The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    i -
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J ff "
rilC V V CLlLCl Rain west; light
ft"' f
ino' ana rains east cascades; . temperature"
tame; tronS southerly winds. ... Friday . Max.
kfi- Min.. 38; River 9.6 falling; Rainfall .06;"
TTje dot pose of.adTertisinr Id to ret an Idea fronr -
the mind of one man Into the mind ot another
andi majce- it stay there Start "1925 -riglit-
'. ADVERTISE. . ---.
tmbspnere ciouay; jvinaaonm. jtast.
. . piucrr nvn ctitTs
r i i : - -
, ......
V y i JL
1 i I . . . . . m
Zt ! vr.'f V K 4 ,,i . -.; ; i.j'-ti
- . . , . - -- " h :-r.-: .::-v .
Legislative BedytrCisiivcrTS:
at 11 O'clock f.londay
Morning and Proceed to
1 v- v ii ! . -i . ,
Moser Slated for Senate Pres
ident; Benton for Speaker
i of House
Flail f arrangements lor" this
33rd session .o( the Oregon '.state
legislature are being rushed ito
completion and everytnlngf whl "be
in' readiness 'whea that body'cbn
tenes atHlo'dockMonday morn"'
big. " GoTsrnor Walter M. Pierce
will deliTer his message to the
legislators in the afternoon. The
message"! said to- be comparative
ly' long hla"yeajrr bat within the
3,000 word limit, and to embrace
imany o the things adyocated by
he governor daring his two years
In otfice. ' - .
Election of officers for the ses
ion will occupy the solons and
demand ' their first consideration.
The first week la expected to pro
duce little besides the organization
bf, the session .and. its Is expected
that an adjournment will be taken
Thursday.; , - -
j Moflcr to Head Senate
; Pledging of rotes seating the
officers of the session has been
under way for weeks and a spec
ulation as to "Who's Who In the
Session," from early Indications
gives Gas Mosher of Portland the
office of president of the senate
and J. B. Hunt, of Woodburn,
s chief clerk. ' Sir." Huntvls ; slated
j to have as his assistant Elizabeth
I Braun, of Portland, ; who is em
ployed at the state house at pres
ent. Elbert Bede, Teteran of pre
vious sessions, Is listed for .read
ing clerk. Mr. Bede is publisher
of the Cpttage Grove Sentinel.
Albert p. Goddard. of Pendleton,
will iirpbahly be calandar clerk
and Col. W. G. D, Mercer, of Lane
4?' county, again sergeant-at-arms. ;
VV Bardick for Honsc
j' In thte house of representatives
y ; UBenton ' Burdick, of Redmond. Is
A ?latcd I for. speaker with Fred
Drager off Salem, as chief clerkl
Paul Fi Burris, also of Salem, Is
slated as assistants chief ... clerk.
Competition is keen' for the place
of calendar clerk, Walter GI Linn,
of Portland and Clarence Thomp
son, of, Portland, former-teller. In
the office of the state treasurer
under Jefferson Myers, apparently
having the Inside track between
themselves. Joe Sipger, of Port
land is slated for sergeant-at-arms
and Rellie Southwick, of SalensC
as doorkeeper. The - office1- of
reading clerk. In Ihe house and
door keeper In the senate has no
prominent contestants, and who
ever is; after the offices are appar
ently working nndeV cover to - a
great extent. : -
. positions of pages and steno
graphers are being sought by 'a
great many persons.
rnnnn mnii nnnn
Retirement Is Due'toiJinfc&s!
Merlin Harding Now
1 With DauglW 1 ' , :
The hardware f!rni:bti)oiU'gnxi'
& Marcus, located s at 286 North
Commercial street, (his been'dla
solved by the retirement of Mr.
Marcus. Merlin Harding has pur
chased the interests of Mr. Mar
cus and the new firm will be
known a Donghton Sc. Harding.
Mr. Harding was formerly with
the Salem Hardware company and
has many friends in Salem and
vicinity who: will welcome him
back to Salem business . circles.
During the past five years he has
been engaged in hop growing near
Salem so that he is no stranger
to the public1 The new firm-contemplates
no. radical changes 'in
the business policy Which has al
ready built up a profitable and
Important asset to Salem - indus
tries. ... j " '" 4 '
Ilr. Marcus, the rotii ing mem
Icr, recently suffer :! a stroke of
paralysis which r .:c-" I'.atrs him
retiring from active builncei 'for
'Magic Ring " Fsedrby:; ; ;" '
Ballbt Fiker to Piit-
Candidafes in Of f ice
NEW YORK; Jan. 9.4-Jl "magil
Ic1 ring" which when 'prbperly:
manipulated! is said bv 'iitrHmremi
or to have ' eleeteoT'lor 'defeated
congressional or lesser candidates!
was shown and" explained .to. a
Kew Tbrk'gi'and jury loday. i '
Its youthful owneri George- Rosif
ken. asserted that the magic Tiand
not. only brought about the'elec
tion of Nathan D.' Perlmanv repob
lican, rongress and illegally d
feated ;c his democratic U opponent j,
Dr., W;. Ir Sirovichr.. but , that one
Ike it was the prize which weni
with every diploma Issued by hhn
to graduates : of - his "school , fo
ballot fixers."
; The ring he said hejd a cleverly
concealed . bit of lead- with whlcjb
kny, person, with adequate Instruc
tion and, "practice' could".-: mark
ballots under the very eyes of
pbll watchers' without ?fear of"d$-
tection. r
State ' Loans f or . Seeding
Purposes May Be Asked
of Legislature
State loans to eastern Oregon
farmers for the purchase of seed
wheat or re-seeding purposes will
be asked of the 33rd legislature
when It convenes by j Governor
Pierce if developments of the nef t
few weeks Dear out the early : In
dications that the cold weather
has killed much of the . wheat n
that portion ot the state. If he
loan Is not available; sdme other
form of relief legislation wHt. be
asked. I h .; "j: jf
Word of thf condltloas was car
ried to the - governor in"5aIettir
from Mark Weatherford, of Ar
lington, former- Albany- attorney
and member of the : state bonus
commission. The -letter said -that
Conditions were serious and 'men
tion was made" that the state Of
Washington;; has ? been forced to
adopt similar measures in the list
sfx years, securing the : loan '" by
mortgages 5 on"; the growing v crop.
Oregon - should follow this exam
ple and do a Washington has
done in relieving" the; situation;
Mr. i Weatherford declares.-
"The situation as It seems to !be
'developing discloses . that the
wheat generally' In this country
was very seriously damaged,"- Mr.
Weatherford v wrote. . ? "Many ; of
the farmers concede that it Is lost.
Others concede that 'It is an even
chance either way, and some Claim
thai it will survive this-freeze but
Is in no condition-to stand fur
ther unfavorable weather J The
abcrvfe'Ustrue as- to the 'pure win
ter ; varieties of a wheat. It 'seems
conceded' that all other5? wheat is
killed.- ; ' ' ' H;v?Vi
- ' Unless aldls"giveiib the state
a large nnmber "of " unfortunate
farmers will be -unable to get "the"
money at the banks ' arid coftse
quently'be unable to-re-aeed their
-firmVMr. Weitherfori ' declares.
.W A S H 1 G"JT t N, !Jan. .
Whether thef gnow-clad ! peikj of
one of "Arderlqa's most lofty TOdun
tains shall continue to be, known
aSltfount Rainier or be given' the
Indian name of Mount Tacoma, is
a question upon which the house
public lands committee, must
Like ts next decisidii.
m lO'Jii
LwuJSbld'Mo1 Offtcers1 Gels
Donald Resident into- f
: JVlucn I rouoie
' ft
ii II
Twn vininesnacceydtticlrl
Harlan delivered a'gallon'ot moon
shine to prohibition officers: ana
the last visit landed him ia the
city Jail, where he is being - held
fr fhH' .iffliti ennrt.' Marked
U1 (UV V.s 'V' - j i?
coins, and'tho liquor In pint' flanks
la heldas evidence;! " J f
Harlan has-been living j ln a
shanty at DoHald'and It 13 alleged
that hd la an old offender; f Last
alght r when . searched f he; had a
number; of "hickeys,' : whlc!i ho
had woaas a? 'rummy '"playcf at
different poolrnor:3. , . .';.' .
: He'ws3 drlvl.;? a Tord "car ana
la ' It ' wai found"a fc-iall" caliber
rifle. He stated that he' Vas go-
V -1- it. :-, .-1 -.--- if - ' ;
, Hia. "school', the. dapper 'young
election clerk explained, claimed
as alumni dexterous ""ballot' fix
ers In New": Tort. Philadelphia:
Boston,L Jersey City and Hoboken.
, Rosken,' who! yesterday, handed
to .: District .Attorney . Banton a
swbro coatessibn ; that' : he had
marked .'and-matnated ballots in
last November's" election in "which
he was actually clerk although an
opponent ot the Pelman forces re
lated jhls st6ry to newspapermen
in 'the grand 'Jurors ahte"To'mr'
' .Although only 26 years old Ros
ken said he. had. been conducting
his school for ten yean. And that
It had netted him tees f rom pupils
and .Office : seekers between ?25.-
000 and $50,000. i . . . ,
' ..1 jean elect any candidate who
engages me," he assured aews
paperjnen.t, . -
Strfesemanrr Bests' Chancel-
aor in , Bluer uoniest iu
Head parliament j
; BERLIN, Jan.- 9. (By The As
sociated Press.) I-Chanc'ellbr ; Marx
tolght lost" his battle with' Jor
elga '.Minister',' Stressemann for
parliamentary leadership) The
contest was a bitter one. I It was
foltght by'pr. Strisemann withall
the0-weapons of ruthless German
party-politics aad only ended with
the failure of Dr. Marx to. cbn
struct aKoverpraeat which would
not be dominited by the National
ists T'and Stresemanh's German
People's party.1t. f?vv VlV. 1
The undying antagonism" of both
parties - to any coalition gbvern
w.knf whlrTi wnfiTrt 1 cOmnrise the
Ulufc i vr w
sbcUhsts wa.S' born-of ' a sevedity
an4l bitterness which blocked all
the Jeff oris '' Chancellor T Mari has
pht jf orth , durfngthe''past ' five
weeks to evolve a competenFcab:
inet which would have a broad
iHaa",itiT- niojiV mafnrltvrout of
the negative results of the election
ot December .7. i '''' 'J
i Chancellot Marx, returned tof
Prefcidehl Eberthis commission td
fbrm a eabiwerPrevlottsly.-he had
nnt-nfaAri fTiM'-nrsldent of' the ut-
iiypiwiuvu at . . I
t fntilitv nt atUmDtinz'to seek1
5.; RnJutionof the subborn dead-H
irwii-. i -wTilrhl the clerical, demo-i
cratie 'and socialist parties werel
broadly pitted against thef German
Nationalist an"TJerman' People's
parties la aa, impasse which Marx'
cbnelliatory' diplomacy had failed
to break up. " ': v
; --President . Ebert ' Immediately
called liri roreign'Minlster Strese
manii Herman ; Mueller,' the so
cialist leiderid:vMartJn Shiele,
floor5 ieader"bf the Natloaalists la
- i
nnmnn. Hftld for Crime.
Murdered in Alleged Illi
nois Tong War .
" TomLemVknownw Chlng Lem
aliasTChia, Llm after being held
la Oak Pirk.tHI.ij5r the murder
of two Chinamenr has la turn
been- murdered, r supposedly in a
tong ar, according Jo a letter re
ceived by Warden A. M. Dairy m
piiWedlJahuSrj. 1
I Lem was received at the prison
hrerf?omcrnlonf'e6unty JuJy 21,
t7tt6 sevve a:llfe" sentence after
being convicted of murder in the
sec6ridde,gree. lHejwas pardoned
and leff thoprlsohin December,
1822, after which, he faded from
sight for more than a year, r
-About the middle of December
Warden Dalrytnple was requested
for his record and fingerprints by
the Illinois authorities, who were
holding Lem, for killing two fellow
countrymen.: The. warden replied
that 'Lem hid beeh-paroled, and
was noL-wanled by the Oregon au
thorities, though his parole coUld
hate been revoked ; jj '
Particulars ICthb We were not
set forth in the letter, but because
LeM wa8Einrdc'redrit U supposed
that he -had1 been released from
custody In the east. '
-wvith Lei bel-.'muhdered. fin
Is' tiVbeea'wfitua-ur&n his rec
ords which have been filed. away
BP GflHl
Kansas CityJournai piifsh
I es Stdryuf'AlteTiettSTran's-
I actidn; $1;250! Satd Paid
for Clemency-
Soft 'of - Gorernoirf Datis Said
to Hate' 'Returned 'MoTiey
I VTienCoflfroritd
. ... ...... , ,, .. T f
i KANSAS ' CITY", Jin. ($.-.( By
the' Associated Ifress);''lie Kan
sis Clty JournalJ tomorrow morn
ing" Willi publiHZ?af ' copyrighted
story ".declaring 1 that , Russel G.
Davis; son of Governor Jonathan
M"Datiaof iKansas," today accept
ed"! 1, '2 50 when he dellveiied"a par
don to ' Fre'd.W. Holf mari, " former
Lacygne, Kans., bank president,
who' wm cbavlcted 'ot "forgery " ia
I9204v -f . . - I i
The money was passe' and the
papers restorlng"'Hollmanto"cltl
zenship were delivered 'in'a room
in ' the.' National hotel at Tbpeka
whileseyeral Kansas officials and
representatives.. 6f . the f flewspaper
listhedrn, on tatelephbriic .'device
which' had been' "seCreteid in" the
r66m', the Journal 'stbryf declares.
Confronted' ' by" the." witnesses.
young Divis 'returned He money
which haH een marked.lth Jour-
which had been 'marked, the Jour
nal asserts. , ' 1' j I- .. -.
j .Young? Davis who f had been
operating his father's farm, denied
the governor. liad any knowledge
of the . transaction, Jfie story says.
The ''Journal, however. will nub-
lish ah af fidavit'aworn tp by Holl-
man charging" that Goyacaor Davis
himself 'solicited money jfor exten
sioiij of executive clemericy In 'the
case of plena' Ar Davis.' 3k) , a tailor
whQwas'sentencted"'to7l'je impris
orimten?f6?murder at Independ
ence," Karia. in L911. I Hollman
was j interested in thepavis case
arid . sought ' clemency I for the
Uliori - '." -I : i
: J - ::'
TOPEKAv"JCans., Jan 9. "The
whole story was Itrame up," de
clared Governor '' Jonathan M.
Davis tonight, when'lt41d of the
charges published In tjie Kansas
City Journat that his sdn Russell,
had accepted. $1,250 f()r deliver
ing a bardonA ; l ;
. "It was framed up by my poli
tical enemies to 'get tn" he as
serted.! "But they have failed to
sa .
Leo Koretz, $2000,000
Fake Oil Stock Promoter,
ri Leaves; Only $44.32
CHICAGO, Jin. 9. t.eo Koretz,
the arch-swindler who fleeced
friends and relatives out of mil
lions In his Panama
Bayano oil
project and who died last night in
the state prison after
serving 34
days of three concurrent sentences
of from one to 10 I years, was
buried here today.
The ceremonies were simple ind
were attended by the widow, his
son and four brothers who stood
by tearless and tense jas Ahe body
of ' the man who had brought
wealth and then disgrace to his
family, was laid to rest. ;
i Early la the day the body was
removed from the prison to the
Waldheim cemetery i here. Broth
era of Koretz obtained from the
warden at the prison ill that Kor
etz had left of the millions he ob
tained from relatives and . friends
for Investment. Of the millions,
he had only ! 4 4.3 3' left, aside
from a few odds and Sends of per
sonal belongings. .
Police Arrest Suspect in
' $10,000 Jewelry Robbery
SEATTLE. Jan. 9.4-B. Biolstol
sky, 58, was arrested here today
Ss one o fthree suspects of a Pa
cific coast Jewelry theft ring. A
number" of watches, said by police
to have been stolen; in Los An
geles were confiscated.
! Authorities Bald they: had re
cently received approximately !8,
000 worth ot loot taken In a $10,-
000 Seattle Jewelry robbery Octo
ber 19. ; ":; j '-. .
1 Three men took part in the .rob
bery and were believed to be taem-
Tres idnals t' Prison and
Publication Is Temporarily
Expended,'. " ! ;
t 1 , - . - . ;- -.-. " v ' : " '
printers are evidently behaving
themselves" these days, for there
are none capable "of putting oat
?Lend ' a Hand."' officiil pnbUci
tloa of ' theT Oregon -: state peal
tentiary, behind the bars.
I" Such a condition has'not arisen
for nearly 20 years, according to
J. S. Murray, chief clerk at the
prison,1 who became connected with
the institution In 1911.- Mr. Mur
ray said that until recently there
had always been an efficient print
er In durance, and that he under
stood that one had been there
for several years prior to his tak
ing office. ..vl 1 : "' f 'h 1 S
j f There are' at present 'several 'in
mates working In the printing de
partment, where they . are learning
the trade. v These men : are able
to. set type sufficient tb meet with
the demands -of the prison, such
as; small blanks, letterheads and
other minor jobs,: but; the; task of
setting sufficient type to issue the
publication monthly; is beyond
their ability at jpresent,. k
State Gharhberof Commerce
'. Urge' OptimismOther
i Clubs Discussed .
I v.. .
PORTLAND; Of f, Jin.
9 Res
olutions -commending optimism to
memberthip-at fnjme$ and
PWdglng their effdrts to upbuild-
ing the - state of Oregon? out of
office hours-, as well - as- in. were
adopted today, .at the close of an
ill day meeting by, the state nsso
ctatlort - of r chamber' of commerce . t- r i;V " 1 1 y u
I .Work of -the Old Oregon Trail
association was commended. J.' II.
teller 'of. Ashland;; president . of
is.a assoeiatioa, presided; , In the
kance at clubs-such-, as,!. Jcqtary,
Klwanls, and others in their borne
owns, sensing a sort of a division
of . the functions held
to belong
properly to a chamber
bf com-
merce. ,;. .- l i
Terminatiotv of ,Senate Dis
'. pute in Sight; MayjAdopt
i WASHINGTON, Jan. ;9. Early
Urmmattott'or 'the senat' sttnggld
bver' the ispbsfttoa15 of Muscle
Shoals' project Vas'fbrseeh' ionlght
by senators as, likely to come with
pdoptlon of either 'the' Vnderwobd
bill or the Jobesamendment re
ferring the problem 'to a commis
sion: ,.;'!
ASrlgorous effort wRI be made
tontorrow to get a final vote which
will send'-some' Muscle $hbals bin
to conference iwltht; the i house,
which passed-a 'bill accepting the
Ford offer before it was - with
drawn 'and thus makeh wiy . for
other leglslatlbnr 'which practical
ly has been blocked in fthe senate
by the Shoals tiuestioiiitececon--gress
convened. Some' -of the
leaders however are of the opinion
tonight 'htat a 'decision! cohld not
be reached Inf one Hky and that
the1 problem .Would , hive to go
over until 'next week 'j
A close voVeTjetweenfthe'Under
wood" .and'thei JorieWrDpoaals te
generally .predicted."' I :
The whole of today" was devoted
to debate on the qdestlba although
wide tours , we're 'made at times
from the inain -subjectfof a 'pbllt
ical dlsuWori' whlch' was evokwl
by a charge of ' SenVt6rN6rris, re
pubUcan,. NebriskaV that the tlcm
ocrats had bt kept' their prcelec-i
tion pledges and that the Tepubii-
ean and democratic' machines were
In harmony on Muscles Shoals.1
Senator ' Robinson of, Arkaris'l3
the democratic' leader ;tn a 'Tigotj
ous reply lauded the! deytibcfatSp
criticized ; Senator Norils anddef
fended President CoolIdgeJ ;, :-
I "Democrat aI amj," .be sal
loudly,"! do not believe the pres--Ident
of the United States deserv
es to 'be Charged 'as the alleged H
publidari"rsehat'or fr6m ' Nebraska
has charged fhlnt; 5 Jlfj asdcmocrit
means that? I. must give myself
and feeble powers tb an unjujst
assault upon a tcHtlca! adversary,
then I amuot i'dcMorat. For
tunately, I d&n't hav to take riy
definition of a democrat from fa
t - ' '- - : I
! . j ....
. . . . .. . . ,. .- ... . . . i
CVyar Hferoa' flklidMr "Fbrget-Me-Not ciyH
! ' I 1
I i
i y- - fc: -
' : : I
far yf-
'...w.v;...rf..-j.....-j..,....vr.--".'3 it"
- ';-"- 1 ;: r ;'"-? .
Like thousands lot 4 ofhef girls
arid women throughout the U. S.,
these; Missouri i girls are trying
hard 4t6make ' autlessf thk an-
Morris Wrfitehousfel Nametf
By Board;' KennetN Legge;
of Salem; Associate
E;' 'J'i... M- :j.;i. .
'Morriaf If. Whitehouse of Port-
land with Kenneth Legge of Sa
lem as associate," hag'bfcen named
irchitect forth new YMCA build--ng,
which ;ia to-be erected In Sa
em, according , to the ; announce
inent made " last night byC. A.
Kells, secretary or the association
here.:4;i :Li .ti- -r -
Actual , work on the plans Is to(
be' started today'and pushed with'
ail1 possible speed. Sherman Dean,"
archtWctif 6r4thV1 YM CA with' pf;'
a.o a la lion jl J XV ici v.
w. j v. v .M
II .1 I'm i.- ldi-ii !. t. i
tucuamiDS Ol me parent tec i, wuere
he is to'remaia a few days' In coh-
f ef eace ' . with ' Whitehouse ' nd
Legge';' ' I -" )- ' ': -
The' calf f bf'bids be' Issued
wlthia "six- weeks It was announced
and eyery; possible' haBte 'is to " be
shown In the arranging " of the
plans arid' in' pushing t the' actual
c6nstruction' of tbe" bulidtng'
' ' Deaai' attei hfa 'conference with
,the . architects ln' Po'rtf'ana, will
Igtve final jlrispecttdn-to'a'new '"Y"
bufldlrig" at BrerijeHon Wash? He
theri is ,ti: return to Portland' arid
contWue'f his"! 6nfdferice with
Whitehouse and Legge:' ' ':''""
, rWhUehouse" his ' had ' wide ex
perierice' as aa'archiitect and eyeri;
&i a4istuflent' at 'Massachusetts
Tech, where Jbe jworiia':' Rhodes
scholarship and janother competi
tive schblarshipK which- allowed
hln to- study abfoid f or one year.
He ' is - also working on- plans for
the East Side-YMCA i building In
Portlaridn :A;IJ:?'V' ;
The hew building In Salein Is to
be erected oh Cfoiirt street r be
tween church-arid ' Cottage and
will be of 'reinforced cbncrete' with
Rallroaci Mty:Tap Eastern
Oregon .With 200' Miles
. i of Track, Report. -
"jjtX Patjl; iMiha:; janr 1 9.4.
Ralpli ;BuddHpresldenin of the
Great Northern railway, was tb-
ported""tobeln Sft FtanClsfrO to-
day .conferring with, officials or
the Southern i Pacific and ' Union
Pacific lines regarding -proposed
extension ;of tthe Great Northern
iix Oregon, ' '
1 It was said hero the project in
volvedtne laylrigt of apprdxrriiate
ly 200 1 miles ' of : track -In1 eastern
OregOU,H ; i '!"; m:J; t .: H' :
i iriPiiltiiriTf reffloris la' the vi
cinity of Klamath Falia arid "Beria1,
line, Whether ' the Sottthern Pa
cific tracks would be used in coa
necMoa ;With the new line will be
determined byi officials, 2 of that
line, in conference with Mr. BUdd,
it was reported here, .i ;,;
3IAt iXtK-fi TA-JfT
: WASHINGTON. Jan- 9,' The
federal income tax exemption for
single ! menCwbuldli bd increased
from !l,000tto !1,250, under a
bill! 'Introduced' .today by Repre
sentative Boylan, democrat, New
. i .-. - :-4:', - ,
" K V"il'-V
fn""wfi"i'f isimiibw
'.- I: J . : I ':."
- m-
i i 8 '
'- --i
nuai flower1 day .to'
afd1 the- na-
tfori's wounded 'arid fljgabied ' war
veterans. ; They are
Marie Clover, Anabel
Thelma, 'Simpson. 'JL
the Misses
Moreler and
Proposed -Changes in : Arher-
ican Navy - Aref Not Ap
! proved By President-.
' WASHINGTON, Jin: 9. Presi
dent Coolldge today
sounded what
was generally' regar
ded" -as -the
death Ttriell for 'the move to bring
about the elevation -ot guns on the
capital ships"5 of
navy- y ; A
the' American
. The views of thef president on
the proposal to rasjef the guns to
Increase their rangej were present
ed with 'unmistakable deflnittness
t thA -White House'-" -
; ' He holds ' that ' elfevation'-'of the
gtms would be a return to the old
i iYtan o f f-n a r Vrt m tskt ttYnif In armU-
mems ana an aosniuiLniiiicMfc
i ' .-t." !(. -r .
hew principal "of iimltatfori" of ar-
knaments to wnica ine, .vimieu
States withHhe pother ' great pow
ers committed herself at thef Wash
lngton ; conference' Such; aa
about-face ia: policy he Is prepar
ed to7 resist! with alt the 'power at
his command, confident of the
support I of AirierlcakT publis opin
ion: ..' ; X.; .;! l . ' V.," ...v
i Iriterpretation i of , the naval
treaty a 'matter discussed" la 'cda
gress in :connection with' the ele
vation proposition" j and economy,
a pOlrif I raised by - himself , are la
the' nrtsldeftfr opinion minor fac
tors' in' detetiriinlnfel an answer' to
the-Questloh.' j
Lighthousef' Tender With
.Crew-of Six Breaks. Moor
f ing, ReBGue Attempted
VANCOUVER, li..C, Jan.
Thd : Canadian, goifemment flight-j
h'ousi tender Jiewngtoniwas proi
ceeding tonight to. the . rescue of
Captain W. W Vingate . and his
crew of five onHbA barge Binga
mon which is helplessly adriftln
a raging - storm in Hecate strait,
400 miles aorthwest of , here.
Tne'Bingamon had Teen wrenched
from the tow of the tug Masset;
The Blngamon Vai being towed
bjTihev Masset f rdinV,ancouver7to
Cunichewa inlet Wheri' she' sprang
a le'ak' In the 'sUrni' last night,
Wheh'onl a 'mile jf roni shelter the
t6w rope' caUght oh the" rocky. bot
toni of the ocean and parted, mem
bers of the tug related' when they
arrived at Prince Rupert, Z.Bv CX,
today The ' Maaiet " proceeded' ' to
Prince Rupert ?forasslstince. ' The
pumps "were' hot working.
i When no vessel strong enough
to t encounter-, this tempest- was
found r wireless calls .were r broad
cast1 which; canghi the Newington.
' ' ' ' ' J - T ' .-.
fievv SUspett Artested in
SEATTLE, Jan. 9. Wilbur E-;
Dow, customs broker 85d well
knowri" in locaf
was arrestedbyr
here todaj., U .
In addition to
shipping' circles.'
federal " agents
a emkll bottle of
liquor, which Dbw' was charged
with, possessing
agents seized' a
toiirnber'bf documents among 'them
being papers relating ' " to ". speed
boats' operated by members of a
liquor - ring headjed'by Roy Clri
steadV reputed Pacific coast Ir . t
leggeV king, authorities isald Dow
was released and ordered t. post
bond toaorrow,
ar. ur.: ;u .
: -- r- j i . rj. i rt. ; I
ugns.caaeavunny lo-unvur
Hafd Bargains? Shown'Br
mm A - - " i
- tviaence;
; ' 1 :
i jo EcorfOMizE; stated 1
Americarrt Estlclilte of i Var
fv mi iiea y unguiixix-
PARIS, Jah 9'.--( By; the jAsso- .
elated1 Press). Great'Britath ahd
the Uaited fs tates" are" getting -to
gether: slowly ,"but nor: ally" on
the American ' reparations ' elaimV
which are to finally come' before -
the' conference" off allied finance'
ministers In session' here;-
i At the' end of today's' Informal'
dlsciissibns and' coriferehces it was '
apparent that the 'representatives '
of both Ettglfsh'7 speaking" cbttn
tries" were 'trying to drive a' hard'
bargain.' Winston ;Churchill, Brit-'
ish chancellor of the ' exchequer.
wishes to'1 economize" and1 the
American estimifeof waf damage'"
claims,'' tentatively" fixed at !350.
000.000, IS likeryf to ' be whitUed '
down before' the- Anglo-Saxons" tl-'-mtny:
reach the expected accord.'
AmericihS filano? Grouhcf f
A Ambassadors ; Herrick' arid Kel
logg. wlth'; Jitne'i' A.' Logan" Jr.',
United ' States representative with"
the' ' reparations . commfssiori" - a'rer
standing" theiV gfoUhd", but the ne--gbtlatiohs;
ifor the time "being, are
bp to the' respective g'oVerrimeriti
of England arid- Amerfdal : Thet
continental delegations are' watch-'
ngHherdeadIok'"betweeh: the' two
principal" cburitrfes" with " ill-supv
pressed huklesr; " ; '
! BelgTu'ms"as8enft6 thereduc'
tfori 'of ' herfc Spa all'otrient -of re
biraOoris from 8l 166 W- arid' rer-"
hips"5 'per'cerii-If :neceesary ap-
pears to'havi' been ' the" only- for
whrd'step'tnade' today;' Compreta
accord'9 also hai not' been reached
oh' the Belgian position as "the lat
ter contend' she" sOU has abouF
250;000;t)00; gold francs d'ue'het
on' her priority' claims). J : . i '
; . i Report on Debts ? 1 , 1 : -t
The-BMish averthafl Belgium'
has already recefvect V.SOOlOOOjOOl
friric's lnrcparaiiori8 ahdthat J5
per; cent of her priority, if abaq-
doned by T that, country should be
subiracted'fr6in,,',her"- receipts be-,
glprimg ImmedliteiyrExperts .will f
go-over a -massof f fg'ures and fe
pqrt to the delegates Monday Jnst
exactly Whif Bergiomactuaify: has
r Tht' flinefican J war ' damige
clafms' setttemehti 'howeVir", ye-'
maths (the ?mpst 'impoHarit matter!
befere'thte'eohfererice' ( J ; ; , '
! Three full days havfeij elapsed!
Eirice' the conference' convened and
the- days, ' ekceptrtor . tid very
brief j plenary, sessions, have been'
almost entirely occupied by u'nbt-1
- i
! I ' FRltiW
t s . 1 1 . , . ! I i
t r 1 : ? t i i
; .The! house' hipping', board re-'
su'med' hearbgi.' - ; f ' f ' J' ' - i
; i i 5 ? ' : !-.;;. '
; Muscle Shoals continued the ve
hicle of senate1 debate: ; '
; f ft j 5
J fcretarf "Weeks 'expressed -op1-'
pdsition to crealfbri-of i depart
ment of aeforiiuflcS '
I - I ! - -
i -The bOUsea passed Ahi 'war! de-;
partmerit appr6iirl4tida hill? car ty-,
ing !33iiOot;ooo. t , ' i ' - , ;
l . A t i i i t i 4 t 'S i I I i i 1
The house began consideration
of iheiCcFadileii bill to arneiiJ the
national bank ing, laws. !
I . ' ' ' '
The railroad viewpoint on con-
BOlidatlon was presented to the
senate" interstate 'comintrco ctrni
mission '' ;
: i- It. -r was announced that Presi
dent Coolldge Is unalter&tiy op
posed to gnn' elevatfon onLr-cri
cah 'capital ships. I :
- ' v
Persistent reports were ctrcu' -; c I
that "Associate Justice Holmes t ?n.r
templates retirement fron tt su
preme court: '1
,''. : ; ".
''ActldrTpntho v.r A: xV.r: l At
forney "General r . ..-e''f..;r 1! -.-fcrenie'eourt
v.;1-. !;t!lpy:at
ite judiciary sub-co-iar-ittve' .'
TTsarings were close I
T '.i