The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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1 n:
- J13-
nroNR loo ,
X : yesterday 'afternoon for the
first meeting of the new year at
ihv home of Mrs. C. R. Bates!
Ths afternoon passed! pleasantly
I with friendly chatting and needle
! work. Mrs. W. it Darby, was an
i invtied guest, of the. club,-.:, '
J The group meeting yesterday in
ffluded Mrs, Ronald' Clover. 'Mrs.
. i:imo S. White, Mrs. Carle Ab
j rams, Mrs. Jamea, llelUel, Mrs.
I I lS. G ile, Mrs. E. A. Colony, Mrs.
y. . Thompsony Mrs. A. A. Sie-
wert, Airs, uuy u. aiuun, Airs, uay
Smith. Mr-F.JUT tttter, Mrs. Otto
J. 1 Wilnon and the - hostess, Mrs."
VJ E. '.'Rates! . ; ' ' ' ' .
of the charming bridge hostesses
Wl jft-sueruay wnen she entertained
during the afternoon for her club.
Mrs.. Frank, Spears was a special
guest, t The high' score went to
Mrs. Clifton Irwla- who will also
be the next hostess .for .the. club.
Assisting Mri.Vilwtlngtonla the
serving were Mrs. John , Carson
and Mrs. Allan Carson; ' .
The - group, yesterday included
-Mrs, jonn Carson Mrs. Allan Car
son, Mrs. Clifton Irwin Mrs. Paul
Hendricks, MrsvCHfford Farmer,
airs. Homer Egan, Mrs. Donald
Youn g, Mrs.f Fra nk;Spearf3. . Mrs.
Orris Fry and the "hostess, Mrs.
Hollla Huntington. . 1 : '
Mrs. HolHs Huntington was one, ; The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
7r - CU N
iTlift enthralling romance ot the towlj Tamara
and the reckless, fascinating, Prince
COJIEDYr- Grand Orchestra NEWS
Barnes was the scene on Monday
evening cf onQ of .the most enjoy
able of the meetings' held by the
uior Standard Bearers of the
First Methodist church." It Is es
daily interesting that, every sin
gle member was: present for the
Occasion', while Miss Claudia. Iew
i and Miss Dorothy Taylor werp
guests In addition. Miss El Rae
Maxwell and 'Miss Doris Phenicie
asfiiated Mrs.. Barnes, as hostesses
for the i Standard. Bearers.-" Tlie
ooms were beautifully decorated
n New Year's, greens.
:i - : - ... - -
1 Seven tables of five-hundred
Iwere in play for the meeting of
Jh0 Happy Corner Card 'clnb' at
Ihb-home of M.r ami, Mrs. C. II.
Peterson. 7, Mrs. E, J. Tucker and
lr;s pj Ackerman wereiwlrt
.ners of; high score while the con
solation awards went to Robert
jVlctor ani-Mrs. X F. Van Oadar.
Kefresh'ments took the form of
ianyoyster supper. ;f '
j Those playing Included Mr. and
Mrs. P, E. Ackerman, Mr. and
Airs. Jj F. Van Orsdal, ' Mn-and
Mrs. J,:M. Ilnnf, Mr. and Mrs. W.
X Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. 31 A.'
Boehringer, Mr.' and' Mrs.: E.- J,
Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vic
tor, Mr,, and Mrs. C. If. Peterson,
Mr. and Mnc ;Le0 Roberts MiC aid
;M,rs. Pi: C. Pteron, Mr. and Mr
ohn tcCulley, Mr. and Mrs, ChaB,
Kyler.jiMr. and Mrs.- I. A. Pear
sons, Mrr. 'J, ;'Er Blodgetf, ' Mi's.4
J E. Walton Mrs. Anna Simmons
and Miss Irma Simmons.
4 J . : i - . f' - .
' Thg West Side circjo of the Ja
son Lee society will meet at '2: 30
o'clock; this atternoonat theh6me
ot Mrsl Kaighn, 1 2 ;-North' Com
mercial 8treef.'i- '
' ' ,
:ij Thei First, Presbyterian -church
missionary society will "meet at
2:30 orclock this arternoon In the
church! parlors. Mrs. L. O. Clem
ent. Is 'chairman of the committee
for the afternoon.
H TheHVoman's union of the First
Congregational, church, will meet
at 2:30 o'clock' this afternoon at
the. home of Mrs. P. W. Steusloff,
607 Korth Commercial, street.
; ' j '
j The Willing Workers', class 'of
the First Christian church ot
which; Mrs.' 'Beatrice Crawford
Newcomb is the feacher; wiH;ineet
at 2:30 o'clock thi3 afternoon at
the ' church for a social meeting
and the election of .officers. Mrs
J: social Calendar
' - 1 " 1 ' ' I i '
: :-?:.Vf Today -4-.i-v:1'-
South Salem "Frtends. Mission
ary society, :'Mrs. F. ?A, lllott.
?S" , Marion; street, i bostfcss. 2
o'clock. ; .
West Side circle of Ijason Iee
Aid, society, Mrs. Kalghn.j-12!i&
North Commercial street, hostess.
2:30 o'clock. - j f ;
First Congregational church
Missionary society. Mxa. F. W.
Steusloff, 607. N.. Commercial
street. 2; 3 0 o'clock,
Woman's society. : First Baptist
Church" streets Mrs. j liar :y ' B.
White,? 1010 Oak street, hostess.
2: 3 0 o'clock J H M i 2. l ;J , .
Willing Workers eiasa. j First
Christian 'hnrch.-' 2 : 3 0 o'clock.-
v First Presbyterian Church Mis
sionary society, 2:30 1 o'clock. In
church parlors.-If i V . j
Interior decoration section. Ed
ucational room, city library, 7:3i)
O'clock. - " - " f :
, .... .;. Saturday i . j
Business and " Professional Wo
man's " club. "' Rummage Rale, O.
W Johnson clothing gtore.j
Salem Woman's club. Business
meeting. , Club house. !
. : Senior King's Heralds. Mrs, A.
A.. Lee, 1515 Stater Street, 2 to
4:J5 Qclpck.
Will May Is president pt the class.
7";The hostesses for the social hour
will be Mrs. Earl Wood!, Mrs.
CUffordiElgln and -Mrs Simpson,
I .'. ' '.J I '
The South ..Salem Friends' Mis
ionary society will meet J-UiS' af
ternoon at 2, o'clock at the home
of j Mrs-. F.A. Elliott, 7fi5l Marlon
street. "
The- Senior King's Heraids will
meet f roni 2 to . 4 : 1 3 o'clocki to
morrow aiternoon at the home or
Mrs.- A: AS Lee, -151 5 f StaU' street:
Miss Loirta Kizer and Miss Lucille
Iizson will be the hostesses. The
program and study will b direct
ed by Mrs. E. O. Welling and Mrs
Lloyd Leel ' ' ' I
. 4"-.. : v j
Hal IJibbard auxiliary; of the
Spanish War Veterans Iheld " the
ceremonies .of - instahatidn early
this week In conjunction with Hal
Hibbard camp No. 5; ' j "
. A "delightful program followed
the installation. Frank. Allen gave
a number of saxophone scflos, and
Mr. and Mrs. Matsen piano, duets
irr ina'ymond 'gate- atttoHnl solo;
andrUtUelMja9 SajnmoBa a reading. !
Interesting talks' by; the state,, of
ficers present were given in- adr
ditioo. ' r ..y " '
'The list of auxiliary officers in
stalled inri tided yUrs Fred A.
Thompsonr president; senior vice
president. Mrs. Carrie Chasef Jun
ior ii vice Dresident. i?Mist Lulu
Humphrey ;i chaplain, . Mrs. I Ruth
Brant; conductpr, :. Mrs Percy
Pugh; assistant, Mrs. Ida May Sey
mour ; guard. Mrs, May Sammons ;
assistant j guard, - Mrs. I Mary. Ray
mond; patriotic Instructor, Mrs.
Marie, Baker; historian, Mrs, Mary
Miller; musieian.l Mrs. f Watcher;'
repprter, Mrsi CarJ Abrami.; m,-
": fr j;--'1 ' -
? i Members- of the - inter tor decor
ating section bfl the ' Salem Arts
league.- will meet at' 7;30 o'clock
this evening in 1 the ! educational
room of the public: library.- 'Furn;
iture ' arrangement,'" I :, with Mrs".
Monroe Gilbert the leader, will be
the lesson theme. I l
i:::l:. .. ; - i .J;f..-p '
Mrs. William rBrown and Mrs,
Frank Spencer are guests today in
Portland. "
M . '":!
Mrs; Frank Power j, entertained
th; f members ofTtheS?KensIngtOn
clu,b on Wednesday afternoon, the!
afternoon being spent,wlth sewing
and chatting,. The rooms were" at
tractive, with, pink jl caiiatloni
whiles the, "pink, and: jwhltef" color
scheme prevailed inj the refresh
ments Incidentally, the occasion
was also Mrs. Power's birthday.
iln two, weeks the club will-be
entertained at v the liome 0t Mrs.
Albert C. Smith. " ' '
! i !"
: lA charming mnsical program
was that which" took f 6rm on Tues
day with the meeting of tbJ music
seftion "of the Salem TArts league
at; the home of Mrs.' J. F, Lag;,
lieethoven's composition? gave the
keynote of the evening, with an
early resume of Bach.; . f '
"Mrs. Gustav Ebsen'a reading of
bidgraphies of both Bach and Bee
thoven 1 gave the listepers many
interesting glimpses Into the lives
ofj these two composers. .'.
!Dr. John" R., Sites at the viola,
arid Miss Ruth Bedford atj the pi
ano, with1 Mrs. Martin Feresheti
an singing, made the openidg num
ber; the Ave "Maria,, (by Bach
Goiinod) a trio of much charm. -'!
Delightful renditlons'were those
ot "Adelaide," (Beethoven) by
Mrs, Fereshetian singing :in ing
r 1 ' . . . . -i -. ;s
i I :. ' : - ' : -1 ' .1,1 . i .
I " '. " . ; ,. , ' . . . " -j . , j j-? , , ; I7T
" il Iw '
v-ur;. enure suci nas ucca greauy ;uucrpncea; ror lmxneaiatc disposal,: proviairig a purcurirmrr oppor-1 - 1 II
that has seldom been equalled. rThe smartest of winter Frocks and Coats can bo obtained at these .1
t unity
amazuigly low costs.
Top" Coats in heringbone and, plain
: weaves in gTays, browns, tc., Jialf or
.fully. lned, now priced at ; ''
,. f V f : ...' : .! . .1.. .... k . - .!.
. ' Fully lined Bolivias in gTay, broTi and'
; . black ffovT
V $16.00 . ; , ;
'r' " Fur trimmed Bolivias in black, "broivn
-2nd ray fully lined at '
t .- . r t -
r Heavy pile Bolivia fully lined with Skin-.
: tier's satin. Collar and cuffs of genuine
?rulk nw reduced to .
Gray and black Bolivias fully lined with
f Crepe" de? China. The: trimmings, are - of
genuine beaver- To sell at
574.50 -
a :
- i -
S'AU of our Mahdleberg Coats have been'
v ' reduced. 1 Altho these -are always stand-
; ard goods we feel that . we should, in fair
L. ness to-our patrons, Jnclude .thsm ins the
: price' reductions.- . '
0 -1 ,'. '
' We are featuring; onelrack of Flannels
and poirets including. tlresses .that "sold fori
twice the nrice at the first of trip sasnn.'
There are many .colorful models in this '
.roupr f , -; t ,:
Poirets that . are lavishly embroidered
in blackj silk. Dresses that sold originally ;i
for much more than we are asking during
our rlpjir3nr cnlxi J' . ' ' 1
Striped Poiret and Charmane fur and
-button trimmed; many different styles imN
. the lotall priced at, . . " " ?
llah; and DfSltes' singing InJ GerV
manvt" -i : ;t
; The Impromptu I duet ;re.ndltloa
of the Intriguing Bethoreni First
Symphony in C Major wW a feat
ure" by DKSilesT and Miss I Bed
ford.! Mrs MonoeiQilbert idayed
the.' adagio .movement- of the pa
tbetlque sonata.and..Or-. Sites fol
lowed wlth'the second movement.
Miss i Bedford played ; front th
Moonlight sonata. j. . f,
The next meeting' of the. section
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Lau when ; the . class. wlll study
Schubert's life and compositions.
A special guest at- the meeting
this w$ek was Mrs.jFi D, Eason
of McMinnville. ,
The members of the Jolly Six
teen' club- were 'entertained ' Wed
nesday . evening; byj Mrs. Lduis
Bechtel and Mrs. Charles Klnzer,
at the. Bechtel bom&- Beautiful
potted plants' were (attractive in
the rooms : ' The ? evening's ? high
scores went to Mrs.-T. W.'J pa vies
and to MiL Ed Keene.- In two
weeks Mr. Keene and Mrs. Cour
sey will entertain the dub at the
Coursey home. ' : f;.:'fr
Special guests for. the ' evening
were Mrs. Q. H.! Taylor, Miss, Mar
garet -Aubert and Will Bechtel.
. i Therclub members" Include - Mr.
and Mrs.-John Spong; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bnser, Mr and Mrs; Ed j
Keene.; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bech
tel, - Mr. and Mrs. 'C. IX , Barber,
"Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davles, and
M r. and Mrs. T. W. Djvles. M r.
anii Mrs. Charles Jsinza,r. and Mr.
andjMrs lI.jC. Courseyj ; ; i
The story: telHnfcJseet km of the
Salem Arts league, metj with Mrs.
M Ff reshetlan at her , home. 00
Cljemaketa street.- Stories were
told, by . Mrs Bot&ford.f Mrs. Van
Trump, Mrs.': Endjcott.i.Mrs. Bur
ton and - Mrs. ' FeresbeUan. - Mr.
Van Trump also contributed to the
evening's , entertainment. , t Two
charming little 6tory tellers who
added to the pleasure! of the 12
members present i wre the Misses
Louise Fereshetlan ; ; ind Grace
Laurence.'. The, ineetisgs are In
formal in character."- (.The. mem
bers gath!er , about- tbje . fireplace
and practice the art hich, is al
most, lost. Mothers, are especially
invited to. come and bring their
little, opes to listen to I the. stories
and. to develop the art?) The meet
ings, of this, section will 'take place
always, with Mrs. Ferehetian, who
is tne neaa 01 mis group, at ino
USiitarian parsonage, C
eta. street;
57 Chemek.-
Virtue is like aicii!
plain" "set.'
Ft one, best
ti) . 1 1 .. .
: ''fit is '
I rw w i f .J f
11 w
- : CALL
j-fvll -i-'.i-
"TT-: TTT'O-'! - - -.-"5 iT.l'"
Ai IT I " I! W '
I 'tl ' -; Xx Tt F - V::":
1 : am
ancl here, U thor only: way: to.hoive firesfi watery
always in me aome
Toi are drinking ttale water. It is not the water
that Nature intended yoa to drink.
t if; -y - - 'h- If.; i r - ' . - ; " " I
For fresh, watet; just as it comes fro.ti a natural .
spring, possesses a vitally important element. i
But this freshness is soon lost when water is ;
storeoT in bottles reservoirs or pipes. Even her- -:
metically sealed, this one element which science
says is as important to health, a vitamin cs in die ' ;
diet, cannot be retained. ' 1 ! ' - 4
I ' Medical Authority
. Each year tLouands go upon medical advice -'
' to the famous spring ac Hot Springs, Arkansas
owned-and operated by the- United States Gov-. ;
ernmeot for the benefit of al citiiens.-
i - -r .-; . . ' ' - ' .
In. Europe there are similar springs at Vichy, :
France, Beth, England'and elsewhere
Both, the sick and the well go frequently to J
these baltrvri to driok the rr water which
helps them ' to -regain ' and to. maintain health.
They benefit in high percenttge of cases. -, " -
Bat when they leave,they must again drink stale ;
water. So the benefits are. apt to be temporary.
TitoiTTiVitai Element '
Scientists attest that much of the health value
of the watea; from, these famous springs in fact
water from any spring contains it to some extent ;
is. due to an element called Niton radio- i
activity, -'i ''-'-'-' ti-t-V-.. ,,v-i wv. vj"
,j '. - y . I i - . ' ; f ; : - . . . ; '
i It becomes a part of thel'waters ar they flow ;
through the underground regions of the earth be-! .
fore coming to. the surface. They sweep-against-'
the subterranean rocks which; contain millions ;
of tiny radium deposits. :. f j j ...... . .
I Thus the .water cornea to the mouth of the
spring fresh, hralthfuL as Nature intends it to be.
j A Great pjtfcovry , ;
( hese facts have been recognized for years. It
has six? been known, that. this, radio-activity
Niton could n6t be. retained irittpred water.
.. :.-:.t -----ii :
' : . - - ' ' ' f
:-r I "V.4. ' rFi iVI-- i ; i '
1U1 J'iA'.W II Vtw VvY Vii,Yf 1 IU
But only a few years ago was it discovered how
artificially to return this vital element to water.
Sinte its discovery the invention has been sub
jeeted to the severest tests. It has been proved. -
t And now the process has been developed which
makes it possible for every home to enjoy freth
waosc radio-active in the home. ,' j
' like all inventions the principle is itmpIe.'A
water jar is lined with especially selected radium
orei The ore is fused to the inner walls of the a heat propess requiring 2000 degree
Fahrenheit and 20 days of burning. . , 'u
But the Rev igator "Radium Jar never, wears
OUt.- -X ; y
Fresh Water Always ;
just fill the Revigator every night. 'The. water
remains in contact with the radium Ore tot ,
twelve hours,- J sj ' i J, - . ;
- By morning it has returned to the state in
which Nature intended iu It is flavorless and ia
in no way a medicine or drug. ." , '
People suffering from a great list -of diseases
. have found relief and even complete recovery by
drinking this water. Nature wisely provides nat
ural cures .which are mpst effective except where
drastic remedies are required; j:,'-,;;.r.?. :,
- ut fresh water is as essential to, tfie proper1
maintenance of health as it Is to correcting dis-'
orders.' For it thoroughly cleanses-the bowels,
liver, kidneys and other internal organs. " '
. I ' Act To-day , -: : , i, '
lYou will note results within two- to three
weeks. You Will find greater resistance" agairut
minor aiImentv Ym"wiII-nd less tendency to-'
. ward conitipatiba. r"'r -: ---r
- iYou wifl better and enjoy added
vigor and energy. For Nature will be eliminating
bodily poisons which too often remain to lower
t vitality and resistance.; J ."f, V
' iTelephone br send the coupon now. We.1I
giycyou free, information about aft important
- way to better health." Don t delay where health
is concerned. v ,-.'- t
iAct ow. r: . . : ''c-':.4 i-O.
Txp EgrrriTnl FrTth gg St
Fhone or, Write Now. - . ' - -
Telephone 1718, G.-W.. Foot t, .
Agent, Radium Ore Revigator Company,
1 .S.' High St V Dent. A 1 5 1 , -
Salw, Ore. - : : -
Please send, without oblication on my part, your '-
free illuratedbooklit explaining the important -health
valuej pt freth water and how to have it si
wayrin, the house . ' ;-.:?- .--.-I
Nam J ... ' - - -
at- ,
- I:
Tha Hoiith of Planning
- 5 r January is the logical month of the year to
, "decide alang what line your activities fofc 1S25 will;
i be. basedJ . 'I ' : . . - -. . "i .
' la this .respect, having the United States Na
' tional work with ; you, analyzing plans land their
rpossibilities nd putting them into operation, -will
materially; assist in bringing about great accom-
- plishmcnts.; j All the experience of years of service
in putting "forth our best efforts to tnake Salem
' land Marion .County-prosper and grow. is '.at your
disposal j ' .' '.;; '--- :''':'r :?f-- -i
" -k - v .:V:'"--..' -.i'j'.; :-rr:.; ;
: . United Stet2G 1 :
. I'Tei:onr:l,pcjnI:,t ;;:
. ! Sal cm, Oregon.
:. -