THE OREGON STATESMAN. SAIXM. 'OftEC ON hi i 9UNDAV MORNING! DECEMBER 14, 1921 r 1 ! rt 1 't i X ! X r L i i V I u AUTO Pa! RECORD GOOD FOR SEASON 1 :j : , - i ; i " .1 ' Total of 5896 Machines Re; istered; Showing Gain, Over Prior Year Receipt! from the Salem Auto Park for 1924 season were $5255, while tourists who stopped are estimated to bare- spent at .least $100,000 while In the city. There were 5896 machines reg istered this year against 4535 for ,1923. The auto park ia now closed and! will remain so until next March. ?- The 1924 season by months, had the following registrations: March 124 tears;' April. 291 cars; May. 71 cars;:june, 843 cars; July, 1459 cars; August, 1434 cars; September,' 866 cars; October, 224 cars and NoTember, 84 cars. A few stragglers were, permitted to 1923 Essex Coach $575 1920 Oakland 4-Pass. Coupe, good condi tion .:.$280 Used Tires and Oattorco QltoQtO A lcohol for Your i7 ad fa tor You can rely on everything we tell .you about the capa city and quality of any used car you se lect from our show room. Select one to day. . . " - Certified Public . Motor Car Market 255 N. Church St. Phone 885 I 1 You Can Have a i j .CHEVROLET For Christmas ; Pay Only a Few Dollars NOW Christmas morning and a Chevrolet of your own at the curb! What more ac ceptable , gift could you buy for your -family? . j : i " ,- 1 i And it's so easy! Call at our show room NOW and buy a Chevrolet? 6 Purchase Certificate. Pay a few dol lars down iand regular weekly or monthly payments thereafter. - Every dollar you Invest In this certifi cate earns 6 per cent interest and your money Is absolutely protected by a strong and well-knoWn insurance com fpany. You can complete-your payments f in a surprisingly short time. What you t need to do now is to decide upon a Chevrolet as the family Christmas gift and begin the purchsae of a certificates You can pay a small amount weekly without missing It. . j .--" j j i; We will gladly give you ff ull details of this new and wonderfully easy way to buy a Chevrolet. Kevton stop at the camp grounds early In December, but the number was al most negligible, m Homesteaders Take Up 5,530,781 Acres of Land WASHINGTON. Dec. 13 (AP) -Legislation providing for the setting aside of public lands suit able chiefly for grazing, to be leased by the government in such areas as will insure their preser vation for -pasturage and forage purposes, was recommended today in the annual report of the general land office commissioner, i Another recommendation called for consolidation of the public land service organization of Alas ka so as to place the duties of the surveyor general and registers and receivers of the district land of fices under charge lot one officer to be known as superintendent of public lands. I The total area of public and Indian' lands entered and allowed during the year was 4,564,412 acres, of which 2.812.624 were al lowed under the stock-raising act of 1916. Of 8.826,039 acres pat ented, 5,530.781 were patented under the homestead laws. Cash receipts from sales. . leases and other disposition of public lands during the year totalled $16,013, 915. Plats of surveys and resur veys covering 6.593,440 aces were approved. I Previous Record of High Gasoline Milage Broken Again : - In 1923. Oakland won both the sweepstakes and class cup in the Yosemite Economy Run,1 held un der the supervision of the AAA and incidentally smashed all exist ing economy records with a gaso line mileage of 36.92. During the last of November, a stock Oakland touring car made the run from Pittsburg to Phila delphia, a distance of 297.3 miles on 7 gallons of gasoline or an average of 38.95 miles to the gal lon. . -' i i'--; Thus the previous record for high gasoline mileage was again broken by Oakland this time by a margin of two miles more per gallon. ' M The run was made by the Eng lertMcKean Automobile. Oakland dealer of Pittsburg, with Earl Ritts, assistant service manager doing all the driving. , He left the Pittsburg dealer with 10 gal lons of gasoline. When he drove up to the front doors of the Phil adelphia branch of Oakland, he still had two gallons and three pints of gasoline left in his tank. To prove that the car was an ordinary stock model, without any special appliances, Mr. .Ritts made the entire return j trip to Pitts burg In high gear.- There was no attempt to prove anything but economy of opera tion on this run. i 1 OHD RECORD IS BROKEN BY MARGIN i Chevrolet Corner Chemeketa and High I The CHEVROLET Purchase Certificate New Hudson River Bridge Opened BEAR ilT. LINK A SHORT CUT FOR MOTORISTS f r 7 if Ml' yrr v v v? -iiti wiMra.ri'V "i inr DRIVERS of automobiles, tour- ists and truck drivers in every oart of tlie. country and es pecially those of New York State and New England had special cause for giving thanks on Thanksgiving Day this year the opening to traffic of the great, new highway suspen sion bridge across the Hudson River above New York City, where Bear Mountain and that other , hump of the Peskskills, Anthony's Nose, face each other from opposite banks. The running time by motor from Albany to New York is now coti f iderably shortened via the new Storm King Highway and the new bridge, since the bridge will relieve motorists of tiresome waits for down-river ferries. The new bridge, the only highway span south of Al bany, was built by a private cor poration. It is "the longest single span highway bridge of the suspen sion type in the world, j It s fire proof throughout, and the last thing to be completed before the structure was thrown open to traffic at 7 a. m. on . Thanksgiving Day was the CERTIFICATE PLI; VERY SUCCESSFUL Purchase of Chevrolet May Be Started at $5.00 a Hundreds of dealers of the Che vrolet Motor Co., have already placed In effect- Ike-Six Per Xent Purchase Certificate Plan and dur ing early next year it ,1s believed that all the dealers wjll have this plan In operation. j ; Thousands of families have al ready taken advantage of this new method to acquire a Chevrolet. By means of this certificate the purchase of a Chevrolet can be started with a first payment as low as S5 and weekly or month ly payments to suit the conven ience of the purchaser. Six per cent interest is credited on the certificate on all monies paid to the dealer until it reaches about one-third the price of the car. when delivery is made. In addition, six per! cent is al lowed present car owners who pur chase a certificate on all acces sories, service and repairs on their present cars, and this amount is credited toward the purchase of the new car. i The purchase of such a certifi cate Is fully guaranteed against loss, as all monies paid in are de posited by the dealers in a separ ate trustee's account in the. bank. This money is not held as an asset of the dealer but is insured by a policy in a strong and well known insurance company, which pro tects the purchaser' against any possible failure of either the deal er or the bank. I . The six per cent on all accessor H l!vi2& Electrical Service RoIIin, Dort, Willis-Knight, Buick, Flint, Star, Oldsmobile, Chrysler, Maxwell, Oakland, Jewett, Packard, Chevrolet, Durant, : Gardner, Hupmobile, Nash, Overland, Studebaker ii Guaranteed Raltery For Forda, . Clievrolets, Stars, : Diirnnts, OvcrlandsJ etc. Sells for f 13.93 EL H. MURE 238 North High Street n n . i t I ' a I r , V f . tu ! The Nex Hudson River' Bridge at Bear Mountain 2 novo opeii. Last work was laying of a 38 foot wide asphalt roadway. s 4 38-foof. wide asphalt roadway over which motor vehicles will cross the bridge. Work on the roadway was rushed to the last minute in order that the opening ceremonies might not be delayed. Of steel and asphalt the new structure is not only fireproof but storm resistant. The huge span, 15S feet above the river, stretches for a distance of 1632 feet and, with the approaches, gives the bridge a total length of 2260 feet. The main towers are 350 feet high and carry cables a foot and a half in diameter, each cable being made up of 7,462 parallel wires each 192 one-thousandths of an inch thick. The roadway contains 10,000 square yards of asphalt, two inches thick on the main span and 2 ' inches thick on the approaches. From the bridge, wonderful pan oramic views of the Hudson and the Highlands are seen. The ride across the bridge and thence via West Point over the Storm King highway provides one of the most magnificent scenic routes in the eastern part of the United States . " ies, service and parts serves as an offset of depreciation. The plan is simple, safe and profitable, as the six per cent in terest on the payments is a very profitable rate of interest. . The certificate is always trans ferable and the money can be ap plied toward any Chevrolet model desired. THE ELECTION LAWS The Salem Statesman has pro posed that some form of i party council be devised by the coming legislature. There is no party re sponsibility now, observes the Sal em paper, because there is no par ty platform. That Is quite right. The Salem paper might have gone a step farther and observed that there is no party responsibility because each candidate for office runs on his own platform and is nominated by a hybrid vote at the primaries. That is, comparing the party registration in May with the party vote In November It is per fectly plain that IS or iO per cent of the party registration is false and ft often happens that this 15 or 20 per cent, or even less, nom inates the candiate for office. In fact, the great- affliction visited upon the state of Oregon in the election of its present set of tear glands in the state-house came upon us as a result of men and women of another political faith than Republican voting- in the pri maries and nominating the Repub lican candidate two years ago. Had the Republicans been allowed to nominate their own candidate Mr. Patterson or Mr. Hall' would have been nominated and Pierce would have no more show than a cootie has In making a living off a tri cycle. 11 If the primary law cannot be amended to provide for nominat ing conventions, then It should be amended to make registration more strictly adhere to proper We Give Authorized On the Following Cars s r rW a v I'm 1. 'Sjwljl 4TiJ ODDEE BROTHERS ' REDUCE PRICES Substantial Cut Made in All Passenger Car Types Announcement of a reduction in the prices of all Dodge Brothers passenger cars was received today by Russell Ftoneateele, of the Bonesteeie Motor Co., local Dodge Brothers dealer. 1 The new prices are now in ef fect. , The announcement from Dodge Brothers also carried the informa tion that balloon tires are stand ard equipment on1 all passenger cars. .' The special types carry, such ex tra equipment as nickeled radiator 6hell. motometer, front and rear bumpers, body stripe, steel disc wheels, scuff plates, cowl lights, and five balloon tires. Announcement of l these reduc-' tions provoked endless discussion throughout the entire industry. The year 1924 has been the most successful in Dodge Brothers his tory and It is now evident that the factory is ; determined ,to es tablish an even more enviable record In 1925. Obviously, the market for Dodge Brothers motor cars will be broadened immeas urably by the lower prices, par ticularly the closed car types. Substantial improvements in the appearance, riding, comfort and other important details of con struction and design, plus the car's-long-standing reputation for de pendable performance, 1 were re sponsible for the greatly accelerat ed demand during 1924. For a number of months production was maintained consistently at a rate close to 1000 cars per day. Prices of Dodge Brothers com mercial cars and chassis are not affected by the reductions. party lines. No othei way is fair, no other way is honest, no other way can properly perpetuate the ideals of a republican form of gov ernment. ; There is one other election re form that he legislature could very profitably bring about and that is a law making it possible for. a man to vote a straight party ticket if he wants to. The present system of scattering the parties all into the same column is con fusing and takes a lot of valuable time. If the different parties are represented in columns by them selves, it is Just as easy to scratch the ticket, if one wants to. and it can be done more intelligently and with less chance of error. The present ballot : tends to promote error and to cause the old, the slow and those not fully alert to names, to vote contrary to the way they want to on many occa sions. This should not be. There is -no excuse for it and the only reason it is permitted Is because the minority party, which It fav ors, always makes a strenuous and misleading fight for the thing as it is and the legislators have not had the nerve to take the gaff and do the Tight thing It favors the minority party because, it 20 Republicans and 10 Democrats go to the polls, the Democrats have only half as many chances of making mistakes as the Republi cans have.: The minority counts on this law of chance and so favors the present scheme, not because it is any more democratic, scienti fic or conducive to better govern ment, but because it favors the minority party C E Ingalls, in Corvallis Gasette-Times .MASTER BRAXGEIl URGES (Continued from page 2.) past three years farm values had shrunk twenty billion dollars and that during 1922 over 1,100,000 tillers of the soil had left the farm and there probably were more during last year. The cooperative system of mar keting and production, was also touched upon, Mr. Taber declar ing that both required careful study. In the old colonial days sugar cost 75 cents a pound, but please don't let your grocer see this. STARTER SERVICE j Our starter specialists can make your car start easier then winter mornings. Phone 203 DddgeErqthe FDR ALL-WEATHER DRIVING The Touring Car is now bought for , winter use as commonly as the closed types are bought for summer use. This is largely due to notable improve ments that have been achieved in the cut and design of the curtains. They fit closely, open and close with the doors, and make it possible to keep, theinteriors snug and warm in cold weather. We also carry special curtains with glass windows which practically convert the car into the closed type. 471 fioulh New Method of Selling En ables Owner to Buy in Convenient Form According to Smith &Watkins, local distributors for the Strom- berg carburetor, the new Strom berg package equipment have been well received by owners of many different makes of automobiles. These equipments consist Of a special made carburetor with all Mil CARS IW USESTR0MBEI1GS - ! - i .... ODDoy B.P ) -- ) tV v Many tell us that sturdy closed-car construction, roomy comfort and low price have never before been combined in such a satisfactory manner as in the inew Oakland Coach with body by Fisher. The new Knnin romforr for five Duco finish in Sagebrush Green with orange striping Luxurious upholstery Four-wheel Brakes One-piece V.V. Windshield A PRODUCT o O BONESTEELE MOTOR Commercial Street necessary fittings for every pop ular make of car. The equipments are. jacked in a neat box. This enables the dealer to sell them over the counter the same as any other staple commodity. The services jof an expert mechanic are not needed as the installation is not difficult. Complete in structions . are included in each box. : During the last year over one hundred thousand Stromberg carburetor with Hot Spot for Fords have been sold, to say noth ing of the great number of equip ments sold for other popular makes of cars, not using Strom bergs as standard equipment. The special OF model carbure tor used for th Ford installation holds, the world's economy record. An A.A.A. ,. test with a regular Ford touring car on the Dixie K. m Y Coach At factory Features that art winning and holding geoJ Balloon Tires Disc Steel Wheels ' Unit Instrument Panel Automatic Windshield Cleaner Automatic Spark Control Vick Brothers TRADE AT HIGH STREET K L A o t G E N E R A L CO. Phone 423 highway near Chicago, shows that only one gallon of ordinary 57 test gasoline was consumed in covering .51 6-10 miles. , ' Besides making" a special car- '. buretor for every carJor replace- ment sales, over 135 passenger ' car and truck manufacturers use. Stromberg carburetors as stand- ard equipment. ? In one of the cross-word puzzles 1 going around, you have to supply t the "name of a city of divorces, , has four letters. Wonder what city that can be. Perhaps ; the chamber of commerce of Reno 1 could make a suggestion. Path. ' finder. It's a cold day. when the Rus sian government doesn't want rec ognition or an apology or a loan. Milwaukee Journal. uiU $1215 Controls on Steering Wheel Permanent Visor Rear -View Mirror Transmission Lock Dome Light Extra Wide Doors 34 incbe N .0 M O TO R S