The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 19, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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i -----
I IfflrTlGlIT
Wedding! Bells"' to Ring in
, Three Acts at High
School Auditorium
"Wedding' Bells" is an appro
priate title for the three-act com-
edy to be resented at 8:15 o'-
clock tonight at the Salem high
school auditorium. . The play ia a
J drawing room drama by Salisbury
j Field, full of amusing situations,
' and guaranteeing many hearty
j, laughs for the" audience. J-
P The plot Is based on, the eternal
j triangle, which fortunately forma
Itself, into a' quadrangle Reggie
I Carter, a ' wealthy .young New
Yorker Is about to marry Marcia
j Hunter when Rosalie, his divorced
wife of a year ago, calls ostensibly
to get ner .aog- She is bent on
preTentlng i him from marrying
custom. .Marcia doesn't mind
though, because she has found
i that she loves Douglas Ordway, a
young poet,1 more anyway. Mrs.
Hunter, her mother,, is .horrified
at the arrangement, but is power-
less to change Manila's mind. An
other couple finds s happiness in
being reunited; they are, Jackson.
Reggie's valet, and Hooper, .Ro
salie's maid-, 'f', . ".
Vernon Perryj takes the leading
part i as Reggie, Mildred Gilbert
plays opposite him , as Rosalie.
Maureen 'Styles is ; Marcia, Jack
Ramage is Douglas Ordway. Hel-
; en Campbell portrays Mrs. Hunt
er, the character part, tnatjfof
Snenrer Wei la la filled bv Wavne
1 Harris, John Caughell t Jackson,
l the valet, Julia Query enacts the
.role of Hooper-the English lady's
UlAiUi , JhXlU XX A 1 U1SVU A3 X.' U-
sisaki, , the Japanese house-hoy.
, The .play is ' sponsored by, the
Associated Student body and tick
ets are on sale at the high school.
Below Zero Temperature
- Reported From , Silverton
SILVERTON'. Or., Dec. 18.
(Special to . The Statesman.)
What is said to be the coldest spell
that has hit "Silverton "since in De
cember, 1919, has been experienc
ed this week. At times the ther
mometer registered as low gs 2
degrees belowzero. loggers from
the Silver,'" Falls Timber company
camps are all out.
from the .chimney. , The first call
came from the John Killan home
up South Water street. Consider
able damage was done to the roof
ct the house. Tho sx-ciad Jire was
in the Stiff Furniture store "on
the wall between the store and the
Cottage yhotel. The firo burned
between the walls; necessitating
cutting out of part of the wall.
In spite- of the cold weather the
hose could be used although the
chemicals were. at first frozen and
had to be thawed cct.
Jess Maddock Is Named
Scout Patrol Leader
Jess Maddock is the latest patrol
leader in Salem. He has been ap
pointed to this ' post because , of
the most excellent work that he
has shown as assistant scout leadr
er of Salem troop . 2.
The young scout leader came to
Oregon several months ago with
his parents.: They were making
a tour of ihe Pacific coast from
Ohio and decided to settle in" Sa
lem after they had visited here.
; Plans are under way by the Sa
lem officials of scouting to stage
one of the biggest scout demon
strations ever held here. To put
across such a program they have
secured the; rervices - of Harold
Ware, scout executive, who is to
sIow the Salem scouts what a real
s?out worker raaliy is. t
Miles McKee Named Pres
ident of Unitarian Church ;
; r Organization
Fire Damages Two Homes
In Silvertca This Week
f SILVERTON, Or Dec. 18.
f (Special to The Statesman. )-The
' nil-- mi J . x
oinciiuu lire r ueyarimeot was
forced to" respond to two calls
Wednesday, hojth fires . originating
Gargle ffiroat
Vith Aspirin
Clip This M Subject to Sore
Throat or Tonsilitis
Prepare a 'harmless and effect
ive gargle by dissolving two Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin in four table
spoonfuls of water. ' Gargle throat
thoroughly. Repeat In two hours
ir necessary. ' - "
Be sure you use only the genu
ine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,
marked with the Bayer Cross,
which can be had, in tin boxes of
welve tablets tor lew cents aot.
: The Laymens' league of the Uni
tarian church met last night for
organization and election . of offi
cers,1 MiIes McKee was elected
president and John Gobble secre
tary and treasurer. , .
1 A, committee to draw, up a con
stitution was formed . with Rev.
Martin Fereshetlan as chairman,
G. M. Goodrich and Dr. H. D. Red
mond as members of the commit
tee. The chapter Is" to meet the
first and third: 1 Wednesday of
each month at the, Unitarian
church. .: ,
' The purpose of the organization
Is to Interest tha i laymen in the
problems of the church. In order
that they may secure a better un
derstanding of the problems -the
Laymen are to conduct the serv
ices of the church during one
meeting of each Quarter. The lay
men are ' to Introduce their ' view
point, j .
Sixteen People Narrowly
Escape Death in Vessel
VANCOUVER, B. C. Dec. 18. -Fourteen
men and two women
narrowly escaped death when the
launch Arbena was driven,, ashore
last Friday by a gale at Wadhams
Point, 250 miles northwest ot
here, according to word received
here today. Ten ; minutes after
the last passenger' scrambled to
safety on a small "stretch of sand
along the rocky shore line, the
launch was splintered on nearby
rocks. The passengers were en
route from Dralney's Inlet to
River Inlet where they were to
catch a steamer for Vancouver.
MISSOULA. Mont.. Dec. 18.
Forty head of buffalo from the
bison reserve near Dixon, 35 miles
west of here, have been sold to
William Randolph Hearst, accord
ing to information reaching here
from the Flathead- reservation.
The statement said that Mr. Hearst
had paid an average of $1,000 a
head for the animals. They are
to be shipped to his ranch in Cali
fornia. - . t . -"-j- V .:
i ,
1 p
- -
By Seeing
UA, (:
' ; . I
Bitterly Contested Case No W
Taken Under Advisement
By County Court
The county court ha3 taken the
matter of the Salem drainage dis
trict under advisement. The dif
ficulty of forming an estimate of
the actual cost of the project is
due to the large number of broken
tracts comprising the proposed dis
trict, and the matter is further
complicated-by the fact that some
of the land under consideration
lies outside of the district, al
though it Is Indicated on the chart
as belonging within the area of
the drainage district. j -
One argument In favor of the
project was" made by Mayor Giesy.
He stated that on account of the
overflow, sanitary conditions in a
part of . the northeast .territory
were not of the best. Mr. Giesy
believes, too. that the high water
has-retarded development in that
section. 1 : f ;
The case has occupied the at
tention ot the county court for
about three days, and the two
opposing factions have fought bit
terly. Whether a settlement will
eventually be reached is not cer
Notre Dame .Works Out for s
; Stanford Game on Jan.: 1
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 18.
Leaving no stone unturned to
make sure the Notre Dame team
is fully prepared for its battle
with Stanford university at Pasa
dena, New Year's day, Coach
Knute Rockne followed up yes
terday's scrimmage for the second
team with a similar heavy ' work
out today for the first string
players: Although the regulars
fared better against the Stanford
formations as exemplified by the
freshman than did the reserves,
the yearlings were able to make a
number of good gains. Coach
Rockne, assistant Coach ;. Tom
Lieb, student Manager Leo Sutt
liffe, and 32 players will form the
personnel of the Notre Dame par
ty which will leave for the coast
Seattle Temperature Goes
( Down to Eight Below Zero
SPOKANE, Dec. 18. The zero
weather which has been general
over eastern Washington since
Monday continued tonight with
little change. ' At 7 o'clock to
night in Spokane the temperature
was zero, a drop of five degrees
in two hours. The minimum for
the day was 8 degrees below zero
and the maximum was 6 above.
Similar weather was reported
from other cities in eastern Washington.
Veteran Calif ornian
Representative Dies
SAN FltANCISCO, Dec. 18.
Congressman Julius Kahn, for 24
years the representative of the
fourth congressional district lo
cated in this city, and chairman of
the house military affairs : com
mittee for a number ot sessions,
died here today after an extended
illness at the age of 63 years.'
; German-born, Mr. Kahn vindi
cated his American citizenship to
the utmost during the World war.
He was one of the principal pro
ponents in the house of President
Wilson's conscription plan, and
was an active and effective work
er for an adequate war machine
with which the military power of
Germany could be crushed.
I V- 1
MOTHER:- Fletcher's Cas-
toria is a pleasant, harmless
Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Teething' Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared
for Infants in arms and Children ell ages. ' ; ' j" .
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Made to Order
50 patterns all wool goods, specially
priced. Just' think of it a suit made '
to order for less than you would pay
for a ready made. Every suit made
strictly to your measure. Guaranteed
unbreakable fronts linings, trim
mings and workmanship.
See Our Windows
f . .
167 North Summer Street
W ID XjXj j L-jiJ nJ L,
Never before, have tHe people of Salem and community made such a SAVING on tlicir
Xmas Gifts as they are now getting at our Profit Sharing Sale Entire Stock of the finest
selected Jewelry, '.Silverware, Diamonds patches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Pottery and Nov
elty Goods.
I - r-r
!: '"'-'I:'
Sterling Silver Patterns to Choose From
' . Now is the time to fill in on your pat
tern, SAVE on Sterling. A large stock
of the i well-known Community Silver,
.Century Anniversary, Jamestown- and
many other patterns to choose from.
Useful Gift
26-piece Set iri Chest.
, , , I I . Ij - 1 I, ,! , ...
spoons, 6 table-spoons
1 butter knife and 1 sug
fx spoon, SPECIAL......
: 0 I
Gifte for Mother
White Gold or 5 Platinum
Bar Pins, Diamond Set;
Ear Rings,- Mesh ' Bag,
Manicure Sets or a beau
tiful amber toilet set.
Diamond Set Dinner
Ring,- Amberj or Jet
Beads. - - . -
Gifts for Dad
A. new Watch," Watch Chains,
Cigar Cutter, Bill Fold, Pen
and Pencil Sets, Cigar Holi
er, Clothes Brushes; Cujf
Links', -Collar Button Sets,
Dress Sets, Emblem Ring or
a Signet Ring, Smoking .Set,
Traveling' Clock. j
Gifts for Sister
Wrist Watch, Diamond Ring,
Pearl Beads, Vanity Case,
Flexible Bracelets, Novelty
Beads or Earrings, Amythest,
Sapphire or Topaz Ring,
Lingerie Clasps, Hair Brush-
es. Handy Pine; Remount
her old ring in a new white
gold setting. . 1
Gifts for Brother
Pocket Watch or a Strap
Watch, Scarf Pin, Cult
Links, Collar .Pins, Cigar
ette Case or Holder, Mili
tary Brushes in ebony or ell
Tar. Card CaBe, Belt or Belt
Buckle, Emblem charm, JZIX
Teeth, Receipt Case. 4
Many others.
Save at Hartman's Profit Sharing Sale
Wrist Watches -
For Her
All Watches Reduced in
Price SAVE
-E -jl.
Gent's f
Strap I
$25.00 Watch
$30.00 Watch
$35.00 Watch
$40.00 Watch
$50.00 Watch
$60.00 Watch
now $20.25
now $25.25
now $30.25
now $34.75
now $44.75
now $54.75
16-Jewel White Gold
Filled Case 3 Shapes
! 9.95
8 Day Mahogany
Case Mantle
1 Clocks
$6.95 '
.1 ! - T - . - r
The OtO Way
VEwiThi WAV1
Ultwa VfWitH'N Way
See oar beautiful ' assort-.
' ment ol the World's known
Elgin, Walthara, Hamilton,
Howard, " Illinois every
watch with ' the. Hartman
guarantee. - 19 Jewell ' Illi
nois ' It J size, 25-year case,
plain or engraved. Ilart
man.: ' . , ' ' ' .-. -
; - Special 037.05
Chime Clocks
Now '.
Wheel train diarr'am. showitie how the four obnatinz tddries
of the ordinary uatch tire reduced to three in the Qruen
VeriThin and two in the Ultra VeriThin. Thus thinness
is secured without loss of accuracy or durability of parts.
For the Borne
Set of Silverware, Candle
sucks, 'iTays, Manue uiock,
Vases, Hot Dish Mats, Fruit
Bowl, Bread or Cake Tray.
Coffee or Tea- Set, Silver
1 Water Pitcher, Book Enda,
Hall Clock, Carving Set,
Card Tray.
Visit Our Silver-room
Silver plated pieces oft
Cut Glass 1-3 to 14 Off
Jewelry ...1-4 to 1-3 Off
In fact our entire stock
Reduced in priceslet us
Show You. i
Saturday Special .
196.16 size 14K solid sold
case. Regular $112.00 :
Now S6J.85
Dutcn Silver
Candle Sticks, Bon Bon
Dishes, ' Cigar Boxes,
Card Trays, Smoking
Sets, many popular
pieces to choose from.
' off
Of the HARTMAN QUALITY at Almost
More Shopping
' . Days
y MwM fc-. Turn m , ,wa Jz . afvnjf mm f- 1mm 1I11T
Special attention
given to evening .
customers Our
entire stock will be
on display for your
'approval each
; evening until
- m L 11
Jewelers and Silversmiths
399 State Street, corner Liberty
Salem, '