AT' " s mm SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, J924 . PRICE FIVE CENTS - - ' t Society; Better Homes " Part Two Eight Pages ! . ; ' , - , ' ....... ... , . , SALEM CHICKER1ES BIG BUSINESS S Going From 15,000 to 190,- 000 in Four Years, and Still Growing Fast C. N. Needham, manager of the Salem Chtckeries. whose new of fice at 262-264 North Cottage street is soon to be ready for oc- 1W - 0 V What's Christmas without Mince or Pumpkin Pie? Might as well leave out Santa Clans and the Christ mas Tree as leave out this good ending to a good din ner. We are going to pre pare enough Mince and Pumpkin Piea so that every body can have their full share. i Mistland Bakery Glen Gregg - t Carl Gregg . 1007 CTfEMEKETA PHONE M4 cupatlon, announces a remarkable growth and expansion in his co operative business since its organ ization ia 1918. j Shows Big Growth In 1918; Mr. Needham and his wife came to Salem from Fresno. California, where they had been engaged in chicken ranching. Af ter, a. close survey of local and state producing . and marketing conditions. Mr. Needham decided to establish a day-old chick busi ness in Salem. The first year he sold 15,000 chicks; the next year 25.000; the next year 100,000; and last year over 190,000 day-old chicks were shipped throughout the northwest by the organization. Mr. Needham ia very enthusiastic about his work, and predicts an other large increase in volume of business for the coming year, (J - Organization Unique' The plan of operation of the or ganization is unique in that Mr. Needham does not operate any of the incubators. There are 35 poul trymen. all living within a few miles of Salem, who are interested in the- enterprise.? These poultry men have their own incubators, and have contracted to sell their products to Mr. Needham, who in Uurn sells them to the trade. Thus it is possible fori the poultry men to find a ready and fairly stable market for their I chicks, and Mr. Needham can devote his whole time - to investigation of market conditions and shipment of orders. .. Shopments Go East and South The chicks are usually shipped to some customer within an hour after they are received by Mr. Needham, the supply very often falling short of the demand. Ship ments are made east as ar as Montana, and south into Arizonfa. The bulk of the shipments, how ever, are to points in Oregon, Ida ho. Washington. California and Utah. Many Varieties Sold Mr. Needham pays from 12 to 18 cents each for day-old chicks. He sells White Leghorns at 1140 per thousand, and - Rhode Island Reds, or Barred Plymouth Rocks at $200 per thousand. Besides the varieties mentioned, the orga nization handles White Plymouth Rocks. Anconas, Black Minorcas, 1 Mi Useful and 1 Attractive for the Entire Family What could be more useful than an Attractive Fountain Pen A Sterling Silver or a gold refilling lead pencil, a charming box of stationery, or a Book. i ; These are gifts desired by all both old arid young men and women ' gifts that bring genuine appreciation gifts that one can use three hundred and sixty-five days in the year. Commercial Book" Store Superphosphate Fertilizer 7 We are now booking orders for the above fertil izer for later delivery. Our price is the lowest ever made in Salem on advance orders. Remember that there is. 17 per cent Phosphoric Acid immediately available and that it does not take years to act but commences to act as soon as applied. Does not injure your land but produces extra large crops of grain, fruit, hay, etc. v j See us before you place your order as we can save you money. . j - - . .. D. A. White & Sons Phone 160, 261 State St. ; Salem Oregon I Ml ROBBERS' 1Y BE INSTATES $50,000 1-aken in Holdup of Dominion Bank; Bandits May Cross Line VANCOUVER. B. C; Dec. 13 An automobile used by seven or eight robbers, who escaped with approximately 150.000 after hold fug up the Royal bank of Canada at Nanaimo today, was found near Boa Harbor, six miles from Nanaimo". and " the thieves were endeavoring to reach the Ameri- and Buff , Orpingtons. Every chick is from very carefully select ed stock and is guaranteed to be A-l grade. " : i It is undoubtedly due to the close cooperation between Mr. Needham and the poultrymen. and the exceptional service rendered the customers, that the organiza tion is able to boast of so rapid an expansion. : can shore in a speed boat, local police were informed tonight. Authorities said that the ban dits used only one automobile to make their escape. The machine at Boat Harbor was near an ban doned landing stage. Police boats were despatched from here to comb the waters of the gulf of Georgia. Other1 speed boats were sent from Nanaimo. Victoria and "cities bordering the gulf. American police have been noti fied to watch for the men if they s-ucceed in crossing the Interna tional boundary line. ' The weather on the gulf was reported as thick and misty with rain falling at intervals. ! Masonic Resolution Hits At Users of Liquors 1 "Resolved. That any man who obtains by purchase or otherwise. Intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs from au Illegal vendor of the same, or in violation of the laws of the United States, is here- fby declared to be ineligible to be received into a Masonic lodge un der the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky; and any Ken tucky lodge knowingly electing such a person, shall forfeit Its charter. "Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Kentucky hereby de clares it to be a Masonic offense for any Mason within its juris diction to purchase or possess in toxicating liquors, or narcotic drugs, except in accordance with the laws of the United States of America. Any and all Masons offending, shall be proceeded fegalnst by this lodge." Resolu tions adopted by the Grand Loidge pf the State of Kentucky F. and K. 31.. In session in Louisville, (K-tober 23, 1024. j OIL IN POLK 1 DALLAS. ur Uec. 13. Dallas is experiencing another mild "oil boom'' but these "booms" have be come so periodical that our citi zens refuse to longer become ex cited. During the past week five men. who claim to representatives of the "Honolulu Oil Company," of San Francisco, have been operating in this vicinity. Three of these men have been scouting around secur ing leases on as much land as pos sible for the purposes of drilling for oil. The other two claim to be geologists and have been making .examinations of the soil, rock for mation, etC. j ' ; ! Well, the decay of good conver- gives the pronoun "I" a sation rest VERDICT OF GUILTY III SB ROBBERY Defendants in Bank Holdup Near Albany to Receive Sentence Later ALBANY, Ore., Dec. 13.- After being, out for two hours and 25 minutes the. jury in the case of the state against Clarence Boggie and Lauren Neilson tonight re turned a verdict of guilty as charged against both, defendants. Recommendations for leniency for Neilson were included in the jury's report. Boggie and Neilson were indicted by the grand jury for their implication with Clarence Replogle and J. M. Sitter who had confessed to the robbing of the Shedd bank on November 30., The charge was assault with a dan gerous weapon with intent to. rob. PATRIOTIC OFFICER ELECTED The annual election' of officers of Carl B. Fen ton Post, American Legion, was held last Friday night and resulted as follows: Commander J. Waldo Finn. First Vice Commander S.- E. Whitwort. Adjutant L. V. Woods. Treasurer Earle Richardson. Historian R. S Kreason. Chaplain J. E. Youel. Sergeant-at-arms Jack Hayes. The auxiliary of Carl B. Fenton post also electer officers at its meeting Friday night. The offi cers will be: President, Mrs. B. F. Preston; first vice president Mrs. John E. Youel; second vice presi dent. Mrs. Edw. J. Himes; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. N. Helger son; chaplain. Mrs. Al Crowder; sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Homer Brown; historian, Mrs. H. C. Eak lln; executive committee, Mrs. Wi jley Gardner, Mrs. Conrad Stafrln jand Mrs. Laird Woods. Polk -County Itemizer. KSIDEXT GRANT IS U. S. Grant was elected n resi dent of Mt. Pisgah local of the Farmers' Union at its annual meet ing and election of officers held last week. Mr. Grant will also be the Mt Pisgah delegate to the state convention of the organiza tion in The Dalles December 16, 17 and 18. L. I.Bursell was chosen ' vice president. Mrs. W. M. Elllotl, secretary-treasurer, T. J. Alalp, con ductor. Geo. W. Curtis door keep er, P. O. Powell chaplain, and Glen Deliaven and A. G. Ram pell, ex ecutive committee men. Mr. Rempel will also be a dele gate to the convention as he is a member of the state . executive committee. It is expected that Polk county will send at least eight men to the convention as representative of the various locals in the county. Seymour Jones of, Salem is the first alternate for Mt. Pisgah local and Mrs. Rempel sec ond alternate Polk County Observer. British Chemists Discover New Powerful Germicida . LONDON. Nov. c2. fAP) Three English chemists claim to have discovered a new group of germicides of remarkable power. So intense is their antiseptic ac tion, it is declared, that they will destroy bacteria In certain cases in aB weak a form as one part in 20 millions. j The new antiseptic group is a complicated compound of the rare element tellurium, and was dis covered as a result of invesetiga tions carried out in the University of 'Birmingham. Mufoury's Christmas ERCHANDISE DRIVE Thousands of Desirable and Practical Gifts Shop Forenoons as Much as Possible--Afternoons are Crowded M 111 i e , - jfi.iifl JIIJ Only Shopping Days Till Christmas For Mother-Wife Wool dress goods $1.25 to $3.50 yd. Dress velvets .....$2.75 to $5.00 yd. Silk and cotton goods ..J. $1.49 yxM Silk Canton Crepes $2.98 to $3.95 yd. Silk taffetas $1.98 to $2.50 yd. Crepe De CJhine ....$1.98 to $2.50 yd. ; Wool coatings ...!$2.98 to $4.98 yd. ; Percales 22c, 25c, 29c yd. ; Gingham 25c, 35c to 59c yd. j Lingerie materials ....29c to 45c yd. White goods . 25c, 29c to 50c yd. j Outing flannels ....19c, 24c, 29c yd. Art linens 75c, $1.00, $1.25 yd. Linen crash :..19c, 25c, 29c yd. Lunch cloths ... $1.00, $1.48, $1.75 Lunch sets :.$4.48, $7.45, $9.95 ! Table linens 98c, $1.25 to $3.75 yd. Sheetings 59c, 69c yd. Pillow tubings . 39c, 49c yd. I Silk Draperies i $1.25, $1.49 to $2.50 yd. Towels Linen towels ......r.50c, 79c to $1.49 Bath towels ..25c, 39c to $1.25 Bath sets $6.45 to $8.00 Bath rugs u.. $1.98 Bed spreads ....$1.98, $2.45 to $7.50 Downstairs Store Gifts Indian robes .. .... .$9.75 to $12.50 Wool blankets $6.98 up to $12.50 Bed pillows ...$1.25 to $4.35 Sofa pillows ..i... ...69c to $10 1 Beacon blankets $4.45, $5.58 up to $8.95 Cotton blankets ....$1.79 to $5.49 Trimmed hats ... ...$2.75 H Toys Dolls . Games Dolls . ....rv.......:J . ..35c to $7.45 Mecham caltrains . ...98c to $6.50 DoU buggies .1J . $5.45, $14.50 Toy dishes L..4Sc to $1.98 Toy pianos .98c to $1.98 Dogs, monkies, cats .........49c WHEN IN DOUBT GIVE MERCHANDISE GIFT BONDS 1 Iror Sister-Sweetheart Silk umbrellas $3.98 to $15.00 Cotton umbrellas $1 to $3.98 Silk blouses ..$5.95 to $10.00 Cotton blouses $1.95 to $3.50 Lace neckwear 79c to $1.35 Jewelry Bar pins at ...... ..50c to $1.00 Ringtf ;.........50c, $1.00, $1.98 Lingerie clasps .50c to $1.00 Bracelets ..50c, $1.00, $1.98 Colored beads 50c, 59c to $3.95 Pearl beads ...$1.00 to $5.95 Ribbon Watch Bracelets 49c Bobbing combs 49c Women's hand bags $2.49 to $12.00 Earrings ,.49c to $1.98 Ribbon novelties 45c to $2.25 Veils . 95c to $3.00 Silver thimbles 25c Powder puffs 5c, 10c, 25c Tapestry squares $1.49 to $3.98 1 1 - Handkerchiefs 5c, 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c to $1.00 Boxed kerchiefs ..50c to $1.00 Silk Underwear Crepe de chine gowns ' $5.95 to $12.50 Crepe de chintz combinations $6.50 to $12.50 Jersey stepins at $2.98 Jersey vests $1.98, $2.98 Outing gowns L.$1.49 to $25 Outing pajamas $2.65 to $2.98 Cotton pajamas .. $2.98 Cottons gowns .98c to $225. Cctton Knickernick Bloomers $1.25 to $1.98 Toys Dolls Games Cloth animals 25c Games ......10c up to $1.50 , Laundry sets ........ 49c to $1.50 For Her Wool dresses $12.50 to $45.00 Silk dresses! ..i.$16.00 to $49.50 ' Women's Coats $12.50 to $69.50 Women's fiirs $5.95 to $50.00 Kimonas ..J $1.98 to $12.50 Bathrobes .l..--$4.75 to $12.50 Petticoats i $398 to $6.50 Wool sweaters $5SBsto"$12.50 Wool scarfs ,r$4.50 to $5.95 Hose , Children's hose 25c to 59c Infant's hose ..25c to $1.00 Womens Cotton Hose 50c to 98c ' , Women's Silk Hose $1.00 to $3l50 Gloves 2 clasp kid, a pair. ..$2.95 Kid gauntlet $3.75, $4.98, 5.98 Kid long .-$4.98, $5,95, $6.45 Chamoisette ......$1.25 to $1.98 i Infants' Goods Hose .50c, 75c, $1.00 a pair Bootees' .......49c up to $1.50 Rattles .....25c up to $1.25 Hoods and caps ....75c to $3.25 Baby's vests 50c to $1.98 Wpolknit caps ......$2.98, $3.45 Kimonas $2.98 to $5.00 Blankets .... jl-u. 98c to $35 CORSETS Corsets at .... Brassierres ..... ............:......... Wraparounds . .. . Rubber corsets .1.. ...... .. Rubber Brassierres . . - -- Toys Dolls Games Animal Savings Banks ... ... ....... Build overtoys . Toy stoves ...,........:... ...... $1.50 up to $9.00 ..49c up to $2.25 .$1.50 up to $3.95 $2.98 up to $8.95 $4.95 ..-15c 35c to $2.00 ,..49c up to $1.49 Your Mailorders receive careful attention.' "We pay. the postage or express within a radius of a hundred miles. ; Satisfaction Guaranteed . on every purchase or ycur money cheerfully re J3TQfiroTU Pt&fZy Salem Store 466 State SU Portland Silk Shop 383 Alier St. 1 - i -