THE OREGON' STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1924 AUDRED BUNCH Ty'iTlSS ELIZABETH LORD who 1VX left Salem for the Philip pines in October writes of an in teresting, two and a" half months' trip she fs taking with Mrs. Mnr ray Warner, and Mrs.- Lillian Sea ton of Eugene, having joined them at Hong Kong. 'Saigon, ' In-do-China, Siam, Singapore, and Java are air included In an in teresting itinerary. Of particular interest inr the .letter la the ac count of a trip 'to a scenic ruins at Safgon seldom visited by tour ists on account of its difficulty of access. - V' -' Miss Lord expects to be 1n Man ila again the first of February. ' - - t - Mr. and-Mrs. Curtis bS Cross hare moved to their new home, 222 Lincoln street. , , .; ;m:' ... - - One of the most Interesting events of the season was that cel ebrating , last Saturday, evening, the 40th anniversary of the mar riage of s, Mr. and Mrs. William 1 vl PHONE 106 McGilchrist. Sr. The affair. complete surprise to ' the honor guests, was charmingly arranged by their daugnters, miss fctnei aic Hi1hHtt nnrl Mlsa Hazel MeGil chirat at the McGilchrist home in Ralem Heights: : . : The assemblage of over 60 friends gathered while the honor guests were enjoying a delightful dinner party at; tne home. 01 Air. and Mrs. William McGilchrist Jr. "ITnexDected out of town "Visit ors" brought them' back to the scene of the festivities planned for their pleasure -Mr. and Mrs. McGilchrist, whose marriage was an event in uias rnw. Scotland, i 40 vears ago. re peated their vows again Saturday evening, the ceremony being im pressively performed by Reverend W. C. Kantner. Miss Louise 1 own a ninTitir th wed dine march The bride of bonnle Scotland again wore the flowing bridal veil and the symbolic orange bios soma, and the groom approached mm: vim 5 - Shopping Days Until Christmas oimas ! Gifts of Wool Hose , We have several broken lines of nearly all sizes including Wool or Silk and Wool in Eaige with brown clox, ribbed blue and brown heathers. These are perfect hose but just to clean up the few remaining pairs of some numbers we have priced them at 98c of wool in plain and ribbed weaves ; Air dale, Manila, ; Havana Brown, and Black and White. ..; . , ;.i $1.98 I , A special lot of wool mixtures in the winter shades with- clox of contrasting colors. ' . :' :'!' " U 4 f!V 85c ( 'W p ' rf? .9 fi 1 Watch for our Christmas Suggestions & " . Daily 1 1 High , Grade Hand Bags .of" Boarded Cow'Hid e, .very-special at-'V"'. : . ; ' i ,Cov Hide - Leather Siiit Cases,H24 inch just ' re- dticed to1 -r-.V !. ... t ; .-. ' . a Cedar Lined Fiber Stu- 1 Suv?1? 7?? $19.(30 Luggage makes a most acccptible present for young or.jcll Almost no one has all they, heed in traveling goods, For ' "...' . . . , . Sp ecial Holiday Selliri or to I have stocked generously of popular and high grade merchandise and invite all to look over the. values Trunks--Suit Cases Hand Bags for every occasion and at various prices. " : 11&?Z O. : BUREN Furniture - Rus Pictures 17: Ccr?r-crcial St. . ' Salem, Ore. the altar in " the eonrentional black. - - 1 Beautiful baskets qf yellow and white chrysanthemums decorated the rooms where delicious refresh ments were serred at the end of the evening. The wedding cake was made for the occasion by Mrs. Andrew Duncan, and was cut by the -bride." f A host of gifts and good wishes awaited the honor guests . from their many friends, and from the children. The PEO sisterhood with which . Mrs. McGilchrist has long been actiTely associated delighted her with their gift.' Pleasing pro gram .numbers were, the , recita tions which both Mns. Cordon Mc Gilchrist and Dr. H, C- Epley gave. Thirty-three years, go Mr.' and Mrs. McGilchrist left Scotland for America, coming directly to Port land. The family rnowd to a farm i at Rosedale in 1.893, and since that time Rosedale'-and Sa lem have claimed the McGyichrists as their own. ' Nine children have blessed the union, eight of whom live -within Immediate reach of Salemv Wil liam Jr., James, and Gordoin Mc Gilchrist all make Salem their home, as do two daughters. Miss Ethel and Miss Hazel,"; wha- live with their parents, and whk ar ranged the . festive anniversary party on Saturday. Millar Mc Gilchrist, the first in the faonily born in America, makes his. hjome In Portland. Nlcol McGilchrist is also in Portland, while G'ebrge lives in Albany. Mrs. Willlan P. Douglas is a daughter'ot the fam ily living in California.. -4 ; " ; The Woman's Alliance will m eet at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon lat the Unitarian church. Mrs. Aug usta Higgert and Mrs. Elsie De Yine will be the hostesses. ; , U-;-;-..7 Dr. and Mrs. M. P. Mendelsohn will be guests over the Christmas holidays in San Francisco, Gal. They plan to leave Sunday to be gone over New Years. i ; Mr. and Mrs." C. M. Inman were the hosts, entertaining at 7 o'clock dinner, for the last meeting of the Tano club. Invited guests for the occasion were Mr. and-Mrs. W. I. Needham. Five hundred was the after .dinner diversion the prize going to Mrs. E. L. Kap- phahn. :- - ; Dinner covers were placed for: Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Needham, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R.-C. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kapphahn, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Patton, Mr. and, Mrs. Leon w. Johnson, and the hosts, Mr and Mrs. C. M. Inman.. , v . . t Sofia! Calendar; t , Today s OAC ' clujb. - Christmas party. Colonial Iame Tea Shoppe. : f War Mothers' cooked, food sale and bazanr. S. P. office. North liberty aftreet- ' - , ' Uncol a school Christmas pro at scboolhoiise 1 o'clock. Lucy Anna Lee circle. Hus bands gu ests. Mrs. Florian Von JEschen, 1 1775 Court street. Womain'8 auxiliary of St. Paul's church. Mrs. U. G. Shipley, 975 E street.' . . Woman's Alliance. 2:30 o'clock. Unitarian' church. Spanish: War Veterans auxili ary, Mrs. iCale Abrams, ,1465 Chemeketa street, hostess. . fiUnrtlay . AAUW luncheon. 12:30 o'cloek. aTarion hotel, : . i : f Sunday ' Christmas JPageant, "The Heavenly- Host."i First Methodist church Sundfiy school. Church, 7:30 o'clock.1. . f . , .; Christmas concert. Central Con gregational cthurch choir. 7:30 o' clock. , The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's church will meet this af ternoon at the home of Mrs. U." G. Shipley, 975 E street. , tw . .' , The Capitol bridge luncheon club wias ' charmingly entertained with a 3. o'clock luntheon on Wed nesday at the Gray Slelle at which Mrs. George G.- Brown was the hostess. The grouj later gather ed at the home of Mrs. Brown for bridge. Mrs. Dan Pry, Jr., was un invited guest for the occasion Mrs. E. L. Baker fwon the atter- noon's high score. . At tne iuncneon. covers were placed for: Mrs. E. L. Baker. Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner, Mrs. Frank W. Durbin, Mrs. W. IH. Dancy, Mrs. L. F. Griffith. Mrs. O. C. Locke. .Mrs. Milton L. "Meyers, Mrs. Frank Meredith, Mrs. H. H. dinger, Mrs. -George Rodgers, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith." and the hostess, Mrs. George G. Brown. . The members of the Lucy Anna Lee circle of the First Methodist church will entertain their hus bands this evening at the home of Professor and Mrs. Florian Von Eschen, 1775 Court street.. The presentation of "The King' this evening at the Oregon school for the blind will mark one of the delightful Christmas programs of the season. The school closes tW8TvenJhgrtramriinerrthaTliDlI? days when all but nine of the 46 pupils will go to their homes to celebrate Christmas. ,, The public , is cordially, invited to be present for the - program which will open at 8 o'clock this evening in the school chapel. The numbers follow: . m juuuRer cniiaren. it was a ! staggering load 1 for shotlders which nature had, made all too slender for suclr burdens. Rut it did not daunt Adelia Prifhard. She is not th. kind of woman who cries quiia, as her brave, $ weet, characterful face, will ehow. And so she backled dnvn in hir " task, and somehow or lother S t a ti; Viit. Ta T ' Pull .(.h.n. Reader . . . ; . . . .Helen Howard. I ? has .wo throiigh. She has ac- Who Is He.?"..... -- nooic r by croofc, an cuuvoiiuu. outs iuojs won si trepu" tation for efficiency and achieve ment in ! the business world that made her. the logical choice for tne most important office fin the biggest business women's organi zation save the trades unions that the world has ever known. She has even been a j success by the gauge by which iuccess Is more measured monetary Elizabeth Higgins Hazel Hutchison "Rejoice, O Lowly Bethlehem" Senior Chorus "The Starlight Bids tJs Follow" ............. Junior Chorus "No Room For Thee", . ;.. . . .'. . . . v . . Junior Chorus "Chorus of Shepherds"..,. .. Boys' Chorus frequently . . ...w.. ....... j v j i v . feturns ino uui i uring . . uiaays nacKe "Joy to the World" i. Full Chorus This morning marks the open ing of St. Joseph's super-bazaar at the new St. Joseph's' hall which will continue for three days. The feature of the third day Sunday will be the Chicken dinner ser vice from 12 to 2:30 o'clock. Dain ty booths, delightful gatherings, diverse amusements, hope , chest, handy Christmas gifts, help the cause tne placards reaa, in giv- x K ' ' . - .. TT - -.- . i ,.."'1 .-.if . '! '"!.. 4 " 1 1 i -.,1 rmmmmm But the finest thing about Adelia Prichard ia that she has not allowed this success to turn her head. She is simple and un affected in manner and dress; simple and direct i in her method of approach to people. She keeps always Deiore ner itne medium by which the important thing is to be accomplished.- Whether she Is ex- j plotted or cot in the ultimate ac complishment does not occhr to her.; TO her service is the key- note of success In! business. I she CLASSIFIED SECTION Phone 23 .Advertlstnjr Dept GLaSSmiD AovxatisiuaKTi i IUu per word: Per insertion - - ' ! t Three laeertioas - Se One week (aix lntrtiont) Un montb ' ." . ' 8 20a ftia month' eontraet, per month 15e 1 months' eontnet, per stonth12 Vlnhnoa tot any 4vertlMment-$S Moiiey to Loan . i Oa Bcil EeUte t , T. K. POED (Over Ledd Bum Bunk) FOR SALE Miscellaneous 8 l?S eU" ilCPe and pos3lbm- has made it likewise they keynote ties of the sale Owing to the inclemency of the weather the Lincoln . school pro gram. announced to take place at the Leslie church this evening has BZrOBX TOT LEAVE TOTTB HOME OB CAR HAVE IT Insured properly Phone 161. Becke A Bendrlcka. V. 8 Hack Bld(. I-28U AUTO TOPS to her personal Ufa. And through her daily contacts. and through the 1 inspiration of her spoken and written - words, thousands of business women STATIONARY; TOPS The very latest in auto topi - Reasonable Priee- O. J, HULL 219 State 8t, . 8 117tt FORRENT " I ii m. a. . j . hon. .titiH Thn hnni will I mrouguoui America are re-Duua have its Christmas nroeram at InK Jheir business j careers abound this ideal of service, and 'miking themselves what the federation designs them to be. "better bus iness women in a better business world." -1 the school house at 1 o'clock. ' ; 1 ' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Graben-horst-were hosts on Wednesday evening for a group ot friends at three tables of five hundred. The house was attractive with Christ mas bells and nrlvid Yule-tide fk.,..'r.iMTiir ilia hnstAS! .- 1 uo' . ..-. - -",.. . i ' --. The home of r Mrs. Frank BOUSES AND APARTMENTS TOR rent. i-none t6 or eremnfv 1563-M. 4-d20 TOR RENTSTORE ROOM OX STATE ' street. See , J.ii. JLaaterman. Hotel : ArfO. . . 4-n20t( HOUSE AND APARTMENTS. zoso-J. - '- - - PHONE 4-nlStf The children will meet at : the library at 10 'o'clock ' Saturday PRINTED CARDS. SIZE' 14" BT 7A l wording i or Ment," priee lO cents .) eaen. etaiesmaa uatlneaa oiliee, on If you can gjet back to the bid home for Xmas Send Your Photograph Sittings will be made up to Sunday evening' and finished for Xmas. j For appointments phone 263. GUNNELL-& ROBB Studio at the end of the long hall on the ? fourth floor of the Oregon building Oberer assisting the hostess? The ladies- first prize of the evening went to "Mrs. Earl Pearcy, and the gentleman's to Mr. Albert Seeley. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grabenhorst were: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Grabenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. a . i af anrf . VJC vc t""..""".'."1 "V " Special Chrtetma, mu,lc wM! Ely v. . i a0 pitjr cu iiuciuuica on her auto-harpJ Each guest was made the recipient of ai gift from the Christmas grablbag. FOB REXT Apartments ' 5 '. unurenm was ,tne. scene or a charming Christmas party; yester day afternoon when , she- enter tained for" the menfbers of Chap ter G of the PEO. sisterhood. An attractively decorated . Christmas tree was featured! in the room. MODERN - 5 BOOM APT. AND- gLEEP linx porch. $22.60. 115 South 12th St rOR RENT APARTMENTS; Commercial. 801- NO. APARTMENT 268 N. COTTAGE. 5-ntf FURNISHED rooms. APARTMENTS Slaeoini 160, Union. eeping ' 5J3 Seeley. " The Spanish War Veterans Aux lITaryill meet this afternoon with MrsJ Carle Abrams, 1465 Chemeketa street. The Christmas boxes will be packed at this time, with, the members asked to bring their gifts. i .;The following tribute, taken from the 'Portland, Me., Evening Express, is reproduced in the cur FOR REXT -. r : $25 Nice clean, downstaira. farnithed - 5 room apartment and beiement cloae - in. Child tc Bechtel, 540 State St. ; - ' ' ' 5-dl9tI Light refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. , special guests lor the after noon were Mrs. H, ; M. Styles, Dr. Mary Rowland,', aud ' Miss May Ranch from. Chapter AB. j Those of Chapter G present were: Mrs. D. x: Ifieechler, Mrs, C. K. Logan. Mrs. W. B. Burt, Mrs. H. C. Epley; Mrs. E. E. Fish- FOR RENT Rooms ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMAN. Homelike. Phone 2062-W. 6-d21 NICE WARM ROOM, CLOSE IN Phone 585-W. m ' 6-d20 ROOM AND BOARD 434 NORTH Hijrh. rent issue of the ''Independent er, Mrs. W. T. Hickey, Mrs. E. J. Woman.", official organ of the na tlonal federation: ; The - coming of Miss Adelia Prichard of Portland. Ore., pres ident of the National Federation o Business ' and ' Professional Woman's clubs, to this city Is an inspiration- and a challenge to ev elry local business; woman. ,.Miss Prichard .may not only be referred to as a self made woman. but as a, woman who has faced Huffman, Miss Alyce tHoIlister. Mrs. W- M. Hughes, Mrs. G W. Laf lar, Mrs. William McGilchrist, Mrs. B. J. Miles, Mrs. W.J W. Moore, Mrs. A. C. Parr, Mrs. O. E. Price, Mrs. W. M. Smith.-Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, and thef hostess, Mrs. Frank Churchill. , j t Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Davey of 0ro0mDntD vi.i.,,uOB Hillsboro, formerly of Salem, an- that wnulr. have ent a hnsiness UUD.W lueoiriu oiia son, .open venturer to the wall. Her' father -died while she was still in her teens, and left her re sponsible for her mother and sev- I ooqpuifflfliffl 0 d mm) Frank, on Thursday! TJecember 18 at the Bungalow Maternity home. -) SILVERTOM, On, Dec. 1.- (Special.) Of considerable inter est at Silverton is the approach-. Ing wedding of Miss Marian Chase of Corvallis to Clarence Harwood of Silverton. The" date has been set for Sunday and will ' be a church affair. It is Understood that a quiet reception to a few friends and relatives will ' follow the ceremony. ' The wedding Will take place at Silverton. - j Miss Chase was for- two yf ars head of the department of home economics at the Silverton -high school., Last year she had charge of tne same - work ; at Eugene where she is again this year. I ROOM FOR RENT MODERN HOME. i three blocks from state house, for gen tleman. Most five re'ereneea. Pleat addi-esi Aj Bf ear Statesman. 6-ol7tf ROOMS TO RENT CALt 2044-W. ' : i . r - - .-t ..... .... . . g-tf FOR HENT Houses ' 7' FOR RENT M FlVfe ROOM COTTAGE. f 25 a month. ' 1148 N. Com I. For in formation eall 1525 S. Com 'I. 7-d21 FOR RENT 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSE Also combination rente for sale. 1244 Center street. Phone-148-W. 7-d20 NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW BATH. Oa rage, lights, water. Possession at once. See owner, 2011 Maple At. 7-dl9 FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE Locate 1037 S. 13th. See Kletiing- at States man eiiice or jrnono sa4. 7nzstt. FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOU8E Wei located, 922.60. a Six room furnished, close la 935. bi 'zoom nonae v:u. ' F. I. WOOD 841 State St. 7-ngltt : FOR SALE Miscellaneoas 8 JUDD SAWS WOOD PIIONB 142. 8 j8 FOR SALE .GIRL'S 'SECOND HAND bicycle. Good condition. 763 Htata St. ........ . . i-iiu FREE TULIPS HERE JS ANOTHER ; Imiiinj offer: Send 25o to corer pack ing and mailing and I will mail on dosen large April flowering tnlips in assorted colore R.- Valleatgoed, 325 Railway Exch. Bldg.. Seaftle, Wa-h.( 1800 MOTORCYCLE FOR 835. WH1 ride a wheel F. L. Coffin, Ronte 7, Box . - 8-0363 Trespass Notice's I For Sale Tresspass Kotiees, else 14 Inches iy -9. inches, printed on good 10 oug-i canvass bearing the wards, 'Notlce It Hereby Given That Trespassing Is Strictly Forbidden On These Premise Under Penalty Of Prosecution." Prioi 15e each or two for 2Se. Etstet-ms Pnblishinf Company, Salem, Cre?ca " ' - "'' '. ';-'.' ' 8 .l FOR SALE SEVERAL GOOD LATHE3 U sixes. -.Write and tell what site you need. Wo ship. via steamer very cheai. L. Lncas Eon. lne- Endrennrt. ! Conn. LENOX BANJO FOR 8ALE AJMOs; .new. . Phone 1175W. CaU after 6; - ' 8-dt2 GOOD gTEP LADDERS AND POSM wings st a hargain. 1757 Wail r i, '- a iu4 to a I PETLAND OFFERS FOR XMAS PUPS Fox Terriers fS-flO; CI" 5-i0; Airdale 5 25; Toy Silk Pood les 20-$25; Bull 810-S50; Bottom 925-950. . . BIRDS Panama Parrots, guaranteed Toting and Talkers 826; gt. Andreas berg Roller, ; (imported) 'th camry with s oollege education" flS; 1 Birds (green) psir 12.50. Flakn s Petland, Store 27J State, Farm. Pacr e Highway, Salem. 8 oi WARREN NURSERY ALL KINDS O? i run na nut trees, S5 Ferry Street " . ; --. -.' 8-n21 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14' BY" TV4" wording, "itooms to Rent," price 1(1 eents each. Statesman Buslaee Of fice. Ground floor. FOR SALLVLIveftocS ; ..O, ; A CARLOAD OF HORSES AND MULES. come narnessea, nay, one you n if cow. 554 Ferry Su r ' 9-d30 HAVE SOME OF THOSE CHOICE B AR- iey-ret. neatly dressed pies delivered. Half or whole 18e Weirit from 100 to IsOibs. Phone 7ex"12 r 1M8R I - - -dil ' II . , - FRED W. LANQE. VETERINARIAN- Office 480 S. -CommarciaL lliona u nit -Res. Phone 1666. i THOROUGHBRED A.IRDALE PUFrin. a ana sio. Phnas 1701-W8. -t1vt , WOOT) FOR SAT.Tj 11 BEST SECOND GROWTH FIR 86.50: oak fd.50;i.ia inch $9.50. CaU 113:1. ' 11-ditf DRY SLAB WOOD FOR SALE Ptots 1756. ... j Il-d2$ OAKS BROS. SELL 1380- Jd. WOOD. Phone 11 J15 FAT TURKEYS 2F4. - i - DRY WOOD FOR BALE PHONE 254 or 02Z. . Il-d2 FOR SALE PHONE I DRY WOOD. 4 FT. AND 18 INCH. DRY 8-d24 .O The regoh Statesman Out Janudy 1, 1925 Send it to your friends ; r ' l It is The Willamette Valley's greatest advertisement, well calculated to arouse the interest of the citizen in less fortunate sections and having aroused it, to implant a longing for "a' home where life is more worth living..: i ,: - r;:.7;"rv V1' Single copy 10c, wrapped for mailing. Fill out blank form and send to Oregon Statesman, 215 South Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. : NAME STREET TOWN" STATE The Oregon Statesman,': '-. " Salem, Oregon. ' v Gentlemen: ' ' - . - . Enclosed find I ........... .for which mail The Oregon Statesman's splendid annual to each of the abore addresses. Sender Address A greeting from the Willamette Valley that .will he appreciated. KioiiEy poisoii If Your Back Harts or Bladder Bothers Yon, Begin Tak ing Salts. FOB SALE WELL MARKED Aus tralian , tjhepherd female . .pop four months old,, boose broke. Your son wanta it for Ajnas. f 15.00. Geo. T. Orares, Black Rock, Ore. 8-d23 FOR SALE HOME- AND .SCHOOL Ref erence work- consisting- of 10 volumes. iew- never been - unpacked. Former price v:0o. Will take 860; 83 cash and $i monthly. Wonid mate a fine inrtitma gift. Phone 870. : 8 dl9 FOR SALE SELECT CHRISTMAS trees. van .njgniana. fnone 52. 8-d24 t r FruIt'Tre'es. ' Walnnts and shrnbbery. Hijli sod I xerry. xmuiana riinrsery. a. J. Math-1 is, -rop. rnoae U40-M eTcniars. - - " - " ' ' . : -8-J13 ALL KINDS OF CANARY BIRDS AND Home-made cages for sale. . Cottage carm. - . 8-dl9 Willamette Valley; Nursery-'-"' Has a Salesrard at 261 Court street. at Kennedy's paint shop, opposite Bu siek's store. All kindsof fro it and nut trees. Dt. Sean s Ug French prune a specialty. Office phone 1315. Res. IOoFo. Jess Mattus. Prop. 8-dl4tf mill wood 84.60 per 142. ' - load.' Pho li it UNCALLED price. FOR SCITS BARGAIN Dundee Woolen Mills. Com1!. 8 d21 When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sorej don't feet i scared and proceed toj load your stomach with a lot of Idrugs that I excue tne kianeys ana irritates the entire urinary tract.; Keep your moneys ciean. iikc you Keep I for BALE i OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 your Dowels clean, by flushing I -nU onndie. Circulation department them with a mild, harmless salts "mtu ".ya lO rt-uiuvc ;iuc iw n,..;... 11.11 tlfMI urinous waste and stimulates them DUillieib iVldlieiS Will to their normal activity. The! v:. ' Ra niiriKVfl Rv I inn? I Business matters presented br from It KOft irrnlna nf i nMrt tin the hoard Of directors Will OCCUPY waste, so we can readily tinder- lue n 9 ons at tne,r stand the rital importiuice of keep- regular meeting today at the: Mar ine: the kidneys actiYe. , a tr 1 nrlnb Int. nf rnr water xioii I u . uicicsimg program OI en- can't drink too much; V also iet ?ftaillme?t ha3,beea arranged by from any pharmacist about four WD ucl, oeuiora. oniciat ai ounces of Jad Salts: take a table- reor of entertainment for the or- sDoonful In a felass of water be- fan,zation- .As an outstanding fore breakfast each morning tor "ature the Misses Faye Wassom a few days and your kidneys Way ou" ijue reuyjonawiu De p re then act fine. ,Tl?is famous sajts Iff- dances. They were On Is made from the acid of grapes 18 INCH BLOCK WOOD 8375 Per Loa ioaas fl. Fhono 142. Il d21 KTOOD SHORT LENGTHS 019 4 FT COAX beat easily from 413.75 per ton JP. Oreron, UUh. or Roek Kprine. Prompt delirery. Fhone 1855. H-n'iwJ 18-INCH OLD FIB, 4 FOOT OLD FIR second crowta osk-and sin. Phons 19F3. U. D. Mtyflsld. ll-jeu FOR SALE DRY SECOND-GROWTH fls wooa, a i.t ror immediate delivery. Phone 106. ' 4 fl2 . t BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 18 inch. , Dry or freeai mill wood. Dry seeoed growth fir. Dry old Inr. Dry 4 ft. oak and ask. Prompt den eery and reaaawaol price FRED E. WELLS 880 Sontk Caarch. phono 1548. ll-aUtl 18 INCH-AND 4 FOOT WOOD OF ALL a: in a a. frcea reasonabla and prompt deliverr. - Phoae-1 S-W. 11-eltf WANTED Employment 13 i FOR INCOME TAX . REPORTS, BOOK-. Keeping ana auditms- aea W. A. Kinn- i rell, A. B.-315 Chemeketa. Phone torn. - 12 dUO EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER Wants permanent position. Good referennea Address 599J Etatesmsn. 12-s21t GRADUATE NURSE REGISTERED) - wanta work. Obstetrical duty prefer red. :Om year post-graduato work. Two years experience. Good serrices nd comcientioaa treatment. Best rt erenres. Phone 2077-J. I2d25 WANTEI Mlacc4ianeous) 13 , WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TOR 'farm loans. - We Jisto sereral applica tions on band. Ilswktns A Kobert, Ine 205 Oregon Building-. 13-d vf WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good 5 reposition o tha right pooplo. - Act ress the ' Paeif la Homestead, States man Bldg., Salem, Or. t : WOODRY THE need furniture AUCTIONEERBUYS for cash. Fsxme 611 l-st-ff , and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used f or yeara to help i clean and stimulite clogged- kidneys; also to neutralize the acids In the system so thley are no longer a source of Irritja- jnSCELLANEOCS : 1, the program when the Salem den (board by day or week, phone Yisuea independence during the I i74-m. - - i4-ta i quarter nignt mere recently. it. ; Barton-. Salem business i HELP WANTED Female 17 man.' bas beeta secured to sing a I ladies earn sio to $is weekly solo. The singer has one of the finest voices in Salem. Thrce- Hnrf thua nffon miiin hiar I e speakers are' Lew Luns weakness. j J ford. Lion Button, and William ' .TAii Anita 4a IneYnonRivA a n tnis-if injure; makes a deUghtful effer .Tn? LIftns are to haTe a ladjesV vescent lithia-water drink, which aay during the first-part of the ereryone should. Uke now aiid c0lnlnS ear, according to an- then ta helD keen, their . kidneva nouncement. The Christmas holi- claan Ami active- Tr thia.- jiism I 3y.-:rush caused the delay, a the keen.un the water drlnkinir aid eetln was scheduled for the lat- no . doubt you will wonder what erj Part of December. , became of your kidney trouble " 'I .'' - ;.. and backache. By. all means hare VIt hjnniliatiits-.te argue with your physician, exam me. your kM-S fool. doesn't j uoy. wh Ic' nef? at -fAst twic&a year.-Adr. one irr a? at-home in spare time, addresaing and mailing our sheet musie and circuit .letters. Bend 2c (silver) for strri music and full particulars. Corona Mia sie Roll Co- 438 Central Park. Kocb ter. N. Y. i 17-e V i ! HELP WANTEDSIalo 1 "J1KN WANTED" To learn auto nwh. nics. Special Christinas offer "0.Ofj Two week tree trial. Hemphill's lia Auto A Electrical Kvhools, Office ". bixttt bt Corner Pine, 1'ortlaod, re enn. 1 -lio sALi:s?n:T ANTK1 A GOOU BOOKKt.f.i't lrnirr for himrr, ' Vv t; rn do I ; Address "A", Car . .