The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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r I i ijii'i unit'. I !M1; .
L.n:'tt,tHlHiinihi'l!H!l ouc lur service '
We have a wonderful showing of the new shirts with a
' S.WT?!? stced coar to niatch, priced at 3.06.
Ragle Meeting Sat Xighf
(January 10th) in the Odd Fel-
ows Hall at 81 p." m. X Every new
member and
all ' P. O. E.
Br others
from, any
part of the
tJ.'SV or Can
ada" are in-
Tlted to be
1 present 't and
bring a gentleman friend -who la
not an . Eagle " All person's deslr-
ng to join the Eagles under spe
cial - rate see! me at the UniUsI
cigar Store. 363 State St.. or
3Klinger ' Hotel before Saturday
inlght, January 10th. - Frank E.
i pavls, Orgaftizer. ' Bed-blooded
VAmerican- men on the, R. P. iD.
iroutes Invited Ho attend the F. O.
3. meeting... i? , -v J8
Buys Furnituro
Phone 511. '."
$3 IJotra .
5 IfontUy
0. 1C Iickvw4
347 N. Com. fit.
, PhCB 869
Cars far hire without Crlyert
PHONE 2020'
Day and Night: Service
Men's and Tonus T Men's
Tailored Salts $25 to $4S
Dr.B.H. White ,
v Osteopathy- Surgery
Elsctronlc Diagnosis -and Treat
ment (Dr. AbramV jmethod)';
Office IPhone Sd V ; or
J OC6; U.; P.-BaHi Elds; '
' ' 'BANKER'S .! j J
XMahUahed 1863
General Eanlnng Bluriiicis
Office nonrs from
kflf - Vrco:
-hr A
XfVV v
Our shirts- are quality shirts, excelling in
fabric, design and tailoring. Thev are'
J w . ? ' ' fs
- 469: STATE ; 7
I. New Stenographer-- '
- rMis' Mary - Montague has ac
cepted i.a ' position1 as i stenographer
to Justice Harry H; ;Relt of the
supreme court, who took oath of
office Monday,
Special Rug Sale
. See wiudows. H. L, Stiff Furn
iture Co.;: . !" : 43
Chlorine Gas Treat men f ?L ,
'Fdf .colds at orflcef or in your
homkA ,pr. Marshall, 1228 Oregon
BldgU ",r j . , ! K' : .: $ j8
Eagles Meet Saturday
' Frank E. Davis, state organizer
of tie Fraternal Order of Eagles,
announced- yesterday, that there
would he . a big meeting of the
order Saturday- night Mr. Davis
makes his headquarters at the
Smith cigar store, tj f
SUte Blast Build 1 1
Expense of the new overhead
crossing near Divide,' Or. will";be
buil ; by the state highway: com
mission and not by the Lane coun
ty court and the Southern Pacific
on a- 40-30-30 basis,' as was de
sired,, according to an order issued
by the publie service commission.
Income Tax Reports , '
For" Completion 'see W. A. Sip-
prell, 345 Chemeketa. Phone 900.
i. ..;.,.. ; : U .' -'i
Special Prices on all Dinner Sets
H. I. Stiff , Furniture-Co: pg
Depository Retnrnd--i-"!' ' r
-Change of the active depository
At Dreaxxildxid
Thursday, Friday, ;
Saturday" & Sunday
" For
, i:i.OUTII'IIIGri ' 1
10 sw aou to Si p. nu
from ; the large f f ureaee to
the smallest nut"l2e.- T1 f
us for what purpose tha eoal
.. ' . MmifnM oh1 -WA11 TOint
out -the proper -aUe- to use. ....
v But although we carryV all
sizes, we handle. only, one
quaiiij, iwj
from the very best mines..
Our coal service Is youra to
command, ", 'i
Prices ranse from $10 to CIS
Also handle the best
Diamond Driquettes i
i J.-. .. , . . ...,
M .- - t-,-r ....
of the ; state " fr6in the First . Na-tionai-
bank of Portland' to1 the
Ladd & Bttsh bank of Salem waa
announced i yesterday ' by T; Bi
Kayj "sate treasurerV- The' de
poFSitory was moted! to Portland
last j! March by Jeff ersdhi Myers,
then' state" treasurer. This is said
to hare' been the 'first time the
depository was ever outside of Sa
c Store Sells Oat
Geo. C. Wilt; the music dealer,
has fought out R.' P. Peters, for
merly Peter a & Mills Masie store.
on pourt street, and moved all
pianbs to his store on State street.
, :3-8
Rlggs Goes on Koad '
c In response to special request
front the1 Stewart & Holmes
wholesaled drug supply company of
Seattle, 2L J. Riggs, former: pro
prietor of the Capital drug store,
Is representing the drug firm' in
thfsj district. Mr.--Riggs has re
turned from Seattle where he com
pleted f Ihal arrangements. He
takes the' place of Mr. Afller, sales
man whd Was recently drowned at
Eugene. ' ' "
Beantifnl 2-Piece '
' Mohair suit davenport and chair
to 'match. January pricri $168:
Hamilton's. ' - ' 38
Will Canvass Vote; , .
Election 01 one o. tu rcyuun
can' electors as, messenger to de
liver the state vote at. Washington
when the electoral college meets,
will be made here, Monday, when
a formal canvass of the presiden
tiat vote cast November 4 'will be
made. Republican electors in the
stit ar A. W. Go wan of Burns i
Daniel Boyd of Enterprise,1 Har
riett Lane Richards, M C. George
ana J. O." Stearns, Sh.f all of Port
land.. ' ' ' ' .'
T-Bone Steak Dinner 75c 1
Tonite 5:30 to T:30. Colonial
Dame Tea snoppe.
BELL In this; city, January 7,
Mrs."Emma A. -Bell- age
jyears, mother of Mrsj Lanra B.
IWay o)f Portland and Miss Es
ther M. "Bell of Salem; Fiiheral
jsertices will be held at 10:30
.Friday a, m. from the new Rig
dnrf mortharv Rev, W. Wi Long
lofffciatlng. Intermeht in the
EYltEE Janary n7, at his home
near"PratunT,' John B. ieyree,
ag 83 years. .Survlted by his
wfi MH. Ida Pevree.' and: the
Widowing chliarenrTV 1 1 1 i a m
Petree of Independence, Jonn
and Burt PeyTee ,of Macleay,
Mrs.-Minnie Drager of Aurora,
afad Mrsi Hester Carpenter of
Boulder Creeks Cal- FuOeral
I services will be held Friday at
' l p. m. from the new Rlgdon
1 mortuary, 5 Rer, VP. C. Kantner
officiating. Interment1 In the
f Odd Fellows cemetery ,
REBO In ? this city," January, 7,
Joseph B. Rebo, , age IX , years.
Remains are to - be forwarded
from the Rigdon . mortuary to
Portland : for Ifuneral services
! and interment. : '
WRIGHT In this city, January 7,
" Charles WTight. age 61- years.
Remains are to be forwarded
from the ' Rigdon mortuary- to
Oregon City, for funeral services'
and interment.
TiiTieral ifrvicea. . for' the late
Chas. L. Davis willitako place to
day at l: 30 p. m.- ironi ine new
Rigdon mortuary, the BevJ-'J.
Evans of ficiaUng. , Interment In
1 1
Comet in and see these
' A Jtc 1023 Ford 1 Selai
(4 ; door) at f 150.O
Also a Ford Sedan i .
(3 door) at $323.00 ;
Both of these' are 14 -splendid
'condition i
: j
" aw A
Fair: Board "to Meet
: Holding of a mid-winter poultry
show at the state fair grounds. Is
expected to-'come up- for; 'discus
sion at V meeting1 of the'slate;farr
hoard : here Monday.' Because f
better., facilities, it la heped to
m6v 9 - the show from tHnphard to
Salem. 'Promoters of this show.
Which, , is held. for Marions and
Clackamas county exhibitors., are
said to be in favor of the change.
Watch Oar Windows
F6r bargains H, Ii.
' j8.
ltura Co j-
Crews Preiares RJI1 ;
Work of preparing a bill re
vising: the state blue sky. law, to
be presented to the legislature, has
been completfd. by .W.,E. Crews,
state" corporation - commissioner.
The bill is said to put teeth. in the
act protecting investors.
' :- : 1 : j .
Many Bobcats Killed
- There were 1368 bobeat. killed
in, various parts of .1 the state durr
Ing December,1 according jto -vouch-ers
passing through theisecretary
of state's office. This number is
said t to-have set a new-record for
the animals killed t a in any one
month. The state1 pay? $8 for
each scalp. J; W. Spender of 'Al-r
falfdS ! had the lfldivlduil : record
for the ' Slaughter df; predatory
animals ' Between IS and 20 cou
gars with a 825 bounty each, were
also' killed, j
Investigate Borglaryr-
The Fairmount DMr3f
was en-
tered early Wednesday!
bv prowlers who secured candy.
cigarettes, and- what money re
mained in the cash reg&ter. En-
trance was gained , through . the
side door, wnere tne jock naa oeen
pried off and an.Unnerdooriiiin
mied. The burglary jwaa discover
ed by C. Thomas, a driver forthe
flnn arhan, ha.rnfirtedl for work.
Officers - Wiles and Smrt investi
gated. . : t- i f
Disc Clutch ChevrolfetT-
New car at Newton
Building Permits?
Kirkwood & Imlah
have been
Issued a permit for $5tt00'tb erect
an automobile repair' shop at 301-
315. .North Commercial; according
to the records filed With City Re
corder POulsen. "Lanej Morley Is
td erect a? dwelling at j9 25 Seven
teenth at-an estimated ' cost 01
tSOn nnA tn reDair a dwelline at
94T North Seventeenth which ia
estimated to cost 8 3 01: Another
permit was Issued ' to f Lawrene
Winfrey to erect a ! dwelling - at
1295 Fifteenth. The cost waa es
timated at 81000.
Income Tax Reports f
For" completion "Ofancome tax
reports see W. " A. I Sipprell, 345
Chemeketav Phone 90P. tf
Robert IJttle Honored
News received here
stated that
Robert Littler, former
University student is taking an ac
tive--part in j the-class leadership
at Stanford. He has been select
ed forf the debating team, which
will meet the' Oxford. England,
team there sometime! during the
coming month. It? is) also stated
that he will help with f the Califor
nia 'state legislature, j during its
session."- " " '- 1:1 P --
Special Prices on all Dinner Sets
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. J8
Albany. Boys Held
Two boys are held at the Salem
nollce station for: investigation.
They are suspected runaways and
were arrested by Officer Victor at
the Southern Pacific depot last
night. They gave their names as
Walter Wichman and! George Rod-
gers, and the address, of Albany.
Enroll Today ,
In three months jyou will be
able to hold a responsible position.
Pacific Expert school. - J-8
Ormandy Lions Sneaker ' t
J. A. Ormandy, general passen
ger agent for the Southern Pa
cific, with headquarters In-: Port
land. ,will speak jtoj members of
the Lions club at! their- Friday
noon luncheon. Mf. Guyt New-
gent Will be the soloist of the day.
Indian Robes
rAt reduced prlcesj
during Janu
ary Clearance,
i- . . - .
Bnys lnslcr Stock i :
- George C Will, of the Will Mu
sic store, has purchased the" inter
est held by R, F. Pjsters, formally
of the Peters & MiUs music stored
and moved all the; pianos to his
store on State Btreet. -r
T-Bone Steak Dinner 75c ' '
boys of theYMtrA-BirtO"wtior shall
c.Mie.-the greatest showing in pay-4
ing their pledge which they made
when theyJMcame member of ihe
local club. When .the hoys accept
ed membership to the" YMCA' they
pledged to pay a small sum-each
month, or whenever they could do
so. Keen rivalry is being shown
and it is expected that the final
amounts will be brought in soon.
Free Marcelling i
, "Stu'dehrpractice: 640
keta. "
' i
Petitfon, Granted ' j. v
t The' petition' of Grace Elizabeth
Smithy executrix of the estate of
Marian . Hellyer,, asking that ah
drder to sell the personal property
of the estate be lsetied,' was grant
ed Uy County. Judge : J. T., Hunt
yesterday..' Judge Hunt annotated
Ahgast C.. Arnold executor of the
estate of Nancy E. Arnold. ,
Dime cluth ChevrOlef
New. car. at Newton' Chevrolet.
I 111
All Small Wilton Rug f
Greatly reduced January Clear
ance. , Hamilton's. , . I : 18
Radio Store Files ,
. Aecordtngi to papers t illed with
the county -'clerk P. E. Siemens
and H.' P.-Toeua. will' engage, in
business at 271 North Commer
cial under the' firm 'ham of the
"Radio; Specialty Co,"
Boxing Double Main vent
i Salem Armory, Friday. Jan; 9th.
Jewell Deane of Salem vs. Frank
ie' Doyle- of Spokane, f llN three-
minute rounds. Phil.Bayes,. him
self, vs. Cracker Warren! of, Ore-
gon City, 10 three-minute; rounds.'
Fine Imposed--- !; T
. ' A;fine of $2.5) . and, the confisca
tion of his gnn'was the fate, that
befell . Gene Anderson . for hunting
ducks without a license. He was
arrested, Sunday, by Deputy Game
Warden Stevenson at the Dallas
ponds. , . ; . . . . , (
Big Dish Sal
H; L. Stiff Furniture Co.v j$
Have Second- Chane
'Students who failed, to pasa the
first examination in the second
class echools-vof 1 the ! county will
be given a second trial today and
Thursday. "At that time the mloV
year examinations are to be held.
It "is expected' that only a small
number of students will take the
examination. f "
Salem Art and Beauty Shoppe
; 1 It's different. Just see.! Phone
2118. ' 18
Have New School f
Because of the unpleasant cir
cumstances la the school; George
and ' Melvin - Bedient, - sons of 'Mr;
ahk Mrs! O.' Bedient of the Bethel
scjiool,' have been transferred to
the Macleay school - by j their par
ents. One '"of f the i boys figured
prominently In the trial of the
teacher before' the Bethel school
board when ' the parents charged
thfe teacher with' using undue force
In chastizing the boy. The teacher
Was exonerated br the board: ' ';
Floor Lamp ' . !
i- With beautiful silk shades. Jan
uary price 812.50. Hamilton's, j 8
Barrels Scattered ' I
,When a. truck loaded with sev
eral 50-gallon- barrels struck a
touring car ati Center and Church
Wednesday afternoon about 3
o'clock ' traffic was ; demoraliaed.
Barrels were scattered 6ver a wide
area? and after some- trouble was
experienced in . collecting them.
Both the car and; ihei! truck suf
fered damage.i I ' j -
Starting Again Friday ,
Spa Week-end Candy Sales, j
Xrayer Jagnexfo Meet"- -'
The woman's Evangelistic
Prayer league-will "meet- with Mrs.
Jl- W. Harriett, 605 - Union, The
tODic of ' "Prayer ' win .'also he
discussed."; Mrs. N. C Manela will
o'clock. ' 1'
Watch Our "Windows U
For bargains.' H. Li SUff Furn
iture Co. ""-1 . i-"" f V. f i 8-
;25,000 Ioun4s of :
Grape ;Root:
Also Fir PitcK"'
Capital, Bargain
' "House
The House of a.' Million and
One Bargala
215 CENTER '
T4 i
j" iV
'is Care for Fund " ;
f- ;. A, new worker was, added to. the
Salem TMCA staff yesterday." He
la Frank Hutcheson, and wilt
work patt' time',' as ne'ls employed
at the J state house several1 houT
of the dayi rile will care for the
new'buUdlngfohd for the -YMCA
Mr. Hutcheson; Is a : former em
ploye oft the Valley Motor -com-paay.
ill A.ivH;-di-jrrJ;y-
Will! Name Architect r ) r
"At thejl regular: meeting'; of the
hoard , of js directors of the Salem
YMCA Friday noon the architect
for the : aeW Salem t building will
be appotnteuV according5 to an
nouncement, C. AKells.
eecretary Sherman W. Dean,
represeatfng the building, bureau;
of tie YMCA; with offices at New
York city,"arrived In -Salem Tues
day afternoon- and most- of : his
tlmef has been spent interviewing
local architects. Final pians,x it
is stated, will be put In the hands
of the architect selected within a
few 'daysJ "-
MWw Wood Returns
' Miss ' Bertha Wood, who 4s on
the faculty- of the school for the
deaf, returned from her' vacation,
which she spent as a! guest at the
home of Mrs. C. W. Birtchet at
Mt; Angel. '
All Union Carpenters !
s 'Are requested te meet at the
hall! Thursday evening. Special
Seeurea ?ew Bulck j ! m
Aj R," Rankin is the proud owner
of a! new Buick-six roadster which
he purcased from Otto Wilson yes
terday. Mr.. Rankin is head ; of
thef Salem branch of the Standard
011' company. .1 j , j
Big Dish Sale
If. Is. Stiff Furniture Co.
Student Registe
Charles H. Hurl but has j regis
tered- in la w, at Willamette uni
versity and attended; his first ses
sion of classes , last', night.. ; His
home- is In Bellingham, Wash.
Saturday Is Last'Day -A
To buy stamped goods at- 20 per
cent 'discount. - The Petite Shop,
over Bhslck's; Store.' j8
Taken to Hospital-
Lynn Huntley" was taken" to the
Deaconess hospital, yesterday , fol
lowing j surgical attention; : In
which a difficult molar operation
was , performed. Mr; ' and 1 Mrs.
Huntley J are former residents of
Corvallis, where they ard r well
known. 1 They plan on making
their home in' this city." .f"
AVilton Rugs "
9x12 With fringe. January price
867.50. Hamilton's. j8
Mrs Zinn Recovers
'It is reported that Mrs. Frank
Zinn, prominent worker in the lo
cal YWCA, is doing nicely since
she underwent an operation at the
Salem Deaconess hospital yester
day. She is secretary of member
ship of the YWCA. '
Date-Xnt Podge S
This week-end" special. The Spa.
Returns to Desk
H. Ml Burtchet, j who is with
the city ticket office of the South
ern pacmc company, returnea
from his vacation, yesterday, 1 He
spent, part of his time at Albany,
Mt. Angel and in Portland. ,
Special Rug Sale. j
See windows. II. L. Stiff Furn
iture Co. - 1 J8
Board to Make' Trip
A' majority of the members of
the hoard of directors of the
Chamber of Commerce and several
business men-of the city-will at
tend the .Banquet 'of the? Oregon
business and industrial conference
in Portland' at! the Multnomah i ho
tel1 today: sThe semi-annual tneel-
mm i
: f is j'
I ' .,). . 1 1 t 'r"-"L!r' 1 1 " -
i -At: --:.. ! :N'i ;f ry ''" ; ''': 1;
! ' . . '
I -- " - I su
i - - - - H
! '
! ii .
1 1
1' ' !
Unless you seei the . "Bayer'Cross" on tablets you are
not 'gettingl the :vMnuine"BaeA ,
1 by millions andprescribecli byrpny$iciansT2.-4!iycafsfr fq'c , v
4splria- la -the tnte taark C sje MMnfactuf of MuouoeUcf IdfaU-r at Btllt-yUc'i.t .
- r . ! .. M ; ' j. L .
ing of the Oregon association: of
commercial r organization secre
taries will be held j in; ther green
room of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce Friday. J. E. WHaon,
managing secretary
of the Salem
Chamber of Commerce,
will at
tend this meeting,
Fancy Art Cretonnes
1 "Values to 60 cents. January
price '19 cents, several patferns'to
choose from. ; Hamilton's.
Taft Plodged :
Charles Taft
of '.iSalfmv s
pledged Alpha. Tau, Omega; Greek
letter living organizations on the
University of Oregon campus,,: ac
cording: to announcements - made
public yesterday.. Twenty-one en
tering freshmen have been pledged
Permitted Liberty; i .
Walter TJhange, j arrested - on a
non-support' charge, and who has
been in the county jail awaiting
sentence, was released yesterday
on hl own ' recognizance , upon
motion of the district attorney.
Ford Parade Staged
An unique motor vehicle parade
was staged by the Valley ! Motor
company yesterday . in j which more
than 15 distinct types of truck and
delivery body - models were ; dis
played. The parade aroused con
siderable interest.! - 1
Tombstone Sales Large j
, W..lW.itRyaIs has ,filed? suit in
the circuit court against J. C.
Jones & Co." for commissions said
to be due him for the sale of tomb
stones in Marion,! Polk and Yam
hill counties. 1 Ryals asks for
88599.75'whlch. he states the com
pany owes him; for sales made' and
for orders placed" through his'
hands. Between -May, 1918,! and
June,-1924:, 'Ryals says hls com
missions amounted to 813,201.15.
The company paid him 85000 for
his services.- 1 . i
A bootlegger died in Chicago,
perhaps from overwork.:
Balem, Oregon
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings;- aiso Catchers Xul
pings, Adding Machine Paper. Greaseproof. G!a
Drag Bond, Tissue Screenings and 'Specbltic
! 1 '
i 1
Tha N.ev. Year Avdi.
There arq practically 365
provide'a' way'of rnnJcing1 1925. mean more.' in a,
financial way than the -years which;.; have
passed. T.i .
A helpful, serviceable : and cooperative, banking
connection such as is afforded here at the United
States National bank can," if you so desire it, -work
with you to insure days of prosperity ahead, May
we talk over with you the plans you hav6 in: mind
for the months to' come? " " - . ' ' V
United Stetes i
National DeinI: : i
- Salcm.Orecciv V
Neuralgia. . Lumbago
Neuritis " . Rheumatism
. Accept only. "Bayer? cades rs
which contains proven directions.
Haady. "Bayer boxes , ol 12 tablets,
Alo bottles of 24 and. 100 Drugii!.
River Craft Overturned
: And Oocupartts: PuckecJ
To tight the swift current of the
Willamette yesterday "after their
craft had been caught la a log Jam '
and crushed was the. experience of
Walter Gerth and Wesley Entricou.
After great difficulty the two man
aged to swim to the shore," but not ''
before the latter was "buffeted by
the rough current. :;- '' -
" Gerth and Entricon were repair
ing cable at the Southern: Pacific
log' way between West Salem and
Eol4 with the motorboat Marianne.
Because of the swift current the -boat
was caught in a Jam, Owing -to
air compartments the boat did
not sink but' Was" towed, to Salem '
for repalrsi ' ' . 't '
Here's th&0
to Ileal iunforo
Av Marvelous Bel f -I I om e-Treat-ment
t That Anyone Can Use .
' on Any' Rapture," Large"1
or;, Small
; Costs Nothina: to Try
" Boptnrit prpi i H OTr th " eoimtry '
arc anaae4 t the. almost mirauloua re
tulti t a simple Methofl foe ruptur. that
ia being aant lr t. U who writ (ojr it.
Thia remarkable Rupture Kjtem it om
of the (reateat bleaaias evrr eNcitd M
roptare4 men,: ronien -andt rhUdrea . Il
ia being pronounced tha moat aarceasful ,
Method . vr diacoTered, aa makes th
nie of traasM or. supports unnecessary.-' ,
- No matter how bad the raptor, ho ,
Ion ir yoa have bad it, or, boW-bard -ti -hold:
no matter how many kinds of truss- j
a yon hare warn, let nothiar prereat yv
from setting, this FBE TBEATMENT. ,
Whether you. think you are past-elp-t -
hanre-av rnprare as larre as your fists, thit
marrelona System will so control U"and
keep it tip inside as to iurr ys wuk -1
jg magic influence. It will ao help you
restore the psrta where thermptnre-waaer- '
through, that soon you will be a-9 frf tj
work at any occupation s though-you
had never beestrnptared. r. '
You can have a free trial of .thia wonV1 4
derfnl atrerigthening'preparafion ' by mere-' !
ly sendinr yonr - nam .and -address to
W. A. COZXINOS, Inc., 8ft-B Coiling- '
Building. Watarto-wn, V. T. Sead e mon
ey. Tha trie K i free. Write now today.
It may-save the, wearing -of -a snua the
rest of-your lite.-sVd. -V .
T .
. i-
1 - -
- -1 i
days ahead days that . .
Tonite 5:30 to i7l 30. Colonial
Dame Tea Shoppe, ; ( -.- .8
Coys Start Campal?
i A.tampalgn 13 jon among-the
' 1" :