TILE OREGON STATESMAN. iSAtSM. OREGON TTTIinSDAY MORNINf?', JANUARY 1,1 025 ilassified all e m's est TT Or M I - fa; ) r 14 Square Doal Welding Works Phone 864 Wo track rlrttrle sad aeotyUin weld ing. Weldrr of 12 years oxpw-ioneo teacher. ' ' 14-j3l EXPERT PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. -Wo call for and delivsr. Pnons 620. 1999 yortfc Capitol. 14dl9tf HELP WANTED Male 18 CARPENTER WANTED I WXldVRXT . a six rooia home lor $20 Pr month on a year's If ate and guaraatro to furnish carpenter work daring- the year to ' equal tno rent. . -Address "Renter" fiw6utMaa. n ai mm an i i T IX)Sr AND FOUND 23 LOST LADY'S WATCH. ELGIN. IX itlals 'R. A. H" on watch. "D. E. H" ; 'on fob. Phono 1484 X. 32-J3 LOST -SHELL RIMMED GLASSES IK com. Call 1048-K. Howard. 22-J2 FOUND GREENBACK. CALL AT H. U. Stilt r'uraituro Co- and identl IT. 22-jl PERSONAL. 23 'Alt NOT RESPONSIBLE POR ANY debt t. of Mr.l. H. Shaekman after l)ecm- f ber 31. 1924. Mr. D. II. Shack-man ' i - - " - S3-13' LOANS 34 1 PER CENT 2ND MTGE DOUBLE soeurtty, for aale. Installment $1400 MECKE A HENDRICKS , U. S. Bank Bids. 2 4-jltf Loans ' IJ can male yon a loan both largs ana am an on good security and reason able rates. SEE ME IP YOU NEED MONEY Q. W. Laflar 410 Oregon Bids. 24-jl MONEY TO LOAX ON FARM PROP orty., ' Lowest ratee obtainable. Set Mr. VeCardr in . Honor Smitk'a of io HteevM-Mnnr RMr .4-antt REAL ESTATE City 25 Own Your Home "LOTS i PAIRMOUNT HILL Beaatifu new lota, pavement paid. "Cheapest Jots in whole district, frit S950. i BECKE It HENDRICKS l S. Bank Bldg. 23-jltf i NEW YEARS GREETINGS To the friends and patrons, old and - new, tt my Twenty-five years' business in saiem. - . W. A. LISTON ... Real Eatate Insurance Loans 484 Court- St. 25-jl NEW YEAR SPECIAL 6 room new doable construction mod em Dutch Colonial Residence in South Salem. Extra largo lot. Carafe. $0250, ; A. C. BOHRN8TEDT : 1 Realtor and Insurance 147 North Com'l St. Salem, Oregon, 25-Jltf -V- I i GOOD VALUES Vuncalow; "boaeaaot, fireplace breakfast nook, paved street. - Price, including paving paid, $2700; 3K raOi balance X2U Dtr month and in j terest. Would take rood lot at first payment. .. i f & room " Iran r alow. breskfsst Book. firenlaee. basement, pared street and cement walks. Price $3250. Good tenia. ". " ' o room Hons in North Salem. - East froat, lot 60x120. Price $1600. Good : terms. ' - - ' " Strictly modern S room bungalow in ;Tke Uska addition. -aone zii xor lo cation, i t KHTTRFR JtTUH. Com'l St. Phone 217. SS-jl Start the new 'year right ' h Buy. A Home Ta Ktnlttr Ton in Adversity " - 5 room house and bant. Lot 50 tj 125. 41200. 6 room plastered house, fun base ment. Good location. A bargain at , STOO; rood terms. ' 5 i room bunralow. ' -Modern except furnace. Price $2300. Goad 10-aere tract near Salem. Two farre bams. A real bargain at $2500 or will trade for city property. We have several good houseo for rent, '.!-, 'r". 7 acre tract with T room house, and other buildings. One mile from email town. 50 acres in cultivation. A rood farm at $3600. f TOr yon may be looking for a rood wheat ranch. 200 acres, 10. in crop, good spring. 11 milce eaat of Salem. A bargain at $110 per acre. Will con , aider some city property la trade. I Remember if 70a have anythins to ..trad see u. 1 . ' . ! jW write Insurance. - . j .iJ. F. Ulrich ' 122 K. Com'L Phone 1334. t !;:-... SNA P 1 ' ' "": " Good 7 room plastered house. East front, on 12th. near Oak street. Extra large i lot. Over 10O ft. frontage on 12th Mreet. Owner in California. Cut the price to $3250; home terms. Now vacant. Immediate possession. .:. , s ; f If It's A Home See CHILDS BECHTEL 340 State St. , 25l31tf r-.: . FOR SALE " 0 : . , t Grocery store, good locition. Price litwi TI 1 J , . k. ..ul . a a nrt JUSCELLAXEO US 1r . euun. , utu wmm w - - payment. . ; - KRUEGER ( ft i 147 N. Com'l St. Phone 217 25-d27 $400 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY bars 5 room hous North. Price $2650 BECKE ft HENDRICKS V. B. Bank Bldg. r-"f 25-jltf ' . 1 jr " : Best Buys and i ; Exchanges Ta raise cash my client will discount good psper 10. , $ room modern house, want loan on ame of 1500-et 75i. $50,000 buy a modem ' hotel show--ioc an income of 10 on $70,000. Easy ' room house, good lot, north front, $550,, terms. , - , Iot close in to apply new S room bungalow. What have yen?, ; Socolofsky 311 State. ; 25-d31tf FOR SALE OR RENT Good four room ! house with basement located 529 South Commercial street. Price $3150. Term or will rent for $20 per month. -rf W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 275 SUte fit. 25 d31 OAKS -ADDITION T&T BARGAIN IF sold immediately. Best aeetion of Oaks l(KH'BECKE ft HENDRICKS t U. S. Bank Bldg. 23 jUt jt 'AlEOUNT HILL LOT Corner, both - streets paved. See s todsy. Price . rtr tt n-iMnrr'rTns,l ft CO.' " 275 State St. i .9-a.11 riTY PROPERTY AND FARMS . Lnt t trade ta offer and nnth rnne definite til the first of the - when we'll five yon more partie- HTHnPT PENNINGTON1 s Sun'it Tihlir. (houa 140. IIE.U ESTATE City 2.1 FOR SALE PROPERTY IN 3ROWNS- . "ooa lonation on main street, adjoining the Km 4 National (bank. Suitable for apartments or home. A ?.? .r00 ose and lot. Inquire of W.E.C 32. 3rd St Iudependoaoe, Or; ' ' - - " ii ' - v - i 2& ii NOTICE Xew 7 room modern home lo cated in Oaks addition. WiU take ood lot up to 11500. Balance terms. ! - . - W. H. GRAREXHOftST a, nn i 275 Stata St. Si - 25-d31 WHY PAY RENT! , 4 room bunralow 11650; terms. I 5 room furnished bungalow, $2500 2 acres close in. bldrs., fl00. i 5A. auburbaa homo for realdeaeo.! 3 room cot tare fine lot, 41 GOO. i Dandy farm, equipped, will exehante. i .If you want to buy aeU or exchaafe tee us 'i . it,. PERRINE ft MARSTERS ! I 212 Commercial .Club .Bldf. 2S-d20tf FARM TO LEASE " YOU BUY THE stock, feed and equipments. :) Parma for city property, Salstn or Portland. . . ..j ns Eastern " farms for 1 Ore (on. f i Houseo for sale with small payment dew a. . t - . . ,j . I : . Honaea to rent, money to loan. For terrains or exchanges, : -. ') Bee BARBER, 200 Gray Bids, .nl rr- ; - i . 25-n2tf BARGAIN 7 ROOM HOUSE. FINE Lo cation on m. snanr w. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, ira rare. Mod ern in every detail.; House one year old. 065OO. ; j ,j BECKE 4 HENDRICKS i j ' V. S. Bank Bids. . 4 j . ; j 25 jltf SPECIAL Up to date modern 5 room i bunralow hornet located on paved : road with double garac-e. two lots, cement basement, furnace, f ire - place, hardwood ; floors, built-ias, plenty of closet space, electric range and draperies so. Price $4. , 500 for quick sale. This prop ' erty is leased-for six month j at 1 $35 per month although it maybe poaaioie to rive possession; " W. H. GRABENHORST tc CO. f 275 State Si. s - . s 25-d31 LARGE HOMES HERE'S TWO OF: 8 rooms. $300- to $500 , down, i balance like rent- takes either. Both have ga rarea and large lota with fruit. $3000 nd $3C50. : i . BECKE tc HENDRICKS ' li -U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-d21tt 5 ROOM HOUSE SLEEPING PORCH. - .Modern except basement. Garage chick en .. house, fruit, .- berries and ; grapes. Located 8. Church St. $3000 termsi BECKE & HENDRICKS j IT V. 8. Bank Bldg. i a j 2S-iltf LARGE LIST i ii r of city propertied and acreage; Inchid ins lull Ustins of the Multiple Sys tem. : Bono bargains. Confer with me before boytas. 15 years experience in Salem property and surrounding coun try. " : ' .. f . i jl i WM. FLEMING f I! : 41 Stat St. , 25-d7tf $25 DOWN Will bur a good building lot in the Kay addition. Prices from $200 to $50O. , Phone 515 and we will be glad to show thia property; W. H. GRABENHORST CO. jl 275 -Sute St. j 25-d3l FOR SATiE S ROOM HOUSE IN Good loeatioa. Very small payment. Terms - like rent. See Klotsing at the States- - MS.:. :t . ' ! 35n23tf. Basineaa block, Salem. $o OOC Baildinr all furnished OO Apt., house, good income Apt. house close in, good Apt. house very close in $0,000 $35,000 $15,000 $11,000 Apt.- House corner lot.. Old house, great location 10.50Q Will trade good mortsaga for Apt house or rooming house. , . ' ' Apt. house cloee in , L $4,000 -Large rooming house. ... .. ,. $9,000 ' 1 room house Marion at $3.5O0 - Furnished house close in.,- .$3,700 S large lota Joining $7,500 ' Contractors look into these Urge cor ners. Now for aale at reasonable prices. ; GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE. Realtor 492 North Cottage 8t. , 1 25-d5tf SMALL HYEABLE HOUSE WONDER ful lot. Fairmount hill, $1250. Lot is easilv worth the price asked, i ' BECKE HENDRICKS i ' V. B. Bank Bldg. f . 25-jltf SNAP $1900 bnya a Bfw four room bon 1 galow en paved atreet and near - fine with garage, $500 down, bal ". ' ance terms. ; I It W H nRAJtEVHORST CO. !! 275 State St. 23-d31 YOUNG MAN-WOULD YOU SOONER pay tilt rent money on a home of your vat If to. corns and talk it ever with "SaRIUS. Entrance Masonic Temple- rhonee 795. 1942 J. - 23 n27tf $ ROOM HOUSE ON PAVED STREET, large . lot, fruit, garage $2800. . 4 room new house. East Salem, fur aace, paved street. $36O0; easy term. i room strictly modern. home. Very . in. excellent condition, practically new. $5950. Good terme. ; ; M "1 BeauUful new homo of i 7 fooma. strictly modem in every way. Oaks nd ' dition, ' $7750. " f -: ' 9 roora house 1 four apartments, ex . eellent fnmsee, Urgslot, tw $;f. paved atreet on ear line, prie $3000 including most of the furnishings. ! Will take small fcowse, grocery stora or butcher shop as part payment. WISSIE PTTtJOHX .j it,.- 1hti : ! 'I iiis ns Building. ' M $5.d7tf auto DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY kaTs smse house on corner lot. Price 50 BECKE ft HENDRICKS j tT. S. Bank Bldg. i iS jUt A Cinen Mill for Salem II: Is Secured 1 : This means that real estate values la Salem will increase 20 per cent within the next twelve months. ji I : . JUST THE PLACr: Modem 5 room bungalow ftreplae. furnace. Hwd floors etc. Only $4500; good terms. i LOOK AT THIS 7 room house, lot 75x150. garage, , paved street. Abun daace of fruit. j Owner has t; sell. Mske an offer, f 1 j- . . ; r: ; Yon wai have to act qmickly if yon . mil U acre -tract in "Salem H'rhway Tracts." Prices ranging from $400 up aeoording to lo- eatioa. ' I ij. , itr We writ insurance. , a ;: . Rich Le Reimann :: . Realtor ! ' ' 4-5-0 D'Arcy Bklg. Phon 101. r 25-7tf MINUTE MOVIES FLASHED FROM ; F0LLYVOOD ON AND OFF THE VJHEELAN LOT ' TUE RESULT AS t? -UtLLBB SHOVOM 1M , LH1CM WSS WHA . -TALENT MILL Wei iL'CVi V.TTH THS." PLC?' I HEAL ESTATE City 25 rJli ti.W.K (irocerjr store, f 2000. Hona- es ior rent. l. wood, sal Stats St. ... 25-d24tf 5.00 DOWN fS.OO per month bays two 9 swrvnl int PeL At 1 Kf aW. o Kv. H. GRABENHORST 4k CO. 27$ tSate St. , 25-d31 $500 jCASH. BALANCE MONTHLY Buys j? 4 foont house on paved street. Large lot Price $1900. . -,-. i BECKE HENDRICKS U.iS. Bank Bldg. 23 jltf PRINTED CARDS 8IZR 141 BY TH" wording "For Sale, Enquire AL" Price , 10 ceata each. Statesman Business ' BUSINESS Opportunities 2a $7700.00 Buys A rood apartment house I located clone in on 8. Cottage St. Income-$117.50 per month, some furnishings. Terms. . See us to day. ; W. H. GRABENHORST 4k GO. 2 73 .State St. 20-d31 j In Polk County Near good town.' on' highway, 42 acre, nearly all in cultivation. 4 room good house and rood barn, suitable for small dairy. Partly equipped. . $4500, aqd only a little cash. Robinson, Ore gon Bldg. . ' ; : 28 d2Btf APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE FOR ; stile. Brings : owner good salary and noze. - t BECKE m HENDRICKS U St Bank Bldg. S6-d23tf I AN AUTO BUSINESS SITE! sWell looated in Salem.- See Wm. Fleminr. 4I" Stete R. . 2-d7tf IREAIi ESTATE Trades 27 TRADE FOR CHICKEN; RANCH 125 acre farm, almoat all under cultiva ; . tion. 10 acres 4 year old prunes, good buildings. 'Will . trade .for a r chicken f ' ranch. - '; , i i i . BECKE A HENDRICKS Uf S. Bank Bldg. - ' 27-jHf REAL ESTATE Farms 28 10 ACRE TBACT-r-AIt BVILDINGS Ckue in. Will trade for city property. Price $3500. : 1, BECKE As HENDRICKS U; 8. Bank Bldg. 28 jltf Large and Small 1 ; Farms PricedTRight I try to avoid1 listing a property at an inflsted price, even on trades. I want to deal justly -with the seller and purchaser. ,. , I Robinson Oregon Bids. 28-jltf XEW YEAR'S FARM OFFERINGS No. a 701 acres Sileta Valley stork and aairy ranch ; . ...S15.000 No. 2 115 acre dairy farm near Inde pendence. . Officially appraised at a 17. 500 . a 15 000 No. B 54 acres Waldo Hills district. "New house. Wonderful view SA IOO No. H 10O acres Sunny side district. Ex ceptional place ; for orchard or nut rrewinr tlflOOO No. 55160 acres general purpose farm. 8unnyside district -...$13,000 - A. C. BOHRNSTEDT . Realtor and Insurance 147 No. Commercial tit.,, Salem, Oreroa. - ' j.., -I - ' 28 jl FOIS SALE 96 ACRE RANCH. 60 !lN cultivation, balance timber and pasture, good house with run '; ning spring water running thru the house, fair barn, good family orchard, for $10,000 with good terms. - - - j ' 25 acres, all under the plow, good buildings. on good road six mile from 8alem, $8000. . IO acres : with running water thru place, water system, bath, toilet, six .room plastered house, fair bam and chicken house. First class land for $4200; $2000 down, good terms' on balance. - i Large farms, stofk ranches, fruit - farms. K astern 1 Oregon - wheat ranches, city and suburbsn prop erty of every descriptiea. Pros pective purehaaers are invited to look over my list before pur chasing property. Write or call ' on - . j ' f i- - BEN T. WEST ! ' 370 Vn State St. ; V ( Salem, Oregon ' SNAP; 200 acres sowed to wheat, large .: bam and aevea room noose, ln mediate possessioa, Price $100 per acre. Now is the time to buy, because yon csu buy right. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. f Sf75 State St. ...... 28-d31 in II riMBER FOR EASTERN OREGON ? LAND! 20 acres eld fir and oak for east- em Oregon sheep land. : See Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. m 28-d30tf j A 8-DAY SNAP I- 87 acres young Walnut and Filbert erchard. Appraised at $15.OO0. Price $9,000. After January 1. $11,500. A. u. DunueiLut 47 No. Commercial 8U, Salem. Ore. : 2Sd28tf MORTGAGE TO TRADE SECOND Mort . gage en good farm to trade for equity in- city or farm property. I BECKE ft HENDRICKS t. S. Bank Bldg. 2$-jltf 80LACRES Timber land located 10 railea f south near Pacific hlchway. ; Price I for quick sale. $3150 Cash.' I W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. J275 State St. - - - 28-d31 FOR SALE 70 acres timber on paved T ... . , . ... , v nignway nine miiea out. vmj iu per acre. . Good six room cottage Sa fine condition. $210O. Easy terms. New-; bungalow on paved street. , $1150, easy terms. V. L. Wood, 841 Stste St. 28-d24tf ACRES Of , good lsnd all cleared on Asylum road, $1500; $10O down, balance $10 per month. ; W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 273 Stste St.: 28-431 FARM BARGAINS TODAY TRAOES for Salem property, uercruu .ai. $2500.00 BUYS 5 acre one mile east j of Fairgrounds. with good five room 1 ' bungalow. - Terms cash. Immediate 1 possession. I MV. H. GRABENHORST ft-CO. T7S fifate Bt. 2id31 (All SK1A.SHING NEW SERJAi- .. UEKS TWEy WAVE IEmsatonal niM is PROMISED tpB XJExTvK- tri -! REAL ESTATE Exchcns 20 ; . TO ECHANGE ; - 5 . room house in Dallaa for Salem property. j . room houser and 4 k(a la Aber deen. Idaho, for Salem property. 40 acre near West Union. Iowa, for property in the Willamette i valley. I KRUKUKK, j 117 N. Cdra'l St. 1'hone 217.. 29-jl -i;? f . LOOK! i-,--- We have 2 good fruit farms. Both well improved and near- Salem on good road. Will trade one or both for Ma; - lem or Portland property or- large stock farm. it ' j - 0 room house on paved street for $2000. Terms. Small new house price $1200. Will trad for 5 rroora house and over t'JOOO. , 4 room j house a-ood location $100 down, balance like rent. , THOMASOX i 331 SUte St. ! I 29 jltf ECHANGE Good seven room bungalow ! , east Salem for small - house or : acreage. New six room bungalow ' nd half acre for close In house, i F. L. Wood, 941 State -St. 29-d24tf MINNESOTA RESIDENCE To exchange - . for Salem property, j This prop ' erty ta located in W ila'n e b a g o, Minnesota. La re 9 ( room brick residence- completely modern. Price $00O0, no encumbrance. ' W. 1L G RAB EN UORST j ft CO. 275 Sute 8tv -A 1 I 29-d31 FOR EXCHANGE 320 ACRES OF FINE timber land located 10 miles south near Pacific highway. Enough : timber to pay for property. Mort : gsge $9000, 6 per cent interest. Will exchange equity for good city property. Thia is a bargain and 'is offered for a short! time. '. W. IL GRABENHORST! ft CO. , Realtors . 275 Stste St. Phone 515; 29-d31 REAL. ESTATE Suburban 80 NEW YEAR'S ORCHARD AND SUBUR BAN TRACT OFFERINGS No. 117.81 acres miscellaneous fruit. Waldo hills district. Officially ap praised at $70OO. New price... $6000 No." 2. 26.75 acres Waldo hills district. No. 3.-4 acres, 3 room bungalow. Y'.x- Fruits, nuts and berries... :.$6500 cellent aoil. Only. j $1000 No. 4. 87 .' acres -young walnut and fil ; bort orchard. Officially appraised at $15000 :.... .. ..J $11,500 A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor and Insurance 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. ; I . 30-ji $630 BUYS A good b acre near the Salem Heights school, one block from paved road and far line, $50 i , down, $10 per monta. W. H. GRABENHORST) CO. 275 State St. j 30-d31 USED CARS For Sale 31 BIO SACRIFICE IN THE FOLLOWING USED CARS I - 1923 Hupanobile touring. . ' 1921 Hupmobile , tourings , Oldsmobile 8, sport model. Jordan T piiiprnter. ) . Liberty Chummy roadster. : The best and most reasonable terms given., f l R. M. Mac Donald - t Mormon Dealerj 256 Stat St. Phone 793J 31-jltf WANTED TO TRADE-j A GOOD AUTO for- a lot. See Child ft Bechtel, 540 . State street. . : i ' 31-d31tf A CAR FOR A LOT . .3-1 want to trade a good Chevrolet coupe with extras and cash for a good : Salem let. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. " j .,- 1 .-. Sl-d30tf Fords roadsters and tourings $50 and up Chevrolets . . i$75 and up Overianda .. .. $150 and op Elgin touring... .... j $250 Dodge screen delivery j like new.. $300 Maxwell sport touring .like hew $800 Studebsker sedan like new L. $1150 We have many others for yon to select from, at prices that will please you. - F. W. PETTYJOHN -CO. 219 and 279 N. Commercial St. - j l-d27tf Used Car Specials ; Tourings, without ssrter.$45; $CS 1 IO; SI SO. ! Tourings, with starter $110;$150 $225: $340: $385 Roadster, without s!srterr. .$90 Roadsters, with starter.. -$145 -$395 .$595 : $215; $260 Coupe : Sedan, 4 door late- model) . (Easy Terms) n Valley Motor Co. 260 North Iliglt -' Phone 1995 i , ( Sl-d20tf i SALEM MARKETS j ' Price quoted arsw wholsl and are prie received by farmer. N ratal1 prices am given. - ? - h OXATV Aln H4T No. 1 soft white wheat.j- : $1.60 No. 1 aoft red wheat ,.$1.50 Oata . .1.. 60e Cheat hay ., t ,, t ; T. , $13014 Oat hay . . 1 i L 81 Clover hay, baled 1 . $15 Oat and Vetch hay .1 $4 . , PORK.. aCTJTTOV AJO BEST Hogs. 1 60-200 rwt ... ..i .....$1 175 Hogs. 200-250 ewt i. J ..$ll.SO Hogs. 20O-25Q ewt...i ...i. $1 1.25 Roach Heavy-, -X., 5 4 Light sowa , -t9e Tod veal 8e Dressed veal, top Cows ., . , U11H Lambs : ic POUXTRT J Heavy hens Springer Light hens -Ducks 12lr 1518e - 1.306? 32e 2323 -15ff18e -20W220 .14(d1e Aid enoateea Turkeys, choice - m. .ioi. Live turkeys Ducks Ducks, dressed Geese . Qeeae. dreased 2022 Creairery butter 4 -..; 5051e Rntterfat, delivered -j Milk, per ewt. i 190 Egrs Standards 4 .413e -Read the Classified' Ads. i .i- 18e 16 rixhta protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark I. (ALL PlGWTi);. pTjOAL DUSTS' , KACC Vp&y V4APPV fooo at ,43 (VN CLASSIFIED Of ! Reliable Business j ftJOTJXJUrOB AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. Pknu AAA. S-7S a-7w . 1:1 " ' WWW.H . 1 . ? AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRY 1 Livestock, fnrniiur. real UU Expert Roe. 1610 HJ Simati Fhoa illi ft sales dates. . - - j If. E. TaLBOTT -, .auctioneer - : e Phone 470202 U. S. Bank Bide . O. SATTERLEE Auctioneering 1 Booms 25r26, Breyaaa Block Phone 430 or 12114. in-l'itf aMa-aHBKnQnmMaMaaa4nM AUTO PAINTISO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH ; our new permanent finish,' i High Stmoi at Trad BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R D. BARTOai ' VX1DE BATTERIES . a tartar and generator work; 174 South Commercial. 1 -, i x , .'. ; . . j . j PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE SUtioa. Expert battery aad electrical work.. Fsrri Bro Phoa 1808, 41$ Court; I - ',(:; S31 Court St. JOB WILLIAMS BEAUTY PARLORS BUNGALOW I BEAUTY SnOPPE-640 Chemeketa street. Phone 358-W, )22 BI CYCLE, 8 AND REPAIRING LLOYD B. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY lesandMrepairing VS yurt. CHIMNEY SWEEP LET "PRESTO' CHIMNEY CLEANER do your flirty work. Satisfaction guar anteed. YOnr dealer has it. d-24tf CHINEES REMEDY -t- L. L. DICK I L. M. HUM, CHINESE Modieiua Co., hjlp any known diaeass 420-426 Btnte i -80tf jCHlRl orosiax DR. S.F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA . - tional Uniivarsity Scieaces, Chicago. MasonleIVnrpJjiPhonA CHIROPRACTORS Da 0. u sqoTT. pso chiropractor, , 414-19 UJ S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. -" re. 828-Ri ; ' CLEANER 8 ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 S. Commercial. Fhoa IS08. we ape- eialise on I mi one da' service. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 46 .K. Summer street Phone 674-J. , CHERRY -CITYr CCOTRAOTINa CO. General contracting aad building. Esti mates gladly furnished. - Phono 1S67R or 59F12i ' d26tf J DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY t" wording "Dressmakias, ; prtee 10 - eents each. BUUsmaA Basiaess Offies Ground Floor. ' ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O H I C building. Phono 120O. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND 8UPP1.I Co. Phond 194. 223 M. Uberty. F L E E N IK. ELECTRIC 0 O. : House wiring by hour or contract. Ea timatea xuxxdahed. Phono $80. 471 - Court Ft; 1 - -- ' ' - - FAEM PATER IF YOU WANT TO ET THE BEST farm naoer. seal 15 to the-Pacific - Homostead. Salem. Oregon for three wtoatha' trial subscription. M a t i n - thia ad. ' : 1 POULTR YM EN SEND EIGHT TWO ; eent lUmpi for special three months' trial for th host and oldest journal ia the wsst-i Th articles and advertise ments are et special intereat to the poultry bredara of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem. Oregon.- "FINANCIAL FOR SALRt FIRST. AND. SECOND Mort gages, Trrimt Deeda. Contracts on houses " , WW net 6S, to 80 . . t f T3HCKEft HENDRICKS -V "7 I jU. S. Natl. Bank r- FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on Igoed form security. ; CITY LOANS We sre loaning Pru dential Insnrance Company money on city residences snd business property, 9 at 5, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Rober.s, Ine, 205 Oregon Building. ... . ' d-4tf LOANS MADE OW GOOD CITY PROP erty at m low rate on the easy paymeat plan, so; a end of year you are all paid p f Farm leana a large or amall . a tracts ; i private money. See first aad yom, will: so ao farther. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. i FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer Um. ao commission. ; ProtseU against adversity. City loaaa, lowest rates, as on t sly InsUllmenU, pre-psy ment privileges. J. C Siegmuad, room t. over Ladd ft Bush bank. . Farm Loans ANDERSON RtTPERt 1 Oreroo Bnlldlno rgiecAjJse cf the- sklMEKOUS COMIC TRlP BACK-FLOPS HE MAS ECEW 1NV TT50DUC1MCX "u HIS CDMED'co, V4ftS FJMENtfeD vg. m ol lir a 84 4m a I f V A'PtOPOMAT" 0RFALL EAVCcp ANSWER DB?T. -1 ii l Jit. v-nw. i - C ei 1 l-.V"! r-i BUSINESS DIRECTORY BJid Prof rL?!onal Firma Arransred in AiDhabellcaJ Order for Quick Reference rXORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreath, decoration. C. F. BroithaupV florie, 128 N. L i b r t y Phone 380. 1 - - rUaTERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIRXO tor. 91Q Center. Phone 165A. 7TJXHXTURS STORES 01ESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less mossy. $7$ Court, Phone 464.- .. PEOPLE 8 FURNITURE STORE NEW aad second -hand furaitur; $71 N. Cnenmerelnl. , - HEMSTITCHING THE VOGUE FOR HEMSTITCHING stamped goods. 429 Court. 14 d!3 MRS. a E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, sump in g. buttons. Room 10, aver Mii ler'a Store. Phone 117. ! 1 HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PLEAT . lug. The Petite Shop, Room 6. over Busicks. ! -; n29tf SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING - pleatiag, f buttons, stsmpias and needle work: 328 JOreron bldg. m Phono 879. INSURANCE I- WARREN F. POWERS J Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile 219 C. 8. Nit'l Bank Bldg. Phoa 607 tie sure S. - - Your homo or ear aew 1 Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS t U. 8. Bank Bldg. LADIES XAZLORXBTO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR KEN and women, 474 Court St. - LAN SCAPE GARDENING SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR lawn built by tse Elake Landscape company. Phone 1324-M. 1 d5 ! LAUNDRIES SALEM- LAUNDRY COMPANY.- 1$ B. Liberty atreet. Phone 25. e I d e a t ' Urgest b(est. Established 1889. N CAPITAL CrTY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service;. 1 3 u 4 Brosdwsyj Phone 165.' ' ' - 1 1 MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH. REMEDY Phone SIT-W. . - t iaCTJSIO STORES. SHERMAN. CLAY ft CO- PIANOS Steinwsys, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music Heusa, 4l5ylurt. Street. -t. SEO. C. WILL j PIANOS,- PH0NO Smphs, sowing' machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graph aad sewing machine; 482 Witt street, Btm.. - 1 rotni: vnro nt n vTivn vnv a vrv . Victor or .Brunawiek. H. L. Stiff Furai vore ue.-wnin ivy. HATTXROPATHIO PHYSXCLUTS D& A. ' SLAUGHTER A OUTE AND eHronie d 1 s s a s o s; 415 Oresoa Bldy. Pon 1 IO. ' ' XTJRSXBT STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES 1 Pearey Bros.. 837 8tato. ' - PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and i ehlppiag, : call Stiff's Furniture Store. Phone 941. S-80U FAPERHAVGINO AND PAIsTTEffO WALL PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND hooka ja wall decorations. Max O. Bursa, i iT X. Com'L. Salem. : PHONE 6LXNN ADAMS FOB HOUSE -. decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI sao tuner. Leave orders Will's Musis 8 tors. J ; 1 PLUMBIira PLUMBING AND GENEitAL REPAIR work, il Graber Btst, 141 8. Liberty Phono '650. s'- - f-19tf I ! BADIO 1 RADIO DOCTORS ALEM ELECTRIC CO. F.I a i BARTON, Prop. Mao9ie Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purse All Standard Sissa : of Radio Tubus HALIK ft EOFP ELECTRIC SHOP, 1 S37 Court St. Phoas 488 -' It is jp)sslble to drive a car and I court ai!gal; that takes teamwork. ' f-r- Registered (U. S. Patent Office) IT MAKCSr EVERV UPS :v kEr2e CHfvSE "TRrSNK M)U rod VOUG- UTTE . WISHED Tb letpLy - but lost address. St)UArvt1VWKS FOrl TVje SVJKSESTiONwlUUSE T. C v 5LbjrC2- sou wiM -rz LCTTEte . OAVE VOUB" ME.S- (6C7 J " ' . ' ' REPAIRING . ALVIN a STXWAST $47 Court St. Umbmllaa, Cutlery and Xsya Lasmmowors, rasor-blada. scissors. Vuiver and tools sharpened. SCAYEsaXXft SOOS SCAVENGES SERVICE OAS bag and refna of all kinds removed . by th month. -. Boaaoaablo rates. Ooa pool .cleaned aad dead aaimala r inoveaJ?houesfffee5Rj20 SECOirS HAND GOODS WANTXD EVERYTBfNG IN CLOTH- ing and shoo. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; $4$ North Commercial Phono 1S68-W. i STOVES AND STOVB REPAIRING 8TOVICJ REBUILT AND REPAIRED 49 years experience.! . epot National 1 lee. sixes 20 ; 53 in. high. . Paiats, tfa aad varnishes, etc., loganberry aad hop hooka. Salem Fence and 8tov Works, 250 Court Street. Phone 124 TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO, 226 State St. Phone 988. Distributing, for warding and storage aur specialty. Get ur rates. i- ... WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0U8E- BOLd gooda. . Our specialty U pian and faraiture moving. We also make eoun try trips.- We handle the best coal and wood. Call oa us for price. We give good measure, good Quality aad good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phoa 98Q TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL nea. KBone ivr. t TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S; STAGE LINES - J. W. Parker, General Manager. - Central Stage Terminal i 8ALE M.OREGON Principle One-Wsy and Round-Trip 1 ares on i'arker ttsge uuei One - Round Ststion . McMinnville . 1 Monmouth , . Dallas : Falls City ., Silverton Independence j ' Wsy . Trip .-$1.00 $1.70 .75 . 1.25 .50 .90 .1.00 : 1.80 ' .75' 1.25 .65 : 1.00 Amity . .75 - 1.40 4.C0 , 7.40 3.55 5.70 . ' 1.8$' 8:00 . 1.60 i . 2.60 Tillamook .. Hebo i Willaroina . Sheridan .. Dayton , .,... i.. 1.25 2.00 1.50 2.40 Newberg Parker Hlape lines makes big reduc tion in Express Rates, from. 20 to 50 rents op the hundred able rates on C.O.I). Send your express j Quicker service. pounds. Reason collecting. by Stage aad get . Call 698 for' Informs tion tWATKR SALEM WATEa LIGHT ft POWER CO Offiee. 801. South Commercial St. Tes . er eent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause nuleas -water Is shut off yonr premises. 1 LYIUCHIHB DEATHS - Only 16, All Negroes, Victim of Mod Violence; Lowest On Record ; Only 16 lynchings took place In the United States j in 11924. the SAGE TEA ItttPS Wlien aiJsod With Sulphur it -- Brinn, Back It .Beautiful -.Lustre at Once. , . ...... ..... , t . , - - Gray hair, however handsome, denotes advancing, age. We all know the advantages of a youth ful appearance.. Your hair is your charm. It makesTpjr; htars the face. When it fades, . turs gray and looks streaked; just a few applica tions of Sage; Tea' and Sulphur en hances its appearance a hund red fold, '('-r't : ' - '' Don't stay gray! Look, young! Either prepare thet recipe at home or get from any drug etore a bot tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," . which is merely the old-time recipe improved by the addition ot other ingredients.' Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use preparation, bo causo it darkens the hair beauti fully besides no one can possibly tell.'as it tlarkens so naturally and evenly. r Vou moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at si time. jTJy morning the gray hair disappears; after anoth er application or two. Its natural color is restored land it becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger- Adv. By ED WHEEL AN REDUCED In 1924 miRDW m 1 u v M mm. ym. SAGE. T .eLrNCM& HCAi&. . fcAy-M'l-ART .,. DlDTe ?1H& . LN RtC.E WE- AE CAK , ' VCO'ni MAZ'E L :,kAR C ,.. ; To.50'- RAGS rVKS HAt Di&tMPBt AND V4AS I To GiVJE A)P" WCOi. . -TOi3 THE -TlMEfiSlMG. - . MXO' 13 VJ JH r.kag;jpm Cg . "i .1 - - r - smallest number since record. have been1 kept, the Tuskegee In stitute, oC Alabama, reports. The record" for 1924 Is 17 leas than the preceedfng ' year and 4 1 less than 1922. . All of those lynched from thej hands of the law; six from jails and three from officers outside of jails. t.ynchlngB wero- prevented byj' officers In 45 in stances.- - I 4 Offenses charged against thoso lynched were rape. 5: insulting women, 3J . attempted rape and killine an officer of, the law, 2 each; and qne each for murder, attacking a' women, killing a man In altercation and wounding a man.--'. ;' Jl " '''' ; - States In f which lynchings oc curred and p the number ; in each state were Florida, . 5; Georgia and Mississippi, 2 each and ono each In Illinois, Kentucky, Louisi ana,. Missouri. : South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. The Tuskegee Normal and In dustrial Institute was founded by Booker T. jWashington, noted ne gro educator and leader, for the training; of colored young men and women. Keizer Church Evangelical "Services are Being Held Rev. Thomas Acheson ! of the Jason Lee'. Methodist Episcopal church of $alem is holding evan elistic services at the Keizer Meth odist Episcopal Church, which are proving vepr promising. Meetings are held each evening at 7:30 o'clock and bo far the attendance has. proven1 very gratifying to the piktor and the evangelist. ' Assisting Rev. Acheson Is the communityj chorus of young people which is doing- fine work under the direction of Fred .Balke. He also leads the congregation in singing. "''J--'" .'., ' i i rThe Gilbert family trio are re ceiving commendation ior the two special numbers which they pro vide each I evening. NEW BUILDING I MADE IN 1944 (Continued from psgs 1) . i - , number of -permits, and amounts. for . the list year are as follows: January, (31) . . .$ 112,245 . i 275, 4H0 . 174.500 . 365,300 . 161,600 . i 59,405 92.700 124300 107.230 ,. 25S.000 February! (36) . . March, 55).... . .... April 54) .1 .... May, (46) j June, (29)4:....... i July. (37) . .1 ...... . . : August. - 1 46H. September,- H8 r. . October, (35)........ Novemberj (13)....., December, (24)...... 31,200 83,925 fl023 Also Good Permits for; 1924 exceeded those for 1923j by 40. in nearly every instance,! comparative figures for ' the months of the two years show gains for 1924. Permits,: montht . and totals for 1923 are as follows: January,! (23) ..I j 54,550 37,500 174,800 223.325 ! S6.550 119,732 i 66,400 102.600 64.200 112,475 ' 59,850: 183,750 February; (19) i March, (52) (. April, (53) May, (36) .'...' June. (38) J.L July, (25) August, 33) J ., September, (27) October, ( 2 6) November, (29 V December, (43) - Salem; is a nut center not re ferring to the asylum for the in sane. Itj is a walnut and filbert center, and will grow as such year by -year-"." This is the' place lor people who Are not nuts to grow nuts. ; '. i ' T . .-' . You can come to the Salem dis trict and engage in three-story farming!; or make it as many sto ries as you fancy; clear up to sky scraper j heights. This is the land of diversity, the country of opportunity.- ', ' i ' SULPHUR IS BEST to ami s;;i Any breaking out or skin irrita-' tion on face, neck or body Is over come Quickest by applying Mentho- Sulphur, says a noted skin special ist. Because of Its germ destroy ing properties,-nothing has ever been -found! to take the place of this sulphur preparation that in stantly brings ease from the Itch-' Ing, burning and irritaton. JUentho-SulDhur heals eczema right up, leaving the skin clear and smooth; . It seldom falls to re lieve the . torment or disfigure ment, j A little Jar of Rowley Mentho-Sulphur may be obtai 1 at any drug store. It is used like cold cream." Adv. , public kotict:3 MKKTlACs OF -8TOClUIOLI)i:::4 ,The 'annual stockbolders rr.e Ing'ot the Cold Creek Mining c Milling company will b ? ' 1 the office f the Caplt College. Hijh and Tc Salem, Oregon, cu 7:30 p. ' m.i January 12, " , order of 'the tic.-:., f, tl ShandJ i Att: t, V. L Z: r, : et nd la I , : 3.d23I