The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 16, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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The vVeaitlier
Rain or snow
Eight Pages Today
.and colder; fresh northerly winds. Monday
.Max. ,42; Mln. 33; River, 4. 5 falling; Precipita
tloa .64; Snowfall 3 inches; Atmosphere cloudy;
Wind northwest. .
Only seven more shopping days until Christmas.
This issue carries many suggestions for practical
gifts. Read the advertisements they will assist
you in making, up your list.
. - - i. . j
Vancouver Man Kills Wife
and Daughter; Two Chil-
( riren Seriously Wounded;
Commits Suicide
Boy and Girl Flee for Shelter;
, Hit By Bullets From
Father's Gun
J VANCOUVER., Wash., Dec. 15.
In a family quarrel over money,
J. M. McGinley tonight shot' and
. Wiled his; bride of 4iTe days; khen
shot and killed Lucille, her 'four
year old daughter, using both a
revolver . and. an axe on the firl.
': McGinley then shot and injured
'Jack, 12, his wire's 'son; and Ulnj
'lifaf.i;. a daughter, and as offi
! ' cers approached, shot 'and killed
himself, i ,
eppjns jra japjnta iqnop eqx
took place in a shack on the Mag
ley race! "track near Vanvouver.
Minnie " ran frightened from the
place and was struck by a bullet
as she left. Jack, too. was shot
as he ran away. Both were hit
in the Jegs. Their injuries, how
ever,5 were said not to be serious.
McGinley and Mrs. G. M. Cal
loway : eja me' to Vancouver five
days ago from Montana and were
married I here. They then took
living quarters at the race track,
asking permission from the Mag
leys to stay several days.
The trouble was said to have
started over money owed to Mc
Ginley by his brother, when the
two were in business in Montana.
I Mrs. McGinley, said Jack, who
appeared to be an, unusually in
telligent youngster, demanded
that her husband get the money
from his brother at once or she
would call the police. "All right,"
" McGinley was said to have replied,
idrawingj his revolver, "111 fix
. . you." i s
McGinley then fired at his wife,
- killing her instantly.
Then;he turned on Lucille. She
died shortly afterward in the Van
couver hospital.
Chief of Police McCrite . and
Harry "Williams, state traffic, of
ficer, were the first to reach the
scene, r ; As they approached they
heard a shot. Entering t!wy found
McGinley lying on the j'or. He
had apparently died instMitly.
Before her marriage Mrs. Mc
Ginley was Mrs, G. M. Calloway
and lived for several years near
Spokane, Wash- Her husband was
arrested several years ago as a
: suspect iin the robbery of a bank
at Vader, Wash. -Later, she ob
tained a divorce and some time
afterward went to Texas, where
she Is said to have met McGinley.
The pair, officers said, went from
Texas to Montana by automobile
.and. McGinley engaged in business
with his brother.
Vancouver. Hit By Severe
, on
Gale; Zero Temperature
.'VANCOUVER,' B. C., Dec. 15.
'Wind assuming ; nearly cyclonic
proportions tore through .the Fra--ser
-valley- today-d tempted auto
mobile and, railroad traffic, and
blew down telegraphic and tele
phone lines Lat several places. The
gale was accompanied by a severe
drop n . temperature, ;the ther
mometer hovering near the zero
point tonight. .... -
Memorial services for Woodrow
Wilson were held at the eaplto".
j . . . "
The national conference on
street and highway safety began a
meeting at the call of Secretary
Hoover. ; ' ' -
. ' ' w - ' iV - ' .
Corporation -incomes derived
fromi export trAe were held by
the supreme court not exempt from
the Income tax.
. ..
The department of justice re
iterated its intention to leave the
Weebawken, N. J.. liquor cases to
the local authorities. ,
! ' '
Navy air experts, it was learned,
have plans for a six million cubic
feet airship which would be the
largest ever proposed,
A favorable trade balance of
$198,000,000 for November was
shown in American trade figures
issued by the commerce depart
ment.! t ' t
Looseness in execution work in
the internal revenue bureau was
charged by Chairman Couzens of
. the ' senate investigating commit
tee, h- ;
, . - - -
The senate Judiciary commit
tee appointed a sub-committee to
Investigate the Washington Her
ald's Hl!"r!il on the Underwood
Anti-Picketing Bill Is j j
Again Iritrotiuced Aftier ;
Has Epng EMdDormant
After being covered with dust
for several months in the archives
of the city council, the anti-pic k
eting ordinance was passed by the
city council by a margin or, four
votes last night; . .The ordinance
was first introduced to the city
council some months ago during
a series oV picketing operations,
which were in process at that
time. Only two readings had been
given the ordinance when it was
returned to the dark.
Last night, however, it was
quietly brought! to, the meeting
unheralded. Members of the city
council did not. know that it was
to be brought up for discussion.
It was read and voted upon by .12
council members, eight of whom
voted yes and four no.
The ordinance is designed to
prohibit loitering, picketing, car
rying or displaying of banners for
certain purposes named in the or
dinnace, and carries a penalty for
the violation thereof.
: Following a motion to lay; the
matter upon the table which was
lost, it was brought to a vote.
There i was no meeting of the
labor council tar help frame the
ordinance, it developed during the
Expert Holds Solution of
Problems. Depends Upon
Economic Principles
The solution to the problems of
the farmers is not political, but
must be found on sound economic
principles, according to SV L.
Shull, general manager of the Pa
cific Flour Export company and
prominent Portland business man,
who. spoke on the "American Far
mer and His Relations to Foreign
Wheat Markets" at the Chamber
of Commerce forum Monday noonn
The chief remedy is to inspire co
operation in production and con
sumption, and until the farmer
and growers and the business men
get together little can ; be accom
plished, he held. The speaker
took a firm stand against any pro
posed price fixing by the govern
ment." ,':...'
, - "Canada and Argentina are the
main competitors of the United
States in the prodnction of wheat'
Mr. Shull said, f "Wheat can only
be produced profitably upon cheap
lands and the trend has always
been toward the west. Argentina
can produce ten times the present
crop, and Canada is using only
one-sixth of the land adapted to
wheat production. -The average
yield in Canada for the last five
years was 16 W bushels an acre.
Wheat, is produced 50 cents a
bu. lower; than in the United States
and is of a better milling quality.
Land values are much less, aver
aging 40 an acre against $79 in
this country. - Freight rates .are
(Continued on pas 8) .
Estimated Damage About
$28,000 Caused By Blazes
Many Miles Covered
The annual report of the Salem
fire department discloses that for
the year ending December 1, 1924,
a total of 234 'alarms were ans
wered in which 395 miles were
covered and 18,150 feet of 2
inch hose. and 3,500 feet of 1
inch hose was laid. In the mean
time the fireboys raised 649 feet
of ladder and used 1,208 gallons
of chemicals, j 1
The loss of buildings during this
time was $9,415.65, while the in
surance paid on buildings was $8.
255.95. The lore on the contents
of the buildings amounted to $18,
220 and the insurance amounted
to $11,120. i
During the ; past, year eight
alarms were answered outside the
city. : .
Six Men and Two Women
Dead From Holiday Liquor;
Five More are Dying
NEW YORK, Dec. 1 5. -Eight
persons two. women and six men
-are dead and five reported .dy
ing as the result of an epidemic
of poison liquor cases here since
last Saturday. . Sixty-seven per
sons, including 11 women, are
now Id the alcoholic ward of the
eUevue bos?pltalt
meeting. Neither was there a pub
lic meeting of any sort, wherein
discussion- of the matter .was tak
en Up. :' '
Councilman Dancy asked for an
opinion from the ctty attorney,
who stated that he had not been
consulted regarding the ordinance
and therefore could not give a
statement concerning it. He said,
however, that - he could give a
written statement later.!
L. J. Slmeral, who Is a member
of the labor council as well as the
city council,' stated that he had
not heard any discussion of the
bill. : ;
Councilmen voting in favor of
the ordinance were George Alder
in, B. B. Herrlck, Hal Patton, W
W. Rosebraugh, H. Galloway, H.
H. Vandervort, C. Van i , Patton,
and G. .Wenderoth. Those voting
no were W. H. Dancy, L. J. Sim
eral, George Thompson, and
Ralph Thompson. The ordinance
is framed along the same lines
as the one of Los Angeles.
According to the opinion of
local labor leaders it will not be
declared- constitutional, saying
that it was in direct conflict with
state laws pertaining to picketing
and anti-picketing. , i
Congress and Cabinet Mem
bers Honor Memory of
Former President
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. Con
gress and those who had an inti
mate connection with the private
and public life or Woodrow Wil
son paid tribute to his memory
today in the chamber of the house
of representatives.
Former cabinet officers who
shared his burden of war and its
aftermath, members f the su-
preme court, and 'envoys of "for-"
eign. governments, with Mrs. -Wilson
and members of his family
and special guests, sat with the
senators and representatives as
Dr. Edwin Alderman, president ot
the University of Virginia and a
lifelong friend of the war presi
dent, delivered the formal oration.
I President Coolidge and his en
tire cabinet participated in the
exercises, occupying half of I the
first half of the seats, the remain
der being held by Chief Justice
Taft and other members of the
supreme court.
Mrs. Coolidge, accompanied by
the White House military aide,
was in the executive gallery. -
Speaking from the same ros
trum where Wilson delivered his
message to congress. Dr. Alderman
denied there could be anything of
"failure in his great attempt as
president. f ' i ' !
"If there was failure, it was
humanity's failure," he said. "I
envisage him rather as a victor
and a conqueror. To make him
the one undaunted advocate of
the world's hopes, the scapegoat
of a world collapse, is to visit
upon him an injustice so cruel
that it must perish of its own
reason." . .. . -, ;; , ;
With an apparent deliberate ef
fort to Terrain rrom rorensic de
livery, the speaker traced the
career of Wilson from boyhood,
through student days to' his en
trance into democratic, and finally
international politics.
The sustained interest of the
audience was manifest throughout
the 80 minutes of his, discourse.
Mrs. Wilson, clad entirely in
black, except for the relief pr a
white collar, occupied a front seat
In the reserved gallery directly in
front of the speaker's stand. She
sat quietly with hands folded and
her eyes continually upon Mr. Al
derman.;' I08T BE SETTLED
Position on Question Must Be
Declared; Further Delay
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. The
senate, under an unanimous con
sent agreement, must . declare its
position on government or private
operation of Muscle Shoals . by 3
p. m. tomorrow.
Senator Underwood, author of
the Underwood Muscle Shoals bill
now before the senate has de
manded such an expression of the
senate in its vote, on the Smith
amendment which would strike
out of the bill the entire leasing
clause and leave only the govern
ment operation provisions. The
Alabama senator holds that the
amendment would strike out the
heart of his bill and has said he
would regard the vote on it as a
forecast of the final vote. The op
position, meanwhile, is centering
Its effort to kill the bill through
fupport p the amendment, :
shoals mm
Van Patton Resigns From
Council and Mrs. Ander
son Elected to Park Board;
Return Other Officers
Dogs and Parking are Dis
cussed; Routine Business
Occupies Meeting I
Chris Kowitz, present assistant
city attorney, was elected, city at
torney to succeed Ray L. Smith,
who recently resigned, at a special
meeting of thev city council fol
lowing the regular session last
night. Hewill take office at the
first of the year. ,
- Other changes in the personnel
of the city officers will be Damon
Fleener, who was elected to. fill
the vacancy in the council left by
C. Van Patton, who resigns Janu
ary 1. Mr. Fleener was a candi
date against Alderman Galloway
in the sixth ward. Mrs. Everett
Anderson Was elected a member
of the park board to succeed Miss
Edith Hazzard, who in turn filled
the unexpired term of Mrs. A. N,
Bush.) The office of plumbing in
spector was wished upon Batty
Cooper in connection with his
duties as sanitary inspector, wKo
was re-elected. 1 1
All the present city officers
were re-elected. These are Frank
A., Minto, chief of police; Harry
(Buck) Hutton, fire chief; Hugh
H. Rodgers, city engineer, and
Dr. William B. Mott, city health
Plumbing Ordinance Read
An ordinance providing for
plumbing license and examination
of plumbers was read for the first
and second time and will come up
for final action during the next,
meeting - oi inecny council, ac
cording to the action taken last
night t at the regular meeting of
tne council. Other ordinances
coming up for the first and second
reading concerned the driving over
sidewalks, private driveways, dirt
In gutters and the kinds of flags
to be placed in cases of contagious
' An ordinance regulating the
keeping and running at large of
Clogs and for their impounding
Was discussed in an ordinance.
which was read for the first time
last night. .The bill concerns the
Improvement of the present. city
dog pound, which is incurring
much criticism. Conditions at the
pound, it is said, are very bad.
Parking Not Permitted
1 Cars cannot be parked longer
than two hours between jthe hours
of 12 o'clock and the early hours
of the morning, if the ordinance
that was read is passed. It was
brought up for the first reading
last night. Ordinances assessing
the cost of improving the alleys in
blocks 67 and 81 were discussed.
The council milled over a mass
of detail preceding the main bus!
ness of the evening. Such mat
ters as petition for the grading of
McCoy from - Market to Madison
were on8ldered.The petition to
improve ' South Twenty-four and
South Twenty-first was not grant
ed. The same fate befell the petition-for
a lateral sewer on Ne
braska. Plans and specifications for a
concrete aqueduct on Division
street was read for the first time
and ordered filed.
Lights Not Allowed
Street lights came in for a hard
knock this time. Petitions for
lights at Liberty and State. McCoy
and Hood, Norway and Madison,
and on Waller at Fourteenth and
Nineteenth were not granted.
However the Page & Jewett com
pany was granted permission s to
erect a light. John Thomas was
granted his petition for a street
light at South Eighteenth and
Mission. A light will be placed at
North Capitol and Parrish.
The petition of the Chamber or
Commerce for an electric sign was
given favorable consideration. The
petition ot Frank Palm to erect a
sign at 481 Ferry was accepted.
An agreement for the construc
tion of . a wooden sidewalk on
Cross street in the Pleasant Home
addition was rejected.
Vandevorfs Last Meeting
- With Council Lively One
Putting up a strong argument
for the property owners on north
Summer, Councilman H. H. Van
dervort brought his last session
with the city council ' to a fitting
close' last night, when a resolu
tion which was to provide for the
basis of paying cost of re-improv-Ing
Summer street and for the
commencement; of proceedings to
make such improvements, went
down to defeat by a vote of 3
to 9. ; ' '
The climax came when Alder
man Vandervort demanded a roll
call and after the result stated
that the remaining councilmen
would receive stinging rebukes be
cause they had 'sent the resolu
tion q a mitigated 'defeat.
New Version of Time-Honored
Gold Brick System Worked
Successfully .in Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 15. John
R. Osborne and C. C; Fitzpatrick
used the Osborne-Fitzpatrick fin
ance corporation to dig between.
$3,000,000 and $5,000,000 .in
fraudulent . profits. put. pf a grave
yard promotion scheme, according
to the federal indictment on which
they' were arrested here today
charged with using the mails to
defraud. '
F. G. Waterman, an associate
of the finance corporation found
ers, also was arrested. His bail
was placed at" $15,000,' while Os
borne and Fitzpatrick were re
leased on bonds of $25,000 each
The three men were secretly in
dicted after an investigation of
Beveral months had revealed, fed
eral authorities said, that the de
fendants sold cemetery lots for
from $150 to $2500 to customers
by promising them fabulous prices.
Burial space was so scarce in and
about Los Angeles, their salesmen
were alleged to have said, that
bodies were being buried two-
deep in the existing cemeteries
So readily were Investors convinc
ed of the big profits to be had.
by providing ?.-t resting places
for the crowdetY-dead that tne
agents had no difficulty In dis
posing of a 65-acre tract com
prising the Valhalla, Memorial
park north of here,. and an adjoin-
isg 52-acre tract called the val
halla Mausoleum park.
Fine Program and Dinner
Offered By Club at Mar
ion Hotel Last Night
'-, An excellent program and ban
quet was offered at the Marion
hotel last night for the annual
ladles night of the Rotary club,
when wives and friends of mem
bers were entertained. V
Prof. I, E. Vlnlng, of Ashland,
president, of the state Chamber of
Commerce, was the principal
speaker. " He "was introduced by
George Griffith. Rev. J. J. Evans,
vice president of the club, read
the Rotary principles. T.. B. Kay,
president, presided.
' Special music was furnished by
Frank ; Jue. Chinese tenor, who
has appeared -in recitals and thea
ters along , the coast. Mr. Jue
lives in Portland and is a student
at the University of Oregon. .Sev
eral numbers . were given by the
McDowell ladies' quartet. The
hotel dining room - was decorated
for the occasion, featuring flags
and the Rotary emblem.
Mrs. Elsie Sweetin, Accused
of Poisoning Husband ;
Takes Witness Stand.'; , .1
On the. witness. stand today ,f or
the second time in her own be
half, Mrs. Elsie Sweetin, who,
with ,Lawrence M. Hight, former
pastor, is charged with the mur
der by poison' of her husband,
and Mrs. Anna Hight, told Judge
Kern that she had signed a con
fession that she gave her hus
band poison three times once in
candy, once in oatmeal and once
in tomato soup but declared
that it was jnot true. ' 1
. "I signed it because Hight told
me to," she said. "I never pois
oned my husband. -
i "He told me when they left him
In the room with me at the Mount
Vernon court house' that every
body believed I had poisoned my
husband and that there was a
mob forming and that unless I
confessed the officers would let
the mob get us and hang us." Mrs.
Sweetin said. "I believed what
he told me and I signed the con
fession, but it is 'not true
Slippery Pavement Too Much
for Alderman Who Had ,
Been on Sick List
S. E. Purvine suffered a rrac
tured lert arm at the wrist when
he slipped" and fell on the pave
ment Monday morning, while on
the way to his office. The acci
dent occurred on South Commer
cial between Court .and State.
Mr. Purvine. was .returning to
his office after being confined to
his home for nearly three weeks.
Ho is a, member of the city couh
Cll. !: : '
? t was reported that he was
resting comfortably as could be
expected at his homer last night.
Theodore D. Robinson Assumes New Navy Post, r
Has First Conference with Secretary Wilbur
jNvw-rtj.s m m TOrjirnr-n-rrnrT-T--ffi itt" 111 " - 1 11 11 .-;
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This photograph was made the
day Theodore Douglas Robinson of
!New Tork took up bis duties as
'.Assistant Secretary of the Navy,
jlle met the various heads of Navy
Department in the office of Sec
retary Wilbur. Robinson and Ad
miral Edward AV. 'Eberle, Chief- f
Outbreak in Algeria and Mo
' rocco pearea; bpain
Fails to Give Aid
PARIS, Dec. 15. (By1 the AP.)
France will be compelled to take
precautions in Morocco to.
strengthen her frontier protec
tions and may have to exercise the
right of pursuit in chasing rebels
out of French occupied territory
Should the unrest increase, it was
said in official' circles tonight.
Such measures, it was explained,
would be taken solely for the pro
tection of Algeria and French
Morocco. 1
. France has no desire to annex
territory evacuated by the Span
iards, it was said. . Under the
French-Spanish Moroccan conven
tion of 1912, Spain is responsible
for the maintenance of order in
her zone.: Juridically if Spain
does not fulfill her obligations,
she forfets her rights, and if the
sultan of Morocco requests France
to Intervene to suppress a rebel
lion against the sultanate in the
Spanish zone, it was said Spain
would have no, grounds to object
-i.. ' ,i s f '
Last of Quarterly Payments
in; Reports Indicate)
,.' .Large Reduction I
WASHINGTON, pec. 15. With
the last quarterly payment of in
come and profits taxes theoreti
cally In the coffers of the govern
ment and semi-annual payments
on their debts to the United States
accounted for from four, foreign
governments, the treasury tonight
approached the end of the Decem
ber cycle of financing.
It received payments today es
timated at $336,000,000 and prac
tically $92,000,000 in installments
on the funded debts of Great Brit
ain. Finland. Lithuania and llun
garia. At the same time it retir
ed in excess or $400,000,000 in
maturing certificates or indebted
ness. Its financing operations
will not be complete, however, un
til results of the present funding
program through the issue of new
long term bonds is concluded Dec
ember 20. . !
The tax receipts ( although es
timated, are regarded ass nearly
correct and represent a reduction
of $10,000,000 from receipts "In
the same peiod last year. j
j - -
SEATTLE, Dec. 15. With four
teen girls aboard, the Camara
derie, a former United States ship
ping board vessel was torn from
its Lake Union moorings here to
night by a gale and driven across
the lake, , crushing three house
boats and damaging one of nine
newly-built government rum chas
ing vessels. i !
This snow came unexpected
ly but even if it had been fore
cast the bird would not have
been prepared for it. The live
stock can )e propea-ly taken
care 1 of in an emergency but
the only thing to do for the
birds ! to place f."od outside
lor them. Unless this Is done
thousands will die during this
storm. "
Operations, are standing and Sec
retary Wilbur is seated. The new
Assistant Secretary succeeded his
cousin, CoL Theodore Roosevelt.
In announcing the appointment.
President Coolidge said, that it was
the -last request made of . him by
the late Senator Lodge.' -
Ousted Fish Commissioner
and Legislative Candi
date Is Favored
Members of the fish commis
sion are appointed for fixed terms
by and removed by the gover
nor only for cause and Dr. T. W,
Ross, recent ousted member of
the fish commission,: has a right
to' be heard In his own behalf and
to demand a statement of the
Cause which 'Governor Pierce mayl
have for his removal, according to
the opinion of I. IL- Van Winkle,
attorney general, in answer to an
inquiry from the fish commission.
The statues require that before
any removal order becomes effec
tive the commissioner shall have
had a notice including a state
ment of the causes justifying the
dismissal. ' " "
. Governor Pierce recently sent
a telegram to Dr. Ross advising
him of his removal from the com
mission, but gave no reasons for
his action Governor Pierce yester
day said it might be a week or so
before he would have anything
to say regarding hia ouster of the
Another opinion going against
action by the governor was also
issued Monday by Attorney Gen
eral Van Winkle, who; held that
Governor Pierce has no alternative
other than the issuance of a cer
tificate of election to A. G. Rush
light, who was among the victors
In the Multnomah county legist
lative race upon the face of the
returns. The opinion "held that
the duties of the governor and
secretary of state in, canvassing
the election returns and' issuing
election certificates are entirely
ministerial and that they have no
right to go back of the results' in
dicated . by the election. ? Should
Governor Pierce refuse to Issue
the certif icate. the successful can
didate has the right to bring man
damus proceedings, the opinion
holds. "' -
Governor Pierce refused .to is
sue the certificate on the repre
sentation that votes cast for C.
G. Hfndman, deceased candidate,
whom Rushlight succeeded on the
ballot, were counted for Rush
light and that without such votes
Rushlight would not have been
elected. "
10 H HIT I
SEflPlfflilE WRECK
Naval Aviators5 Receive Ser
ious Injuries VVhen Plane
. ' Takes Nose Dive
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Dec. 15.
Commander Fred M. Perkins, bat
tlefleet gunnery officer and Lieu
tenant Malcolm Selby, naval avla
tdr. were critically injured late to
day when their small fighting
plane, piloted by Selby, went into
a nose dive at 2000 feet and
crashed into the sea a tew feet
from the San Pedro breakwater.
Small craft In the vicinity has
tened to the wrecked plane and
extracted Its unconscious occu
pants. Aboard the USS Colorado,
Surgeons said Commander Perk
ins had sustained four breaks in
one of his legs, several broken
ribs and internal injuries. , Lieu
tenant Selby, whose home is in
Bellingham, Wash., , suffered a
broken arm and three broken
ribs, as well as possible internal
" A naval court of Inquiry has
been ordered to convene tomorrow
tj ifivestiffatg the accident
Gales Threatening cn Either
.Side of Salem Tncuc'i
Thawing Continues Hera
' Until Midnight
Lines to Be Operated at Nor
mal Today; Condition
General in West
With 60-mile .gales report $d
from both Montana and San Fran
cisco, Salem is apparently in lor
more, of the storm which visitei
the community Monday mominj,
though the thawing continued un
til midnight last night. Tie,
weather man waa undecided
night what , would be next, but
predicted -"either. rain or ezow,
and possibly colder." Fear .- . j
expressed yesterday that a r. -.
tition of the "big snow" of IDIj
might occur.
Snow 'started falling shortly be
fore 9 o'clock and before It ceased
early in the afternoon nearly four
inches of a white mantle had cov
ered the ground. .
Wires Reported Down
i Toll lines leading in all direc
tions from Salem were reportei
out of commission or workia
under difficulty, for the wet snow
clung to everything that It touch
ed. Several of the main line ca
bles and poles were broken tr
the weight of the snow. At 4
o'clock in the afternoon, with c?
toll line leading to Portland ilJ
open, nearly SO calls were
Ing. Unless ,a heavy freeze tstf
in, this afternoon should see ell
damage repaired, according to ".'.
H, Dancy, manager of the t ' '
phone company.
Both the -Western Ut!oa - 1
the Postal Telegraph com . :
experienced difficulty with t" r
lines and It was early after: i
before they were workir : . r
normal. Messages were re:::.: I
"subject to delay." Persons see
ing telephone poles or wires of
any kind that have fallen are
urged to cooperate with the com
panies and notify the head offices.
Slight trouble was experienced
by the PEP company, it was an
nounced by W. M. Hamilton, man
ager or the .Salem office. The
high -voltage wires escaped, and
only the lighter wires were dis
arranged by the weight of the
snow. -- The damage was repaired
before the day was over.
Stages Ran Lata
Stage service at the Terminal
office was continued as usual, al
though the huge machines wen
delayed from their regular sched
ules pn the Portland-Salem run.
Stage drivers from Roseburg ar
rived on time, as they did not en
counter much snow until Albany
was reached. The drivers report
ed the fall of snow In; Portland r j
twice that here.
Though motorists were cautions,
a total at .21 minor accidents v , re
reported to the police by an early
hour last hight. " The peak was
reached In the early, part of the
afternoon, though they were dis-
Christmas Fund Grows;
Clothing Is Received
Need for Cook Stove Is Press
.ing; Committee .Will Do
Announced Soon --The
Statesman Christmas
Tund continues to grow and al
io names are being reported of
worthy recipients of the fund.
They will all be investigated
nd there will be no duplica
tion. - Clothing has been con
tributed by Mrs. H. L. Ritchie,
WCTU, West Side Circle, Jason
Lee. church, and Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. R. A. Harris sent grocer
ies. Two comforters were re
ceived; also one cook stove, al
though another is needed.
Somebody ought to supply an
other cook stove at once.
The fund will be closed In a
short time and the committee
announced who will have
charge of the distribution. The
following are the cash contrib
utions to date:
D. A. White ...... . .. $ 6.00
Henry Jaquet 5.00
I. L. McAdams ......... 1.C0
Edis Belle Matheson .... 2.00
Ida Mary Matheson .... 2.00
Daniel J. Fry 5.00
Francis Rollow ....... 5.00
Royal Neighbors of Am. 5.0 0
J. L. Ingrey 2.00
A Friend 2.00
Mrs. J. R. Chapman .... 5. CO
A Friend ............ - 5.00
Torn Kay. 10.00
A Friend ; 1.00
Elmo S. White ......... 2 3. CO
E. A. Rhoten. ........ . 5.00
A Friend 5.00
W. H., Henderson 5.00
W.C.Conner 5.00
Edw. T. Barber ...... 5.00
Mrs. P. H. Strand 2.0 0
Salem Women of KKK. 5.0 0
A Friend 1-C0
A'Friend.... 5.00