121 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1924 AUBRED BUNCH PHONE J 06 GREETING FOR CHRISTMAS Oh, starry nights of Christmas tide, And festive Christmas tree ; i Oh, birds in flight across the night, And ships out on the sea. ' ' -. " : ' ! " Oh, everyone, oh, everywhere, A'greeting fair and sweet As frankincense, as myrrh, as gold, I place how at your feetl I wish you health, I wish you joy; I wish you all you. ask, j And thatj the best of these may be v Not separate from your task. And that the best of life that is j May ever come your way: I wish again a, thousand times Your joy on Christmas day. Audred Bunch. I' 1 y. c- We Wioli ' ; 1 ';" -i Jfou All A Very merry Christmas i .'."vv- Salem Store I ' , :..;;' 466 State St. '. . . .. , . . I Portland Silk Shop 883 Alder St. THE WEDDING uniting in mar ; riage Miss Martha Barnick of Quinaby and Mr. David Korb,' 407 North Twenty-first street, was sol emnized yesterday morning at 9 o'clock at the Chemeketa street Evangelical' church parsonage. Rev. F. W. Launer officiating. The bride was becomingly gowned ia medium blue satin crepe. The ring service was used. Those witnessing the impressive ceremony were Miss Grace Hoppis and Leonard Barnick. ? After a wedding trip which will probably take them as far north as Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Korb will make their home in Salem. ! ; Mr. Korb, the son of Mrs. Cath erine Korb. is a cement contractor, where he Is well known, having lived here for a number of years. As a result of the silver tea held in November, the American Asso ciation of University Women have in their scholarship loan fund $100. This fund will be adminis tered by a hoard of trustees ; or committee chosen for that pur pose by the organization at a future meeting. In order to ex pedite the placing of this fund at the service of worthy Oregon girls in our colleges and universities, written applications may be sent temporarily to Mrs. E. C. Richards at 966 Center street, Salem. The fund cannot be made available un til the second semester. i :! Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Gonlet will have as their gaests for Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pasley of Portland. ' ; ; ' ; :V rwf Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Brown will be hosts today for a; family dinner, at their home on State street. Those enjoying , tie oc casion will be Mr.. and Mrs. J. E. Allison and son. Donald, of ' Eu gene; Mrs. D. H. Craven and son, Ronald, Mrs. Inez May and daugh ter, Velma. ! and Mr. and , Mrs. Everett H. Craven of Portland. ! ' : ' I Christmas exercises of the school for the feeble minded were in the form of a play depicting the spirit of Christmas., There were about 40 children in the cast and it was one of the best presented amateur plays one could wish t see. The cast was mostly of girls, as girls are more apt at remember ing in that Institution. The play was presented three different eve nings, Tuesday night being entire ly for guests. It Is a revelation to see what those children can do. Dr.1 and Mrs. Smith with an able corps of assistants are working wonders with these state wards. . ) : I'"--!; M - Jefferson. The Ankeny Wel fare club met at the home of Mrs. C. P. Meier, Jr., Thursday after noon. The regular business meet ing was held, followed by an hour devoted to the study of Horner's Oregon History, which the clnb is taking as a course. Later in the ,J OnEilialfot. i Our Cntira Staff We Wioh Y6u A ; V "'lli; I Christmas ' 11 M : QIESE afternoon a Christmas .tree, pre pared by the hostess, was enjoyed, each member bringing a gift and receiving one. The ; prize i for amusement hour went ' to Mrs. J. O. Farr. Club members present were Mrs. C. O. Whiteman, Mrs. G. H. Marlatt, Mrs. G. M. Belknap, Mrs. G. H. Tharp, Mrs. J. O. Farr, Mrs. Eugene Finlay, Mrs. C. F. Meier and Miss Louise Ralle. Mrs. Charles Meier was a guest of the club for the afternoon. The next regular meeting will be, held at the home of Mrs. Eugene Finlay. The Misses Helen and Lois Man gus," daughters of Mr. Elmer J. Mangue, who are attending school at Eugene, are to spend part of their vacation with him in Salem. Misses Will ma and Mildred Pratt, students at Linf ield col lege, are spending the holiday season at the home of their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. P. C, Pratt at 730 North Winter street. : 1 i Charmingly in keeping with the Christmas season was 'the party on Tuesday evening, December 23, at which Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wayne Riddle and Mrs. George E. Emery entertained for, the pleasure of a group of their friends. The singing of Christ mas carols by the assembled com pany -was uniquely featured dur ing the evening, selections being sung from the modern and tradi tional carols of English, French, German, Dutch, and Latin origin. Kenneth McCormick presided at the piano for the carol accompan iments. Interspersed between the groups of carols the nativity and infancy stories were read by Rev erend Ward Willis Long and the prophetic messages by Professor E. S. Hammond. .. Those assisting Mrs. Riddle and Mrs. Emery In the dining room were Mrs. E. C. Hickman, Mrs. E. S. Hammond, Mrs. J. D. McCor mick, and Mrs. William H. Hert zog. Mrs. Hickman and Mrs. Hammond presided at the urns. while Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Hertzog served. The living room, in addition to a redolent Christmas tree, ifras festively decorated with spicy fir boughs and mistletoe, while in the din ins room holly was used with elk born moss and poinsettias. Invitations were issued for the evening of festivity to President and Mrs. E. C. Hickman, Dean and Mrs. George H. Alden, Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Franklin, Pro fessor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts, MiC and Mrs. Ernest C. Richards, Miss Frances H. Richards, Miss Fran ces Virginie Melton, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Hammond, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. McCormick, Professor and Mrs. William H. Hertzog, Rever end and Mrs. H.. F. Pemberton, Reverend and Mrs. Blaine E. Kirk Patrick, Reverend and Mrs. Ward Willis Long, Mr. and Mrs. William Everett Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wilson. Miss Helen Pearce"t Miss Dorothy Pearce, Earl and Paul Pemberton, Miss Laura Pem berton, Miss Dorothea Gnyer, Ed ward Guyer, Miss Helen Hertzog, Miss Mary Hickman, little Lois Evangeline Long, Miss Leone Halt Jack Corley Burleson, Percy Ham mond, and Kenneth McCormick, Misa Luella Patton left yester day morning for Portland. A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at the apartments of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown at the Bar num, when Miss May Ghuhoffer. a popular young lady of Salem, and Mr. Marshall Baker of Seat tle, a cousin of Mr. Brown's, were united in marriage W Rev. E. P. Lawrence of the ? Presbyterian church. , t i - The rooms were. decorated in carnations and violets. The bride wore a dark blue traveling cos tume with bat in f harmonizing shades. After the ceremony they left by motor for San Francisco for a trip of 10 days. They will live in Portland, Mr. Baker being a representative of the MJB com pany. Jackson County News. . f Reverend and Mr8. H. F. Pem berton will have as their guests over Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Guyed and daughter, Dorothea, and son, Edward, f of Seattle, Wash. They will be at the Pem berton home, until Saturday morn ing. ' . Dr. arid Mrs. B. ii steeves will be hosts at a Christmas dinner to day for Dr. and iMrs. L. H. Steeves, and little son, Richard, of Dallas; Mr. and? Mrs. Paul Morse, and little daughter, Jose phine, of Vancouveri Wash., and for Miss Sevilla Rici of Pateros, Wash. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ficke, whose marriage was a recent event, were complimented 'with a delightful surprise dinner party the first, of the week at the Gray Belle. . The bride was made the!, recipient of a beautiful coffee urn. Covers at the dinner were placed for Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bayliss, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Mr. and tMrs. Harold Harper, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ficke. . . 1 ' An enjoyable musical evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen Tuesday eve ning, on N. Winter street. Among those present were Warren Hunt and wife from Oakland, Cal. Mr. Hunt is a brother of Mrs. Allen's and has traveled for the past year with Barnes' circus. The others, enjoying; the hospitality were the Misses O'Brien, Ray, Lois and Le- nore Allen, the hostesses, Messrs Walter Stackhouse, Leo Kafoury, Chester Allen and E$tle Benner, the latter being a '' promising young pianist. Mrs. G. V. Ellis Is expecting her son. Dr. R. W. Ellis and wife and' their two sons, George Vin ton and John Hira, and Mrs. An ette Smith of Ketchikan, Alaska, as house-guests during the holi days. Dr. Ellis is an' old Salem boy, having graduated from the medical department of Willam ette university. Several of his classmates are now practicing in Salem. Dr. Ellis expects to mo tor to Los Angeles and stay month or two, taking special clin ic work, i His mother may accom pany him. t Mrs. Charles Carver, Jr., first Ice president of the Portland branch of the National League of Women Voters, is acting president of the organization during the ab sence of Mrs. Dallas Bache, pres ident, who is spending the winter in Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. Folger Johnson is assisting Mrs. Carver If I I ' ' ' ' 1(1 : ' . 1 v 1 - ; il ' - i " ' ' M ' : ; I 1 I . C 9 I 1 i ; 1 1 i : :" ''".! r ' 1 ; W 1 , ft in her capacity as second vice president. . Miss Hester Hollingshead, re gional secretary for the national league, who visited Oregon re cently to "study possibilities of or ganizing branches in some of the larger cities of the state, will re turn to Portland January 2 to spend a short time working . with the local organization on its spe cial problems. "Know Your Own Town" , classes will be started in different parts of the city, follow ing the programme of the nation al league, in preparing women for better citizenship through giving them a real understanding of their own conditions. Miss Hol lingshead will aid in organizing these groups and getting the study topic started Oregonian. - Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blatch ford have as their guest for the Christmas holidays their daughter Miss Lorlei Blatchford, who is principal of the high school at Klaber, Wash., . ' ( ' Gayefy was the keynote of the evening when the Progressive Dancing club on Tuesday evening met for their Christmas dance in Derby ball, decked throughout in the holiday trimmings. Club guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Linn Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig, Dr. Cole, and Miss Amort. 1 The personnel of the club In cludes: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Car per, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Day, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Shel, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Looney, Mr. and Mrs., H. J. Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. R. F.. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kintzen, Mr. and Mrs. H. MeWhorter, Mr. Carl Carlton, Miss Luella Pattoh, Mr. and Mrs; K. A. De Marais, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McElvain, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spong, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Car son, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Delano, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mishler, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marnach, Mr. C. J Swennoby, Mr. and Mrs. Don W, Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorns, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wassam, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. James Teed, Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Blessing, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Eoff, Dr. and Mrs. A. Looney, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Frick, Mr. and Mrs. McGahan, Mr. tand Mrs. B. B. Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowen,. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dickenson, Mr. and Mrs. Alderin, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hartford of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Samples, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Butler, Mr. and Mrs S. E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ros3 Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Fish er, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weis, Mr. and Airs. Ralph Glover, and Mr. and Mrs. George II. Aldernin. Mr. and Mrs M. O. Dennis will have for their Christmas season guests, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Den nls and little grandchild. Louise. and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Williams( and a little daughter, Frances, of Portland, as well as H. F. Dennis of Portland, a brother of M. P.4 Dennis. . Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Hickman will have as their guests, over Christmas, Miss Era von Berg and Miss Lillian Littler of Seaside. t Mrs. C.-.T. Williams has return ed from a visit in Stayton where she has been the guest of relatives t and friends for the past two weeks. After a pleasant stay she4 is now at home at 1540 States street. , i . I 4 65 below rj:cordi:d POCATELLO. Idaho. Dec. 24. Reports here today from West Yellowstone, Mont., state that the,, mercury has reached 65 degrees below zero, the lowest point la, many years in the national park. Unconfirmed reports state that one" death nas been recorded, that of t man iuuuu iruicu iu ueaiu iu uis cabin. WE PAY CASH F0H YOUR FURHiTOn AND TOOLS Capital Hardv7cro C: Furniture Co. Beat Prices rsl 3 SS'N. Oom'l St. 1 iicx. C17 MM " . ' I ' Christmas tings Gree We Wish You AH A Very Merry Christmas Salem' Leading Department Store t i ( I 1 ! The Oregon Statesman Animal Out Januay 1, 1925 Send it to your friends ' v r . It is The Willamette Valley's greatest advertisement, well calculated to arouse the interest of the citizen in less fortunate sections and having aroused it, to implant a longing fora home where life is more .worth living. - Single copy 10c, wrapped for mailing. Fill out blank form and send to Oregon Statesman, 215 South Commercial SL, Salem, Oregon. NAME STREET TOWN STATS The Oregon Statesman,' Salem, Oregon. - - Gentlemen: j Enclosed find . '......for which mall The Oregon Statesman'! iplendii annual to each of the above addresses. Sender ' - ' Address ...... n.rai. ......... ..... -,T A greeting from the Willamette Valley that will be appreciated 7 ' ' ' X 1 ..