMi hmmj a., k.. f .. f r' -'' !; ' - :;;. r ' I " ;"" - - ': t f!v; -i Mr . - W ; V--' 4- . - - j r"' 53; - tv - I rh tev .J S-Hi 'f-'' . I y X ' . ' " ; LrvT 1 4S " f i v.: - ! -'.".,. i l l , I. ' .i .-.- --. Jr....- : Ot:- - '--" '' ' 1 - f4- -;, f.r, r; r , j : t;3 " f . ' '.-.-.t Jl f 4 -'. -rlJli i I i 1 i " 1 i.. ' I . I" I ! i I i ' I t 'l i ii i .rrf 0,ACBOSS ;i .;r,.;. " ,f ."1 A laceration, h ; i .. m 6 Edged tool for hewing. ( 9 Constructive; I .." f ' f 11 ValnV -i 14 A-river of Damascus.' 1 6 Punitive; " - ; 47 A lair. 'Mi IS Deceiver. 21 If (Scot.) . - 22 A' cbTrfr. : 24 Nothing. ; 25 A' sweet cake." 26 Preposition; 27 To welcome J , !'' 32" A" male attendant, 33'A"coinv : : : ' 34 A- prefix: 36 AA dagger. v 8 .One.,,, jj S9 Occupy " 41 PartoV'to 8t 42 A male child 44 A centurj.- : 4 5' Generate. - 47 By way. of, "j 4 9' Acquiesce ,- ; : s 31 A colored mineral (pi. ) , 53 To nauseate.-. . .. S3 Revolutionary war. flu'.3"'rr. 56 A fmVr. 5 7: Likcwiae. . , i Jbir8ine, inn uiieriueuiftio icatucii were dinner guests last; Friday ev enlng of Mr and Mrs. R V. Oh- mart . : teltedT'TelatlvWar liT PSrUand I 4 eau. w w- Miss Peal Scott is now attend-; Ing'buslheisr.conege' in. Salem.. -Ed'suena,- who: is' working .a Valaelz-; visited relatives j here last Sunday. -j. " : Mrs: Earl Cone .spent; the" week end-.wlth-h'ei, parents-' l" SHyertoiL Mi JP.J Adms'tt" suffering from an-attack df xrotson-oak.' . Mlss"YeTna:vTlttl6c bo; is at tending'-' the- OSNI at; Monmouth was-a' Sunday - visitor at' the' P." G Judd home " Kedrlck and Hollls Kelley, who have been obt ot school 'for three weekVjdn account of bad5'weather, ktaTted:ragain -last Monday.' A " Enjdyable short: programs are belng'itlten- in Mrs. : Hoag's room each' Friday morning: -: Two pupils are 'TespoiTslble for achT e'titertaih-; ment; and-, do" aC ' Vnt'ertainlng w1thout?asslstance from; the teach ef or' other5 apll, I All year these programs have" been.;. looked" : for ward to with' pieasurey fori they are rvanea ana always interesting. r Mrs. C. W: Campbell and daugh ters of California weria guests of nirvana Mrs.; a; crowning last wteek:;:;. bU ; ; r--- t?-- I Mrs. Fred J. Browning, is visit ing -her sister, Mrs.' Tarr, of The Dalles. , ;! ' " Mr. : and Mrs.. II. L. jMcMurphy pf - Falls City i were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dorman. v - Fred Scott; who' ha-flr been af flicted with boils, ! Is now better rC. this 'ritingr- 1 " " T r - Mr. Jcfbn ' Simmons, who la a Civil .War veterah,rdred last': Sat- trday at the Deaconess' hospital inSalem. : The ;;boy Jr(ilue" are rapidly becbminV lessi5 "Soon, we shall have; been -able-"twcherislr them In-memoryohlyv,!:,; " Mrl.G.'Wi Hoffman, -of Prospectl was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce rox recenuy.- Mr. trrea j. Brown ing is adding to the equipment in his, candy, factory... Hehas lately put' in a marsbmellow beater that wilf beat up a hundred 'pounds' at a time, and he has just installed a steel slab that weighs a ton. Swede Claims to Control ; Restless Power of Ocean STOCKHOLM, Jan. -lCHow to harness the sea-waves for indus trial work) one of thef oldest prob iemss in the world, has' been solyed according to the claim1, of a Swed ish r engineer, Lieutenant Sven "II. Lundberg .of. the.- government Road and Waterway, Construction corps, who has applied for patent rights on a huge mechanism, deP chaj-acterlzefd. as: a ; ifloattogpbtfei station. - ? -A''t-f f xne Lunabersf .invention not only , produces ' power automatical ly5 from 'the action of the 'waves. but by means of turblne-driveh dynamoes can convert this power Into electricity. It consists basic ally of a raft about 600 feet long arid' .300 feet wide, which is so af- . , ' .DOWN 1; Boya name. Vacant. ', . 3 Used for writing. Pronoun. -': I Whether. ! . J I ! . : .f Goddess of malicious5 mischief. 7i River In Central Brazil. :; ' 8' Girl's name. . - ' 9 -A road horse;' i I Jj If A" short' sleefrt" f-'T "' " ! 12 The " higher class. ' -'I ' ' IS A dwarf. ; 15 Friend' (Fr.)" ; " ; s 191' Any agreeable perfume, i i f td Plaited. - 4 ' 2 To cover. i ' 23i Subdues. 2f. Part of "to be." -ZSiSelt. T -rs. : 2 VerteWaV.) -t V " St A' gentleman;! " ? ' r" ' 33 . A lumb orgold.'- .:''' ' ST The perfidious friend of !" . ... otneiio.; vrr 3S -A eolorless oily'conrpound. AO "To wait upon. . -i 43 .Biology term.- j ,.. i - if River in Switzerland,, . -v ! ' 45 A' humcuopterdasMnsectiT .; 46 Also. -' - . . 4S'n-cDstirratc persoh.' i - r,o x; ,Jc3s of dawn.' , 52 'Pr!2t?rr-Cab.)' ' -' '' '-L, f " SUNDAY ilORKINGp .1. . t on rhone 3 Advertlslna: Deptj cxssrxx xDvrsxisrincrTi Tir; iart Uas1- ,? - s n-B--rtev";-Ovr Itad4 Buaa'Bhk) r ! BiTOBjrf toxt rTATiTorra! hom .v OB OAK HATl-Il..? - ' : niaVt6 Back A lfn4rUk, v! fi. ; Bak;.Bidfv ,rrf ' i s-S8tf AUTQilOBlXES: -.'f1-34- -4. j - Storage' 1:1 - Tirir-prooi taiidiatr.. day ad Bight irticc, s 4 per moata. ; 1999 ft. Cap- -ttof. 'Texas Harare. l-j9tf ATJT O REPAIRING1 S3' WE WILL. COMPLETEUY RENEW Yonr . car," truck, tractor, an 4- yiTa roa easy termav II. II. Shocker, S49 Ferry Sr. , V.-r -j !,-;:-::. -f6 TOUR TIME WlLIi L BE WELLr SPENT' - if1 yor- estimate ofl yonr ' onto e pair tfOrkr at" (ha a Shamrock garage, MiHer."'T)onell42M. j " 2-f ,AUTO TOPS ft- - BTATIONABT TOPS - ' f Tkt very : lateit i ante ;topa , 4 -. Beaionable Price ' t. V- V f :' Oi J. HCliI iul - . - i state4 Pt." t s-amt JPOR REJfT : - TO a RENT 100- ACRE - FARM. , Fi K. Mobd, 841 fctat Jst. -. V 4-J11" FOR' RENT GOOD ' HOUSES . ; AKD pdrtmeivts fnfuHhed and unfurnished. Childs A BechteU 540 State Street. J- ? : -! 4jlltf OFFICE SPACE TO LET HOME RE- atty Co. 169 8.. HigTi. : - . -4-jl4 FO -"BENT-J-HOUSES AND ' APART- meats. . F, L.. Wood. 841 Stata atreet. HOUSE " AND j APABTMJJfTS. PHONE 4-nl6tf PRINTED.. CARDS, SIZB 14" BT t". wordtag 'Fo. Rant," price 10 cents ru, watosmam nuiaus uuuk 'OTonBd floor. FOR Rtl25T- Aparitonejiti"' O .1 LAR6E TWO-ROOM FURNISHED Apart ments. . Bleeping., rooms, lba union. ATTRACTIVE-'. THREE ROOM APABT- meat. heated. Call at 1335 State. .:.;.,-."f i L -U-u ;. r ' AH HEATED FURNISHED APARTMENT 4 blocks. from state hou&o, 593 N. Sum- MODERN", EXCEEDINGLT WETIL FUB- nished, 3 room apt. . -Private beta, jntt like ;owo home. Adults. -Thomson's Apts1, 0 Com'l.; ;. . ; 5-jl4 FURNISHED 1 APARTMENT H 8 DTYT- ion St. I ,. . v i . 5 jlS NICEliT'TUBNISHED APABTMENT 590 Union.! Phone ; 567-J. ' - . 5-jl3 FOB ' RENT APARTMENTS ; 891 NO. Commercial. . . . ;..,.;; APARTME'NT-i-aev TT.' CXTTTAGK." 5-ntf FOR RCXT Room BOOM AND BOARD HOME. ruigea- -. eTerytning: fe. ffcone ..I94J-J.- O-jLl NICE LARGE (FRONT ROOM SUITABLE lor tvo personal t4 union. o-jia". FOR BENT SLEEPINO ROOM FOR lady, 860 Marion' St.; Phone 1818- Wv f-i p.-Al -Hi"!,!. ;.!-'. rf-.-Tj I 6jl3 Laurel hotel; under new man- agemeat. Rooms lurniahed clean,. 12th and Oak. i -; -: ;. ...' - 6fl0 PRINTED CARDS. SIZB 14'. BT TV' wording, ttooma so itent,"" prlco it eeata oack. State aa Baaiaora- Of Cce. Groond lloor. . -. :j . TWO FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN homo. Alt conveuieoces.- Breakfstb if desired. -Two block from State Hounei 253. N. 18th. Phone 385-W. . 6-J14 TWO LARGE! BED ROOMS FOB KENT; reasonable, f : Jdodero aoone, - furnace heat., garage, breakfast if desired.- Phone 1B80-W. '" . " . 6-jll fected by the rising and falling of the sea; that it ntlllzea about . 60 per cent of the dynamic 'energy ac tually contained In aavej: ' It Is not at - present' possible to give details of construction but' experi ments already; made with' a small- sized, apparatus ' prove, .according to the inventor, that a single wave. five - feet ilgh can deliver 2700 borse power, to the station, . and that the available power increases a more rapid rate than the height of the Wave, so that, for example, a'. 10 "t foot" Wave, can deveIop15, 200 honui nair. - ' ' J irr;.i; X,uiidberg ,. declares .' that floating power rafts of this , type are' so .steiady ' that... production plants could be; built, on' top of hemfc and; that. they would - be Ideal for factories that1 develop soda 'and Chemical fertilizers out of -air and water. He alad makes ihesUrtling'claimthat an adapta tion of the: invention can be made for. ships so that enough' power, taken' from a moderate sea, could be conveyed to the propelled shaft to drive an average freighter at the normal speed derived from eteanil". 4 (Answer' Ito" yesterday "spuzzle)T " ' ' fir - '-IT' ; ! a It! 4- Z JANUARY .tljlSZxj t i : . weak, (six trt&k) Six BMatlts.' eMtnkU, pr mMtVlSs ;1 BMsks sbatrMtr pr" MoaOk II Xlmlmnm for, aay 4vwrtiMBatSS T- FOR'REX T-.R Hooms . 6 ' OXE ALCOVE ROOM PARTIALLY. FUR- wished. One-half block from' Ladd ft ; Bnah. 146 State.' .; . TWO FURNISHED SLEEPING- ROOM 3 '"garage ; for on' car! ii desired. - Pri - ,Vate' aaodera home.- Phone 059 J.-6iH rURXISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM - and garare. -118" Marion St.; " 6-jl6 BOOM FOB BEITT MODERH HOME. tare llock Iroiav a tats hmiA,'for-ge- :3m-.i r . , - ' B0OM3 TO BEilT CAUiJS04-W. V-.- it ' -. . - ' - e-e9tf I' FOtt'Ria'Ton5i 'Jt' FOeALfr MOOKRSHOWE-SEVXX largo rooma.. - Fine Jocatioa. . lt . ly 16a. Addreea Owaer. 1051 Cheme- ket atrtefc-f. - tvZ'Vy- " T-ftr KKl?T.V'-TORJTRWTmwftWW.rk'W'V vutocth, piiut, iciroia, l.Trrpiare, nckt fnaie xiooao.. nqnira t( 1U ,N. Uap Ul St. - - -- H -!-V-. Tiotf -1 rrVE BOOM HOUSE 820 "" 8." WINTER SBVE ROOM HOUSE-i-PARTIjV ftTH- isaear ? inter,- unnir States' WfcttiL1 FUBNiSHEIX BUKEfAUOW WITH garaje, Reasonable. '"f ilelTja' Johflj-oa FOR flATffi ftffnrrnrirwfagrtr IdOOD MILK" COW TESTIXO 2 r;. ng mare, aonad .and' safe tor chlldrta . 10 anvo.. .Woric.naraeaa, barrow, bog gy, hack, garden cnltivator. - 11. Morgan jHt. 4," Box- 8-A,-BaIen(.' 8-J18 FO B 'SALE-i-1-3 - SHARES (850 'EACH) Untied Drug1 Co. (RexalJ) 1st prefeiv . i-ed stock. 7 sr nnt-rnirutMd..niT. aMo o.narterly.' - Wm. Neimeyer, . 1 75 ' ' ' '"'-' '- ' Tireslpasrs1 Nptlcea' ' .Tratipua BotlCea, 'atte I4T iaeiU lu1 9 latches, printed ' good 10' ottactf oanraar oeanng tue words. "Notioo It Hereby .Olrea That 11 Traapasslng 1 -StrieUy Forbidd OA These Premise Under Penaltr Of ' Pron tlrn v-t. 184 oaok: a tint eor 85e.:i- State tar ; ouaaxag vompasy, Salon,' Oregra i . ' , ". . . J g-atJ WE, REKT, SELL-OB REPAIR 6EWETQ machines.; Old machines f 5 and op. Big advertising discoXibt on ' new ma-' chines. . . .. . . Ku WHITE SEWIKO MACHINE CO. i . 14 blocks sooth OE - depot. - 221 Soath. High, SL Phone. 808, j ., ; DBAO SAW 3POBtSALB4-A NEW ONB i man power , drag caw, tall metal coa i atrtfttlodr atw- wheelafuBder "frame .permitil nlafhipd to? oi moved ,hk: ji j wheelbarrow;. ; Several special feat area. Thi,i-h, Wf'.W oaed, t JWilt sou 1 at a ' aubatantial redaction . and give j terms to respoBsIbl- party, - Wm M. i Meier, Salem, Or Bi 8 Box 831. : . - ,- - - ., .. ' .. a-j2ti ! Walnnu and ahrabfef. " MiA aa4 Ferry. Frutttaad Nortery. , tA. -jj Matte da, Prop. . Phono 1140-M evenings. i i .... s-jh FOR SALE: RICKED LUMBER, DOOBSy windows, ' and ' good furnace.-- 263 ' S. ' High.;-Across from "Vicar; Bros.' 8-jll OARAGE "BUSINESS rS GOOrr TOWN Good territory. Good aseoey. Will H , etock and equipment and lease build - ing." Box 73,- 8cio, Oregon. - 8-jll .u;i'r Nursery ! 'Has Salosyard-aVtn Conrf ifreei; ' -Keaedy' paint-shop, opposUe Ba- sick a store. AH kinds of fruit and nut ( trees: Dr. Beaa's Big French prana a' I BPOOialtA .- Office7 BkeM'lllt T7. t 105F5. Jess U a this. Prop. 8-dl4U FOB SALE OLD. NEW8PAPER- ifl '.- cehta bondJoT . CJrealatioa 6epart-aamt ' Orra SUtearaaa. - ,1. ' ' - WARREN KURSEBT ALI. KINDS I : frait ahd nat trees,'' 5S Tarry' Street' Beautiful' Orccca nebi !-" t ' ' ' - .i, it .7J taor 9re a. ag" U gsthef .with.a fine eoUoction of patriot-le- songs, saerod aonjs' and' many 9'j time favorite,- i . ; i . 1I.T. TflS VI. t . Bpociar prtee tA'oJnanttty "Xti ' EspoeiaHv 4attahJ f .Ami . aaity aingiagj. Son! fo TO pages now in 'it a tiixi ditto - jvi; M IWUnfca-3t(4L-.:s w '' I OBB QOX TBACHIBS' HONTMt1 til B. .CommarcUl St-Salem. Orv : . , . FOU. aJUvenoclt:- MILK GOATS-AT BARGAIN PRICES . , FLAKE'S PETLASD V 1 : -' -' - -'-:-.' p.ju BARRF.D ROOT COCKS AND COCK f I.TiiCLS; Dtilltyi and Kintlet otralna.; - Mro--A.- A. -Nafaignr. tfcalera ,-Ore. Route. 7. .Phone lOji'12.' -. 9-Jn. l VETERINAHIAV , DB. PATTERcr, Phone a02&.r.r;'-a.-J: " ,-d"tf rBEr.Wt. LANGS. VETERINARIAN- Office430 S. Cornmersial. Fiooe 119? DISTRICT M.VXACESU-fJ Yorj' HAD the oviwrtuntty .to' tarn $(X0 -revr r ngtng'sle- organization selling Guaranteed. Rilk . Itoaiory ,io rousomcrs p- througi agents could ywt i , If , t write. Silktexjiosrery, Mills, 320 Fifth Avenue, XeW York. H i ll DBY- SLAB WOOD- AND Krrnvit growth for alr. ITione 1735, ll-jli i m BEST GRADE CP WOOD, 4 ft.. find 16 iaea. I Iry mill- wood. " M ' -ry second growth .i. i . . .Dry old fir. ' ' - iry 4 ft. -: - - -j ;-: i ' E. WELLS - . -rroirit di.T.-ry and reasn ratio" prlre" C:. -ch, rtfno;lit2; lVaftf is i:":.. t "J C TOOT TTTi33 CFAIJJ i" i ri -ea reaannaMo aad pr- -1 , jUvery. . I hone 1958-W.i- - , li-si J "" ,- '- x , GROWTH FXR 11; O : . -1. C.4 . -- ' - - - WOOD FOU GALU H TTOOrv-SECET LEKCJTH3 03 4 IT Z COAL, bei qaar.y rosa. S r"tM ; Prompt deliTtr. J'iioB laii. lt-rtfrS OAKSBSOS." BZIfLl. WOOD. Phon - - - Y7ANTEI Iployinent" lis . MAX AXD WIFE WANTS COOKIKG 4 Iostsinic vcmp or uwmilL 245 Care f talesman. I2-H7 - HOME -ELECTRIC LAUNDRY TOUR washing done at my heme. Phone 2064J .TA?I2IIiceIlreot & List, tkktr city - property and ?: .farms, alaoTaeont JoU. We are reeeiv ingmany injniri' -" IIUMB Kb&liTI t.V. 169 "S. High St. 13 J15 WANTED PRtVATB HON ET FOR . fans -looae. Wr ktr several' appIh-- - tiona. ob -hand.-... Hawkins A Roberta, IneW..2py Oregon'.. Bonding. -lS.ftt jTAITTXr. ASD ,WC31E3r TO take farm paper eobaeriptlona. A good propoaitioa to the right people. Ad - dress tbo Paeifio Homeatead, - BUtee f mtarBldg? Salem; ?r. y-;;; : WOODSY '-THJT AUCnOJTZEaBUTS , maed famitaro for eaih. Phoae fll JL- - .- -i.-.-- ., - . lH.rytf .iisctxAisitor3: t v 14 4 xrry etrt Wa teath' eleotrie and -ecMyleae "weld ing. . Welder . of 12 : rears azperieDeo' . as teacher.' - - 14 ;11 AGENTS .WA?TH3 It ; AMAZIKO - STYLISH SHOES LARGE "- Cash tfoiitnsioni introdneinr, popmlar (, jrt-lcedr'g33 and 4:95 shoe. "Aetusl aamplea furnished.' i.Wrtte mKl. Style A V CI .. T. . T " V, . I Ciaeinnati. lSjll START- JHE'KEW YEAR .RIGHT --BE-' come agent for or and 'sell Warranted ( iAU. Ltaea - Articles - ia'yoor owxrtowiu Live wire maker a weear and'trp. -' Write for- proposhlon. L1neBr Import. s era Co, 70 - Weat ? 40th St, Vew York, ; .. . 16jll AMAZIX . PROFITS .- THROUGH NEW- methods Big lino stylish guaranteed shirts 8 for $4.9S. gelt oa eight Com plete outfit absolutely free. Cash earn, ings'in adranee. Wo detiver and cot. lect. Inexperienced make: big money. Experienced' double earn in re ither s main or aide Hoe. . Write quick- Fash ion "Wear Shirts. Dept. C 25. Cin cinnati. - 16jtl 300.00 -A MONTH? TO- DISTRIBUTB everyday nousebold necessity, rwrat and mall town-ditricU'. Ha money need- ed. Million dollar firm ., behind . 1U Write for" particulars ataU territory desired. V. Ni JXJHKSOil, ' J.81 North Union Ave.. Portland, Ore. 16-111-- BARN S3 10 ;WEEKXY--APpRESSINC!r juaiiing circulars. Bend stamped en velop for-parti colors. Palace Mail Co Toledo; Oh iot , - ITjll ELP TANTjEl--i-Iale 18 UEN WANTING" FOBEST BAKCER itailway Jdail Clerk aod other Oov . emmeht 'positions, Sl500-f 2100 yeac" Write -fOr free particulars. Mekano Dept. H-134, Denver, Colo, , 18jU ELECTBlCirr TAUGHT BY ; EXPERTS -iarn while you learn at home. Electriear Book and Troof 'Iso'nsrFree. Satisfaction 'guaranteed ahd poaifionr ao-'-' cored, , Write to Chief Engtaeer Cooke. 2142 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. lj 11 SALES3IEN 20 YOU CAN, SELL OUR SUITS - AND. Tereooia, ir wool vnry 23.30. Be ginners make f 75-9150 a week eay.J Writel ftyle-Cnter Tailoring Co, Dept.. 2-295.'- Cincinnati. Ohio.' SOjtl WANTED REAL. ESTATE SALESMAN.. ami nave- some experience, also car. Don't apply unless yon. are a hastier to get business. -. . . . HOME REALTY CO. 169 S. High 'St. ; -20-H3 GUARANTEED PURE ' WOOL FIT TO Purse - and Measora- f50 aulta" f23.g. j fJommisaions should e ran S0 . weekly., , Wo . deliver, fit.' collect. Crane-Kent - Clothes.: Canclnnatt : 80jtl SALESMEN DISTRICT " MANAGERS for1 Liacotn Gear-Shift. Greatest in m venrion for -Ford; ears. Sells for S3, k Every Ford"bwner prospect. Big com i mission. Department - B, 221 Union' , Oil Co. Bldg faw-Awgete, Cal. Sf-ilt vQWrmr akt eggj si FOR SALE lOO THOBOUGHBRED Ait'' . ona poileta. now layingr go 10 months, 300 egg strain. Price very low for" qaick t.lev Harry La a una, Eoote 4,' Sa lenv, Oregon. ..... v 21-jiT WHITE' LEGHORNS HATCUTNa- T,zz. . 4.50 per 100. R. W. Chapel, Rt. 2. Phono eSEX . 21-jati" COCKERELS" FOB) SALE CHOI CS 1 . -horns chelp if taken 'at onca LI 1 ; Lee. Phone '321; 1 -, " Tt :if LOST PAIR OP SITELL KIM G LA 5 F 8. ,. Finder pleaao eali 31 or letilK. " . r - - - - -' 22J14 OCCASIONALLY . We have something rood. Have a good 5H bongaiow a -$3150 on verv easy flnt'psrmeat anit TentrpanaeniV at perretw. 1F-A REI.IAkLE Buyer. .WM. FLEMING - S41 Stote fet. . The above- i- oa ' east Front pared street, close to streetcar and bus, and school. . . 22 jlltf LOST LARGE CAT, ALL BLACK, AN awering nam Sambo. g3 revs I fi.r' rriuro. r-"n 1.' . . .. . '. -ill. u ATTUACTIYE- YOUNG- LADY VORTH t $23,000 wiHing to marry. Era. Ii- s. 1622, Wichita, . Kansas, - MARRY. IF LONELY JOIN "THE fcc . cessful Correspondehce Club." liriia we-, Deaeriptioa rree.- Box-55VCk-i land, Calif. - 23-j-H . ASTRO LOO Y STATtS TELL t story,; fcend , birthdate . end '" njo for iriai ivea&m?. t:-. ics3-x, f - 86. Kanaaa C;:, Jioari.- - .33ilL I IfAYK PUiCLIAEED TI.i: C. . ' ' .. ' and-eoafeetirmery-- boie& fro a; C - fcayder a . 67 So..' 12th. ft.,' . apectfuSly -:.icIf tho patroiiaja ef t --general -pubae."'' . i :- . .S3u-- LEADING CLUB LARGEST, SIC-r r. .-' " liable for lonely .peop!," or : ic.l descriptions froojn plain se . t fatf-., . lo!: Thoostilids' wealtsy rrti-i. -ers. If - eiaccre . writ. . iMisic-d" si rs Matthews, liox 2tf. t afiforn;; - . " ?'f - : It .i.OAi;a I HAVE A PKRFFCT T1TLB Tn S. acres of - land.' I liold it at t-S per' ; acre. It ia aeiied ot f .240.( '). It has. an enruTnbrance cf 1 0 j.' I v-oj to- borrow enou ii steWioi iT ;! t s; ncp"-franoe and 1250. '.' 1 7 I ' wi'.I pay' 10 per ee.t.t 1r . ,., ,..(' - worts, e : rnniiio?- on - or- 't- , ,r' thr' , years.- Boon t( Preymwi ' : -. 2 i nr 10 Pl;';t '-cr.NT ex'j ; - secorit. fr vo. T fl sit li