The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1925, Page 24, Image 24

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    of Many Beautiful Churches
V7q. Have Thirty: three
ActiyfAli ; Making -
' ' -'. - ".'X:'V:-: ' ' . " ' :
Salaa taa a reputation for be
Ing a. church city. -This U a rep-otat-'sn
teat; 'any eitythould be
rery prond to bate acquired. The
interest that U shown by a city's
regulation1 for its churches and
cburth 'wprk is an indication of
the moral 'character of the popu.
Utlci whica 'makes top that city.
' Ti.?re are 29 .denominations
rnaintaialcs charches In aleni.
Th e M e thod 1st Episcopal church
is represented with a total of six
churches, the raytls'ti the Chris
tian,;, the Cot -relational. tha
Etar. relical, the Friends, the Luth
eran, and "the United Brethren
with'ttfo cacS, and tig' Catholic,
the Cirlstiin Science, Vr.i Church
cf Chriat. the CVarch of Gel; the
Episcopal, the Fres Ilethoiist, the
CJiurch Building3, arid Twenty Denominations
Marked Progress and Working ia Harmony
" The Catholic, northeast corner
Cheneketa and Cottage,' pastor.
Her. J. R. Buck.,
" The Court Street Christian,
northwest corner Court; at ;17th,
Rer. R. I Putnam, pastor.,
Tb First Christian, southeast
corner . Center and High, pastor,
ReT. J. J. Evans.
First Church of Christ Scientist,
440 Chemeketa, first reader, Airs.
Christine Xatoorelle. , '
The Church of God, 144 e North
Church; pastor, Her. J. J, Gilles
pie.. ' . :- " -v . : -
The Central Congregational,
southwest corner of Ferry at 19th,
p astor, Rer. II. W. Johnson. '
The First Congregational, Lib
erty" at southeast corner of Cen
tar, pastor, ReT. W. C. Kantner.
ferson avenue at southeast corner
North Winter, pastor. Key. Thom
as Acheson. ; i ,
The Leslie Methodist, South
Commercial at southeast corner of
Myers, pastor, ReT, fi. F. Pember
ton. . ". ;.!. . . - '
. The Swedish. Methodist .Taber
nacle, South 15th at northwest
southwest corner Marion, pastor,
ReT. Melchior penny. (
The Salvation Army, 245 State,
Ensign WmJ Fagert, In charge.
. The ScTenth - Day Adventist,
Gaines avenue at northeast corner
of North 6th, pastor. Elder N. C
Ernston. rt x. , ' .;
The Unitarian, Cottage at north-
i -. i -. .. - - ' - . - . - t
v '''-r $ct '"-tail rfi . - - -
Drawing of :ew Christian Science Church, Corner High and Chemeketa
The South Salem Friend3, South corner of Mill, pastor, Rev.'D. C.
Commercial at northeast corner
of Washington, pastor, ReT. C. F
The West. Salem - Methodist,
West Salem," pastor ReT. Alex
:-'. , t
; -t 1
! j''
west corner of Chemeketa, pastor,
ReT. Martin Fereshetian. ;
The United Brethren, ' Castle
Chapel, Norh 17th at northeast
corner Nebraska aTenue,. pastor,
ReT. Z. C. Mower. i -', ;
1 The First United Brethren,
Mission near South 12th, pastor,
ReT. C. W. Tibbet. , i
There are besides these church
es three Missions in Salemi which
hold services1 regularly. They are
the Glad Tidings, the Apostolic
Faith, and the Christian Mission
ary Alliance. ! Services are held in
these missions Sunday's under the
direction of JteT.' E. and Alice
E. Caswell at the Christian and
Missionary Alliance, and ReT.' C.
S. .'Johnson: jat the Glad Tidings
Mission! The director of the ser
vices at the I Apostolic . Faith Mis
sion is 'not! known. ;;
' There is in the city a minister
ial jassociatioa, comprised of near
ly ail of the 'pastors of the Salem
churches. This association meets
every two weeks, generally in the
basement-of! the public library.
Rev W- W. j:Long, fpastor of the
Presbyterian Tchurch, is president
of tbe organisation, and ReT.
Thomas ' Ach'eson. of the Jason
Lee Memorial church; Js secretary!
Th aim of Jthe association is to
brig into' closer touch the vari
ous sects of the city, and a" closer
Cooperation among the ' various
churches in tbeir work. Besides
this; association there are many
societies which 'actively engage In
social'serrie work for one or more
of tho churches. '.w . '
' 1 ine New Churches
The First Church - of Christ,
Scientist,' of Salem; has Just fin
ished a; magnificent new building,
an Outline picture of which, made
f roil the architect's drawing,' Is
presented herewith. j ; -. ' V-; f !' V
- The Salem; Episcopal congrega
tioil completed during the year a
new-. chhrch building .that would
be a credit to. any fcity. '" L :
The' West V Salem Methodists
have a aew church building." -f .
; The' ' Salem Presbyterians ; are
preparing to build "one of the 'very
finest church buildings la all Ore
gon. . . ...s.
i The . Court i Street . vorisuau
church people are occupying part
0 a V' "y line new :n;uai5.
Tfcfc are a number cf other
church buildin- projects en foot
in the city. ' '
? No" greater progress has been made along line of ac-
, Uvity having for its object the protection of health and
eliminating manual labor jfrom the operation of a modern
' home more than that of sanitary plumbing and heating.
The words "Strictly Modern' applied to a building ad
vertisement carries a world of meaning. They carry the
thought that we are still but a few steps removed from
conditions inimical to health and comfort, and that such
conditions regarding plumbing and heating, still exist to
such an extent as to make their absence a matter of spe
cial notice. The desirability of modern conveniences in
plumbing and heating is so great that it, is all important
for the health anJ safety of. the family that it be done
by experienced people. --
' it is as important thajt your plumber be skilled in the
principles, of-his eraft as that your doctor understand
your health problems committed, to his care. Those who
- employ T- M. Barr to do their plumbing are assured that
the installation will be fully up tohe highest standards
of modern sclentnc plumbing and heating. ' "
In . the line of modern heating apparatus Mr. Batr
manufactures in his establishment a heater which he very
properly has named the. "Economy -Heater.":-. It. is made
for either steam or hot water" and its construction is
such as to produce the' maximum" of heat and comfort
in the rooms'from" a minimum consumption of fuel. In
addition to the- Economy furnace of - his own manufacture,-
Mr. Barr carries in stock the famous Areola furnace
made by the American Radiator company. ; ' :
Bring jronr-plumbing kn'd liattng problems to'Mr.. Barr and b as-
' sured of recHvinjr the adfice and assistance of a skillful and effic
ient aerie which may 3tHy ufe the balth-f yourself aad taia
ily from aerious menace resulting from unsanitary installation! and
will clo add to th comfort and eonrenienee resulting from haYinsr,
turh work, done by an xpert who takes pride ia the quality of hi
Aew Unitarian Clinrch
Nazarene, the Presbyterian, the
Bethany "Reformed, the, Salvation
Army,1; (he Seventh Day Adven
tist and the Unitarian with one
each" - ,' ' .
Th -location of the' various
churches and the names of . their
pasters are as follows: . M
Th First ."Baptist; northwest
corner Marion, pastor, Rev. E. H
Shanks.. A ' r'-, r: '
The: First German Baptist
noTtbweU ; corner .. North Cottage
and D, pastor. Rbt. J. J. Lucas.
The Episcopal. 283 North
Church, rector. Rev. H. D. Cham
bers, :- f y,, ;f' -i.Sji
The Chemeketa Street: Evan
leal, southeast corner i 17th at
Chemeketa, pastor, Rev. F, i W.
Launer. ; . - - '
" The First. EvangellcaL Liberty
at northeast corner of Center,' pas
tor. Rev. C. C. Poling. -
' The ' Highland Friends, Jorth '
Church at southwest corner High
land avenue, pastor. Rev. Edgar
Sims. i.: : ' 1 , ::; til A 1
St. Paul's Kpiscopal CImrch, Corner Church and Chemekeu
Cannell. i t
The Christ's Evangelical Luth-
pastojRtSvTG. Koehler. :
j TheSt. John's Evangelical Lu
theran, North 16th at northeast
corner A street-astoi, -Itevj- H?
JJL-Grossr ' ' -
j The First Methodist, . SUte at
southeast corner of Church street,
pastor, ReT. p. E. Klrkpatrick. !
j . The Center Street f Methodist.
Center at southeast corner of 13th,
pastor, ReT, G. S. Roeder.
The Jason Lee Memorial, Jef-
Free Methodist, Market
street at northeasts corner of
Northwinter, pastor. Rev. M. C.
.-.-. -Tbe
Church of 'the Nazarene.
'North 19th at' southeast corner
of Marion, pastor; Rev. C. Howard
DaTis. '
. ; The Presbyterian, between Che
meketa and Center, on Church,
pastor, ReT.? W.: W. Long. v
The Bethany Reformed, Capitol
- - v -
a i' 1 . - 1
m mm
r n "
.Lincoln. sales
: Fordson !
All work done by trained Ford Mechanics Most complete stock of Ford Parts, also auto accessories, oils and
tires We give you the highest possible valuation on your old cars -We make no charge for inspection and adjust
ments on your car, ; for you btiy this service when you buy' ybur car All work done at a minimuni cost "as our
shop is equipped with special Ford Machinery We have an annual payroll of over $75,000.00 -We "own our own
building, a guarantee of permanence.1 ! ' .. ' ' ' " ' ' " ' 1. "
260 North High Street
f ' . ' , y i J " r "i " ' ' , '. I'll
:i or Home
- .. ' r-i ;.; - " . - I " !: -j T't - : ". -' - :i ; '. 'ri : ; f i K ; . S ' . I ' !
... -.
i t
e' v. .
; ;;1 ;; ;;,
Stop That "Rent-Paying Leak" in Your Income But Actually Buying
With the Rent Money Will Stop It :
j Prny plan of HOME BUILDING you are as free to suit your individual taste as to location in the city, or the style
Vj and plan pr house desires as though you were a milliohai re with the cash in the bank. J -
ywY:xi-ilx x-y'. x-" - : T :---; . - rv-i ,: xAxx : ; '.-
. . - ' ;
- : ' i 'i -1
' . , ,. . 1
r V- . ' ... i . w
. A &dem lloiue. Built by AdamXa 'gel 1 v ""
! ' ; " " " : . I.-.'..
'.':; ;.;.' ;'.-';;;'---" ;::.,.'-" . ; u'--i - i" . 1 ' !-
ft ' i
1 Select the location and the lot that pleases you.
I Will! Buy The Lot
- - - - ! - - j . 1 -; j i .," 1 . ' x' 1
2 Select the style ancj plan! of .the house you want - ' J
I Will BuildlThe House You Select f
3 Terms: Make a small payment down. Pay the balance like rent
f Owning your own home stimulates vour; civir' nrirl(:ivniir nafrirtficm sir..J vau 1 jjc. j . c..v
stimulation adds to your productive capacity, either as an employee or' owner of your own business. This leads to !
greater success and promotion You will feel that your feet are more firmly on the ground. ' j ' ' " .'
' In t!:e past two years I have built 75 homes in Salem on this plan. . Why not one f'or you? It costs you nothinr
to tall: it over with 1 . - I -! ; - . t . - . i -
- - -
. ; x" r , 1
: ! -
. " ' ' - A Salem Home Built by Adam Engel .. ,
a e
1420 N. 5th ST.