The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 19, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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t Kelson David is the name given
to a baby boy born to Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence E. Randall, lOjSO
iOrtQ Winter, according tn a
. birth certificate filed with the city
iieauu -onicer yesterday. Toe
oirth occurred December 10 at
the Salem hospital. A son was
born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
bmfth of route 1. lie has been
named James Eldon. The birth
occurred December 16. At Amity
a baby daughter was born to Mr?
ana .mm..', w. liodgson. uer-
iruae is the name given to the
Reduced Prices .. 1
On several, patterns ot comfort
era. C. S. Hamilton. dl9
Music Daring Dinner
Saturday and Sunday evenings
at the Gray Belle, 6:30 to 8, by
the Ramblers six-piece orchestra.
i : -,. . dl9
Joins Navy '
. Floyd T. King, a former West
ern Union messenger boy of Sa
i lem, has enlisted in the navy and
expects to train as a radio oper
ator. His mother, Mrs. Lulu D.
King, and a younger brother live
at 462 Hoyt. ,
Reduced Prices
, On several patterns of comfort
ers. C. S. Hamilton. dl9
Kon-8npport Charged
- Leon. J. Smith was arraigned In
Judge P. J. Kuntz's court yester
day on a charge of non-support.
The judgment of the5 court was
that .he shall' pay $20 a month
for the care of his Infant child,
and his wife's hospital bill, to
gether with the costs of the suit.
Good Wood -Sfli -:
Four ft. dry slab wood $5.50
per cord. 16 ft. dry slab wood
$4.50 per cord. Prompt delivery
Spaulding Logging Co. Phone
1830. d21
Appraisers Named
Ed R. Adams, Oscar Broton and
Dagna Larson have been appoint
ed appraisers of the estate of Mar
garet Handlan.
Xmaa Trees, Best In City
Petland. We deliver.
One School Closed..
.One school building, the port
able structure at the Washington
Buys Furniture
' ! i Phone 511
95 Dow
- 95 Monthly '
C. J iNta-Mt '
24T N. Com. 8k
Pbon 866
school, has been closed on account
of frozen pipes, George W. Hug,
superintendent of schools, an
nounced Thursday. The building
which accommodates 50 pupils, h
expected to be open Monday morn
ing. Fires are being kept In all
the public school buildings night
and day during- the cold spell
Pipes in the Washington school
are frozen but will not be repair
ed immediately as the building is
not in use. ! j
t " ' ' .
Special Blanket
And robe sale at Thomas Kay
Woolen Mill, Office on 12th St.
,' . - . M ' 0.21
For Sale i j
Antique furniture and hand
made gifts, j Mrs. Kate Fletcher,
1365 X. Fourth St., phone 1499R
Student Secure Tickets-
Willamette university students
are securing tickets for La Grande,
Pendleton, The Dalles, Seattle,
Centralia and many other eastern
points. The special train which
the Southern Pacific is running
for . Willamette university stud
ents will enable many of them to
make direct, connections with
trains at the onion station in Port
land. . . : , j '
All .Wool Comforters '
Reduced at Hamilton's.
Miss Wyman Returns-
Miss Marian Wyman, secretary
of the Salem Young Women's
Christian association, has returned
to Salem after she had attended
a three-day national convention of
the Girl Reserves in Portland.
Delegates from all parts of the
United States were present.
Special Prices
On comforters and blankets at
Hamilton's. I . ' dl9
Dance at Horseshoe Park-
Saturday. Dec. "20. Music by
Thomas Brothers' Moonlight Ser
enades, j I ,d20
Turkeys Arriving
Turkeys are coming- into Salem
by express shipments over the
Oregon Electric and Southern Pa
cific railways. The prices are
firm and there is a steady demand
for the birds. Many of the ship
ments are coming in here from
iSouthern Oregon. The price for
the birds on foot averages be
tween 21 and 23 cents per pound.
Magazine If ere
Copies of the Blue Book of the
Screen have been received in Sa
lem. It is a photographic-prose
study of the most prominent
screen stars. ! The publication is
issued at Hollywood and is of fine
workmanship. It contains many
valuable photographic suggestions.
Cars for hire without driven
i PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service
Ilea's and Toons; Men's
Tailored Bolts $23 to S45
Dr. B. II. White
Osteopathy Surgery ( '
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram'gf method)
Offico Phone 859 ' or 469-J
606 U. S. Bank Bldg. ...
Dancing! Dancing!
Ye Pi-Id Pipers, a college or
chestra of Oregon, Friday. Don't
miss this;1 a treat. Regular
Saturday dance at Auditorium.
Skating. Skating, Skating
At Dreamland
Thursday,' Friday, Saturday
- 7:30 to 10 p. m.
Hear Our New Calliope '
Office and Sales Yard opposite
O. E. Depot, 140 S. High St,
Ma tills Nursery Co.
Phone 10F4 Evenings
For :
. Open Evenings
: -7 : Established 1868 '
-General Banking Business
: - - - ,- - -
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
We Carry all Sizes of Coal
from the large furnace to
the smallest nut size. Tell
us for what purpose the coal
is required and we'll point
out the proper size to use.
But although we carry all
sizes, we handle only one
quality, the very best coal
from the very best mines.
Our coal service is yours to
Prices range from $10 to $ 15
Also handle the best
' Diamond Briquettes $15
Lamsr Isms'? ar frStorafio' Go.
School Boiler Bursts
"When the janitor of the McKln
ley junior high school reported for
work Thursday morning he found
that an old boiler, which has. been
replaced , by new equipment, had
burst from the cold and the base
ment of the building flooded. The
old boiler was left partially filled.
with water which was not drain
ed when the change was effected.
While there was no damage, the
bursting of the boiler caused
some little annoyance.
Special Adjusto Lamps
Nationally advertised, $5. Our
price this week $3.90. Halik & Eoff
Electric Shop, 337 Court St. d20
Music During Dinnei
Saturday and Sunday evenings
at the Gray Belle, G:30 to 8, by
the Ramblers six-piece orchestra.
i i dl9
Fires Are Retorted
. A fire at 475 Richmond caused
lots of excitement and smoke, but
no damage Thursday morning. A
chemical truck cared for the al-r
arm. During tne evening tne lire
department was called to a chim
ney blaze at 475 South Commer
cial. There was no damage. The
heavy snow has caused the num
ber of fires to be smaller than
usual, is the declaration of the
firemen. The absence of , heavy
winds and roofs coated with snow
has put out the sparks that have
fallen from the chimneys. - !
Have Purchased
: For One Year
Read It Daily
shows no decided Improvement,
according to the statement issued
last night. Judge Downing is hold
ing his own, although some days
the fight for health Is against him
and at other times he makes a
small gain. ' " 'l
yesterday. He Is attended by his
brother. Dr. A. J. Bouffleur of
All Wool Comforter '
Reduced at Hamilton's.
:- f,
Toilet arid Manicuring Sets
Make ideal Christmas gifts. Get
them at Tyler's drug store, 147 S.
Commercial. dl9
Xame Can be Secured--
According to announcement of
the Chamber of Commerce, any
one desiring the names of the per
sons who have made inquiries of
Oregon can secure the same by
aaaressing a letter to the Cham
ber of Commerce. As a refeult of
the advertisement in eastern farm
magazines,, many inquiries are be
ing received here
Special Prices
On comforters and blankets at
Hamilton's. dl9
Birds New Shipment of Rollers-
Hear them. Petland, 273 State.
Diphtheria Cases Reported
Reports of two diphtheria cases
in Salem were filed with the city
health officer v yesterday. ' Three
other cases have been reported for
the first part of the week.
Parrots, Young, Guaranteed
Talkers. Petland, 273 State. d24
Puppies for Xmaa, all Kinds
Oh, Boy! Flake's Petland. d24
- " r'l . is,' U
Students Are Chilled
University of Oregon students
nassintr through Salem late last
night found driving difficult. The
piercing winds numbed, fingers
and toes, while ears were nippea
by the chilly breeze. A group of
five students who had been forced
Into the ditch by a freighter truck
stopped over while their lights
were being repaired.
Salem Art and Beauty Shoppe
If your hair won't hold a mar
cel try a paper curl. Open eve
nings by appointment. Christmas
gifts for the home. Phone 2118.
You Are Welcome to a- Calendar-
At office Of Standloy & Foley,
Bush Bank bldg. tf
Men's and Boys Overcoats-
Blankets and robes on sale at
manufacturer's prices. Thomas
Kay Woolen Mills, 12th St. dlltf
Visitors Leave
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Rhodes re
turned to Seattle yesterday after
an extended visdt with their
daughter, Mrs. Walter Kestley, on
North Cottage. They returned by
auto. . Joseph King accompanied
them and he is to visit with. rela
tives at Aberdeen and Seattle.
Men's Overcoat at Rale Pri
Fullerton's, 384 State street.
over the Spa.- dlStf
Christmas Party Held-
The United Artisans held a
Christmas party last night at Mc-
Cornack hall, at which 150 people
were present. Santa Claus brought
a present for every one. Follow
ing the short program and enter
tainment, a dance was held.
4 Houses for Rent
All modern. 20 to 145. Imme
diate possession on all. Becke &
Hendricks, U. S. Bank bldg. utu
IJkes Oregon Best-
Mrs. Minnie Toliinger, who has
recently been visiting "her sister,
Mrs. Mvra Shanks, salem ponce
matron, resorts that the cold and
gnowof the... middle states ,is ' se
vere. ,Mrs. Toiunger was nere
during the pleasant weather of
the past few weeks, and she re
ports that Oregen is a pleasant
place to live. '
Bird Cages Make Nice Gif t
Petland has the best. d21
Shows No Improvement
County Judge W. H. Downing,
who has been confined at the Sa
lem hospital for several weeks.
MULLER Mrs. Caroline Muller,
age 64, died at the home of her
son, E. W. Muller.-at 1275 N.
Capitol street, ' Thursday eve
ning. She is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. F. A. Kohn and
Mrs. E. A. Sommers, both of Sa
lem; two sons, Thomas J. Mul
ler, of Albany, and E. W. Mul
ler, of Salem, and eleven grand
children. Funeral announce
ment, will be made later, i Webb
funeral parlors in charge ; of
XAXDIS George K. Landis died
at a local hospital December 18,
1924, at the age of 63 years.
Survived by eight children, Eva,
Ray, Harvey, Ruth and Viola
of Salem; Clarence of Klamath
Falls; Arthur of Oakland. CaU
and Mrs. Rose Culp of 'Amity.
Funeral services will be held
at the Webb funeral parlors on
Saturday, . Dec! 20, at 2:30 p.
m. There will be IOOF services.
Interment in IOOF cemetery.
BRIETZKE At the residence.
1310 North Winter street, De
cember 15, i Mrs. Augustine
Brietzke, age 77 years, mother
of Miss Anna and W. G. Briet
zke of Salem, August of Sacra
mento, Carl of N. Carolina, J.
E. of Monitor, Rev. H. of Mich
igan, Alfred of Long Beach,
Cal., Mrs. George Allen of Cor
vallis and Mrs. H. N. Hodge of
Hay ward, Cal. Also survived by
a number ot grandchildren, one
brother J. Kurth of San Anto
nio, Tex., two sisters, Mrs.
Jeltz and Mrs. J. Ivan of Baum
gartner, Germany. Funeral ser
vices will be held at the resi
dence at 12:30 Saturday with
special services following! at
St. John's .Lutheran church,
W. Grows officiating. Inter
ment in the cemetery two and
half miles east of Mt. Angel.
Rigdon's mortuary in charge.
SOUTHWICK On the evening of
December 16, Frank BJ"" South
wick. Funeral services Friday,
December 19, at 2 p. m. from
Rigdon's new mortuary on Cot
tage and Chemeketa : streets.
Elks' in charge. . Rev. W. C.
Kantner also officiating with
GAR. . ! '
"Cq-aaled. Eerrle
Vets Work at Prison
Of the total number of employ
es at the state prison engaged as
guards there are nine World war
veterans and four Spanish war
veterans, Warden A. M. Dalrym-
ple has advised Governor Pierce
in response to his request that ex
service men and women be given
the preference during the unem-.
ployment situation. Shortly after
becoming? superintendent of - the
prison Warden Dalrymple. an
nounced that his policy would be
to place ex-service men as guards
as fast as vacancies existed, pro
viding that these possessed the
necessary qualifications. A major
ity of those employed under his
term of office have, been ex-service
How About a New1 Comforter
Or blanket for these cold nights?
Special prices at Hamilton's. dl9
Hill's Home-Made Candles
Made at 1204 Leslie street and
sold at all candy retailers. Ask
for Hill's. It's always fresh.
Fuel Tariff Reduced 1
Authority o reduce freight
charges on hog fuel shipped from
Silverton to Willamina, effective
today, was given, the Southern' Pa
cific company : yesterday by the
public , service commission. The
new rate will be $1.60 per "200
cubic feet, against $1.60 per 128
cubic feet. ,'' '"
How About a New Coinorter .
Or blanket for these cold nights?
Special prices at Hamilton's. - dl9
Klamath Attorneys Here 4' '
I Klamath Falls sent a vast array
of legal talent to (Salem yesterday.
Attorneys : who appeared before
the supreme court from Klamath
Falls Included Judge C. F. Stone,
former fish and game commission
er; Attorneys Fred H, Mills, O. M.
O'Neill, John Irwin and Major J.
H. Carnahan. 1 - ',
MarineRo Beauty Parloi
Men's Manicuring. 245 N. High.
Phone 1690. ; ' '
Take No Spinal Adjustments
Until you have a 1 neurocalo
meter reading by Dr. O. L. Scott,
U. S. National Bank Bldg. d3tf
Wreath 3Iaterial Wanted
The American Legion auxiliary
is anxious that all who can bring
holly, mistletoe and Oregon grape
to the .John J. Rottle shoe store.
Monday night at which time mem
bers of the organization will make
Christmas wreaths for the dis
abled veterans in the Hanneman
hospital in Portland. Boxes of
candy will also be packed for
veterans in hospitals at American
Lake, Walla Walla and New York
city. I
This Is Good Weathe
For one of those
heavy, all-
overcoats for ; from 1Z to
Thomas Kay Woolen Mills
Undergoes Operatioi
W. M. Bouffleur of route 2 is
doing nicely since undergoing an
operation at the Salem hospital
7 A
Vf- - y
Avery Rockefeller, 20 years old.
only male heir to the hug-o fortune
of his father, Percy A. Rockefeller,
fifteeir months ao secretly ' mar
ried Miss Anna Mark, daughter of
ClaytwA Mark, formerly president
of the Board of Education of Chlc
ao. and is now living in England
with his wife and infant son. For
mal announcement of the marriage
has Just been made in New York
try the Rockefeller family. The
child was born Aug. SO, 1924. This
photograph of the bride was taken
at the time Rosemary Hall at
Greenwich. Con n where she was
a pupil, was destroyed by fire on
Nov. 12. 1923. It was about that
time that nhe and young Rocke
feller eloped. 1 l ,
and Tomorrow
. 5' -! r
Those Funny Tricksters
"; ; Musical Novelty
A -Chinese Inn
Palm Beach Tramps
) Acrobatic Novelty
1 Special Feature
i "THE
Bligh Theatre
Only 5 Shopping Days
Until Christmas
Gifts tor all tastes
ana aucges
'AT : . .
. im TO il
Mrs. Harry Redmaciher. ot In
dependence, was in the cit yes
terday. -
C. N. Laughridgc, deputy secre
tary of state, was a I'iortland -visitor
Thursday. s
J. T. Tucker, of Gold Hi I, ar
rived in the city yesterday to
spend a week. 1
Dillard A. Elkins, m thestate
accident commission, was in Port
land on business yesterday
Dr. J. Bj Dillehunti of thjj Uni
versity of Oregon medical School
of Portland was in Salem Thurs
day conferring vithl state (offici
als relative to the budget fbr the
coming biennium. j
C. It.: Gram, state labor com
missioner, was called to Portland
on business yesterday.
W. A. Marshall, lof the state
accident commission. f spent Thurs
day on- business in Portland. J .
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Xixoa were
visitors in Salem from Amithr yes
terday. 1 i I ; : . L
Mary Pollock, a student at Wil
lamette university, phans to (spend
the Christmas vacation at Joseph.
Mr. and Mrs. N. j C. Kfifoury
have been visiting in Portland dur
ing the past few days. . I
Mrs. Beatrice Crawford-New-comb
has been visiting in Portland
during the week. I
Jennie Palmquist .visited jin Sil
verton yesterday with relatives.
IT. O. Holt left for La Grande
and North Powder yesterday
where he will transact business.
fmlgh produce .beets - that would
make 10.000 pounds or sugar- .
And still we buy most of our.
sugar from foreign : countries
where it is made from cane, that
wil not- produce nearly as. much
to the acre. i
And think, too, of the wonder
ful benefits of the industry of beet
sugar making indirectly accruing
to apy community. We are asleep
on our oars as long as we neglect
this industry.1 ' I
The cherry growers are up
against a hard fight. Here's hop
ing they may win. They are' go
ing to talk it over at the Salem
Chamber of Commerce tomorrow
afternoon, commencing at 1:30.
If they can win, they will show
the way to others. . !
v : w !
. Frank. B.Southwlck. who has
passed to hft final "rest, was a
leading Salem contractor and citi
zen for a very long time. He lived
a useful life; was a good neigh
bor; filled his. place as was fitting
If only i our forefathers
see what's left ot thf . freedom they
fought for;
. i
Think of that
S Tm
Any one of a million idle or
slacker acres in theSalem district V
according to his views cf ii.r,
and he will be missed frott bi
customed placea. , " j
. f .
: The legislature is only jint
around the corner. i
: j
Oh, well, you will be yenrntnt
for just a w hirr of this kind I of
weather, along in August ne.xt
Ella "". McMunn's hooTc mieht
sell, a miirion copies. 'May tod'.
re- r - j
lit Vmii
St. Joseph's Super Bazaar
3 Days DECE3IBER 19 to 21 Inclusive
, to be held in New St. Joseph's Hall j
Auspices Furnishings New Hall
Dainty fiooths
IXelightful Gatherings
Diverse Amusements
Hope Chest
Handy Xmas Gifts
, i , Help the Cause
Sunday, December 21, Chicken Dinner served from
12 to 2:30 '
Everybody Welcome
1)11 cB
S 4 I
I Before
. Ladiesj we have many fine gift suggestions. Here is a
silk tiejin four-in-hand styles; a wide range of colors and
patterns. Ties in this lot worth $1.00. Our re- TO
moval sale price ..v.: y O C
Hundreds of Virgin Wool
rx r i "i
n nnn
mm s
Sacrificed for Quick Disposal
arc just the thing for cold
mornings. - Made of
quality brown jersey.
our present stock. lasts
19 c
here is your opportunity for
a fine, wool coatsweater of
heather mixture which sold
regularly1 for $1.
moval Sale price
: .1':
A very fine assortment cf
dropstitch, heather mixture
cashmere hose; all colors
and staes. . Just the thins
for this season of the year.
Our Removal Sale price i
Wright's $4.5 O
Men, here; you are ! Regular $4.50
Wright's wool-mixed union suits. This
brand of underwear is too well known
to need description. This is at bargain
that no man can afford to miss. Supply
your need for years to come at this
astoundingilow price
' Pure Linen
Men's pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs
This is a fine gift suggestion and some
thing that men always need. Women,
why not buy a dozen of these and hand
work them with initials? Your husband
would appreciate. them. Just think of
this startling, low price on a pure linen
27 c
i -
We are forced to vacate, and are determined to sell every suit arid
overcoat before we have to move to our new location. There arc
no "ifs' ' nor "ands" about this sale -we positively save, you money
on every purchase. Do your Christmas shopping here, make your
dollars do double duty. New Ties, Hats, Shirts, Bathrobes, Belts,
Suspenders, Hose, all greatly underpriced in a whirlwind finish.
i ' I " -
t oiks! The Time Is Limited
0 CJ
U. S. Nat'I. Banlc. Bldrr.