the Oregon nTATEniiAN. salem, Oregon FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 19, 1924 MAIM AGE PROBLEMS Adele Garrison New Fbate of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Copyright 1921. by Newspaper " Pea tar Serriee. Inc. - CHAPTER 327. " THE WAY MADGE STOPPED DR. ' PETTIT'S ACCUSATIONS. I stared with incredulous amaze ment at Dr. Pettlt, as Claire Fos ter's name came ; from , his thin lips. There "was a curious slow ness of intonation in Ms voice,. be traying the bitterness which was bis f award the .beautiful, breezy. we pay cash for : 'In YOUR FURNITURE : . AND TOOLS Capital Hardware & Fumiturq Co. .! . Beet Price Paid -283 i it, Com'l St. Pboae 84 young western girl to whom he had been so devoted the summer before.-:'" . .-" , -:- . . "You must be mad," V said firmly, although his accusation against Dicky, absurd as it peemed had set tiny hammer of memory beating upon my brain, and I re called incidents of the summer be fore, trifling enough in themselves but which, in the light of the phy sician's startling assertion I pull ed myself up short at this point and finished ray answer unflinch ingly. "If you are not, then your statement is an insult both to Miss Poster ; and i my husband." - A slow tide of dark red rose in his sallow cheeks, and his teeth closed on his lower lip so strong ly that I saw a fleck of crimson upon it. That he wa making a mighty effort to control his tem per was patent, and despite the disquiet which his . query .had brought, I felt an unholy curiosity to see whether he would succeed or fail in his struggle, to master his; emotion! "You Presume Too Greatly." "I am not mad ," he said slowly at last. "But you are." He stopped abruptly and went on after an Instant more rapidly. "You always have believed that dastardly husband of yours, no matter what evidence was brought to you," he said. "If you had as serted yourself years ago he might not now be exercising1 hig damn able fascinations upon a foolish young girl, who " I sprang to my-feet -again, my patience at an end, and rushed past the excited physician before he could stop .me, pausing only with my hand upon the doorknob. "I will listen to this nonsense no longer." I said, remorselessly smothering a longing within me ! to hear him to an end. ' "You pre sume too greatly. Dr. Pettit, even upon your long friendship and as sociation with us. There are things which I permit no one to say. and what you have Just inti mated is one of them." ' "And let me add : something else!" ! exclaimed. "Miss Poster J is a thoroughly good and charming girl,' and I like her, but she is no shrinking wood side violet. She is in no danger from the fascina tions of any man unless ' she chooses to be fascinated." I fairly slammed the door be hind me as Dr. Pettit, with frown ing and distorted face, started to ward me. - Then, utterly regardless of my rudeness. I ran upstairs- to my own ' room, and locked - the door, leaving him to find his own way out, or wait for Lillian to usher him out, as he pleased. I heard her quick footsteps outside my door, and counted the progress down the stairs. Then for several minutes, while I lay prone upon my bed trying to shut from my mind the things Dr. Pettit had said, there was silence.- ? What Memory Brought. The violent closing of the front door brought me to a sitting po sition, and I listened breathlessly to Lillian's returning footsteps. She halted for an Instant outside my room and I knew that I had but to whisper her name to bring her ready sympathy and resource fulness to me. But I had no doubt that Dr. Pettit had told her what he had just endeavored to relate to me, and I felt that I could not bear to face her possible knowl edge of Dicky's derelictions until I should have scourged my soul to sanity and self-control. So I lay motionless until I heard the .closing of her door, and then I let my tortured nerves have the reliefer tears. I sobbed until I was too exhausted to do anything but sleep. I i awakened the next morning to find the sun streaming in my windows. For a long moment I lay vaguely wondering what it was that was so oppressing my spirit. Then the remembrance of Dr. Pet tit's accusation, coupled with the humiliating realization of Dicky's long epistolary silence, swept over me, and my spiritual battle of the night before was on again. Claire Foster, I mentally vSs loned her as I had seen her the1 summer before slender, lithe, dark, with lustrous black eyes, brimming with merriment, with a face which so narrowly escaped beauty that most people would credit her with the possession, with high spirits, a sparkling wit, and a dash of deviltry. She was so essentially "mod ern" in her ideas and behavior that I was sure the little formality of a man being a benedict would matter no whit to her, it she were XCj' SALEM 9f . STANDARDIZED CASH STORES E WOODBURN sty' ALBANY CORVALLIS PisrG "Busiclt's" groceries Go-arid Why Into the homes, large and small, of these in Salem and surrounding , territory who recognize quality, in groceries And still appreciate THRIFTY PRICES. THRIFT persistently practised al ways leads -to success. The sort of THRIFT you can practice six days of the week at Busick's. y- Another lot of these deli cious Cascade hams weigh ing 8 to 12 pounds, for Friday and Saturday shop pers ..; ' j lb. 25c BORIC SHOULDERS Sugar .cured -and smoked, cut from me same grain fed pi js the Cascade hams are ' tccurcd from f or Saturday only long as they last lb. 15c A BACON SQUARES LOIN BACKS I Lean, cugar cured SWIFT'S PREP1IUM " ' 6 to 8, pound 6 lb. Oregon Navy Beans 47c 21b. Cheese 47c 3 cans Dari Gold Milk 25c . 5 lb. Christmas Candy 93c 1 lb. American Club Coffee 49c Large pk. Mother's Oats Premium in every pk. - 33c PANCAKE FLOUR 10 lb. sk. Carnation Pancake .73c 1 Q lb. sk. Pure Eastern Buckwheat 79c Large pk. Flapjack Flour i 27c Large pk. Prepared Buclrwheat Flour ......31c SYRUP 1 gal. Pure Cane and Maple 1. 51.63 10 lb. can Pure Honey 51.73 10 lb. can Staley's White Syrup ,79c 51b. can Staley's White Syrup .42c Table Size Log Cabin .29c Med. Size Log Cabin.. ..57c Large Size Log Cabin , 51.13 FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT You will find a wonderful selection of prime grain fed government inspected beef , lb 1 a tls cce cuts tender " - wholesome flavory cuts to select from. .Busick.Special Steak lb. 45 c Prernium Ham 1 129c No. 5. pail Silver Leaf Lard 93c 2 Loaves Fresh Bread . 15c Gem, Nut Margarine, i 2 lbs . 49c 2 lbs. Nucoa : :59c 2 doz. Sweet Juicy Oranges 25c 2 doz. -Large Oranges 63c 1 lb. Tuxedo Tobacco 85 c PORK ROASTS From grain fed pigs, shbul der or loin roasts as well as the tender lean sweet meat of the fresh ham cut in sizes to suit. LUXURY PIG PORK SAUSAGE It's Different-It's the Pork It's, the Spice f Turkeys : Geese Ducks, Chickens Candies, Nuts, Oranges, (Cluster Raisins, Mince Bleat, Cranberries, Fresh Vegetables, Head Lettuce, Sweet' Potatoes, Hubbard Squash, Pumpkins, Celery Hearts,' Orange, Lemon and Citron PeeL ' 7 t. j ; t ' , ' - - - - - - - BUY FROM A STORE WITH THE ORAWGE GOLOe FRONT It'c Your Guarantee of Service Plus Quality onpiOER DIES IfJ PHD Funeral Services for Mrs. Lucretian Ann Baker are Held Thursday served refreshments at the close of the meeting. -- J.., Charles Hall and wife a,re en joying a new six cylinder sedan of the latest model. They tried It out Sunday In a trip to Salem. Kenneth Thomas and wile left (last week for Lost Angeles, j where they will spend the holidays with Funeral services for Mrs. Lu cretia Ann Uaker, wife of John W. Baker, past president of the Ore gon Pioneer association, were held in Portland yesterday. Mrs. Bak er was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Franklin Martin, pioneers of 1846. She wa3 born In Yamhill county in 1850. . She married Mr. Baker in 18C8. After living in Yamhill county for several years they moved to Cottage Grove and still later to Portland, where they lived for the last 14 years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baker have been ac tive in the affairs of the Oregon Pioneer association for many years. ' Mrs. Baker Is survived by sev eral children, Clair B. Baker, gen eral yardmaster for the South en Pacific, of Salem; Mrs. Cora Baker McFatland, of Los Angeles; Walter L. Baker of Canby; Mrs. Ruby Miles, Chester H. Baker and Allen ? Bi Baker, and Ralph N. Baker, of Los Angeles. Justice Oeorge H. Burnett, of Salem, of the supreme court, is an uncle. A. 0. truck people of ab- f STAYTON NEWS 1 - . Stayton people were thrown in to a state of shocked surprise Monday morning when liewa was flashed about town that J. - C. Arlnms cromlnent business man of Stayton had dropped dead at his place of business. Mr. Ad nm who was about 55 years old. came here from California in the early spring and bougnt into tne hardware business. His wife and two daughters came this fall. Mr. Adams was a quiet, enegertic bus iness man and liked by bis asso ciates. ,C. A. Beauchamp was a busi ness viBitor In Albany Monday. s. The first snow of the season began falling Monday -morning and continued until an inch or more had covered the ground. Mr. Willis- Powell, a rural mail carrier ' from Crabtree, was here Saturday -visiting his mother Mrs. Mary ; Powell and his sister Mrs; William Crabtree. J. R. Gardener and wife drove to Portland Friday for a week end visit with their daughter, Mrs. Carl Taylor. ' Mrs. Joseph Fisher is absent frnm her 'duties at the Btore this week, being confined to her home with an attack of lumbago. An enjoyable party was held at the home of Mrs. Quillets on Thursday evening of last - week. Members of ' the high school stu dent body formed the group en joying the occasion. Mrs. J. H. Missler was r hostess Thursday afternoon to the East ern Star club. An enjoyable and profitable afternoon was passed by! the members. The hostess his parents, Mr. and Mrs Thomas. Mr. Thomas is driver for the Standard Oil and has a 3 months leave sence. They also expect to visit in other parts of California while absent. "j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luthy of Salem were recent guests -;at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Miss ler. For their pleasure. Mrs. Missler entertained at. a Sunday evening dinner party. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Luthey, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Missler, Miss Luthy, Miss Margaret Missler and the host and hostess. 1 j The first basketball game of the season was played in the high school gym Wednesday evening of last week. Picked teams from the student body formed the players. One side dressed as coons and the other as ' clowns, made It a very interesting evening. 1 A I large crowd gathered to witness the eameJ The clowns lost to the coons by -a small margin; .. The players and a group of basketball fans went to Independence Friday night where a double header was played. The boys score was 6 to 10 and the girls 7 to 9. 1 Both games were won by the Indepen dence ; olayers. One car load of the i Stayton crowd missed! their way enroute and landed in cor vallis. : delaying tne game, i Word has been received In Stayton that the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Thomas of Marsh field Dassed away at a Port land hospital last week. The child was only a few months old ana died during an operation The Thomas, were former residents of Stayton, and have many friends here who sympathize with; them in their loss trial lasted nearly two weeks. The first tiiai resulted in a "hung" Jury. Upon receiving word of the ver diat Will Moore, state fire mar shal and insurance commissioner, wired a message of congratula tion to George Morey, deputy dis trict attorney for , Multnoir.arj county. expressing his pra?-- fr.r the able manner in which i!. : ) was prosecuted. W. A. Mullen, deputy fire marshal, was Jn Port land as a witness for nearly 10 days, and has returned to Salem. Coe Brothers are Found ' Guilty of Arson Charge A 16ne drawn-out legal ! battle ended In Portland yesterday .when a Jury returned a 'verdict of "guilty as charged" against the Coe brothers, proprietors of the St. Nicholas cafeteria, whc were accused - of arson In connection with a fire more than a year ago. The jury received the case at 11 o'clock and returned their verdict at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The attracted to him. I had never thought that Dicky was particularly impressed by her. Indeed, 1 had hard him refer to her once or twice In distinctly un flattering terms. Could this atti tude of his have been but a sub terfuge? VI Jumped from my bed with a sudden disgusted reaction at my own mean suspicion. I would put all thought of Dr. Pettifs words from me, and await my husband's own version -of his long silence. (To be continued.) Poultry Mashes - There are many kinds and grades of poultry mashes. After many years of experience and handling- various brands, we find that FISHER'S jEGG PRODUCER gives far the best results. -The price is no higher than ! others ask for inferior grades and cheaper than many brands. j Give it a trial as we feel sure that ft will give you the results that you want. , D. A. White & Sons Phone 10O 201 State Street COOLEY & PEARSON Thrift Habits I . Habits of thrift, . when formed, t will aid much in obtaining happiness for ourselves and families. - Most everyone has means to obtain our necessities plus a few luxuries if properly used. In the purchasing of food, our most common purchases, we f ihd a lack of thrift. "Getting things at the little comer Btor,' never obtaining and comparing prices, remarking I've traded with So and So for years, we haven't compared prices. Do j we buy shoes, hats, coats, etc., this 'way? Purchasing in small quantities when a little larger quantify means a substantial saving. These habits and many others mean the loss of lO per cent of your purchasing power. Our delivery passes your door a number of times daily. Call in and see us or, phone your orders dally. Fresh meat orders filled. Give us a trial com pare prices. - Save that lO per cent. . . i XMAS SUPPLIES FRUIT Spitzenberg Apples, family size - 98c Spitzenberg, fancy, large size . . . : . . . ........ .$1.28 We are now selling a carload per month of these Spitz; still have 1 1300 boxes. Get " your winter's supply at these prices. Bananas, 3 lbs? for; . . . . . .23c OrangesFancy Sweet Navels, popular medium size (not small), 2 doz. 48c Jumble pack, 2 doz. ..... .25c Grape Fruit Florida, large. 3 for .23C VEGETABLES ; 20 of our food purchases are vegetables. I 2 lbs. Cranberries 28c 4 lbs. Washed Turnips. . .. 13c 4 lbs. Washed Carrots. ... ISC 4 lbs. Washed Parsnips ... i5c 4 lbs. Washed Beets . . 15c 3 lbs. Fancy Sweet Potatoes 20c Fancy Cabbage, per lb.. . . . ,3c Brussel Sprouts, Green Peppers, Lettuce, Parsley and all other' vegetables obtainable. MISCELLANEOUS 1 1 Jb.'M. J. B. Coffee. .... .57c 1 lb. Hill's Red Can Coffee 57c S. W. Beans, 6 lbs.. .... . .19c Macaroni, 6 lbs. , . 40c Bulk Cocoa, 4 lbs. ..... . .25c Monopole Fancy Solid Pack 1 Tomatoes, 3 tor . . . . ... 59c Fancy Yellow Corn, 3 for.. 58c Sifted Peas, Floral Brandt : . 3 for i .58c Fancy Light Lean Hams, sugar ' cured, per lb. ....... 4 ,26c Fine for these ' cold mornings. SYRUP ; ! 1 gal. white StaPey's Syrup 79c gal. white Staley's Syrup 43c 1 gal. Staley's Golden ; Syrup i .69c y& gal.' Staley's Golden - Syrup ............... .39c No extra charge for delivery- Phone 52 for C, O. D. Order these cold mornings We advertise Thursday, evenings and Friday mornings to give ,. you pointers for full days', shopping Friday and Saturday CANDIES AND NUTS Fancy Cream Candy, 3 lbs. 53c See this value. Plain Pure SugarMIxed, 3 lbs. ........... .53c Chocolates, 3 lbs. ........73c 3' lbs. -Fancy Assorted " i " Chocolates In box . . . .f 1.38 3 lbs. Mixed Nuts (no peanuts) . . . . I . . . . .73c Fresh Peanuts, 2 lba'.. . . . .29c Brazil Nuts (large fresh), .3 lbs. U . . . .55c Large Fancy Walnuts (well filled), 3 lbs. 08c MO AKER -3 SATURDAY SPSCIA: All 15c Bread 10c Whole Wheat, Rye, White Pineapple Butter Boras 3 for 10c Something new in the Butter Horn variety ' All our fruit cake prices will be reduced fcr ' Saturday; also will have samples on display Free to Chrisiineo Callers j - - -' . . - ij 1 .. j ? With each purchase on December 24 a Balloon for every ono How W .ft-. e e k! Ee Here are the prices: to malie above ! assertion a fact GROCERIES Nutola Special, 23c, r 3 for ..... ODC 12 lbs. berry QC sugar f ..... . . . . ... HOC 2 lbs. Brazil Q C nuts ... JDC '"f.. 19c Good siae Sunkist o Q oranges, doz. ...... J3C I lb. hard mixed 1Q' candies XJC 3 cans Borden's, Carna- f tion, or Alpine Milk . Zi3C TOBACCO FOR GIFTS At C. & C. Little' Prices 1 lb. glass of Prince Albert Tobacco in Christ- M i f maa container 1 lb. Christmas con f tainer of Velvet . . $1.00 Camel or Chesterfield OA cigarettes, carton . v' Toys . All -- the balance of our toya reduced in price for clearance before Christmas. DRY GOODS A line of Ladies Aprons and Housedresses of Drum mers' Samples at about the WHOLESALE COST. A, sample line of chil- ,. dren's dresses and rompers '. at about the WHOLESALE COST. A sample line of Vanity " i Cases and Purses about WHOLESALE COST, 32-In. Amoskeag Glng- in ham, special at, yd.... UC I Heavy Robe' Cloth, fKf special at, yd 3 C STATIONERY ; A wonderful lot of high grade Super Linen Box Paper, bought lower than regular and sold the same '0 way, box ClJc Closing Out SHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS Genuine . Snag Proof ' Rubber Boots in Knee length V O 0n fadlen or Children's Shoes rou get a bargain. c & c sjom , 254 North Commercial For Real Value3