b U JN DA Y'iUO U jn lis G, D,UUliiuiw 14, OREGON . MAXV YEARS RAISING SHEEP This section of Linn county Is known far and wide as the home of full blood stock. The ribbons 101 Watch Child's Tongue "California - Rg: Syrup" is Cfllren's. Harmless -!: ' laxative that hare been brought home from every fair- or exhibition on -. the coast attest to this. Butjthere is one breeder who has quietly work ed along aud not worked for rib bons who Is also making a pro nounced success, and that's Geo. Belts with his full blood Shrop sheep. j I Georcre introduced this breed ! into Linn county 35 years ago and ha sold to several other breeders In the valley their first! start and among them, he admits, are breeders who OUtstrin him for popularity, and for large flocks, but he wont admit tney nave any better sheep; , y, - " It nrnnl TWr. TU-lts has 206 registered ShroDshires. He is also letting , out about 850 grades onf share. This is consiaeraDiy more than he usually, carries but none too .many for the favorable season. To look alter the full Diooas ana keep the registration papers up to date and keepy .the books is no small Job, he says, but it goes in the game and the game is- a reas onably good tone, judging from the general standing of all Willa mette ! valley sheep men. Harri son iiuuettn. . - When your child Is constipated, 'bilious, has c'olic, feverish-breath, coated-tongue, or diarrhea, .a. lea spoonful of genuine - "California Fig Syrup" sweetens the stomach and promptly cleans the bowels of poisons, gases, bile, ."souring food and waste. Never, cramps or overacts. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Children, love its fdelicious taste. . Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has full directions for babies and children of all ages, plainly print ed on bottle. Mother! You must pay "California" or yon may get an imitation fig syrup. Adv. ( 1 1 f 7 v. " J " r M v ( ) at the CHRISTMAS IX INDEPENDENCE Arrangements fbf-the Christmas program and community tree near the postof flee, are progressing rap idly. Pastors of the Independence churches are .heartily .in accord with, the plan, and are going: to ask their .churches to cooperate with- other organizations of. the city. In putting' across a "preEraavtbat wiu be remembered for years. , ". Hundreds of copies of Christmas OVEHCOATG mads roiaxMvmz ":. I - ' ..n : . "Collescmen - and professional Hinging on age and vocation are sharply defined style re quirements .Those style requirements are important , factors in the tailored suits and overcoats of ! Tailor . 471 COIT1T PnOXE 3C0 songs, with which most of the group are familiar, will be passed among the people who gather to observe" the' day, and community singing will be led by a song lead er. A group of six eon gs ,is bejng prepared , by the. Rev. Charles A. Nethery Xor this printed sheet, and other familiar. Christmas' carols will be sung at -request from the congregation. Independence En terprise . . . " - ; , AXGEL MEX CELEDRATK In Mt. Angel a group of men celebrated St. Nicholas birthday, December 6. They visited homes where there were children Those who composed the group were E. Ungen as St. Nicholas; William Worley as the Sandman, and Joe Miller as the chauffeur. : They made the rounds of homes and delighted the children with, their antics and make-ups. ', e While the youngsters were safe, grown-ups took their chances in meeting with the sainted trio. Not that Edward Unger is a saint, for whoever heard of a gasoline vendor having the makings of a saint In him. Joe Miller also be ing in-the gas business, iua4ifted- -1. t . ! m. f I as an auio ussisiani. ! - w. ley, although a dispenser of pat ent medicines, is also not yet qital-i ified to have his photo ..painted j with " a halo around ";hfa head. ! However, the kids enioyed the j novelty, and were - afforded not only amusement, .but good things! to eat were also forthcoming. Happy indeed are the kids who can enjoy . life, ; especially by. o little a thing as the visit of a couple of gas merchants and a pill mixer. , . I u ll!6llfFICIllLS EULOGIZE 6QMPERS Late President of American - Federation of Labor Is Praised as American C. W. Barrlck of Tillamook was an overnight visitor in the. city. Mr,- Barrlck, Is district attorney . for his county and was on the way I home from Portland. i j Mrs. C M. Smith- was a visitor in Salem from Jefferson Satur day. Miss Ida Swarts visited In Sa lem from Geryais yesterday. " J Jiena Alphin, modiste of Salem, is visiting in Woodburn during the week-end. - Lei a Reed Self ridge and Pearl Taylor, members of the faculty of Stayton public schools, were in Sa lem yesterday. u WASHINGTON. Dec. 13. High Officials in government, and lead ers in the business world joined today in expressing, their sorrow at the death of Samuel Gompers. president , of the American Feder atlon of Labor. Secretary Hoover in a brief eulogy tonight declared "there is no parallel Jn ahistory- to his-. career, elected and re-elected to his high office by the franchise of .millions year after .year, . for more than 40 years." Governor Alfred E. Smith of New 'York, now In Washington. said: "A great Americian passed when Samuel Gompers died. His Amer icanism was made finer through his having been born outside th country." ',-, y "It does'not require a! full sup port of . all .his views to belieye.ln Mr. Gompers ideals. said Bernar M. Baruch. In .. a message of con dolence to Mrs. 3 Gompers. "11 served his fellow men turly "and In such a way as to entitle him to the gratitude of his country." HALL'S FERRY I - . ' Mrs. Mather who has been seriously ill for several I weeks is reported (much improved. Mrs. W. ;H. Sharpe and son Roy were Salem -visitors Thursday. August Hanson who is spending the winter with his sister, Mrs. Oscar Purceli, has been quite suc cessful in trapping wild animals of late and has secured a number of valuable peMs. ' Miss JJernice Colby who has been in' Ashland since July "last will spend the holidays! with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Colby of Orville. " i , ' E. T. Coroshaw lost two valu able does, last week, indications are that they were poisoned. 1 A party consisting of three men visited the locality last week with a view of . establishing a sa,w mill here. After inspecting the timber on the.J. U. Cummings and C D. Query tracts tbey expressed themselves as ; well pleased with the outlook and it is probable that a saw mill -will be added to our industries here. The two tracts of imber mentioned will cruise over two million feet. " On his first appearance in the prize ring in California, Monte Colby a product of the old Hall's Ferry athletic club, won the bout in the second -round via, the. knockout route. ' Under the management of Ker mlt Sharpe the athletic club was reopened last week and will hold meetings throughout the winter. Some interesting smokers ' are planned for the near future. : The" dance held at the hall last Saturday evening was well At tended. ' ' - " - ; A large number of Hall's Ferry people attended the road meeting at Llvesley a "week ago Saturday. With the additional tax voted con siderable' Improvements should be made on out roads ext year. Mrs. W. II. South, our efficient school teacher reports a r u, ot-new pupils enrolled this m . Mr. llyland who conducts tl Pheasant - farm .here in vt -:-rl- serioubly ,il.,with 'dUlNitU. k; was taken ' to Broten Springs . Tillamook last week. 1 vr :PERSOnALS. I Mrs. faille Lynch is leaving f; r Dayton, Ohio,this morning ov r the lines of, the Southern Pacl I company.- J Miss Alma Halvorsen, form' r Willamette university student, v a visitor from. Silvertpn .yest. r day. . W. T. Miller of Grants Par , district attorney for Joseph! county, stopped in Salem f at jrJ on his way home from the uta' gathering of district attorneys i t Portland. Mr, Miller was elect 1 first vice president of the asso -ation. , Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. 'Ears C Seattle stopped at the Marion 1 tel last night on their way cou: .. They bad been attending ths j " i -ering of hotel men In Portias J. Mr, Bass is manager of the Frj hotel in Seattle. . A Buster Brown Sale !::.' 1 ' Means a Great Saving semi m Mm Every Line On Sale No .Exceptions Enster E V 1 Vim Economy is the keynote during these Sale 'days the few prices jquqed is ccr. ;.nc ing of the Wonderful BARGAINS to be had here n High Gmd See Windows A Buster Brown Sale Spells Real Economy Read These hemsSee Windows ""Cirls and J-adies' lowheej Oxfocds. in browi, black and, patent leather; ; plain toes, medium weight soles rtibjer Jieels, ideal for school or street wear,-; - ; ' " On Sale while they last ' -;L $3.95 Ladies' Satin, Suede and Kid leather strap Pumps,' medium height heels, com fortable and gtfod looking.' See : these specials ' - " j $3.95 Ladies' Oxfords, black kid also brown built for serviceable street wear, guar anteed to 'give satisfaction. Sale $3.95 . -.- .... -: r Satin Pumps, medium height heels, , fancy strap effects, formerly sold up i .to $7,00. ,SaIe price v $4.85 Xmas Slippers On sale, very attractively priced. Second Floor. Children's Dept. Offers Specials on all lines during this sale. .Boys'. 12-inch high cut boots, built for real serv iceable wear. Sale Pxice $4.45 . Second Floor j-1 '- - i -. - r Men's Oxfords in brown and black calf leather new styles built for dressy wear. While they last $3.95 V IS Men's 17-inch ru Lu3ts for heavy wear. Special S.1I2 while they last S6.85 ; -.! j .;-. i ' - - i. Men's L !ace Shoes in brown and black calf leath er; English and semi-English toes.. Sale price $3.95 Men's heavy work Shoes built lOOVk Leather. Sale Price $3195 j im-ni' ,-wih.i i ?mmw-m,J, Men's Low Oxfords, English toes, all new styles -iew shades. See these numbers t - $6.45 Men Every style carried, a real bargainnumerous styles carried not mentioned. Hosiery Ladies' Silk Hose, all the fashionable shades - Special 1 98c t Every Pair Guaranteed Hosiery Special Ladies' Silk or Cotton Mixture several shades, very fashionable for street wear, while they last ' .' 69c Several Lines of Misses' -: and Boys' 1 j stocking! Regular 50c sellers Sale 2 pairs for 1 the price of X Men's Socks Xmas Novelties Silk and S ilk Mixtures, real stylish 65c v Per. Pair juvenile Departihent Second Floor BmmMoWM Shoe Store Barbara Brown forVomen Burton Brown for Men t . i Buster Brown Shoeb "for BOYS for GIRLS 1 sdl-Brown Shoes 1 St- 1 . - See Windows For Additional Values - .,JPF. . 1