THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1021 laaaad Dally Kxeapt atoaday by ! TXCS STATESMAN rtTBUSHZNa COKPAJrY tlS South Commercial EU, Salaia. Oragoa ft J. Bradrlcka foka L. Brady frank Jsakoaki ( ICBMBBa OF THB ASSOCIATSD TBXSS - Tka AiMtlitW Praaa U axelnalTaly aotitlad t taa aaa for pablleattaa af all aaw flapatcaaa eriid to it or set ataarwia eradiud ia thia ppr aad alaa thm local MVS pabliaaaa keroia. j - business j fkaaua T. Clark Co, Haw York, 141-145 Wt 86th St,: Ckiaafa, Marqaatta Balld- tag. W. 8. Orotbwahl, Mrr. (Portland Offica. SSe Woreaatar Bldf, Ffcoaa 6687 BBoaaway, O. T. Wllllama. Kt.) TILEPHONESi ? ' . , . P , Circulation Off lea . . . .St-106 Society Editor . . Job Dapartmani ... . . tit , Bntosa Offloa - Sawa Dapartoaaai Katorod at taa Paatoffiea la Salam, BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bareau, Cincinnati. Ohio. If parents will hare their children memorize the daily Bible selee tlons, it will prore a priceless hitajt to them In after years. i ' December 19 ' I 8 HALL NOT W ANT: The Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want. . . Surely goodness and mercy shal? follow! me all the days of my life: and I will dwell In the house or the Lord for ever. Psalm 23:1. 6 PRAYER: "The King of Love my Shepherd Is. Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am His, And He is mine forever1." j THE WASTE OF NOT PRODUCING OUR SUGAR East Grand Forks, Minnesota, across the Red river from Grand Forks, North Dakota, is erecting a beet sugar factory. The Red River Sugar company is the corporate name. The first building will be completed by Jan. 1. The company is contract ing with the farmers for 12,000 acres of beets, j The Great North ern is laying tracks for a spur line. ; j ' Ireland is making-arrangements for her first beet sugar factory, to be erected and operated by a European syndicate. The world's sugar crop this year is 22,400,000 long tons, an increase of 2,500,000: long tons over last year; Europe having made a gain of 33 per cent over 1923. I The beet sugar crop of the United States for this year is 1,038,000 short tons; an increase over last year of 42,000 long tons of 2240 pounds. f . There is a campaign going on all over the; United States for the making of more sugar, both beet and cane sugar, and for the construction of more sugar factories. Boys' and girls' cane clubs are being organized in the Louisiana cane sugar districts. Unusual inducements are being offered to growers of sugar beets' by the beet, sugar factories throughout the United States. The Salem district is permitting a great economic waste by not producing and manufacturing her own sugar, with so many thousands of idle or slacker acres here suitable for growing the beets. . ! Take a- couple of cases, as samples i A farmer in Utah turned a patch of land cleared of grease wood by careful cultivation into a state allowing him this year to take from his fields beets averaging 10.38 tons to the acre of beets with 16.5 sugar content. Figure that up, and the writer believes you will find that this man's fields that were a year or two ago waste land, yielded a product that gave to the markets 3573.9 pounds to the acre of sugar. i i Farmers around Eaton, Colorado, averaged the past season 18 ions of sugar beets to the acre. They received $8 a ton for their beets. Many , of the farmers there, however, had yields running above 20 tons to the acre; and the final price may be higher than $8, owing to a cooperative agreement with the factory managers; depending upon the sales prices for the sugar. Take a yield of 20 tons on an acre, and call them 16 per cent sugar beets. That would mean 6400 pounds of sugar to the acre, would it not! ; ( i ! 1 ' "Well, there is land in the "Willamette valley that has pro duced sugar beets with, 25 per cent of sugar content. ; That of beets produced to the acre - i 1 I 1 : But cut this in half, and then cut the half in half, and still the reader will see that we are committing a shameful economic waste here,- by not growing and making our own sugar " Especially since we use and must for all time use such great quantities of sugar in our fruit canneries," and in our future jam and jelly and specialty plants. , j ; It would pay the state of Oregon to put up a beet sugar factory, to manufacture the supply" for the state institutions here and elsewhere in the state. I : Dairying and live stock breeding follow beet sugar factories., The by-products are all used; even the tops of the beets. . ; . , ., . , t i . . No fertility is taken from the soil by sugar beets. Their sugar, content comes from the winds that blow from the four corners of the earth and .the rains that fall from the heavens, a benediction of blessing and prosperity. v And the cultivation of sugar beets rotated with other crops is good for the other crops. - . j V There is every reason for sugar factories here. Oregon must have sugar factories, and the first one ought to be con structed in Salem T i i For we have the soil conditions that are right, and we are used to tending and harvesting crops thatUake much and patient work. We have the labor, and that is one of the most important or. tne conditions precedent to success. Let's have suear factories Tt'a lot Vi -ia n i. , " raccrSul the 3LKIXG THE MOST The last week before Christmas la the Intense week. It is the week of excitement, of great an ticipation on the part of the child ren. Unfortunately it Is the heart break week of many parents and people who can not provide the Christmas they desire.. . However, the philosophy of should be studied and followed. That means to make the best of everything. Those who have much have mnch to be thankful for, and those who have little should teach themselves ; to be satisfied and thankful for what - they have. There Is no condition so bad but what you can look around and see some of your neighbors who are la a worse one. We must learn the great lesson of contentment, the great lesson of making the best of what we .hare. When we learn this, Christmas Joy will flow unalloyed. Until we learn this there will be bitterness in life and titlernesa does not go with Christ inas cheer. " ; Eomo of the happiest homes in lbs country are homes where prac i aL'y everything ia made without . . Xaaagar . . Editor Ifaaarer Jot Dept. omcii I 106 Oracoa. aa aaeoad-elaaa auttar j i - t VlUiitl &UUW Place where hey caa .be made much expense,? and good cheer abounds without spending money. After all is said and done, it Is not the thing itself that is the Joy, it is the spirit back of it and in it, and if we have the Christmas spirit, big or little, the satlsrac tion Is just the same. ' The Christ whose birthday we celebrate wa the Christ to all people. He even said to the rich young ruler, "Go sell, and give to the poor." which meant that there was a common ground be tween Christ and the poor. It was true then; it is true now. At this Christmas time there will be people: without any ready money who will have great good cheer la their homes. There will be other , people with plenty of money without- any cheer what ever. This is a time to think only of our blessings and put off until tomorrow worrying over things we do not hare. Christmas is a time of forgetfulness, of oblivion to ward all things that are disagree ably and sad: ; V - V ; i ; : ''"aaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaai ' , THE DESERVING i:very once In a while you hear a man complain that such and such a person Is not deserving. that it is his own fault if his fam ily suffers. This may j be good talk some times in the year, but It ia not good talk at Christmas. No matter why . a man is down and out on Christmas, the mantle of1 good cheer, the - mantle of brotherly love should be extended to him and he should be fed and clothed. No matter what he has done or how undeserving he may be, if he has children the respon sibility of giving Christmas to them lies with his neighbors and they can not shirk that responsi bility. This i3 no time to in quire the why and wherefore of poverty. This Is the time to ac cept it as a fact and apply our selves (to giving immediate re lief. , I i CHANGED CONDITIONS It is well known to the public that the democratic party was not able to get a campaign fund in the presidential election this year and was seriously handicapped all tho way through. However, the public generally does not know why a fund was hot forthcoming. There's a reason, as an adver tising friend of ours says. Up to this time the South has been so solid that the politicians' could go to the big business and get all the money they wanted. The last few, years big business has realized that it is being mulct ed for the selfish purpose of the politicians against its own best interests. Big business and little business alike in the : South de clared its independence this year and hence no campaign fund. This change accounts In a large measure for the lack of enthusi asm for the democratic program as announced, by platform speak ers during the last campaign. There was a widespread feeling that the Democratic policies, if en acted into statutory law, would in jure business generally and south ern business in particular. . The solid South voted faithfully for the democratic ticket, but the manufacturers and the business men of the South did little to fill the party's war chest. When con tributions were earnestly : sought by the national committee, the South responded feebly. ; Every southern state has the same vital interest in the tariff as the northern states and eventu ally the democratic leaders and the South will be brought! to their senses and the South . will quit voting prejudice and vote princi ple. Defending our present tariff law In the recent campaign. Presi dent Coolldge declared: ! "We have the lowest tariff which the republican party has enacted since 1890, and it is even lower than the democratic tariff of 1894. Nearly 57 per cent of our imports are on the free list, while the average duty on all imports Is less than 15 per cent. Under it, In spite of prophecies to the contrary, our foreign trade has greatly increased. t "It has been constantly asserted that what the farmer buys is pro tected and what he sells is not protected. Almost everything that is used in the business of farming, as a matter of fact, is on the free list, While almost everything that the farmer raises is protected, from the nuts and citrus fruits of the Pacific coast, through the sugar, grain and animal products of the central west to the dairy and tobacco products of, the east; Without such protection; many of these farm products would be de stroyed by foreign competition." THE SIXTH C03IMAND3IEXT William Jennings Bryan Is the author of a demand before the National Council of. Presbyterians that we enforce the sixth com mandment. The resolution calls attention to the evil of criminal violence: in this country and the lack of sanctity accorded human life, and urges cooperation with the church in the effort to check murder. Mr. Bryan has hit upon a great need of the country and appeals to the Christian people to build up public sentiment there by raising , the price 1 of human Ufe. The church has gone Into many things and it has never failed to effect an improvement. It ; has i taken up many subjects and we submit that this one is worthy of the attention of the ministers who are doing such great work in up lifting the world. j'; The ministry, like Martha, la troubled about many things, but it has been strangely indifferent, to the outstanding and overtopping evil of criminal violence. In spite of the fact that the taking of human life has revealed a moral and social condition of the gravest significance, we hear almost noth ing If it from the ministry, al though we hear much on the league of nations, the world court, the evasion of the liquor laws, the social vices and Irregularities. Yet the sixth commandment is still in the decalogue and ought to be at least as worthy of attention as the Volstead set. , ... THE GEItMAX TREATY The foreign relations committee of the senate is protesting the treaty negotiated with Cermany. It has one clause in it that is a departure from the American cus tom. It has always been the privilege of America and of any other country for that matter to especially provide that freight carried in American bottoms may have such preferential rates as congress may admit. This is a subsidy,, of course, but if there is to be a discrimination it ought to be in favor of our ships. Further more, if America is ever going to build up a merchant marine that will dominate the seas it must have preferential rates. Incidentally we must remark that if the Pacific slope is ever going to be in a position to handle the crops and business of the inter-mountain states there must be preferential1 railroad rates per mitting a combination- with sea going vessels. goixg sorc The department .of agriculture in Washington has just valued the farm crops of the present year at $9,479,902,000. The crops were not so big, but the price was high er. Especially have the spring and winter wheat, crops , been ex tremely satisfactory, and that is where the depression was. It was the wheat farmers who went the deepest down into the slough of despair and despondency. Corn is still the king of crops although this year the production was 600, 000,000 bushels less than last year but its value was $188,000.- 000 more than last year. Cotton ranks second and hay, which peo ple do not seem to take very seri ously, was the third crop in pro duction. MORE GULLING The little old town of New York is the easiest gulled of any town in America. uIt is the most un American town in America. It is always looking for celebrities, al ways looking for something to re lieve its ennui. A man posing as Colonel Harvey, who has lived in New York practically all his life. got away with it and for six weeks had the entree to all sorts of life in that big city. There was not a suspicion of the 'man being, an imposter. , ; THItEK-FOUIlTHS JURY VER DICT There has popped up again the old proposition to substitute for a unanimous verdict of the jury, three-fourths thereof. Some go as high as to make it 10 to 12. This agitation has been going on for many years and; laws have been passed in a number of states per mitting a three-fourths verdict in certain civil cases,, but the move ment has made little progress. Those who have studied the case say that the criminal lawyers do not want it. They claim that when juries are hung they are hung more often In favor of the defense than In favor of prosecu tion, which means that a man will hang out longer to keep a man from going to prison than he will to send him there. All criminal lawyers understand the psychol ogy of this and use it to the ut most. There has been agitation about taking two-thirds to decide a constitutional question in the supreme court. This Is not so bad, but the recent election put a quietus on it because the public said very emphatically they didn't want any tinkering with the con stitution. Some time there will be civil cases provided wherein a three-fourths jury verdict would be accepted. Just as now, cases can be tried with agreement with less jurors than the law requires, but courts are great on precedent, and all reform on procedure moves very very slowly. The effort to exterminate our wild life seems easy for everybody except the grand jury. It is estimated that 87 per cent of those who pity themselves have but little else to do. When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheu matism has you stif fened up, don't suf fer! Get a 35 cent bottle of old. honest St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store, pour a 7" little in your hand : J and rub it right on your aching back, an d the soreness and lameness I a gone. In use for 65' years, this soothins, penetrating oil takes the pain right out, and ends 'the. misery. It is absolutely harmless and doesn't burn -the skin. Ad v.,. 0C1 cm B LUMBAGO W r t HELP WANTED lty Peggy Poo Brer Rabbit, jes' stop yo projec tin ( And come heah an listen ter me; Ah. wants fo' ter make; yo ac- quainted WId dat pretty gal. Sue Marie. ' ! . ' i ' ' ' She flirts wid" her eyes mighty wicked. Her skirts she can jerk wid a twirl. She looks jes lak yams fried in honey. Her smile throws mah heart in a whirl. She sways to de tune ob de banjo An seems to be dancin' on air; Ah'd love ter dance jwid her ; fo-evah, ; . Mah Sue has sure got me fo fair! Ternight Ah Is gwoine fo ter tell ' her: i Ah loves her wid all , of mah might. An so won't yo lend me, . Brer Rabbit, Yo' let hin foot," Jes, fo, ternight? Putting Vp a Good T"ront Mr. Newcomer: "Were you fit to receive Mrs. Van Style when she called?" ' Mrs. Newcomer: "Yes, I went to the. door with my mudpack on and said" I was not in. Now she thinks I have a colored maid," - One Good Wrinkle Deserves i Another What a husband earns by the sweat of his brow, a wife often spendsi on the' improvement lot hers. . Queer. North: "People don't j seem to approve of spooning in automo biles." ! West: "No; public sentiment is against public sentiment." . : E. A.' Kent. ' ,' ' He'll Pay For Them ' Lyons: "Cheer up, old man! Don't look so down-hearted. With Christmas i only next week you ought to feel happy and gay." Cochrane: "Yes, I pught to. y . ft more place on many holiday menus ! ; " 1 'i :..! pork of Frye's to ihr pound. tJuy Hams and -f But I caught a glimpse Of tlc list of presents my wife Is idaking up." j Chester Seebphm. Musings of the Returning Traveler j j j ' The hours I have been away From Gertrude seem as ytears to me; i . j And now 'tis like a dream that we Will meet ; again this L very day. I wonder just what we wil say When, first we meet; if Idr she Will speak the first word$; If we'll be 1 Embarrassed, or In spirits gay. - i Down to the front gate wi l she dart I I As lightly as a wind-blown:' feath- ' er? i- . r : ! Will we be left alone together Or will some people, feeling - smart i 1 i Stick round, with imp-inspired art Until I need a first-class t either? Will she say, "Isn't it fine Weath er?" ! ' Or "Dinner's , waiting; let us start'". vi'Vv""- : Dis-eracef ul ! My little grand-daughter, Grace shocked her mother by picking up her saucer In which she had her strawberries arid cream and) lick ing It vigorously with her tongue. "Why, Grace!" reproved! her mother, "what disgraceful man ners! Who have you ' evr 'seen doing that?" j "Dogs," replied Grace curtly. I Mrs. Charles Diehl. ... '.-...... The Last Place j Diogenes had just returned (from a long tramp on the city's pave ments. His shoulders sloulched (a usual sign of failure with him) and he hung up his lantern, de jectedly, i i "What luck tonight, DiojgeUes?" they asked him. "Where have you been searching for 'your! honest man, now?" j I "Among the taxi drivers.f the venerable old gentleman jrrow fully replied, pulling off his bootJ. Mrs. H. W. Hopkihs. Battle Scarred Smith: "Wasn't Peckith; ar- ' . i i i 3 "Christmas comes but once a year" and thousands of Northwest housewives makei their plans for the festive board from their experience the other twelve months. : ' : ' . f . , i; ' -t Those who give their families the all-year-round treat of Frye s "Delicious" riam know that it never varies in quality and ttey have found its unusual goodness and delightful mild flavor so ap petizing that it will surely occupy an In no May ran you better prepare for the unexpected guest than by baking a butt of a Fryes "Delieiou Ham jut as jou would 4i freah pork roast, uiug powdered cinnamon, cloves. muMard and jbrvwn sugar. Use a covered roaster with enough water; to make; leam. The young, tender Delieioul, Ham. requires Only fiheen Bwcon by this Brand Name you ''FVrPVTHlNr. TUP NAMC IMBI irc( ! ' v aw' a a aM m ii a -aiTia siru ; mwm i rested the other day tor wife beat ing? i Brown: ; "Yes, but after seeing the prisoner the judge decided he must have won on a foul." ' Lyle Heintz. A ROMANCE OF TODAY a In Words of Or Syllable. Ry Charles . Shaw. V " i "Maude! Jack! ' Lunch? , '"' , Sure. Now?. . !. ' ' Yes. . Walk? ' !, Well Drive? .; . . XTmmJ -' - Park? . ' . , . Yes. ' . I What? Love Who? You. Me? Yes. Oh! Much. You? I. Jack!! Maude!!! Kiss. i (Smack!) Had His Number He was an amateur author very much of an amateur; but he liked -to throw a bluff. She was a sweet, young thing, but wise to the ways of the male sex. They had just been Intro duced, i "Yes," he, boasted, without the flicker: of an eyelash, i "I write for the very best magazines." "How perfectly lovely," 1 she cooed. "And do they always send you . sample copies?" - : Avoiding the Rush Maxine: "Did Gladys show you the wonderful engagement ring she got last night? And to think she's been keeping company only two months!" L ( Judith: "That's what I call doing her Christmas: shopping early." Hugo Katz. STATESMAN WANT ADS The ahorteat distance between buyer and seller. . J( iti III m Jr. fay to throughout 1A important mluuies baking ( . will find them r j & -m .tu 4 i. TALUADOUT POPULARITY! HEATERS You Are Hot i Enjoying the Real Thing If You Haven't Yours Yet aim Uo (Up and We l7iII ESoIixcir fit IP p onto S Santa Clausisnot at all discouragod by the cold sn:p. Ho is busior tl:n ever selecting IVarmiiig Pads Christmas in n And a UonderM Assortment of Gifts SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. Barton Prop. Masonic Temp! o Pic' l'"rl