The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Xsuud Dally Except lfndt; by i
915 South Commercial EC, BaUmv Oragoa
fata L. i Brady
Tnnk jMkoafci ,
:l . I ' . l . '"-Editor
. iMnfer Job Dept.
Tit Associated rreea la eiemureiy enutiea to ine ne ior psducsuob 01 en new
Ilapateke credited to It or aot otkarwiao credited ia this pe,er aad lo tke loeat
Itwi pnWUhed kerela. -. , - '
i j -'. BUSINESS OFF! CB: - !
raotnao . Ckrk Co, Hew York. 141-145 TTeet th St, I Ckioaro, Merqaette Baul-
W. 8. Orothwehl. M(rr.
(Portland Office, 130 Wore eater Bids, Phoao 8687 B Roadway, O. T. William. Kr.)
Bvdaeaa Offleo .
ewa Dopartmeat
' . Sr - Cirenlatloa Offico
., . -H-10S ' Society Jfcdivor .
Joh Dopartmeat ... . . 6S8
Xatoroi at tio Pottoffles I Salem, Orefoa, ai aecoad-clais vattar
, Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau, Cincinnati, Ohio.
It parents will hare their children memorize the dally Bible selee
Hon. It will Drove a srlceless b-it to tham in after years.
If Ikwmhrr IM. Ii-i4 1
I THE KINGDOM WITHIN: The kingdom ot God cometh not with
observation: Neither shall they say, Lo heref or, lo there! for, be
hold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20. 21.
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink: but righteousness
and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, j Romans 14:17.
PRAYER: . - ' ; .- f J. I ;
. ; : "I love Thy Kingdom Lord,, f
-' v , . ; j The House of Thine abode, t
i ,! i The Church our blest Redeemer saved
' . , With His own precious blood' , i 1 " . i
as items entering into the cost of
transportation; Itcan only take
the showing of the railroads that,
their expenses are bo great that
they have to have! high freight
rates in order to j make a fair
profit. ; i
Some of these days the public
is going- to demand that its repre
sentatives sit In on all these agree
ments. ' Capital and; labor can fix
any 'price so long as it is passed
on to the third fellow to pay, but
the time is coming when the third
fellow Is going to Insist on being
a party of the agreement, and his
Interests must be guarded just as
carefully as those of the other
two. He may be outvoted at times
but the public will know the facts.
The Evergreen blackberry, the great pie berry of commerce,
is coming up; decidedly. Headed towards a gigantic industry.
Heretofore we have only caught glimpses .of its coming great
ness J .. .' ... ; ; ; "! ,
j Arid now the vision is clear and bright. I " '
;f "There is a reason;", there are several reasons. They were
more or less hazy and ih the domain of hope heretofore. They!
stand out (now. , " ; ! j
i The Evergreen blackberry is peculiarly well adapted Jor
canning. It "atands" up" in the cans. In thisjrespect it is in
a class by itself. It has a distinction all its own. Hut there is
also-opening a demand for this piejberry in barrels and cans
frozen berries. It is calculated to go in that trade with our
loganberries -with them, in nearly all markets, and ahead of
them in some. ;
What is this Evergreen blackberry? The United States
Department of Agriculture Farm Bulletin 643 has the following:
f "EVERGREEN (Black Diamond, Star, Wonder, Ewing
Wonder, Everbearing, Atlantic Dewberry) Origin unknown,
but grown in Europe since -1809. Berries large, firm, sweet,
Quality very good, seeds large. . Season late .- to very -late and
Jong. Bush vigorous, tender, productive, .deep roosted and
drought resistant; canes semitrailing, perennial in some sections,
but theyhould always be trained as though they were biennial
like other Varieties ; root at tips. One of the best varieties in
Oregon and Washington, but not generally adapted to the states
cast of the Rocky Mountains, because the fruit is small arid
worthless except in New Jersey, where it is grown considerably
with success. Planting distances, 16 to 24 by 8 feet in Oregon
and Washington, according to conditions. This variety is found
growing wild in Oregon and Washington." . 1 :
'"'.''.There you have it j . -''' . ;
The Evergreen blackberry is an Oregon and Washington
berry; and this means that it. is a western 'Oregon berry and
the Salem district , having attained the premiership will keep
jt; it will! go in ever increasing volume in cans and barrels to
the great pie centers; and in jams and jellies, to all parts of the
.world...-;.!: . ., , .: !.;'-'-
j ' The certain future of the Evergreen blackberry lies partly
in its great production, to the acre and its economy of cultiva
tion, enabling growers and dealers and factories, to put it onto
the markets at reasonable prices. ; j
; The Evergreen has another advantage, in the long life, of
the Vines. ; It does not seem to grow old. v- : . . j. 1 i . .' : ; r -'
It has produced here as high as 16,000 pounds to the acre,
and it may produce 25,000 pounds, with proper cultivation and
irrigation. ' .- ri t":V .-
There; was a suggestion in a former blackberry Slogan
number of (The Statesman that the Evergreen blackberry ought
to be named the 'Oregon blackberry," and that it should be so
known in Commerce. The suggestion is a worthy one. It could'
be carriedi out, with the proper advertising and pushing. ' (
' We have increasing reasons for encouragement concerning
this great pie berry. The industry has become a stable one, and
it can be continued as such, and there is possible enormous ex
pansion, without danger of over production. 1 ( v
Only a few years ago, the Evergreen blackberry was a
pest, in fence corners arid on roadsides. It has developed into
one of the great berries' of commerce. Like the loganberry, it
"was an aecidnt. Hovv.the first seeds were carried to western
Orgon, to the Salem district, is not known for a.' certainty. ' But
that the Evergreen n peculiarly an Oregon berry, and peculiarly
adapted to our soil and sunshine and showers in attaining per
fection in growth, isVcertainl j
Next week's Slogan number will be devoted to our great
cherry industry This industry needs attention in several ways;
especially jn the way of a highcr protective duty for our.Royal
Anns, our maraschino cherries. If any reader has suggestions,
Will he please make himself heard. This is your fight, as .well
as the Slogan editor's. It is a matter that concerns every man,
woman and child in the Salem district. J
The Southern Pacific has Just
had aconference with certain of
its employes and raised their
wages half million a year. The
board provided by the government
had previously raised their wages,
but this was apparently not ac
cepted by either side. Of course
we are not saying this raise is not
Justified, j It might have been.
But we are saying that the econ
omic condition sis -wrong where
capital, and labor adjust fixed
wages that the public must pay
unless the public sits in as the
party of the third part.
- Under the present agreement
there, can be no expression from
the public as to whether they'will
accept that rate or not. The pub
lic must accept iti It Is Just passed
on to them. Theres nothing else
to do. - We clamor for readjust
ment of freight rates here in Ore-
go ' We are losing a lot of money
because we can not take our fresh
fruit profitably to market and yet
the public has no voice; In any
agreement that fixes the price of
labor, upon which freight rates
are based. The interstate Com
merce commission has no; power
to make any regulation as to
freight rates that is not profitable
to the railroads, j It has no power
to say what shall be considered
Kw & Co.
, . Holiday Goods on Sale 1
We have Chinese ' and Japanese Fancy i Dry Goods,
Silk Embroidery, ' Handkerchiefs, Tabic Covers; Silk
Slippers, Kimonas, Baskets, Neck Wear, Vanity Cases,
China Ware, Ornaments Toys. and Ladies and Gentle
men's Furnishing Goods, Silk Hose, Waists, Blouses and
Sweaters, Etc. ' -M-" ' ; ;; - .
2G1 N. Commercial St.
It is a matter of a good deal
of satisfaction that the death rate
in Oregon In 1923 was 1094 per
100,000 population, ! as compared
with 1153 in 1922. (These figures
are official because they are made
public by the census department.
In Oregon there has been a de
cline in pneumonia,! influenza, dia
betes and suicide,. Oregon has
been boasting of its healthfulness
and it is mighty fine to have the
federal government statistics bear
out our assertions.;
o'clock .Friday afternoon. Mr.
Southwick died late Tuesday night
as a result of a etroke of paralysis,
the third in the last two years.
Mr. Southwick came to Salem
from California In 1S82. engag
ing in the contracting business
until about four years ago when
he retired from an active life. He
was a charter member of the Sa
lem Elks lodge; WOW; the GAR
and for two terms was on the citv I
council.1 He was born In Janes-
ville. Wis., in 1846. During the
war he served with the 50th Wis
consin regiment. In 1867 he mar
ried and moved to California In
1875, where; he engaged In con
tracting. Prior " to this time he
was a farmer. j
He is survived by hisi widow.
IHelen 'Southwick, three sons, Al
bert, Holland and Ralph South
wick and two daughters, Mrs. J.
Hastings, of ' Portland and Mrs.
Frank B. Southwick, Pioneer
Contractor, Will Be
Buried, Friday
Funeral services for Frank iB.
Southwick, Civil War veteran and
a building contractor here for the
last 40 years, will be held from
the new Rigdon mortuary at :
Styles and Tints to Suit Every Taste.
- i Prices Ranging From
75c to $7.50 a Box i
Should be selected this week, while oiir stock
is complete. A card to suit every individual.
Games Books i- Kodaks Book Ends
:Z 1' Fountain Pens are always acceptable .
Commercial Book
163 North Commercial St.
Ralph Cox. of Salt Lake City.
Mr. Southwick built .the old
Gray building on State, one or the
first brick buildings in the city;
the- city hall; mute school; two
large wings of the insane hospital;
several buildings at .OAC; the
gymnasium at Vancouver, Wash.,
barracks and a great many other
local buildings of lesser import
ance.' " . r :''
single man present last night an4
the gang voted to use every effort
to change his status during: the
coming year.
Archie Holt of Silverton dis
played a roll of film which! was
taken of the company as they were
presented in parade on the Marion
county court house lawn previous
to their sailing for France.
Fill your tank. with.
Red Grown and press
the starter button-
youlletf the difference
i Fill your tank with "Red Crown"; and
press the starter button you'll feel the
difference. Drive for.a day or a week
and then look: at your gasoline gauge-
you'll see the difference. Keep track of
your gasoline cost you'll savel the
- difference. 1
j Fill your tank with "Red Crown" at any
I red, white and blue purrip in town "in
i every way a better, gasoline."
These dealers in Salem sell Red Crown Gasoline
! Bones Garage- -Garage
and Service Station
j W. II. Clark Grocery
2290 State Street
i Iay & ZoscI
Tires and Auto Supplies
Commercial and Chemeketa
Economy Grocery :
1601 Center Street
AV. I. Edwards
General Storn i
Tacific Highway South
i ,-- ' ' :- '
Foley's Service Station
i ; Auto Supplies
Pacific Highway -North
llarbison'H Servico Station .
i' i ; Auto Supplies
Market and North Capitol -
;Ira Jorgenson
l. Auto Supplies
- 190 South High Street--
Ixne Star Senlce Station
Camp Ground and Auto Supplies
1998 North Capitol Street
.. . . ..
W !. . Slasten i
- General Store i
Macleay, Oregon V
Xeirton-Clievrolet Co
Garage and Auto Supplies
High and Chemeketa
. Norlh Commercial Street Garage
i . Garage and Auto Supplies
1610 North Commercial Street
Mike Panelc - "
Brake Lining Specialist
275 South Commercial Street'
Parker &, Co.
Auto Repairing .
i 44 4 South- Commercial Street t
Pratiun Mercantile Co. ,
General Store i
Pratum, Oregon
IlobiiiMon's Bervico Station
Auta Supplies 1 ,
Jefferson and Liberty Roads
," Vick Bros.
Automobiles and Trucks
280 South High Street
West Salem- Service Station
Service Station and Auto Repairing
West Salem, Oregon
- . ; ' . .
Yevrn Park Grocery
703 South-iTwelfth Street
Inclement Weather Prevents
Large Tournout for An- 1
nual Co. M. Reunion
Company M of the 162nd in
fantry held roll call at the Gray
Belle last , night for the annual
reunion and-1? responded to Top
Sergeant Elmer E. Blunk. ' Paul
Wallace presided and Col. Carle
Abrams was toastmaster.'
The reunion was dramatic in
that as each man's name was
called those present responded
with a toast or reminiscent topic.
In the response given by Sergeant
Rlunk tribute was paid to their
old captain, Roy Neer, as being the
best officer In the AEF, and that
he was capable of directing any
regiment or division ver n
Neither Captain Neer nor Chap
lain Gilbert were present on ac4
count of the unpleasant weather,
which was responsible for the ab
sence of many others.
'The Company M boys went on
record as In favor of helping 'lie
American War Mothers clear the
debt on the statue, "Over the
Top to Victory." They are to se
cure pictures from the war de
partment depicting a scene in
France, in which Company M are
shown, in action.
Frank Durbln, Jr., was the only
Fred B. Barnes, district man
ager nf the "Nation's Business'
publication of the United States
Chamber of Commerce, was the
principal .speaker before the Ro
tary clnb Wednesday. He dis
cussed the code of ethics of the
Rota'rians and of the development
of the code from simple begin
nings. The spirit of the Man of
Nazareth, he said, was being mani
fested today.
The business standard of the
world, has changed during the past
ages, declared Mr. Barnes. : The
"buyer beware" was replaced by
that of honesty is the best policy.
In turn service was the keyword
and that now has been changed to
the motto of cooperation.
The, Rotarians are to have a
program of merit next Wednes
day. - Charles R. Aprcherd Is to be
in charge and entertainment la
prepared for all. .
Singing matches between the
Cherrians of the Rotary club and
other members is to be conducted
at the next meeting. The winners
are to stand treat lo' whatever la
demanded, it is understood.
Fire Call
The fire department hurried to
a chimney fire at 275 South Four
teenth yesterday and Eound that
little damage had been done.
Building Permit '
Rev..W. C. Kantner fa to erect
a dwelling at. 853 North Commer
cial, according fto the budls
permit issued by City Recorder
Poulsen yesterday. The estimat
ed cost is given as $4000. .
cliltTfUiitit h
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co;
Salem, Oregon ' - v . ; -
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Gbeciir,
Drag Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties. 1
: 4
The Sign of Musical Prestige
Braruwtek Kadiota
A. 160
Combining the world-noted
Brunswick phonograph with
the superlative in radio the
Radiola Super-Heterodyne.
Convenient Plan of Payments We will gladly
arrange for a Brunswick Radiola to be delivered
for a small initial payment, the balance in equal
monthly amounts to suit your convenience. Ask
about our plan.
A JSrunswic
for ChrisfcmaG
The new musical instrument the gift
Supreme. Learn how easily you caa give
one by our new plan.
This Is the newest Christmas gift tho '
Brunswick Radiola. A gift to one that
brings pleasure to aU. At prices to
suit almost any purse, with a plan of
convenient payments which wUl appeal
to you.
In Brunswick Radiola are cenmbined
, world's finest radio- achievement and
; the superlative in recorded music. Now
. ' music of the air at Mill, or, at the turn
of a lever, your favorites on Brunswick
Keeords. r ;
v - -
Jjft us demonstrate this, amazing new.
instrument for you. Come In -today-airy
time. We urge an early visit, be
cause Its popularity is going to mean
. disappointment to those who delay.
Regular $3.25 Almonte Cotton Double Blanket
MR. CHARLES KADDERLY from Cribben & Sexton, mak
ers cf the nationally-known Universal Ranges and Air-Blast
Heaters, will be in the Stove Section every day this week to
point out. with our; own experts, the advantages of cooking
with a Universal and heating with a Universal.
Universal fuel ranges are available here in many styles.
There are blue or grey porcelain ranges, setmi-percclain
ranges with nickel trimmings or plain, cast steel ranges
all with or without hot water connections. Ask especial
ly to see the Universal porcelain range in peacock blue or
pearl grey finish sanitary, washable, indestructible.
You Get 26-Piece Set of SILVERWARE or
42-Piece Set of TABLEWARE if You Buy
a Universal Range This Week. , J
- 4