The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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' I
Downing Remain the Same
County Judge W. H. Downing,
who has been confined at the -Salem
hospital during the past two
weeks, I remains about the , same,
according to late reports. Judge
Downing did not rest easily during
the day, but at ( a late hour last
night was comfortable. His con
dition has shown no marked im
provement during the past few
days. .
Get Your Reserved Seat
For Rnondda-Welch male chorus
at Armory, Mon. Tues. or Wed.
afternoon. dl7
Just Received r
t Shipment of black and other
wanted colors embroidery thread.
The Petite Shop, over Busick's
store. dl4
With Hotel People
Mr. and Mrs. John I H. Lauter
man were week-end visitors At
Portland, attending the big con
Tention of the hotel men. ,
The Argo Dining Room j
Will open Sunday. Dec. 14,' with
their special chicken dinner 45c.
"What About That Saxophone?
Look over our list of used and
new instruments. Home of the
Buescher in Salem. Moore's Mu
sic House, 409-415 Court. Phone
983. .,: , dl4
Sobering Vp in Jail
M. J. Stone Is held at the city
Jail on a charge of being drunk.
He was arrested late Saturday
evening. - ',;..,
i Rhondda-Wclch Male Chorus
At Armory. Wed. night. dl7
. SO Rounds of Boxing-
At the Armory, Tues. Dec. 16
1 dl6
Building Permit Issued
1 City Recorder Poulsen Issued a
building permit to W. C. Reynolds
to erect a dwelling at 435 Fawt
avenue.. The estimated cost was
given as $2,000. .
Make the Family a Present .
: Of Radiola III. A radio set for
Xmas. Halik'B Electric Shop. dl4
Smart Hand Made ;
Pattern hats, 125 for your selec
tion at $5 each. See window dis
nlavs. The French Shon. : 111
High street, Masonic Temple.
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
5 Down
95 Montily
O. K. Ixclrwod
247 N. Com. St.
Phn 869
Can for hire without drivers
PHONE 2020
, Day and Night Serrice
Hen and Young Men's
Tailored Suits f 25 to 45
XAILOH V-."- : l
Dr. B. Ih White
Osteopathy - Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment -(Dr. Abram'a method)
Office Phone 859 or 469-J
S06 U. S. Bank Bldg. .
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
We Carry all
Larmer Transfer & Storage J3o.
Nursery Opens Yard
The Willamette Valley Nursery
has, opened a sales yard at 261
Court. They specialize on the
large petite prune and will be glad
to give samples of the dried fruit.
Anyone desiring fruit trees will
be welcomed to call and inspect
their stock of trees and talk over
their orchard problems whether
they buy or not, ;
Before You JIake a Selection
For Xmas, call on F. E. Shafer.
170 S. Commercial, where you will
find anything in leather. dl4
Xmas Ribbon Novelties That
Are different, hand made hand
kerchiefs. Esprit d'Amour1 toilet
goods, silk underwear with hand
made lace. Miss Swart Specialty
Shop, 453 Court. ; dl4
Bazaar Successful
The Aid society of the Woman's
Relief Corps held a bazaar Satur
day at i which a quilt was raffled.
The lucky number was held by R.
R. Ryan, an old soldier of the
Civil War. The bazaar was very
Suits Pressed, 50c-
Cleaned and pressed, $1.50.
Renner's. We deliver. Phone 767
dl4 : . s : i
Good ITsed Piano
For sale; some that we have
taken in on trade; good condition.
Giese-Powers. I . d!4
Fee Is Fined ' :
Leslie M. Fee was fined $250,
and was sentenced to three
months in the county jail yester
day when he entered a 1 plea of
guilty to a charge of possessing
liquor. He was arrested by Dep
uty. Sheriff Roy Bremmer. Fee
lives near - the Labish Center
school. i
Grand Special Holiday Offer-
To all who enroll at The Pacific
Expert School before Jan. 1st we
will teach a complete business
course lor half the regular tuition
price. j dl4
See Ir. Mendelsohn
About your! eyes and your
glasses before he leaves for his
holiday vacation. dl4
Contagious Case Reported-
One case of diphtheria was re
ported to the city health officer
yesterday. One death from the
disease was reported at the same
$.". A Most Interesting-
Sale of high class hand-made
pattern hats, 125 -models to be
sold at $5, regardless of cost or
former price. (The French Shop,
115 High street, Masonic Temple.
i . d!4
Job Printers Meet
, The Willamette valley Job print
ers met for their monthly meeting
and banuet at Dallas last night:
Business pertaining to the in
terests of the i organization were
discussed. About, 40 - printers
from valley towns were present
Practically every job-printing
house in the valley had a rep
resentative there. Frank Taylor
of Albany is president.
Dancing ! Dancing !
Salem's New Auditorium
Ladies Free
Wednesday and Saturday
Bezanson's Melody Phiends
Skating, Skating, Skating
'- At Dreamland '
. Thursday, Friday, Saturday
7:30 to 10 p. m. i
, Hear Our New Calliope
I For
Open Evenings
Sizes of Coal
from the large furnace ' to
tho smallest nut size. .Tell
us for what purpose the coal
is required and we'll point
out the proper size to use.
But although wo i carry all
sizes, we I handle only ono
quality, the very best coal
from the f very best mines.
Our coal service is yours to
Command.' . -:
... ( . ; ;
Prices range from $10 to $13
Also handle the best
Diamond Briquettes $15
A Record for Christmas Giving
Will afford pleasure the year
around. Our stock is complete.
Victor and: Brunswick"; records.
Moore's Music House, 409-415
Court. Phone 983. dl4
Car and Truck Meet '
"Otto Hillman, driving a truck
south on Commercial street Satur
day was involved in an accident
with D. A. Larmer who was driv
ing a touring car. The truck suf
fered but slight injury, but the
touring car was badly damaged.
The accident occurred at Commer
cial and Marion. . ,
Tickets for Rhondda-Welch-
Male chorus for sale at Wills'
and Moore's music stores. dl7
Free- Embroidery-
Thread with stamped goods at
The Petite Shop, over Busick's
store. , dl4
Suffers Sprained Ankle-
Galen Vandel recently fell down
the stairs at Eaton Hall and in
jured his ankle. The following
day he was running on the track
at Sweetland field and sprained
his ankle. Today he is using
crutches . while he walks in order
to give the torn ligaments a
chance to heal.
Make This a Merry Christmas
Electrically, i Halik's Electric
Shop. dl4
Let Us Supply Your Musical '
Needs. Our stock is complete.
Music means a Merry Christmas.
and Moore's Music House. 409-
415 Court. Phone 983. dl4
Speeder Fined
J. M. Crooks, of Seattle, was
arrested by R. B. Reinhart, state
traffic officer, yesterday, and. was
assessed $10. and costs in the
justice court for speeding in a
Toilet and Manicuring Rets -
Make ideal Christmas gifts. Get
them at Tyler's "drug store, 147 6.
Commercial, j dl4
30 Rounds of Boxing Tec. 16 :
At Armory. Deane vs. Dawson.
Snappy preliminaries. dl6
Divorce Granted
Gladys Evans was granted a
divorce in Judge McMahan's court
yesterday from Bertrand E. Evans.
They were married in Salem on
February 1, 1923. Desertion was
charged. .
Take No Spinal Adjustments
Until you have , a neurocalo-
meter reading by Dr. O. L. Scott,
U. S. National Bank Bldg. d3tf
Good Used Pianos' i
For sale; some that we have
taken in on trade; good condition.
Giese-Powers. s - dl4
Gob Returns To Duty I
Harvey Steg, who -resided at
460 South Twenty-third completed
the period of his furlough yester
day and left: for the Bremerton
navy yards where he will be as
signed to the U. S. S. "Seattle."
Steg received his training at San
Diego. He enlisted last July for
a four year hitch In the navy.
Learn to Play Popular Music I
In 12 lessons. Waterman Piano
School, McCornack bldg. i dl4
Have You Seen Those
Alligator bags at F. E. Shafer'B,
170 South Commercial. dl4
Mrs. Pettyjohn Speaks J
The Liberty community gather
ing which was held last Friday
evening was one the biggest ever
held there. : Enthusiasm was
shown for, the meeting and an
other one was planned. A dinner
is to be served at an early date
to get the community together.
Among the speakers was ; Mrs.
Winnie Pettyjohn, who spoke on
"Better Homes." ;
Made-in -Oregon Banquet
At the First Congregational
church, Wednesday night, 6:30.
Tickets on sale at .Pattons, 60c a
Plate. i d!7
DeMolay Show, Dec. 16-17
urand theater. Get tickets at
The Spa or from DeMolay boys.
dl4 I
Prunes Kiso in Price-
Packers all along the coast have
advanced the price of prunes one
halt cent, according to reports of
the market, f The new advance
includes the half a cent rise on
50s and a; half-cent rise on 60s,
which brings the price of the for
mer to 7. cents and the latter at
7 cents. The 30s have been sell
ing at 10 cents, a rise of a
quarter-sent over the established
price for a number of weeks, and
there is little doubt but that they
will reach 11 cents. .1
Cut Flowers, Floral I'iccf
Adams, Florist, 433 Court.
JuhI. What! You Need M I '
Corduroy ; pants washed! and
pressed, 33c. Phone 1038J. d!4tf
New Building" Corporation
A new- building corporation
which will do general contracting
. . jiei
SCHRAM At the residence. 1430
Mill street, Saturday evening,
Dec. 13. at the age of 66 years,
Edgar R. Schram. Survived by
his widow, Mattie B. Schram;
his son, F. F. Schram and wife,
and one grandchild;: two sis
ters in Michigan, and one broth
er in South Dakota. Remains
are at the Rigdon & Son mor
tuary. Funeral announcement
will be made later. -!
Unequal ed Service
and home building will be launch
ed here soon, according to the
report that Edward F. Fisher and
Joseph Hodgson, promoters of
Portland, are to file papers with
the state corporation commission
er next week. The capital stock
will be $100,000. Wenger Bros.,
local contractors, have taken the
first block of the stock, the re
mainder of which will soon be of
fered to the public. Offices will
be established in the United States
National Bank building, it is said.
You Ought to Try It
Chicken dinner. 12 to 8 75c.
Colonial Dame Tea gboppe. dl4
Osteopathy the Original
. And genuine spinal adjustment
skillful and painless curative
treatments that get results. Dr.
Marshall, 228 Oregon Building.
CE Executive Committee
: The Marlon county executive
committee of the Christian En
deavor will hold its monthly meet
ing this afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the First Presbyterian church.
Gertrude Chamberlain is county
president. Each Christian En
deavor society of Marion county
Is to have a representative to give
a report. The societies are prep
aring for the national convention
of Christian Endeavors which is
to be held in Portland next year.
Sheaf fer's Pen or Pencil
Makes an ideal Christmas gift.
Tyler's Drug Store. dl4
Dr. Mendelsohn's Office
Will be' closed from the 22nd
nntil the first week in Jannary,
therefore, if you want to see the
doctor make an appointment at
once. Phone T23. dl4
Teachers AViil Meet
Teachers of the public schools
of Salem are to meet at the new
J. L. Parrish junior high school
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock to
hear reports from delegates to the
National Education association in
Washington, D. C. The council
of the local teachers' organization
has called the meeting. .
Rhondda Welch Male Chorus
At Armory. Wed. night. ,
Make Your Gifts ' ; '
Free . embroidery - thread with
stamped goods. The Petite Shop,
over Busick's store. dl4
Modern Writers to Meet
The Modern Writers of Salem
are scheduled to meet at the home
of Perry Reigleman. 940 Mill, on
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Boxing at the Armory-
Dec. 16 30 rounds.
Use Our Distributive . .
Payment plan if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
Jewelers and Opticians. ax
Wanted, a Closed Ford .
I will trade a piece, of timber
land" in Josephine county for a
closed Ford car. Phone 261 or
271. : 30tf
1 " ' ' ' -
You Are Welcome to a Calendar -At
office of Standley & Foley,
Bush Bank bldg. tf
Al Pierce Honored "
Al Pierce of the Marion hotel
Drug Store and see the many novelties you may
select to complete your holiday shopping. Do
mestic and imported perfumes, fancy leather
goods, amber, mother of pearl, shell and Pari
sian ivory toilet articles, manicure sets, travel
ling sets, kodaks, fountain pens, fancy soaps,
bath salts, talc powder, etc. Our goods are
bought direct and priced right, j
A visit here will repay you. Oldest, largest
and best equipped Drug Store in Oregon, 42
years in Salem. .
280 North Commercial Street
Wintry evenings, with the ley of reading one'e favor
ite book or in preparation for the holiday season, is
often accompanied by severe eye-itraia.
An expert examination of your eyes, such as we
fcive will remoe al! dooht as to their condition.
You owe it to yourself to have your eyes carefully,
scientifically examined. If glasses are needed, you will
find our facilities for producing a style that is becoming
and appropriate lor your needs to ie 01 me oeu
glasses leave nothing to be desired. .
Morris OpUcal Company;
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
i Salem, Oregon
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
pings, Adding Machine' Paper, Greaseproof, Glassing
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties. ' !
was elected first vice president
of the: Oregon State Hotel asso
ciation at a meeting held in Port
land Saturday. Resolutions passed
by the organization include an ex
pression of satisfaction' over the
results of the Oregon election;
endorsed the. Pacific Coast Hotel
association to send delegates to
the meeting in Sen Francisco next
May; endorsed the work of the
state highway commission and
acted upon other matters.
Handmade Lavender Novelties
And Mah Jongg, good luck
heads for Xmas gifts. Miss Swart
Specialty Shop. 453 Court. dl4
DeMolay Show, Dec. 16-17
Grand theater. Get tickets at
The Spa or from DeMolay boys.
dl4 '
Cadets Meet
The Cadets met for their first
regular meeting yesterday under
the direction of two Willamette
university students. Ralph Shawen
and Don Grant led the boys in
their gymnasium stunts and in
Bible study, which followed. The
boys under the direction of Mr.
Shawen organized and called
themselves the "Bees." They
elected Richard Rentfro as cap
tain. Long Radio Poles
Delivered at any time,
down and pick your poles.
K. Spaulding Co.
Leather Goods for Xmas
Vanity cases, hand bags, suit
cases, bill folds, key ring holders,
and numerous other articles, all
leather; will be found at F. E.
Shafer's. dl4
For Rent
Trim bungalow, garage and fire
place. 5 rooms and sleeping
porch. $30. Also small cottage
$20. Immediate possession both.
Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank
Bldg. d-14
Kiwanians to Elect
Election of officers for the com
ing year will be a feature of the
meeting of the KGIwanls club
Tuesday noon. Prof. 1. E. Vining
of Ashland, president of the state
Chamber of Commerce, will speak
on "State Development, or Why
the Eastern! Boys Go West." Spe
cial music will be furnished by
Mrs. Harry Harms, soprano, with
Mrs. Frank Zinn accompanist. ;
Christmas Cards Reduced Prices
-., Buzz State St., opp- courthouse
All Gift One-Third Off
Hum State St., opp.tcourthouse
Get Tickets Now at The Spa-
For DeMolay show. j dl4
Dr. John L. Lyncl
Osteopathic physician and sur
geon, 403 Oregon bldg. dl4
Give Fuller Brushes This Xmas
Phone the Fuller Brush man.
707. 1 . dl6
Store and Service Station
Partner wanted. Must have $2,
000. Excellent opportunity for
man and wife. Investigate this
week. Becke & Hendricks, U. S
Bank Bldg. d-14
125 Hat at $3.00 :
All seasonable goods. French
Shop quality, French Shop style,
distiuction 18 Meadowbrook
models will 1 be included at this
price. The French Shop, Masonic
Temple, High street. . dl4
The Best Fuel
For the price is 16-inch imill
block; three LARGE loads f for
$15. Fred E. Wells, phone 1542.
Silverton Boys Visit Here j j
Clyde Smith and Martin Herman
Silverton, youths, were visitors at
the Salem YMCA yesterday. They
came there, for a swim and a visit
in the building. R. Johnson from
independence was another boy vis
iting here. . !
More Than a Place to Eat r I
Sunday dinner, 12 to S 7."c.
Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe. : dl4
Use Our Distributive
Payment plan if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
Jewelers and Opticians. dl4
Good Used Pianot i
Yor sale; some that we "have
taken in on trade; good condition.
Giese-Powers. " 1 dl4
Try Our Marineilo Facial
24a N. High, phone 1690
Men's and Boys Overcoat
Blankets and robes on sale at
manufacturer's prices. Thomas
Kay Woolen Mills. 12th St. dlitf
i -f.
Moores to Entertain '
The program for the
Teacher meeting of the Highland
school will be provided by the
Moores Music House entertainers.
Besides the saxophone and violin
numbers the company has organ
ized a new quartet with Dolly
Dutt'on - as accompanist. It will
make its first appearance at the
Highland meeting Tuesday night.
Than fine pictures
335 Chcmcketa i
Phone 19O0
YOUR ; j
Capital Hardware &
Furniture Co.
Best Prices Paid
283 K. Oom'l St. Phone- 847
Capital Bargain
House i
House of a Million and
One. Bargains
J) I f I ? Pictures and Mottos " fl
f' j f Incense Burners 'Wii
sl ' The New Jorona
II t - 1 ;
j i ; . - i. i , -
Atlas 1 Book Stationery Go.
A. A. Gueffroy
W. B. Foster
Owner, 263 S. High St.
Gifts ThatWUl SpreadJ
I Radiance and Cheer
Book Ends
Bill Folds
Key Containers
Fountain Pens
Leather Cases
Photo Albums
Pen and Pencil Sets
Loose Leaf Books
Tuesday, Dec. 16th
1 :30 p. m.
263 South High Street
Five beds, springs and mattresses; dressers;
commodes; stand tables; rugs; rockers; dining
chairs; extension tables ; gas plate; kitchen cab
inet; breakfast table; stair carpet; settee; pil
lows; comforts; window curtains and rods; win
dow shades.
Kitchen utensils, dishes, porcelain sink, hot
water tank, and many other articles. Terms
F. N. Woodry
. Auctioneer
High Class Furniture
De Lux
'! Wednesday, Dec. 17th
'.) 1:30 p. m.
i 1129 Broadway Street
First House South of Cherry City Bakery
Consisting of Edison cabinet (phonograph and 25 rec
ords, a fine Xmas gift for your fimily; William and Mary
.dining room suites in fumed oak. consisting of 54-inch top
; table, 10-ft. extension, with 6 full boxed leather seated
diners, and buffet; this is a lovely suite and will be admired
Ty all.- , h - . i
' . Three-piece living room suite In mahogany, with cane
back, upholstered in velour, mulberry colorings. r ,This suite
is classy and good enough for the most particular.
j Four-piece birdaeye 1 maple bedroom suite consisting of
dresser, chiffonier, vanity dresser and chair; this is tho
.genuine. . j ,f , j
William and Mary ,4-post fumed oakybed with coil spring
-and layer felt mattresfi; al?o dresser to match, Just what you
'want for that new home; ivory 2-inch post bed, coil spring
and mattrees; lovely 3-inch iost brass bed with DeLux coil
springs and mattress-' Vernis Martin 2-lnch post bed, coil
spring and silk floss mattress; 3 good Axmlnster rugs 9x12,
and also small rugs; fibre and oak library table, just made
jto suit; Craftsman leather lounge; library table; electric
lamp; child's bed 'and , mattress; vertical feed drop head
sewing machine, like new; 2 oak leather seated rockers;
plain oak rockers; . oak smoker's cabinet just for daddy; gas
range; good 6-holn range, wood and coal; 50 quarts home
canned fruit; magazine stand; -rag rugs; dishes, kitchen
utensils; electric light, globes, buck-saw; 5 used auto tires
and tubes,! 33x4; ' and many other articles. Terms cash.
ij AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: I made a personal Inspection of
Uhe above furniture and everything is just as advertised, all
Hike new and good enough for that new home. Do your
IXmas shopping at this auction, then every member of the
'family will enjoy it. . The owner-is moving to Texas and
everything goe&; to the highest bidder.
P. S. Goods open to inspection any time -previous to sale.
r . . . -. - - -
Owner, 1129 Broadway. Auctioneer, Phone 511
"Woodry buys Furniture for Cash or Sella on Commission"
. i i . -
i f jllferry Xmas and Happy New Year
fiwr L-r t
R. S. Iclson ;