r v. T1TE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1924 action -Salem's D assmed ace iCl Great Market r h 4' V m 4 k jr y A A k i A POU1TRY AX1 EGGS 21 - - - ivajii-. luk.u lcr norn 1 S,ter Jop two youug R.1. Red hens. LOST AAD FOUND 22 .. , STRAYED OK STOLEN FROM Ml saeep, : miri : a straight sut in vara Bar., eoe InfAnntflAii 1W rtwtrt. Henry Zarn, . Airori. 22-d21 )8T iA Christmas vni nu-H. rnv. tainlnr xwlr k.njiuv(.. ..J finder please uU Mrs. E. M. Psa-! V C TXT " ' . ' , rv , -i'wliu LOANS 34 FEB CENT MONET TO LOAN ON lav yrovea wuiamette Valley farm. , A, C. BOHRNSTEDT 14T Hart. Coauaercial St- Salem. Or. 24d7tf WONKY TO LOAN ON FARM FBUP efty. Uwhi rale obtaiaable. 8e ' Mr. MeCurdy la Homer Smith's of 2 Hteevea -Moore Blda 4-20t KKAL. KSTATK City 23 Own Your Home 1 SVAP1 4800 Well-built houae 10 room. Jnodern, cloae la. Fine corner, loo by T iOO ft. Both atreet pared. 91500 "VH anove you in. See Child. A Bechtol. 540 State afreet.. 25-dl9ti ' ' ' ' i SNAP ' f - Apartment boom located at 1845 N. Hammer St.. built about one year ago. pared atreet and ear liac. Income 85 per month. w ..w- OHABENHORST ft CO. IT 273 But St. 25-420 .4 WTU.I SELL -LEASE AND TTRXISH ' weU located, modern, close In. es ' keep fall. Apartment houae net in come 200 per month. Steam heat . 820OO will handle. Owner leaving- for Mt. Box 3445, Ststeetnen. 25-d20 .;, a ,- i : I " ' LARTIXO 1 '! I CHRISTMAS GIFT! ! A BOMB OK" YOCK OWN j CO acre farm all la caltiratioa. well Improved. 7 miles eaat of Salem! A first dees farm. Trade for Caasdiaa farm. .(.;-..-, . Several good a on sea tor rent. ' Reas on able ? priced. S i room hoase. food barn, lot 60 by 100. Located at Whitman. Oregon. Bulldiags ia good condition. Price 1000 or will trade for property in Sa lem, i ' 5 ravea boaae and 3 lota. Good fear. All for 81 200. Alwaya remember we specialise ia araaeau J. F. Ulrich 1354 122 N. Commercial Rt 23420 Phone ,yoa SAE 5 ROOM HOUSE IN Good location. " Very small payment. Terms . like rant. Sea KleUing at the Statea- . j 25a2atf. GOOD VAtiCES IN LOTS ' Richmaad addition, price 400 Vitaoa atreet,. price , , 350 N. Cbareb St., priced s 300 N. Frent 8t priee.: 300 N. Chare h, near D St, price 1050 N. Winter, sear D St.. price 10O0 S. Hih fct . iiriM . mnn . Koyt St., r-'" . 11 435 Korwar 8t price : SOO K. CotU'e St.. price.,,, SOO Madiaon St.. price 325 : a Sow ia the time to buy year lot. KRUEOER 14T y. Com'l St. Phone 317. 25-dl2 rOR 8ALK GROCERT STORE ABOUT v 92500. f. L. Wood, 341 State Stre-t. u,.::-: 2S-d7tf 4 TERMS COTTAGE CLOSE IN AT 1154 Oak. '; Or will rent or lease. Price . 33250: rent $30; Taeant. BECKE BENDRICKS y. 8. Bank BldX. 25-d7tf DO YOCRSELP A FAVOR IP INTER, eated ia making or saving money Ibtos-tig-ate aoma of our Salem property ad a. Today we have a modern good home of .5 room a at 32 BOO. You cannot match 1 a Salem. We specialise oa property that meat bo aold. Come ia. . BECKE HENDRICKS ' U. S. Bank Bid f. 25-dlltf FURNACES IX THrSE 4 HOMES. 4 to room. Immediate poaaeaeiaa aa two. Dowa payment, then like reat $3500 to 34750. ' BECKE A HENDRICKS U. , B. Bank Bids. 25-n20tt FARM TO LSA8K TOO BUY THE stork, feed aad eqnipmeata. Parma tor city property, Salem at Portland. . Paatera farms far Oreroo. Hottsaafor sala with small payment 4own . I ' Hoasea to rent, money to loaa. For bsrcaiaa or xrban?e. .-.. See BARBER, 200 Gray BIdf. - 5-a2tf A 6 ROOMS FURNACE $3500 ALSO 4. carafe. Booth. BEOKE HENDRICKS tT. S. Bank Bldf. , 25 n20ti . ROOMS MODERN GARAGE, $4500. Close to bnsineas. - i BECKE A HENDRICKS 4 V. 8. Bank Bide 2S-d7tf k LARGE--LI8T f city prtrpertiea aad aereaee; iaelnd- - ing full listing of the Mahipls Sys tem. Soma bargains. Confer with ma before baying. 15 year experience ia Balem property aid sorroanding eoun- lr try. - , ' WM, FLEMINO 341 State St. 1 . 25-d7tf J C ROOM HOME AT COST. EXTRA lrr lot with. fruit and flower. Price 33700. Terms if desired. Quick pos- aetaioa. BECKK HENDRICKS U. 8. Bsak Bldg. 23 d7tf Business block. Salem.. $200,000 Bnilding all furnished $30,000 Apt.ihease, rood incom- $0.000 Apt. bouse close in, f-ood. $35,000 Apt.- house very cloee inf -.flS.OOO Apt. house corner lot 1 ...$ 11.000 fld boaae, great locstl-n. .....$ 10.500 Will trade good mortgags for Apt house or roominx house Apt. bouse close in 4.000 I.srx roominx houae r ,. , , .. Sa.ooo , 7 room hoase Marioa st.. $3.500 irulhed house close in.....,..1.700 3 large lots joiniog ....$7,500 Concrsctora look into these large cor era. New for sale at reasonable prices. GERTRUDE J. U. PAQE, Realter 493 .North Cottar St. . 2S-d5tf 5 ROOM PLAIN HOUSE TODAY WE have listed, the two best buys in plain email comes we nave aed tais year. Here's one: 5 rooms plsstered. hot water sad bsth, electj-ie rsnga goes. Large east front lot close to school and car. Cement walks, and paving paid. Price $2800. Some terms or alight dinafit cash. Doo't miss this. BKCKE HENDRICKS U. 8. Blak Bldg. 25-dlltf T0UXG MAN WOULD YOU SOONER , par that real maar-r on a home of year . own t ' If so. Come and talk it over with ARSIS, tntraare Mssonlc Temple raes tP, 142 J. 25 ti2Tlf OR-SALE CHEAP 5 ROOM MODERN rottaso wit a electrte rg. Tri-a east rent . lot on parinc. etc. $2800 tskes. Immediate possesii ion. , ; BKCKE A HENDRICKS t. S. Bank Bldg. 25 d!6tf f A GOOD NAME AND JUST RENT V takes modern cottsee. vacsnt. 1 BECKE HENDRICKS - " U-' S' Bak Bidg- ' 25-dl6tf C tKS LOT TEEMS. AND CHE.1P. Cen- REAL. ESTATE dty 25 SPECIAL 4 room house north oa car Una $2, 100, with $100 down. 6 room ' hoasa to trade for 8 room house. " 3 aerea with rood boats 3 blocks from car line trade for houae in town. 7V acres close ia. with 5 room hoase. pared road, close to school, trad for house in townn. f TH0MASON 331 V4 Sute bt. j SS-dlltf A Linen Mill for Salem Is Secured Thia means that real estate valaes la Salem will increase 20 per cent within the nest twelve months. JC8T THE PLACE Madera 5 room , ' bungalow fireplace. urnae, Hwd floors ' ate. Only $4500; .ood terms. , LOOK AT THIS 7 room honse. lot ' 75x150, garag-e, paved atreet. Abun dance of fruit. Owner has to selL Make an offer. , Yon will have to act quickly if yon want to chooae a good Vt sera tract In "Salem Highway Tracts." Prices ranging from $400 up according to lo cation. - - i We write Insurance. Rich L. Reimann Bealtor ' 4-5-6 D'Arcy Bldg. Phone 1013. -r 35-d7tf $30O DOWN PUTS TOC IN MODERN 5 room cottage, i Cloee in oa paving and ear. uas, I dry tun and basement. Possession aow. AU bitlsnce like rent. Could yon loe. BKCKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bide. 23 dlfltf 6 ROOM HOUSE ON PAVED STREET, - large lot, fruit, garage $2800. 4 room new honse. Esst Salem, far nace, paved street, $3600; easy terms. S room strictly modern home, very close in. excellent condition, practically 1 new, $5950. Oood terma. Beautiful new home of 7 rooms, strictly modern ia every way. Oaks, ad dition. 87750. ( 9 room hsuse in four apartments, es- ceuent furnace, tarae tot. two garagea, paved atreet on car line, price $5000 including meet of the farniahinca. Will tsko small house, grocery store or batcher shop aa part payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor 218 Oregon Building. 25-47tf BRAND NEW COTTAGE ON PAVING and car. .'Baeetnent aad fireplace. 4 rooms and nook, i Price 13500. Kess- onable terms. , Move in. BKCKE A HENDRICKS ' U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25 dlStf $500 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT takes 1107 Jorth t loth. It a modern. - basement, ldry tuba, paved, walks, and gsrase. Quick posaenaioD. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bsnk Bldg.- 1 25 d7tf FIRST CLASS INVESTMENT New 4 room bungalow, basement, good lot. Snap $1)150. 25 acre farm all ia cultivation. Rood boaldiars. 10 aerea fruit, stock, tools. feed. Near town aa paved road saooo, terms or exebsage for resi ' den re. t j , Dandy good grocery store and fix tares, lease of bid fa. aad living rooms. Money maker. 25 acre farm near Pratum $4000. If you. want to exchange city prop arty, areere or farms, see na. PERKINF. A MARSTERS Commercial Club Bldg. 25-detf PRINTED CARDS SIZR 14 BY 7H" wording "For Sale, Enquire At" Prie 10 eocta each. Statesman - Bnalaat Office. Groaad Floor. GOOD 5 ROOM COTTAGE ON OAK atreet. Reasonable payment down aad balance . like rant. AJ 0. B0HRNSTEDT i J'i l . : i , v ' ' 147 North Commercial Street, .1 Salem. Oregon. , ! 25-dlOU JUST OUTSIDE SALEM MODERN home with everything, $4750; terms Drapee, liaoleams, electric raaga, etc. 1 BECKE A HENDRICKS U. & Bank Bldg. . 25-n20ti LARGE FAMILY HO M E--LARO E rooms. large lot. large beariag fruit trees, large gsrage. Urge schools near, small price $3650. term. . - BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank B.'dx. 25-dl6tf 5 ROOMS MODERN GARAGE. TERMS. ' See at 1167 N. 16th. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. . 25-n25tf CASH BUY i SCBCRBAX HOMES WE have four we are proud of, $4200 to $11,000. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Baak Bldg. -dl6tf BARGAIN LOT MONDAY ONLY WE have lot you will say worth $750 for aaia for 8425. . BECKK A HENDRICKS , U. S. Bonk Bldg. 25-d7tf , HOMES FOR SALE $1900.00 New 4 room bungalow oa ' paved, atreet and ear. line. $500 down,: balance terms. $2100.006 room bouse located oa . Mill St. $700 down, balance $20 per month. $5800.00 1-7 room borne located 374 N Summer street, $1000 down. $7000.00 7 rooms completely modern and hasrly new. Iocs ted in tbe Oaks i addition. $1500 down snd will take eeod lot up to $1 SOO. $7500.00 -o rooms modern ia every way ami ready to occupy loeotcd on N. Summer street. Essy terms, Ne n today. $1-650.00 -New fotir room bungalow not uite - finished" located near city limits south. Thia ia a real 'opportunity for some one. $ 500 0O i-3 room rarare bouse located a X," 18th; St. Terms. $I77j.OO -A room bonne with modern plumbing and electric lights snd on psvwi street. $3.10 down, bat ,' eneei$20 per month. fi . W Write Fire Innnrsnee , ; W. H. GRABENHORST CO. : Realtors ' 27 Stste. S. ; 25-d20 Man seldom has opportunity to feel wholly virtuous except when he carries a quart bottle of vinegar down the street. . : . MINUTE MOVIES M Cffi CV4 Pi CTvjRrJ 50SG- WHAT MAKES YOU L0VE1HAT CELLAR. SO ?" . . $ j ecowesT u: . iv 4 1: BUSINESS Opportunities 26 INCOME WITHOUT WORK 12 room modern apartmennt house, garages, large lot, good location, in come 10 per cent on $10,800, price for a short time $5500;- will give easy terms or consider a good car or small house. This may sell quickly. Act now. SOC0L0F8KY 841 State St. 26 d!3tf AN AUTO BUSINESS SITE 1 Well located in Salem. See Wm. Fleming. 841 State St. 26-d7tf SMALL HOTEL FOR SALE FR0PER ty and furnishings, $7000. Good valley town. Modern plumbing and heating. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 26-d7tf BUSINESS LOCATIONS FOR LEASE 25 by 80 and 50 by 80. Reasonable and long leaae. i BECKE A HENDRICKS ' U. S. Bank Bldr. ' 26-dl6tf REAlt ESTATE Favrm 28 10 ACRES CLOSE SALEM PAVING, modern bldgt, $8000. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. ; 28-d7tf t In Polk County Near good town, on highway, 42 acres, nearly all in cultivation. 4 room good houae and good barn, suitable for amall dairy. Partly equipped, $4500 and only a little caah. Robiaaon. Ore gon Bldg. , 28 dig EXCHANGES 40 ACRF.S WELL IM proved with 20 acres of prunes and 10 aerea of walnut and cherries. 5 miles out aad 1 mile from pavement, on 5 ravel, price $20,000 and he wanta a airy or a atock ranch; 40 acres north ' nesr highway well improved worth $16,000, wsnts stork ranch; 60 acre well improved 4 miles from town and nesr station snd school, on market road, worth $6OO0. wanta amall tract cloee; $20,000 income for farm of eqnal value clear; $25,000 income, coming business district for farm; 40 mighty fine improved acres at $12,000 , for Salem residence. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bsak Bldg. Phone 140 i t 28-dl6tf 19 ! ACRES CLOSE BALE $6500. BECKK A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. , 28 d7tf For Sale or Exchange HERE ARE TWO EXCELLENT 10 ACRE IMPROVED TRACTS! Well located, only 40 rods apart, with nice east frontage on County high way, 13 miles north of Sstem. Only one mile from town and high school, closer to country school. On of the 10 acre tracts I nicely improved; with good 4 room honse and barn and beau tiful oak grove; 4 aerea ia prunes. 2 aerea bearing, also berries and other family fruit. Jast a real cozy home, ad good level producing land, priced ' very conservative for quick sale, at only $3500.00 with good terma. The ether tract near by, is ia a high state of cultivation and fenced, and is excellent land, but poor buildings. This ' is also priced low, only $2250. Both tracts owned by ssme party snd all clear of debt. The owner win accept good clear North Salem residence or close ia 5 acre improved tract as part payment. ( Owner leaving oa account of ill health ; reason for sellinc See WKLLS TALLMAN A SON ' 229 Oregon Building Salem, Ore con. 28 dl4 FARM BARGAINS TODAY TRADES for Salem property. Gertrude J. M. Page 28-d5tf 10 ACRES 83500. EOOE OF SALEM. Bldgs. Will trade for city property. BiCCKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldr, 28-d7tf REAL ESTATE Exchange 20 Best Buys and Exchanges 25 aerea. oa pavement, improvements, want grocery, price $3500. . 1 S3 acre. Improvements. 7 mile south. $4,200; terms. $i600 buys grocery and lunch count er, terms. 8 Mi aerea 8 miles south, $400 cash, terms if desired. $1050 baya house and 2 lots, $200 cash. :- Socolofsky 341 SUte St. i 29-dl3tf EXCHANGE PORTLAND INCOME prop erty $10,000 for Salem. Farms Montaas. Nebraska. N. Dak.. Idaho , California, for Oregon. For sale booses. $500; $700; $1100; $1, 00; $2500; $3500; $4500; $5, 600; $7800; $8500. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. g-d7tf REAL ESTATE Suburban SO I Have a Six Acre Place Close in with good house ' aad old barn oa highway. Will sell at a bar gain or will rent. Also my aix room semi-modern home on Fairmount hill. . I'U sell for $3000 and take Just a littl eash. See my agent, Robinaoa, Oregon Wdg. B30-dl9 USED CARS For Sale 31 Ford Specials Today 1915 touring $ 45.09 1916 touring 60.0O 1P19 taurine 7.V0O 1917 roadster 1 loo.OO 1920 roadster 4 170.00 1921 roadster, starter ... , 235.00 19J4 road liter, starter 350.00 1919 touring, starter 11.V0O 1920 touring, starter 1HO.OO 1921 touring, atarter. 22V0O 12I touring, starter............ S70.O0 1923 coupe . 395.00. ; ' EASY TERMS Valley Motor Co. Authorized Pord Te1er Phone 1995260 North High Sl-d7f They say Americans are not thorough; but, darn it, one can't read all of a Sunday paper. J : 1 A) liEATlPUL. BALLAD SVX:CE55 peir PARED TCRL IPE: SC&EEM -tD-VJMEELAM SfeU BEEN .DOUiM -SJAlBS A3-AlM7? Yr 1 PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of Intention to Improve North Cottage Street From Market Street to South Street. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem deems it necessary and ex pedient, and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve North Cottage Stret from the north line of Market Street to the south line of South Street at the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, except the street intersections the expense of which will be aseumed by the City of Sa lem, Oregon, by bringing said por tion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six inch cement concrete pavement thirty feet wide ' in accordance with the plans and specifications and estimates therefor which were adopted by the said council Decern ber 15th, 1924, which said plans, specifications and estimates arc now on file in the office of the .City Recorder and which are here by made a part of thia notice. The said council hereby declares it purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the Street Im provement Department of the City of Salem. , - By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of December, 1924. M. P0ULSEX. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is D-ls-30. Notice of Assessment for Cost of : Improving Alley in Block 81, j City of Salem. I Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will at or about 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the 5th day of January. 1925, or at any sub sequent meeting of the said coun cil thereafter in the council cham bers at the ,City Hall, Salem, Ore gon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part of lot liable therefor their proportionate share of the cost of Improvinghe alley in Block 81 of the original plat of the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. ' All persons interested in the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear before the ' said council at said time and place and present their objections, if any they have, to said assessment and apply to the said council to equalize their proportionate share jf eame. : . .,, , By order of the Common Coun ill December 15th. 1924. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. 1 Date of first publication hereof is D-18-19-20. Xotlce of Assessment for Cost of : Improving Alley in Block 67, 1 City of Salem. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, will at or about J:30 o'clock P. M. on the 5th day at January, 1925, or at any sub lequent meeting of the said coun cil thereafter in the council chambers of the City Hall in Sa lem, Oregon,, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof liable therefor its propor tionate share of the cost of im proving - the alley running north ind south through Block 67 of the original plat of the City of Salem, Marion County. Oregon, from the Touth line of Union Street to the north line of Marion Street. I f All persons interested in the 3aid assessment are hereby noti fied to appear : before the. said council at said time and place and present their objections, if any they have, to said assessment and apply to the said council to equa lize their proportionate share of same. . - , j By order of the Common Coun cil December 16th, 1924. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. v Date of first publication hereof U rx.i8-io.2o. BUDGET BOARD VOTES AGAINST APPROPRIATION t Continued from page 1) the cost of operation for the next bienalum. The only effect of .the Iofb of the appropriation will be to reduce the dividends paid em ployers, which vary from compara tively little to as high a 6 per cent in some instances. The ap propriation requested was approxi mately 50 per cent of the estimat ed cost of administration for the hiennlum. 1 (All rights protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark , CHORUS ; r-. .- j VbO VJtED To sTfey AROUND UPSTAIR. j ANO BNTtfeETAlW A FELLEP- , 5JT NO) VCURE: ALUAyc7 SNEAKlAJO- DOWNi ArVO VISITING- THE. CELLAR. VCAteE N6T TME- JANiToR .1 MoW - ; JJW AT PiPs VOU LOVE. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS ! DIRECTORY Of Reliable Business and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference K t AMBTJLAJTCB. 1 FTNXRAL DIRECTORS ; BEPAXBHa'a Phone 60S. 173 Bouth Liberty. AUCTIONEERS V V tunnnov t Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate 1 aUtTlUM,tK Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone 811 for aaiea oaiea. L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer Phone 470 203 U. 8. Bank Bldg - I - : i-!5 G. BATTERLES Auctioneering i ' Rooms 25-26, Breyman Block Phone 430 or 121 1J. ine-12tf AUTO FAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUR OAS WITH U ear new permanent finish. - r ftvaurr Caaa High Street at Trade BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON KXIDB BATTERIES .starter and generator work; 171 South iwmmereiei. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY 8ERVICE station. Expert battery aad electrical work, rerria Broa, Phone 3803. 416 uourt. 631 Court 8t JOE WILL1AM8 BICYCLES AND BEPAIRINO LLOYD X. RAM 8DEN DAYTON BICT- eles snd ttpiiriat; "f---. CHIME SB REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM. CHINESE ' Medicine Co., hilp ar.y known disease 430-428 State Bt, Salem, Oregon. oSOtf CHXBOrODZST DR. St. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tion,! University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Pbone S40. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. It. 8COTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 37. ra. 828-R. L CLEANERS A DYEBS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We epe eislite on one day service. CONTRACTORS POR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 N. Summer street Phone 674-J. iTHERRT CITY CONTRACTING CO. 'General contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1S67R or 59F13, d26tf DRESSMAKINO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V" wording "Dreasmaking; price 10 cent each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. U A 8 O K I C building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. ! fLEENER ELECTRIC CO. Houae wising by hour or eontraet. Ea- timates fnraiehed. Phone 980. 471 Oonrt 8t. 1 ' FARM PATER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15c to the Pacifii Bomestead, Salem, Oregon for a three scathe' trial aabeeriptioa. Meatiaa - 'thia ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO , eent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest jooraal in the west. The articles and advertise meats are ef special interest to the poultry bredere of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com TevHastreetSaJemregPJ FINANCIAL rARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good frm security. CITY LOANS We are iosning Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residences and business property, at SHffi, phis a commission. Hawkins 4t Roberts. Inc., 205 Oregon Building. . x. d-4tf LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP- arty at a low rate on the easy payment plan, so at end of year you are all paid up. Farm loans oa large or amall tracts; private money. Bee first and yea will go no farther.. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. - ! City Loans j ANDERSON RUPERT Agents - t 40$ Orefoa Building 1 FAKa LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, bo commission. Protect egeinat adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly installments, prs-pay-ment privileges. J. C Siegmuad. room 2 over Ladd A Bush bsnk. Farm Loans ANDERSON A RUPERT , inn Oivrnn RnlMlnr I FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS 'nueesl wreaths, decoration. C. T. Breithaupt, floris, 123 N. Liberty Phone 88O. IPJapa dear-I.vovb nose is eeddeb "WAN IT R.EALLV OUSMT To Eb - MAVE: v&U SOT -TWE MEiE.Bl--5EE&iE5' ? j CRiED A LlTTLH LAD NftMD LEE. -y0U SMOULtjNlOTCjO IAJ "THE BASEMENT iT'vSj ALSiMy& DARK! ANT COL& , AMDMWEM VbU DO COME. Up FOfZ. AlK. i JJMV DOEsS" My MAMA, SCOLD ? " SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO tors. 210 Center. Phone 165S. ! FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for less money. 872 Court, Phone 484. - 1 PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. CommerciaL 1 HEM3TITCHINO THE .VOGUE FOR HEMSTITCHING stamped good. 429 V4 Court. 14-dI3 MRS. C. E. MILLER, nEM STITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, ever Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. j 1 1 HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PLEAT ing. Tbe Petite Shop, Room 6, over Buiicks. n29tf SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, button, stamping and needle OMEOPATHIO FHYSICZAM DR. U Q. ALTMAN, H0MEOPATHI8T. Io a geaaral practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from diseases of heart, livr or kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence, 296 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. Phone 147. 1 INSURANCE WARREN r. POWERS Life. Accident. Fire. Automobile 219 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 607 Insure Your noma or car now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS IT. B. Bank Bldg. LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN LANDSCAPE GARDENING j I SAVE MONEY BY HAVINO YOUR lawn built by the Blake Landscape company. Phone 1324-41. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 816 8. Liberty atreet. Phone 25. o I d e S V largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quslity work; prompt aervioe; 1244 Broadway. Phone 165. - t ' 24EDZCAX MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY; r Phone 517-W. acusza stores 8HERMAN, CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Steinways, Duo-Art and others. Moore'a Muaie House, 415 Court Street. 3EO. a WILL PIANOS, PHONO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet muaie, aad piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and aewing machines; ; A32 State street, Salem. ! fRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. SUff Fumi-tnrMosicDept- NATUROPATHIO PHTSICIANS j R. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. V'aone 110. . NURSERY STOCK "RUIT, , NUT AND SHADE TREES i PejTyiBjiosSTStatel PACKING AND SHIPPING fOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff'a Furaltare Store, Phone 941. s 80tf Wall paper sample books and ......... .... . books oa wall decorations. Max 0. Burea, 179 M. Com'L, Salens. PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE deooratiag. paper hanging, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. . 1 PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will' a Musie Store. I PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIB work. Grsber Bros., 141 8. Liberty Phone US' f-ltf RADIO Radiolas For Every Purpoe Every Puree r.e. , tt a. i M e: - mi oiaouara oiaea of Radio Tube! i HALiK A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 488 i RADIO DOCTORS SAL KM ELECT RIO CO. F. & BARTON. Prop. Vaaoni Tew Tit e Phowe 1400 Registered U. S. Patent Office) ' i i aiJBw3ataaaBBm ALVIN B. STEWART . 847 Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery aad Roya Lawnmowers. rasor-biadee, scissors knives and tool sharpened. SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR , bage aad refuae of all kiads removed J by the month. ' Reasonable rates. Cess pools eleaned and dead animal re moved. Phonr: Office 85; Re. 2058 BECOITD HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and ihoea. Beat pf ice paid. Cap it si Exchange; 843 North Commercial Phone 1888-W. STOVES AVD STOVB REPAIRXNG 8TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National I nee, iies 28 to 58 in. high. Paints. ' oils and varnishes, ate., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Worka. 250 Court Street. Phone 124. , TRANSFEB AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 228 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage aur specialty. Get our rates W5 MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty is piano and . furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We hand Is the best coal and wood. Call oa us for prices. We aire good measure, rood quality aad good : . service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kind. Phone I9F3. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager. Central Stage Terminal SALEM, OREGON Principle One-Way and Round-Trip One - Round Wsy i Trip $l.oo $1.70 . .75 1.25 , .50 ' .90 . 1.00 1.80 . .73 1.25 . .65 1.00 . .73 1.40 . 4.60 , 7.40 . 3.53 5.70 1.85 3:00 , 1.60 2.60 . 1.25 2.00 . 1.50 2.40 Station McMiaaville . . ; Monmouth ... . . .... Dallas Falls City ; . SUverton , Independence s ,.. Amity Tillamook ....1. Hebo -J. Willsmina . Sheridsn Dayton Newberr ; Parker Htajte lines makes bir reduc tion in Express Rate, from 20 to 50 . cents on tbe hundred pounds. Reason able ratea on C.O.D. collecting. . Send jour .express by Stage and get quicker aervfee. . -r-Call 696 for Information V WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO Office, 801 South Commercial St. Tel per cent discount oa domestie flat rates paid ia advance. No dedaetioa for absence or any cause anlaea water I. SALEM MARKETS ' n ' - 4 . Prices quoted are wholesale a4.' art prices received by tsrmera. Na ratal prieea are given. GRAIN AND HAT No.' 1 soft white wheat .. $1.57 Xo. 1 soft red wheat $1.53 Oats . .......53 fit 56c Cheat hay ... $1214 Oat hay ; $13 Clover hay, baled .15 Q $ie that and Vetch hay in PORK. MUTTON AND BEEF Hogs, 160-200 ewt ...... $8.90 Hors. 200-250 ewt .;...$8.5 Hoc. 200-250 w.t ....1 $8.40 Rough Heavy . 5 a 6 Laight sow " Top val Dressed veal, top... Cows Lambs .. ? - POULTRY Hesvy hens.... Springers ; . ! Light hens ...7Vrt ..nimc 23f , He r18e 18 .1214c Durki .15(lo. Old rooster Turkeys, choice. 30-31e Live turkeys 22 to 24c EGOS. BUTTER. BUTTERFAT Orearn-ry butter ..4647e Butterfat, i delivered 43c. Milk. per. ewt ..A 81.9(1 Eir Standards .....41 43c Pullets ; - 35c T GENERAL MARKETS PORTLAND. Dec. 18. Grain futufes: Wheat, hard white, blue- stem and Baart, December $1.76; January $1.77; February $1.78; soft white December $1.73; Jan uary, February $ 1.73 ; - western white, hard winter. December $1.68; January, February $1.70; northern spring, December, Jan uary, $1.69; February $1.71; western red, December $1.65; Jan nary $1.66; February $1.67; HUB hard wblte. December, January, February $185. , Oats No. 2 white feed, Dec ember. January $40; February, $40.50; No. 2 gray, December $39.50; ; January, February $40, Barley No. 2 feed, December, January. February $4 4. . ! Corn No. 3, eastern yellow shipment, December $50.50; Jan uary $50. Millrun December, January, February,. $36. : " PORTLAND, DecM 8. Hay un changed. SEATTLE, Dec. 18. Hay and grain unchanged. By ED WHEEL AN g;PEAT AT VtJOB kM) -MM PORTLAND. Dec. 18. Eggs firm, unchanged; current re ceipts 42c; pullets 4040; henneries 4444Vc delivered in Portland. ' Butter firm; extras, cubes, city 41c; standards 40c; prime firsts 21 Vt; firsts 3 6 Vic; under grades nominal; prints 45c; car tons 46c. . - 1 . Butterfat firm; ' best churning cream 40c net shippers track zone one. i Vital Statistics Report Shows Causes of Death WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. ThO department of commerce announc es that 1.193,017 deaths occurred in 1923 within the death registra tion area of continental United States, representing a death rate of 12.3 per 1.000 population as compared with a rate of 11.8 in 1922. -... ' j . .- j' The death registration area (ex clusive of the territory of Hawaii) irr 1923 comprised 32 states, the District of Columbia, and 14 cities In non-registration states, with a total estimated population on July 1 of 93,926,371, or 87.6 per cent of the estimated population of the United States. i . The increase in (he ratex from influenza, from 31.4 per 100,000 population in 1922 to 44.7 in 1923. and from pneumonia (all forms) from -102.1 per 100.000 population in 1922 to 109 in 1923.' accounts for nearly half the in crease in the rate from all cauoes. Some of the other causes f?r which the rates increased are dis eases of the heart, measles, cereb ral hemorrhage, whooping cough, cancer, automobile accidents, ne phritis, railroad accidents, and. accidental falls. ; I . Decreases appear in the deiih rates from tuberculosis (all forms) diphtheria, malaria and typhoid, and paratyphoid fever. US-JAPANESE BREAK IS WOT NOW EXPECTED t Continued from page 1) ance the two governments will be come increasingly . embarrassed when they; deal with one another. Whether Mr. Hughes had in mind any particular subject of re cent agitation when he Issued his statement today -as not revealed. State department officials were not inclined to add anything ; to his pronouncement welcoming the ; new ambassador but it was re- ca'.led significantly that such a j statement on such an occasion ! Rtood virtually vithout precedent ! in tbo history of American fdl- j plomacy. . Blood is Poisoned By a Torpid Liver Deadly toxins e a tins diseases ef heart kidneys tand create aa prematura eld age All the blood in our bodies passes through the liver every 15 minutes. The liver la the blood's purifier. i Our blood is constantly poison ed by body, toxins formed in food waste, and when the liver becomes weak, or torpid, our systems are at once tainted by impure blood. These are the poisons that, if not destroyed by the liver, cause dis eases of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels and create premature old age. , " .....- ! Nature gives quick warning of a torpid liver. You have sudden sick headaches,- dizzy spells; your; gtomach is acid from sour bile, your skin turns sallow, blotchy. Doctors, know the liver cannot be regulated by drugs, but a safe U Nature substance has been dis covered which will act directly on the- liver. The discovery is pari-1 fled ox gall. ! Get from your druggist a pack-j age of-Dioxol. Each tablet con- j .ains ten drops of purified ox gall., In 2 4 hours tbe poison toxins will be removed. Your liver will be "regulated. Blood purification will begin. Sallow skin will clear. You riii feel so much better you will; know you have found the cause I 3t your ill health. ! I These genuine ox gall tablets; re prepared only under the name DIoxol." If any tablet is offered! vou under another name, refuse it.j Vcccpt only Dioxol in the original, j ;enuine package.-; Adv. i V Use Statesman ,f Want ';. Ads They Bring You 'What Vou Want Without' Delay Telephone . or , L -563