) s . i ri , n nnL .TSr ' -i.-r Oregon n1 a , AS wCV vAi Z.f .Af ? Twelve Pages Tcdr.y Only six more shopping days' until Chrktir. This Issue carries many suggestions for practlc: 1 gifts.' Read the advertisements they will z: you in making up your list. Fair and con tinued cold; moderate northeast winds. Wednes dayMai. 21; Min: 12; River. 4.4 falling; Rain tali none; Atmosphere clear; Wind north. j SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS mm ) 4 'X jr V A I k i A. A V -t ? L. V POSTAL BILL B OWSEITE Pres dent Coolidge Continues Attempt to Prevent Over riding of Veto on Pay In crease Bill VOTE ON VETO NOT TO I BE LATER THAN JAN. 6 Coolidge Again Confers With j Senate Leaders on Rev- . I I enue Measures WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 While President Coolidge continued to day hd efforts to prevent the , overriding ofnis tveto of the pos tal pay increase hill by the senate, that - body entered into a unani mous consent agreement for a vote on' the veto not Jater than Janu- . ary 6. j : h ft . : Calling a number of republican senate leaders to the White House the executive again Informed them of his ideslrethat the veto be sus tained because any other action In advance ' of the enactment of a revenue measure to take care of , the pay raise would interfere with the economic policy of Ills ad ministration and continue what he regards as a harmful practice of leaving to the future the -matter of j providing for present author ized expenditures. 1 ! - Efforts Renewed '-" ' After these leaders had ' visited thf White House, renewed efforts were imade to get a unanimous consent agreement for senate ac tion. Immediately after the unani mous consent agreement had .been entered ..into, the administration measure increasing postal rates on - all except letter mail was referred tajthajnoat-jpff lea mm mltteajwith a view to Hearings and aetlon dur ing the Christmas holidays. Some administration Meaders are of the opinion that there will be a sufficient number of senators in J accord with the president's I program ;to- sustain his .veto, j Thirty! three votes 'would be ne I cessary to accomplish this result provided all senators were present and voting. -1 ' These leaders are proceeding 1 under a plan for senate considera tion of both the pay Increase and the mail rate advance as compan ion measures, it not as a joint measure. There is rather wide spread opposition, : however, t to hitching the two propositions to gether Jn a single bill. : ..' ; ,On a bill which would Permit with private aviation firms for carrying the air mall was delayed by parliamentary tactics but pro ponents said they expected ; it would be brought up tomorrow. j Representative Griffin, demo crat. New York, speaking in oppo sition" to the bill, declared the government should not surrender the .carrying of mail through the air to private concerns, after spending millions of dollars on aviation. I Committee Reports Show j Salem Families Destitute Several cases reported' to the Statesman Christmas fund have been investigated and. in every instance the persons mentioned have been most worthy. Just one case: The man hadbeen out of. work for 16 weeks. He was just able to get up and be around and would not be able to go -to work for two weeks more The only Christmas they will have will ' be from The Statesman fund. There are a number of cases , of just this n'aturel Below is the list of contrib utors to date: D. A. White Henry IJaquet I.'L. Mc Adams Edis Belle Matheson ... Ida Mary Matheson . ". .' Daniel J. Fry Francis Rollow ....... Royal Neighbors of Am. J.TL. Ingrey A. Friend ............ Mrs. J. R. Chapman .... A Friend r Tom Kay............. A' Friend ............ Elmo S. White ........ 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 54)0 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 .5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 I E. A. Rhoten.......... A Friend .... ........ W H. Henderson J V. ,C. Conner ........ Edw.. T. Barber . ". . . ; . Mrs. Pi II. Strand. . Salem Women of KKK. . A Frieki d ........ . . . . . A Friends. . i.'. . ' Theo. Sampson F. A. Doerfler f m ' f 3.00 3.00 Total ....... .1121.00 TO: VOTED Outcome of Drainage i Problem Is Doubtful; No Settlement in View The Salem drainage district plan went through another day of debate in the county court yester day, and will be taken up again today at 10 o'clock. Attorneys believe the case will be closed by noon. : Whether a. settlement will ever be reached between the two opposing factions seemed doubtful in , view of the testimony given by the witnesses called yesterday. A great number of the signers of the original ! petition placed their names on the list under a mis understanding, it developed dur ing the hearing of the case. Some of these people have now signed the remonstrance to the petition', and others are , expected to sign. As far as could be learned, noth ing has been said, concerning the expense of the proposed project, and no one has yet furnished an estimate, j The whole matter around which the legal battle waged In court SHARP DEBA OVER SHOALS Coolidge Center of Attack By Senator Norris; Under r wood Replies WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Pres ident Coolidge and the Underwood bill were attacked and defended in the senate today during debate on the Muscle Shoals issue. ;. Senator Norris, republican' Ne braska, charged that the measure would "make Teapot Dome look like a pinhead,"! and Doheny and Sinclair look like "pikers," and asserted tha enactment of the leg laXatiCTr fateywoul(rireT:crnTe Ttnown as the "rape of the treasury." He accused the president of overrid ing the will of the senate agri culture committee which reported the Norris government ownership bill and of attempting to solve the Muscle Shoals problem with "mid night confenences on the May flower." Replying to the charges, Senator Underwood, democrat, Alabama, author of the government owner ship leasing " bill, pending as a substitute for the Norris measure, declared Muscle Shoals legislation should not be regarded as a po litical measure, and he was glad that he and the president were accord on the questIon. He declared the president was observ ing custom when he made known his attitude on the Muscle Shoals question in his message to con gress and accused Senator Norris of being a follower of populist principles in advocating; govern ment Instead of private operation. Senator Underwood also charged that "an arganized filibuster to prevent action on the Muscle Shoals bill was in progress and warned the senate unless one bill was passed and sent to the: house for passage before March 4, the water would be allowed to go -j rer the spillway ' and property worth ?2,000.000 "would be dead to the world." J ! : v. T Teachers Don't Use Mistletoe for - f -Decorations So Why Gather It Now? I i l in i i ir 1 i i in i i i i i i 1 1 ii i i i ' i in ll ! Attractive and Seasonable Decoration Obtainable Only at Great . ; Peril of Limb and Even Life Declares Writer I I . By ELLA McMUNN It is the practice of country; school teachers, and possibly many in the city, to send pupils out scouting ; for Christmas . greens at this time, to be used for the pur pose of decorating for the grand afternoon or evening performance that marks the festive season. . Now this is: all very well and commendable and greatly enjoyed by the children, but there is one feature that should be eliminated by law, if there is no other method, and that is gathering mis tletoe. It is very pretty, of course, and there is the old sentiment con cerning it i which we delight to foster, without giving a thought to the perils encountered in securing it.y : ":- ." " No Mistletoe ever grew closer to the ground than twenty feet, but more often it i thirty, forty or even sixty feet high, in a slick, slippery: oak tree that may have but few. branches to which a boy may cling or climb when secur ing it. . 'The teacher has only to hint that mistletoe is pretty, in order to put every child in a wild frenzy to frc'irc? it, so' . that '.che is not yesterday was whether or not the state could legally enter its 1430 acres in the proposed district. If it is found that this would be irre gular, the elimination of the state land would cause the drainage plan to fail, as the signed acreage would then be less than half of the total acreage. -j '. i- ' It .was announced during the course of the case yesterday that an agreement had been made by attorneys for, both factions that property of all those signing the remonstrance who live on high land be eliminated from the dis trict. Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan, as acting county judge, fs sitting on the case with the county court, and should Injunctive proceedings be started in the circuit court, Judge McMahan would be dis qualified to try that case. ; No matter which faction wins in' this case, it is understood the matter will be carried to a higher court. MIDDLE WEST HIT BY GOLD Minnesota and South Dako , ta Struck By Wintry Blasts; to Continue CHICAGO, Dec. 17. (By the Associated Press). Winter to night was enthroned in the west and middle west and his heralds had reached eastward to the Ohio valley region.: :'L The arrival of the most severe cold of the season in the north west and west was responsible, directly or indirectly, for the loss of upwards of a dozen lives, while in the Rocky mountain region huge snow drifts played ; havoc with trato schedules and interrupt ed wire communications, jr While the entire northwest, , in cluding Minnesota, the Dakotas, northern Iowa, western Wisconsin, and the Canadian provinces, were in the icy grip of sub-zero wea ther, the nip of the cold in the middle western and central states was not so severe as had been an ticipated. . I - : " The severe cold was expected to continue for another! 24 hours. In Minnesota it was ifrom ;3 to 20 degrees below sero while in North ! Dakota the temperature ranged from 16 below at Fargo to 24 below at Williston. South Da kota's mercury ranged from 10 to 16 below. . : I A ; In the Rocky mountain region a moderation of the cold was ac companied by a heavy snowfall, extending into western Wyoming and through virtually all of Idaho and Utah into eastern Nevada. The Rocky mountain storm, enter ing on its third day, hindered raU traffic and caused trouble to wire communications. In Montana roads were reported almost , im passable with the snow drifting badly; and range stock suffering to some extent. The cold weather in this region will continue,, it was predicted. i In Chicago people, awoke today to find streets . and sidewalks , a glare of ice. One roan was killed in a fall and upwards of a score were seriously injured. , wholly responsible tor the annual appalling liat of broken legs, arms, backs and necks that come from gathering it, but by refusing to use it, she would confer a last ing favor upon anxious relatives of, I was about to eay, "the de ceased." Well I will say it, as I like to use large words whether I know what they mean or not. One Christmas I recall, a couple of youths of about 15 years, heard that there was mistletoe to be found on the Polk county side of the Willamette fiver, where there are many oak trees, and secured an, old, leaky boat with which to cross the swollen stream. Neither lad had had experience, and the most marvelous part of the story is that they returned; home alive. There are plenty of fir boughs, Oregon grape and sword ferns, all of which are pretty and easy to secure, and if the children are warmly clad when sent after them, and also if not allowed to stuff themselves 'with such ?vast quan tities of very cheap, jvery green and .very red . candy, . the . doctors may not be so greatly overworked as usual between Christmas and New Year's, . OIITL ID IS OlMEDI Senator Borah Gives Address On Peace Plan; interna tional Politics ! Must Not Control Matter ' GREAT POWERS MUST DESIRE PEACE FIRST Peace Plan Held Greatest Problem Before United States for Settlement PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17 The American people will never i con sent to become a part of a scheme or plan for peace which recognizes war as a legitimate method of set tling disputes or which is i con trolled through international poll tics. Senator William E. Borah declared in an address to the Phil adelphia Forum upon the subject of "Outlawry of War," Because of hi3 recent elevation to the position of chairman of the senate foreign relations commit tee and the status before that body of the question of American entry into a world court. Senator Borah's subject had aroused espe cial interest. , t "To talk of leagues and courts while pursuing a deliberate policy of violence and vengeance," Sena tor Borah declared, "is to trifle with the greatest problem now be fore us for settlement. :. - ,fy. "There is no hope ; for peace," he asserted, "so long as great powers will that there shall be no peace." He listed a, number of international incidents since the World war which he ; said have involved "a resort to violence up on the part of great and powerful nations against the unarmednd helpless.' . , ' He suggested that the phrase, outlawry of war" be dropped for substitution of law and judicial tribunals in international affairs." "The plan should . be consider ed," he said, "as three separate propositions; creation of a body of international law involving 'going as far as humanely possible to re duce international relations to es tablished rules of conduct.' "Establishment ot aa independ ent tribunal with jurisdiction and power to determine all controvers ies Involving construction of in ternational law or treaties; ana. "Declaring by said tribunal that war Js , a crime no longer to be recognized at any time as a legiti mate instrument for settlement of International disputes. sun post mi First Annual Dance Planned; Governor's Action Pleas es -Veterans Col.. Carle Abrams, well known figure in military circles, was elected commander of the Salem post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at a meeting held last night at the Armory. . Dther officers elected were: Harold B. Garver, senior vice commander; Dr. Geo. Lewis, junior vice president; Clar ence M. Lee, -quartermaster; Wj. Henry O. Miller, post advocate; Frank Chltty, chaplain; Dr. Lloyd Ivie, surgeon, and Edward O Price .officer of the day. Trustees for the organization aro Bryan H. Conley, retiring pres ident, Chris Kowitz and Allan V. Jones, who was elected to succeed himself. A resolution directing the draw ing up of a letter to be mailed to Gdvernor Walter M. Pieree,- com mending ' him , highly upon the stand recently made concerning the employment of ex-service men, was passed. The resolution ex pressed hope that the interests of the state would fall Into line and give relief to the unemployed ser vice men of Oregon. Seattle Man Held on Charge Of Manslaughter for Death SEATTLE, Dec. 17. A coron er's jury investigating the death of George Larson, 2 Vz years old, who was killed here Saturday by an automobile, which ' speeded away after the accident today placed the blame on ' James Ri Stewart,' 52, electrician, who was arrested on suspicion SundayThe coroner's verdict recommended that Stewart be held for criminal prosecution. - . -' . '.V1 '- c- B MS TO HEAD GUN MEN ARRIVE TO RENDER AID TO BOOTLEGGERS Ban Francisco Prohibition Officers V Receive 'Orders to Carry i Bide Arms SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 17. After : announcement by prohibi tion officers that rum runners in this vicinity had Imported from Chicago and New York a crew of 23 gun men to defend smugglers of liquor against both prohibition agents and "hijacken:,'' orders were issued to all prohibition en forcement officers tonight to carry side arms and' to be pre pared for any eventuality. In addition to arming agents, it was announced a special machine gun squad has been organized among prohibition enforcement forces to cope with possible at tacks from bootleggers and smug glers. Samuel Rutter, prohibition di rector, for California, was author ity for. the statement tonight that large cargoes of high priced liquor lie outside the Golden . gate in hootch . argosies waiting to be smuggled in or the San, Francisco Christmas trade, and that numer ous fights have resulted lately be tween smugglers . and "hijackers" over this liquor. S IS Six Willamette Girls Survive Squad Tryouts Given Last Night Announcement of the winners of the tryout for the woman's de bate 4 squad was' made last night by Coach Horace Rahskoph. Those who made places are Nadie Stray er and Elaine Glower last season's varsity debaters, Caroline Tall man, I EHza)jet fc paifiejilld. . Volena Jenks, and Hazel Newhouse. In tensive practice and research will be restituted Immediately and ev ery, effort made to produce win ning teams. ; V As yet only one contest is def initely arranged for the women debaters, a triangular with Ore gon" and the Oregon Agricultural college. , : . Negotiations are being carried on by Nadie Strayer, manager, of women's debate, with a number of other schools, and a debate with ! Albany college and a dual contest with the College of Puget Sound will probably be arranged. The question which will be used in all contests Is: 'Resolved: "That Japanese should be allowed to en ter the United States under tne same conditions as . those citizens of countries now allowed a quota." ANOTHER SUIT IS FACED BY F Washington Firm Seeks $364,000 for Alleged I Breach of Contract The Henry Ford & Son Motor company is made the defendant in an action instituted by the E. A. Mitchell Tractor company of Washington, according to papers filed, in the county clerk's office yesterday. The amount sued for is $364,000. i, ' Damages are sought for an al leged breach of contract in which the Ford company took the Ford son tractor agency -' out of the hands of the Mitchell people. The Mitchell company at that time were' authorized distributors for Washington, northern Idaho, and western Montana, and are said to have lost heavily when their con tract with the Ford company was preemptorially cancelled., and they were unable to-supply machinee to the dealers in their, territory. The Vick Brothers Motor com pany started a suit against the Ford people a short time ago on the same charges, asking or dam ages of $290,000, and it is under stood a number of other suits have been: instituted on the same grounds, in various parts ' of the country. . " , KLDKRLY MAX INJURED Slippery pavements claimed an other victim yesterday morning when U. S. Miller, 70 years, of age 'slipped on the walk hear his home and suffered - severe bruises. He was just starting for his' shop at 4 S4 Court when the accident 1 oc curred.! He was given" medical care' downtown and ' later takpn to the Salem hospital, where an examination disclosed a dislocated shoulder and a fractured " collar bone. Mr. Miller is resting; as well ; as could - be expected under 'h': circumstances, -; v A-- MET S DEBATE TE1 NAMED D Minister Wroblewski and Secretary Mellon Sign Agreement Refunding Poland's War Debt i ; r t l T 31 Poland Is the 'fifth nation to re fund its indebtedness to the U. S., the others being Great Britain, Hungary, Finland and Lithuania. The photograph shows Dr. Ladis las Wroblewski, Polish Minister at Attempt Made tol Bribe Mc Coy to Leave Mors House; v Death Threatened LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17. De fense counsel of Kid McCoy, ex prize fighter, charged with die nrurder of Mrs. Theresa Mors, be gan rearranging plans of attack against prosecution testimony here tonight as a result of the abrupt closing of the state's case late to day. V ..1 Albert A. Mora, husband of the slain woman, was not called to the witness- stand, leaving- the de fense unprepared to continue and court adjourned one hour early. A subpoena was served by the defense Immediately upon ad journment. The prosecution , ex plained that the testimony) of Mors was not necessary, since F. A. Andreannl, .his attorney, testi fied to the felicity , in the Mors household prior to the introduc tion of McCoy. Attempts were made' by the prosecution Ito Introduce-letters from Mors to McCoy's brother-In law, Roy Davis, a Lbs Angeles banker, in; which the former pre dicted "insanity and death, mur der and suicide" as a result of the ex-fighter's relations with his wife. They were placed in the court records after being identified by members of the district attorney's office who seized them. The 'letter written June 1 at Santa Barbara by Mors, appealed to Davis to have McCoy cease his attentions to the wife. Saying that Davis was a respon sible member of McCoy's family. Mors' letter continued:. "I beg you to call him away, else I may be forced to kill him for betraying my home and dis honoring my hearth." The second letter, written, by Mors to Davis from San Luis Ob ispo, June 2, 1924, revealed that the antique dealer "sought to buy off" McCoy's attentions. "I be lieve in my wife," the letter said. "I have known ber for 17 years: a curious mixture of - saint and sinner, but the saint predomin ates. Knowing Selby (McCoy) and his record as an open book. I quite frankly ask you to find out from him what amount of cash he would take to leave my wife alone." ' "I am simply doing this because at heart your moral leper of a brother-in-law covets his neigh bor's chattels . . However, he has broken every law, human and divine, so I don't expect this offer of mine will occasion him any qualms except cupidity. "Otherwise insanity, death. murder and suicide may result," the letter concluded. . "This scandal' will grow and grow un less settled at once. I am simply offering to buy him off his prey. At 51. he probably cowardly real izes his inability to make a living and he seeks this way. of provid ing for his future. Man proposes and God disposes, so his carefully Jaid plans may miscarry.":. DOWNING RUSTING WELL IleDorta of the condition i of County Judge WV.H." uowning in dicated that he is waging a fight for. his life. Sometimes he is fail ing in strength and additional re ports state that he is holding his own. ; According to the latest re port Downing remains "about the same1, -: ' - ' ' - ' '- ... .1 IRS LETTER ITESTlOiy 1 4 J Washington (at left) and Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, signing the agreement refunding Poland's indebtedness of $178, 560,000. At the right is Elliott Wadsworth, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. SEITE111T5 TREATY CHANGE Foreign Relations Commit tee Wants : Commercial Treaty Modified WASHINGTON, Dec. IT. The administration is to be asked by the senate foreign relations com mittee to seek modification of the commercial treaty negotiated with Germany and Intended as a model for similar treaties I with other countries. , , . i. Chairman Borah was authoriz ed today to appoint a subcommit tee to confer with Secretary Hughes after long discussion ; In the committee had developed un yieldlng -oppsition to - articles r in the convention by which neither country could grant discrimina tory tariff duties on articles car ried In ships flying its own flag Both republicans 1 and " demo crats I expressed opposition to a departure from what they con tend has been a traditional policy of the United States of granting tariff subsidies in favor of its own ships j and : they freely predicted that a treaty embodying such a proposal would not j receive ; the necessary two-thirds j majority In the senate nor even a bare major ity. I " : i '.' - r.' T Anions : -- - - , L - . . . - . i' KDSGOOL Pupi s May Be Allowed to At tend at Chemawa on Or der of Secretary ,' Harwood Han, superintendent of - the Salem Indian training scnool, received word from Washington yesterday that , the way it stands now the item in the appropriation bill, which has passed the house and is now in the senate, contains a provision that Alaskan Indian pupils shall not be allowed to come to Che mawa. excepting upon . the order of nhe secretary of the Interior. As it would take some time to erect! new buildings for the three proposed new schools in Alaska, as provided in the bill, it is likely that under the measure, as it now stands, the secretary -of the in terior would give such orders, al? lowing Alaskan Indian pupils to come to the Salem school. If the secretary happened to be the right kind of a man, haying humane considerations, and ad vanced ideas concerning the, wel fare of the Alaskan Indian child ren, this practice would no doubt be kept up lndifinitely, even as the bill now reads. : So the Salem school would con tinue to be the outstanding insti tution of the kind in the United States, and the largest one in point of attendance.: ! But, for the permanent good of the Alaskan Indians, the provision leaving the matter in the discre tion of the secretary of the In terior ought to be'stricken out. A secretary of the interior who did not fully understand the matter would otherwise have the power In his hands' to do a grave Injus tice to the Alaskan (Indian boys and girla with ambitions for bet ter living and higher; usefulness, -r : . Secretary Wilbur ordered a court of inquiry to investigate un authorized publicity of naval in formation.. - ';' - - , . 1 -A BOOLDIO KEEPGOi'TCQL OFCIli;: fiear 'Zero, Mark Pre:!':!: I for This Morning By t'.. Weather Man; 12 A!:: v at 7 A. M. Vednccday LOW TEMPERATURES APPARENTLY GEf4'EFl.M, Various Parts of Orccn c: Northwest Reported Ciill Shiverinz With the mercury touching "1 degrees above zero at 7:30 o'e'e . last night and slowly drorr' every hour, the streets were jr. tically deserted early . last n!; ' and only few persons were c:, these evidently oh business. Ne.ir" all-of the windows In the st: were heavily coated with frc . It was predicted by the -weatl man that by the time the jz: - was being. read at the fcreakT table this morning the temr: -ture would reach a minimora c: between 5 and 8 degrees at : zero. At '7 o'clock Weine-l morning the mercury recorded 2 degrees above zero, though sev eral private thermometers lo ¬ cated several degrees lower. , -Plumbers Busy Plumbers were kept fcuey durl the day janswering calls fcr 1 from. owners of frozen and l-ir ' water pipes. Garage men 1 another busy day and autoi.-: owners who failed to fcaya t radiators filled with sons i: t protection from the weather t among the early visitors. C firm handling an anti-free z a f"' reported that nearly 250 :I were sold Tuesday. Several c town buildings tufferel ... bursting water pipes. No eei damage Was reported though t:i were inconvenienced. j Phone Repairs Mada Extra crews working day t I night have succeeded in repair! the damage done to the teiephc service and only between 50 t 75 subscribers were reported Eli without telephones yesterday. I" lowing the snow Monday r . . than 400 lines were reported c of commission. It is expected t grand clean-up will be in ad a I tonight and service back to r -mal. No fires have occurred, thpu" generally the first real cold f : takes out the fire departme:t many times a day. SEATTLE, Dec 17. Contlaz : cold in the Pacific, northwest t -day caused two deaths. George S. -Watts, marooned c i Matskui island, in the Frazer r! -er, 20 miles below Port liar. . , B. C, was frozen to death and I ' companion, David Greenwood,' v. found by rescuers in an exhaust' I condition. Harry Chichester, 17, of Fern dale, Wash., was drowned wtc . he skated into a hole:ca Lc' Barrett, 10 miles northwest t l Bellingham. BDSEDI11GII IJ . UOiiS PISi; Board Calls Special Mecii Fill Vacancies; Others Elected Following a" meeting of t board of directors the Lion3 c! last night elected W. W. F.c braugh to fill the unexpired ter of orfice of Frank E. Neer, v has been elected governor cf t Oregon district. Following t. resignation of Mr. Neer the or. zation was left without a pre: officer, as the first vice presilf Allan Katoury, had left Eil. The remaining second and t'.. ' vice presidents did not feel ce dent of handling the directors! and consequently presented t! resignations from their cf:. However, with the election Mr. Rosebraugh, W. T. Hickey t promoted from the second to t first vice presidency, and Gy Rathbun and Louis Lunsford v elected to the remaining v presidencies. C. F. Geise a elected to the directors' board I lowing the choosing of the r president. The offices wIU ' held until June. 1925. Frank E. Neer, the rcfiri president of the local cr: tlon, will be the direct r t Lions' activities in the t : will supervise nine chl s. Kirkpatrick, pre&iclest c : ; banon Lions' flu' , :;i