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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1924)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY-MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1924 Michigan $6di& Home Fdr Second SxzccM 1 With 1500 Communities Throughout Country s- .......... , . . - ... . ... ' .., .... - ,...,,.-. . . Shai Ma;'iMt "at - in i, -o .V.-Jf . y V 'iiil "rrVW.iS'i'fitTiVii i ivi i'ni .iT'Wm Everislne 1823 definite, or ranizei national non-commercial effort Jms been golns'-on-to enable lAmerican families to get the- moat out of thelip homes in- th way of beauty,! comfort, utility, and econ omy, fetter Honiea in America Im the nanio of the - orraniiation -which ha fostered this 2ort and Secretary .ot Commerce Hoover, is its president. In the spring: of 1924 oxer fifteen - hundred com munities, varying: from country dis tricts to larpe cities, held "better homes demonstrations of on kind Or. another. ? - ;-V . : The icommittee, r.-hlch awarded prizes, rifter a careful study of the demonstrations including the man ner in hich the home was built, the beautifying- of the srounds, the decorations and furnishings, he arrangetncht of the house to min lmlzd , tfce iwork necfFsary n its care; th total cost, and many other 'considerations awarded first s hon ors to tie Ratter- Homes Id Amer. ,ica committee at Kalamazoo, ilich- X ! r . I r,- 5Usl i" i. i v V? Hoover! LU i 7 'PAMSioeMn rl ?! lwM - ill i: ' ! ' i u 1;': i : i f MAYOR OF KALAMAZOO, MICH lean. This was the - second suc cessive year for a illchigin cjlty to win. Port- Huron having been so honored a year before. The first ycJir f the movement New Haven. Conn., was adjudged to have the best, demonstration of a "better honjo." Dr. Caroline' Bartlett Crane headed th4 ntazoo, conimitlw. Shown iUove is the Muyd HREE1ITE By; Ad Schuster "In mdr;e -waya than one;"' Bes sie Lind looked admiringly at her suitor. "Ii wish you would, live closer to the ground." "You mean you're " afraid I migh fallf He smiled. "I've been laying bricfks for seven years noW end never slipped once." "I knowj but you're so absent minded. Same day yoa might for get you arte Btahdmg bn 'a 'little platform way up in the air and step off. You snow, Norton, you've done some very well foolish things when you were thinking of somethiag else." - "When I; am at work that's all I think of, "(Norton was a little of fended, "anid besides if I do think of anything; else, it' you." ; "All the isame I wish you had a job in sfhich. you could keep both feet ph the ground, literally and figuratively." 4 "The Job! is putting a little in the bank each week and In a year maybe before there will be enough." Norton Nodd took her hand, "enough for us to get mar ried. Don't 1 you 'go making fun of my job.", i v S ' ( As if to answer the girs wish, a remarkable tfting happened Norton the -nextmorning. : As he descended the stairs in his. room ing house, he saw . the fat letter awaiting him on the hall radiator and as he hurried on to work he read it. A draft for ten thousand dollars! Old Uncle Arthur had re membered him. There would be'.a wedding now.. Right after 'work he would hasten to Bessie, tell kher the news and, if she were, will ing, hunt up the preacher. Norton shoved , the letter and draft into LIDS sun Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out, i Any breaking out of ; the skin on . face, nfeck, arms or body is overcome quickly by applying Mentho-Sutphur. The pimples seem to dry right up'and go away, declares a looted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been, found to take the place of sulphur as a pimple recover. It is harmless and Inexpensive. Just ask any druggist foir a small jar of Rowle's Mentho-Sulphur and use it like cold cream, Adr. , - his lunch box and hurried on. He could , not quit the boss without notice and, i anyway, people did not retire from work on ten thou sand dollars. As the bricklayer placed bricks to form a tall chimney his mind was . on the , happiness of . Bessie after she had heard the story. He worked mechanically and well, hoisted up the platform as1 the chimney gTew and , had the satis faction - of fitting the top brick before noon. He. came down for lunch, looked around for the box, and could not find it. In vain he pleaded with the others not to hide his lunch , for a joke. There was something in it, he insisted, that he could not afford to lose. He took the after noon offj and searched everywhere, even retracing his steps to the boarding house. A dream of hap piness had been held before his face only tojbe taken away.. He wondered if he dared tell Bessie. , Instead of a triumphant, happy lover it was a sorry one who call ed that evening and Bessie was left wondering as to the cause of his grief. For a week he went about Mh work hoping the miss ing box -would, turn up and then, all attempts failing, he confessed. "We'll have to find it, that's! all," the girl, facing him with the businesslike fair he had always envied questioned him minutely as to all his movements on the day of the loss. 1 ! , "And the box. Was It that one I gave you last Christmas?" Sud denly her eyes took the light of hope. She was almost afraid of prize-winning Kala- r of Kalamazoo laytu: the corner-stone of the house. Im mediately behind the Girl Scout In the picture is Mrs. Crane. On of the other pictures is an interior view; another picture is a view of the completed house. The house was designed to house a family with three or even four children. Thousands of visitors poured In to this "better home" throughout the week set aside nationally for the purpose. President Cool id ge is chairman of this Advisory Council, and has been for three years. Plans are now going forward at national ' headquarters of .Better Homes in America. 1C53 Pennsyl vania Avenue. Washington,' D. C, under the direction of Dr. James Ford, for making "Better Homes Week" of 1 92S an .even greater success than was the last one. National interest, has been aroused to put knowledge-of high stand ards of borne building-, t urnishJng. , equipment, homo, life wita-v the reach of all citizens. the idea that occurred toher. "Norton j-Nodd,"- said Bessie, "you will hive to take me up that chimney tomorrow." Norton studied her soberly, Wheu . Bessie said "have" she meant it "All righjt." he answered. "I'll see you don't fall, but it will be a job getting", the ? rigging up again." Slowly heS took them be had Iain pulled the rope which up the pile of bricks so accurately but a week beforej. Near the top, where he had been working- on the day of his misfortune, Bessie gave the signal and progress became even more slow as she tapped each brick with si small hammer.' Then she laughedj a sobbing cry of hap piness "Oh, .Norton, here it is. The little -red lunchbox I gave you plastered inj the chimney I like a brick!" (Copyrlghjt 1924 by The Bell Syndicate Inc.) , Bald Heads Predominate 1 In New British covers a lesser acreage, but whose shining top is particularly distinc tive. Lord Chancellor Gave and the lord privy seal, Lord Salis bury; are "just bald," while Sir William Joynson-Hicks, the home secretary, has plenty of hair in back but is the possessor of what is courteously known as a high forehead with a receding line of hair jn front. 1 ! LONDON", formed Baldwin cabinet, already hailed as a "ministry of silk hats," and has berlain, boast jf any ance. of hair Mr. BaldwIW Dec. 27. The newly a "cabinet of Londoners," achieved another distinction that is likely to prove tlie nick- tame "baldiins," already given most appropriate. of them are bald. Only Lord Birkenhead, the secre tary for Indih, and Austen Cham- f orfeign ; minister, can hing' like an abund on their heads, and himself exhibits : aJ distinct cleavage between the des ert and the oasis. The rest are be- bf parrafin, cocoanut oil or the thousand and one, other preparations guaranteed to cover even a billiara ball with a growth of luxuriant (foliage. Unkind crit ics say that. never before has the old. phrase "jleather-headed' tory" been so strlfcjingly illustrated. The war $iipiater, Sir Laming Worthington-iEvans, is accounted the baldest jof the "baldwins." Then there is Winston Churchill, chancellor of the exchequer. whose lack of hirstute adornment National Hymns. Nightly :. Jam Europe's Aerials DANZIG, Dec. 27. ( AP. ) It Is a strange medley of national airs which reach the ears ofr listeners ill in this free city on the Baltic between, l6 and 11 o'clock each night. :. ' ,. . Russia, Poland and CzchoRloi vakla, equipped with, . powerful stations, hurl the strains of their national hymns over 1 their bord ers. Berlin supplies Deutschland Leber Alles, London broadcasts God Save the King, and Paris sends' the Marseillaise. - i, -Moscow has the loudest . band and thte best sending station of all, and every night at 11 o'clock It scatters the Internationals for three-quarters of an hour. Amy, Ray, do . . j , . . . . . . 9. Ferguson, C C. do ...... 9. RanzoF J E, do ...... . . 7. Blanagavn, do . . . . ... ... 7, Puruientier, M E, do"".". . . 11, Parmentier, Mrs. M B, do ll, Stevenson, James, do . . . , 11 Hubbard, A S, do ...... 7 Hubbard. Mrs. A S, do . ; 7. MeGilehrist Wm Sr, juror 2. Hofmau. s J. do ..... , . 2. Moorman. J 15, do ..... . 1 2 uigg.s( j l, io ,. ;.v.:. 2. Frazter, P L, do I . . . . . 2 Albin, C E. do ....... . 2. Slato vs. Phillips Kuntz. R J. justice . . .... fi Do Long. W E, constable 44 Chern, Tim, witness . ... 7 Mannon. Lloyd, do , ' l, Steinbock, II, do . . . , . . . 1. Davidson, Mrs H H, wit- ' ' ness .......... . w . ... 1. SUite vs. l'lunket Kuntz, P . justice ...,-..-. 3. De Long,, W E, constablo 3, Stato vs. lluy Kuntz, P J, justice . . C, State vs lCiNMfk Kuntz, p J. justice 2 De Long, W E, constable 4, Slate vs. Itoth. Kuntr, P J. justice 2, , State vn. Rowland Kuntz, P J, justice . 3, Stain vs. Russell Kuntz. I J, justice . Z. ' ' Slato vs. Russell Kt All Kuntz, P J, justice . . . 3 " State) vs. Saunders Kuntz, P J. do ........ 5, De Long, W E, constable Staio vs. Savage Kuntz, P J. jusilce . ... . . .3, De Long. W E, constable 1. State vs. Schneider' Kuntz, P J, justice ...... 3. , . State vs. Smith Kuntz, P J, justice . . . ... 2 State vs. Snonslcr Kuntz, p j; do . ....... 3 Qe -'Long, .W E, constable State vs. Stanton Kuntz, P J, justice ...... 6 De Lon ? , W . E, constable 2 8 State vs. Stark Kuntz, P J, justice . 2 De LonK, w E, constable 8 f ' ; i State vs. Slark Kuntz, P J, justice 2 De iLonr. W E, constable 4 State vs Swafford ' Kuntz, P J, justice . 2 De Long, W E, constable - j 1 State vs. Wheeler Kuntz, t! J, justice 5 De Long, W E, constable . 6 : State vs. Cox De Long, W E, constable," "". i Insane Account Byrd, W H, examination. . 5. Covey, Frank W, use of j auto bringing insane per- son to' alem ....... 3. " Sup?rintcndent's Account Baillie. W II, cash adv. to on 00 SO 50 r,o 50 SO 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 35 r,o ,70 70 .43 .00 .70 .S5 .50 .8.1, .43 .35 .4.1 .45 .50 .45 .00 .10 .83 .45 .50 .9.1 .50 .85 .OQ .95 .60 ,95 .50 ,4jj .80 ,50 ,00 60 Co. Stack Judging, etc. 49.40 Fox. William W, Ex. PJ of " . supervisor ........... 4 4.08 Fulkerson, Mary L, cash for stamps stamped envelopes . . . . . ... .... C5.1S Fulkeraon, Mary L, travel-.' ing expenses ......... 50.00 Gill Co. Tlie J K, books for . . naturalization, books for . reading circle, etc. ... . 30.59 Kraps Co, The J J, tuition cards . ... 5.25 Pacific Tel & Tel Co; The, 1 ' telephone services ; . 4. 12.78 Reid, Cora E. salary Co. Thuuut officer - . . ". . . . 18.50 Recorders paper Co, wrap- - ping paper ...... 3.32 Silveiton Tribune, The, let 1 ter heads ..... .... .v. 7.00 , Fruit Inspector's Accou-nt Van Trump, S . 11,. salary & expenses 107. 501 Poor Account Cont'd Austin's Grocery, groceries for Mrs. A Van Dam me' 20.00 Barry, Mrs. D E, relief . . 10.00 Iiusick & Son.J. L; .groce ries for Mrs. Elmer Har- - riu 8 r. Busick & Son, J L. groce ries for Mrs. Harris. . 9. IS Clark Frank C, supt. at county poor farm '".'.'.;.. 2C4.50 Dtnton, Mrs. Ina. relief 10.00 Fair trounds - Store The, groceries for Mrs. Mc- Daniels . . . i . 17.53 Farlow, Mrs. relief ..... .5.00 Fry, Daniel J, prescriptions ... for county patients . . . . 24.4 Goodman, Ross, groceries for Mrs. McDaniels w 5.00 Hammond Lumber Co,, groceries for Uellie' Wachter 25.61 Lundeen, Anna, relief . . 10.00 Martin, D W, killing Can ada thistles .at county poor farm McClellan, Thos. R, groce- - rles for Lizzie Butts ..30.00 Milliken & Turner, groce ries for Mrs. Eva Beutell 20.00 Milliken & Turner, Groce ries for Rosie. Bloom.. 10.00 Morse, Robertson & Saur- , ' man, Drs, prof services to J H Harper from 7-l-'22 to 7-17'23 cont'd Nelson, A C, groceries for L E Morgan 12.02 Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The, telephone services . . . .. "-- 3, SO Pickelsimer, G Wr relief 10.00 Pickens & Haynes groce- , ries for -McAfee . .. . . - 6.23 Portland Electric Power Co, electric services at cOunty poor farm .... 11.63 Pratum Mercantile Ca, gra- ceries for Mrs StaTlings 10.00 Ryan.. R R, house rent for Mrs. Mae Vickers for. " (XASSDmiSECTIGN t Phoney g? . Advertising Dept CLASginiD IDVKKTISEltlNTl '. Kt p word: Par Insertion Tkra tuartkii " Oaa vHk (tlx hiMrtlon) f j Od mootk r . '1- Bix mootba' eontrut, par nxmth15o in nentka cotnct. per Konth 1 2o Vinlinum for nj a4rertIcacaaQt Sio Money to Loan - On Keal Ratata T. K. IXtil - (OrarXdd Buaa Bank) - 58.0! . SNAPPY TIIIXKIVG NO. 21 ; Cross Word Puzzle Blanks Thai Are Lesal i . , . . . r-- : " - : ye carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business transactions. We may have just the form you are looking for at a biz saving as compared to made to order forms. Some of the forms : Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will f ormsj Assign-m-lt Mrtcace, Mortgage forms, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form, LiH of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes, General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, ffcale Re ceipts, Etc These forms are carefully prepared for the courts'and private use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note tmua XfUIU AO lO 3U CeulS. . . . -1 . - . . : j. ; ; ... -. - V . .: .: - - . ; PRINTED AND FOR SAL BY The Statesman Publishing Go. LEGAL BLANK HEADQUARTERS At Business Office, Ground Floor COMMISSIONERS COURT Thie following . is the official publication of the record of claims before the Marion county commissioners court for the Dec. term, 1924, with the amount allowed, bills con tinued, etc., according to the records in the office of the county clerk. . , (Continued from Saturday) , Brown. Boone, do . . . . 13.50 Guerin,' Bob, do 13.50 Small, Mrs. Helen, do .. 13.50 Smail, James, do ...... 13.50 Cooper, Oskie, do.,....,. 13.50 Gibler, Chas C. do . ..... 13.50 1 State vs. Ilolmerick Kuntz, P J, justice . . . . . . 2.85 8 State vs. Hyett Kuntz, P J, do .... 4.20 De Long, W E, constable 19.05 State vs. January Kuntz, P J, justice . 5.60 De Long, W E, constable 1.00 State vs. Jemian s ' Kuntz. P J. justice ....... 3.45 De Long, W.E, constable 3.40 State vs. Kaser Kuntz, P J, justice . . . . . . 3.45 De Long, W E, constable .50 State vs. Kiser Kuntz, P J, justice . . . . . . 5.66 De Long, W E, constable l.Sfr f t- State vs. Lowe Kuntz, P J, justice 2.85 State vs. Luallen Kuntz, P J, justice . . . . . . A 5;3 State vs. Luallen ' ' ' S Kuntz, P J, justice ... ... 3.45 De Long, W E, constable 1.00 State va Doe Et AI Kuntz, P J, justice . . . 3.45 De Long, WT E, constable 1.00 State ts. Maynard Kuntz, P J, justice ...... 3.4 De,Long, W E,. constable .50 , State vs. Morse ' Kuntz, P J, justice 3."45 De Long,. W E, constable 1.00 State vs. Xelson Kuntz, P J, justice ..... .: 2.85 State vs. Oleson , Kuntz, P J, justice . 2.85 State vs. Pape , Kuntz, P J. do 3.45 De Long. W E, constable 6.60 State vs. Patterson Kuntz, P J, justice 3.45 De Long, W E, constable .50 State vs. Peters t . Kuntz. P J. justice 28.R5 De Long, W E, constable 41.80 Patterson, Leona, witness 13.00 Lent, Samuel. Shafer, do 11.S0 Newbert, Lorin Gardner, , do , u 9.00 T" i I As W r pt 7 W t ' ' I 'i mmmm mmm , - . . 1 n. H ' AT A 7 1 ; . ! - - , WT iiS . 7 " " if " "jg- t jy" isr " if - : 7 """"" T" i " aaajaai aaaaaaaaja Baaajaajaai HiaaaaMi BaaaaaBBBi iBBaBBBaBa aaijiiii .nffi i"f I ataaajaaaai aaaaBBBBai hbbib aaBBaBH aasaaaaM aaaaaaaai aajMaaaa tmJtmWH Yf T8 ft sh 1 sj 7)T fir" " fT n " T ff "IT " 17" " jjr-- - J3- - -Jp- --J - ; Z7f " "7 jj- jj ti" """W" 70 7 JTiV"m" ' 77 " " 7s" W "TT "" W """ " "T"7 H" W " "7" --. - rU - - - mm ' v '"' " ' " ' mmm M ' ACROSS" , 1 Loud rumbling -, 6 Clamqr ' 12 Sound denoting contempt 13 Conflict " 15 Unit of energy 16 Bird of prey (Persian)'. 18 Ever . 20 Kind of snake 22 Branch office (ab) 23 Three masted vessels 25 Proportion 27 One of the months (ab) 29 Negative vote 30 To make lace 32 French for salt 33 Perform 34 Present time " 36 Form of serving potatoes 38 One afflicted with a dread disease - 1 . 40 Surfeit 41 DeHslon 43 Tiresome (Prov. Eng.) 44 Drunkard L . "." . 45 American Engineering Society (ab) 47 Warlike ,48 Native phosphate 'of lime (Min) 50 East (French) 52 Suffix 54 Raised platform 57 Fears n u 60 A bitter fruit , , 62 To bring upon one's self 64 Parts of a boat 65' Limp -. ir - . 6 6 A hypothetical force C7 Obtained 69 Bow 70 A Blbical name 71 To take (obs) ,1 72 A small drum i 74 To "pursue 75 Pronoun 77 Metal i 78 Myself ; , .. 79 A kind o horse 81 Eaten , . , A . 82.- Snooze .!;" i.' 84 Crazy 85 Rejects ' I . 1 86 An inhabitant of Mantua 1- 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 17 19 21 24 26 28 30 31 33 35 36 41 42 44 46 49 51 53 55 56 58 59 60 61 63 65 6S 70 73 74 7o; 78 SO 81 S3 S4 1XVN. Plaything Exclamation -Point of compass African (coll) Part of head (pi) . To look slyly Tapestry Slang for no good Conjunction Steal -- . , Poise . " Assaults Tinted A city In France j Drained Roe (Scotch) - : " A modern convenience Poland Cab) : ' A spasmodic twitching Golf term A river in Scotland Wandering Turns . Dealers in cloths T Empty talk f Damp Periods of time French for Saint. A' pen.',. ' ' Foolish. . , Birds., Cover with metal. x Conjunction. To sweeten. Sped. ' '' , Ancient. , An aromatic plant. V Worthless leaving. Plunder.' Man's name. . Volumes. German soldier. To be borne along. Biblical village.. A Tocky pinnacle. 1 Two-legged mammal. Part, of to bev v Intoxicated Biroiui Ton leavb Tora rxoui OB CAR HAVE IT . Insured Properly . Fiona 161, Back, Haodrieka, V. 8. Bank Btdc. a 28U AUTO TOPS ' - STATION ART TOPS Tha aery ltnt in aata topi KSRonahl- Price O. J. m ' ?19 Ptato St. 3 d!7tf FOR KEST t 4 KITCHEN. -rilNIVO KOO.M ANlS SKV rral blroom- to rni . NiiiliUi! fur a family. J. Krdroan. Koute Hoi Ht. HOUSE AND APARTMENTS. PHONE 20&6-J. 4 t5tf PRINTED CARDS, 81ZE 14" BY 7V4", wording "For Kant." prica 10 enta aaea. Statesman Bntuteu Offico, n Uronca floor. FOR RENT Apartment . S NICELY KUKNI.SHKH APARTMENT 500 t'nVon. Plioiw 567-4. , : 5-d30 MODERN 6 ROOM APT. AND SLEEP ing pore. $22.50. 715 Scnth 12th St. - . : - - - - ' 6-21tf rOK RENT APARTMENTS; 891 NO. Commercial. . APARTMENT 268 N. COTTAGE. 5-ntl PDRNISHED APARTMENTS Sleeping rooms. 1 CO Union. FOR HEXT Rooms ECRXIRHEI KQOUS POR BENT AT "960 Broadway. 6-j2 ROOM FOR - RENT MODERN . HOME, tare blocks from atate bouie, for gen tleman. Must fire refrreneea. PleaM ddreas A. B., cara Statesman. 6 ol7t ROOMS JJO KEJNT CALI4 3044-W. - FOR RENT Houses r rvm. n v Six ro6nt faous, wH located. Will Imh ir 1 yar. '$20 per month. N era?. Will Uuild a cai-mea and las for 2:t per month, or will lensn to -a carpnfr and iruarantee 'work during year to equal rent. Address "Renter1 care Statesman. 7-d31 (ab); (Scotch ), " Liquid measure (ab.) Mechanic Art3nrat.) (Answer Tomorrow) December ......... disallow. Ryan, R R, do for Nov. disallow. Salem Deaconess J Hospital Salem Deaconess Hospital!. ' :7. -care of John Daly .i . . . i . cont'd Salem . Deaconess ; Hospital ', - care of Card! ...... 37.50, Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Mr C A Mack .37.50 Salem ; Deaconess Hospital V " s care ot J H Morrison . . 37.50 Salem Deaconess Hospital ' care of D Ludront . . , . 37.50 Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Johnson Paris 37.50 Salem. Deaconess Hospital ' care of Fred W Baker 37.50 Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Lizzie Howard 37.50 Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Andrew Camp bell 37.50. Salem Deaconess Hospital : , , care of James Miller . - 20.00 Salem Deaconess) Hospital care of Barton De Haven 10.00 Salem Deaconess" Hospital care of Katie Schirmer ' 25.00 Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Geo A Hodgeman -; 26.25 Salem-Deaconess Hospital care of Mrs Mary Carvy 5.00 Salem Hardware Co, wash' .boiler & tub'. ,.:.". .: 5.90 Salem - Heights Grocery groceries for James Hall 10.00 Schafer, Emil A, Pres. for county poor . . . . -6.00 Smith, B R, relief ...... 10.D0 Smithy C M, relief, for Frank Nienjeyer ... . . 5.00 Smith. C M, relief for J C Barton ... . 10.00 Spaulding Logging Co, 1 Chas K. wood for Mrs Farlow ............. 3.00 Weller Bros, groceries for Mrs. C A George 10.00 Weller Bros, groceries for Mrs. Mae Vickers .... 6.00 Weller Bros, groceries for JCC Smith ........ .. 11.55 Weller Bros, groceries for Anna Brown ......... 6.00 Weller Bros, groceries for. for Stamen 1.23 Wengenroth, Wm; groce ries for Josephine Jeau- dion 15.00 Jail Account Bawer, 0D, board -for prisoners ............ 287.20 Opera House "Pharmacy pres. Tor prisoners ..... 6.20 Pickens & Haynes matches 2.00 Juvenile Account Bower, O D, use of auto- 8.20 White, Nona, meals . foe i Laura Evans ...:..." 2.12 Tax Rebate Account Hulsey, rebate .......... 3.68 " Dog. Tax Fund Bates, C F, goat killed by FOR SALE M-bcelUneoua 8 SPIBEIXA OORSKT8 80I.D BY Alice . AJ Miles. 4,si iis 21sC . Phone MKS-j, fciAlem. Oregron.. -. . a J J M INhUtAiy RODS J'OJi LOCATINtl frOI.D,' ailver and other valuable ineUl snj mineral.-On three day' trial. Satii fuction Rnara Bleed or money retnnded. Write T. D. ltobinKon, Has. 87, Klein, 'Tel. - !.! EOR SALrJUif K8T . MOItKJj . Vietrola. almost new. Dark mahogany finisti. - A real bargain, for uiuo w. 1'bone 177.1-W. . . 4-aJ7 JUDD8AWS WOOD PHONE 8 jd VOft SALE OLD NKWSPAPEKS, 10 centa n bnadla. ' Circulation, departmeut Oregon Statvaman. , . ,-. Willamette Valley - J. , Nursery Has n Salesyard it :C1 Court atreet, at Kennedy's paint simp, opposite bu su k's atore. AIT kinds of fruit and unt trees. - lr. fiean'a'Big Freurb prune a specialty. - Office pLone 1315. Kes. -1U5E5.' Jess Mathis. Prop. 8 dJ4tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY wording. "Booma to fUct," price It eenls eack. Statasmaat Bnatnasa Of- fice. Ground floor. , , , . Fruit Trees Walnuts and shrubbery. E'gs nd Perry. EruitlanJ Nurnery. A. J. iJstli is. Prop. Phone 1140-jj evenings. - - - jn Trespass Notices . - --. i . Tresspasa Kotiros, siia 14 Inckes ty , inches, printed on good 10 -outm - canTasa baacing. the words, "Notion 1 Hereby. Given That Trespassing . Is StricUy Forbidden On These Premise Under Penalty Of Proaeention." Priet 15e eaeh or twn for 85e. SUtesmsa Publishing Company, Salea. Oregon, ' - . - .... e ad HAY 110 DIVISION I. T. WOORR ' ' ' - ' 8-d2" FOB SALE SEVERAL. GOOD LATHES all sises. Write and teli what sie you need. We obip Tia steamer Tery cheap., J. L Lucaa A Son, Ine Bridgeport, Conn. .. . ... , , 8-j3 GOOD STEP LADDERS AND POSC1 awinga tt bargain. 1T67 Waller it ' - in2nj WARREH NURSERY A L7w KINDS OI froit and nut trees, i5 Terry Street ' -. .. . : 8-E2U l----- a -a W'N---aa-W-sanMW-si aj Beautiful Oregon Res a And oleTen other "Treron songs to . tether with n fine collection of pa trio ' ie sours, sacred aonga and many 4 r lima taroritea. . - AlAj FOB SSe- ' (Special prices m quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, eens ; nnnity or noma sm ring. Band for Western Songster 70 pagan - now in Its third edition PnbHse4 by . OSIOON TEACHERS MONTHLY 1 a tVHmmlal Rt R(Imi Cm BpilsL-lElyAIJ- -C A t- T1 AIDE NJ IP ft sos j d o & s TbjTd J Jl f N N e t"R e: e 0 I g R "Tb jS I S ) ft ) J r p T n c.t "is.-2.J" 'J ; J na fj N( Nr r"A rV ft"N Dp' t AIM AMI dTIIb A .... IP R A T E ft AVE "TrT A B A .' I Sj'rf SAM E t JB E Answer to Satuni.iv's In77Ti dogs 4.5? Ditmars. T A, cheen killed by dogs . .?3. dis..rJT allowed Ebuer. JF w; do ........ 7.0 3 Hendricks, Joseph, do S10 disall. 835.00 allowed Hill, Max O. collecting dog licenses ............. Hogg, W T, sheep killed by ddgs Kraps, Co, The J J,- app. dog license...--..... Moses. S Jr.ewes killed by - dogs ..... i . ....... Neibert & Keibert. J J & CP, sheep killed by dogs ' disallowed. 821 'allowed Rise, Jacob A, dog collars 20.9 Wann, Frank, sheep killed by dogs... ,28.00 Indemnity For Slauj&ter of Diseaweil Cattle Brown, W F, -Indemnity . , - Fire Pritect1oik Clackamas - Mari m Co., - Fire Patrol Aie'n, Fire ' patrol for 1924 . . Salem Chamber of Com. merce, advertising . . -1 . 91.03 7.0 0 3.00 -56.00 9 3.00; . 350.00 50.09 V without fuss or excuses ' and ' Service That Satisfies at' ' rmwnrrTi I jHHOrii: i. SALEM MARKETS I Prieea quoted ara wholesale and art pn ces received by farmers. No retail prices nra given. OKAXJT ASD tt T . No. 1 soft white wheat ." No. 1 soft red wheat.. . $!.! CheathaV 7'.'" Hi Otl t Oat hay :. 15 Clover fcay, baled 15 Q )H Oat and Vetch hay tii PORK. MUTTOir AD P Hoes, 160-200 cwt f 9.1 1 Hos, 2O0-250 cwt . 8.8" Hoes. 200 250 cwt a.6 J Ron eh lleary 5 i 6i 3 Light aowa Top veal 6 Dressed Teal, top . ,.. 11 & 1 1 , a Cows . : 2 (I 3 a Lambs , 11c ITesvy hens.. hpnngers Light ken Ducks POULTRY 18 .12ff?14s -lSdiiS'i b-i Old roosters , Turkeys, cboica.. turkeys . Ducks Ducks, 4f&e4. Geese '..;...... Geese, dressed... ; . . EGOS. BUTTE. BDIIEiTAT Creamery butter 4J7" Bntterfat. delivered Milk, per-fwt - ,- ;iandarls - 33fij y'o 21(.t2:i ir,(,t l- ; 1 ',r l - i s - r t